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Boyd PercyBoyd Percyalmost 2 years ago

Interesting journey!


AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

Nice one

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

Very well written.

Still feel imcomplete though.

Eager to know when sally visited mike - looking forward for some daddy/adult daughter fuck action.

CoolboiyzCoolboiyzalmost 2 years ago

Ending of Part 2 states about Jim using some code to monitor when sally fencing with her dad.

What was thing turn around there?

TwentysevenTwentysevenalmost 2 years ago

A bit too Charlton Heston for my taste.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

This is only acceptable if 1) he finds and kicks little Billy's ass and 2) he is getting some strange on the side while engaged then married to his ex.

mordbrandmordbrandalmost 2 years ago

As well known author on this site once wrote, "You still be carrying that torch if Mr. Wonderful hadn't been such a snake in the grass?"

It's the same situation here. If little Billy hadn't dumped her, she would still be fucking him and cheating on him with the restaurant owner. Only after fucking up her life a second time, again due to her sheer inability to remain faithful, does she long for old faithful hubby.

You can forgive her, sure, but to remarry her is the absolute definition of insanity. I can't give this the same rating I gave the others in this series, as it stands I would rate it a one for being a nonsensical raac. However, out of respect for the other two chapters, I am simply going to withhold my vote completely.

Insanity is repeating the same mistakes and expecting different results. - Narcotics Anonymous pamphlet from 1981 (usually incorrectly attributed to Einstein).

ManoBlueManoBluealmost 2 years ago

I have no problems with reconciliation, however I still think he was too forgiving and he was just turning down other women boring.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

Pretty good story, though the conversations sometimes seemed stilted. The reconciliation sex seemed unlikely to me, but maybe that’s due to my lack of imagination. Finally, it’s small potatoes in the grand scene of the story, but you truly don’t understand academia (leap to associate professor).

ImNotanAnonImNotanAnonalmost 2 years ago

1* just for the condescending, self-absorbed rant at the beginning.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

Forgiveness is over rated, it's just giving the person another chance to screw you over. Like buying back your used car you sold as it had a bad engine.

6King6Kingalmost 2 years ago

Really only blurred through the last two pages of this chapter. No that there aren't times when reconciliation works, but there was too much soft stroking Martha. She only changed her tune when the loss of her daughters family was looming. Painted Mike as too much of a cuck pansy in the end. First 2 chapters were better. ⭐⭐1/2

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

I enjoy a good RAAC but this was not one of them. This completely derailed the path that the first two parts established. It almost seems the author wrote it this way to provoke the reader not entertain them based on his comments at the start of part 3.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

Forgiveness is overrated. There are only two types of people who consistently promulgate the importance of forgiveness: abusers and their codependents. The concept of forgiveness is a recurring theme in any abusive relationship, and necessarily so, because without extensive value being placed upon that concept there wouldn’t be a relationship. Face it, Martha's cheating turned their relationship into an abusive one with Martha being the abuser. Mike did the right thing and got out of the abusive relationship by divorcing Martha and cutting her out of his life.

Once you’ve seen that though, getting the abuser out of you life, you don’t let them back in your life. You know what they do, you’ve seen what they are, and you don’t let them do it anymore. You just say NO.

A sentiment not often communicated is that you can be happy and you can carry on with life without forgiving those who have hurt you. In fact, that heartbreak and anger can be used as a catalyst to drive you to do more good. It means taking a stand against the kind of behavior and actions you won't tolerate and boldly saying it is not okay to be treated this way.

Mike has taken a huge risk, more than , he's made made a bad decision he'll later regret by letting someone like Martha back into his life. Without ever looking and exploring his options in life for a new relationship partner, he falls back into bad habits by taking back Martha. Sounds like a bad case of co-dependency.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

Nah. It didn't do anything for me. Highly unbelievable.

someoneothersomeoneotheralmost 2 years ago

A bit too preachy and, like prior chapters, the conversations are just abnormally scripted.

Also lost in the story is that Martha and Mike were married for 28 years before the affair, and, given what Martha did and her self-justification, I question whether Martha actually had ever loved Mike during those years. That seems to me to be more unforgivable than the affair, because the affair was simply the natural and inevitable result of those 28 years.

Still, a decent story and I can live with reconciliation, although I am still not sure it was justified in this case.

servant111servant111almost 2 years ago

Good tale well written....BUT... The whole story logic hinges on can the wife be trusted. Her demonstrated actions clearly show that she has deep sociopathic, narcissistic personality traits. Similarly, she shows as an entitled princess. The core question here is can a demonstrated sociopath actually participate in a marriage.

First, lets look at the core traits of a sociopath. For a sociopath, the center of their universe is themselves. All others are things, walking tools whose sole purpose is to gratify the sociopath's momentary emotional impulses. In this case, she is a demonstrated sex she is driven to gratify her momentary sexual impulses by seeking increasingly destructive sexual hits...bigger cocks, more experience, more debauchery, greater destructive power. Her husband is discarded and replaced by the new cock. I maintain that it is impossible for a true sociopath to participate in a valid marriage because true marriage is founded on unconditional love that values the needs and desires of the other partner before their own. That is impossible for a sociopath as all others in their universe serve as objects or walking tools.

The "marriage" is in name only; because the sociopath must substitute lust for love. Since she is utterly amoral, she must be controlled by outside boundaries that are reinforced by decisive punishments. And since she is utterly amoral, she has and will betray her husband once proper triggering circumstances reoccur in the future. She simply cannot help herself.

She has reaped what she has sown...and the awful consequences of her actions have cause her to repent of these actions. She seeks to restore her previous state before she surrendered to her inner natured.

The husband watches and tests her commitment but he still loves her. His unconditional love accepts her still knowing that she is marginal at best.

Thus, what we really have here is the establishment of a marriage that will fundamentally be a prison camp with the husband as chief warden. She is a sociopath, and cannot be trusted to "be good," as she is amoral and eventually will betray him when her innate sexual addiction becomes ascendant. Thus, he will be forced to "trust and verify" with constant monitoring and punishment for transgressions up to divorce. That, my friends, is my own personal definition of "Hell on Earth..." The happy ever after RAAC is a fundamental fallacy.

Again, this is based on some fundamental psychological facts.... Sociopaths cannot be "reformed" they must be contained by boundaries and outward punishments. That is why our prisons are filled... Like the Joker in Batman, "Some People Just Want to Watch the World Burn..." These sociopaths are driven by their out of control emotions to act out. The ending of this tale is really Jim's willing descent into his own personal Hell...a human sacrifice of the worst order...

In short...this is a tragic ending.... 4 Stars...

amygdalaamygdalaalmost 2 years ago

Well thank you for the forewarning author, it was much appreciated. Unfortunately, I still went ahead and read this tale, mainly because I read the first 2 which like most trilogies seems to get progressively off kilter with each iteration. I can empathize somewhat with Mike's need to know and understand, and even to forgive after a while. There is nothing worse than treachery, but treachery performed by the ones you hold most dear is the worst. If her character had not fallen so far from grace, then she would still be on her selfish self-rewarding path. To forgive means reconciling the hurt and pain and liberating your psyche from the one that caused you such pain. It also means that you are now free of them and have regulated them to your past. The dates and sleeping with her and the fiancé part is just so ridiculous it boggles the mind.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

Sadly "Little Billy" and Miles skate.

While Mike is developed as a main character, his portrayal is still rather shallow. The story runs well with the introspective discussions but the stereotypical strong, silent type does not play well with the travails he experienced and the opportunities he was afforded following the betrayal by Martha. It was all too easy to fall into the rescuing white knight trope. So ultimately the story ends flat.

lujon2019lujon2019almost 2 years ago

cucks get one star

sbrooks103xsbrooks103xalmost 2 years ago

"He pulled his son out of the pre-school and enrolled him somewhere else. Apparently, his wife left him and took him to the cleaners in the divorce." - He probably wouldn't have custody to decide where his son went.


"35c-27-35" - XX-YY-ZZ are measurements where XX is the bust size. 35C is a bra size. 35C is a 38-inch bust, so would mean measurements of 38-27-35.


"Barista" is the person making the drinks, not the place.


"Upon taking serious time considering who I've become, I realized that I don't like what I see looking back at me in the mirror." - Only because her life turned to shit.


I assume "MJ and Pam" are two more of their children, but I don't remember hearing about them before?


Not buying the reconciliation. I agree with those who say that if her love life was still good she never would have looked back. The counseling sessions seemed stilted and forced. the most I can see is friendship and being able to be together with the kids.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

Among the best of the reconciliation stories. I always prefer them to the boring and repetitive btbs but usually they are way too easy.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

Well, she now, that she is safely secure, has the opportunity to look back and remember all the great times, sex with a younger guy, party times, and relish it in her mind.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

Very well written series but I also feel the reconciliation came very quickly. I do feel that after two years they could talk. Maybe some shouting, some tears, but yes they could talk. I don't know if true forgiveness could come so fast or ever. I do feel at some point that can be in the same place for family gatherings and not fight or embarrass themselves around the grandchildren but to accept what she did and think that because now that she is in her fifties and feels she is lonely and on the outside looking in and admits she was wrong everything is rosy?

If he feels he can have sex with her then I guess fine - to each his own. Cheaper than an escort or basic prostitute. Better to screw a whore you know rather than risk it with a stranger. But why remarry?

Lastly - he is all friendly and nice with his daughter. I would STILL be freakin pissed that my own child takes after her slutty mother and cheats on a fine young man knowing exactly the pain her mother caused. She was just STUPID and I for one would never let her forget it.

goodshoes2goodshoes2almost 2 years ago

Usually, I am NOT into reconciliation stories/endings. I am a BTB type of person. BUT---somehow this one hit me. Well written series. Made the reader kind of live with the characters. Could I be Mike? Hell no. However, once again the story was gripping with an unexpected ending that just grabbed me.

So, 5 stars. Thanks.

SkubabillSkubabillalmost 2 years ago

I almost gave this story a pass, but then looked at the Authors story menu and saw how well parts one & two graded and decided to read at least the first two parts. The dialogue was a bit stilted but I was entertained and isn't that what it is all about. Four stars.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

Forgive her? Yes. Fuck and marry her again just because she still looks good? Really? The writer is certainly more forgiving than most people.

Frank66Frank66almost 2 years ago

It was ok, but seemed like both were constantly reading from scripts, as they talked to each other. Scripts written by psychology students, putting a lot of time into making sure their thoughts were fully represented. Real folks, common folks, just don't talk like that.

Why hold back on telling the kids they were working on being friends again? The kids were family and VERY interested.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

Enjoyed it, but was just not as good as the first 2 Chapters. Nor consistent with the content of them.


In truth, this final chapter was a classic example of a RAAC — “reconciliation at all cost”. What Martha did was truly beyond the pale. To review: had a long term affair; told Mike that he had to accept it; told daughter it was perfectly OK to do; convinced daughter so well that daughter almost turned into the same sort of Slut — who herself had to be intervened with by her own husband; then she cheats on her boy toy and infects HIM with her new lovers STD; and only after sitting around contemplating turning into the proverbial old lady with a dozen cats does she even begin to reflect upon what an awful awful person she was.


It took being essentially shunned by her daughter to get her to do anything. OK.


But for Mike to allow himself to be drawn back into her universe was just too much. Maybe he could forgive enough to be friendly with her going forward….but remarrying the bitch? Just no.


So only 4 **** for this final chapter. The RAAC just didn’t compute.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

within a relationship, 2 things are very important: Communication and sex. Sex is communication too. This is real life. Counseling can help communication, if both parties agree.

We all have our opinions on cheating, forgiveness, and reconciliation.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

Why repeat the mistakes of the past?

She's a cheater. Twice over now. Hubby first. Then little Billy.

Forgiving is one thing. Marrying her again? Why not just fuck her? Then when she eventually cheats (because once a cheater...) you don't have to do anything except block her number.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

parts 1 and 2 great part 3 absolute wank

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

I loved it!

FireFox59FireFox59almost 2 years ago

I'm still on the fence about this reconciliation. So no you failed to totally sell me on that. Actually I think you'd been better off not doing this chapter. Really added little value to the other two chapters in my opinion other than to appease the RAAC cabal. I still have the feeling her growing old alone had a whole lot to do with her so called change in out look. That and the fact that both of the men she tried out turned out to be duds and no where near the man her husband was. Finding a winner for the rest of her life wasn't looking so good and actually was looked pretty bleak. Then throw in her daughter and SIL turning on her and threatening her restrict her access to her granddaughter was also a big hammer blow.

I also strongly disagree with the asinine little quote in your preface. Some people and actions do not deserve to be forgiven period. In this case I can see forgiving her but there's no way I'd ever remarry her. Live together maybe but remarry nada.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

Yes, I cannot see that working. Her inate untrustworthiness will surface again. She is built that way, the occasional romp with her, maybe, but your grave will arrive early if you rely on her steadiness, it is just absent. Actions speak louder than words.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

Martha just reasoned that she can have her fling and her husband will just let her and eventually forgive her. LOL yeah right. Because instead what actually happened was.....well...pretty much exactly that. There was just some added stuff in between.

No, I'm sorry. I'm wrong. She had TWO flings. So hey her plan worked better than expected!

Good thing her husband didn't get to have any fun right? I mean he could have hooked up with a few hot younger women and in the end feel that the experience of having sex with the person you love trumps shallow meaningless sex. Nope. Hubby is pretty much the exact same hubby as the day she cheated on him. No growth. Didn't learn a damn thing. Want to know why I know he didn't learn a damn thing? Because he's getting remained to her. To a woman that cheated on the last two men she was in a relationship of which was him. Nope, he just patiently sat around reading his WSJ and remaining faithful even though he wasn't married anymore. And when she showed up and said apologized in just the right way and would you know it, they're a couple again!

And why exactly are they getting remarried? What's the benefit? Did being married serve any purpose before they divorced? Maybe taxes and legal stuff sure but I mean it didn't prevent her from cheating. Not a fan of RAAC and the ending of this story is a good example of why. It's just too sweet and perfect. He can forgive. They can be a couple. They can even wear rings. But there's no reason to actually get married especially at their age. And it would serve as the perfect reminder to Martha of the severity of her stupidity. Rather than it being a lousy relationship and saying that they're "only married in name" they instead have a great relationship but are married in every way BUT name. It would be a symbolic way for her to still have her husband 100% in every way that counts but one tiny detail that is forever locked away from her.

The fact they're getting married makes me want to see him cheat on her a few years down the line with a younger woman.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

She was still blaming him. It was her 100 percent. Not 95. She went searching for something better, was upset she was caught. She only is changing due to daughter not wanting to be anything like her and spend time with her.

She showed everyone who she is. When someone does that, believe them. All the regret is not real. It is fear of losing daughter and not having anyone.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

Too many naysayers for a great ending that at first was a great BTB story. Everyone has their faults and has to find a way to live with them and others. This world is not perfect nor are the persons who use it. Keep up the great writing and more 5 star readers will be making those positive comments

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

Your preface just comes across as you trying to justify to yourself this train wreck RAAC. Was it worth it?? I don't think so. You took two pretty decent chapters and just pancaked them with this poor third chapter.

nixroxnixroxalmost 2 years ago

1 star for this RAAC, it was totally undeserved. She fucked him over repeatedly with multiple partners. Her disrespect was egregious, premeditated, above and beyond what any normal man could, or even should forgive.

At best, they might get as far as FWB occasionally - just for peace at family gatherings - TRUST was no longer an option. They could focus all their love and attention on their children and grandchildren. They might be able to demonstrate to their 'springoffs' that there is a better way for a couple to live together and raise children - without all the messy DRAMA.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

Typical sad RAACuck story 0*

BlueEyd2BlueEyd2almost 2 years ago

I am generally not a huge fan of RAAC, especially after just betrayal and disrespect, but I think you handled this very well and did a great job on this chapter! Nice job

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

This story is the wet dream for a cheater without soul, eat the cake and have it too.

Mibal_ZahariMibal_Zaharialmost 2 years ago

I am reading a lot of the comments and for those screaming RAAC, not so in this story. RAAC is generally about the husband finally caving into his wife's demands to stay married. They were divorced and the MC had kicked her to the curb showing nothing but indifference.

What this story did was to ask the simple question of "am I better off with or without her?" In the case of Mike, he never truly got over his wife. Love the sinner, hate the sin. She was truly lost in a narcissistic fog of entitlement until she finally hit bottom where she had to take inventory of her transgressions. Once she started a tally of her sins, she was aghast at her past actions and come to the realization of what she had thrown away. It gave her a path to atone for her mistakes. How could she get back the relationship she had abandoned so callously years before? Once she embarked on that journey of recovery she resumed being the wife that Mike had married. She owned the mistakes, sought to make amends, and was truly repentant for her actions and attitudes that led to their downfall. The main item she restored in the relationship was trust. Once that was restored, then the healing could begin then the relationship could grow naturally.

The one item that the author did use very well was the reset button. Once divorced, whoever the partners slept with does not matter. Their relationship no longer exists. Once the courting resumes, it is exclusive and those previous sex partners are irrelevant as long as fidelity and exclusiveness is maintained. Not to say that "trust but verify" will not be in the back of the cheated partner's mind, and hopefully the cheater has paid such a heavy price that their fidelity is virtually assured having learned an excruciating lesson. I believe the author did a masterful job of incorporating these elements. Nicely done!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

It was an excellent story. From beginning to end a lot of emotions surfaced, which you'd expect in a story like this. The characters were all given equal time and coverage. Not all couples who have separated and divorced remain hateful and forever divided, this story handles this situation perfectly.

WargamerWargameralmost 2 years ago

She never deserved him. You made him desperate for her. Yuk!!!!!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

Thought there would be some action between Mike and sally to overcome their life turnmoils.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

The trick is to throw in occasional reconciliation story, so women hating divorcees could remind themselves, that there might be a reason they've been left behind satisfying their incel fantasies on Lit

Good one

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

I guess Martha was right after all. She could have her flings and hubby would still take her back. And that folks is exactly what happened in this story.

demanderdemanderalmost 2 years ago

Perhaps I'm just a pessimist, but I don't believe people change their basic nature all that much. This woman was a self-involved cheater. She reached low ebb, then wanted her old life back. He was a sap to give in. He should have had dates and other relationships. Why didn't he? No explanation. Despite the spankings, it seems to me that he's the masochist in the relationship. D

fanfanofanfanoalmost 2 years ago

muchas gracias por su relato, me ha encantado llerla, y me gustan los finales felices, GRACIAS

SemperSolus0198SemperSolus0198almost 2 years ago

Forgiving a cheating spouse is like forgetting the disrespect of the vows you took and promised to each other. Never forgive, never forget.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

RAAC without rhyme or reason

iammweaseliammweaselalmost 2 years ago

Very well written. YOu are one of a handful of writers here that can tell a story.

But the end didnt really deserve to be what it was. Im all for RAAC when it is deserved but this didnt meet those criteria.

In fact the end made me so mad I wanted to throw my lunch at the wall, choke my Secret Service Agent and let my armed and armored fans into the building....but I'll tell everyone they were really my enemies afterwards.

AnotherChapterAnotherChapteralmost 2 years ago

I find it intriguing how people’s comments seem to assume that they know the characters better than the author. I have a brief news flash for you all. YOU DIDN’T WRITE THE STORY. NO, YOU DON’T KNOW HOW THE CHARACTERS REALLY FEEL!! That said, I was not enthralled by the ending of this little tale. Too little too late to try to rearrange what the other two chapters portrayed.

oldmanbill69oldmanbill69almost 2 years ago

So goes life, like it or forget it. 5 stars

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

I enjoyed it. It's a tough thing to pull off after her characterization in the first chapter, but I thought you did it well.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

I thought it was a good story.

MasterKoteMasterKotealmost 2 years ago

Doubt many spouses would take their s/o back after all that...

26thNC26thNCalmost 2 years ago

Sometimes things work out for sure, but this RAAC is just too much.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

a solid 5 well done. more, please, thanks

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

More five star readers? I think 90% in this category are one star readers.

njlaurennjlaurenalmost 2 years ago

I liked it, I liked the plot arc, it was realistic in how Martha came to understand what she did, stop blaming others and make amends, it was an adult story ( and the ending was hot).

My constructive criticism is that the writing at times was a little stilted, two people who have a relationship would talk a lot less stiffly, and some things would be passed unsaid between them.

There also were issues w vocabulary that proof reading more might pick up, they were examples where a word is sort of a synonym for something else but not quite.

Again the plot and writing were good, it mostly was just flow,form and some awkward syntax.

HOG57headHOG57headalmost 2 years ago

I appreciate the fantasy of your mind and the conveyance of those thoughts into this delightful story. I couldn’t do it….I couldn’t get over the heartbreak of being cheated on and having my daughter take her side. Both of them insisting that I get over it…I guess my pride would be my downfall as far as any reconnection to either of them. I really liked the story I am a sucker for a happy ending

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

Interesting series but chapter 2 is completely out of synch and place with chapters 1 and 3. There should be some connection following chapter 2 but no effort is made to follow up with Jim and his methodology which might have made for a far more interesting and complete chapter 3. Missed opportunity for better contiguity in the entire tale and series.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

Okok story.

Appreciate your time for writing but this is very bad.

Seems like not interested & rush to complete .

However first two chapter was good buildup,interesting but this is not expected.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

You'r an excellent writer but doesn't know why u write this part with poor content.

So much turnaround after ch:2 ending.

1st part shows there will be upcoming event between daddy-daughter.

Hope you consider event between Ch:2 and Ch:3 like when sally visited mike. How Lust overcome values.

JustOneMansOpinionJustOneMansOpinionalmost 2 years ago

I like happy endings. It matters little to me if it's with a new love or a reconciliation with the old love. Some readers only enjoy a story if there it is a BTB ending. My idea of a good ending is if the aggrieved party's pain, hurt or disappointment is replaced with love and contentment. That is what makes for a good ending. This story has a good ending. 5 stars.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

Pretty well written but all problems neatly wrapped up and engaged to be re-married after 3 months of counseling? She had been a mega-bitch with her husband and the divorce was apparently a bitter one. Bad feelings linger for a looooong time and nobody is as perfect as these two. I'm not complaining that there was a reconciliation though I am surprised, but this is like a Lifetime serial if they did Literotica style stories. Two perfect characters, beautiful/handsome, smart and well-off financially and their characters are so elevated that they can set aside everything after counseling for a few months. For better or for worse, people just aren't that way; they are emotional, petty, hurt to the bone, aggrieved, etc. But for all their flaws, people are real; these characters and this story are not. So 3*** for the writing but the story is not one I would read again.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago


AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

A nice, very engaging story, moved my a lot line that let a reader (at least this reader!) pause and reflect on the many exposed emotional threads reflected in the characters. I've read some of the disapproving comments here and I don't join those sentiments. I'm not a fan of injecting a "what I'd do" or "what ought to happen to X or Y characters, etc. Rather, I accept the author's basic plot and structure and evaluate/respond to his or her premises, assumptions, etc. So: Is the plot and surrounding structures realistic? Believable? Probable or not? I think the answer is "yes" to these criteria. But is it likely? In today's environment I think not. It seems these days, most people have a big psychological investment in Being Right above all else and then manage to categorize conceded "faults" is being relatively minor -- even if such faults are actually quite serious -- and maybe even hiding much more serious issues of culpability and responsibility.

I also think your writing style and technique are thoughtful and polished. Not to mention your attention to careful proof-reading! Many thanks for the time, thought and effort to craft this tale!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

When you paint a character as despicable as you did Martha, it takes a tremendous effort to make her redeemable, which I think you failed to accomplish.

This felt like you were going to force the reconciliation come hell or high water regardless if Martha earned it or not. Yes, she did regret her actions. I'm sure all of us have actions that we regret. But that doesn't mean we get a pass just because we have regrets.

This was a miserable failure at reconciliation.


AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

Disappointed with this chapter.

Anyways always fan of your writing.

Request to writeup on mike has sally on house when jim asked her to visit her father.

Mike pulls out his frustration by fucking his adult daughter as he sees his daughter same as his wife to avenge.

JH4FunJH4Funalmost 2 years ago
OK Story Conculsion (2 Stars)

Your writing is quite good. However, while the first 2 in the series were good stories (3 Stars each). This one was not up to the same level.

It was an OK story, with a decent amount of introspection by both parties involved. I am not anti RACC. But this story was just not my cup of tea/coffee based on how the whole series went. That is why I gave it 2 Stars.

Again this my opinion, your writing is good and your story lines have excellent thought process shown in order to build your characters and details. Please continue to write.

Keep Writing


AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

Don't need to read parts 1&2. This one speaks for itself - not in a good way. The author seemed hell-bent on reconciliation. Didn't really work for me. Why is the story scattered across different categories?

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

I could see Mike and Martha being friendly and cordial to each other at family gatherings but remarrying her...hell no.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

Looks to me like Mike ate the rat poison in the end.

muskyboymuskyboyalmost 2 years ago

I like RAAC stories but, the second boyfriend and the STDs made her unforgivable. Her remorse was way too little and way too late. Mike should have moved on and you made him pathetic by his inability to do so. Nobody would forgive Martha or accept her back.

FlynnTaggartFlynnTaggartalmost 2 years ago

4 all the way through. I like reconciliation stories but for Martha I don't really feel it was earned or deserved. She sounded like a terrible self centered person who only got a clue after she lost everything else. She cheated on her husband, cheated on her boyfriend, got an STD, lost her daughter's respect after nearly causing the daughter's marriage to implode and nearly ruin her relationship with her father, and finally, FINALLY, realized she may have effed up. I dunno, just felt she wasn't all that remorseful even then, more what she lost then what she did, all about gaining her husband back rather then trying to show how she felt bad hurting him so terribly. But still, while it was a long road she did show some remorse and owned up to her mistakes so thats something. The reconciliation while I still feel wasn't deserved wasn't bad, was a process rather then her seducing him instantly into forgiveness. Not bad, just think it would have been better if Martha wasn't so terrible.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

In this chapter of the story, the author failed to be true to his original characters and then expected the readers not to notice. Excessive heavy handiness used to force the characters to act contrary to their previously established nature, dragging them against their will across that reconciliation line just because the author could.

Rocky62Rocky62almost 2 years ago

Pretty decent reconciliation, awesome blowjob to kick it off and spanking helps too, id take her to get a “slut” tattoo myself, just like porn star Katrina Jade

RanDog025RanDog025almost 2 years ago

Great story and worthy of 5 BIG FAT BLAZING STARS!

Demosthenes384bcDemosthenes384bcalmost 2 years ago

I wanted to give this conclusion 5* but didn’t know where to “dock” the story arc. MJ and his fiancée appear out of nowhere. There’s no narrative of how he felt about his mothers betrayal, his interactions with his sister or his father. It’s like 25% of the story is missing? So, 4* for this chapter and 5* for the series.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

Absolutely beautiful and , dare I say , a masterpiece ! Heartfelt , it actually moistened my eyes slightly and I’m a man dammit ! Lol ! You my friend are a gifted writer that knows the scope of human emotion and how to portray it through your written word ! 5 well deserved stars and I tip my hat to you as well !

fritz51fritz51almost 2 years ago

I'm disappointed. Like everyone, I saw this end coming. I skipped to the end, just to confirm that she would get just what she had originally demanded – that he just get over it… so in the end – no cost for her, and a life time of memories of betrayal for him.

chytownchytownalmost 2 years ago

*****You covered all the bases. Good read. Thanks for sharing.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

Great title — old school reference. Greater story. Well conceived, crafted, and executed. Lots of food for thought.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

Great story of why foregoveness matters and how it can unfold where adults are involved rather than traglodites just looking forward an excuse to burn everything to the ground no matter the circumstances. Disagree with Fitz51’s assessment that Martha “ got off” with no consequences. Really? Three blown up soil crushing relationships, being utterly lost and unloved for 4 years, shunned by her family and two STDs are no consequences? Tell me, short of burning down her condo with her in it, what would constitute “consequence so ? Nough said.

KittyCampbellKittyCampbellalmost 2 years ago

There are some really stupid men in the combox discussions.

bobareenobobareenoalmost 2 years ago

I preferred this tale to Jim’s tale. here the RAAC was done without the necessity of the husband being a covert military superman, so it was more relatable. He loved Martha, despite her adultery, and he had acted proactively by divorcing her, which restarted their clock, to some degree. Here the RAAC was achieved without the melodrama, allowing the reader a greater investment in the characters.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

Nicely done.

MasterKoteMasterKotealmost 2 years ago

While I believe in forgiveness, what she put him thru deserves no chance of getting back together even after the therapy sessions. One of the most unbelievable ending on here. No person would take their spouse back after all that.

JamesthegoshdarnlegJamesthegoshdarnlegalmost 2 years ago

Forgiveness is great but taking her back seems crazy to me especially after the std

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

Much too much ponderous flotsam in this Part 3 to invest personally in the characters. Coupled with an outrageous ending, this story that had begun very well turned into a cesspool of non-sense. It required too much of a leap to accord any value to this. Write what you KNOW, and forget about the tales that came before you.

Grant_GlapsvidhrsonGrant_Glapsvidhrsonalmost 2 years ago

I still hate RAAC but the thoughtfulness, wonderful dialogue, and honesty in this one makes me think that if more RAAC stories were this nuanced, I'd be giving out higher ratings.

Well done series!

dark2donut2dark2donut2almost 2 years ago

This hogwash deserves 0 stars. Not only there is no plot to speak of, there is a large psychobabble rambling with all the typical regurgitated platitudes of moral sermons so often with lousy writers on LW. On top of that "asking for forgiveness" is a hypocritical nonsense when it is predictably obvious that the writer is doing 180 trying to make reconciliation and for the purpose of that garbage plot, he has dramatically changed his characters of mother and daughter. Not that they were even made to any depth before, but this turnaround is intensely stupid.

Bad sign for the future writing of this author, it shows all the typical weaknesses of the lousiest authors on LW: sermonizing, banal moralizing, lousy scripted dialogs, skin deep cliche characters, absurd changes, zero plot, no originality of any kind.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

Look at all the virtuous angels in the comments! So many people who've never sinned against anyone, throwing stones from their exalted high horses... Please fuck off.

She cheated. They divorced. She spent years apart from the man, figured out her mistake and made amends, isn't that what you're supposed to do? He chose to forgive her, decided he still loved and wanted her and took her back... Not what I would've done, but if he's happy and she's faithful what is there to be mad about?

Go watch a horror movie, everyone gets punished for sex in those, you'll love it!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

Narcissists don't change.


The problem is that readers don't know of anyone they have ever known who could be as nasty and horrible as Martha actually getting her head out of her ass this way. Impossible for me to suspend my disbelief.

This should probably be in science fiction.

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