Husband is Finally Set Free


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She continued to hold his cock in her hand and lightly stoke it as she said, "Oh Robert, I love you Dear, but you have to be punished for leaving like that. When this is done, we can be a family again." The look on Andrea's face made it clear that it did not register with her that others might feel a different sort of pain. The Windsor women had been well trained to believe that what they wanted and felt was of more value than what their husbands wanted. Windsor women were to rule; Windsor husbands were to serve. Marriage to them was not an equal partnership; they held the controlling interest in all things.

Mrs. Windsor nodded to Ms. Patterson to let her know she could begin. Mrs. Windsor has told Ms. Patterson to start with the leather strap to warm up his ass and then after about 100 strokes she could go on to the birch rod. The leather strap was normally quite convincing to a man that he must obey. The birch rod was just pure pain and it was usually applied by Ms. Patterson with full force and hurt like hell.

Andrea and her mother watched Roberts face as the first of the strokes with the leather strap were applied. His face was drawn as he clenched his lips and his eyes. He grunted loudly and tried to catch his breath between strokes and his ass also tightened with each stroke as he could hear the wind against the strap as it arced through the air.

The first 50 stokes of the strap had the intended effect, he was crying and screaming loudly with water running from his eyes down his face, and his face was dark red. His head was rolling about with each hard crack on his ass and the upper part of his legs. He was starting to get wobbly and his knees were flexing more and more as he tried to move up and down slightly, but the chains had him fastened in too good to allow for any real movement. His ankles were trapped by the spreader bar and that meant that he could not dodge any part of the blow.

The second 50 strokes really had Robert in agony. He was crying and shouting as his lungs emptied of air as each blow of the strap as it found its mark. His loud "aaaaarrrrgggghhhhhh" was easily heard well outside the punishment yard and the look on the faces of the other husbands and even the daughters were starting to reveal that this was far more extreme punishment than what they thought it was going to be.

Mrs. Windsor kept the same cold expressionless look on her face. It was the 'I win' look that warned people not to cross her or this is what will happen to you. This lesson was not lost on the husbands or even her other three daughters.

The final of the strokes of the leather strap had some extra effort behind them and had Roberts head rolling about, sweat dripping from his face and his body. He now screamed loudly with each application of the strap. He was far enough gone that he forgot that the birch rod was coming next.

A servant stepped forward and threw a bucket of cold water on him to revive him and let him know that he was now ready for the really painful part.

The first stroke with the rod stung like hell. Roberts ass and legs were already very painful from the strap so being birched was like pouring salt into an open wound. Any courage that he might have had before immediately evaporated.

Crack! Robert jumped and screamed. The veins in his neck and face stood out as he pulled forward as much as the chains would allow. My God, this was far worse than the introductory birching he had suffered when he was being trained for Andrea over a year ago. This was torture, plain and simple. This was purely for compelling his submissive behaviour. Do as you are told, or else! This was cold revenge served up by Mrs. Windsor.

Crack! He screamed again. Twenty more times he was stung and every muscle in his body tensed and stayed rigid. His cock and scrotum flopped about wildly. His rear and upper legs were on fire. How much more could he endure he did not know; he didn't know if he could endure the next sting of the rod, but he had no choice since the chains held strong.

"Please Andrea, Ma'am, please, I won't do it again, please, please, please, I'm begging, I'm begging you, please!! In his mind he was shouting as loudly as he could, but the words were a jumble mixed with the snot and slobber coming from his nose and mouth. Any words he tried to form were unintelligible as the pain consumed every part of his body and mind.

His face was red, and the veins were protruding from his neck. His blood pressure was likely off the charts. He cried and screamed uncontrollably. His head rolled around and with each new crack of the birch rod he tried to jump out of his skin. He pulled with every sinew of his being at the chains that held him to the heavy wooden posts but with no luck, he was hopelessly stuck. His only road ahead was to endure this misery at the hands of his wife and her mother.

In a weakening voice that could hardly be heard "Please, please, please, please Ma'am, Andrea..."

He stopped begging for relief and his field of vision began to shrink. He was beginning to bleed from the wounds on his ass and legs. The blood started to run down his legs and flew off the birch rod. Andrea got spattered with a few drops of Roberts blood and when she realized what it was, she ran for the house.

Robert had no idea now what was going on. The pain felt like a hundred stabs to his body. His vision got worse. He was crying, screaming as much as his exhausted lungs would let him, his nose was a river of snot, and foam erupted from his mouth. He was being reduced to a mere shell of a man, a ghost of a human being.

Mrs. Windsor continued to watch him with a laser-like stare. Her other three daughters were all looking at the ground trying not to watch the horrid spectacle going on in front of them. Their three husbands were all terrified that they could suffer the same. They all quietly remembered that their place was to serve their wives; do as they were told. They would happily comply, they would not risk being tortured like this.

At about 70 cracks of the birch rod Roberts vision shut down. His voice went silent and he passed out. He hung limply by his wrists, his knees had buckled and but for the fact that the leather cuffs that held him to the chains he would have been on the ground. His mouth was open, and a trickle of drool mixed with vomit dripped down his chin to the ground.

Mrs. Windsor actually looked startled and ordered Ms. Patterson to stop. Ms. Patterson was wound up in a sadistic frenzy and did not hear the order. She struck Roberts limp body twice more before Mrs. Windsor physically stopped her.

"Enough!" barked the Windsor family matriarch.

"But you told me to give him 100 with the birch, I'm only at 74."

"I didn't tell you to kill him!"

Mrs. Windsor signalled for Robert to be unshackled and called for the nurse that worked for the family.

The nurse, Diane, looked horrified when she saw Robert. She checked for a pulse and was visibly relieved when she found one. Robert was breathing, but just and his heart rate was well over 200 beats a minute. That is the sort of thing that brings on massive heart failure or a stroke. It was a good thing he was young and in excellent physical condition. A lesser man would not have survived.

She called for a stretcher to put him on and started to dial 911 for an ambulance. Mrs. Windsor stopped her and ordered Robert taken to the medical room that they had on the property. She ordered the nurse to treat him and get him ready for his room for the night.

Robert lay on the exam table on his stomach, he was still unconscious. The nurse had decided to leave him rest while she cleaned his wounds on his ass and legs. She was full of a mixture of thoughts. She knew the lifestyle of the Windsor family, but this was too much. How could they be this cruel to a human being. Why not just let him go, divorce him and find Andrea another man to dominate?

She applied antiseptic to the entire area of his rear and tops of his legs. This stuff stung so it was a good thing he was passed out. She put an oxygen mask on his face to help his lungs deal with the ordeal he had just endured.

Soon Mrs. Windsor arrived and enquired about his condition. Inwardly she realized that even though she wanted to teach him a lesson for disobeying, maybe she had gone a bit too far. She would think about it before his next punishment in a week's time.

"Bring him around, don't you have smelling salts?"

Nurse Diane nodded yes and went to the drawer where it was kept. It was in a break-open tube and she cracked it open and waved it under his nose.

After about a minute Robert started to stir. He barely could move.

In a meek barely audible voice he was saying "please, please, please, no more ma'am, I promise, never again, please..."

Mrs. Windsor spoke. "Robert, it's your mother-in-law, listen to what I am going to tell you."

He flinched at the sound of her voice. It was all he could do for fear that the beating would continue.

"Your month of punishment has just begun. I want you to rest right now but tomorrow you will start the next phase that is designed to remind you of your commitment to obedience and that you have a duty to Andrea. Andrea is the one that has suffered here just as much as you. She still loves you very much and wants only what is best for you. So, if you love your wife you will do as you are instructed for the next month and learn by your mistakes. I will see you in a week."

With that she left the room and ordered Robert to be taken to his temporary room in the basement of the garage. Robert was helped up off the table, he couldn't stand yet on his own so was virtually carried by the two tall women that had escorted him to the punishment yard earlier.

The temporary room in the basement of the garage was in fact a holding cell with concrete walls and ceiling, no window and only a single light bulb in the ceiling. It had a steel door with a locking bar on the outside, nobody was going to escape from that place.

They put Robert on the floor and covered him with the only thing in the room, a single wool blanket. They closed and locked the door and turned out the light. He was left in the dark and with not even a sliver of light his eyes could see absolutely nothing. Right now, he didn't much care and in a few minutes, was asleep. His only cogent thought was that it might be better to be dead than to face that kind of punishment again.

The next morning, Robert had no idea what time it was, the light came on and he began to rouse from his stupor. He was still naked, shivering in the cold temperature and the blanket was not on him. He lay curled in a fetal position on the concrete floor. A moment later a servant opened the cell door and had a bowl of food in her hand. "You should eat this; it will give you some nourishment and here is a bottle of water."

Robert squinted as he couldn't see in the stark light. It was a plastic bowl of porridge. This was a far cry from the expensive china that Andrea and her sisters ate from.

"You don't have much time, so eat now." Robert tried to sit up but the pain in his ass and legs was so bad the best he could do is roll over on his stomach and reach for the bowl. He took it and started spooning the mushy glop into his mouth. When it was gone he pushed the bowl away and drank the entire bottle of water. The servant took the bowl, spoon and the empty bottle and left. She closed the door and turned off the light. Robert returned to his fetal position.

About five minutes later the light went on again and the door opened. As he turned his head to look, he was surprised to see a bucket of cold water being thrown on him. Splash! Jesus, that was cold.

A loud voice barked at him, "Get up off the floor, NOW!" It was the clear and urgent voice of Ms. Patterson.

Robert trembled at the sound of her voice, "yes Ma'am." And he made his best effort to stand up. When he faltered and fell, she grabbed his arm and pulled him into a standing position.

"Time to get your disobedient ass to work; you're coming with me!"

She walked out of the cell pulling Robert behind her, only to be greeted by two others. Handcuffs were put on him and he was led back to the Nurses medical room to get checked over before the next phase of his punishment was to begin.

Nurse Diane saw him coming with his three guards and saw that he was shivering from his chilly night in the holding cell. She weighed him - 169 pounds and took photos of him from all four sides. She took closeup pictures of his ass and legs where the extreme torture was applied the day before. She also told them not to handcuff him with his arms behind him as the handcuffs might rub and rip open the wounds and start the bleeding again. Instead of handcuffs they used a leather waist belt with handcuffs attached to it so that his hands were fastened by his sides. Prisons use them for moving dangerous felons around so that there is minimal risk to the guards. After looking him over she nodded that they could proceed.

Before they led him away, he had a chastity cage placed over his cock and balls. The cock cage was a modified CB6000 with a plastic tube in the middle of it designed to be pushed down the tip of the penis into the urethra. As well, it had an add-on called the DreamLover 2000, it is an electrical stimulation and pain device that delivers an electric shock to the penis and testicles. DreamLover calls it a 'male management' device, but those who wear one call it 'hell.'

The cock cage was locked with a small padlock and the waistband of the DreamLover was also fastened with a small padlock.

Ms. Patterson held the remote control for the DreamLover in her hand and explained to Robert, "All I have to do is push this button and you get a nasty shock to your dick If you disobey me in any way you will know it." Then she pushed the button for level 1 - Robert jumped as he felt the sting in his penis. "Yes ma'am."

"That was Level 1, now Level 2." Robert jumped even more, and his ass cheeks clenched as he felt the jolt of electricity hit him.

DreamLover puts a 'canine' setting for use to have men get on their hands and knees like a dog when commanded. The little electronic controller attached to the belt can recognize when the wearer is parallel to the ground and will zap the man on Level 3 repeatedly until he moves to his hands and knees. Level 3 hurts like hell. The canine setting is designed for maximum humiliation.

Now that Robert was fitted with his control device, he was given sandals to wear to protect his feet. One more adjustment was made before they were done. The hair clippers were brought out and his head was sheared down to a short stubble. Before this his hair had been styled by a very expensive barber, now it was gone.

He was then led outside by a leash attached to his cock cage and off he went to start his day of manual labour. It hurt to walk, every step was painful to his ass and legs. His muscles ached from all the pulling at the chains while he was being disciplined. The warm California sun felt good on his body after a night freezing in a concrete box. It was August and the temperatures there would easily get up to 90+ degrees.

Ms. Patterson told him not to speak or else she would remind him to be silent through the remote control she held in her hand that would send a jolt to his penis. "Yes ma'am." Robert was truly afraid of the woman as she was a sadist and enjoyed inflicting pain. He said nothing as they walked about three-quarters of a mile to a back area of the estate that was wooded and rough ground. When they arrived at the place where he was going to start his work, she unhooked the leash.

"If you get any wild idea about running off, I will zap you on level 3 for a really long time. Your cock will sizzle when I'm through with it."

"Yes ma'am" was his only response.

Robert was unshackled from the handcuffs and given a rake and told to start cleaning up the deadfall in the treed area. He started to work at what would become a month of back breaking labour designed to further break him physically, mentally and emotionally.

At lunch he was given another bowl of the same porridge that he had for breakfast and another bottle of water. That was it until the sun started to set and then he was reshackled and led back to his cell. Supper was a third bowl of porridge and another bottle of water. He was ravenous and ate it in seconds. His request for more was met with a stare and the door slammed and the light turned out. He felt around in the dark to find the blanket, it was still wet from the morning. He lay in the dark shivering and wondering if there was a way to end this misery. At the rate things were going he would starve to death or die of dehydration in the hot sun before the month was up.

The days slowly went by. The mornings always started the same, the light would come on, the door would open and the bucket of cold water would hit him. The DreamLover 2000 would summon him on the canine setting to quickly move to his hands and knees like a trained dog. Breakfast was always the same and eaten in the cell and washed down with a small amount of water. This was followed by the walk to the forest in the shackles for a day's work and then walk back to his cell.

The cell had a drain in the floor which allowed the water to drain. With so little food and water he barely had the need to defecate or urinate. On the third morning, he did void his bladder a small amount. It dribbled out the tube that was inside his cock and he winced as it came out. His humiliation was complete in some way as Andrea and her mother even controlled the way he urinated. He hadn't thought about it before but now it was one more thing to mark his servitude to a cruel mistress. He knew that Andrea might not have the desire to completely humiliate him this way, but her mother was capable of much depravity in her lust for control and domination. She held power over just about every man in her life. Her own husband was her servant just as were the husbands of her daughters.

At the 8th day he was woken from his sleep in the normal way, given his meager allotment of food and water then led by the chain on his cock cage to the punishment yard. To ensure his compliance he had three women escort him. When he realized where they were going his anxiety level went up immediately. He had lost track of the days and his ass and legs had just started to heal. But that was certain to be short lived.

Today as he was chained to the timber frame he started to softly cry and plead with them that he promised not to disobey ever again. Andrea and her mother were there to witness this next punishment. The other daughters and husbands were absent, surely much to their delight.

Once his wrists had been fastened and his ankles locked to the spreader bar and he could barely move, Andrea took his head in her hands and spoke softly to him, "Robert, be brave and take your punishment like the good husband I know that you want to be. You have worked hard this week and this punishment is only meant to make you a better husband and man." With that brief comment, she sat on one of the marble benches to watch this spectacle of obedient penitence. Her mother nodded to Ms. Patterson that she could begin.

Robert's skin was sunburned by working naked in the hot sun for the last week and any touch to his body was going to hurt even more. He was physically weak with lack of food and water, sixteen-hour workdays building a garden to honour the woman that was taking pleasure in his punishment. How fucked-up could these people be?

If he survived the month would he really be able to live as a husband in a nice house, wearing nice clothing and being treated in a reasonable way that recognized that he was Andrea's husband and not just another servant? He could dream.
