I'll Always Catch You Pt. 01


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"Ooo, I've dreamt of you touching me like this. Would you do that again? All of it again?" Hannah asked.

A quick glance revealed we were still more or less hidden by the ship that was between us and the other side of the river. There was no time to waste, so my hand cupped her breast once more, and this time I felt a nipple harden as it pressed against her bra. My thumb flicked over the little nip when out of the corner of my eye, I noticed the stern about to pass us so I moved my hand.

I took her hands and placed them together. "Moose was a fool for not knowing what he had."

It was hard to believe that the woman who stood in front of me was the same one that was about to throw her life away into the Cuyahoga River.

And I think I'm falling for her.

*********Chapter Eight *********

By the time I made it back to the pencil palace, I had forgotten about Becky. Christopher and I were busy testing some new code when he tapped my shoulder and said, "Check out Becky."

When I looked up, she was about five meters from us, and damn, did she look good. Usually Becky wears pants, but today she's got on a black skirt that sat at least six inches above her knees, while wedge sandals and a white shirt completed her look. Becky spent a lot of time outdoors, and her legs were tanned the color of coffee with milk. Becky looked sexy as hell.

"Give us a second," I said to Christopher.

He walked away, yet kept his eyes on Becky.

Becky pulled out a chair and sat beside me. She crossed her legs, and when she did, she knowingly showed me a lot of thigh.

"All right, let me have it," Becky said.

"You had no right to tell Hannah about what I like when it comes to women."

"Before you get into my shit too deep, Hannah called here the other day. She was in tears about you. She couldn't understand why you haven't hit on her. For Christ sakes, she asked if you were gay. So I told her about you liking stockings on a woman. What would you have had me do? Say nothing?"

Becky raised a finger. "Hold that thought. Everyone that works here has a girlfriend, a boyfriend, or a lover. Even those that are gay have someone. Everyone but you."

Somehow hearing it like that, it did make sense. "So now what?"

"Oh for the love of God. Take Hannah out on a date, wine and dine her, and then take her back home and fuck the snot out of her."

Becky never was one for mincing words.

And she was right.

*******Chapter Nine *********

There have been only a handful of women in my life that I've taken to bed. When people have sex, they don't have sex like the porn stars do. Men don't last for forty minutes, and women don't scream and yell 'oh God' a million times during the act. However, looking back, all my sexual partners ended up being one-night stands. The women I had sex with never returned my calls.

Hannah readily accepted a date that coming Saturday. We discussed what the evening would involve, and Hannah was on board. The date was simply a setup for the evening that would culminate with us having sex.


Hannah had a nice apartment in downtown that overlooked the lake. My stomach rolled around like it was a brewing a CAT5 hurricane by the time I made it to her floor. My fingers shook as they reached out to press the doorbell. Seconds later, Hannah appeared before me. I had made reservations at Dante's restaurant once again. This time I had higher hopes.

Hannah invited me in and I looked around. Her apartment was small but cozy with a large picture window that opened to a spectacular view of lake Erie.

"Let me fix this," Hannah said as she adjusted my tie. "You look sexy."

"I'm not so sure about that," I said.

Hannah's hands trembled as she worked on my tie. She turned her back and snatched her purse from the coffee table. I don't know what came over me, but I caught her arm and pulled her close. My lips touched hers and we kissed. It wasn't a slobbering high school kiss, but a long soft kiss. My hand rested on her butt.

"Whoa," I said.

"I ah...that was nice," Hannah said, "Will there be more like that this evening?"

"That's what we talked about. All the way if I remember correctly."

Her face blushed and then she said, "That's right. All the way. Consensual sex."

There was something in the air. I couldn't explain it, but I sure could feel it. It was as though Hannah wasn't quite on board with us going to bed. I seriously thought about simply coming up with an excuse not to even try that night.

Hannah dressed simply. A pleated light blue skirt came down to about three inches above her knees. A gray vest was over a long sleeved cream-colored blouse. I guess it was the right time for Hannah wore those bright blue high heels I got her.

"For the record, you look even sexier than Dian Barlett in your blue heels."

She squeezed my fingers and smiled; yet I could tell there was something amiss.


We arrived on time at Dante's and had a drink or two. When our food came, we picked at it. Neither one of us were hungry. I noticed how Hannah's hands kind of shook, and she tried several times to hide it.

"You nervous?" I asked.

"Don't you know it?"

"We don't have to do it if you don't want to," I said

"No. No. No. It's not that at all. I want to. I really do."

"Then the problem is?"

Hannah didn't say anything, and about that time I was seriously wondering if the night was going to come together like I had it planned out in my head. It was all on Hannah now. I'm onboard with getting laid, but that takes two people.


By the time we made it back to her apartment my hormones were running wild. I felt like I was back in high school and about to feel my first tit.

No sooner than Hannah had the door open and her purse hit the kitchen table, I was all over her. Seconds later, her blouse was on the floor. I dropped to my knees and turned her body. I reached up and I slipped a button free from the side of her skirt. There I found a small zipper and quickly pulled it down. Hannah's skirt dropped and pooled around her shoes. She kicked it off and it landed on the kitchen table.

There she was standing before me in all her glory. I was in utopia. Hannah did indeed wear stockings that night. They were ultra sheer that caught the light in the apartment. White boy short panties barely covered a nearly perfect triangle of brown pubic hair between her legs. I offered her my hand and I led her to the sofa. I had her stand in front of me as my finger ran up and down those amazing stocking covered legs of hers.

I couldn't stand it! Less than a minute later, I stripped down to my birthday suit. Christ, my cock was so hard you could hammer nails with it. Hannah hesitated for the longest time before her hand touched my dick. She barely touched me as though my dick was covered with poison. I was horny as hell. Christ it was almost six months since I was with a girl, and I never was one that could hold back.

Our lips touched and we kissed while my hand reached behind her back and popped open her bra clasp. My hand found its way underneath it, and at last my fingertips caressed a nipple.

To me, Hannah's breasts were damn near perfect, they weren't so large so they hung from her body, but rather they were perk with a slight upturn, and large enough so one filled the palm of my hand perfectly. Hannah's head fell back as I continued my assault on her breasts.

Hannah flung her arms around my neck and she pulled me down to her lips. We kissed each other like it would be our last time together. My right hand was on her thigh, and my fingers danced across the welt of her stockings. I wiggled a fingertip underneath her stocking's top and I closed my eyes. She felt so goddamn good!

There was no stopping so I pulled her panties to one side. I slipped a finger inside her. Soon another finger joined in on the fun, and I was greeted with a slight amount of her wetness. Her legs parted.

I laid her back on the sofa with her legs across mine. Her nylon-covered legs on my bare skin was indescribable! She lifted her butt and I wiggled her panties down and off.

My fingers began an assault on Hannah's pussy. The fingertips of my right hand slipped through her pussy hairs. I teased her opening and each time I touched her, Hannah's ass rose. My left hand was making love to her breasts; I squeezed her nipples as Hannah's body squirmed.

If there was one thing I was going to do that night, it was to fuck Hannah while she wore those amazing stockings and her high heels. Nothing, absolutely nothing else, matter at all!

I took her hand and she followed me back to her bedroom. I tossed her down onto the bed and spread her legs.

Before, on the sofa, she would moan a bit while I was petting her. Now, it's although there was another person—a stranger— that was back there with me. I didn't know it at the time, but that evening was going to turn to shit.

I crawled on top of her, and when my dick found her pussy, I pushed in and Hannah gulped in a lungful of air. I let her get use to me inside her, and then I began to make long quick thrusts. I felt my balls as they slapped against her skin. I placed kisses on her belly and between her breasts. Surprised, I didn't get much reaction from Hannah. She basically laid there like a hunk of firewood.

I'm no superman and within a minute I exploded inside her. As the last of my contractions waned, I rolled off and beside Hannah. She never moved. Never said a word. She laid there with her legs apart, my come slowly oozed from her pussy and onto the bed sheet. We stared at the bedroom ceiling.

"Wow, that was something," I said, "What about you?"

"It was fine."

"Fine?" I rose on my elbows. "Seriously? Fine?"

I wasn't about to ask her if she climaxed; I knew she hadn't. Fucking Hannah was like jacking off into a wet washcloth. She didn't do anything. She didn't move, didn't engage with me during the act, and it was like Hannah wasn't even there. Hannah didn't get up to wash my come from her body; she didn't take her high heels off or even slip those fuck me stockings off. Hannah had completely disconnected from the entire sex act.

So for the next hour and a half, I tired everything I knew to bust Hannah's nut. Nothing, absolutely nothing, worked. By this time, we made it back to the sofa. My hand was numb from massaging her clit.

"What the fuck?" I said.

"Hold me for a little bit, please?"

I did, but I can't say I was into it. I had tried with all I had to get her to come, and what does she do? Nothing!

I put my clothing back on, and made sure Hannah was okay. When I went to the door, she jumped up and asked, "Won't you stay?"

"Not tonight. I've got some thinking to do."

I pushed the door open and stepped out. When I closed it behind me, I heard Hannah crying. I almost opened the door and went back in, but I didn't.

After all this time, after all the dates, and meetings for coffee, the wanting was better than the having. Hannah turned out to be as cold in the sack as an Ohio winter.

And I needed a drink!

********Chapter Ten ***********

I found myself at the bar in Jack Cleveland Casino. I was trying to unwind the last twelve hours of my life. I don't know why I thought fucking Hannah would have been amazing. I figured it would have been off the charts. I was wrong. She's got a nice figure, small but nice tits, and when she's wearing stockings, Christ it's a wonder I didn't come on them before the first thirty seconds were up. What the fuck is wrong with her?

"There you are."


"This is the forth place I checked."

"What the hell are you doing here?" I quickly checked Becky out. She rarely gambles, and she wasn't with her boyfriend. She did have on dress pants and some heels. Maybe her and some friends were out bar hopping?

"Got all dressy to look for me?"

She slipped beside me and ordered a drink. "I couldn't come in here looking like road kill could I?"

"I guess not. So, what brings you here and why are you looking for me?"

"I was home, in my pj's, watching TV, when I got a call from Hannah. Tell me, Jim, how hard is it to take a girl out to dinner, take her back home, and fuck the shit out of her?"

I swirled the whisky around in my glass. "You got most of that right." I turned toward her and said, "We went to dinner. I took her back to her place. I undressed her and yes, I did fuck Hannah. Now, the only problem was, she certainly wasn't an active participant in the sex act. For the next two hours I tried everything I knew to bust her nut, and you know what happened?"


"Damn right! Nothing. How did you know?"

"Hannah told me."

Becky's finger ran around the rim of the glass. I could tell she was thinking of something to say.

"Listen and listen good. There is no rule that says a woman has to climax when they're having sex. Some never do. And I know you're not going to like to hear this, and I should have told you years ago, but... Jim, you're not that great in bed. Jesus, you're a godawful fuck."

"What the hell?"

"I'm sorry to ruin your libido. Damn it, sex with you is like running computer code. It's fucking by numbers. Sometimes, X does not equal Y. So Hannah didn't climax. Is that the end of the free world? Fuck no it's not. So why are you so consumed with the idea?

"I'm not consumed."

"Look at this way. You heard of painting by numbers?"


"That's the way you like to have sex.

"I don't follow."

"Okay, a typical date night with you goes like this. You take me out for dinner and maybe a show. We go back to your place. If I'm wearing stockings, you're on me within seconds of the door being closed. Two minutes later, you're undressed. A minute after that, you got your fingers in my pussy. If I'm lucky we might kiss for a minute, then you're between my legs. Thirty seconds later, you shoot your wad inside me. You get up, wash off your cock, and turn the TV on. You're done and I haven't even got excited yet. I'll bet my 401K you did exactly that with Hannah, didn't you?"

"It worked for you when we were together."

"Jim, ten out of ten times I faked my orgasms with you. You're not worth a God damn in bed!"

I couldn't look at her in the face but rather just stared at the bottles behind the bar.

"Did you really fake that many? Jesus, what a night."

Becky laid her hand on mine. "Yes, all the time. Jim, I don't know where you learned how to be with a woman, but you're doing it all wrong. You've always did it wrong. Sometimes, it's okay to be with woman and simply make out with her. You don't always need to win the prize. Let your partner win once in a while."

"Okay, you're the expert, what am I doing so damn wrong?"

"Everything! You don't have a vagina and I do. The first thing you need to do is stop jamming your fingers inside. Then for Christ sakes, take your time. There's no finish line you need to cross while a clock is ticking."

I stared at my reflection in the mirror on the back of the bar. It hurt. It hurt like hell to hear those words. No man wants a former girlfriend tell him he not worth a fuck in bed. I felt like I aged a hundred years in the last thirty minutes.

Becky remained silent for a while and then finally said, "Hannah told me what Moose did when they had sex."

"Listen. I get it. She was abused. Moose can't be held accountable for every little thing in Hannah's life. It's time she moved on."

"No, you don't get it."

"It wouldn't have been so bad if she did something. Anything!"

"Why not hold her in your arms and tell her how pretty she is? Or tell her how much pleasure you got from being with her? Or how about a new one for Jim? She wore something special just for you, so why not tell her how sexy she looks in her dress and stockings. Did you tell Hannah how sexy she looked wearing only her panties and bra?"

"I didn't! But she didn't do anything either!"

"Jim, she doesn't have to, if that's what she likes."

"Okay. Let me lay it out for you in vivid details. She touched my dick once, and then only lightly. She never touched my balls. I never asked for a blowjob, but what the hell? She could have gone down on me, and placed my dick in her mouth. Nope! She just laid there like one of those blow up dolls."

"Did you listen to your words? All I heard was me, me, and me. Did you tell her how soft her legs were or how sweet her lips tasted to you?"

"I got that. Perhaps I rushed things. I haven't been laid in along while."

"You again. How long do you think Hannah has waited for someone to have sex with her that didn't end up with a hospital trip?"

"Listen to this then. I was about to leave when Hannah put some hose on, and laid on the sofa."


"You know I absolutely hate seeing a woman wear hose. They're an instant turn off for me."

"There you go again. It's all about you. Why don't you simply deal with it? Christ sakes, it's not the end of the world if Hannah put some hose on. So what happened?"

"She rubs one out in front of me while wearing that crap. I wasn't good enough? So she busts a nut without me? Talk about breaking my pride."

The next thing I knew, I felt the sting of a slap across my face.

"What the fuck!"

"Get your shit together! You are not a gift to women! Care about the woman you're with and not about your cock. All Hannah knew was what had happened to her in the past."

"Moose again?" I asked as I rubbed the sting from my cheek.

"Yeah, Moose again. She told me on the phone that he wouldn't let her climax without his permission. So she wouldn't. It was only by herself when she masturbated could she have an orgasm. Do you know how lucky you are? Hannah let you watch something so personal, so intimate, very few men get to witness."

"I don't know," I said.

"I do. Did I ever let you watch me do that?"

"No, of course not."

"That's right. And let me tell you this. Hannah didn't own a pair of stockings until I told her about you. She said tonight that she hated to wear them. It was stockings and garter belts, along with pink frilly nightgowns with fuzzy pink balls attached. So, you see, Hannah wore stockings for YOU, and when she was on the bed, all she could think of was Moose hovering over her. EXACTLY like you were doing.

"Hannah told me that he would take her stockings and use them to bind her to the bedpost. How do you think he cut her? Did you think she laid there and let him slice her? Hanna was tied up with her own fuckin' stockings that's how! Hannah was worried out of her mind that you'd do the same thing. For Christ sakes, Jim, she was scared to death of you in her own bedroom."

"She never said one word to me about any of this."

"It wouldn't have made a bit of difference what she said, because you were too damn busy trying to make X equal Y!"

The clock behind the bar was about to strike two when Becky turned and placed her hands on my face.

"Do you know why we never fell in love?"


"It was because you think the world revolves around what you need."

We kissed deeply and I felt her tongue enter my mouth. Holy shit, Becky never kissed me like that before. A good fifteen seconds passed when she broke the kiss.

"Whoa, shit. What got into you?" I asked.

"Nothing! You missed out on one damn good woman years ago."


"Damn right, it was me."

"Why didn't you say something?"

"Jesus Christ, Jim, I shouldn't have had to. Don't you see? Treat a woman like a person and not a sex object. Why do you think your date with Lisa turned into a shit sandwich? Did you ever wonder why you never had a second date with a woman after you had sex with her?"

We looked at each other for a bit more when Becky kissed me again

"For the love of God, don't miss out on this one."

Becky slipped off the bar stool, and I watched her as she left the bar. I ordered another drink.