I, Dombot

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Kinky girl, helpful bot.
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I'd like to thank darklingdarling for her valuable editing and ideas. Please enjoy our effort.


Max and Theresa looked at their new housebot as it stood in the midst of the discarded packaging from which it had emerged. A domed cylinder atop a single spherical wheel, it waited patiently. It was about five feet tall and had four extendable arms spaced around its circumference. Their last robot had served them well but had finally gone on to the great recharging station in the sky.

"It looks awfully like a sex toy, doesn't it?" she said.

"Shall we call it Mr. Vibro then?" Max laughed at his own joke.

Theresa, whose nick name was 'Terry-my-clothes-off' giggled, but said "I think not."

"The AI is supposed to be a major upgrade. It learns to anticipate your needs so the longer it's around you the less you need to give detailed or even any instructions at all."

"I think I'll name him, Botman. Is that alright with you?" She addressed the machine directly.

"I am Botman" it agreed in a deep, gravelly voice. Albeit one with a faint brassy undertone that betrayed its synthetic nature. It had already scanned their digital profiles and found them to be fans of pre-Holo media, especially that of the comic book movie era.

The couple dissolved into gales of laughter. Theresa was the first to recover. She stepped closer to the robot and laid her hand on its case. It was cool and she felt a barely discernable hum from inside.

"It has a sense of humor," she observed.

"More accurately, it's decided that we do and is responding to us. That's pretty fast work off of three sentences and your sweet giggle. I think it's going to work out fine. Ok buddy, time to get to work."

The machine began gathering the remains of the shipping container. The humans watched for a moment and then left the room.

Theresa sat on her bed wrapped in a towel. Botman had fed her a delicious dinner after work and she'd spent the rest of the evening soaking in an old-fashioned bath. She was warm, soft and more than a little horny. Sadly, Max was on an overnight business trip. Time for a bit of self-bondage, she thought. After selecting the toys that she wanted to use, she stepped to the door and called out.

"Botman, I'm going to take a nap. Please, don't disturb me."

"Yes, Theresa." it replied in its flat voice.

Terry attached the soft restraints to the four posts of their antique Victorian bed. Almost two hundred years old, it was the pride of their bedroom and the soft straps were as much to protect its finish as her skin. She slipped her feet into the loops and gently tugged them snug. Her left hand went next. Her breathing was speeding up already.

A short, but thick vibrator set on low was lubed up and placed in her cunt. Sometimes it and her fantasy were enough to bring her off, but sometimes not. The suspense was all part of the fun. She thought about using a gag but for safety, settled for a snug blindfold instead.

The restraint for her right hand was in two parts with a small lock to tie the post section to the wrist section. Terry had made sure that the key was in reach on the pillow before blindfolding herself. Much practice made locking the sections together fairly easy even in the dark. The click of the lock gave her a pleasant shiver. She tugged at the straps and smiled at the solid feel.

What shall it be tonight? Pirates sounded like fun.

She was Lady Daphne Smythe, virgin but not entirely innocent daughter of a large plantation owner on Jamaica. Pirates had raided while her father was away. She and the servants had hidden the valuables but had been captured while escaping. She could hear the other women screaming as the pirate crew sported with them.

The Captain had marked her for himself and had sworn to force her to reveal the location of the hidden treasure. He'd ordered some of the men to strip her naked and bind her to the bed in her own room, but to leave her otherwise unmolested. The naked lust in their eyes at the sight of her bared body made her blush hotly. She would never forget the feel of their calloused hands on her naked flesh as they stripped her clothes away. Escape was impossible. She heard heavy sea boots outside her door. The Captain paused in the doorway and looked at her with an unreadable expression.

Theresa twisted on the bed. The sex toy filling her buzzed relentlessly. Her juices were seeping past it and dripping down her crack. She wished that the straps were tighter. She loved the stretched feel of complete immobilization. Maybe Max would indulge her when he got home. The sex toy slipped fractionally. She tried to press her thighs together to shift it back, but the bondage prevented her. Her inner muscles just managed to grip the now very slippery toy. A wave of pleasure washed over her body as she tightened her cunt.

Terry moaned softly. She scooted herself down the mattress and rolled her hips. If she could just get it deeper, she knew she'd cum. It was almost there and the 'almost' was driving her crazy. Unnoticed, the back of her hand bumped the key and it slid down the pillow. The woman thrashed on the bed trying to move the vibrator just a bit deeper. The tiny key bounced merrily until it fell behind her elbow.

Daphne turned away as the Captain approached her captive body. He was carrying a whip and his pants bulged. He teased the coiled lash gently over her form. She shivered with fear and some other emotion. His strong hands gripped her chin and forced her to face him.

"Do you fear the whip? You should. I shall show you something."

He laid the coiled instrument on her belly and strip off his shirt. The leather was cold against her skin. His chest was as brawny as you'd expect a sailor and fighter's to be. A scowling red devil tattoo glared at her from the Captain's chest. Slowly, he turned around.

Daphne caught her breath. His back was a mass of criss-crossed scars piled one on the other. Her gorge rose in her throat and she swallowed hard to keep her last meal down. She couldn't understand how he'd survived one such flogging. That he'd endured many seemed incredible to her. He sat beside her and picked up his whip. The supple leather slid through his fingers suggestively.

Theresa was so close that she thought it would drive her crazy. Unfortunately, her gushing juices were making it harder and harder to maintain her grip on the toy. No matter how she twisted or rolled her hips, it was gradually backing out of her. It looked like she might have abort with the bondage and finish with her fingers. At least it should be one hell of an orgasm. She sank back into her fantasy for one more try.

"Once I was as loyal a tar that ever sailed for His Majesty's Navy. Now I am a pirate. The cat-o-nine-tails and the desire to survive made that change. The Navy is hard at the best of times and hellish in others. I am hardened by the life I've led and now I take what I want or need..."

"This is a toy compared to the cat that moused with me but--"

He leaned down and touched his lips to her ear. His beard tickled her neck and she could smell the rum that he'd drunk. His palm cupped her cheek then his hand drifted down and his fingertips brushed her throat.

"--you are soft. Brave you may be, but that won't save you. The things we demand are trifles to your father's riches. Give them and be returned to him safe and unbroken."

Her tormenter's hand covered her breast and twiddled the nipple. Daphne gasped at the sensation. He stood and uncoiled the whip behind him. White hot pain exploded in her as he cut the whip across her thighs. Her naked body bucked on the mattress but she clamped her jaws together and managed to remain silent. The captain smiled at her sardonically.

Theresa groaned in frustration as the dildo fell out of her. The tip rest against her taint and sent the slightest of vibrations into her. "Fuck this.", she muttered. Her hand reached for the key. Her groping became more frantic when the bit of metal eluded her. Panic at the thought of being truly trapped was making her pulse race.

Terry coned the fingers of her left hand and twisted it gently in the restraining loop. Somehow, she might be able to slip out of the strap. Unsuccessful with that she switched to her right. Her wrist turned easily but however she twisted or rubbed against the bed spread, it was impossible to get loose. She had quite a bit of slack but she wasn't able to quite wriggle free.

Frustrated, she pulled with all her strength and hoped that something would break. The bed didn't even creak at the strain and the straps were some weird practically indestructible nano-fiber that Max had insisted on. She fought until she was exhausted.

Theresa lay back to catch her breath and cool down. She was covered with sweat from her exertions and perversely, the situation was turning her on. She was stuck but safe in her own home. She might humiliate herself by soiling the bed but Max would be home to release her in twelve hours. It wasn't like she was going to die. Might as well see how Daphne's getting on, she thought.

The second blow started tears in her eyes. The third was higher on her legs and drew an audible groan from her. Livid welts ran across her soft flesh but her tormenter was careful not to break the skin. Three more slashes cut across her belly and she was openly sobbing after the last. Her tear filled eyes were pleading with the Captain.

"Are you ready to tell me?" he asked softly.

Daphne turned her face away and shook her head. She cringed in anticipation of renewed torture. She shuddered when the pirate traced his finger along the red line of the welts. Somehow, his touch was making her oddly breathless. There were sounds of movement but she refused to turn to see. A strong hand gripped her hair and twisted her head around.

He was kneeling on the bed naked. His engorged cock was inches from her face. There was a dribble of fluid at the tip. He slowly pressed it forward until it bumped against her lips. She tried to draw back but his hold on her hair tightened painfully.

"Lick it, kitten"

Her frown of disbelief earned her a rough slap that started her tears again. Daphne licked tentatively at the bobbing head. The taste was odd but to her liking. As she grew more confident in her ministrations the prick slid into her mouth. Her tongue played underneath and her lips gripped the shaft. She was sensible enough to ignore the strong temptation to bite. The bulbous tip bumped the back of her mouth and gagged her slightly. Her mouth filled with drool which leaked past her lips and wetted her chin.

The captain began to fuck her face. His free hand played with her breast. She moaned. He grunted with satisfaction. Daphne's juices were flowing as her animal instincts overturned her inhibitions. He was thrusting harder; gagging her each time. Then the probing cock pressed past her reflex and slid down her throat. Deprived of breathe she tried to pull away but his powerful hand held her in place. Her arms jerked desperately at the ropes holding her. Her heels drummed on the mattress. Inarticulate pleas gurgled in her throat. Perhaps in response her ravisher pulled back. Sweet air flooded her lungs as her chest heaved.

She choked again when he flooded her mouth with his seed. He pulled out and jacked the rest of his load on her face. The sticky fluid clung to her lashes and painted her pink cheeks. She spat her mouth clear and the mix of spittle and cum coated her chin. It dripped onto her neck and soaked her hair. Her indignant scowl brought a laugh from her captor.

Theresa was writhing on the bed in frustration. She was excited beyond reason but her own orgasm still eluded her. Twelve hours of this and she really would be crazy. A noise in the next room made her freeze in place. Was Max home early? Hope filled her then deflated just as suddenly when Terry realized it was only Botman going about his business. But maybe rescue wasn't so far away.

"Botman" she squeaked. Her voice sounded strained even to her.

"Yes, Theresa." It responded immediately.

Terry inhaled deeply before she replied. Even though she knew the bot wouldn't judge her, she was reluctant to take the next step.

"Come here, please.", she finally said.

The door opened and then she heard nothing until Botman's voice came from the edge of the bed. She gave a startled jerk.

"How may I serve you?"

"Remind me to put a bell on you."

"Yes Theresa."

She imagined the machine looming over her and scanning her naked body. The image wasn't helping her formulate her next words. The pirate captain was in danger of being supplanted by robot overlords.

"I can't see the key to this lock and now I'm stuck."

"You are wearing a blindfold, Theresa."

"Yes. I know that but do you see a key anywhere?"

"Where was the last place you saw it?"

Theresa was torn between laughter and exasperation. She reminded herself that the robot was doing its best to help.

"It was on the pillow near my hand, my right hand. So I could reach it and the lock at the same time. So that I could, you know, unlock myself."

"It is not visible in that location."

"Alright, I guess you'll have to cut me loose. Go ahead."

The bot pulled on the cord and the tension stretched Terry's arm tight. The sensation gave her a bit of a thrill.

"Take it easy there, big fella. We don't want any accidents."

"The tension is well within human, adult female and your specific physiological limits, Theresa. I cannot cut these straps with my on board tools. I must find something more powerful. Are you going to wait here until I return?"

Theresa suppressed a sarcastic reply and instead said.

"OK, but don't take all night."

"I will not take all night." it acknowledged and rolled silently away.

The embarrassment Theresa had felt when she'd exposed her kink to the bot had started to fade. Its complete lack of human reaction had helped with that. Unfortunately, she was still horny as fuck. Then an idea occurred to her.

Theresa yelped in surprise at the sound of her bot's voice near her bed. Again, she hadn't noticed its silent arrival.

"There is no tool in the house capable of severing these straps. I have ordered one which is adequate and listed the expense under miscellaneous. Are you alright, Theresa? It will arrive shortly but if you are in distress then I can notify Emergency Services."

"NO!" she almost shouted. "Sorry. No, don't do that. I'm fine. Just a little keyed --up."

"Yes. I see your skin is flushed and you are perspiring. Also, your heart rate is 42 percent above your normal resting rate. Would you like a cool drink or a cup of chamomile tea? Perhaps you would like to be wiped down with cool clothes? Theresa, your heart rate has spiked again. How may I aid you?"

"OK. First, I want you to tighten the straps on my arms and legs."

"Yes Theresa."

Less than a minute later, Terry found herself stretched tautly across her antique bed. She wriggled as much as she could and found that it wasn't very much. It was nearly perfect. The bot waited patiently for further instructions.

"Next, do you see a small machine between my legs?"

"There is a Pink Pulsar Multispeed Pleasure Probe, Model 43A21 with 55 percent charge remaining between your legs."

"Yes, that's it. Pick it up and slide it into my cunt until I tell you to stop then hold it there. Very gently and round end first." she added quickly.

Theresa was still very wet and the bot had no trouble inserting the toy. The bound woman moaned softly as she was penetrated. She rocked her hips experimentally after the dildo reached the perfect position. Botman had interpreted her order to hold it there to mean motionless relative to the surroundings. No matter how hard she pushed the toy didn't move. It could have been nailed to the wall.

"Oh, yes. That's good. Mmmm..."

Theresa was regretting being tied so tightly. Her orgasm was building but she was short on the mobility to get a rhythm going. She wanted ride the little toy right over the edge. 'Well, just relax and let it happen', she told herself.

"Oh, fuck that's good. Yeah, right there. Fuck. I'm almost there. Fuck, fuck, fuck. It's coming. Ooooh, I'm cumming. Ooooh, fuck me. Oh, oh, oh fuck me!" She groaned.

Botman interpreted this last part as an instruction and started pumping the toy in and out of her sopping sex.

"Omigawd, that's so good. Keep doing that. Do you know what a clit is?"

"A clit is part of the female extern..." it began.

"Shut up and just fucking touch it, you mechanical sadist."

Botman mulled the order for what was, for it, a very long time. Was this a sequential order that was meant to supersede the previous task or a simultaneous order meant to be added to the current task? After 14 milliseconds it decided the order was meant to be simultaneous. It did not ask for clarification because Theresa appeared preoccupied.

Instead of using the vibrator as she perhaps intended, Botman extended an unused arm toward her. It maintained the steady motion of the probe inside Theresa and initiated a matching vibration in its extending manipulator. The buzzing tip touched her swollen clit. It was cold.

"Aaaaaaaaah!" Terry screamed the air from her lungs.

Terry's climax exploded in her. Her arms and legs jerked at the restraints. Her muscles convulsed and her arched back lifted her from the mattress. Botman was challenged to track her jerking movements but kept re-establishing contact. A series of smaller orgasms ripped through her. The bot kept fucking and diddling her. She couldn't catch her breath. Her pulse was roaring in her ears before she collected enough air to speak.

"Omigawd, please stop." She spoke in less than a whisper.

The bot obediently retracted its arm and pulled the dildo from her cunt. Random muscle contractions made Theresa's body twitch.

"The charge on the Pink Probe is exhausted. Shall I replace the batteries and continue?"

"Botman, are you trying to kill me?"

"No, Theresa. That is counter to my programming."

"Good to hear and no, please god no, no more right now."

"I have found the key, Theresa. It is at the juncture of your right arm and torso."

"Outstanding. Give me the key."

The bot placed the key in Theresa's hand but the tight bondage put the lock out of her reach. Her thoughts were hazy in the afterglow and the problem seemed insurmountable. Finally, she realized the obvious solution.

"Botman, take the key and get me loose."

"Yes, Theresa."

It released her with a few minutes of efficient work.

"Do you need anything else, Theresa?"

"I'm good. Sleep now."

She curled up and waved it away.

"Yes. Your heart rate and respiration are almost normal. Your color is more typical, also. Please inform me if you'd like another treatment."

"Oh god, no." she muttered. "Maybe when Max gets back. He gets pretty keyed up too."

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AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago
guite good

Good story for sure!

stephenchapmanstephenchapmanalmost 7 years agoAuthor
Interesting thought

I'm not promising to cancel the hacker but I'm intrigue by the idea of Botman becoming more and more dominate. In the world where they exist only about 20% percent of people have jobs. Max and Teresas are unusual in that they both are employed. Theresa could very easily disappear into full time subspace. Calculating, calculating......

DryhillDryhillalmost 7 years ago
Great start

I look forward to reading more about these two. Personally I'm not interested in any hacker or even Max being involved, just the mishaps of language will be enough until the robot decides this female human "wants" total domination.

By the way, where do I get such a wonderful robot? I'm sure I can give some instructions that result in me being at a machines metcy ...... hmmmm!

stephenchapmanstephenchapmanalmost 7 years agoAuthor

My editor mentioned that Theresa's safety precautions are a bit sloppy. No doubt she'll get herself in trouble, again

charmscalecharmscalealmost 7 years ago
So hot!

One of my favorite dynamics in erotica is master and not quite submissive servant. I like the idea of Botman learning more about bdsm on his own, and then putting this knowledge to use next time Theresa asks him to pleasure her. Maybe throw in a poorly worded command, such as "fuck me until I'm satisfied and don't stop no matter what I say," or something like that. Theresa will be at the mercy of her servant, who honestly wants only to please, but may decide to please her in ways she did not anticipate.

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