How I went from Domme to Slut Ch. 09


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"At least our feet won't be cold." amber said dripping with sarcasm as she took them from me.

"And to think I was feeling awkward standing outside earlier," I said looking down at the open cup, open crotch nightie and bottoms I had on, "I guess that was rather silly of me."

"It may have been Ms." amber replied sheepishly.

It wasn't so much being outside wearing what I was, I'd tanned outside in nothing, had intensely lewd parties out back and the like, it was not being in control while outside like that. It was one thing when I decided to go outside and strut around naked, but it was completely different being out there under Ms. Deb's control!

"Ohhhh," Ms. Deb chortled, "that is quite a look!" She reached over and grabbed her phone. "Now face each other just a little," she said holing her phone up to take a picture of us, "and lift the leg closest to me so your foot is behind you." We complied standing with one foot kicked back as she snapped pictures of us. "Okay, just one more," she said barely containing her glee, "stand side by side and face me with your arms around each other. Time to show off those bare crotches!" Again, we complied while I felt a fresh flush of embarrassment and horniness wash over me.

"sissy go get that lovely merlot," Ms. Deb instructed, "this is truly delicious! Oh, and slut do you have an popcorn?"

"Yes Ms. Deb." I replied.

"Yes, a bowl of that will do!' She instructed.

We spent the evening waiting on Ms. Deb hand and foot, including tandem foot massages to see who gave the better one. I won in that but only because amber's fake boobs kept falling due to the lack of support in her nightie. Eventually Ms. Deb sent us on our way to get ready for bed. When I stepped out of the adjoining bathroom we shared amber was already laying in bed.

"Picking out the space you are going to hog already?" I asked as she sprawled out on the twin size bed.

"One of these nights we should change which side we sleep on," amber said as she rolled over and faced the bedroom door, "that way we can sleep on our other side for once!"

"Are you saying I'm too small to be the big spoon?" I replied pretending to be offended.

"It could be the case." amber smirked.

"I don't think you'll need to worry about that for a bit," Ms. Deb interjected as she stepped into the room, "I plan on making sure you and slut get some time apart at night."

It was then I noticed that Ms. Deb was wearing a strapon harness with what had to be close to a 12" dildo hanging lewdly from the front! Ms. Deb raised her hand and used her index finger to summon me to her.

"Turn around slut." She instructed. I turned my back to her as instructed then felt her press her body into my back. "Reach between your legs and squeeze that fat cock between your thighs." She said placing her hands on my hips

With the dildo secured between my thighs and pressed against my pussy the head jutted out from my clit, I stood anxiously awaiting her next order. Her hands began to move up my sides lightly gliding over the thin fabric of my nightie.

"Sissy," she said rather huskily just behind my right ear, "I've heard you're a great cock sucker, some show us how well you do it."

"Yes Ms. Deb." amber said sliding off the bed and into her house slippers.

"Hold her hair out of the way," she instructed then licked the back of my ear, "then look to your left."

To my left was the bedroom closet which had the older style mirrored sliding doors. I'd left them up so amber could see herself in all her sissy glory each day she passed them and because updating her room was the last on the list of home improvements much like our now shared bathroom. Now in the reflection, instead of seeing just my sissy husband, I saw her on her knees sucking a dildo sticking out at almost a natural angle from my body. Behind me was Ms. Deb whose eyes devoured my body as well as the pornographic scene in the reflection. It was incredibly arousing to watch, it was like watching three strangers. Ms. Deb's hands found my breasts. Then her hips started to push into me, timing her thrusts with amber's mouth by watching her head bob in the mirror. I could feel amber's lips bump my clit, felt my fingers in her hair naturally pulling her into me with each thrust. The entire scene was driving me wild. I was sure amber could taste my secretions on the dildo!

"Enjoying that view slut?" She hissed in my ear while tugging and rolling my nipples.

"Yessss Mssss." I responded.

"Once I'm done with her," she said giving my nips a firm pinch, "I'm going to take you into the bedroom and see just how far this beast will go inside that sweet little ass of yours!"

I trembled at her words. Looking down I could see amber was getting more and more into it, she was definitely able to taste me, as she turned her head and licked the sides of the dildo more and more. Her reaction to this was only getting me more excited.

"Okay sissy that's enough," Ms. Deb said pulling the dildo between my legs and leaving amber sucking nothing but air, "time for bed. Feel free to sprawl out with all that extra space tonight too!"

"Yes Ms. Deb," amber couldn't help but let her dejection show, "thank you."

"Oh, don't be sad deary," Ms. Deb said playfully, "maybe tomorrow night I'll take that ass of yours instead!"

True to her word Ms. Deb took my ass every way imaginable with her strapon! When she was exhausted I went to remove it as the Goddesses had trained us to do but was stopped. Instead she brought me into the bathroom, so I could clean it then we returned to bed. She stated that she wanted to keep it on just in case she woke up in the middle of the night and wanted to fuck me again. Thankfully she didn't because I was exhausted! Not that I'd have said no of course. At least once she'd rolled over and poked me with that beast making me wonder if she was about to fuck me. Honestly, I was a bit let down when she didn't. Somewhere during the morning amber came in and woke me. I quietly slipped out of the bed joining amber in our bedroom where our workout clothing was laid out.

"How are you feeling this morning?" she whispered.

"Tired and sore," I replied in a whisper as well, "how about you?"

"I didn't sleep great," amber replied, "i missed cuddling with you."

"Aren't you sweet!" I replied wondering to myself if it that was the case or she missed fondling my tits while she slept?

Ms. Deb's workout selections were about what I expected based on our nighties. The black halter style "sports bra" was actually just a mesh and lace halter top while the bottoms where a pair of super cheeky boycuts. amber and I made our way downstairs to do our stretching and yoga which lasted about an hour. In spite of how I was dressed it was always something I found relaxing and peaceful. From there our morning routine consisted of showers, shaving, dressing and making breakfast. Per our instructions we delivered breakfast to Ms. Deb in bed so she could inspect our lingerie for the day. She had picked out a navy blue lace bra, waist cincher, and g-string for us to wear which would make both of our days would be interesting. The all sheer bra would mean little to no support for me and the G-string would mean absolutely no support for amber! Our morning was fairly typical, outside of my giggling at amber as her boy parts kept falling out of her G-string, with all of us just about ready to leave for work at the same time. As was usual amber swapped out of her bra, boobs, and heels putting on a camisole before her suit and tie for work while I slipped out of my house slippers and put on a dress and heels to compliment my lingerie and stockings.

"That is quite a process in the morning." she said as we walked out to the driveway.

"Yes Ms. Deb," I replied, "but it's simple after enough repetition."

"I am sure," she said, "now hand me your keys." I did my best to hide my initial shock then quickly fished my keys out of my purse handing them to her. "You can sit on the passenger side." She smirked after she spoke.

It was more than odd to get into my car with Ms. Deb behind the wheel. I was always the one who drove, unless I was bound in the trunk that is, and amber never drove my car. Ms. Deb slid into the driver's seat pulling to the end of the driveway. Before pulling out onto the street she looked me up and down.

"Spread your legs and hike up your skirt," she ordered, "you know better than to sit in a car like that!"

I quickly did as she ordered pulling my skirt just above my hips then pushing my knees to the side as far as the car's interior allowed. Ms. Deb placed her right hand on, then inside the tiny G-string. Her fingers deftly moved around and between my puffy folds as she drove. Within a minute I no longer cared what side of the car I was sitting on, or who was driving! The entire drive to work was nothing but a long teasing session leaving me wanting more.

"I'm going to have a little assignment for you today," she said still teasing me, "when you go to the ladies room you will do two things." I nodded yes. "You will take off one of your shoes and make sure to lick it nice and clean," she said letting a finger lightly dance over my clit, "while you do that you will tease yourself as well but no orgasms. Understand?"

"Yes Ms.!" I panted feeling perspiration forming on my brow.

"No orgasms right now either," she said pulling her hand away, "now straighten yourself up before someone sees you!"

I was shocked to see we were at work already! I did my best to adjust the G-string but it would require more than I could do sitting in a car and trying to be discrete. Slipping out of the passenger side I was able to fix my skirt without drawing too much attention to myself. I followed Ms. Deb into the building, when we got to the point where we would go our different ways she stopped me.

"Are you heading to the ladies room?" she asked quietly.

"Yes Ms." I answered just as quietly.

"Right or left?" Her question left me puzzled. "I gave you an assignment," she half whispered half hissed, "which one will you clean first?"

I flushed with embarrassment remembering that while I'd been in the throes of being teased she had given me a humiliating task to complete that day. The idea of walking into the lady's room then licking one of my shoes clean was repulsive. Of course, if it was so repulsive why were my nipples now achingly hard?

"The right one." I answered unable to bring my gaze above her shoulder.

"Make sure to take a pic while you're doing it." she said then walked off.

I had no choice but to go to the ladies room at this point. My G-string was sagging so badly it was rubbing my upper thighs as I walked, plus I had to pee, plus she knew I was going there and was expecting a picture of my tongue on my shoe!

"Fuck." I said under my breath as I walked into the lady's room and tried to tip toe on my right foot.

I settled onto the toilet with my bottoms out of the way then slipped off my right heel, keeping my foot on my left so it wouldn't touch the floor. Fishing out my phone with one hand I prayed no one would enter the bathroom while I was in there degrading myself. With the camera ready I brought my shoe to my mouth. "No time like the present" I thought. I licked and clicked several pictures then dropped my phone back into my purse. The other half of her instructions were to tease myself, I definitely wanted to enjoy that! It took a couple minutes to thoroughly clean my shoe and bring me close to orgasm. Standing in the stall I readjusted everything then headed out sending Ms. Deb the pictures as I made my way to my desk. Accidentally I sent her two of the pictures.

About twenty minutes later my phone buzzed, then again, then several more times. I discretely picked my phone up to see what the fuss was about. The Facebook chat that involved the Goddesses friends was in full swing. I scrolled up to see why, Ms. Deb had posted pictures of me licking my shoe. A chill raced up my spine as I read the replies to the picture. They'd quickly figured out that I was in the bathroom at work and were all quite pleased with Ms. Deb's assignment. Then the conversation turned to what kind of woman would willingly lick the sole of her shoe in a bathroom. The answers and comments made me want to run to the lady's room again! Safe to say I was the most popular slut at work that day although I didn't get a lot done.

At lunch I saw Ms. Deb who gave me a brief smile and a wink as she sat with her other lunch companions. We met up again at the elevator after the work day. Ms. Deb entered first with several other people then motioned with her eyes for me to stand in front of her. A moment after I stood where she wanted I felt her hand fondling my ass. She continued to do that until the doors opened and we exited.

"I spoke with amber a couple times during the day," she said as we exited the building directly into the parking garage, "I guess she was having an issue with my selection this morning." While I didn't say anything, I guessed the G-string had given amber issues during the day. "I allowed her to remove the G-string at lunch."

"That was nice of you Ms." I replied as we neared my car.

"But you know what that means right?" she said as she followed me to the passenger side and placed her hand on the door handle. "It means you two aren't twins at the moment," she gave me a smirk then continued, "so you'll need to fix that right now."

Just over her shoulder people were pulling out of the parking garage on their way home. Coworkers of mine! I wanted to protest but I was about to go home with her! She would be there for weeks, and if I did protest what would the Goddesses do? It wasn't like I hadn't walked through this garage all that long ago bare assed!

"Yes Ms." I replied as I quickly hiked up my skirt, so I could reach my G-string.

I pulled it quickly down my legs stepping out of it as she turned to go to the driver's side. I waited until she opened the door before I opened mine. Sliding into the passenger seat I hiked up my skirt again, spreading my legs as she wanted before putting on my seat belt.

"I got a gift for you as well." Ms. Deb said pulling a small box out of her purse. "I am sure you will like it."

"Thank you, Ms.," I replied opening the box, "you really didn't have to get me anything."

"I got amber one similar as well," she said as she pulled out of the garage, "you both have those adorable belly rings but those are only visible part of the time."

I pulled the black felt choker from the box with a sense of dread. There on the front in rhinestones was the word "SLUT". I accurately guessed that amber's would have the word "SISSY" on it.

"Thank you, Ms.!" I replied holding it up.

"Well put it on," she instructed, "you'll wear it whenever you are not at work."

"Yes Ms.," I replied adjusting the choker and using the vanity mirror to make sure it was positioned properly with the word in the center of my neck, "thank you so much for your generosity."

"You're very welcome slut!" She replied then placed her right hand between my legs for the rest of the ride home.

Arriving just after us amber removed her work clothing, putting on her boobs, bra and heels before walking into the kitchen. I was already there getting dinner ready while Ms. Deb supervised.

"Oh yes, we will have to do something about that!" She said as amber walked in devoid of her G-string. "Let's go find you something more suitable for tonight."

"Yes Ms. Deb!" amber said showing the slightest hint of a smile as she was now able to avoid dinner duty.

I continued to get everything ready while they went upstairs. Ms. Deb wanted to sit outside and eat as it was an unseasonably warm evening. With chicken breast on the grill, garlic mashed ready to go, and a delightful selection of vegetables it was only a matter of time before we could sit and eat. I looked at the clock, 25 minutes had passed since they went upstairs. Not that I was jealous, but I was trying to plan a nice dinner for our guest. How long did it really take to pick out an outfit for the two of us to wear? I was in a quandary about what to do. Do I go upstairs to check on them? Put stuff on the stove to keep it warm? My fears were put to rest when I heard them coming back down the stairs.

"Slut you've been hiding quite a gift here!" Ms. Deb said walking in wearing a pair of shorts and a casual top. "She's almost as good with her tongue as you are! Maybe we will have a competition between the two of you soon."

"Yes Ms. Deb." I replied looking over at amber who still had Ms. Deb's wetness on her face.

"Thank you, Ms. Deb." amber replied as she entered the kitchen wearing a short red nightie.

"I've made a decision slut," Ms. Deb announced with a smile, "as amber is dressed for bed already you should be dressed for bed too!" I braced myself for what was to come next. "And as you'll be spending the night in MY bed," she could barely contain herself as she spoke, "and will be sleeping naked then that is what you will wear when you get home at night."

"Yes, Ms. Deb." I replied.

"Chop, chop slut!" She said motioning with her finger for me to undress. "No time like the present and it's not like we've not all seen you naked!"

"Yes Ms. Deb." I replied removing my bra.

In less than a minute I wore nothing but my heels and slut choker. The only benefit to this was amber's cage seemed to cause more and more issues for her. Ms. Deb would end up spending the next 4 weeks living with us, true to her word she had amber and I compete to see who could give her the best orgasms using only our tongue. She also found my latex collection which meant several days of wearing latex under my work clothes in the office. It's not easy to concentrate when you're wearing a pair of black latex shorts with two 5" dildos but I managed.

After all, it is good to be the slut!

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