House for Sale with Extras


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I'm lost now, Greg might have replied, stunned by her coolness, when he had been expecting a new warmth. After a brief silence she began telling him about the property they were going to see, and the first shock was when she said it was a bungalow.

He hadn't wanted a bungalow, but he said nothing, and vaguely heard her enthusiastic description of the three bedroom property.

"I'm told that the spaciousness is amazing," Julie said, without the least sign of dropping her business attitude.

At last Greg caught sight of the sea as they drove north, then at a junction on the left, there was a dead-end sign, and Julie turned onto a narrow lane. After a short drive he had his first sight of the bungalow.

He had to admit, at first glance it was striking. A wide frontage faced inland with an extensive area of grass in front of it. They left the car in the lane and Julie insisted that they walked around the whole building before going inside. Immediately, Greg could see what a fabulous view there would be, but he was still confused by Julie's attitude.

He soon found that Julie had not been wrong about the interior. Every room had so much space. The kitchen was huge with a central table not diminishing the space. Even the room which appeared to be used as an office had floor space in spite of a large desk and a massive bookcase. If he bought the place Greg had little doubt that this would be his office with its terrific view of the sea.

All four sides of the house gave wonderful views through large window, or French doors. At last they arrived back in the wide entrance hall, where Julie stood facing him, almost challengingly. "Well," she asked, her face looking rather severe, "was I wrong?"

He looked into those lovely eyes and said, "Julie, it is marvellous."

Greg was immediately surprised as Julie's coolness immediately dropped away, and she flung her arms around him, "Great, my role as estate agent is now over."

The kiss she delivered was highly charged and Greg clung to her, his relief at her change of mood lifting him. He broke the kiss to ask her, "So the last hour has all been a set-up?"

Her eyes glowed as she said, "Actually, the set-up is not over." Then her face darkened as she said, "Now, I want you to take a lone walk right around the place, every room, every outlook, before you commit to a final decision."

Just a little uncertain at this instruction, Greg was only too willing to do as Julie asked, even though he was already pretty sure that this was the place for him. He strolled slowly from room to room, taking in the feel of every room. Some of the furnishings were rather old fashioned, but his own furnishing would change that.

He ended up in what was clearly the master bedroom, with its king size bed and roomy en-suite. Leaning his arms on the window sill he gazed out at the vast blueness of the sea beyond a paved area.

"Decision time!"

Julie's voice right at his elbow momentarily startled him, but he didn't shift his gaze from the sea as he asked, "You haven't told me the asking price?"

"Just under one million," her reply was prompt.

"Sounds reasonable," he told her, still staring out to sea."There's only one thing wrong with it."

Her voice had a disappointed note in it as she asked, "What's that?"

Beginning to turn towards her he said, "I could never live here alone."

Her quick smile was dazzling, and Greg noticed that the top two buttons of her dress had been unfastened revealing the subtle foothills of her breasts. Had that happened when they had clinched in the hall? Then her voice, slightly husky, asked, "Could I make a suggestion about that?"

The next second she was clasped in his arms, their lips meshing, their tongues wrestling and Julie's body pressed hard against him. Knowing for certain that those buttons could not have been an accident, Greg eased back to slide one hand into the inviting gap, closing on the exquisite round firmness of her breast, that incredible smoothness of skin, his fingers flicking at the nipple, and it was pure delight to hear Julie's moan of pleasure.

With his other hand he worked quickly at the rest of the buttons, and experienced the thrill of Julie's fingers working at his shirt. He reached the end first and pushed the dress away from her shoulders. Julie gave a little wriggle to help it on its way to the floor. There was no bra, and Greg, without breaking the kiss, felt her tremble as his hands, stroked over her shoulders and down over taut breasts, where the nipples were already stiffening.

Julie felt that she was heading for the heaven she had been hoping for. Greg's hands on her body had already brought the moistness to her eager crease, just as it had on the previous evening. That had been when, after reluctantly breaking away from him, she had thought out how she wanted this day to go.

Her fake business-like approach, and her eventual surrender were all part of it. The two unfastened buttons had been quite deliberate while he was doing his solo tour. Had she ever behaved in this wanton way in her whole life? It was goodbye man-hater.

Now she pushed Greg's shirt from his shoulders, and did a copy cat trailing of her fingers over his shoulders and down where a thin trail of dark hair lay between his nipples. Would her fingers on his nipples have the devastating effect his were having on hers? Her blood felt to be filled with electric sparks that coursed down to her lower body. His little grunt signalled that there had been reaction from her stroking.

Amazingly she had been hoping for gentility, yet now her own long deprived libido was craving some kind of wilder action. Greg's hands were moving over her skin, sliding under her panties, and easing them down. Desperate to keep pace, she unbuckled his belt and tugged at his pants which dropped away immediately to reveal bulging, blue boxer shorts. Julie pushed at the waistband and felt it snag on that bulge. Pulling the waistband wider, she lost her hold on his boxers as they fell away.

She could sense her panties at her knees, and simultaneously, along with Greg, she performed a wriggling dance to be rid of them. They were together, naked.

That was the moment that Greg broke the kiss, took her hands and leaned back so that they could each view the other's body.

"Just like in your book," she murmured, remembering that it was that very book that had begun to change her mind about Greg.

"It's going to be better than the book," Greg told her, as his eyes were like a special caress passing over her skin. She saw how they lingered for a moment on her bush, and she would have bet that he could have no idea what lay in wait for him behind that delicate shrub of hair.

Her own eyes wandered down over his muscular chest, over his admirably flat belly to the solid rigidity of his penis bursting from a surround of black hair. She made no size comparisons as she gazed at the way it pointed at her, the purple head showing its little slit of an eye. God, please let the penetration that is coming be comforting as well as exciting. It had been so long.

Greg whispered, as he led her towards the bed, "You are so beautiful. Do I really deserve this favour?"

"Yes, I don't do this for all my clients, you know," she said with a lightness that surprised Greg. "Think the Pearson's mind us defiling their bed?"

With his hands on her shoulders Greg carefully eased Julie back onto the bed as he said, "We're not going to defile it, we're going to give it an experience it has probably never had before."

Julie had wriggled her body further over the duvet, and holding up her arms to him she sighed, "Sounds promising."

Moving over her, Greg slid one arm behind her head, and Julie half turned to hold her body close to him. They kissed with initial restraint but as his hand moved from her cheek, to cover her breast, Julie's tongue darted into his mouth, and set sparklers bursting around his inner cheeks. Greg drew in a deep breath of satisfaction through his nose, catching the full lavender aroma of her perfume as he did so. This lady was set to become the centre of his life, but at that moment she was the focus of his desire.

Now he had to proceed with the caution she was probably expecting having already referred to the way it had been in his book. Well, he could make it like that, couldn't he? Fingers, mouth and tongue, they would be his tools to achieve his ultimate aim to give Julie the best climax he could.

Accordingly, he broke their kiss, and his lips moved lovingly over her neck, her shoulders and his protruding tongue took up the caresses as his mouth moved over her breasts. Her little yelp of pleasure was a rewarding start.

Julie's body was already so alert that when Greg's lips and tongue began working at her breasts she could not contain the vocalisation of her pleasure. His controlled sucking of her nipples sent urgent messages into her deeper parts, and she knew her thighs had parted, wanting him, needing him. Nothing in her memory recognised these reactions.

Madly, his delicate tonguing of her nipples, did not seem enough. Some weird, long dead desire wanted to feel his teeth gently gnawing there. Where had all these urges sprung from? God, now, as his mouth continued to work on her breasts, his free hand had slid down and was slowly, very slowly, circling over her belly. The movement was so subtle, but so obvious, as each stroke widened she knew he would soon have his fingers in her bush.

Yes, yes, she wanted that, but she was becoming so desperate for more. Was she imagining it? Or were her vaginal walls actually pulsing, eager for invasion? Briefly Greg's fingers ploughed over her lower hair, before continuing their circling. Then they came back and rustled about in her bush, as though searching for something. The sensations he was creating inside her were worrying. If he moved further down into her crevice she would be gone.

Suddenly she realised how selfish she was being. Her hands had stroked his shoulders, his back and chest. How was it, with her vaginal passage feeling as though it was crying out for something it had never had, how was it that she had not tried to touch his erect penis, especially since she had been so aware of it pressing against her thigh?

She shivered as Greg's hand slid lower from her bush, but moved beyond her soaking crease to stroke with such affection along her inner thigh. His tongue continued to coax her nipples to maximum firmness, as she reached down and touched the hot head of his erection. Greg shuffled his body slightly to enable her to grip his hardness firmly.

For a brief moment, his lips came off her nipples as he groaned, "Oh, yes, Julie, lovely." His hips gave a little jerk so that his solid member moved within her grasp, as though her hand was the target of his need. Briefly she recalled doing this for a lusty young man when they were eighteen. She remembered his yelps as his stuff had shot across the carpet they'd been lying on.

Wanting all his power inside her, and very soon, she was careful about what she did with her hand. Greg's stroking of her thigh had moved higher and higher until the moment came when she knew his fingers had fluttered into the wetness that abounded in her cleft. As he lingered there and began to move from back to front, Julie sensed a great rising of heat, an unbearable heaving inside her.

The moment that his finger touched on her clitoris was just too much. Her whole body wanted all of him inside her. She lay back flat but pulled his iron hard penis over her parting thighs.

"Oh, please, Greg, get into me. Part me, split me---"

God, she was starting to babble as Greg quickly took the hint and rolled between her thighs, where she was able to place his penis near where she wanted it.

After his time with Tania, Greg had a pretty good idea about how long he could hold on. What he had wanted all along was the steady build up to this moment of entry, but already her pulling on his erection had pushed him ahead of schedule. If Julie's need was immediate, then that was how it would be, but he would make this penetration slow, easy but forceful enough to give her the biggest possible lift.

Glancing up he could see that her face, when her head wasn't moving from side to side, was open mouthed, her eyes looking glazed. Greg reached down to where her trembling hand was pointing his penis head slightly off course. He took over and placed the head into the wetness of her opening. Then very gently he poked it just one inch into her cavity.

Her instant moan and jerk told him that she was not far away from her climax. Her gasping breaths had already signalled that. Another push, another moan, more high-pitched this time. Greg began a slow steady further intrusion but without warning Julie heaved her hips upwards, a move that thrust his erection to strike at her very core.

Greg's so hard penis making its initial entry into her was an exquisite moment, but instantly she knew she had to have it all, up her and hard. Damn the gentility mentioned in his book, she had never felt like this, so demanding, so needing this fulfilment.

There came another small but not urgent push from Greg. But she wanted urgency, she wanted to feel him hammering into her. So when his next impulse came she could take no more of this caution. Every fibre of her body screamed for release, and the impulsive heaving of her own hips was just amazing, as she felt Greg's penis head strike against . what?her cervix? Whatever, it was magical. His penis filled her, feeling huge inside her.

It began to withdraw. No, she wanted to scream, but then Greg thrust instantly. Julie knew her whole body was teetering on the edge of something. She knew she couldn't hold her head still, as again her hips rose to receive the blessing of this lovely hardness.

And she was aware of fires lighting up inside her lower belly, as more and more she received Greg's increased thrusting. The fires were stoking higher, her body was no longer her own. There was no bed beneath her, there was only Greg's all devouring penis, thrusting, thrusting. At some point, he took a nipple in his mouth and sucked hard.

That was all it needed. The fires flared, her muscles clenched ecstatically against the fullness of his heaving erection. Julie was lost in a place she had never been. It was as though her brain had melted, but as it solidified again, she became aware of the frantic pulsing of Greg's lovely organ as he climaxed. And that was additional pleasure for her.

Yet with her return to some kind of consciousness came a painless agony if that was possible, and as Greg rolled to be alongside her she felt the tears pouring down her cheeks. A uncontrollable sob burst from her lips.

"Julie, you're crying. Have I hurt you?" And the genuine anxiety in his voice was so comforting.

"I'm being stupid," she sobbed. "You were so good for me. So strong."

Greg gave her a squeeze, "I'm not that good. But you got some pleasure?"

She turned her face towards him and he kissed at the tears that hung on her cheeks, "That, I think, is why I'm crying."


"I just can't recall ever having such wonderful feelings."

"It wasn't as tender as I wanted."

Julie gave him a half smile, "That's what I mean. I've never felt so demanding---so urgent for it."

"After you're bad experiences, maybe. Were they so bad?"

And without further bidding Julie was crying again as she blurted out the full story of Mike's forced blow jobs on her.

"The bastard," he said and kissed her with much tenderness.

"With you I'll wash all that filth out of my head,." Julie told him.

"Yes, and we've only just begun." Greg said, swinging his legs from the bed, and pulling her with him. "Come on, we'll take a shower, and I'll show you."

After a quarter of an hour under a warm shower, with Greg's soaped hands sliding easily all over her breasts, her back, and between her legs, Julie began to feel those strange urges back in the pit of her stomach. Running her own hands over his body, was stimulating, especially as she soaped his flaccid penis, feeling it rise under her touch. And she realised it was the first time she had ever stroked a limp penis.

When they had towelled each other dry, Greg led her back to the bed, where as she sat on the edge with him standing in front of her, she indicated his risen penis and asked, "I'd like to do something special for you." Opening her mouth she had leaned forward as though to take him in.

Playfully, Greg pushed her back on the bed muttering, "There are too many bad memories for you in that activity. Sometime we'll get around to it."

Stilling her protests he lay over her, kissed her hair, her eyes and her lips, all with the extreme gentility he had promised first time. He slid slowly down the bed to kiss her breasts, very aware of her instant intake of breath. Briefly her fingers tickled at his hardness, but then he slid further down the bed so that he was out of reach, his face pressing into her belly, while his fingers stroked along her already lubricated labia.

"What are you doing to me?" she sighed.

"Learning about you," he replied, wriggling his fingers into her moist folds. "I need to know what gives you the greatest pleasure so I can go on applying that."

"You give me the greatest pleasoooh."

Her broken sentence was the result of Greg's finger touching her clitoris, which was already beginning to rise under his encouragement,

Julie's breath was delightfully short as she moaned, "You're spoiling me."

"No, you're spoiling me by just being on this bed with me." And he moved his lips down to take over from where his fingers were on her clitoris, and his tongue took up the action.

"Oh, God, Greg—you'll make me---oh—"

Greg trailed his fingers back to finger her royal entrance, tracing around it before poking one finger deep into her. He knew where he had learned this one, but had to give Julie the maximum he could. "All right?" he asked, moving his tongue briefly from her clitoris.

"Stop and I'll kill you," she hissed. "See, you're making me selfish."

"If you are selfish for the things I do to you, then that is all I could ask for." Greg said fervently.

Julie was in raptures, and just a little uncertain how this was going to end. She was sure that his tongue would bring her to climax and now---Oh, God—he had introduced a second finger inside her. Was his penis too tired?

Her brain was fizzing with wondrous images as Greg's fingers and tongue continued their gratifying explorations of her most sensitive regions. As his fingers twitched inside her vagina, she knew that that area was demanding something deeper , something more compelling. She knew there was only one way for that to happen, but at that moment he withdrew one of his fingers and allowed it to slide further back.

Further back? Where was it going? The next instant she felt his finger tip run around the tight ring of her anus. That was all it took.

She heard her own voice squealing, "Greg! Greg! Oh, Greg!"

His reaction was instant, he was up, over her, and his rigid penis was into her right up to the hilt, exactly what she so desperately wanted. His thrusts were more forceful, faster and maybe even more desperate than she was. His lips found her mouth and they kissed frantically, as Julie lost herself in the wonder of her whole body exploding. Yet she was very aware of that mad pulsing of Greg's erect rod, signalling his spurting inside her as his thrusts went on and on. He was gripping her shoulders as he pushed into her one last time, moaning loudly.

Julie could almost feel them come down together, first mentally, then physically.

After a while, Greg whispered, "Julie, Julie, that is as great as I've ever known it"

Was he just being kind? But she said, "You did all the work. But I'll get you back."