I Saw Her at the Party

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His graduation party, he was gonna propose, until...
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I realized that I hadn't seen my girlfriend in quite sometime. The intimate club was crowded, closed off for the graduation party that she had put together and thrown for me. The music wasn't quite as loud as usual, and all the people there were our friends and family. Well mostly her friends. I had been cornered by some guy who worked with Sarah for the last twenty minutes and I realized as I glanced around, that Sarah was no where to be found. I entangled myself from the guy's constant droning patter, by pretending to need another drink and went on a search fro her. A few of her close friends feigned ignorance, having not seen her recently as I went through the entire club. Tonight was a special night. Not only had I graduated with my graduate degree, securing my partnership at the firm, but it was coming close to Sarah's and my one year anniversary, and in front of everyone gathered here tonight, all our friends and family, I was going to ask her to marry me.

I fondled the blue Tiffany ring case in my jacket pocket. I was getting worried as the night was coming to an end soon and I wanted to pop the question to her before anyone started to head home. But where was she?

I checked the bathrooms last. At first I heard her voice. I had reluctantly peeked into the women's bathroom as a final attempt to place her. Her voice was resonant and distinct, so I walked in to try and see if she was alright. Her next words hit me like a sledgehammer.

"Oh, yeah baby! Give me that big hard cock!" she squealed. The voice came from behind a closed toilet stall. I looked under and saw a pair of legs kneeling on the floor and another pair of men's legs in there with her. The girl was wearing the same heels and tights as Sarah had seductively dressed in this evening when we readied to go to the party.

"You like this big cock, don't you?" the gruff male voice said.

"Oh, yeah! I love it, it's so much bigger than any other!" she moaned.

"Bigger than his, isn't it bitch!" he proclaimed. His being mine.

"So much bigger! I can't give this cock up! It's so wonderful!" she said.

My girlfriend, slurped and sucked on that big cock she couldn't give up. I saw red.

I squatted down and reached under the stall door, grabbed her ankle and with a bewildered yelp from her, I dragged her ass our from under the door into the open. A line of drool, tracked back from under the stall. She screamed! There was movement from inside the stall as the man fumbled with his pants and tried to come out.

As he unlocked the latch, I kicked the door in with all my strength, slamming the door into his face. He was stunned momentarily, as I dragged him out. He grabbed my wrist to remove me from him. That was the wrong thing to do. I'm not a bulky guy, wiry and spry are better descriptions for me. Because I've always been tall, over six foot, I never really had a problem with bullies but a few years ago, I realized that it wouldn't hurt to have some self defense training. I slipped his hold reversed my weight and flipped him into a shoulder lock. He was face down on the floor, his arm contorted behind him and upward, between my legs as I slowly lowered my weight down on it. The pain was severe as he screamed in pain. If I kept lowering my weight, his arm would dislocate. If I continued after that, his shoulder would be broken beyond repair.

Sarah was screaming now, begging me to stop. It was now that I was cruelly in control of the situation, that I glanced around and saw a few of her lady friends watching with open mouths. Had they been in here during the entire time? I had no idea.

Pulling myself together, my anger now just simmering, I slowly released the man. I had never seen him before. I warned him that he should make sure to never see me again, otherwise he would not be so lucky. He nodded, pulled himself up and out of the club.

Sarah was crying now. Her legs didn't support her as she sat sprawled on the bathroom floor. I looked at her, waiting for an explanation.

"Oh, god Jason! I'm so sorry." She started.

"Why?" I asked. "How could you?"

She cried some more.

"I..."she blubbered. "I just wasn't thinking..."

"It didn't mean anything!" she cried.

"Didn't mean anything? What was all that talk about loving his cock?" I yelled. The girls decided that it would be a good time to leave the bathroom.

"I-I-I" she stuttered. "You heard that?"

A tear trickled down my cheek, I couldn't speak as I nodded.

"Oh god!" she wailed.

I composed myself. "Sarah, I was looking for you," I started. "I looked all over for you. I...I wanted to find you because..." I pulled the blue Tiffany's box out of my pocket. She saw it for the first time and her breathing stopped.

Tears ran down my eyes. "I was going to propose to you, in front of everyone tonight." I pocket the box again and shook my head. Sarah sobbed again.

"But what I saw tonight, Sarah, the year we've been through, the words I heard you say to that man, who you seem to have know before tonight... well... I guess I should be thankful to have found out before I made a fool of myself. Thanks Sarah." I fought back the tears as she stared quietly at me in shock. "Thanks for making tonight the most memorable night of my life." I turned and left the bathroom. I left the club. I went home. I went to the apartment, I had shared with Sarah. Sarah was left at the club explaining why the guest of honor had left the party.

I packed a suitcase of some of my belongings. I decided that I needed some space and time to think. Luckily I have a nice boat docked downtown which I had laughingly mentioned on a few occasions as a time out pad for situations like this. This would be the first time that I would be using it for this reason.

Just as I was ready to leave, Sarah came home. She saw the suitcase, saw the resolve on my face and crumbled again to the floor sobbing.

"I'm taking some time off, Sarah." I said as I finished gathering my things. "We'll have to figure out how to split things up."

"Oh, god," she moaned. "You're leaving me!"

I looked at her blankly. "Well, duh!" I said. "Apparently, setting aside the fact that you cheated on me during my party you set up and arranged in my..."I emphasized; "HONOR... you also seem to prefer that assholes cock to mine."

She wailed when I mentioned that.

"I don't think there's really any future for us, seeing as you don't like my equipment, and you have so little respect for me as to cheat on me and at my own party to top that!"

"It...it...didn't mean anything..." she muttered through gasps. "I just wasn't thinking..."

I stopped her. "You see, this is why it's over, dear Sarah. For you it meant nothing. For me, it meant everything." With that, I left her still collapsed on the floor.

I guess this is the part of the story where I tell you about my supposed great relationship with Sarah, how we met, how it was love at first sight, etc. Well, truth be told, it wasn't love at first sight. We had known each other for a time before we started dating as friends. We had things in common and just drifted towards each other. One night we wound up sleeping with each other and after that we couldn't leave each other alone. Six months later she moved into my apartment and we started making house together. We had our ups and downs, and upon reflection there were times when she was away from me, that I can't be certain that she was faithful to me, but I was to her. As graduation time approached, I started putting my life into perspective. I wanted to settle down. My future was now planned out and I sure wanted to have someone share my future with me. I thought Sarah could be the one.

It was those intentions that found me purchasing a Tiffany's ring for her a week before my party that she had insisted that we have. This was a momentous occasion, and Sarah was always one for a big party. Her sister was in attendance, and my family was ass well. I had prepared her sister and my family that I had a big question for Sarah and wanted them to be there for the occasion. They all were sure that I was going to propose, and that Sarah would happily accept. Then I found her sucking off Mr. Better-cock-than-mine in the bathroom.

Once settled on the boat, I changed into some sleep wear and turned my cell phone. Ten messages! I ignored them and called my dad. He was happy to hear from my, concerned about the change of events, and then sad when I told him how I caught Sarah. He promised to pass on my message to everyone else, as I didn't feel like retelling the story to everyone in the family. Hanging up, I shut off my cell and got a restless nights sleep.

The next morning, I focused on putting my life together. I tried to look at the bright side of things. No legal entanglements, no divorce, no lawyers, no splitting of assets, no child support. I really was lucky to find out about the slut before things could have gotten complicated.

The first thing I did was go to Tiffany's and return the ring. I now was $16,000 richer! The apartment was on a month to month lease, so I could move out anytime I liked. I settled in for breakfast at a diner and turned my cell back on. Anne called immediately. That was Sarah's sister. I hesitated and then decided to get things over with and answered.

"Hi Anne," I said.

"Jason! What's going on? Sarah won't tell me anything? Where did you disappear to last night? I thought you were going to propose?"

I calmed her down from frantic to anxious. Then I answered her questions.

"Anne, Sarah and I are through. Last night at my party I caught her sucking off some asshole."

"Oh my god!" she said. I swear I think they must be related.

"I don't know how long she's been cheating on me, and with how many other people, but I can't forgive her for that."

She understood. For what it was worth, she had no idea that there was any cheating going on between us. Sarah must have not confided in her. I believed her. She asked me what I was going to do. I told her I had already sold back the ring and was now planning on looking for a new apartment to rent.

"But that apartment was yours to begin with," she said. "If anyone should move it would be Sarah."

"Look Anne," I said frankly. "I haven't discussed this yet with Sarah, so my plans aren't fleshed out. I'll know more once I am calm enough to face her. Know this, though, we are through."

I hung up. I knew that Anne's next call would be to Sarah and sure enough five minutes later Sarah called me.

I told her I was at breakfast and that I would see her later. It was important that we get closure on this. That's what all the shrinks say, right? I hurt inside. I had feelings for her. But she certainly didn't feel for me the way I felt for her. It just wasn't meant to be, I kept telling myself.

That evening I entered my apartment. Sarah was cleaned up but with no makeup on and the crying she had done, she looked pretty pale and crappy.

"So talk," I told her as I plopped down on the chair opposite her.

She sighed and swallowed.

"Look Jason, I know that I can't take back what happened in that bathroom last night. I wish I could, but I can't. All I can say is that I am truly sorry for it happening and for you to catch me. I didn't mean to hurt you. I just wasn't thinking. I had a little too much to drink and this guy just wouldn't leave me alone."

I listened quietly. The anger was still there, but I allowed her to continue.

"He practically dragged me into the bathroom and then started kissing me. I was tipsy and a little horny. My emotions were all over the place and one thing led to another and the next thing I knew you dragged me out of the stall and kicked his ass."

"When I realized you knew, I just crumbled inside. I had hurt you, ruined Your Night, your celebration, and I honestly can't remember a good reason why. Then you showed me the ring. I realized then just what I had lost..." she started crying.

"Please...Jason...please...forgive me. It will never happen again..."

I cut in.

"Just how many times have you cheated on me?"

"I..." she stammered. "I've flirted with a few guys before, kissed a few, but never went as far as I did with that guy last night."

Wow, so this wasn't the first time.

"And I'm supposed to believe that?" I asked.

It was like a slap to her face. All of a sudden, she realized that her entire history with me meant nothing now. All of it was circumspect, up for scrutiny. A year's worth of togetherness and trust had been demolished by just one event. Her word was no longer good to him. She stammered. There was nothing she could say now to defend her actions.

"What I keep wondering now, Sarah," I said. "is all those times when you were away from me, out of town, running late, staying late into the night at work, I wonder, if those statements were true, or if you were seeing someone else. How can I be sure that you have proven to me your faithlessness to me, your complete lack of respect for me?"

Her shoulders slumped. "I...can't," she said.

"So, from my perspective, I should just trust in you that this won't happen again, even though you yourself can't quite understand how you ended up with some assholes dick in you mouth during a party you yourself organized and threw for your boyfriend?"

She sobbed.

I continued.

"Not to mention the fact that you yourself admitted to making out with other men while we were together, and I distinctly remembered agreeing to go steady and be exclusive to one another, which to me means no making out with other people. And then there's the fact that news of what happened has spread. My family and your family knows what you did. So Sarah, how am I supposed to forgive you and for us to move on together?"

She was a pile of mush now. The loss of the past year, was now starting to sink in. Her friends and family know knew that she cheated, wrecked her life and his life. This was it. This was the end. She had ruined it. Taken a good situation, a good relationship and thrown it all away.

Jason shook his head.

"Sarah, I will forgive you," he said and Sarah was shocked from those words, but he continued.

"I will Sarah, because I will not live with the pain that you caused me. I release the pain and your guilt, but, we are done Sarah. There is no reconciliation. Now we just have to figure out how to move on and away."

Sarah buried her face into the pillow. The weight on his chest lessened as he truly forgave her. To be honest, Jason felt nothing towards her now. She had hurt him, but he found that he could release his feelings of her. The wet mass of flesh blubbering on the sofa before him, was something her could pity a little, but other than that he felt nothing.

Sarah moved out of the apartment at the end of the week. She moved in with her sister Anne. Jason moved back in from the boat and got on with his life.

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AnonymousAnonymous11 days ago

That wasn't her first dalliance with that guy in thr bathroom. Not with what she said, nor her sheer brazen audacity to do it at at the party she threw for the MC. She was head over heels in lust with the asshole and now she has nothing. Too bad. So sad. Don't cheat.

AnonymousAnonymous23 days ago

From the talk going on in the bathroom, there is no way it was her first time with him. The right outcome.

LechemanLechemanabout 2 months ago

Silly woman, he was committed, she wasn't.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 months ago

Epilogue: One month after they broke up Jason had three guys pick up Sarah at a bar where she was hanging out. They took her to a cheap motel and used her all night. They took videos and pictures of her being their fuck toy whore. When they were done with all of her cheating skank holes she was sprawled on the bed completely spent and aching for the all night fuck fest they'd had with her, one of them said, "Jason said to tell you, 'now we're even.'" She could never prove any of this was set up by Jason, so she just ended up being the same old slut she'd always been.

60022Mallard60022Mallard2 months ago

A $16,000 engagement ring and they are just finishing at college?

He owns a boat while at college?

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