How I Fucked My Mother & My Sister


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"I hope so, I want to have sex with you again, Mom." I pressed my face to my mom's, so close our noses were touching. Mom just closed her eyes and giggled. I guess there remained some weirdness to this all, whenever I talked dirty to her, and she'd kind of clammed up.

"I want to try different positions, do all sorts of nasty stuff to you, Mom. You're hot as fuck." Talking dirty to my mom had made my cock so stiff that it was poking up under the sheets.

Mom turned her gaze away, then opened her beautiful blue eyes, looked down at my cock and snickered, "I see somebody's very, very awake," she said, admiring my morning wood, the tent I was pitching.

"Oh yeah, someone's awake," I said. Then I ran my hand, down from her tits, down to her flat, toned tummy, then petted and squeezed her luscious thighs.

Mom was still cocooned under the glossy purple silk covers but suddenly threw them off herself. Her robe was wide open, and her perky tits were hanging out.

"You're sweet to me, honey. You make me feel so beautiful."

"You are beautiful, Mom," I said, and I leaned toward her and we kissed in a way very few mothers and sons ever would.

"I think I need to do something to tide you over while I recuperate from last night," Mom said, in a throaty voice. Then she set down her phone on the nightstand, and with a single motion, lifted the covers off me, letting my naked cock jut straight up in the air.

"What do you plan to..."

I was then interrupted by my mom diving down and, with no hands, Mom took my stiff dick into her warm, wet and cold mouth. She nodded her head, down, gulping the length of my dick, deepthroating it, her throat open like a drain. Her head began bobbing up and down, faster, faster and faster, reaching a frantic pace.

"Fuck..." I muttered. I'd never had anyone deepthroat me. No one had ever sucked me like she was doing, at this rapid clip, and my dick felt like it was in heaven, burrowing into her mouth, over her tongue, tunneling far into her throat.

"Ah, ah, oh," was all I could enunciate. I threw back my head, shut my eyes and melted into the bed. My body filled with warmth, and I was feeling almost like I was levitating, floating on air, as my mom lay atop me, sucking me off like a pro.

I shuddered and convulsed as electric pleasure surged through me and I ran my hands through Mom's silky locks of hair and held her head while she hoovered every inch of my manhood. Then she let my cock out and grabbed it, jerked it, licked its tip, ran her tongue down to the base, then up the shaft, up to the frenulum, pausing to tickle it with her tongue.

Then she again sank the whole of my cock back into her warm, slick mouth, went back to sucking it, fervently. Her head bobbing like a pigeon, the soft support of her tongue flat under my dick and the friction of her pouty lips lit a thin fire under my skin!

Maybe all that practice with Shelly was how she got this good at oral sex. Whatever it was, however it was, my mom was giving me a truly unforgettable blowjob. I never thought I'd be lying in my parents' bed, getting blown by my mom, and everything about this experience was absolutely fucking tremendous.

Soon enough, I felt my body spasm, seize up. I yelled out, "Whoa! Whoa!" And with my toes curling, I let a massive blast of jizz straight into my mom's mouth. Like it was second nature, Mom didn't even flinch and gulped down every bit of my load. Then she sucked me for another minute or so after, let my semi-hard dick loose and licked the tip, wolfed down every last white gooey drop.

Lifting up her head, she smiled at me, and asked, "Um, feeling better now?"

Unable to properly respond, I simply nodded my head, and a big goofy grin stretched over my face. What a way to wake up! Far better than coffee!

Mom's smile stretched even wider, and she patted me on the chest, lifted out of bed.

"I'm going to freshen up, take a shower," Mom announced, and she undid the waist of her robe, dropped the garment, leaving it in a hot pink pile on the bed. Seeing her fully nude, with beams of sunshine from the window bouncing off her gorgeous body, I sighed and awed at my dorsal view of her incredible hourglass figure.

"Can I join you in the shower?" I pleaded, still wearing a goofy grin.

"Ha! Maybe tonight you can." Mom replied, her voice trailing off as she walked into the bathroom.

"With Shelly?" I yelled out, and she didn't reply to that, though I could hear her laughing before she closed the bathroom door.

After showering, Mom came back to bed, again smelling like a bouquet of flowers; the aroma of her shampoo, body wash spreading over the room. Her breath was minty, too, and she'd applied makeup, candy-red lipstick, blue eyeshadow, ample globs of rouge accentuating her already high cheekbones, mascara making her sparkly blue eyes appear even more dazzling.

She was in a white bathrobe, and I could see she'd put on a matching white cotton bra and panties.

Sitting down next to me, on the bed, her expression was serious. Her mouth was a straight line. She cocked her head to the side and her eyes were wandering around the room, listlessly.

"Hey. What's up?" I asked, my expression also turning solemn, mirroring hers, and I put down my phone and placed a hand over her thigh.

"I know. I found out," she told me.

"Found out what?"

"I found out about... them."



"Them who?"

"Your father. And your sister."

"Yeah, alright. Found out what about them?"

Mom had been staring out the bedroom window, but then she exhaled loudly and swung her gaze to meet mine, stared me straight in the eyes.

"That they've been... Together..."


"Yes. Together."

"Well, they... work together."

"Oh no, they've been doing more than working together."

A cold shock shot through me. I choked on my words, for a second, then managed to ask, "What led you to that conclusion?"

"I installed software on his phone."

Nervously guffawing, I asked, "Are you serious?" Then I quickly collected my composure when I saw that she wasn't joining me in laughter.

"Yes," she replied, her face pale and blank.

"How'd you do that? Did you hire a PI?"

"No, my friend Claire helped me. She's gotten heavy into the tech stuff. She'd been suspicious of her husband, too, and so, erm, she helped me hack into your father's phone."

"Shit," I muttered, trying to feign surprise. But I could tell from my mom's expression that she wasn't buying my mock shock.

"You knew," she shot at me, with a touch of venom in her voice.

"I.. I... I'd... Uh..."

My gaze shifted, and my speech trailed off. I didn't feel like snitching on anyone, not my pops or sis, both of whom have always been cool to me, and both of whom I love. However, I love my mom, too, of course, so it was a tough predicament. I couldn't quite bring myself to reveal what I'd seen in the company expense reports. How my sis and my dad were sharing hotel rooms and dining, together, in romantic, Michelin star restaurants.

Mom's sharp, though. She could see my thoughts swirling, my verbal bumbling, and she knew that I knew. My raised eyebrows and how I'd looked away from her, couldn't meet her penetrating gaze, that said all she needed to know.

"It's okay," Mom went on, running her hand over my chest, "I suspected as much, but still, it was a shock, at least to begin with, but now I feel better, about you and me. This is a lot easier. I felt like I was the 'bad guy' before. Sleeping with you, my son. But now, I don't feel that way. It's actually very liberating."

That she was taking it in stride made me feel better. And my spirits lifted knowing that the secret was out in the open. I lifted my head to lay my eyes on my mom's face. She was still staring right at me but was now wearing a crooked smile.

"What are you going to do about it? Are you going to divorce him?"

"Are you kidding? Why would I do that?"

"Because he's... With..."

"Well, I'm having an affair, with my son, so it makes us even, right? But truthfully, oh, God, it is so bad to say this... But... It... It just doesn't feel as bad, since it's with Kelly. I was fuming at first, when I first saw the things they were texting each other. But then I thought about it, and I realized that he's gone on... He's moving on with his life, just like I've gone on with mine. People grow apart. It happens. It's okay. I mean, it's not okay, but it is, you know?

"And I'm sort of happy he's with someone who cares about him, that he's not with some floozy, some homewrecker only after his money. I know Kelly is taking care of him. I'm sure he's taking care of her. It's not a complete surprise, after all. Don't think I haven't noticed how he looks at her. The way they look at each other.

"Ever since she went off to college, she really blossomed into an extraordinarily beautiful young lady. She's a total reflection of him too. Assertive, a 'go-getter,' sharp as a whip. Witty... Seriously, though, I'd suspected it for ages. And I think that's part of why I decided to lose my inhibitions with you. You and your sister are grown-ups, after all.

"But, whatever, it is what it is... If it were one of his secretaries, I would have been way madder."

"Are you going to confront him, or her, about it?"

"No. Not unless he or she found out about us."

"I'm not telling them about us, Mom."

"Whatever, I guess it doesn't matter that much. Since we know about them," Mom sighed, then perked up again, "I don't even know why I told you. Maybe I just don't want you to think I'm this oblivious idiot, that I don't know what's going on around here."

"I don't think you're an idiot at all, Mom. I think you're awesome."

"Aww, thanks, honey," Mom giggled. Then she swept her hand up my neck and face, traced her hand through my hair, tickling her long, sharp, red-painted fingernails around on my scalp. Her delicate touch had me tingling.

"When did you find out, Mom?" I asked, and I caressed further up her thigh, up to her hips, and brushed over her panty-clad pussy mound. Her crotch was hot. It felt like she'd just shaved or waxed too, with how tight the fabric of her panties was clinging to her curves.

"Last... oh, n...," Mom stuttered as my hand grazed between her legs, "last night." I could see her face flushing red, my fingers playing over her soft body, her satiny skin.

"So that's why you suddenly got frisky last night? You decided to take revenge?" I asked.

"Something like that," she replied, in a coy, girlish voice.

Then I leaned in closer to her, ringed my arms over my mom's body, at her waist, and pulled her closer to me, got her inches from my face, and then, next thing I knew, mom and me were kissing, wildly, and I placed one of my hands on her breasts, burrowed my hand under her bra and began squeezing her tits, pinching lightly at her nipples.

It was at that very moment that I heard a distinctive voice.

"Hey Mom, I just needed to ask you about... OH MY GOD!!!!!"

Mom and I broke our kiss to see none other than my sister, stomping into the room like an elephant, her blue eyes bulging, her jaw almost hitting the floor. She took three paces backward, and nervously exclaimed "I... I... I will ask you later..." Then she twirled around and darted out of the room, quick as an Olympic sprinter.

Mom and I were both speechless. Shit! We'd totally been busted by my sister! There was no talking our way out of this. For real, though, there's no other explanation for kissing your mom, having your hand inside her bra; lying in her bed, naked, with a mop of disheveled hair. There was really no way to logically explain this situation. Aside from the obvious. That Mom and I were having sex.

"Oh," I mumbled, uncomfortably lying back into the bed.

"Oh, my," Mom said. She lifted up from the bed, went over to the wardrobe. Untying, slipping off her robe, she stood, her glorious backside facing me. Mom, standing there, in her lingerie, she looked more stoic than anything. I'd have thought she'd have freaked out more, her daughter catching her with me, her son. But I think because of her knowing about Kelly and Dad, it wasn't as big a deal.

"Oh well," Mom said. Her voice was unwavering. "She probably would have found out anyway. It's impossible to keep a secret in this house."

Mom opened her wardrobe and plucked out her exercise attire. Stepping into her yoga pants, I marveled at how the yoga pants, the tight fabric, stretched over her body, her perfect ass, in particular, and while meticulously examining every contour of her ass, I momentarily forgot about my sister busting us. Then a scary thought popped into my head. If Kelly was home, my dad might be too. I definitely didn't want him barging in any second.

However, Mom looked nonplussed, nonchalant. She was calm as could be and, after pulling on a spandex shirt, she tilted her head from side to side, fixing her hair in the wardrobe's full-length mirror.

I jumped up out of bed. Hurriedly I gathered my clothes from the floor and got dressed.

"I'd better get started with my day. I'll definitely be seeing you later tonight," I said, in a low voice, and on my way out I gave Mom a quick slap on the ass before getting the hell out of dodge. Mom shot me another of her electric smiles, "It's a date. I'll be well-rested later," Mom said, seductively, shifting her eyes southward, down to her crotch, before lifting them back up and gazing at me in the mirror. Then she winked at me.

Seeing her camel toe, clearly visible in those yoga pants, my heart skipped a beat, and I replied, "It's a date." Then I cautiously crept to the doorway, popped my head out and peered around the hall. Thankfully it was empty. No sign of Dad, so I rushed off to go downstairs for breakfast, feeling like a criminal fleeing the scene of a crime.

When I got down to the kitchen, my sister was standing by the coffee machine, right where I'd had sex with Mom so many times.

I wasn't sure what to say. I wasn't sure if Kelly and me would talk about her discovery. However, all that trepidation temporarily slipped my mind when I saw that my sister was dressed for the gym. I'd not really noticed before, what, with the shock of her catching Mom and me making out, but now, I definitely was taking note.

Normally Kelly wore formal clothes, lots of long dresses, pantsuits, things like that. She didn't usually flaunt her body too much. But when she went to exercise, she'd be on fleek, really showing off some skin. She'd wear biker-shorts, spandex short-shorts, and miniscule spandex half-shirts. Today was no exception. She was in a matching starburst orange half-shirt and short-shorts that were practically painted over her skin. Shorts so small the undersides of her tight bubble ass, the bottom rings of her taut cheeks were spilling out from the hems of the fabric.

Again, I'd not had much time to let my eyes sweep over my sister's body, earlier, with her all busting mom and me kissing. But as I stepped into the kitchen, my sister's back was turned to me, and her ass was pointing in my direction. And damn, my sister's firm, high-standing, shapely ass was impossible to ignore.

Lord have mercy! Kelly's ass was truly a piece of work! It was the type of ass you'd see on a swimsuit model. Two round cheeks, their shape forming into something of a small Valentine's heart.

Sure, I liked my mom's ass better, because it was slightly larger and had more wiggle, jiggle, and elastic bounce. But damn, my sister's ass was perfect too. Walking into the room, I struggled to unglue my eyes from her heavenly derriere. Watching my sister's ass really had lifted my mind from the scene she had witnessed earlier.

That, though, changed, when my sister spun around, faced me. Her golden hair pulled into a ponytail, she held a steaming mug of coffee in her hands, and her eyes widened and beamed at me with the power of searchlights. Looking directly at me, her face creased into a wicked grin as she walked forward, slowly, and sat across from me at the kitchen table.

She sat, silently, staring at me, shaking her head, like she was an elementary school teacher and I was a naughty kid, acting up in class.

I responded in kind, frowning like a naughty kid in detention or the principal's office. Looking away, I glanced out the window, considering the sky, and considering my words.

Kelly, still wordless, lifted her coffee, sipped it, set it back down on the saucer. Then her chest started heaving in hiccup-like chuckles, and we both broke into mutual laughter.

After our fit of laughter, Kelly chose her words.

"Okay, like, I am struggling with this. You... And MOM!?" my sister narrowed her eyes and almost shouted at me, although she muffled her voice slightly when she exclaimed "mom."

I just sat silently. Shrugged. The aroma of her coffee started to titillate my nose, slightly putting me at ease.

"It's like, you're cute, right, but Mom, she is so freaking out of your league. She is... really, really, really hot. Oh, and... And she is... Mom!"

I nodded. Shrugged once more. Sis's confirmation of Mom's hotness, and my success in bagging her was making me feel quite proud.

Sis giggled again, shook her head and looked off into the distance. Her face blushing scarlet red. Another minute of mutual silence ensued. Until I broke it.

"Kelly, what can I say? You caught us red-handed. Please, please, don't tell anyone. Please. Especially not Dad. I know that you tell him everything," I pleaded with her.

"You know I tell him everything?" she then raised her eyebrows, flicked her gaze to meet mine. "What's that supposed to mean?"

"I know you two are... close," I said, in hushed tones.

"Close? Well yeah, we work together," Kelly suddenly looked away. Being a lawyer, she was certainly an Oscar-caliber liar. But now, I could see in her eyes that she knew that I knew something.

"Kelly, I saw the expense reports online," I said calmly.

"And what did you see?" she asked. Then she scooped up her phone, began poking at it.

"I know you two, are," I couldn't summon the words, so I said, euphemistically, "sharing... hotel rooms. How many grown women share a bed with their father? How many grown women go out to romantic restaurants with their dads?"

"So what are you saying?" Kelly shot back. Her head remained bowed, and her brow furrowed, but her eyes remained fixed to the white glow of her phone's screen.

"You know what I'm saying. I'm not the only one who has been, well, getting, closer, to our parents."

Kelly curled her upper lip. Didn't say a word. It might have been the first time I ever saw her truly speechless.

"Hey, Kelly, it's cool. I don't care. Actually, to tell the truth, I was happy for Dad. You are very, very hot," I told her, and a smile crept over my face.

Upon hearing me call her "hot," which I'd never done to her face, she smiled another crooked smile that was sexy as hell. Then she glanced back up at me.

"Okay, okay... So you know. So now what?" she asked. With her gaze fixed on me, I got lost in her eyes' sheer beauty. Fuck, they're the same shape, color, size as Mom's. They both had eyes prettier than any I'd ever seen.

"Now nothing. It's cool with me. You two are grown. You can do what you want," I said, smiling.

Sis laughed and rolled her eyes. Then bowed her head to her phone again, whisked a stray lock of golden hair behind her ear, and began her confession.

"Alright, it's true, yes. It started when I was in law school, interning at the firm," she said, in an awkward, fractured way.

Then her tone shifted to one of candor, "We were spending so much time together, late nights, in the office, just me and him, poring over case files, briefs. I was older, more mature, and I got to know Dad differently, as a person. I wasn't a little girl anymore. And you know Dad. He is... impressive... to say the least. He is an alpha-male. Like, the way he carries himself, it just drew me to him. He's got that sort of leader of the tribe, animal magnetism.