How About Them Apples? Ch. 03 - Conclusion


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They spent most of this time on little Billy although the counselor refused to include the adjective. She politely asked Mike to drop it as well. He politely, but firmly declined. "Sorry doc, not gonna happen." And that was that.

For Martha's part she began to see more and more just how shallow she had been. She'd tossed away a gold mine for a trunk full of lead. Acting out her fantasy with Billy left her feeling empty which is why she migrated to Miles. With the help of the counselor, she began to make progress. They decided after the first two weeks to stay with it. Five more sessions in, it was late October. Halloween was only two days away as they sat with Dr. Myers.

"It was never really about Mike, was it?" Martha asked their therapist.

"What do you think?" This was the doc's standard answer when she discerned a client was seeking an easy out.

"I think I used some of Mike's flaws to justify my behavior and shield myself from any serious reflection. This allowed me to beat him up emotionally while I gave myself a free pass on my ugly betrayal of him and our marriage."

"That seems right to me Martha. Let me ask you this. If you could go back three years and talk to that Martha today, what would you tell her?"

"I'd tell her to get her head out of her ass." Martha said with a sad smirk.

"Anything else?" Myers responded with a kind tone suggesting there needed to be more.

"I'd tell her she was trading a wonderful marriage for a lonely life full of remorse and regret. I'd challenge her to be a person of integrity. I'd march her into her husband's study, sit her down and tell her to be honest with Mike. I'd urge her to tell him about her changing attitudes and struggles. I'd tell her she could trust her husband to grow with her and love her through these difficult moments. I'd tell her to be fair to him and give him a chance to be the husband she knew he was. I'd remind her little Billy couldn't hold a candle to her husband, physically, emotionally, spiritually or intellectually. I'd warn her about how hard it is to be forgiven for betrayal. I'd show her pictures of her kids and granddaughter, letting her know in no uncertain terms she could do terrible damage to all of them."

Martha drew in a deep breath and let out a long sigh. "Finally, I'd tell her to GET HER HEAD OUT OF HER ASS!"

Mike smiled at that for a couple reasons. First, he could tell she meant every word she said. There was deep and genuine sorrow for her choices and actions in her heart and mind. The woman he fell in love with was back. Crazy Martha had somehow evaporated into nothingness like dew from grass on a hot summer morning. And secondly, she had an amazing ass he'd always enjoyed. He liked thinking about his head close to her ass.

Mike knew it was time. He looked at his ex-wife in all her honesty and lost in her pain. Doc Myers knew in some way they were on holy ground and this was the moment of truth. She remained silent as Mike held Martha's gaze. She was desperate for something, anything from him.

His eyes softened and he offered her four life-giving words. "Martha... I forgive you."

If Mike had expected a calm reaction, it clearly wasn't what he experienced. Martha gasped covering her mouth with her hands as her eyes immediately teared up. Within five seconds of her initial shock, she leapt from her chair and threw herself into his arms sobbing. Mike was a big guy and a pretty tough guy. He was cultured, he knew his wines but he's also boxed golden gloves and worked out four days a week. But Martha's grip on him was overwhelming. She didn't say anything, she just clung to him making it tough for him to breath. He didn't say anything else, he simply wrapped Martha in his arms and let her sob.

After a moment or two she gathered herself and released him from the death grip but didn't remove herself from his lap. She looked deeply into his eyes and saw kindness starring back at her. Finally, she spoke, "Thank you Mike. I could never demand you give me this gift but I'm so overwhelmed to receive it. I can't put into words what this means to me."

Martha was suddenly aware she was sitting on her ex-husbands lap and was embarrassed. "Oh my, I'm so sorry. This probably isn't at all appropriate." It may not have been appropriate, but it was natural. How many times had she sat with him like this lost in conversation and kisses?

She stood as Mike somewhat reluctantly let her go. "I'm so sorry Dr. Myers, Mike, I was just overwhelmed I didn't stop to think about where we are."

The doc just smiled, "You did what came naturally to you Martha. You're a good person down deep. You do know how to give and receive love, you just forgot somewhere along with way. Given the circumstances it seemed to me to be the most honest thing for you to do. You unabashedly gave Mike thanks for his words from the genuine care you have in your heart."

Martha had grabbed a couple of tissues and was wiping her eyes. Myers turned to Mike. "Thoughts?"

"I'm relieved doc. First, because I know Martha is being honest with me and I can't tell you how good that feels. Secondly, I think Martha can now begin to forgive herself. As long as I held my anger and hurt, I would force her to hold her self-hatred. Now she can begin to emotionally rebuild. Finally, I'm convinced our family can have reconciliation on some level and begin to heal."

"Mike, please don't ever go into counseling," Myers responded smiling. "I don't need the competition!"

Mike then asked what both he and Martha were pondering. "Where do we go from here doc?"

"Well, where do you want it to go Mike?" Again, even though they'd just had a major breakthrough she wasn't going to do his thinking for him.

Mike looked at Martha and rolled his eyes. "She can be maddening sometimes, can't she?" Martha couldn't help but giggle at that.

"I think we should keep coming and talking to you doc. I also think we should probably make some time to begin to rebuild our friendship. Maybe some time together each week, just getting reacquainted. I don't think we should say anything to the kids yet, it is still too early and my guess is we have a good bit of work left to do. I don't know where we'll end up but my hope is in a good place, friends at the very least."

Myers looked at Martha hoping Mikes words, "at the very least" had not been lost on her. "Martha?"

"Yes, I think all of that is right doctor. When we began, I hoped Mike could find a way to forgive me and we could at least be kind and tolerable to each other at family gatherings. But I think we're capable of more, much more if we work together with you and with each other as Mike has suggested."

If they were looking for a gold star or an "atta boy / girl" from Myers they were about to be disappointed. She smiled and simply said, "That sounds good to me. Well, our time is up, I'll see both of you next week."

Mike and Martha continued with Dr. Myers and began seeing each other at least once a week. A dinner out, a movie or just taking a walk and talking was comfortable for both of them. They never met at Mike's house or Martha's condo, it was always in public and always on the other side of town where they wouldn't run into Sally, Jim and little Emily. Neither called MJ to fill him in, they just spent time together.

By Thanksgiving their weekly time together had turned into twice a week and daily phone calls. They may not have been aware but they were courting. When Mike suggested they not do Thanksgiving together with the kids Martha's heart sank. Perhaps her hopes were getting too high, but she was falling in love with him all over again and she thought he had similar feelings. However, Mike quickly picked up on her uneasiness and put her concerns to rest.

"Why don't you go over in the morning and I'll drop by at noon for a couple hours. I can watch some football with Jim and play with Em. Then we can meet around five for dinner with just the two of us. I'll do the cooking. How about you come to my place?"

Martha's heart was pounding so hard she thought it might break through her chest. She kept her composure. "That would be lovely Mike. Should I bring the wine?"

That got her an arched-eye look. "You're kidding right?"

On Thanksgiving, they'd each spent time separately at Jim and Sally's. Mike suspected Jim may be onto them but he wasn't sure. Later, they met at Mikes and had a lovely dinner together. Mike knew his way around a kitchen and everything was impeccable. They sat at the dining room table chatting until around ten when they decided to clear the table and clean the kitchen.

Around eleven Martha said to Mike, "This has been wonderful Mike, but I should be going. Before she could turn to leave Mike said, "Sit down Martha." His voice was firm and she couldn't tell from the look on his face what was on his mind. But she knew that tone and sat back down at the kitchen table.

For the next ten minutes Mike reviewed where they'd been. He spoke in encouraging terms about their progress via time with Dr. Martin and time together. When he finished Martha agreed and told him how happy she was that they were reconnecting on a new level. They couldn't go back, but they could go forward in a much healthier way and she was grateful. With that she again got up to go.

"Sit down Martha."

She quickly sat back down, looking at him for some clue as to what he was feeling.

He was glaring at her now. Not with a look of anger, but with a look of predator about to pounce on his prey. She was beginning to pick up on his desire but didn't want to let on how badly she wanted him. Again, she got up to leave. "I'm sorry Mike, I should be going, I don't want to assume anything.'

This time Mike didn't tell her to sit back down, he rose from his chair, his eyes smoldering with desire. He took one of her hands and could feel her trembling. He also felt heat building inside her. In an instant, he picked her up. Not in a loving manner the way a husband carries his new bride over the threshold, but as a man bent on taking a woman who had intentionally gotten his blood up.

He threw her over his shoulder. She gasped in surprise and in lust. She was wet and he could smell her arousal. Her arms were flailing as he carried her like a sack of wheat up the stairs to what had once been their marital bed.

She was kicking her legs and pounding on his back as if she was resisting his power. "Mike, no, please, you can't, we can't, Put me down this instant. It would be wrong!" He knew her true intentions. She wanted him, needed him to take her, to use her for his pleasure. She was all woman, and he was all man. He was going to fuck her, and she was lost in his power and force. She knew she was safe with him, but she also knew he was going to have his way. She wanted it more than anything she'd ever wanted in her life.

He kicked the bedroom door open and tossed her on the bed. Leering down at her with passion and lust he pulled his shirt over his head and threw it on the floor. Her dress had ridden up high onto her thighs exposing her to his yearning. She tried to push herself away to the far side of the bed continuing her charade of resistance, enthralled with the knowledge he wanted her, and he was going to take her.

"No Mike" she said in a whimper this time.

Mike grabbed her by the ankles and pulled her back. When he had her legs dangling off the bed he plopped down and pulled her over his lap. He was intoxicated with her. The emotions of the last three years came to a head. He pulled her dress up over her hips. She was wearing black French cut panties with red trim.

She looked up at him feigning fear. "What are you doing?" She panted.

"You've been a very bad girl, Martha. Strutting around my house in that suggestive dress. Playing it so cool, teasing me, daring me to give you firm hand!"

Smack, smack, smack! His hand came forcefully down on her ass. She yelped and kicked her legs but she didn't really offer resistance. Martha began to let herself give in to his cravings. Still pretending to fight him off she tried to block his blows by covering her ass with her hands. He was having none of it.

"Oh no you don't Martha. It's time you learned your lesson!"

Smack, smack, smack, smack, he spanked her with his right hand while his left held her arms firmly in place. More spanks and more yelping. He'd never once done this in their marriage. They'd had some rough and tumble sex, but nothing like this. She was so aroused so consumed with love and lust.

"You brute, you can't spank me! I'm a grown woman. Stop it this instant" Martha pleaded as his hand rained down blow after blow. He stopped for a moment but didn't let her up. She could feel his erection and longed to be released so she could take him in her mouth. Mike was now gently stroking her ass, rubbing it gently allowing his fingers to roam over her pussy that was soaked in desire.

"Please Mike, I've learned my lesson, please don't spank me anymore. I'll be good, I promised."

Mike stood up keeping her in his arms. He then set her down on the floor. Martha was kneeling between his legs with her hands on his thighs.

Looking at her with an evil grin he simply said, "Take your panties off right now Martha and get back over my lap. I'm not done with you yet, not by a long shot."

He was making her ask for more punishment. He was allowing her to choose. She could leave in a huff and prove she was still the mean, selfish bitch that cheated on him. If she stayed, it would be because she wanted to be his, wanted him to take her as his woman.

She meekly slid her panties off, pulled her dress back up over her hips. "I've been so bad Mike, please spank me and teach me a lesson. Give me what I deserve. Treat me like the naughty girl I've been." Her voice was dripping with longing for her man. She placed herself back over his lap.

He looked down at her ass, so firm so erotic. This had been his ass and only his until she had lost her mind and lost her way. She'd damaged him as no one ever had, but now that was behind them. Now she was his.

The slaps this time were firm, but not as hard. They were three or four at a time but interrupted with loving caresses. They still stung, but she could tell he was moving from rage to pure arousal.

"You've been so bad." Smack, smack

"Yes, I've been terrible. Please spank your bad girl!"

Smack, smack, smack, "Have you learned your lesson? Will you behave now?" Lightly rubbing, lovingly stroking.

"Yes, I'll be good, I promise!"

Mike pulled her up, she straddled his lap feeling his engorged cock at the entrance of her wet slit. He wrapped his strong arms around her and brushed her bangs out of her eyes. Before he kissed her, he looked deeply into her eyes and said, "Don't ever make me do that again young lady."

Before she took his tongue into her mouth she replied, "I don't know, if I'm a bad girl I'll need you to spank me again!"

Their kiss was a wrestling match of tongues. He pushed, she pulled. They fought over who could go the deepest. Mike deftly unhooked her bra in one swift motion. She moaned into his mouth.

After a few moments of making out she slid off his lap and onto her knees. She hadn't seen his cock for over three years and it was more magnificent now than she remembered. She wasn't slow or teasing, she sucked, licked, kissed, and swallowed his manhood like a woman possessed. He put his hand on the back of her head and began rocking in motion with her sucking. He needn't have bothered holding her in place. There was no force on the planet that could pull her away. When he came violently in her mouth, she swallowed every drop keeping him in her mouth until he was completely spent.

He was lying back on the bed with his forearm draped over his eyes trying to catch his breath. "Fuck me, that was amazing," he rasped trying to recover. She laid her head on his leg for a moment letting him get his focus back.

When he did, he sat up and pulled her onto straddling his lap, then he moved her up to his chest and had her by the hips, her sex hovering over his face. His hot breath was beginning to make her lightheaded. He didn't give her any chance to consider what was next. He pulled her pussy down hard onto his mouth and his tongue began to work magic on her.

She leaned forward placing her hands on the bed to brace herself. Rocking back and forth on his mouth, her first orgasm came in about thirty seconds. "AAAGGGHHH FFFUUUCCCKKKK!" she wailed. Now it was Martha's turn to collapse on the mattrass. They were both breathing heavily. "Fuck me is right," Martha exclaimed.

"Yes mam" Mike responded recovering more quickly than he thought he could. He flipped her onto her stomach and pulled her up by the hips plunging his cock into where his mouth had been a few brief moments earlier. She pushed back into him with the same force he was using on her. They were fucking as hard as they ever had.

For the next two hours they gave themselves completely to each other. On the bed, bent over the dresser, in the shower, back to the bed and on the kitchen table when they took a break for some bottled water. Sometime around 2 AM they fell asleep... in their bed...

Three weeks later Mike was talking to his daughter Sally about Christmas.

"Dad, when do you want to come for Christmas? I want to continue to honor your desire to be with us without mom. She had dibs on Thanksgiving, so when do you want to come over next Tuesday?"

"Thanks Sally," Mike said, taking a sip from his coffee. They were sitting in the same coffee shop Sally and Martha visited when Martha first revealed to her daughter she'd begun to be remorseful about her affair and how she'd treated Mike.

"I'd like to come by in the morning... and... if it is OK, I'd like to bring my fiancé."

Sally's heart sunk. She'd been dreading this moment. Her dad had hinted he was seeing someone but he hadn't divulged any details. She kept her composure but inside Sally was in turmoil. Her mom would be devastated by this news. Sally worried about how her mother would cope.

"Sure dad, we'd love to meet anyone to whom you've given your heart. She will always be welcome with us."

After they departed Sally went straight home and told Jim everything. His less than startled response left her frustrated. This could end up being an unmitigated disaster and her loving husband seemed to be acting as if it was nothing more than a normal Christmas!

The next Tuesday morning Christmas dawned crisp and glorious. A light snow had fallen overnight so and everyone was overjoyed to have a white Christmas. MJ and Pam had arrived on Christmas Eve afternoon. The four of them were seated in the living room and Sally was trying to keep Emily from tearing into the presents Santa had faithfully delivered the night before.

Hot apple cider was on the stove, the turkey was in the oven and everyone seemed to genuinely be enjoying the morning. But truth be told three of the four adults in the room were on pins and needles. For his part, Jim continued to look unconcerned. His lack of sensitivity was really beginning to irk Sally.

At 8 AM sharp that back door opened and Mike's voice could be heard exclaiming, "Merry Christmas everyone! Come on babe, it's time to join the family!"

Mike came around the corner first, grinning from ear to ear. Immediately behind him Martha strode into the room wearing a new engagement ring on her left hand. "Merry Christmas everyone!"

MJ and his bride were flummoxed. Jim was grinning from ear to ear. Sally fainted! Emily took control as she exclaimed, "Grandpa, Grandma, look at what Santa brought!"

"Santa indeed" thought Martha as she began to embrace her family.

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Ocker53Ocker539 days ago

I’m a BTB bloke but I can live with this reconciliation, a very well written story⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

AnonymousAnonymous14 days ago

Sorry haters….people CAN change. 5 stars

desecrationdesecration28 days ago

Absolute attempt to make altruism work. That dog don't hunt, sorry. She is a narcissist with something deeply wrong with her, like her daughter.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 month ago

Did not work for me. Didn't seem genuine.

StruckwrongStruckwrongabout 1 month ago

She went full slut ray and turned it on her daughter as well even after her divorce.

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