Horsing Around


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I could only imagine the total amount of liquid he must have ejaculated because most of it must have stayed inside her vagina while a lot of it was still "hanging around", again, if you pardon my being punny.

I looked through the corner of my eyes to see my brother's reaction. He was aghast. His mouth was open with amazement as his forehead showed a trickle of perspiration forming. I was excited myself, just like a good porno would excite its viewer, or like a good incest story on this site excites its reader. I actually felt my pussy getting wet; that's how exciting I found that scene to be.

My brother knew that we had witnessed something amazing. We weren't supposed to witness something so explicit together, as it didn't conform to the normal rules of behaviour, but there was no denying that we had witnessed something spectacular. What started out as an innocent nature documentary, turned out to be a one of a kind lesson. For one, I didn't know until then that animal sex can be exciting to watch. Two, I didn't know until then that I could actually get excited by watching a sex scene even if my brother was present.

In the past, whenever a movie showed some explicit scene, we both tried to look away as if our looking away would erase the scene from the picture. This time we both were captivated by the events developing in front of our eyes; for our own separate reasons, of course, but captivated nevertheless.

He knew that I had seen every second of the event and I knew that he had done the same. Once the scene was over, and once we snapped out of the trans we were put under by the camera, the natural awkwardness crept in that is supposed to creep in when a brother and sister see something which is supposed to be a taboo. We were speechless, so there was no way to use words to dissipate the awkwardness. All I could do was to abandon my efforts at trying to continue eating, pick up the dishes, and go to my room. We would forget what we saw and meet again next time as if nothing had happened.

Now, let me digress into another point that I find a little troubling. Both my brother and I are adults. We both have had sex with someone in the past and we both know what sex is about and that it is something we are supposed to do. Still, we can't accept the subject of sex where we both are talking about the same thing. I don't know if that made any sense to you, but take that horse thing as an example. We both saw the horse mating with his mare. They had sex. There was nothing to feel awkward about it; I mean it is nature; it is natural. But we couldn't be in the same room together after that. Isn't that ridiculous?

We know that we are sexual beings but the hint of sex in our presence would send us running to different parts of the house, what for? Is it because we don't want to admit that our sibling can think about sex or because we don't want our sibling to know that we like sex?

I didn't even enjoy the scene as much as I should have because my brother was around. I mean, I was excited, but I was afraid to be excited freely. I liked what I saw. I wish I could see it again. But, because my brother also saw what I saw, it took something away from my enjoyment of the scene.

Of course, being a nature show, I knew that program would repeat sometime soon and I decided to keep an eye on the TV listings to see it again without my brother being present. The beauty of Digital Satellite Television is that almost every program repeats so many times that every subscriber has a chance to see it at least ten times, if not more. Of course, that is also the annoying thing about it; whenever you want to watch something, nothing new is on, only repeats.

In this case I was thankful that that show was on two nights later, twice during the weekend and would play again two weeks later from the night we watched it for the first time. The next show was a little earlier than the first one, so I made sure I was home when it aired. My brother was watching TV as usual and I didn't take the remote from him when the time came. I didn't want him to know that I wanted to watch that scene again.

During the weekend my parents hogged the TV. I couldn't watch either of the two showings. I had to wait for the show airing two weeks from my first viewing. Luckily it was on after midnight and I knew everyone, including my brother, would be in bed by then.

Sure enough, everyone was gone when I came to the TV room. I didn't turn any lights on and turned the TV on while keeping the sound low. The show started at 12:33 AM and my brother showed up around 12:40 AM. He was a little startled to find me there and tried to make some kind of excuse why he had come. I was running out of patience, because I had finally succeeded to see the show after so many tries.

I knew that he had seen the show before and he knew that I had seen it as well. I knew I wanted to see it again and it was obvious that he wanted the same. We both had seen it together before, so we were past whatever was unacceptable about seeing it together. We had already done the unacceptable.

I decided to hell with the stigma and asked him to sit and watch. He was a little surprised and a little embarrassed, but he stayed nonetheless.

The darkened room made it easier to enjoy the scene when it finally unfolded. The mounting, the energy, and the ejaculation; I was thrilled. It was a monumental sight for me and I couldn't keep my mouth from watering as I couldn't keep my cunt from getting wet. I didn't know what my brother felt and I didn't care. I didn't want to spoil my enjoyment because he was around.

We sat there quietly as the show finished and the credits started to roll. There wasn't so much awkwardness in the air as there had been the last time. I was sitting where he had sat during the last viewing and he was sitting where I sat that time. He didn't get up for some reason and I didn't want to leave just then. We couldn't sit quietly, though, for too long without saying something otherwise the awkwardness would have crept back in.

I am older than him, so it was easier for me to break the ice, so to speak. I said, "Well, that's that."

Not that I said anything profound, to which he could only reply, "Yeah. That's that."

I decided to leave once again.

The show aired again a couple of times, but I didn't watch it and after another week or so, I lost track of it. I basically put it behind; put it out of my mind.

It was a few weeks later when I sat in front of that TV eating my supper as my brother flipped through the channels incessantly. I stopped paying attention to him once my eyeballs started to spin like symbols in a slot machine. I was vaguely aware of it when he finally settled on one show and the back of my mind registered some horses on the screen, but my mind didn't quite realize that he had put the same show again. I couldn't miss that penis though when it appeared or the ejaculation when things came to a boil.

I couldn't hold my tongue any longer. I looked at my brother and said to him, "I shouldn't find this exciting, should I?"

"I don't know." He shrugged. "I can't stop myself from watching it."

Then something he did surprised me. He rewound the tape.

Apparently he had recorded the show on a video tape. There was that penis again and that ejaculation.

He rewound again, and again. The same scene played a few times and I watched it with fascination every time.

Around the fifth viewing, he put the whole action on slow. I actually saw more clearly that penis getting inside the mare, that body of the horse going limp in more animated way, and that penis actually pushing his ejaculation out—yes, pushing it out. I didn't know that was possible.

I also noticed that the horse was moving it around on purpose, as if airing it out.

I decided to get up and leave by that time, but not without saying, "I think I better leave before I get carried away."

I though Steven would ask me what I meant by that. Instead he said, "I know what you mean."

I didn't quite get the implication of our conversation, until later when I was lying on my bed thinking about the whole horse thing. My brother and I were experiencing a similar reaction—well, arousal—as a result of watching that horse mate with that mare. My brother and I were aroused by watching that horse mount that mare. Dare I say it, my brother and I were aroused by watching that stud fuck that mare. I gasped at the realization.

There was a non-verbal communication of sexual nature between the two of us. I found that to be very novel.

A few days later, as he sat flipping through the channels, I sat next to him on the sofa and said, "Well, if there is nothing else on, why don't you put our favourite movie on."

He laughed. "I was thinking of that, but I didn't know if I should."

"Well, you should." I smiled.

We watched the scene a few times, twice in slow motion. Even though the novelty was wearing off, it was still exciting. Not as much as before, and not so much since our open acknowledgement to each other of liking it, but still exciting.

My brother asked me, "Do you wanna see something else on the same lines."

"Sure." I said briefly.

He put another tape in. This one was titled "Animal Sex" and it showed different creatures mating. There were more horses, some cows, some goats, and even elephants. Someone actually had gone to the length of compiling a video of sex scenes involving different animals. I had to admit that as fascinating as the scenes were, none were really that exciting. Even the horse scenes were not as exciting as the one from our TV show. I preferred the original horse scene to the scenes in the tape, which were seemingly from a stud farm, where a group of men was first busy washing and preparing the horse's dick before bring it to mount a waiting mare. Yes, you read that right; they actually washed a horse's erect cock before making it mate with the mare.

When the tape was finished and my brother rewound it to the start, he asked me, "So what do you think?"

I answered, "Interesting."

He asked, "Just interesting?"

"Yeah, just interesting. Somehow this tape doesn't have the same punch as the other one."

"You mean the energy we see in the other one."

Once he finished rewinding the tape, he put the other back in and played the scene. Once it was over, he paused it and asked me, "So, which part of this scene do you like best?"

I knew then that we had moved into uncharted territory. We didn't need to be quite so frank with each other, but having come to the point where he wanted to know which part of the sex scene I liked, I gave him my answer. "I like the ejaculation. How about you?"

He went back to the beginning of the scene and played it in slow motion. He said, "I like it..." and waited for the point when the horse lifted his legs up and the penis came in contact with the pussy. Then he continued, "...from here to..." and waited for horse to go in and try to bury himself inside the mare. As the horse pushed with all his might, my brother paused the tape and said, "...to here."

"Well, that is more than what we need to know about each other." I tried to laugh away the discomfort that came with discussing sexual things with my brother.

"Yeah, I guess." He tried to help me along.

So my brother liked the power scene where the male was impaling the female with his iron rod and I liked where the male had spent his energy and was leaking his essence out. It really was more than what we needed to know about each other. I sat their contemplating, what we'd discussed.

"You know what I find amazing about these scenes?" My brother came up with something more to add to the conversation.

"No, tell me."

"These animals are having unprotected sex. They can do what they do so freely, without worrying about the kind of things we have to worry about."

"You mean..." and I left my thoughts unsaid. We both knew what he meant.

"Yes, that's what I mean. You told me that you found the scene exciting. I found it depressing." He paused, thinking whether he should express what was on his mind.

He continued, "I find myself envious of the horse. He has it good, just like these other animals."

There was a pain in his statement that I could relate to. Stated plainly, what he was trying to say was that these animals can fuck around without worrying about the diseases that we find ourselves faced with, while we can't even shake hands with someone without thinking about the possible transmission of some germs or viruses.

The reality of things was quite biting.

I had to sympathize, "Yes, I can fully relate to what you are talking about."

We sat there quietly for a long time, depressed about the way things have become for sexually active, mature adults in sub-Saharan Africa.

I couldn't help but wonder how long had it been since he was with someone in biblical sense. I knew that he was quite popular in high school but I couldn't recall anyone special in his life since he quit college. I, on the other hand, had a couple of platonic relationships, one with a relatively older—and probably safer—man, but the thoughts of actually sleeping with someone, of exchanging bodily fluids, were horrifying for the time being.

All the books that I had designed for the UNDP crowd, where they were trying to educate us poor bastards about the pitfalls of unprotected sex, showed clearly that at the most contagious stage, all the tests show negative results. In other words, one can't even detect the virus when it is most dangerous.

"So, Sis," he broke the silence after a long while, "How long has it been?" It seemed like he was wondering about the same kind of things as I was.

His question kind of startled me. I knew we shared this sort of intimate bond, but I didn't realize we had progressed to a level where we could also get personal with each other. But the question seemed harmless enough, so I decided to answer it.

"It has been so long that I can't even recall the last time."

"Do you miss it?"

"Of course I miss it. I mean, who wouldn't? But you have to weigh your options."

"Yeah," He replied, followed by another long silence.

I broke the silence this time, "How about you?"

"Two years, three months, six days, five hours, and eighteen minutes."

His answer was so spontaneous I burst out laughing. "What, no seconds?" I said while still laughing. "But, who's counting, right?"

He laughed with me, "Yes, who's counting."

We were quite casual about the conversation and that surprised me. Although, why it wouldn't have been casual, I can't say. We were both mature adults and we could discuss such superficial things without any stigma attached to them. Actually I wondered why we hadn't discussed things like that before, being in the same boat and all. We could actually be supportive to each other.

"I guess I don't have to ask you if you miss it, because it looks like you do."

"Well, when I sit here with my sister, watching animals having sex on the video, it can't get any worst."

We both laughed.

"So, what are we supposed to do?" I threw in a casual remark, showing that I had resigned to my fate. There was nothing I could do to improve, or deal with, the situation at hand.

"I am hoping to come across a like-minded girl, who is probably keeping herself safe as well. I'll hook-up with her and we'll sort of help each other out."

"Well, good luck to you," I smiled. "I'll do the same and keep myself available for a guy like you."

All kidding was over as we sort of got tired of the subject and went to our rooms.

It was amazing how we had so much in common when it came to being safe. I mean, many youngsters his age, men in their early twenties, actually feel invincible and usually don't show the kind of prudent behaviour he was showing. It was easy for me. I was looking for something more than sex in my relationships. I was looking for a serious relationship, period. Sex was supposed to be a bonus. Unfortunately something like that wasn't available for me, even if there was no threat of infection.

He was right about one thing though; about finding a likeminded individual of the opposite sex, who also was cautious and hooking-up with that person for mutual gratification. I mean it would be nice if one could find someone like that.

Of course, you can guess the next step. As I was falling asleep—actually I was almost asleep—when a slow flame ignited in my head. I mean, there he was looking for someone of the opposite sex who was playing it safe and there I was looking for the same. He was the opposite sex to me and I was his opposite sex.

When I woke up the next morning, I remembered a dream I had that night about my brother and I being the answer to each other's needs. Of course, in the light of the day, the idea seemed preposterous. I was his sister for God's sake. He was my brother. How could I even contemplate such a thing?

Yet, during the wee hours of the night when heart yearns for affection and body craves warmth, the idea didn't seem so far fetched.

But, on the other hand, even if I accepted the solution—not that I was going to—there was no guarantee that he would see it as a solution. He may be mortified at the mere thought, although that didn't seem like a possibility; I knew who I was and what I presented in the form of a female body to a horny male.

As the flame grew in size, my mind started thinking about possible scenarios. I could approach him and tell him that I'd found the girl he was looking for. Once he was so prepared, I would present myself in disguise.

Of course that idea didn't stick around too long in my head. Actually none of the ideas stuck around for too long before I crossed them from my mind. One thing that none of those ideas could solve was the fact that at some stage he and I would face each other as brother and sister who were either about to have sex or had just finished having sex.

I finally decided to drop the whole thing before it came out in the open and caused humiliation for both of us. Although I wanted to test the waters just a little, but the risk seemed too grave to undertake something silly like that.

It was about two weeks after our long, heart-to-heart conversation, when I found him flipping through the channels. The house was very quiet and the air around him was kind of gloomy. I was feeling a bit tense myself because of my workload and all. I just wanted a brief break from things, so, I decided to join him in his flipping channels routine.

I normally sit either on the dining table that we have in our TV room or I sit on one end of the three-seater couch, while he sits on the other, with his feet on the coffee table. That day I was feeling a little frisky. I had my usual sweatshirt and shorts nigh time attire on, which was rather loose and hid all of my body from anyone's view; in other words, nothing to shout about. I did have my favourite perfume on, which usually makes my bed sheets smell very nice while I sleep in them.

I decided to sit right in the middle of the couch, which placed me right next to him. I sat cross-legged as I asked him to put our favourite movie on, to which he obliged without a word. I had my nail file with me to keep my hands and eyes busy.

The horse mounted the mare. The horse came inside the mare. The horse ejaculated outside in our full view. The whole scene was so familiar by then that I could commentate on it from memory. He went through it a few times, both at slow and normal speeds. I didn't really watch it as I concentrated on my nails. Apparently, he didn't watch it either, as I saw him looking at me through the corner of his eyes. Well, I didn't really see him looking at me; it was more of a feeling that us girls have when a male shows interest. Well, maybe it was all psychological because I fit the description of who he was looking for. But, I have to admit I felt rather warm thinking that he was showing interest. Whether he was or not, I don't really know. I did think that he was and I reacted to his look.