Hunter's Moon


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It was a big campus with a lot of wooded areas, so there was ample opportunity to hide from the lights and spend some time in serious making out although it was a little harder to be sure enough to go much further. We did manage a few times but none were really completely satisfactory. When Halloween came we decided to attend one of the parties around campus. Costumes were a little more risqué - well, a lot more - than any party we had been to before. That didn't bother us. Laura and I went as matching slave girls, each wearing a halter top and a skirt shorter than our parents could have imagined. We had leather collars, chains around our waists, and four inch spike heels. The guys each carried a short, multi-tailed whip and had handcuffs dangling from their belts. We weren't really into anything like this, but it had seemed like fun for the party.

There were certainly other costumes even more revealing than ours. The costumes were fun and to some extent the party was also, but before too long it seemed to degenerate into a lot of drinking. We saw a number of people smoking what we were sure was not tobacco and soon the whole scene lost any attraction for us. We ended up leaving early and going to a local pizza place for a couple of hours. Even dressed as we were, we weren't too unusual because at least half the people there were also wearing some kind of costume. But overall we decided that despite the reputation of college Halloween parties, we much preferred our own version. Besides, any indoor party would lack the Hunter's moon and the hunt we had come to enjoy with it.

Sophomore yearthe four of us decided to take a long weekend and have another party of our own at Tom's home. Tom's parents had, of course, known all of us for years. They were also quite easy going, having always allowed us to do pretty much as we wanted once we were old enough to not need supervision. They never tried to see just what we did at our cookouts. If they guessed they decided we could make up our own minds and, in fact, usually went out somewhere when were having our own parties.

Because Halloween fell in the middle of the week - and because three of us had exams that week - we didn't try to make our party then. Instead we set it for the weekend nearest the full moon. The weather was predicted to be good, so Friday afternoon we headed home. All our parents knew we were coming back for the weekend and that we had planned a cookout and party for Saturday night. Friday night we stayed at our individual homes and then on Saturday we met at Tom's about four in the afternoon. His parents had gone out of town for the evening and were staying overnight somewhere, so we had the place to ourselves.

We carried food out to the fire ring by the shelter in the woods. (We also brought along a couple of blankets and a few other things as well.) We built a fire and sat around talking for a while as it burned down a little. Then, as we had done for years, cooked hot dogs and marshmallows. We had added a picnic table a couple of years before so now we sat at that to eat.

By the time the sun had set and the moon was well up in the sky we had finished the food and were mostly just talking. Someone started telling a story. A ghost story but a very erotic one. The storytelling went on for a half hour, each of us contributing, sometimes making them up as we went along. At one point a silence fell and Tom ended it by inquiring, "Ron, I think maybe we should have a fox hunt. I see two hot foxes who might like to be hunted."

With only the smallest glance at each other Laura and I together each raised our hands in front of us like paws and stuck out our tongues, panting. In a few seconds all four of us were laughing. Before we started out Tom again asked, "Will you promise not to switch off?"

We agreed. Mostly I think because neither of us had had much of a chance to be really alone with our boyfriends for some time. Laura and I headed into the woods. After a few minutes the boys followed, each carrying a bag with a blanket and a couple of small towels.

We weren't too hard to find. Actually we each moved off the path and waited until the guys passed by and then followed them until we got a chance to sneak up and grab them from behind. Then, laughing, each couple headed off to spend some serious time together.

Some two hours later I heard Laura call, "Hey, Sis. Ready to go back for something to drink?"

Tom and I had been cuddled together naked, having made love three times. I decided I could use something to drink. The last time I had gotten Tom off in my mouth and while I loved his taste and didn't mind swallowing, it did leave my mouth a little sticky. I had made a mental note to bring a water bottle next time.

"I called back into the dark. "Sure. Give us a minute to get dressed."

Laughingly, the answer came back as Ron called, "Don't bother."

I smiled and looked over at Tom. "Shall we take them up on that?"

We were both feeling quite relaxed and still basking in the afterglow (afterglows - we had managed three times). He grinned and said, "Sure, why not? I don't mind seeing your sister naked."

"Since she looks just like me, I should hope not," I teased back. Then I called out loud enough for Laura and Ron to hear, "OK."

Giggling we picked up the blanket and our clothes and headed over to the path where the call had come from. When we emerged onto the path we saw the two of them just finishing removing their own clothing. Ron looked up and said, "I was just kidding but if you don't mind, I certainly don't."

Now with all four of us occasionally breaking into little laughs or giggles we headed back to the fire ring where there were still a few coals glowing. The guys added some more wood and soon the fire was again blazing. For the next hour we sat around the fire, Laura on Ron's lap and me on Tom's, none of us wearing anything more than a smile. It wasn't really a sex charged scene, rather just a fun thing to do. We had taken the sexual edge off earlier. Somehow I was sure Laura and Ron had managed three times as well. Later when I talked with her I found I was right. Not that sexual activity was totally absent. Now and then someone would suck on a nipple for a bit or reach down and play with a pair of balls, but we all knew no one would be doing anything more serious. I think a lot of it was just a way to relieve some of the tension left over from mid-term exams the week before.

Anyway, after about an hour we began to feel a little cold and got dressed once again. When we finally left the boys about two, everyone agreed that this was a far better way to celebrate than any school party.

Another yearpassed. And then a second one. We were now seniors. Another eight months or so and we would all be graduating even if we were all planning on at least another year or two of grad school. The year before we had again gone back home for another private party which went much like the previous one.

Also during the past two years both of us couples had become much more serious about our relationships. Neither Laura nor I had any doubts that we were in love with the two men and were just as sure they felt likewise about us.

This year the weather was perfect almost all fall. Sometime in September the four of us decided that this year we would make two trips home. One near the Hunter's moon as usual, but because the autumn weather was so nice we'd have another party near the Harvest moon.

The third week of September we headed home once more and like the other times met at Tom's late Saturday afternoon. We had our cookout and again sat around the table for a little while. There were a couple of stories. Just plain erotic this time - no ghosts involved. Then Tom brought up the idea of the fox hunt. Of course we all already knew we'd be doing that, but now he said, "OK, I want you two to promise no switching off this time. Promise?"

We looked at each other for a half second. This seemed a little stronger than other times but we mentally shrugged and I said, ""OK, we promise. I'll stay Lisa for tonight." Laura didn't have to say anything. If one of us promised, that held for both of us and her eyes let Ron know if he had any doubts.

We took off into the woods and found some fair hiding places. Still, it wasn't too long before Tom discovered me. It wasn't much longer before we were both naked on the blanket going at it hot and hard.

For the next two hours or so we played. Well, to be more honest, we fucked. We fucked hard and hot in several different positions. I don't think I had ever felt so turned on although I had no real idea just why so much this time. Didn't matter why - we were both loving it.

Sometime just before ten we were lying cuddled together spoon-wise. I had my back and ass pushed against Tom and his left hand was wrapped around to cup my left breast. Tom kissed the back of my shoulders. "Lisa?"

"Yes, Tom."

"It is Lisa, isn't it?" he teasingly inquired.

I laughed. "Yes, lover, it is."

"Lisa, I love you."

I'd heard it from him many times before but it still sent shivers up and down my back. "No more than I love you, Tom."

I felt him stretch out his right arm and reach for something. Then he quietly said, "I love you. Lisa, will you marry me?"

My breath caught and for a second I froze. Then it broke and I rolled over to throw my arms around his neck. "Yes, very definitely, yes. Oh, I love you so, Tom."

The right hand came around and I could see he was holding something. He reached for my left hand and as he slipped the ring on my finger I saw the moonlight catch it and send a million sparkles from the stone.

The next ten minutes were lost in some very serious kissing. Then I excitedly said, "I've got to tell Laura."

He smiled and replied, "I expected you'd want to."

I leaped up totally forgetting I was still completely naked. I called out, "Laura, Laura. Where are you?"

From surprisingly near came her reply, "On my way, Sister." It sounded like she was hurrying towards the main path a little way from where we were.

I moved in that direction and as I emerged onto the path I saw her just coming onto it about ten yards farther along. She was as naked as I was. We ran towards each other and I saw that both of us were holding up our left hands. As we came together we said together, "Look!" Then we both broke up laughing, I think, but both of us had tears in our eyes. We each held out our left hands and they could have been mirror images. Identical hands. Identical rings.

Ron was coming up behind her and I felt Tom approaching my own back. Soon we were both caught in our own boyfriend's - no, our own fiancé's - arms. Laughing and maybe crying a little I clasped my sister's hands and leaned back into my lover's arms as she did with her own lover.

The next day - completely dressed now - we told all of our parents. Although they all expressed excitement for us, I think the general reaction was "Well, it's about time." No matter, we all thought it was the perfect time.

A monthlater we still came back for the Hunter's moon. Tom's parents as well as our own were out of town for the weekend. Ron's parents were home but he had informed them he would be staying with Tom, so they weren't expecting him to come home that night.

We again had our cookout and again sat around the fire telling stories for another hour. Then Tom said, "I think it's Fox Hunt time." Ron quickly agreed.

Ron said, "Do we get the promise not to switch again?"

Laura and I looked at each other and smiled. "Not this time," I replied.

"You'll just have to guess," Laura added. The two men looked at each other, a little apprehension on their faces.

Laura and I had discussed this and decided it wouldn't really bother us if we did switch off sometime. Each of us had talked with our fiancé and both had assured us that if it ever did happen they would not resent it, but we also got the idea they were not too sure about the whole thing. Anyway, Laura and I decided that this time we would trade off at least once, if for no other reason to satisfy our own curiosity. We both agreed it would not become a regular thing or anything like that, but for one time ... Well, we wanted to try it.

Now when we took off into the woods we quickly whispered our strategy. Usually I hid on the right side of the main path and Laura on the left. Since this time the men would probably be expecting us to switch we decided to go on as usual. I moved off to the right and Laura headed left.

It wasn't too long before Ron found me. He pulled me into a deep kiss and when we pulled back slightly, his hand on my breast through the thin shirt, he said with some hesitation, "Laura?"

I smiled back at him and reached for his crotch before I answered, "What do you think, Lover?" I knew Laura often felt him like that when they were starting out.

He relaxed slightly and soon we had our clothes off and were stretched out on the blanket, locked into a hot, full body kiss, his rigid tool poking into my stomach. In a couple of minutes we were ready to go further. He stretched above me and I guided his rigid member to my very wet entrance. He pushed slowly inside and I sucked my breath in hard. He was very much like Tom, both in size and technique. I could probably tell the difference even if I hadn't known but they were very similar lovers.

An hour later we were recovering, hands sliding gently over each other. I played with his cock and felt it harden once more. I think he was getting ready to roll over and pull me on top. Laura had said he really liked that with her riding him, either facing or, if in a chair, with her back to him. I moved first, rolling onto my hands and knees. In a throaty voice I said, "Take me from behind, Lover. Lisa says that feels really hot." While I knew they had tried probably all the positions Tom and I had, I also knew that this one wasn't their most common.

Ron didn't seem to mind. "It is pretty hot, Lover. You have a fantastic ass." He moved behind me and I felt his hard shaft touch my soaking lips from behind and let out a soft moan as he slid into me.

Some time later I did ride him and ride him hard, bouncing up and down while I pinched his nipples in my fingers. Of course, he was doing the same thing to mine. Just as he was nearing his release he moved his hand and caught my clit between his thumb and finger, pinching it slightly and tugging the nub back and forth. My own world exploded in sparks and stars and by the time I came back together he was just pumping his last spurt into me.

Later we made our way back towards the fire ring. We had all gotten used to returning still naked after these sessions and tonight was no exception. We came up to the fire ring and Ron added a few pieces of wood to get it going once again. Just then Laura and Tom came up, both naked and with their arms around each other.

The two men looked at each other and then at us. Tom finally said, "I guess we got you straight that time, huh?"

Laura and I stepped away from the men and towards each other. "Did you, Tom?" I asked. "Or am I Laura?" my sister put in to Ron.

"Or maybe I'm Laura and she's Lisa," I said.

"Or the other way around," Laura added.

While we were saying all this we were quickly moving around each other so we hoped neither would be able to tell which of us they had been with much less who we were. The shell game with live, naked peas. The looks of confusion on their faces made it pretty sure we had them totally stumped.

At last I said, "If we did switch off, you have to admit we are both pretty good lays, now don't you?"

Laura added, "That's right. Know any better pieces that either of us?"

We laughed as it became clear neither of the men was sure just who they had been fucking for the last two hours. I moved over beside Tom and Laura moved next to Ron. I kissed Tom and wrapped my arm around his waist while Laura did the same for Ron.

Since both our and Tom's parents were out of town for the weekend we all stayed at Tom's house. It was the first time either of us had gotten to spend a night in bed with our lover. We made good use of it and despite Tom having already come three times with Laura he managed twice more with me. Laura later informed me Ron performed in a similar fashion.

At breakfast Laura said, "I think you two owe us a nice dinner."

Ron looked up. "You mean you really did switch off last night?"

We both smiled. I replied for both of us, "Maybe." Then I added, "But since you're not sure, I think Laura.." I stopped and looked at her "Or are you Lisa?" Then I continued. "No matter, since you're not sure I think you owe us both a dinner."

We did get a nice dinner out of the whole thing and I don't think either of the men were ever completely sure just what had taken place.

During therest of the year we never switched off again. There were no more "hunting" parties that year and when graduation came it was followed by a double wedding.

But again that October we went back to play in the woods. And we have every year since. If the weather looks bad we switch to another date, but most of the time we keep it as close to the Hunter's moon as possible.

We even bought adjoining properties on which to live. Each is about thirty acres, almost completely wooded. We never got into swapping or anything like that. Still, a couple of times Laura and I have traded off. The men know it has happened but I don't think they know for sure just when.

Now when the Hunter's moon is high and we decide we want to head for the woods, we each send kids to one of their grandparents for the weekend. Then we get hot dogs, marshmallows, and blankets and head out into the woods where we have a fire ring and a small shelter. We build a fire, toast hot dogs and tell stories, some with ghosts, some just sexy. Then one of the four of us will say that it's time for a Fox Hunt. Tally Ho!

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MedicalpeteMedicalpetealmost 3 years ago

Just read it again! After all this time, still really enjoyed the whole thing. Well written and GOOD FUN. And great friendships!

GHreaderGHreaderalmost 5 years ago
Some of your commenters need to get a grip.

This was a fun fiction story. You created interesting characters and unique scenes.

I have been reading your shelf in the Literotica library and am down to Hunter's Moon. you have talent as a storyteller and I love your romances. I am used to reading stories from a male gaze, but these stories are so well done and from such a different perspective.

Thank you for sharing your talent.


AnonymousAnonymousalmost 6 years ago
Not a romance

it's a Loving Wives story. Swapping is showing a severe lack of True Love. 1 star

SampkyangSampkyangalmost 8 years ago
IF either guy had ANY integrity

After he fucked the wrong girl one or both should have walked the fuck out and NEVER looked back. They would have been better off for the rest of their lives and MAYBE find a true love.

SampkyangSampkyangalmost 8 years ago
Janet look at the stories suggested to read after this one.

They are all slut stories not love stories. This is NOT romance, sorry

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