I Keep Having the Craziest Dream


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'You don't know which one you'd rather be, do you?!'

And just like that, Gabrielle had stolen the words right out of her mind.

'Oh both,' Zoe said without hesitation. A wink and a kiss was how that conversation ended that night. It seemed almost psychically sympathetic of Zoe's compromising position, like Gabrielle knew where her mind was at.

And if that was the case, then their developing flirtationship wasn't going to end here. Gabrielle was testing the waters, seeing if Zoe was of the mind to follow and to see where things might lead.

Until 2am that morning Zoe watched clip after clip on the porn site Gabrielle had directed her to. It was like a whole new universe had been opened up to her, and it all insisted that she needed this kind of thing in her life.

And if she wasn't careful it might become her life. Drifting off to sleep, phantom vibrations still causing her to tingle and ache, she recalled what Gabrielle had said about desensitisation. That led to a few dreamy thoughts.

Surely if Gabrielle was interested in her "in that way", then she wouldn't want to spoil her. She'd want to tease her with the fantasy and then give her the experience of the real thing.


Shelley's younger sister Danielle had a birthday coming up, just around the corner. She, Zoe, Gabrielle and Ann Marie were discussing the possibility of organising a birthday party to usher her into her nineteenth year at The Grapes.

The Grapes was one of their usual haunts. That was where they had met Gabrielle, when she used to work there with Shelley. With so many good memories there, and the function-friendly layout, it made sense to hold a party there.

There was a separate function suite that could hold a good thirty people comfortably as well as a buffet. The pub had a beer garden out back too, which would be ideal depending on whether the weather would hold up its end of the bargain.

And who else but Ann Marie suggested a themed costume party? It was the fail-safe go-to plan for an easy laugh. Maybe if Danielle dressed up a little slutty she might end up with a bonus birthday gift...

'Erm, I'm not doing this to get my sister laid,' Shelley informed Ann Marie, who just laughed it off.

'Spoil sport!'

'It's not that I don't want her to be happy,' she explained over the rim of her gin and lime. 'Just if she ends up being hurt I don't want to be the one who facilitated it.'

'Does she like horror stuff?' Zoe asked, and then suggested; 'We could do a horror movie theme!'

'Mmm,' Shelley nodded none too enthusiastically. 'She's a bit too girly for that, but who's to say there has to be a theme?'

'Excellent,' Gabrielle piped up, grinning mischievously, and raised her glass. 'I'll just wear my strap-on then...'

Nobody turned to look faster than Zoe, who quietly searched her eyes for clues. Was she serious?

'Gab, are you actually serious?' Zoe asked.

'Saves money, always good for a laugh,' Gabrielle said with a grin and a shrug of her slight shoulders.

'You fucking would as well,' Ann Marie insisted.

'Go for it, sister,' Shelley approved and began to giggle quietly into her drink.

Gabrielle looked back to Zoe when the coast was clear, when Ann Marie and Shelley resumed to talk amongst themselves, and she fixed her with that same look of mischief, tongue in cheek.

'Hey I might have a costume lying around for you, too,' she suggested, playfully chewing on her own bottom lip.

'Am I your size?' Zoe asked doubtfully.

'Handcuffs are all-inclusive,' Gabrielle flirted, and then winked her way.

'Fuck me,' Zoe thought upon hearing those words. 'I am not getting through this night with my knickers dry...'

In fact nobody got out of that place dry. Utterly sloshed the girls made a midnight trip to the kebab house, and their back teeth were swimming by the time they got there. Somewhere along the walk to the taxi rank, Ann Marie ended up wearing a traffic cone for a hat, before she was pulled over by a couple of beat bobbies.

She was not living that one down for a while. But still, it would be a lot easier than wearing a label that screamed:


On the ride home Zoe dug her heels into the back seat floor mat and kept her legs pressed tight together. It was not for the drunken need to urinate.

Her hands balled up tightly out of sight, every time Gabrielle glanced in her direction she wanted nothing more than for her to lean over, maybe run a hand up across her thigh and specifically say; 'I would so fuck you right now if we were alone...'


It was 3am and she was wide awake. Gabrielle as well, in fact - just in another bed, another bedroom, another house, another street. In half an hour the sky would be turning from black to blue and to that early summer morning grey.

But for now all the light in the world consisted of orange streetlight streaked uniformly across the bedroom walls, and the stark white artificial light of her Messenger screen glaring her right in the eyes. And her eyes were wide open with disbelief.

'What the hell is wrong with me?' Zoe begged as she read her own words.

'Do you prefer to fuck her or for her to fuck you?' she had asked. They had taken leaps and bounds from their ice breaker, when Gabrielle had asked if Zoe was okay. As it happened, Zoe was doing most of the gazing and searching that night, without even realising just how blatantly.

From there, Zoe had come clean, while also cumming intensely at the mere thought of confessing that she liked the idea of being on either end of a strap-on dildo, which she had yet to do so.

'Tell me if I'm wrong but I get the feeling we flirted a lot tonight,' was what Zoe had summoned the courage to say. That was a hell of a leap for her as it was.

'Well you're good at it, and I like the way you react when I flirt with you,' Gabrielle admitted.

'It's just that since I mentioned my crazy dream, and the porno you sent me, and everything else...'

She didn't know how to put it across. That was as far as she could go. But it was a sentence unfinished. It was bad form. Gabrielle could have reacted badly and she wouldn't have blamed her for it. But Gabrielle knew how this went.

That made one of them!

'Sorry, it's just that I like you. Have I offended you?'

'Fuck no! I'm just clueless here,' Zoe projected truthfully. 'I didn't want to send mixed messages. I like you too much!'

'Well I like you,' Gabrielle shot back with a kiss. And she would have liked very much if that kiss had not taken place on social media. 'Don't worry about it. Just be playful,' she added, which caught Zoe off guard.

Did she even know how to be? Blunt was her middle name. 'So...'

And then she asked that question about fucking and getting fucked. She could see Gabrielle typing her answer but it seemed to take an eternity, leaving her in great suspense. Zoe began to panic then, dreading that she would be the one to have gone too far.

'It really depends on the girl,' Gabrielle stated flatly.

And then; 'I'd fuck you and probably cum hard just from seeing your reaction to being fucked by another girl!'


'I'm just saying it like it is,' Gabrielle defended her forwardness. 'That being said...'

Again, Zoe waited in suspense, and inched her hand back down over her trimmed triangular lawn, and upon placing her fingertips at the hot wet opening to her pussy began to wank herself off in swirling, stirring motions.

'If that was going to happen, I'd want you to chase your dreams and see what it's like to fuck a girl with a big cock!'

'Yup, speechless xx'

'You don't have to say anything,' Gabrielle assured her. 'We can blame it on being drunk... lol.'

Was that a fact? Zoe was open to testing this theory, to some extent. A few times she'd flirted this way, but only with men, and it never went anywhere. But then they were only part of the outer social circle. She didn't have to see them every few days.

Did she have the nerve to say what she wanted to say and to see where it would go?

'Really, well then if I'd be with a girl then I'd be so lucky to be with a gorgeous girl like you,' Zoe's fingers stammered across the keys with astounding speed. 'But I'm not that kinda lucky, and I'd be scared of ruining our friendship.'

Another pause...

'Plus ideally we'd be sober and know what we were doing lol...'

'Well sometimes it isn't down to luck. If you like me and I like you, and we care about our friendship, we'd just take it as it comes and enjoy it, wouldn't we?' Gabrielle asked in all fairness.

'You have an answer for everything,' Zoe mock-scolded, but she was secretly in admiration of Gab's confidence. She only wished she was the same.

'I have a question for everything too,' she fired back cockily.

Zoe almost too busy now sloppily working her pussy over with two, no three, fingers...

'Oh ask away!'

'Ever kissed a girl?'


'Would you?'

'Yes!' And Zoe had a question of her own. 'What's it like going down on a girl?'

Coming from someone who enjoyed both sexes, Gabrielle's answer meant everything to her. 'It doesn't taste too different from a blowjob, just your jaw won't hurt from stretching so much. Your tongue might get tired at first...'


'Think about it,' Gabrielle replied. Then Zoe subconsciously stuck out her tongue, tensed it until it was pointed, and curled it up toward her own nose. 'Oh I get it now!'

A wink emoji followed by more laughter, Zoe couldn't resent where this conversation had gone and where it was now going.

'So would you?' Gabrielle asked.

'Actually maybe I would,' Zoe replied maybe too hastily. 'I loved it being done to me on the few occasions...'

'Oh? How long has it been?'

'About a year?' God yes, if it led to the greatest orgasms of her life, which judging by the ones she was giving herself just indulging in this talk about having sex with other girls, Zoe would munch a rug for all she was worth.

Without even realising, she drifted off at around half three, as the sky was beginning to change, waiting for Gab to respond. But she herself had drifted off first wondering how to just tell her just how much she liked her.


Another midweek evening, another lone invition to Gabrielle's place - they'd barely left each other alone since that revealing night, although once sober the morning after, the conversation had been considerably toned down but for the odd flirtatious hint here and there.

Standing at her door, Zoe was in two minds at once over what to expect. Was something happening between them, or was she being led along? Was this just how it was for girls who liked to be with other girls, like a different mentality and approach to life, or were they really all the same?

To put it bluntly in her own mind, was Gabrielle just looking to wear down her defences over time just as Zoe had said her dreams had?

Gabrielle answered the door in her black compression tights and a short-sleeve t-shirt, her hair tied up into a ponytail, like Zoe most often did, and with a huge friendly smile as she ushered Zoe through to the kitchen.

'Been the gym?' Zoe asked.

'I was in two minds,' she replied, filling each of them a glass of white wine. 'I wanted to blow off some steam but I thought I'd rather see what you felt like.'

After the sex talk that weekend, that was a loaded response if anything. Zoe didn't know where her courage came from even to joke about it when she replied with, 'oh aye?' and arching her eyebrows to emphasise the question.

Gabrielle blushed and apologised. Now there was another surprising turnaround. What was going on with her right now? Both girls quaffed their wine before Gabrielle stated that the two bottles she'd bought wouldn't last long.

'So what's the plan tonight then?'

Gabrielle lightly chewed her lower lip, again penetrating Zoe with her eyes. Again she was like butter, melting without even the slightest touch.

'What do you feel like doing?' Gabrielle asked in kind.

'Oh I don't know. We could maybe-

Her eyes were transfixed now on Gabrielle's soft pink lips, and then her eyes, and then her lips again, as she hopelessly trailed off.

'Watch... something... or do... something...'

Lightheaded she wasn't but Zoe's whole body now felt so light and swift with adrenaline and the trembling feeling deep within threatened to make a fool of her as she quickly gulped the last of her wine.

'Are you okay?' Gabrielle asked softly, a faint hint of concern in her voice and eyes all the same.


'Have we been dreaming again?' she then asked and began to redden as a light giggle escaped her lips. Suddenly both girls didn't know where to look.

'Maybe,' Zoe said, and then; 'A little.'

'That happens when you don't get laid in a year,' Gabrielle noted with a mischievous grin.

'That's also what happens when a smoking redhead sends you a video of girls fucking and tells you that's what she'd like to do to you, just to see your reaction,' Zoe suddenly replied and could barely believe that those words had come from her own lips. Neither could Gabrielle.

There were many ways around loaded statements such as these, many of them long and scenic, but no less enjoyable. Taken aback by Zoe's own newfound forwardness, or was this her bluntness unchained, Gabrielle's eyes widened with pleasant surprise before she jumped right in.

'Or we could do that,' she hinted. For a long time spent in tense silence both girls regarded each other openly, eyes transfixed and unblinking. When Gabrielle heard Zoe hitch a trembling breath she made her move.


It wasn't that Zoe was a prude or even completely naive and innocent. There was wall-to-wall sex on the TV these days and she'd seen plenty of it and used it to fuel her nocturnal waking dreams. That, and reading, provided her with most of her imagination.

She had seen plenty of girls kissing for the screen and it had always looked nice. It had always looked especially sensuous. But never in her life did she imagine it would feel as good as it did the moment Gabrielle approached her, said 'stop me if you want to,' and locked lips with her.

There was no resistance. Zoe was more ready and anticipating of this than anything else in her life. Whatever tension remained was purely sexual. And so like butter she melted with Gabrielle and they kissed standing in the kitchen, leaning against the worktop.

Almost instantly their tongues met and caused a carpet bomb of little explosions in her heart, her tummy, her lower abdomen, and lower. Especially to feel Gabrielle's tight little breasts pressed against hers through the combined fabrics of their bras - there was something that excited her, made her all too eager to feel more of her, and so her hands began to roam.

Her hands hadn't rested on Gabrielle's pert peach of a bottom for more than ten seconds before they decided that they loved their newfound intimacy with the female form. And then Gabrielle's hands were roaming her breasts over the padding of her bra before she suddenly pulled away; but not without longingly sucking at her lower lip with a suggestive parting kiss.

'What are you wearing a padded bra for? You've got plenty up here,' she remarked.

All Zoe could do was heave to catch her breath. All but perspiring, her face was blushing red and her eyes were wild. 'I don't know,' she gasped with a quick shrug. 'I should just take it off.'

'I like that idea,' Gabrielle purred and reached in for another tantalising kiss, and with just her lips she was seducing Zoe into wanting to take off more than just her bra. 'Maybe I should join you.'

'We're wearing too many clothes anyway,' Zoe panted in between kisses, unable to control herself. Fuck, Gabrielle's kissing was driving her out of her mind.

Before she could hope to compose herself, Zoe found herself led by the wrist to the bedroom, where she started to come undone as Gabrielle took turns between removing her clothes, kissing her some more, and then her own.

Zoe would never remember, for the life of her, how she ended up naked - all but for a pair of black and pink stretchy lace knickers - in bed with another woman, other than that it was what she wished for and that her wish had come true.


'Tell me if you need to stop,' Gabrielle reminded her, one hand sculpted perfectly over one naked breast.

Zoe quickly shook her head and said 'No' in surprising flat-out refusal. Both girls were giggling as they continued to hungrily make out when Gabrielle lowered her head and began to suck eagerly at the hard sensitive nipples of both of Zoe's tits.

'What are these, D's?' she asked, squeezing them together lovingly with both hands and continuing her wet oral assault.

'DEEZ TITS?!' Zoe jokingly yelled out before reprimanding herself. 'Real smooth Zoe...'

'I fucking love them,' Gabrielle gasped in awe. 'I think they're possibly the silkiest tits I've ever had my tongue all over.'

'And you can keep doing that if you like,' Zoe moaned her approval, but Gabrielle was working fast now, and one hand ran down over Zoe's ticklish tummy and landed palm down on her pubic bone, Gabrielle's fingers coming to rest on the visible cleft that hid beneath the thin stretchy gusset.

'Oh fuck,' Zoe gasped unwitting of what was about to happen. She was so self-consciously wet that she worried it would put her off. But Gabrielle's fingers touching down on that hot damp spot, she found she had struck the jackpot.

Lowering herself down between Zoe's legs, her expression was suddenly intense and hungry. She was nodding, saying nothing but just nodding, while fright mingled with arousal in Zoe's eyes.

She was so close now, between her open legs, that Zoe could feel her hot breath tickling her where her upper thighs ended. Even just that sensation was driving her crazy. The pressure building inside her, she knew where this was leading. There was no backing out now.

Inhaling her scent, Gabrielle insisted; 'You have no idea how much I've wanted to do to you what I'm about to.' And slipping her fingers into the gusset of Zoe's knickers to pull it to one side, she purred, 'I swear I can already taste you!'

All Zoe could do now was to utter a helpless whimper as Gabrielle exposed her dripping pink velvet lips.

The contrasting coolness of the air around them made her shudder.

The soft breeze of Gabrielle's breaths made her tremble.

And then the first lap of her hot tongue...

Zoe cried with what little breath remained. 'Oh fuck...'

Between licks, Gabrielle began to say, 'you taste...'


'Fucking gorgeous!'

Her body responded like a single flexing muscle, bracing and relaxing, rolling and flexing, with every lick of Gabrielle's silky tongue. Zoe could not believe that this was happening, her lap resting on her girlfriend's shoulders, her lips and tongue lovingly invading her sopping pussy, her hands exploring her hips, her belly, her ribs, her tits...

This was going to be like a first-timer going up against a professional athlete in competition. She didn't stand a chance of even paling in comparison to Gabrielle's skills, let alone surviving in tact from the oral onslaught she was being subjected to.

In little time she submitted and gave in to her first crashing orgasm, and yet Gabrielle only slowed down for her to recover. There was no stopping her when she intended to take Zoe all the way.

Zoe babbled incoherently, already having lost her mind to the sensational effects of Gabrielle's expert pussy-licking, and especially when she targeted her clit for a combined sucking and licking.

'You're fucking dripping wet,' Gabrielle gasped in between mouthfuls, revelling in her taste.

'I'm sorry, oh my god, I'm so sorry,' Zoe cried, guiltily riding her face all the while.

'Oh no I fucking love it, you taste amazing, babe,' she assured by renewing her assault with deepening licks between her blooming labia.