I'll Always Catch You Pt. 01


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I wasn't quite sure how I felt after Becky left. It was hard to swallow that I wasn't the stud in bed I thought I was. Somehow no matter how hard you try, the equation simply won't balance.

Dad always told me that boys, and men, don't cry. But that morning, I cupped my face with my hands.

And I let the tears come.

********Chapter Eleven***********

Hannah was brilliant, an incredible conversationalist, and easy on the eyes. Then too, Hannah had a lot of sadness in her life and would cry at the snap of your fingers.

I own a lot of issues, too. Becky was right. I did have a hair trigger, and once I come, roll me over and put a fork in me— I'm done. Perhaps I have read too many Penthouse Forum stories and felt like one of the studs in those articles.

Hannah could be bullheaded, perhaps more so than me. We didn't talk for a week. I guess, after the first time in bed together, we simply won't make it. It was fun while it lasted.

It was a Thursday afternoon when Becky strolled over to my desk. She had that shit eating grin on her face she wears when she's up to no good.

"I just got off the phone with Hannah."

My fingers stopped typing on my keyboard and I instantly looked at Becky.


Becky could be such a damn flirt. She sat on the edge of my desk and her skirt rose to mid thigh. She instantly caught me staring at her legs.

"Damn, Jim, I can read you like a cheap eBook. Now that I got your attention, are you going to listen to what Hannah had to say?"

I folded my hands on my lap. "Sure why not?"

"She wants to know if you'll talk with someone else that might help the two of you."

"A shrink? She wants me to see a shrink with her?"

"No psychiatrist. Only you, Hannah, and... me."

"You? What the hell?"

"That's the deal. Who knows you better than anyone else around here other than me?"


"I'll call bullshit on that, too." Becky crossed her legs and my eyes gave me away once more. Becky was so damn quick; she reached down and put her hand on my crotch.

"It must be a bitch to get an erection every time you see a girl's legs."

I swatted her hand away. "Listen, I've always found you attractive."

"And Hannah?"

"Of course."

"If you want to get back with her, I suggest you meet us at Tony's around eight." Becky slipped off my desk.

I watched her tight ass wiggle as she walked away. Okay. I guess I do want to get back in good grace with Hannah. What could possibly go wrong?


Traffic was a bitch and I ended up being a tad late. In a booth at the rear of the joint sat Hannah and Becky. I truly missed her. Hannah stood, and I gave her a big hug, and then she slipped in beside me. We instantly began to talk.

"You look good, Hannah. I missed you. I'm sorry for being such a dick head."

"I was intimidated by you on our first night together," Hannah said.

Those eyes of Hannah looked at me with laser precision. "Because I felt like I was nothing more to him— to you— only an object, something to put your dick in. We were supposed to make love for the first time. You didn't make love to me; you got off on me, exactly like Moose and all the other men I ever had been with. I wanted a night of passion, of romance, and love. What I got was a second billing role in a porn video."

There were no words in my vocabulary that would have made any difference so I sat and said nothing. I think even Becky didn't see that coming from Hannah.

So for the next two hours the three of sat, and between some beers, we got up close and personal. I told Hannah how sorry I was about our first time together. I tried to explain to her how long it had been since I was with a woman, and was seriously horny. Beck derailed my excuse. There were some high points, a lot of low points, and I had to admit to Hannah that I do suffer with a hair trigger. It takes very little for me to shoot my load.

I also found out why Hannah had such a hard time touching my dick or sack. Apparently, Moose again, forced her to provide blowjobs to him and his friends. She had a problem touching a man's junk.

In the end, Hannah and I agreed we try it again, only on her terms, and boy did she ever have a list. I have to give credit to Moose, he certainly fucked that woman's head up. For the time being, she won't touch my penis. A blowjob? Not in this lifetime. Ditto her wearing stockings. Hannah confirmed what Becky had told me about Moose when she wore stockings. So, if I wanted to see Hannah's legs in nylon, I'll have to get use to her wearing pantyhose.

Around ten-thirty, Hannah excused herself, she said she needed to get home and in bed. There was an upcoming test of her new engine design in the morning. I kissed her and gave her a hug. Becky and I watched her leave the bar. I sat back down. I ordered a stiff drink.

"That went over better than I thought it would. You surprised me. I thought you would have had a fit," Becky said.

"I don't know. I sure agreed to a lot of shit to be with Hannah."

Becky had her drink to her lips when she put the shot glass back onto the table. "You're in love with her that's why."

"I don't... Naw..."

"Bullshit! Why don't you fess up?"

I finished my drink and said, "I enjoy being around her, but I'm not in love."

"You're a stubborn man. You've fallen in love with Hannah. Why don't you admit it? You agreed to way too many things to be with her. You love Hannah."

Becky was absolutely right. I had fallen for her. For some reason, I simply couldn't say those three words to her. I couldn't say those same words to Becky years ago either.

And I couldn't say 'I love you' to Hannah the night I took her to bed.

********Chapter Twelve***********

Another week got marked off the calendar. It was about noon on a Friday, and I was out on the patio at Shooters watching people go by when I looked up and saw Hannah as she walked towards me. We had a lunch date all set up.

"I've been waiting for you," I said as I pulled out Hannah's chair.

"Hell of a day," Hannah said.

"You want to tell me about it?"

"Not much to say. The prototype didn't work like the computer simulations predicted." She looked around the patio. "You haven't been calling me as much as you have been. Are we still good?"

"Sure. Sure we are."

"Give me some time," Hannah said.

"No one is pushing you, especially not me."

"I could use some down time. Could we go to Marblehead and visit the lighthouse?" Hannah asked.

"This weekend would be fine."

"How about right now? Let's spend the weekend away from here. Do absolutely nothing important. I stopped at my apartment and packed a small bag. I'm ready."

Hannah always wore jeans and a shirt to work. Today was typical Hannah. Blue jeans, a white shirt and her always present black pumps.

"I'll have to swing by my place to get some items, too."

"We're going then?"

"Sure why not?"


I stopped by my apartment and threw some stuff into a gym bag, and before you knew it, we were west bound on Route 2 and headed for Marblehead. We arrived late afternoon. The only problem was, we didn't think about getting a room and most of the hotels were already booked. Lucky for us, I managed to snag a place to stay at a Red Roof in nearby Port Clinton. We dropped our bags off, Hannah changed from her heels to sneakers, and off we went to the lighthouse.

The weather couldn't have been any better, however the lake had a bit of chop 'cause the wind was a bit feisty.

We sat on a bench and watched the waves as they crashed upon the rocks. It was peaceful, and I knew why Hannah liked to come here. You can loose your thoughts in the tranquility of nature.

Out of the blue, Hannah said, "Today is a anniversary of sorts for me."

"Why's that?"

Hannah shrugged. "It's been two months since we met at the cliff."

"I haven't been keeping track."

"I have."

"That's old history."

"Not for me it isn't.

I rubbed her cheek with the back of my hand.

"You agreed to a long list of things to be with me," Hannah said.

I nodded and said, "I had my reasons."

We focused our attention back to the lake and waves. My gut was on fire, and the hairs on the back of my neck stood. I didn't know what was happening to me. I heard Becky's voice in my mind. It said to man up.

"What were the reasons?" Hannah finally asked.

I looped some of her short hair behind her ear, sucked in a deep breath, and said, "I've fallen in love with you. That's my reason."

I thought Hannah had stopped breathing. She didn't say a word. Hannah looked at me, and reached for my hand when suddenly she broke down.

"Don't tell me that if you're going to hurt me."

"I'll never lay a hand to you. Why would you even think that?"

Through tears she told me that two years prior, Moose had told her he loved her, and his love drove her to a brink of taking her life.

"No one will ever hurt you again. Hannah, I love you and I'll always be here to catch you."

She wrapped her arms around me and held me as tightly as I think she could.

And between sobs Hannah said, "I love you, too."

********Chapter Thirteen ***********

After we left Marblehead, we spent some time driving around Lakeside looking at the houses. Then it was off to Port Clinton to do a bit of shopping and sightseeing. It was around seven when I pulled the car in the parking lot of the Red Roof.

As soon as I opened the door, Hannah slipped her shoes off and headed to the bathroom. I heard the shower running.

On the far end of the room sat dual sinks, on the left was the bathroom, the other side some kind of storage area. I watched as Hannah slip her pants off and entered the bathroom.

Ten minuets later, she stood by the bed in her PJs. She pulled the sheets back and crawled in.

"Is there something wrong?" I asked.

"No, not a thing."

"It seems that you got a lot on your mind, you haven't said much since we came back here," I said.

It was my turn in the shower and when I came back to the bed, Hannah had curled up on her side. I slipped in next to her.

"Have you been crying?"


Out of the blue, the icemaker outside our room decided to start and scared the snot out of us.

"The ice machine doesn't believe you either."

"Maybe a little."

"Over what?" I asked.

Hannah had her back to me so I couldn't tell if she still had tears on her cheeks.

Suddenly, Hannah turned and faced me. "Will you tell me again?"

"Tell you what?"

"That you love me. Look in my eyes and tell me that you love me."

I placed my palm on her face and said, "Ah, Hannah, I do love you."

Hannah snuggled at close as she could.

And within ten minutes she was asleep.

********Chapter Fourteen***********

The next morning we took the ferry out to Put-in-Bay and spent the majority of the day there. We rented a golf cart, sampled the local wine, and went into every shirt shop on the island.

We got back to our hotel room around eight at night. That evening I beat Hannah to the shower.

The shower in that hotel was nothing more than a bathtub with a plastic curtain around it. I had the water flowing, and was in the process of washing out some shampoo from my hair when in stepped Hannah.

She instantly put her arms around my waist while the water wetted her hair. The water flowed down the curve of her back. I picked up the bar of soap, and rubbed it over her until her body was slick with soapy foam.

I cupped her face as crystal drops of water formed on her eyelashes. We kissed like we never had before. My hands were all over her wet body. Feeling all her curves and the texture of her skin.

I'm a normal guy and I reacted like a normal guy. A minute after she was standing next to me, I had a raging hard. I turned her and cupped her wet breasts in my hands. My dick rode between her butt cheeks. Jesus! Did I ever want to take Hannah from the rear. I fought my demons.

"Tell me again?" Hannah asked over the sounds of running water.

"I love you. I love you, Hannah"

The next thing I knew, I felt Hannah's hand on mine. She took it and placed it on my cock.

"Go a head," she said.

"Why won't you do it for me?" I asked.

"Give me sometime." She took my hand and began to stroke me.

"Ah, Hannah, not in front of you."

She moved my hand up and down a few times, and then stood on tiptoes and kissed me. "You owe me this," she whispered, "You watched me do it."

She was right. Besides, I was too far-gone to stop. So right there in the shower I stroked myself while Hannah watched with wide-open eyes.

It didn't take long. As I recall, I doubt it took more than thirty-seconds before I felt my gut tighten. Hannah was no more than a foot or so from me, and I watched her eyes sparkle when my first contraction exploded a stream of come. Most of my load ended up on Hannah's bush. She reached down and touched some before the water melted it from her fingers. I was so embarrassed! I've never done that in front of a woman before.

Then the most amazing thing happened. Hannah put her hand behind my neck and on tiptoes kissed me. The amazing part was her right hand cradled my balls.

"Oh, Hannah, touch me some more."

She rolled the family jewels like a pair of marbles in a silk bag. It felt so damn good to be felt up like that in the shower. Hannah didn't do it for long, but it was long enough to cause me to get hard once more.

The next thing I knew, Hannah had lowered herself on her knees. Now with both hands she touched my cock. Shivers raced across my body. My fingers wove themselves though Hannah's wet hair. That's when I felt Hannah's lips on the head of my cock. I gulped in a lung full of moist air, and I managed to let out a bit of a moan. Hannah took me into her mouth and I grabbed the shower curtain. She managed a few strokes before she let me slip out of her mouth.

Hannah's fingers were teasing the short hairs around the root of my dick. My head was against the wall of the shower as water cascaded down Hannah's back. I was on the verge of coming once more when she stopped.

I managed to turn the water off and then I held her. My arms around her waist, her bare breasts pressed against my chest. It was a feeling that I never wanted to end.

Hannah pushed the shower curtain back and stepped out. She turned and said, "That's all I can do for now. I love you and I know you need more than that from me."

There was a hunger that I had and only Hannah could feed it.


I let things cool down for a while. An hour or so later, Hannah suggested we get a pizza and some beer and we'd stay in. It was a great idea.

Perhaps it was the food and the beer, or maybe the time we spent on the island. Whatever it was, we were worn out. I think it was around eleven when we decided to craw into bed. I told her that I always slept in the nude, and therefore she had to as well.

Now I have to explain something as best as I can. Perhaps it was the indoctrination Moose had pounded in her head. I don't know. But for whatever reason, I could tell Hannah to undress, and without hesitation, she would do so. There was no arguing, no discussion, only action. Hannah apparently had no issue about being naked in front of me. She didn't cover her breasts with her arms, or try to cover she snatch. So when I told her she was going to sleep in the nude, she pushed her PJs to the floor and stepped out of them. Next she unbuttoned her top and tossed it onto a chair. The next thing I knew she had her panties down and off.

She pointed at me and said, "You too."

I pulled my underwear down and tossed them onto the chair as well. I turned and let her see me with the lights on.

Men are an odd lot. When we have an erection, hell we're so proud of it, we'd display ourselves and our hard cock in front of the Queen of England. However, when the little beastie is all comfy and relaxed, we hide our junk from another pair of eyes—especially female eyes.

"Do you like what you see?" I asked.

I knew Hannah had to be embarrassed, but smiled at me and said, "You're handsome man that—"

"That what?"

Hannah grinned. "You've got a tight ass, and a nice long cock."

I'm like any other guy on this planet, and her words made me feel good— manly— like one of those studs in the Penthouse Forum.

Hannah pulled the sheets back and we crawled in. I thought about messing around with her. I was so tired, and I knew she had to be as well. We were out in a matter of minutes.


I don't know what time it was, perhaps around two, when I noticed Hannah had moved my hand and placed it on my dick. I was still somewhat asleep when I realized she had managed to manipulate my hand on my cock and I started to react like any guy would.

Hannah rolled over. She pulled the sheets back and exposed our bodies to the darkness of the room. "What are doing?" I asked.

"What do you think I'm doing?" Hannah asked.

She was using my hand to rub my cock. Apparently the little bit she touched me in the shower was all I was going to get.

"You want me to come again? Masturbate again for you?"

Her hand clamped down on my dick. "I want you to come again, but this time, inside me."

What did I just hear? Did Hannah ask me to have sex with her? I rolled over on top of her, and pushed her arms over her head.

"Are you sure?"

Hannah nodded. I moved my hands along her sides and up around her breasts. I leaned down and placed a few kisses on each nipple. Hannah rose a bit and closed her eyes. I wanted to slam my cock into her, but the words Becky said to me keep filling my mind. So I continued to kiss her. I moved down to her thighs and placed tiny kisses on her knees. I played with her hair. I put kisses on her cheeks and across her shoulder blades.

I've never been with a woman that acted like Hannah did. She started to move her hips about. I was in a bad way. I was within minutes of busting my nut. Slow down, I kept telling myself over and over. Slow the fuck down!

I knew it was only a matter of time, so I moved her legs apart and straddled her. I took my dick and gently tease her pussy. Hannah clinched the bed sheets in her fists.

I had no trouble as I slowly pushed in and felt her pussy surround my cock. Hannah was so wet and hot, I could actually feel her warmth on my dick. I stopped. I knew I was on a knife-edge. A few strokes would be all it would take. So I let myself rest and returned to kissing her. The odd thing, I've never had my dick in a woman's pussy that I wasn't trying to bust my nut. It felt odd just being inside her.

Hannah wrapped her arms around my neck and pulled me to her breasts. I took her nipples into my mouth and my tongue teased them until Hannah's moans caused me to pump her pussy.

No amount of kissing was going to stop what I knew was only seconds away. Then it hit! One huge contraction and I felt myself fill her pussy. I slowly, ever so slowly, stroked a few more times, as I kissed her even more.

Before I rolled off, I leaned into her right ear and said, "I love you so much." I was becoming flaccid, yet I managed to rub my semi-hard dick across her clit.

That's when Hannah's ass rose and I felt her whole body get hot. Her skin actually turned red. She moaned and kind of tossed herself back and forth across the bed. Her legs went stiff and her toes pointed out.

She sought out my hand and I held her. I leaned over and kissed her. "I love you, Hannah."

She sprung up and wrapped her arms around me. Her bare breasts pressed into my chest. We held each other for the longest time.

And for the first time in my life after I've had sex with a woman, I didn't ask is she had an orgasm. I wasn't sure if she did, but I still wasn't going to ask and ruin the moment.

Hannah got up and cupped her pussy as she made a dash to the bathroom. I guess I really let go of a load inside her. She returned later with a warm washcloth and wiped my dick.