House for Sale with Extras


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"That would be nice," she said, and she was looking straight at him, as his knees went weak. God, could this be true? He led her through to the large kitchen where she sat at the table while he fussed over making the best coffee he could muster.

When they were sitting facing each other Julie apologised that she had been unable to gain a buyer so far.

"Not your fault. I guess money's tight at the moment."

Julie nodded her appreciation of his reply before going on, "Quite honestly, on the buying front I've found nothing that would meet your criteria."

Greg shrugged, "Well, that's less of a priority while this place is sticking."

Julie nodded, an action that caused a stray strand of hair to drop most fetchingly over her forehead. God, he thought, she is so beautiful. You really have to push on, Greg Martin, if she's just a little more relaxed with you.

The door bell broke into his thoughts. This client, a tall man, dark hair lightly grey at the temples, instantly got under Greg's skin, just from the way his eyes roamed up and down Julie's body.

As they moved around the lower floor Greg said, "I'll come around with you," Greg said, and caught Julie's look of gratitude.

"That won't be necessary," the man said, with a lewd smile in Julie's direction.

"I think it will," Greg told him, and, as a consequence, the tour became very swift. The viewer left inside twenty minutes.

"He wasn't interested in the house," Greg said. He gave Julie a frank stare, "I'm sure he was more interested in you." He was going to say 'your body' but checked himself just in time.

Julie's lips were tight as she said, "His eyes had my clothes off at least three times."

"Four," Greg said, hoping to lighten the mood.

"He came into the office yesterday. I'm sure he was hoping I would be alone to show him around." Julie glanced at her watch, looked at Him apologetically and said, "Oh, I have another appointment. I must fly."

As they reached the door, she turned suddenly and said, "Oh, so remiss of me. I read your book, and I thought it was terrific."

"Terrific?" Greg laughed. "Now I'll wager you're the first one to use that expression for it."

"I really couldn't put it down. Thank you for putting it my way."

Then, she was on her way, and Greg felt a greater emptiness, given the way their relationship seemed to have lightened. Next time, he told himself he would have to make some greater steps towards getting to know her better. The door seemed to be worth an extra push now.

He didn't have long to wait. That meeting had been a Friday, and the following Tuesday morning she phoned to say there was a property he might like, but it could only be viewed later in the afternoon. Greg told her he had no problem with that, and was able to confirm that he knew the location.

Every time he saw her was a new experience. Greg knew very well that he was well and truly hooked on this lovely lady. Now all he had to do was to woo her like a bold knight of old. Oh, yes, that was all. Some hopes.

The house in question was large and detached in an exclusive estate. Greg liked the spaciousness and general design, but was disappointed by the view from the rear which was directly onto other houses. As he and Julie left he told the owner that he would think it over, but knew what his decision would be.

As they reached their cars, Greg knew that as far as his relationship with Julie was concerned now was the time to make his move. He glanced at his watch before saying, "The Willow pub serves a good meal and I'm due to eat," Greg drew in a deep breath before asking, "Would you join me?"

Her look at him had a momentary uncertainty in it, then she smiled and told him, "I know the Willow. That would be very pleasant."

For Greg her acceptance was like hearing that there was a Santa Claus.

Accepting Greg's offer had been no real problem at all for Julie. Her momentary delay in responding to his suggestion had been pure wilfulness. Even though she had few doubts about him she felt that caution was still needed.

Just being in his company as they'd viewed the house had told her something about herself. Julie Simmons had moved in one very short step from being a declared man-hater to having a sense of warmth about a man whose intentions she had initially feared. She was one very confused lady.

But sitting at a table in the cosy lounge of the Willow pub, with each of them eating a delicious steak and ale pie, being able to look across at him as he ate made her feel as though her blood was pumping faster through her veins.

As they ate and talked, Julie also found that, what had once chilled her, she now found pleasingly complimentary, as he looked at her. At first their conversation was about the house they had just seen, and the prospects of a future sale. At that point she told him of a couple she would like to bring around on the following day. "They've driven past your house, and might be keen. But don't build up your hopes."

With the meal finished and as Julie downed the last of her cider, Greg asked a question which helped her into the query she had wanted to make about him.

"Are you married, Julie?" His question was tentative as though he might be worried about her answer. Without any detail, she simply told him of Mike's frequent infidelities.

His response to that made her heart give an extra thump."Some men just don't appreciate when they're well off."

To cover her pleasure at that, Julie quickly asked, "Your wife left you?"

His eyes looked briefly saddened, "We weren't married. But we'd been partners for two years. She talked me into buying the house."

"Yet she left it? A famous author, a beautiful house---" Julie checked, feeling that she was being too inquisitive. For a few seconds Greg gazed across the pub, and she was sure he was considering what to tell her.

Appearing to have made up his mind, he leaned across the table and, in lowered tones, he told her, "There were two things important in Tania's life, and the first was money." He paused, before drawing in a deep breath and adding, "Plus she was a rather oversexed lady, and I guess, in the end, I didn't come up to her demands."

Wow, Julie thought, that was quite the opposite to what she had theorised about him. In a way she almost regretted having made him talk about it.

To ease the situation she told him that she knew the Willow because she lived less than a miles away. "Is that right?" he said, his eyes on her. "That means you live less than two miles from my little cottage."

"Some cottage," she said, and it was good to sit there and laugh together. Strange sensations were beginning to disturb her whenever she looked at him.

Out on the car park he was standing very close, almost leaning towards her. Was he about to kiss her? For just a second Julie wondered what her reaction might be. She half hoped he would try, but she quickly dispelled the idea. Then Greg, his dark eyes firm on her, had taken her hands in his, gave them a quick squeeze, before saying, "Thank you for a very pleasant evening."

"I've enjoyed it. And tomorrow might be hopeful."

Greg had thought about trying a kiss as they left the pub, but once again, fear of mistiming his approach to Julie, held him back. Holding her hands for a few seconds was something of a treat. Sitting close in the pub had been quietly intimate, and he had surprised himself by being able to say something about Tania. The fact that he had to wait until one o'clock on the following afternoon before seeing her again, left him feeling very impatient.

When that time did arrive it was with an initial sense of disappointment as the two viewers drove up at exactly the same time as Julie. They had little time for private chat as she introduced the two prospective buyers. There had been so many empty viewings that Greg had allowed pessimism to take over on these visits.

This couple were younger than some they'd seen, mid forties, Greg reckoned. An attractive pair, the man tall and dark, while his wife was round faced, blonde haired, cheery, and very enthusiastic. As they moved around the house, she was all 'oohs' and 'aahs' as she viewed the various features. Julie was able to exchange a couple of glances with Greg, her green eyes bright, and hopeful.

There was more than hope in their enthusiastic departure and Julie had time to whisper that they wanted to go back to the office with her, which was a very positive sign indeed. Yet as she drove away Greg felt a pang that there had been little time for any follow up to the previous evening.

Greg went back to do some more writing, and it was at four thirty that his phone rang.

Julie's afternoon with the couple had ended up amazingly satisfying. The lady had been so enthusiastic the whole time, while her husband only nodded his head whenever he was asked a question.

"Whatever she wants," he had said at one point, but did try a little haggling on the price. By four fifteen the whole thing was ready to package and Julie couldn't wait to phone Greg.

His deep brown voice coming down the line filled her with further excitement, and when she told him that the sale was fixed she delighted in the way his voice rose a pitch as he said, "Julie, you are a wonder. Will you let me take you out for a special celebratory dinner tomorrow night?"

Just a little taken aback by his enthusiasm she could only stammer, "Oh, honestly? Where--?"

"How about Calluccio's?"

"But that's—"

"The best---for the best." And Julie thrilled at the fervour in his voice.

Overwhelmed and just a little dizzy, she quickly she agreed to be having him pick her up by taxi, since their might be a little wine drinking.

"There's only one problem," he said solemnly.

There's always something, Julie feared. "Which is?"

"I don't know your address," he chuckled.

And laughing with the relief of that, Julie told him and they agreed on a seven thirty pickup.

As she was putting down the phone, her boss Victor strolled by, and his eyes widened as he looked at her. "You have the look of the cat that got the cream."

"We've sold the Martin place."

Victor tapped her on the shoulder as he expressed his delight. "Is Mr Martin pleased with you?" The old eyes were teasing.

"He wants to take me to dinner tomorrow night."

Those wicked eyes looked at her seriously, "You refused, of course?"

"At Calluccio's."

"Calluccio's. Wow!" Victor made an impressed movement of his mouth before he turned away and she heard his rough singing tones, "And find yourself somebody to love."

Had he been right all those weeks ago?

In his navy blazer and blue shirt, Greg sat in the back of the taxi wondering how Julie would look. When the taxi stopped at her front door, she appeared immediately as though she had been poised like a greyhound at the traps.

It was a fine warm evening, and Greg was struck by the way her tawny hair curled at her shoulder, and by the lovely smile on her face. She wore a voluminous shawl over what looked like a Prussian blue dress he could just make out above her knees.

Julie looked so stunning that, as she climbed into the back seat beside him, he longed to reach out and take her in his arms. He did find the breath to say, "You look so elegant." That sounded like a very guarded compliment.

During the short journey to the restaurant she began giving him details of the sale, and that continued for a while after they arrived at the elaborate establishment that was Colliccio's, the most renowned eating place for miles around. All sparkling chandeliers, waist-coated waiters, gentle music, and glorious food, it had earned a lofty reputation.

One of the earliest thrills for Greg was the moment that Julie slipped off her shawl and he almost gasped out loud at the wonder that appeared before him. The silken blue dress might have been poured over her it so emphasised her curvaceous figure. Two thin straps held it up to reveal the delectable curve of her shoulders.

Once seated he could not resist telling her just how much she brightened the room. Did that bring some colour to her cheeks as she thanked him and, in return, commented on how smart he looked.

Together they chose tiger prawn starters, and agreed on a shared boeuf bourguignon main course. A bottle of Chablis was at Julie's request, as she completed the talk about the afternoon's deal.

"One million six hundred and fifty thousand, the offered. That all right?"

Greg had no problem with that, and he praised her for her efforts. That led to another piece of good news when she told him about a property on the coast that had just come on the market, which, she thought met much of his criteria, and which they could view on the following day.

For Greg the evening seemed to fly by. Being able to look at her across the table, with his eyes drifting just occasionally, to the subtle neckline of her dress, where there was the discrete suggestion of smooth slopes, disappearing under her dress, but clearly rising under the fabric. Was she wearing a bra? There was just the suggestion of nipple pushing at the silk. He had to force his eyes to look up into her smiling face.

They talked and laughed as the evening wore on. At one point he must have said something that pleased her for she reached across the table to touch his hand. That sent tingles up his arm.

The wine was well down, and Greg could tell that they were both fairly high. He hoped that it was more to do with being in each other's company than the effects of the wine alone. But it had to be the wine that made him talk so openly about his time with Tania. Julie had made some comment about how cruel her husband had been, and that had triggered something inside Greg.

Guardedly he spoke of her physical intensity, but he lingered over that final night and how he was sure it had been prearranged. He went as far as telling her that he knew she was being bedded by Sanchelle when he was thrown off the yacht.

"And you haven't seen her since?" Greg wallowed in the sympathetic look in those green eyes.

"Not a sight," Greg told her, and went on to tell her about seeing Sanchelle's picture in the newspaper with his latest conquest.

"So you don't know where she is?"

Greg shrugged, "No idea. She's somewhere in the south of France."

"What will she be doing?"

"I can only guess----selling her body probably."

"You think she would do that?"

"If she has, I know one thing for certain."

"What's that?"

"The price will be high, high, high," he chuckled, and it was wonderful to hear her laugh ringing out.

With the taxi booked for eleven fifteen, Greg paid up and they moved out into a warm evening to wait for it. Julie carried her shawl over her arm, and the moonlight appeared to kiss her shoulders as they settled on a bench seat out on the patio.

Greg half turned towards her, and whispered, "I have had a wonderful evening in your company."

Julie turned to him as she replied, "It has been so good for me."

Her eyes were on his, her lips were slightly parted, and Greg was pretty sure that a gentle kiss would be in order. Carefully he placed his lips against Julie's.

For Julie it had been like a dream, and Greg had been so open in telling her about the terrible treatment he'd had from his relationship with Tania. But she couldn't help wondering just how much had that woman's sexual know-how rubbed off on Greg. Sitting at the table, thinking those thoughts, she had been a little surprised at herself moistening down there.

Out in the calm evening, as she saw Greg's lips move towards her own she was full of desperate eagerness. As their lips came together she sensed that he was being deliberately gentle, as he had been in everything so far. But whether it was the wine, or her own deprived libido, she could not stop herself pressing close and meshing her own lips more forcefully on his.

Delightedly she felt his immediate response and the kiss became quite wild with a quick flutter of touching tongues. Julie was wondering what would happen next, when the taxi arrived.

The kiss broken, Greg smiled at her, a little shyly, was it? But very quickly they were couched in the back seat of the cab, and Julie found herself quickly enveloped in his arms, and their kisses were even more passionate, moistly warm with their tongues tangling and searching. Julie ran her hands over his chest, and thrilled to Greg's hands rubbing over her back and shoulders, sending blood coursing faster through her veins.

They were like that for a long time it seemed. But Julie still had the feeling that Greg was holding back, when she longed to be touched more deeply. His right hand was against her side just under her armpit, and, with a sense of devilment which she blamed on the wine she twisted her body so that his hand slid easily onto her silk clad left breast.

Instantly his hand became active, sending charges of electricity down into her lower regions, as he smoothed and caressed over her. Julie quickly realised that he had guessed she wasn't wearing a bra, as his fingers began squeezing her nipple lighting tiny fires deep down inside her. The longing to drag his hand down to her thighs warned her that it had to be the wine. She had never been this avid. Or could it possibly be the sheer abandon Greg promoted in her?

That was the moment that Greg broke the kiss and placed his lips close to her ear, and she heard what she later considered magic words. "Julie, Julie, I have though about this, longed for this from the moment I first saw you. Could you not tell by the way I looked at you?"

With a shrug and a little giggle she told him, "I thought it was simply lust. You know like that guy who pretended to be viewing?"

"Oh, no, in my case you were wrong. Not lust---adoration."

Julie's heart was pounding inside her and she was sure it was sending out signals to every part of her body. She reached out for his hand to place it on her thigh, and that was the moment that the cab driver called, "Twenty One, Thursby Avenue."

Julie pulled back and looked into Greg's face, "I would, now, if you demanded. But I want to know it's not the effect of the wine. I want it to be perfect, if it's going to happen between us."

If Greg was disappointed, it didn't show, as he leaned forward to give her a last tender kiss. Regretfully, Julie opened the cab door saying, "Thank you, Greg. Tomorrow, one thirty at our offices." She hurried up her drive without looking back.

Greg slept fitfully that night. He was sure the door was near to being fully open. There had been so much promise during and after their evening meal. Their clinch in the taxi had been unbelievable, with him being so cautious, and Julie twisting her body so he could fondle her silk covered breast. His belly twitched at the thought of her nipple stiffening under his fingers.

Dressing carefully in sports shirt and thin slacks the next day, he was looking forward, not to seeing a possible new home, but to checking on his standing with Julie. Promptly at one thirty he drove his car into the Manners and Garret car park, and was delighted to see her standing by her own car waiting for him.

He was even more deeply pleased to see that she was not dressed in her usual formal working outfit, but wore a pale lemon front buttoning summer dress that exposed her tanned arms.

Greg greeted her with a cheerful, "Hello." He was a little taken aback as she, without returning his smile, gestured towards the passenger door of her car and said, "Good afternoon, Mr Martin. Good of you to be on time."

He half expected, no, hoped, that she would fall into his arms as soon as they were in her car, but as he leaned towards her she said, without any sign of humour, "This is strictly a business trip, Mr Martin."

What the hell was going on here? Had the previous night had no meaning for her? As she headed the car out onto the road she explained, "The owners of this property, the Pearsons, are away for the next few days but I have the keys. That is why it was necessary for us to go in the one car." Then, without any trace of a smile, she added, "Otherwise you might have got lost."