I Didn't Know He was My Nephew Ch. 02


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A few minutes later, his phone started ringing. He picked it up looked at the name on the caller id and sent the call to voicemail. I didn't want to get into his business, but I wanted to make sure he wasn't ignoring calls from his parents. His phone then beeped, I guess indicating he has a voicemail. Then a few moments later, his phone made a different sound, I'm guessing a new text message. He picked it up off the table, read the message, sighed, then turned off the screen.

I finally had to ask, "Is someone trying to get ahold of you? If it's your parents, you can call them back. You can use the bedroom or office if you need privacy."

"Don't worry, it's not my parents. I promise you I won't ignore them if they call. I just won't call them first." He stopped talking and I thought he was finished. However, a few minutes later, he sighed and said, "It was Aaron. He's been calling since school let out. Can we finish watching the movie, please? I don't him ruining what's been a great time so far. I promise, as soon as I'm ready to tell about Aaron, I will. It's just hard to think about."

As I looked into his eyes, I saw his desperate pleading. He didn't want to think about Aaron, so I wasn't going to force the subject. I placed a kiss on his cheek and turned back to the movie and pressed play. Once Clueless was finished, we decided to grab a bite to eat. I didn't feel like eating leftovers again and there wasn't much to cook since I hadn't been shopping yet, so, we ordered a pizza.

About thirty minutes after I placed the order, I sighed and reluctantly said, "Pizza should be here in a minute. Let me up so I can throw on some clothes. I don't want to scare the poor delivery driver by answering the door naked."

"Do I have to move? I'm too comfortable."

"Move it, Brat. You can stay here on the couch wrapped up in the blanket. I need to at least throw some shorts on so I can answer the door."

He jutted his lower lip out in the most precious pout I've ever seen. "I don't wanna. I want you to stay here, cuddled up with me."

I sighed. He took that as a sign I had given into his demands. He was then completely shocked when I unceremoniously rolled him off me and dumped him on the floor. As I was walking to my room, I heard him say through his laughter, "You're an asshole, Old Man."

I yelled back, "But it's a nice asshole at least isn't it." That was said as a statement, no questioning in my tone.

He returned, "Eh, I've seen better. I mean I do look in the mirror every single day and thank the gods for a booty like that."

By this time, I had grabbed my shorts and a tee shirt and was walking back into the living room just as the doorbell rang. I kissed him on his mouth and simply said, "Brat," and went to get our dinner.

On my way back to the living room, I stopped by the kitchen to grab some paper plates and couple of cans of Vanilla Coke. When I got back in the room, I went and set everything down in front of the fireplace. I then took off my shirt and shorts and sat down on the floor. After opening my Coke and grabbing a couple slices of pizza, I looked over towards him and asked if he was going to join me. I couldn't help but laugh at the look on his face. I swear, he was emulating a five-year-old. I don't think his bottom lip could stick out any farther. I shrugged my shoulders and said, "Brat," again and turned back around to face the fire.

Less than thirty seconds later, he was sitting by my side, helping himself to some of the pizza. After a few bites, he looked at me and asked, "You don't really think I'm a brat, do you?"

I laughed and said, "I don't think, I know."

He started shaking his head and was a little irritated when he replied, "I am not. I was never spoiled..."

I interrupted him. "Stop right there, babe. First, let me start by saying, I know your mom and dad didn't spoil you, but remember I know who your grandparents are. Second, I know who your grandparents are. Oh, and third, I know who your grandparents are and you damn well know you can't deny the fact that on every Christmas Day for the past eighteen years you didn't get each and every single item from you Christmas Wish List. Not just a couple of things, no, every single thing you and Layla asked for, y'all got on Christmas Day. Oh, and not to mention the fact that whenever they went to visit y'all during the year, they always came bearing gifts and took y'all shopping."

"Grandparents are supposed to splurge on their grandchildren."

"You know they went way past splurge and were on the far border of spoil."

"Okay, you're right. Hell, they bought me that truck in your driveway."

My hand, with pizza heading to my mouth, froze halfway through its journey. I looked at him with what I was hoping to be a neutral, blank expression. "What did you say?"

"Umm, they bought that truck outside for me. They bought Layla her Mustang before her senior year. I guess you didn't know that."

The emotions going through me right then were far too much for me to handle. I choked out, "Excuse me, I'll be back in bit."

I practically ran from the room. I couldn't believe what he told me. My parents made both my brother and me buy our own first cars. They helped with the down payment, but I had to work to pay for the note. It wasn't that much since I bought a used car. But in my drive way was black Chevy Silverado that was maybe two years old. I think the thing I was most upset about was the fact that they never even hinted at the fact they were buying both my niece and my nephew new cars. And Steve let them. I swear he takes advantage of them every chance he gets.

I finally stopped for a second and thought about what was happening. It was then I realized I was acting like a child. I was acting jealous of my nephew over something he had no control of. I turned to head back to living room, but J.D. was standing in the door to my room holding the pizza box with both of our plates and the drinks on top. He was watching me and looked to be a little apprehensive.

I said, "Come here, please." He crossed the room and I took the box from him and placed it on the floor, grabbed the drinks and plates and placed them on the nightstand, then I pulled him in a hug and whispered, "I'm sorry babe. I don't know why I got so upset. Actually, that's a lie. I know why. I was jealous. Mom and Dad made me buy my own car while I was still in high school. They helped with the down payment and carried me on their insurance, but it was my responsibility to pay the monthly notes. I was on such a limited budget I had to buy a used car. I just can't believe your dad let them buy it."

"If it makes a difference, Dad was going to tell them not to buy Layla's car but Mom talked him into allowing them to pay for it. Then when it was my turn, his hands were tied because Mom asked him if it would be fair to me if Layla got a new car from them and I didn't."

"Are you serious?" I asked because I needed to know for sure. When he nodded his head, I scoffed, "Wow. If you don't want to hear something negative about your mom, you better cover your ears." I waited a few seconds to see if he would. He didn't, so I continued, "You mother is a first-class-manipulative-psycho-cunt-whore-bitch. Thank the gods you didn't turn out like her."

He tried to keep a straight face, but it didn't work. He let out a bark of laughter that brought a smile to my face. "You might find this surprising, but I've always thought my mom was...let's go with socially awkward. With thing you're telling me now, I can see she's fucking crazy. She's been on and off meds my whole life."

"Really? Huh, that explains some things." I started kissing him and led him to the bed. "Enough about families, exes, and anything else that is outside this house. Let's finish eating, then we'll see what happens."

As soon as we were finished eating, I suggested we lay down for a bit before getting into anything else. J.D. agreed and we both got on the bed and lay down under the covers and cuddled up next to each other. This time though, it was my back pressed against his chest. I don't think either of us actually fell asleep; but I know we did lay there for over an hour and didn't say a single word. We just enjoyed the feel the other's body against our own.

Finally, I rolled over and looked him in the eyes for a minute or so before I said, "I'm going to hop in the shower. You stay here, I promise I'll be right back."

His face lit up with a knowing smile. "Okay, but make it as quick as possible or I might start without you."

I laughed. "How do you plan on doing that?"

"I have a right hand. Nothing has ever gotten me off quicker nor as often. It's the perfect boyfriend. Always there when I need to get off. Doesn't bore me with useless conversation. Doesn't need to be constantly reassured of my feelings. It's literally my right-hand man."

"Very funny, Brat. I won't be long, I promise."

"Okay Old Man. Just don't slip and fall and break your hip while in the shower."

I responded with a chuckle and a kiss to his lips. "Fuck you, Brat."

"I thought I was going to be fucking you this time. It doesn't matter to me, I cool either way."


I could still hear his laugh as I closed the bathroom door. Ten minutes later, I returned to the bedroom to find J.D. resting with his back against the headboard, lazily stroking his very hard cock. I grinned at him and he said, "You made it just in time. I was afraid I was going to have to take care of this myself."

I straddled his hips and looked him in the eyes. I started placing soft kisses on his neck and face. When I got to his mouth, one of his hands grabbed me by my neck and other started rubbing in the cleft of my ass.

The hand that was holding my neck pulled me in close to him and he attacked my mouth. While our tongues were doing battle for dominance of the kiss, his finger started massaging around my hole. I'm still not sure how, but somehow, he managed to find, open, and pour some lube on his fingers. He started lubing my hole. That was driving me crazy, so I broke the kiss.

"Here move down and lay flat on your back."

He slid down in the bed and I sat on his chest facing away from him. My hands explored his body starting at his chest and ending at his waist. Once my hands finished their exploration, they went to work on his cock and balls. My mouth then followed the same path my hands took and I eventually ended with his cock deep in my throat.

While I was exploring his body with my hands and mouth, he was doing a similar exploration, only on a much smaller scale. Between his mouth and his fingers, I was certain I was going to make it much longer.

The prep work he was doing to me had me more than ready. I finally couldn't take it any longer. I pulled up off his cock and said, "Babe, how do you want me? I'm ready and don't want to come until you are inside me."

"Okay. Lay on your back. I love watching your face as I enter you and especially when you come."

I laid down on my back and grabbed a pillow to place under my lower back. He lined the head of his dick up with my waiting entrance and started pushing in. I think I went straight to heaven then. He slid in me with one smooth slow stroke. My breathing hitched when he bottomed out and he stayed perfectly still. Finally, after a few moments for me to adjust to him, I looked at him and nodded.

He pulled his cock almost all the way out, leaving only the head inside. I expected him to slide back inside with a little more pressure and speed. Not my Brat. He held it there, not moving at all, and looked down at me.

With a shit-eating smirk plastered on his face, he said, "You need to tell me what you want me to do. Do you want me to go nice and slow and fuck you deep?" That's exactly what he did as he said that. He kept that up for a few strokes, then stopped again in the same place. When I looked up at him, his expression was one of torturous amusement.

"Or, would you rather me fuck you as hard and fast as I possibly can?" He then began to do just that. My head involuntarily fell back and I screamed out an anguished cry of pure joy. "Oh, you like that don't you?"

He kept that pace up for a bit longer before he said, "Is this how you like it? Come on Jason, use your words. You need to tell how you want me to love you."

When he said that last part, he forced out eyes to meet. I saw nothing but pure adoration, happiness, and love. I started to come way to soon for my liking, and if the oncoming orgasm was going to be like the others, he would get off at the same time.

I started shooting everywhere. The first shot landed somewhere on my chest. The second shot actually made it on my face because J.D. shoved my legs farther up when he came deep inside me.

I looked at him and demanded, "Don't stop. Please don't stop. Do you think you can keep going?"

He managed to respond through his panting. "Yeah, but I can't keep up the pace we were going. Just let me catch my breath real fast."

He started placing kisses on my neck and worked his way to my mouth. The whole time he stayed fully erect and balls deep inside me. When he finally reached my mouth, he took my breath away with the gentleness of kisses. He then started moving slowly but determinedly. This time he didn't pull out hardly at all. This was a totally different kind of experience for me. He moved his hips in small circles, continuously applying pressure to my prostate.

The feelings were indescribable. Normally when fucking, the stimulus to my prostate is rhythmic, almost staccato. A pattern of pressure, no pressure, pressure, no pressure going hard and fast. This time, there was a constant pressure against my prostate. The circular motion of his hips didn't offer any relief from the pressure.

Whatever he was doing, it was working because my cock didn't lose any of its hardness. If anything, it was even harder than before. The kiss never stopped. He kissed me and fucked me slow and deep right up to the brink of another orgasm for both of us.

When he had us at the precipice, he pulled his mouth from mine. He looked down at me and as soon as our eyes met, we both came. He rolled off me, trying to gain control over his breathing. My heart felt like it was about to pound out of my chest.

I rolled my head his way as he rolled his towards me. At the exact same time, we said, "Absofuckinglutely amazing," and started laughing.

About five or ten minutes later, I could feel the come starting to dry to my skin. I said, "We need to clean up soon. Dried come and body hair don't mix well. You have energy to make it to the shower? Because I'm not sure I do."

The little Brat literally jumped out of bed and said, "Come on Old Man. I'll help support you. Then we can crawl back under those covers and hold each other all night."

And that's what we did. I awoke the next morning with J.D.'s back pressed tightly against me. My hard cock was nestled in the cleft of his ass. He pressed his ass against me hard and asked, "Are you going to fuck now? Do you have it in you Old Man?"

I laughed and said, "Fuck you, Brat." I then rolled over and got out of bed and went about my morning routine. It didn't take J.D. long to follow me mumbling something about brats, he'll show me a fucking brat, fucking old man probably couldn't do it again anyways. I looked at him and said, "Believe what you want, Brat. But trust me, this Old Man could bend you over this counter and fuck you until you didn't know your name if he wanted to. You make me happy just being in the room with me. I don't need to fuck every time my dick gets hard. You being you is enough for me."

He looked at me and said in an awed voice, "That has got to be the nicest, sweetest, most loving, cheesiest thing anyone's ever said to me." We both busted out laughing.

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CuriousPeteCuriousPete10 months ago

Just ran into chap 1 and now this. Really good writing and very hot sex. Don't know why I didn't see it when first posted. Really enjoyed it and wouldn't mind a follow-up if you are still writing.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

To leave this story as is, is just right... let them live in bliss and let them figure out the next steps in their own time.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

Great read, but we are all wanting to know what is next, did the family find out I hope you finish this

Lonelymale61Lonelymale61over 2 years ago

Loved the story. Hope you continue it, you should.

Richard1940Richard1940almost 3 years ago

Cracking story but not complete. What happened when the shit hit the fan when the family found out??

5* despite the question marks!

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