I Turned Sixty-One This Year


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The shorts were very short and Mia had legs! Not just the functional units that provide locomotion for a human being but legs! Legs that start at cute ankles and soar towards the heaven found between thighs that point towards it. Her light blue shirt was not buttoned and showed that beneath it Mia was wearing a jog bra, a white jog bra. Her pale belly was flat and bare.

Mia opened to door to the car and was in and ready to go in three seconds. I shifted from Drive to Reverse and started to back out of her driveway when she asked me to stop. I did.

Mia leaned over and kissed me on the lips. The kiss was quick and friendly. It was followed by a smile and a "Good Morning!" I froze.

A few seconds later Mia smiled again and asked, "Are we going on this hike or are we going to get a room?" The smile never faltered.

I put the car in Reverse and we were on our way. Five minutes later I wondered, Was she serious? Did she seriously offer me what I think she offered me? I looked over at her and she burst out laughing.

"What's the laughter about?"

"It just hit you what you turned down back there!"

"You weren't serious!"

"You'll never know!" The laughter continued. A few minutes later I parked the car at a trail head that almost no one knew about. It was a trail that led off into the Santa Monica Mountains and finally ended at the edge of a cliff overlooking the Pacific Ocean. There was a park bench at the overlook the last time I had been there. That had been eleven years ago. I used to hike out to the bench to think. Now I was taking Mia there.

Being a gentleman I offered to carry the pack on the way out if Mia would carry it back. She agreed. As I put it on I decided that I'd carry it both ways. I motioned to the trail and Mia took the lead. She set a good pace and we were off. After twenty minutes I was very aware of two things: that I was way out of shape and that Mia had a great looking ass. We both needed a few rest stops along the way and when we did arrive at the bench we plopped down with no ceremony or pretense of anything except needing to rest.

We drank from the water bottles that Mia had in the pack. We sat looking out over the ocean and letting our bodies recover.

"Nick, It's beautiful here."

"Worth the hike?"

"Yes! I didn't know this place existed."


"Yes! I want to get your reaction to the lunch I made for us."

Mia opened the pack and handed me a sandwich bag with one sandwich in it. It was followed by a sandwich for her, a big orange and a fresh bottle of water. The bottle of water was wrapped in foil. When Mia unwrapped it I understood. She had frozen the bottle and the foil helped it to stay frozen as we hiked. Floating in the center was the ten percent that was still frozen.

When I opened the sandwich baggie I was treated to one of my favorite smells, peanut butter. At my first bite I knew this woman really understood about hiking and me. The peanut butter was mixed with honey and the honey and peanut mixture had warmed their way into the bread!

We ate and talked and enjoyed everything about being alive. I didn't think about being alive, I just was. I looked at the ocean far below us. We watched a sailboat glide by silently and I watched Mia. Well, not watched. I glanced at her as often as I thought would be appropriate. I didn't want her thinking I was thinking dirty thoughts.

I was.

For the first time in five years I was craving contact, affection, relationship, and sex.

Mia excused herself and went away to "water the landscape." When she came back I went in a different direction and watered a bush myself. When I came back Mia was leaning back on the bench with her eyes closed. I stood still and really looked at her.

With her head leaned back I looked at her lovely neck. I wanted to kiss it, and was afraid I might be rebuffed. I looked at the way the sunlight played on her skin above and below the jog bra. It looked like such nice skin. I thought about how warm and soft it would feel. I looked at the jog bra. It fit snugly and taughtly across the space between her breasts. Because of the over shirt I could not see much evidence of her breasts, except that they must be about C cups. I stood still wanting to keep looking. My eyes shifted their gaze and looked at the junction of her legs and the bottom edge of her shorts. God, she had nice legs!

"Well, have you looked long enough?" She caught me, and without even opening her eyes.

"No. Stay still a little longer. I like the view."

She sat up, smiled at me and said, "Staying still that long while I knew you were looking at me was tough enough, I'm not up for more. It's uncomfortable."

"I'm sorry." I sat and looked out at the ocean.

"No, that's not what I mean. No one has looked at me like I'm a person in years. You just did. I'd forgotten how good that feels. I've also forgotten how to deal with those feelings. But, I don't want you to stop looking."

"Good. I'm not sure I have the kind or quantity of self control that would require."

"That was a compliment! Thank you!"

"I have recently discovered that I am not dead and that I like looking at you. I like how I feel when I am with you. I like how I feel when I look at you."

"I like being with you, too. I am starting to wonder when you're going to kiss me."

"I haven't wanted to go too fast. I'm enjoying this so much that I'm a little afraid I'm going to screw it up."

"You won't screw it up. If you don't at least try to kiss me I'm going to think you don't want to. Is that it? You don't want to?"

"Don't move!"

I bent to her and kissed her lips. I put my knee on the bench and touched my lips to hers. The reaction was swift. Her lips opened and a gentle suction drew me in. Something about a spider and a fly flashed through my brain. I didn't care, I entered willingly. My left hand found her shoulder in the second kiss.

In the third kiss she moved my hand to her breast. The nipple was hard and the breast felt warm and wonderful in my hand. When that kiss ended I pulled back a little.

"I am having trouble being this alive."

"OK, just don't die. You can be uncomfortable. I am. I haven't kissed anyone since Mr. Archer died. You don't kiss like him."

"Would you please stand?"

Her answer was in movement. She stood and faced me. I took her in my arms and kissed her again. Both hands were on her back and I applied just enough pressure to hold her chest against mine. I felt the stirrings in my shorts that meant I was not so old that nothing would cause a reaction. It felt wonderful. I pressed myself against Mia.

As we broke for air Mia said, "That's three compliments in less than an hour. Thank you."


"You liked looking. You wanted to kiss me, and you are hard. Those are three very nice compliments. Thank you."

"Please, may I have some more?"

"Oh, and he quotes from movies too." Her mouth found mine and her hands found my ass and pressed me against her. When the kiss ended I was no longer thinking. I kissed along her jaw to her ear lobe and then onto her neck. She tilted her head, giving me even more access to her neck. I took full advantage. I love kissing her neck. She smelled of sweat, of peanut butter, honey, and something else. When I cupped her breasts she stopped me, but not immediately.

"How likely is it that we may be interrupted?"

"I honestly have no idea. I haven't been here in eleven years. I wasn't even sure the bench would still be here."

"In that case I want us not to do what we were about to do, now. I recommend we go somewhere that the possibility of being interrupted is zero."

Mia was smiling at me with a smile that at once looked like a mischievous little girl and a wanton woman of intent. She was holding my hands an inch from her breasts. For one of the first times in years my body was speaking to me and the conversation was more than a little urgent.

"Do you have a zero interruption location in mind?" I was smiling too.

"As they say in the movies: your place or mine?"

"I have a better idea. There is a nice motel back near where we are parked. Then we don't even have to make the bed when we leave."

Mia kept a hold of one of my hands and we started the trek back to the car. It took longer going back because we kept stopping to act like teenagers. At a set of switchbacks I kissed her at every turn. Once or twice she squeezed my hardness while we kissed. When we were within sight of the car I noticed that my face hurt a little from all the smiling I was doing.

The motel is about two miles south of the trail head. The cars all park out of sight of the cars driving by and all the rooms have a window that looks out over the ocean. I rented a room at the far end of the building.

When I got back in the car Mia again had a strange look on her face. I put the car in gear and slowly pulled to our room.

"I feel like a kid," Mia said.

"Me too. I'm afraid our parents will catch us." We laughed all the way into the room.

The instant the door closed we stopped laughing and looked at each other.

"What are we doing?" I asked.

"We are learning how to play again. I haven't felt this alive and excited in years. I like how I feel." She took my hands in hers and pulled me close. "How are you doing?"

"I'm terrified. I thought this part of my life was over. Now I'm here with you and don't want to disappoint you."

"Take a deep breath. I'm not here for a performance. I'm here to touch, kiss, play and enjoy being with you. If that includes fucking, great. If it doesn't, great. Sometimes men are such boys!"

"OK, but it's been a long time since I've been in a motel room."

"Like I've done it a lot?"

"No. No. That's not what I meant. When I'm nervous I put my foot in my mouth a lot. Please forgive me."

"I have something I'd rather you put in your mouth and I think you'll like the taste better than your foot."

Off came her over shirt and then the jog bra. Whatever thoughts I had about her breasts were gone. Reality had arrived. They were white and her areola were pale and about the size of silver dollars. Centered in her areola were blueberry sized nipples. Looking at my face Mia used both hands and offered me her breasts.

"I know they aren't Playboy quality, but they're real."

I took her in my arms and kissed her. My hands accepted her gift and I felt her nipples tighten as I held them. I took us to the bed and had Mia sit at the edge. I went to my knees and was face to tit with her. Using visual clues and Mia's help I was able to capture one nipple with my mouth on the first attempt.

"Oh, that feels so good."

I was thinking the same thing. I rolled her nipple around and sucked gently. Her hands wrapped around my head and seemed to be forcing more and more of her tit into my mouth.

"Oh please, suck harder." She whispered.

I did. I sucked and kissed both breasts and helped her undress completely. Her tiny shorts were wet when I pulled them off. She made some joke about her being naked while I was still dressed.

We cured my condition rather quickly. I joined her on the bed and we cuddled for a long time. My fingers and hands became familiar with most of her skin and she explored mine as well. There was no hurry in our exploration. At some point I got out of bed and turned the heat up in the room. I didn't want to cover us and I didn't want Mia to feel cold either.

Mia found a scar on my lower belly and traced it with her fingers. Her touch was so soft that it almost tickled.

"How'd you get this?" Mia asked.

"Years ago I made a mistake that got me into a fight. The man had a knife and I think his intent was to cut off a certain part of me."

"Thank God he wasn't very good with his knife." She took my penis in hand and stroked me. As I responded she shifted on the bed and took me in her mouth. I remembered how much I loved oral sex. I also remembered that Mary hated it. She thought that any sex that wasn't procreative was sinful. Her mother had been an effective teacher.

Mia sucked my growing cock and when she grasped my balls all thoughts of the past disappeared. Mia was kneeling on the bed and I could reach her ass and pussy while she teased and pleased my cock. I massaged the cheeks of her ass and then carefully slid my fingers across the exposed swollen lips of her vulva. When I touched her lips she moaned and moved up and down on my cock with more enthusiasm. I took that as encouragement and parted her lips with my fingers and probed her wet slit.

Somewhere deep in my memory was a memory of what it felt like when my body decided that I was on the road to blowing a nut. That memory recognized the feelings I was having, stimulated by Mia's ministry of joy. As my balls got ready Mia noticed and her mouth stopped the sermon of joy. I sat up and looked at her. She pulled her mouth all the way off my cock and asked, "If you cum in my mouth can you rise again and cum in my pussy?"

"I have no way of knowing the answer."

"Then I choose you cumming in my pussy. No one has been in there in years and I want you to hose out all the cobwebs!"

In seconds Mia was on her back with her legs open in invitation. I hand stroked myself a few times as I shifted positions and touched the head of my cock to her slippery opening. As slowly as I could, I entered her. I wanted to savor this, as I wasn't sure it would ever happen again. Mia's legs were open and held in place by my arms and shoulders. I watched as my hardness slid into her. Watching made it even more erotic. I could see me disappearing into her and I could feel her holding me in wetness.

A stray thought passed through my mind: "If this isn't allowed in Heaven, I don't want to go."

All the way in, I raised my head a fraction and looked into Mia's eyes. There were tears filling her eyes. There was also a smile on her face. Her hands grabbed my arms and held on.

"Oh Honey, I had forgotten how good it feels to be filled like this."

"I had stopped believing this would ever happen again."

The muscles in my legs started to protest so I moved back. I was pulling back so I could go back in again but my body and Mia's didn't want me to pull back. The walls inside her tightened up and her hands tightened their grip on my arms too.

"Come back in deep." She said.

Her voice was deeper than before. Soft and low and sexy. I went back in deep. Mia closed her eyes, tilted her head back and moaned.

I wanted to stay still in her, buried deep in her, feeling her pulse and her breathing and watching her face. I couldn't. Some primitive biological mechanism took over control of my hips and cock. In and out, slow and fast, gentle and almost violently we joined. Sweat dripped from me onto Mia. She watched me, smiling, every second. I watched her and smiled too.

I felt myself losing what little control I lied to myself about having. My balls did their job and I felt the rush of fluids as they exploded out of me and into Mia. Pulse after pulse. And I was done.

I held my cock deep inside Mia for a long time. I shrank and I felt juices leaking out of us. My arms began to shake in exhaustion. I allowed myself to fall to my side, beside Mia. I closed my eyes and felt myself slipping into sleep. Mia leaned to me and kissed me.

"Tonight is the first night of the rest of our lives, together." She kissed me again.

As I drifted further into sleep I prayed she was right.

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oldtwitoldtwit6 months ago

Good story, nice set up, characters were nicely written, the act was staged just right.

Smooth_CanadianSmooth_Canadianover 1 year ago

I can relate to Nick's situation. My wife when she was 30 had a complete hysterectomy due to a severe case of endometriosis. We were told that hormone therapy would replace those produced in the ovaries. However, the estrogen replacements caused soreness in her breasts and concern that breast cancer could result. The lack of the other normally produced in the ovaries led to a significant reduction in her sex drive and eventually refusing to participate in any sexual pleasures. Most recently she was diagnosed with Alzheimer's disease

Tuzolto54Tuzolto54about 10 years ago
Turning 60

I thought romance had been a feeling that I would not have again, great story and also gives one a ray of hope. I enjoyed the character development and how you put the feelings into the story.

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
nice story of two lonely people finding love again

it can happen and does happen...just need to find the right person...a nice little tale of unfolding love...nice one

DawnJDawnJover 11 years ago
Delightfully delicious!

And may I say supremely realistic and romantic. I love a well-written story! And I love mature lovers! Absolutely wonderful story! Thank you for taking me on this little journey!

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