Hunted Blood: Love Thy Enemy


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"You were pretty bold down there," he said as he pulled his destroyed toothbrush from the little owl that held it.

She smiled, "I was in need. One, Liz might give me a little bit more respect now. And Two, it's so boring here with Derek and Red while you guys are out fighting the same people I hate."

He shook his head, and watched her shave as foam collected around his mouth.

"You know you're really sexy bent over like that," he mumbled, his teeth clamped onto the brush.

"Oh, hush," she blushed.

God, Rina was tinier than she thought. The mini skirt made her feel like a whale. Her ass was huge. She sighed, as she pulled the leather bodice over her shoulders and about her waist, "Michael, will you help me with this?" He laughed and pulled the bodice tight, and zipped it up. She turned around, "I am not wearing this damned skirt. No way in hell." She pulled off the mini skirt quickly changing into a pair of green cargo pants and her combat boots. "How do I look?" she asked, turning to face him.

"Well," he said, "Not like a lady." She sighed, and pulled out her long black skirt, loose fitting and sophisticated.

She threw it over her pants and said, "How 'bout now?" He nodded, "Must better."

She smiled in her reflection. She looked her part. Liz stood smiling, "Hey girl. Lets get you geared up." She followed Liz into the armory, selected what she liked best - the handguns.


She had maneuvered them past the security and up to the bar. She sat, leaning over the bar, her cleavage exposed. She turned to her familiars, "Would you darlings care for a drink?" Liz smiled and nodded, and Michael gleamed. "A rye and coke, for the lady and two whiskeys," she replied. The bartender smiled, setting the rye and coke in front of her. She shook her hand and handed Liz the rye and coke and handed him a shot. Slowly she got up from the table, leaned against the bar counter and took the shot, "I am not a lady."

With that, Liz and Michael turned, armed and dangerous vampire killing machines. Marji smiled at the bartender who watched in horror as kindred were sparking into ash all around him. Ripping off her skirt, she pulled out the two handguns, "Hey Bartender!" He looked her way, "Told you I wasn't a lady." With a scream of anguish he turned to dust.

Marji turned and ran up along side the others, taking out vampires left and right. Somehow, moments later they had been swamped, fighting their own little battles to survive. Liz was on her own, fighting maliciously against them. And she couldn't see Michael anywhere, so she continued to annihilate those around her, until she heard a cry.

"Michael!" she screamed, searching desperately for him. She found him against a table ready to be sucked dry. Putting her guns away, she began to run towards him. Anger raced through her blood turning it bitter and thick. Leaping high into the air, she came down upon the vampire and sunk her fangs deep into his bald skull. She broke through bone, blood pouring into her mouth. He wailed as she brought him to the floor, grabbing a stake in a nearby pile of ash and plunged it deep into his heart.

She stood, finding no opposition around her. She turned to Michael who stood guns pointed at the vampires around them watching in horror as their leader was just murdered in cold blood by one of their own. Marji growled as she stepped forward, her fangs bared, blood dripping from her mouth.

"Who's next?" she asked boldly, angrily. The vampires looked at her frightened, as the blood of the ancient coursed through her veins. Her eyes glimmered sending the vampires running. Wiping the blood from her mouth, she turned to Michael and playfully hit him on the arm, "Don't you ever scare me like that again you hear me!"


Chapter 3...

Valerie entered the room, with certainty in her step. "Her name is Marji Yevin," she announced as she threw the woman's hard copy onto the table. There were two empty chairs in the conference room. "She's unmarked, probably caught in the cross fire. If she had been marked, she would have been documented in our filing system. She hasn't been a vampire for long, but with the blood of Renwick running through her, she could be three times her original strength, maybe more," she explained from her findings.

"Who was her maker?" Smitt asked.

Valerie nodded, "We're not sure, but since she's unmarked, we think that she may have been a fledgling of Winchell before Cronos took his life."

The others looked scared, "Winchell? If his blood runs through her veins..."

Valerie interrupted, "I don't think he had enough time to exchange blood. She was a hit and run. Here look." She showed a few pictures they managed to maximize from the security tapes. "See those two marks on her arm? Those are bite scars. If the Winchell had time, he wouldn't have been so careless."

"What are we to do about her?" May asked, concerned.

"Right now, we don't quite know. The rumor of her is roaming rampant throughout the vampire clans. Most of them are scared to death that one of their own has killed. Renwick died in such a gruesome manner and in front of so many that they may be frightened and in hiding for a while. But don't worry. We'll figure it out," she promised.


Back at the Hive, Liz and Michael sat in silence. Not even Michael had realized that she was indeed a vampire, he had always thought of her as different. But she wasn't. She still fed, and she was violent. Although mentally she was different from the undead they killed each night, they had to admit they were astonished by her display the other night. She probably had half the Vampire Nation in hiding, while the other half readied themselves for battle. Vampires killing vampires was strictly forbidden, and those crimes, that were committed by the likes Eric Dravin and Klaus King, were never spoken of, after a new Elder was put in his place.

Cronos had just killed Winchell, another head vampire, and last night Marji had right out slain Renwick in front of his followers. It was good that now most of them were hiding in corners, but it wouldn't be long before they came after her, making the Shadow Slayers incredibly vulnerable to attack. At any rate, they now knew where her loyalty lay. And if they needed assistance, they knew Cronos would be close behind.

Michael slipped into the bedroom quietly. Marji sat on the edge of the bed lacing up her boots, preparing herself for tonight's excursion at the warehouse offices in downtown New York City. He smiled. She truly felt like she had become a part of something that fought for truth and justice. And she had been beaming with pride, when they officially brought her into the Shadow Slayers. A smile danced across Marji's face as they stood outside the warehouse. She sensed no other vampires, and detected no humans within the vicinity. "All clear," she said as she turned to Liz.

They looked on, keeping an eye out, as Liz stepped up to the door and begun to pick the lock. In no time, she called for them and swung the door open wide, her gun pointed for any trouble. It was pitch black.

Each hallway led to about half a dozen offices, and there were four hallways from what they could see with a flashlight. They decided to split up- Michael and Marji covered two halls while Liz continued on and combed the offices in the far halls. Flashlights in hand, they kept a look out for anything peculiar. Softly, they tread down the halls, stepping into each office and looking through the contents of each computer, filing cabinets, and drawers looking for a list of familiars and their whereabouts.

About three offices in, Michael had learned to keep watch at the door, as Marji quickly scanned each computer, perused each file, and rummaged through each drawer.

Michael raised his walkie talkie to his mouth and hit the speak button, "Lizzie, find anything?"

She responded, "No, not yet. You?"

Michael turned to Marji who was shaking her head. "Nope. Nada."

Michael watched Marji with gleaming eyes. She was so sexy when she was serious. He was glad that she knew this wasn't a game, even though he sometimes treated it as one, he knew better. He had learned that from Cronos, though he didn't really set a good impression for the slayer. But that was another story.

Her long hair spilled over her shoulders and she ran her hands along the tabs of the files, reading each title aloud in a whisper. She gasped. He had crept up behind her without even making a sound. He pushed her hair away from her neck, gently kissing.

She smiled, "Michael... please. Don't sneak up on me like that."

The scent of her lover invaded her senses. His scruffy beard tickled her delicate skin.

She giggled. "Michael, stop," she continued to laugh, desperately trying to sound serious. "I mean it, not here," she warned.

He backed away only allowing her to turn around and begin to scold him before he interrupted with a rough kiss.

Slowly, he maneuvered her away from the cabinet and pushed her against the office wall. His need was evident. She had tried to push him away, but his need swiftly had become hers, and now she was aching. She responded, wrapping her legs low around his waist. His breathing grew raspy, and his skin was hot to the touch.

Sliding his hands onto her exposed thighs, he raised her skirt around her waist. His lips lingered on her neck, kissing lower and lower until the leather of her bodice got in the way. She sighed longingly as he rubbed the outside of her lace panties. Slowly, he pulled them down around her ankles, exposing her to the air and to his touch.

She moaned as he slipped a finger inside. His eyes warned against her voice. He pinned her to the wall with his broad chest as he tormented her through silence. She watched with anticipation, as he began to unzip himself. He was already as hard as a rock.

He whispered huskily in her ear, "You have to promise to be quiet."

And she did.

He could feel her body's heat and moisture as he poised himself for entry. Persecuting her with slow movements. He slipped only his tip into her, only for a moment before pulling himself away. Again and again he teased her, before she tightened her grip around his waist and pulled him forward to slam into her.

Her lips parted, and brows furrowed in ecstasy. They were fucking in vampire headquarters. If that didn't get her off, nothing would. She smiled, gripping him with her muscles. With each thrust, he buried himself deeper and deeper, burning in her well of heat and molten lava.

He watched with delight as her fangs slipped out from under their cover. He drilled faster and faster as she kissed the tender skin below his ear. She licked a pathway down to the hollow of his throat, where she gently nipped at his sensitive flesh with her fangs. He bit his lip, controlling the release of a groan as she reach down and began to caress him.

Her long fingernails traced designs over his broad chest from underneath his shirt. Down she traced to the wealth of hair right above his big gun. She arched her back as she felt the end drawing near. She gasped as he hit her spot sending her into moans and whimpers of all sorts.

Quickly, he clasped his free hand over her mouth, muffling the noise erupting from her lips. He, too, groaned as he reached the final depth of her, piercing her through and through, exploding inside her. With one last rough thrust, he split her in two, shattering her thoughts until only the crashing of orgasmic waves rang in her ears..


The radio hung loose from his dangling belt. Slowly, he brought her to her feet. She glowed with satisfaction as she slid her panties up and over her boots. He watched as she pushed her skirt back down over her firm ass, as he fastened his belt. She reach up, on tip toes, and gently placed a kiss on the corner of his mouth, before moving on to the next office.

In the tenth office, Liz radioed, "Guys?"

Michael responded, "Liz, did you find it?"

"No, but I did find something else," Liz's voice crackled over the waves.

Marji smiled as she printed a list from the computer, "Got it!"

Michael smiled, "Good girl."

"Hey Lizzie, Marji found it. Let's get out of here."


Michael watched silently from the stairs as she pounded away her anger and her sadness into the punching bag. As tears were turning into anger, each punch grew stronger and stronger, until the sand began to spill from the leather bag and onto the concrete floor. Yet, she kept on punching and punching until she couldn't bear it anymore. She fell to the floor, her boxing glovers covering her face, the sand sticking to the beads of sweat that oiled her skin.

The memories of her life as a human had been dear to her heart. Her family had originally come from Iceland, her great grandparents immigrating when they were only twenty. From the stories her father had told, they met on the train to Vermont. A year later they married, and nine months later, they had her father, Hilmar Yevin. Hilmar had married his high school sweetheart, Nancy. And a year later they had Marji, and year later, Emilia was born.

The family had been a regular suburban family. Father working for the government, Mother staying at home to take care of the kids and home. Kids wreaking havoc playing catch with each other in the house. The girls have never been fond of Barbie dolls or Easy Bake Ovens. The Yevin family had carried on a love of baseball, and the girls too loved the sport, saving every spare moment to improve their pitch or their swing.

In Marji's senior year, she decided to go away to college, in the heart of New York. They had written her almost every single day, and to each letter she responded. She rarely saw them except on Thanksgiving, Christmas, and Easter. But she thought of them every day, until she had been turned into a vampire by a man she never even saw the face of. She had been returning from a bar late one night, celebrating the finish of her college finals.

Now, because of her, her entire family was dead. Destroyed by those of her own kind, to get back at her. A familiar had brought the tape, sent on a suicidal mission by whomever was his owner. He sat in the questioning room of the first floor. Michael had put in the tape, as the Shadow Slayers gathered around the television. At the sight of her sister's face, she grew panicked. Her hands clutching at her heart, her stomach dropping to the floor. She watched as her family was being slaughtered. Four vampires had entered the house as they were watching television in the family room. The white carpet grew soaked with copious amounts of blood, as fangs ripped and gutted her loved ones. Her father having to choose who would die first.

Liz's eyes glinting with pain turned to Marji. The blonde hair and green eyes giving the family away. Marji's eyes were glued to the screen, watching each and every gory detail. Until she couldn't take it any more. Hugging the edge of the toilet, she vomited until the porcelain was stained with blood.

And now, she sat sobbing in the recreation room.


The house stood still, rocked by her scream of mourning. Days went by before a noise returned to the house, and that first noise was the sound of a bullet, drilling into the skull of the familiar that had sat starving in the questioning room. The tape was spinning as it recorded their conversation and the sound of five rounds being emptied into the man's chest.

Michael burst into the room, carrying his companion away from the corpse. She was hysterical, and kept firing an empty gun. Liz heard the commotion, running to her side. She helped Michael bring her up the steps, "Into my room." Placing her on the bed, Liz closed the door behind and turned to Michael who was panicking in the hallway. She touched his shoulder, "Look, let me talk to her." He nodded.

Returning to the room, Liz went to Marji who sat in the center of the bed, weeping. Gently, she began to stroke her long blonde hair. Something that surprised Marji into ceasing her tears and turning to Liz, pale faced and blotchy. Liz replied, "I understand."

Marji nodded, "I know you do." She choked through her tears as she clung to Liz for comfort..


The vampires laughed at the table, Violet sitting at the head. She was not smiling. Her little black heart beat slowly, rhythmically, and her mind wandering with plans and grand schemes of power, glory, and revenge.

He kissed her cheek softly, whispering to his sleeping companion, "I love you."

Her eyes fluttered open as the sun set behind the horizon. She was calm, and wore no expression as she sat up in their bed, and nuzzled her head into his chest. Her lips slowly pressed against his bare chest, sending waves of electricity up and down his spine. It had been weeks before she had displayed any love to him. Her eyes pleaded as she looked at him, "Michael..." Her voice was a melodic whisper being swept away on the wind.

Her lips were soft as they glided against his rough skin. There was something different about the way she was. Emotionally she was raw, used up, spent... She was trembling with his every touch. She was vulnerable, and scared. Every scar she kissed, her attempts at healing. She kissed every bruise, and where every bone was broken. She kissed his tattoo, letting a few remained tears drop from her marble eyes. Her skin glimmered as she exposed herself to the night air and moon beams, seeping in from the open windows. Her hair spilled down her back like a gentle waterfall. She stood in his gaze, giving herself up to him: her mind, body, and her soul. In this different way, she was breathtaking.

"Love me," she sang softly into his ear, as he hovered over her, his heart melting into hers.

Her kisses were long, loving, and heartbreaking as she couldn't bear to tear herself away from him. That night, he understood love. All the women he had thought he loved before him, he merely had enjoyed for the time being. And that night, since she had watched the tape, she slept peacefully under his watch.

Violet cruel voice hissed, "Before she died, she wanted you to have this." She threw the necklace before him, letting him catch a glimpse. He had given it to her. The diamond ring dangled on its chain. The vampire slipped it around his neck, pressing herself against him as she did so.

"What did you do to her?" he spat angrily, as he fought the men who clutched at his arms. "You want to see her?" she asked, "You want to see her final breath? Would you like to say goodbye?"

The men shoved him roughly out through the door and down the hallway. The next door opened to an office with a two-way mirror. She held the back of his head roughly, making him watch as the men inside beat her ruthlessly. She was a rag doll upon the floor, and blood was everywhere. The men then clanked her in chains, before leaving the room.

Violet entered, "Marji, you have a visitor."

The body did not move. Michael clamped his eyes shut tight, hoping that when he counted to three he would wake up from this terrible nightmare.

1... 2... 3... And open. The body still laid still, huddled against the wall. The vampires roughly brought him to his knees, chaining him to the floor.

Violet grabbed Marji by the hair, turning her over to face her lover. Weakly, Marja attempted to open her swollen eyes.

"Michael..." she cried out in exasperation. She began to sob. She reached out for him, but her irons kept her from within a hands reach of him. Violet nodded, and watched as the men repeatedly kicked at her lifeless form, kicking her in the stomach, making her double over in pain. "Michael..." she pleaded again.

Violet smiled viciously, "I think she's trying to tell you something. And I think I might know what it would be. Would you like to hear it Michael?"


Liz was swamped by vampires, as she made her way through the hallway trying to get to Michael. She cried out as she staked one in the heart, before she fell to the ground, knocked down by a vampire from behind.