Husband is Finally Set Free


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In the morning, he woke up in a panic, not knowing where he was. He was covered in his own sweat and had to urinate badly. He went to the toilet and emptied his bladder through the tube still in his penis. He wondered how much longer he would be required to wear this damned thing. If Andrea planned to keep this on him permanently then clearly, he was never going to have intercourse with her again. He wondered about the statement by Paul when he said that Andrea might be pregnant. She didn't exactly look pregnant.

He went to the kitchen in the guest house to see if there was any food in the refrigerator, it was empty, so he refilled one of the water bottles from the faucet. In an hour he heard the front door open and Andrea's voice. "Robert, are you here, where are you?"

'Am I here?' he thought, where else would I be. If I left without permission, I would be back in the concrete box again. Of course, I'm here. "Yes Ma'am, I'm right here." He quickly stood up and looked at the floor.

Andrea went to the kitchen where he was. He was standing with his head bowed and eyes on the floor. He was not sure how the rest of this day would go. He needed to find out what was expected of him as her husband, if that was what she wanted. He needed to know his place. If he was to be the provider of oral sex and just that, well, then he would go find himself a piece of rope and end his misery as soon as he could. He was, at the essence of all else, a man. He needed to be treated with just a bit of respect and to know that he was wanted, even in some small way. A pet gets decent treatment, why not him?

He had thought about a lot while he laboured clearing brush and he thought it possible that Andrea had taken other lovers. That was probably why she did not allow him to have intercourse with her very often. What would it take to let him go free of any commitment to the Windsor's? He had signed two agreements: the first a marriage contract that was little more than a contract that said the Andrea pretty much owned him. The Second was an agreement to return and face extreme punishment for leaving the relationship. There had been no discussion about why he left, no thought whether he was happy, no thought about Andrea's responsibility to the marriage. No, it was pretty much do as you are told and do not complain; otherwise face the consequence of your complaint. The marks on his ass and legs bore witness to that idea.

Robert had faced the fact that he was a servant, like all the rest, and in his case unpaid. His liability for failure was extreme. He was not sure he could go on, but right now he did not have a choice. He knew that he had to get on with whatever they had decided he would do; all he could hope for in the next few days was food and a place to sleep.

"Robert, did you get some sleep?"

"Yes Ma'am"

"Are you Hungry?"

"Yes Ma'am"

"I will have Maria make something for you."

"Thank you, Ma'am,"

It was actually Sunday and if he had been at his job, he would have had the day off. Andrea would normally have had them attending something but seeing as how he looked terrible, she was not about to be seen in public with him looking that way. It would be hard to explain his awful appearance and the fact that he could not yet sit comfortably on a chair for any amount of time. She decided that she was happy to let him be here at the guest house until he could resume some semblance of normal appearance.

"I will have Maria bring you some clothes as well. Enjoy your breakfast." And with that short interaction she left.

Robert was now almost sure that she has a lover that is keeping her occupied. Some other man that was able to enjoy the feeling of his cock in her pussy. Someone who didn't have to settle for merely the taste of her pussy.

He made up his mind that he needed to get back to some sort of semblance of life as soon as he could manage. First things first - he needed to get the wounds on his ass and leg healed so that they would not be a constant reminder of the past month. He asked Maria, when she brought him some clothes, if she would be kind enough to call the Nurse and ask if she could come and see him.

Diane arrived with a bag of medical items that she figured would be needed. She told Robert to take off his t-shirt and pyjama bottoms and lay on his stomach on the bed. She rubbed lotion on the entire back side of his body spending lots of time on his ass and the tops of his legs. She was only too happy to do this for Robert because inside she felt that he had suffered greatly and unnecessarily at the hands of the Windsor's and he deserved the attention. She also secretly fantasised about Roberts erect cock between her legs and the pleasure that she would feel from him. She knew he would recover quickly and she wanted to see him get better.

After she spent almost an hour on his back, and her panties were wet, she had him roll over so that she could do the same to his front. She could see that his cock was straining to be erect inside the chastity device. She wondered how long Andrea intended to keep that infernal device attached to him. Robert had wondered that same thing. The massage that she gave him felt wonderful and it was that intimacy between a man and a woman that Robert wanted. He did not get that from Andrea since other than to please her with his mouth and tongue on her pussy he had not had sex with her that allowed him to orgasm inside her pussy in months. Andrea rarely even touched him other than to pull his head to her pussy.

"Thank you very much Ma'am." Robert said quietly after she had finished.

"Stop calling me Ma'am Robert, you know my name." she blushed.

"Thanks, but I figure right now it is best to be as humble as I can be to everyone so that I don't end up back sleeping naked on that concrete floor under the garage."

Inwardly she was shocked, she didn't know that the cell existed until Robert was put there. Robert didn't know it was there either.

The next day Robert got dressed in the morning and went to the kitchen to see if there was any food left from the day before. He found some coffee and made himself a cup. It was the first time in weeks that he felt even remotely normal.

Later in the morning Andrea appeared. She looked like she was dressed to go shopping or lunch with her friends and something else. Robert was apprehensive and stood quickly when she entered the guest house, his eyes not meeting hers but on the floor.

"Good morning Robert, I stopped to see if you were feeling better."

"Yes Ma'am, a bit better."

"Is see that Maria brought you some clothes to wear, I suppose we cannot have you naked all the time can we."

"Thank you, Ma'am."

"I wanted to see if you were ready to come back to our house. I want you back there with me. You are my husband; I love you Sweetie and I want you home."

"Yes Ma'am. Thank you, Ma'am." "Ma'am, I do have one question if I could ask?"

"What is that?"

"Will I be allowed to take off this chastity cage and belt soon? Also, when will I be allowed to go back to my job, if I still have one?"

"Oh my, I had forgotten about the chastity thing on you, I will see if mother has any objection and if she doesn't, I will have Ms. Patterson bring the key to take that thing off."

"Thank you, Ma'am." Robert exhaled noticeably as a sigh of relief.

"I will also ask Mother if you still can work at your old job. I think it might be time for you to move to a better job, we'll see."

"Thank you, Ma'am."

With that she left and got in the car that was waiting for her outside the guest house.

Robert felt a bit hopeful that he might soon shed the prison his cock was in. Now that he was eating and drinking more he had to urinate through that fucking tube and it meant that he had to sit on the toilet to take a piss or risk pissing on his feet..

The next day Robert was allowed out of the guest house, so he went to see Nurse Diane. He had not been able to have a regular bowel movement since...well, in a while, that was for sure.

She told him that it was due to the diet of oat-based porridge and no roughage like vegetables, greens and fruit. Her solution was old school; an enema. His colon needed to get cleaned out to allow it to reset and get back to normal.

Robert grimaced but figured that he had undergone far greater indignities in the last few weeks and this was in the privacy of the nurse's examination rooms and he knew that Diane had his best interests at heart.

"Go in there and get undressed while I get the equipment set up. Don't worry, this will be painless and fix your bowel problems"

He did not doubt that she would be gentle, he hoped that he could get her to apply that great body lotion to his skin again. He loved the touch of her hands on his body; she was very gentle to the point of exciting him. His wife, Andrea, had not done that for him in a while. He missed the intimacy of the touch of a woman, and he wanted it again.

The enema was a very calming procedure that Diane was expert at doing. After two washings of his colon he was feeling much better. He quietly asked if she could treat his ass and legs again, he told her that he still has discomfort trying to sit on a chair. Diane was all too eager to massage his entire body and wished that that damn chastity cage and belt were removed so that she could massage his cock and balls.

It was early evening when Robert walked back to the guest house at the same time that Andrea arrived home. She saw him walking along the driveway and her car stopped and she got out.

"Robert, you're out of the guest house!" She said with surprise to her voice, as if he were not allowed out.

With his head tilted toward the ground and standing at attention like a scolded child, eyes on the ground, "Sorry Ma'am, I wasn't feeling well so I went to see the Nurse."

Just then he heard the noise that the DreamLover 2000 makes whenever the wearer is commanded to assume the canine position.

When the first zap struck his cock and balls, Robert flinched and quickly went down on his hands and knees. He didn't know if it was his wife or Ms. Patterson who had hit the button. It didn't really matter. He knew that he had to remain there until he was allowed to move or crawl.

Ms. Patterson approached and told Andrea, "sorry Andrea but this poor excuse for a husband knows that when he is addressed by a Windsor woman he has to be on his hands and knees."

Andrea again looked a bit shocked, "Let him up, I want Robert to stand up."

Robert did nothing until given permission by the holder of the DL 2000 remote control.

Ms. Patterson nudged him in the crotch with her foot, "Get up!" she barked. Robert winced and quickly stood.

Andrea looked at her and asked what that thing was she had in her hand. Ms. Patterson explained what the small remote does and how it works. All the while Robert stood at attention looking at the ground. He was wishing he could escape them all and return to the relative safety of the guest house.

Andrea took possession of the remote. "I'll take that, he is my husband. If anyone is going to electrocute his penis it will be me."

Ms. Patterson handed over the DL2000 remote and left. Robert thought 'now what?'

"Robert, you're coming back to our house. Get your things from the guest house and come home."

"Yes Ma'am"

His mistress had spoken so he had better get to it. He didn't have much at the guest house so that would take him all of two minutes and then he was unsure what fate was waiting for him at Andrea's house. He went in through the servants' entrance to the house that he normally lived in. The housekeeper saw him come in and wondered what fresh hell awaited that poor boy.

"Ma'am, do you know where Miss Andrea is?"

"I think she went up to the master bedroom, but I'm not sure."

Just then he felt the tingle of the DL2000 on his penis and went looking, quickly, for his wife so that the strength of the electric pulse would not go up too much. He scurried up the stairs and knocked on the bedroom door.

"Come in."

Robert slowly opened the massive door and looked in. "Ma'am, did you want me for something?"

"Yes. I want you to come here and perform your husbandly duty."

Andrea was sitting on the large sofa. "You know what I want you to do."

"Yes Ma'am."

Robert immediately undressed so that he was naked and scurried over to Andrea. He got down on his knees in front of her. She was ready for him. She had taken off her skirt and panties and her pussy was ready for her husband to love with his lips and tongue. Andrea had missed that part the most when Robert left a month ago. He was always eager to please her and give her as many orgasms as she wanted. Sometimes he would spend hours in oral sex with her.

Robert was seldom allowed to penetrate her pussy. He didn't know it for sure, but he was almost certain she had others for that job. Robert knew that right now he had better do his best to please her if there was to be any hope of ever getting that fucking electric chastity cage off his cock and to be allowed to leave the estate, even if only to go to work.

He slowly nudged her pussy lips apart with his tongue and ran it up and down the full length of her vagina. He admitted to himself that he liked the taste of her, and that he did miss even this subservient level of intimacy with her. After spending a few minutes there, he moved his attention to her clit and used his teeth to gently bite and suck it. Andrea's head was rolling around and she had arched her back. Her legs were squeezing Roberts head and her well-manicured fingers were pulling his head into her vagina. She quickly went over the top and he knew she orgasmed.

"Don't stop, stay right there and keep doing that."

As her stomach and abdomen muscles flexed, he sensed that she was leaking a white runny fluid from her pussy. She was saltier to the taste than he recalled. And then it struck him like a dump-truck. She had been fucked earlier and this was the semen from whomever had fucked her.

Whoever she had been fucking had unloaded deep inside her. She probably cleaned up after sex, but this was the cum that went deep and now was being forced out by her squeezing her vagina.

She knew that when he figured it out this would further reinforce Robert's submission to her. The fact that she had other men as lovers was not his concern right now, so he swallowed his pride and some other guys semen as he spent over an hour sucking and licking on his wife's pussy. Besides, Andrea had control right now. Literally, with the remote for the DL2000 on the sofa beside her.

After the five or six orgasms, she told him to come to the shower and help her bathe. He turned on the shower and when the water was hot she got in. She took him by the hand and pulled him in with her. She put her arms around his neck and kissed him deeply with their tongues dancing together.

"I want you to soap my body and spend extra time on my pussy and tits. I want them extra clean."

So, Robert did exactly that. For the first time in months he felt a little bit like her husband. Standing in the shower with his wife, kissing her deeply, their tongues locked in a dance.

She turned her back to him and he took the soap and lathered his hands. He started at her neck and shoulders and slowly worked his way down. Just as she had told him he spent a long time massaging her breasts, cupping them in his hands and drawing his hands up until the slippery orbs dropped, then doing it again. He massaged her nipples until she moaned with the pleasure that tells a man that a woman's nipples were connected to her pussy. She tilted her head back on his shoulder leaning into him. Her ass could feel the chastity cage still on his cock. He knew that this was just to tease him.

Robert couldn't do anything about the erection he was getting because of the damn chastity cage. His cock filled that thing, but he sensed that with all the shocks that he took over the last month that it might have a permanent effect.

Andrea was enjoying the attention of Robert's hands and the feel of her body against his. His body felt hard to the touch and his skin was tanned dark brown from his long days working naked in the hot sun.

Robert was concentrating on pleasing his wife in the hope that she might want him to penetrate her. But that was his wishful thinking right now. He remembered that his job tonight was to use everything but his cock to make her happy. Some other fucker was sticking his cock in her and shooting his load. If she was pregnant the child was certainly not his.

Robert got on his knees and ran his hands up and down her legs and lingered on her shapely ass. Andrea has a fine ass he thought. He leaned into her and kissed her ass running his tongue up and down it. Andrea bent forward to give him better access to her pussy and anus. He dove in, kissing and sucking every part that his lips and tongue could touch. Andrea orgasmed two more times in the shower. Then she wanted Robert to dry her off so he took the big white towels and carefully dried every inch of her.

Andrea took Robert's hand and led him to the king size bed. She moved onto the bed and rolled over on her back and signalled for Robert to keep doing his magic on her pussy. He was fine with that; he was having fun teasing her as much as she was teasing him.

Robert was quietly thinking to himself that he needed to ignore the teasing as much as possible. This was mere work since he was a lowly servant who must do as he is bade. She controlled him with the DreamLover 2000 still attached to his cock, so he made very sure that she was happy and fulfilled by his work between her legs.

The hours drifted by with a succession of orgasms that eventually wore her out. Andrea needed sleep and Robert was dismissed back to a guest room rather than sleep in the bed with her.

He slept fitfully, waking often to see where he was and what time it was. He had been dismissed like any other domestic who is sent off when their work is done. He really wasn't a husband, no, he was a servant.

The next morning Robert was awake early and was anxious to talk to Andrea about going back to work at the company. He waited outside her bedroom door. When she came out Robert jumped to his feet and stood with his eyes down. "Good morning Robert, why are you here?"

"Good morning Ma'am. I was hoping to ask your permission to return to the job I had at the company. As well I was hoping to ask when I might be freed from this chastity cage and belt." His voice was quiet, meek and had an almost imploring quality.

"Last night you started to show me what a good husband you can be. I will talk to Mother today sometime about both of those things. Right now, I want some breakfast and coffee then I have things to do in the city. We'll talk after I get back." She started to hustle off to eat.

"Yes Ma'am, thank you Ma'am"

Robert quickly stood aside to get out of her way. Andrea was dressed for the day and she had her agenda in mind. He figured she had lunch with one of the useless women that she called friends. They were all rich and very spoiled. He also figured that she was meeting one of her lovers for an afternoon session that would have her riding cock until she orgasmed, and whoever he was dumped another load deep in her womb.

Unbeknownst to Robert, Andrea had an appointment with her doctor. She had missed her period and was almost sure that she was pregnant. As well she knew that one of the two lovers that she had been fucking was the father. She had been fucking two different men for several months. Her mother would not be happy.

The whole idea of training Robert, the same as the husbands of her three other sisters, was so they could have children with men that were well educated, smart, talented, socially presentable and could represent the Windsor Family in such a way that they would add to the family legacy. No, a bastard child from some affair would not be a welcome addition to the Windsor dynasty. Andrea's problem was that she had not let Robert fuck her for some time. So, convincing him that it was his child would be the problem. She did not know what to do. Yet.
