How It Started Pt. 02 - Friday Night

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A weekend to remember.
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Part 2 of the 5 part series

Updated 06/10/2023
Created 06/13/2021
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"I don't care what your plans were, you are changing them, geddit?"

That was Tay all over. My Mama had wanted to take me to London to see a show and then to stay over at the flat in the Barbican. We could spend Sunday morning at a gallery, before having lunch with my uncle David who did something grand in the City. Tay had other plans. I persuaded Mama that I needed to stay home and cram for the Oxbridge exam next month. In fact I was on top of it, but Tay had said that she had "plans" for me, so that was that. I stayed at home.

My phone pinged:

"Mine soon, 4:30, be there in time to change. 27 bus, Ford Estate first stop. Txx"

She wanted me to go to her place? But it was a dump. It was on the sink estate at the end of the line. I could not order a cab to take me there; the school would know. So I told my form Mistress that I was spending the week-end with a friend. Well, I was!

I pondered what to wear? If I was catching a bus to that awful place, it wouldn't do to look "posh", so I selected an ordinary black, pleated skirt, a semi-camisole to hide my nipples, and a blue top. The idea was to look like an ordinary school girl, not one of the "poshos" as we were known.

I waited for the bus. I felt very uneasy. It was not full, but the passengers were not my sort of people. I felt even more uneasy when I got off at the stop I had asked the driver for.

"The Ford" was not the sort a place a person like me ever went. It was a council estate with fairly shabby modern jerry-built rabbit hutches masquerading as houses. As I walked down the road, I shuddered. How on earth could anyone live here? The front "gardens" were strewn with rubbish and bits of discarded cars and bikes and other debris.

I'd taken care to take my old phone, which I hardly ever used any more. It was a backup for my new and very expensive one. The looks I was getting as I peered at the screen, waiting for Google Maps to do its bit made me glad I had taken that precaution.

I walked past a shop which clearly sold alcohol, as there were five rough-looking lads standing outside drinking. I was hoping they would not notice me - but no such luck.

"Hey, you, girl, where ya goin'? We ain't see you 'ere before. Fancy me finger luv?"

He made a lewd gesture with his index finger, indicating where he'd like to put it and what he's like to do with it. I was both mortified and scared.

Two of them approached me.

"Ere luv, didn't yer 'ear us, why doncha stop an' have a drink wiv us?"

He proffered me a can of some ghastly muck.

"No, no thank you very much."

The moment the words were out of my mouth I realised I should have changed my accent.

"Oh, Miss Lardi-fucking-da, cum 'ere for a bit of rough 'ave ya Princess, well yer've found us."

I was scared. Then came a voice of rescue.

"Yeah, you're rougher than a scrubber's cunt, Jezza. She's a mate of mine, an' if you an' the twats wanna fuck with 'er, you'll 'ave to get past me. Fancy yer chances Jez?"

From the tone in Tay's voice, the triumphal note at the end, I knew I was safe.

They slinked off, looking sheepish. Tay smiled broadly, taking my hand.

"Good job I came Pix, they'd have been fingering your twat by now."

I hated that word, it was so common and vulgar; so why did it turn me on so? Or was that the reason?

"You made an effort love, but you don't have a clue do you?"

I blushed.

"I, I did my best."

She hugged me.

"I know. Right love, well here's the thing, my mum is away for the weekend and has taken my sister with her so guess what?"

I must have looked as stunned as I felt, and was even unable to move for a moment.

"You're staying with me for the week-end love. Chance to see how the other half lives."

"But, but ... I, I didn't bring clothes Tay!"

"Ha! Bloody good job, if they are like the ones you're wearing you'd stand out like a cock in a nunnery! You can borrow my little sis's stuff, you are about her height."

Tay just so made me blush. Part of me wished I could have her self-confident sexuality, well, just her ebullient self-confidence would have done. With her I felt somehow both liberated and subordinate. I was free to do what I wanted, but what I wanted was to do what I was told by her. This was an epiphany. Looking back, I know now that was the moment I knew myself. It is not that I am a submissive, it is that I like the security of being led by someone I love; what I offer them is love, devotion - and the willingness to please them in any way they want. Only later, post my first real relationship did I realise the danger in this side of me. With someone who did not really love me, it could lead to my being used - and abused. Tay first opened my eyes, but not fully. It took another to do that.

Tay's house was strange to me. First, it was so small. Did four people really live here? There were only two real bedrooms and a cupboard with a bed in it. The living room was small and the furniture, well! Secondly, and most persistently, there was a television which was on all the time. Why? Tay was not actually watching it, but that was how it was, apparently - aural wallpaper.

"You like?" She asked with that innocent enthusiasm I loved. It would have broken her heart to have told the truth, so I said yes, it was very homely and comfortable. She beamed.

"Ok luv, well I just wanted us to have time together, and it's not like I'd even be allowed into your posh school, so I thought this would be best. I hadn't thought though, we'd better make sure you fit in a bit better. You up for that Pix?"

Oh bless her. That optimism could have powered the Sun itself. She was such a force of nature. Uplifted by her ardour, I agreed.

"OK love, now let's go and see what we can do, eh?"

The house was eerily tiny to me. Tay's bedroom was plastered with posters of celebs I had never heard of, and her table was covered with tubes of cream and make-up, the floor a bit messy with discarded underwear.

"What you've got on luv makes you look like the posh girl you are, that'll get you into trouble, so let's make you look a bit more of a native!"

That laugh of hers.

"Get them off luv! This is the best bit."

Well I sort of had no choice; that itself sent little jolts of erotic energy from my clitty to my small but hardening nipples.

Tay was wearing a crop top and a short black skirt and wore her hair scraped back into a ponytail. I could see what she meant. Yes, that was how others here looked and what they looked for in strangers. I was so obviously not part of this community, and it was clearly not one which welcomed outsiders.

Under her delighted scrutiny, I removed my clothes, stripping down to to my knickers. Automatically I put my arm across my breasts to hide them.

"Come on Pix, it's not like you've anything there anyway!"

At that the jolt to my clit and nipples intensified. I could feel myself tingle. I'd always been a bit self-conscious of my size, or lack of it, but for someone with Tay's rather generous endowment to comment somehow sent me into an almost hypnotic state. Her, commenting, on my breasts, did, oh it did something.

"And you haven't finished you dozy mare, get 'em off!"

I knew I was blushing.

Being called "a dozy mare" by Tay again, did something to make my pussy tingle. It was as though the boot was on the other foot somehow. The other girls from my school looked down on Tay and girls like her, and yet here she was giving me orders. I, of course, did as she wanted.

As I slid my knickers down and stepped out of them, Tay smiled.

"You've a lovely little body luv, no wonder I fancy the pants off ya! See what I did there?"

Despite my nervousness, I could not help laugh. Tay was such a tonic. How could she be this carefree and guilt free? Even more important, was there a way I could be?

"Okay luv, try this lot!"

She threw a bag of clothes at me.

My knickers (I never needed a bra) were always cotton or silk and good quality, but what I had here was a pair of used, well-used by the look of them, polka dot knickers made of some synthetic material.

"It's okay luv, they are clean, and my sis won't miss 'em if you want to keep them."

As in a daze, I put the cheap and nasty knickers on. They did not feel too comfortable, a bit scratchy around my inner thighs.

I produced next a yellow strappy top, which had the benefit of fitting better and hiding my inadequacies up front. I would have liked a vest to guard against pokies, but one was not on offer. The ensemble was bottomed out with a cheap, well-worn denim skirt which came to the middle of my thighs.

"Bend Pix, and give us a twirl!"

I turned and bent.

"Ooh nice, can just see your knickers, so better not be too bendy luv!"

"How do I look?"

"Almost like ya belong luv."


Tay giggled,

"Yeah, come on, here use this bag, that one you've got is far too posh and will get nicked. I've booked you in for 5:00."

I was flustered, but didn't like to ask what for, as she was so happy at the idea.

I put my stuff into the cheap white shoulder bag and headed out with her.

There was something about walking with Tay. Locals knew her, and the fact I was "with" her made a huge difference to attitudes. Maybe it was because I did look more like I belonged there, but I thought, and still think, it was Tay's charisma.

We reached a parade of shops with a hairdressers called "The Cutting Corner".

"I am training here Pix, I wanna be a hairdresser and work some evenings and weekends - haircut time for you babe!"

She said a cheery "Hi!" to a rather plump woman whom I took to be the owner.

"This is my 5:00, Jean, my cousin Pix."

Jean gave me a hug, and I vanished into her heavily-perfumed bosom.

"Oh ain't you a cute lil thing, is that why they calls you Pixie?"

On emerging, feeling distinctly flustered, I admitted it.

"Sit yaself down, Hailey, get Pix a coffee. How'd ya like it? White, no sugar? You're sweet enough I'm sure luv."

Next thing I knew I was in the chair with Tay behind me with scissors and combs and goodness knows what.

The place stank of cheap, overpowering perfume, rather in the manner I imagined a brothel might, though why I thought that, given I had only the faintest idea of what a brothel was, who knows?

Tay was good.

The way she set about my hair had Jean smiling, which sort of reassured me.

"She's a natural, Pix, your cousin, best I seen since meself. You're gettin' a quality product me luv."

My long hair was always something of a contentious point. School, like my Mama, would have preferred to shorter cut. The latter was firmly of the view that whilst I had looked very "cute" with long hair at junior school, senior school was another matter. Many of my classmates did indeed have pretty fancy hairstyles, and the fashion then was for shorter hair, but part of me did not want to grow up, at least in that way. I knew, by instinct, that what they were doing it for, that is to attract boys, was not for me. As my classmates began talking about who they had "snogged" and who was "dishy", I turned more in on myself. Tay seemed to bring me out of that.

In less time than it took me to write that, Tay had transformed me.

"Oh yeah, cute Pixie with the pixie cut, oh just right!"

Where, I wondered, was my hair?

She had cut and feathered it very well, but she had not finished.

"Right babe, come sit here, head back.

She then shampooed my hair - or I thought that was it - but when she began to cut and style it I saw, to my absolute horror, that my hair was pink!

"Oh Tay!"

"Hey, no worries babe, it looks fab and it will soon wash out!"

How soon, I wondered? It was going to be bad enough at school to explain my new hair style, but pink! Was that even allowed? But I could not let on to the ebullient Tay who clearly wanted my approval.

"Thanks darling, that's just so cool!"

I sipped some of the so-called coffee which a rather well-endowed bottle blonde had brought to me.

"Well Jean, what d'ya think?"

"Ok Tay, you have proved ya point, I'll let you do more, if you can transform Pix, you can do it for others!"

I think that was praise.

So we sat and they gossiped, and I wondered what on earth I was doing here - and looking like that?

Tay suddenly looked at her watch.

"Fuck!" She said, "we need to go Jean - and thanks!"

"Where you off to luv?"

"Oh only next door - next step for dolling my babe here up."

"Thought you said she was yer cousin? Dirty lez!"

But Jean said it with a smile which meant she saw through Tay's story, but approved.

"Was it that obvious?" I asked as we left.

"Put it this way babe, between your adoring looks at me and the number of times you called me darling, yeah it was! Right, we're in time, in ya go!"

"Next door" was a beauty Salon.

"Hiya Kim, we ok for the final slot?"

"Oh, hi Tay, sure, this the doll? She's so cute!"

I blushed.

Kim was about our age, rather on he chubby side and the white overall she was wearing made it clear she was not wearing much under it, and that her nipples were rather large.

"If you take her through and get her ready."

In a daze, I followed Tay behind a curtain. There was a chair, like a dentist's, but with stirrups, which could be adjusted.

"Right babe, knickers off and sit in it."

I went bright red. What on earth?

But by now I was used to doing as I was told, so I slipped the knickers off and sat in the chair. Tay adjusted my feet into the stirrups. She patted my pussy which was on full view to Kim as she came in.

"Leave her alone, Tay, you dirty cow. I'll make her nice and smooth for you first."

"Thanks babe!"

I was not over endowed with pubic hair. By the time Kim was finished shaving and waxing, I was bald. As she felt me there, I knew I was getting damp, and could smell myself.

"She's a randy little bitch, isn't she?" Kim said.

This talking about me as though I was not there should, I suppose, have made me cross, but it just made me wetter. As she pulled away the final wax strip I grunted. I actually felt rather horny, something the both noticed.

"Is the door shut, babe?" Tay asked.

"Yeah, you wanna do her now then?"

Lying there, my legs apart, dripping, I don't think I had ever felt so horny in my life, and these two rather common girls discussing me as though I was their sex toy was making me squirm.

"Ok, let's go babe!"

At this, Kim made the chair go back as far as it could and tilted it so that my legs were in the air and my pussy open and accessible.

As I lay back, Tay straddled my face. She'd removed her knickers. Facing Kim, she lowered her own dripping pussy on my face, grinding into me. God knows when she'd washed there, but I loved the earthy smell. Even her dark star hole so close to my nose aroused me. What, I wondered, was wrong with me? Was I really the pervert my Ma would think me when she found I liked girls?

As I paid attention to Tay's wetness, sucking on her lips and massaging her clit with my tongue, I suddenly felt a smack on my own clit. Kim was spanking my pussy. That made me so horny that I gripped Tay and pulled her firmly onto me so my tongue could get into her wetness.

"Hey, Tay, your little bitch likes having her cunt spanked, it's wet as anything."

As Kim spanked me, Tay gyrated and moaned and pressed. Her wet goo spilled onto my face. Then, gripping my head between her firm thighs, she screamed as she came. She almost suffocated me.

"Me now, we agreed, right Tay?"

"Oh fuck, fuck, where'd you learn to suck cunt like that Pix? Sure, she'll do you now, won't ya Pix?"

I have no idea why I replied:

"Yes Miss Tay," but I did.

The next thing I knew I had Kim's rather chubbier thighs either side of me and her soaking wet cunt in my mouth. As it had worked for Tay, I repeated my performance, with the same result. But there was a difference.

I felt something cool against my clit. Then it began vibrating, softly at first and then louder and more intensely. As Kim came all over my mouth, her arse cheeks burying my nose near her smelly arsehole, I came, oh my how I came!

I lay there, Kim's cunt in my face, gasping. In the last half an hour I had made two women come, one of them a total stranger, had my own pussy spanked and come like a freight train. This, I thought, would be some weekend after all!

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PixiehoffPixiehoffover 1 year agoAuthor

Thank you, Aoife xxxxx

Aoife_from_UlsterAoife_from_Ulsterover 1 year ago

My goodness Pixie! So fun. 5 🌟

PixiehoffPixiehoffalmost 3 years agoAuthor

Well darling, I can always bend to help you pick them up, kisses xx

EvieUKNEEvieUKNEalmost 3 years ago

Goodness, it’s like you are describing me: “It is not that I am a submissive, it is that I like the security of being led by someone I love”. Another wonderful chapter, oops I seem to have dropped 5 pretty little stars xxxxx

PixiehoffPixiehoffalmost 3 years agoAuthor

You must look very cute Franziska. Thank you for your kind comments xx

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