I'll See You in Dreams


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"Who do you think you are," he said in anger. "What gives you a hired employee the right to tell me anything."

He made the mistake of swinging at me. Swearing he was going to kick the shit out of me for interfering. Security came in just in time to see me duck underneath his arm as he took his swing. I then hit back using my full body strength. Nailing him as hard and fast as I could straight into his gut. As he automatically bent over in response. I threw a couple of hard ones into his face aiming for his nose. Everyone in the room could hear the crack of bone breaking as they landed. I had broken his nose. Like all abusers, he was basically a coward when it came to be facing a real man. He gave up without a further attempt.

"What should we do with him, boss?" One of the security officers asked as soon as he got to the dance floor.

"Throw a set of cuffs on him. If we caught this on video hold him, call the police and turn a copy of the video over to them. They will review it and lay the charges against him that they think they can prove. Let them know I am willing to testify. Maybe a jail cell is just what he needs until he sobers up. Write up an official report on this situation. That way if he is a member the board can seriously consider permanently revoking his membership. We don't want people like him in our establishment doing harm to our reputation." I said.

I went to the stage and using one of the band's mikes I said: "To our valued members and guests, I wish to convey our regrets that this to happen. We will try our hardest to improve our screening process for membership in the future."

I walked back to my position behind the bar giving it no further thought. To me, he was just an idiot who had too much to drink. I had seen lots of his kind of losers in my short life. About a half an hour later Irene came and sat herself down at the bar counter with her dad's friend Jamie.

With a smile, I asked the ladies what they would like to drink. Both said surprise us. So, I did I make them a drink I called a Thomas Light Tea. It was a drink I had made to impress the ladies back in my post-secondary years. It was poured into a tall glass, which contained a double shot of white rum, a double shot of flavored vodka, with crushed ice with ginger ale. Shaken but not stirred. Both of the ladies tasted it and asked what it was called. I ended up explaining what was in it and what I called It.

"What made you come up with this mixture?" Irene asked.

"I found it helped me in picking up the ladies in my university days," I said with a smile.

"So, did you chase a lot of females?" Irene asked.

I blushed and said. "Gentleman don't tell."

Irene noted that it seemed that she could make me blush without even trying and asked, "are you crushing on me?"

I didn't answer her question. She giggled because I guess my face said everything.

"Thomas, what do you think of that man who tried to hit that woman?" Jamie asked trying to change the subject.

"He should be kicked to the curb if he is married," I said. "Because if he can do that in public it has to be much worse for his wife behind closed doors. No woman ever deserves to be treated like that by anyone. He's not a man he's only a coward trying to prove to himself that he isn't."

"You really impressed my dad tonight the way you stepped in," Irene said quietly. "You always seem to find yourself in the right place at the right time."

I didn't get to follow up because I had other orders to fill. The next time I glanced over they were gone.

When the bar shut down at two, we began the cleanup. I thanked the staff for trusting me enough to work with me. One of them asked why the security man had called me boss. I laughed and pulled out my temporary identification to show them. Everyone seemed impressed. I said I don't officially start until Monday. I was just doing what I will always do. What's that one of them asked? Putting the needs of the club as a whole first. I had to call a taxi to take me home.

While I was waiting for the cab the security guard said I had made a great impression by jumping in and working a position that was beneath me. Most in your position wouldn't have. If you were looking for respect from the staff, you have more than earned it. Those who worked with you tonight now consider you one of the team and will always have your back. You saved those university students from losing a day's pay.

Sunday morning breakfast proved to be interesting. My parents wanted to know how I had learned to be a very good bartender and how I ended up behind the counter working. They learned a few things they did not know. Like the fact that I had worked as a bartender in a gay bar to help with the costs related to going to school.

That brought out the question of my sexuality. I said relax mom I'm not gay. The owner of the bar would only hire heterosexuals because over the years he had lost too many because of emotional involvement with clients. That's when I told them I was home until I could find a place in which to live because I had found a new job.

"You quit the accounting firm. Why?" my mother asked.

"I start my new job on Monday," I replied. "I'm the new comptroller of the Meadows Country Club starting on Monday. When security took me aside it was to give me my temporary pass. The general manager had been called and was deciding to close down the lounge because of a lack of a professional bartender so I filled in."

The look on their faces said it all. They were very proud. Dad said my conduct last night had said a lot of things to everyone. That is when I found out that the man, I had taken down for attempting to hit his wife had been Irene's husband. I asked my mother for their story.

Both came from money. She was a lot like her father easy going, honest and straight forward. He was a person who saw himself better and smarter than anyone else. It was reflected in his attitude. They had been married for over just two years. He had never worked a day in his life and lived off the family trust while serving on two boards. The rumors of physical abuse started about six months after they were married. No one had witnessed him doing or attempting it until last night. My mother said that my stepping up had saved all from seeing a man abuse a woman. Keith was very proud that you protected his daughter even though you had no knowledge who the female was.

After his public display, Irene had decided to leave Evan and was going to stay with her father until her divorce was done. Keith couldn't believe it; he'd been trying to get her to do that for months. He felt a big burden had been lifted off of his shoulders. He asked Irene why now. Irene said it was Thomas's conduct that made me see how useless Evan really is. In ways, I was believing it was my fault. Thomas made it quite clear to me earlier that it was not.

"Mom did that announcement from Irene come before after Jamie and she came to the bar," I asked?

"Afterward because everyone was totally shocked when you told security to hold him for the cops and to provide any video we might have." She explained. "Keith proudly said you had sent a message to all who were there that it did not matter who you were or what you were worth, protecting the Clubs reputation came first."

I thought my mom was done but she added: "Irene needed something worth believing in before she could let go and move on. I don't know how but she found what she needed last night."

I then told them both about our short conversation at the bar when Jamie and she had come to get new drinks.

"Be gentle with her as she is going to need a lot of time to get her self-esteem back." Mom said. "As far as she is concerned you reinforced her belief last night that you have always been her white knight."

Later my mother helped me move my stuff into my old room which thankfully had been updated.

"You're more than welcome to stay here for as long as you like." My mother said. "We won't even charge you rent."

"Mom do you realize how much teasing I would face at my age by my friends when they learn I have moved back home," I said with a laugh. "I would never live it down. Besides, it would kill any chance I had to date. Most girls looking for a husband don't want to date a man who lives at home with his mother."

I thought I'd successfully won on that point.

But she countered with: "Irene would. Jamie has heard her say many times last night that there's no man that can compare to Thomas. I think she has put you on a pedestal because in her eyes this is the second time you have saved her."

I went to work early on my first day because I wanted to explore the operation firsthand before it opened for the day. In order to understand what I was working with I knew I had to learn each division like it was the back of my hand. Mangement for me meant knowing every little detail of how our money was spent and why. As my dad said to watch the little things because they add up.

I was out looking at the electric golf carts and I noticed the brand of batteries we were using in them was the cheapest on the market. Yet the carts themselves were top of the line. It gave me a good impression of how the man I was replacing worked. To him, the appearance meant everything as long as it was done as cheap as possible. That explained to me why there had been no growth in this organization for years. The only reason the bank was still in it was because of the value of the land.

I asked the golf pro shop manager how many times a week were we going out with replacement carts because of battery failure. He told me about three times a day or more on average because they take so long to charge. When we have to do that, we have to close the shop because I'm off teaching. As a result, the retail shop is not doing what it could be doing. Do you have the phone number and a contact person from our battery supplier? I asked. He went and printed it out. About half an hour later I told him the new batteries were on the way. They would take the old ones back after putting the new ones in and credit our account for them. These ones would recharge in six hours but could run for days before needing that. He seemed to doubt me.

"I'm the new comptroller," I said. "Let everyone know we will have this shop open regular hours from now on. Also, anything you can suggest that will help to increase sales and the effectiveness of operating this shop as a standalone business let me know and explain why. If you can convince me, we will give it a try."

The look I got from him showed his complete surprise. I knew he would do what he needed to make what was under his control the best it could ever be. Every man who worked wanted to be able to feel proud of what he did.

My next stop was the groundkeepers to see what kind of fertilizer we were using, and I found the same thing. The stuff we had on hand was crap. By the time the person in charge and I were done talking, I could see a genuine smile on his face. In three months, the greens would be improved a lot. We also set a schedule up for blade sharpening and serving of equipment. I gave my approval for him to hire two more full-time staff.

"Did you know Mr. Davis that the club owns enough land for a second eighteen hole course?" He said.

"No, I didn't but I do now," I said. "Now we have to find the money to develop it. The key starts with getting the first eighteen to be the best in the state."

The groundskeeper knew I mean it because of the changes we had just agreed to. I had thrown him a big challenge. He knew it. Based on our conversation I knew his pride would drive him to do it.

My last stop before going to my office was to see the chef of our restaurant. I hit him about opening up for lunch and developing new dishes for a whole new menu. He was flabbergasted that I would want him to do that. I threw him another loop do you buy from the local producers when you can? If not, you got my approval to do so. I reminded him that the cost of making the plate should be multiplied by three to keep us operating in the black. It told him that I knew what I was talking about.

He wanted a huge smoker for pork chicken and beef. I said to pick out the model and find us the best price. Bring it to the office for me to look at and we will go for it. He put me to the test that same day. When I left that day, it had been ordered and was on its way. I figured out he'd had his eyes on it for months. To him, it was a dream being fulfilled. I knew I had won the Chef over by giving him a reason to begin believing in me.

I walked into the office, the retiring comptroller took one look at me and said you know we're in the red and the bank is wanting changes made. I said yes, I do. Keith told me that over two weeks ago. I have been in contact with the bank ever since. He introduced me to his staff. I asked them which one of you knows the board of directors' wife's best.

A lady about my mom's age said I do. I said follow me as I led her to my new office.

"My name is Susan Colbert. Mr. Davis," she said.

"Susan please call me Tom," I said. "I want you to arrange a luncheon this week with all the ladies, yourself, and me on Friday. Arrange with the Chef to serve us. Tell him we want to be used as his Guinee pigs for some of his new dishes. Let the ladies know the meeting is being set up so we can begin planning regular ladies' events. They should be able to tell us what they want and what they feel is needed. It's time we brought this club into the current century."

"Who will be in charge of handling these events?" Susan asked.

"You are!" I said.

"I'm on it right away," Susan said as she headed out the door her face glowing with excitement. Pausing she turned around and said. "You don't know how long they have been waiting for this. I know all eight will be there."

I told the former comptroller he could start his retirement early as I had assumed control.

As soon as he left the office, I called the bank and informed the manager of what was already being done. After chatting for a few I asked him to plant a leak that the restaurant and lounge would be open to the public on Thursday to Sunday nights for six weeks starting next week to give the general public an opportunity to see if they would like to apply for membership. I then placed a local advertisement in the paper for a week on Wednesday promoting that same fact.

Thursday afternoon Susan poked her head into my office, so I waved her in.

"It's confirmed all eight will be here at one pm, but I had to agree that you would make them the now-famous Thomas Iced Tea. It seems that a couple of the ladies has tried it and raved about it. Our Chef will prepare six new dishes three for the lunch menu and three from the dinner for all us to try."

"Who is coming as Keith McKibbon's significant other?" I asked out of curiosity.

"His daughter Irene of course" Susan replied.

Most of the ladies showed up early. Susan and I carried in the Thomas Iced Teas on two trays. Irene, of course, showed up last. Man, she looked hot and she knew it. I guess I gave away my interest in her by staring at her a bit too long. I heard someone say she had not seen Irene smile like that in months. The Chef brought his first item out and presented it to us. The ladies were delighted to be treated so royally.

As they were served, he took the time to explain what was in it and what the retail price would be. The ladies loved their freshness, uniqueness, and appearance. Each was discussed with the chef who was glowing in pride. One of the ladies asked why this had not been done before the Chef said the previous comptroller didn't believe in or support change. Thank god that we now have one that does.

Then we got down to business. By the end of the three hours meeting the ladies were excited. First, we would double the number of dances in the ballroom secondly, we would offer it for wedding rentals and use the kitchen staff for the food services if required. The ladies now had to form a decorating committee and plan themed events for the ballroom.

I would approach the board with their suggestion of building a structure that would allow the tennis courts to be used all season around yet open them up during the summer. That way we could justify the hiring of a tennis pro. We would set aside one of the private meeting rooms for Sunday football widows when their spouses were watching the game in the lounge. It was the ladies who had to come up with a redesign for it.

The last thing I did was a complete surprise to the ladies. I said I would like them each to invite three people each who they thought would be interested in seeing this place for the first time and invite them to try for the first time next Wednesday one of our new luncheon menu items at no cost. Before the ladies would leave, I had to make another round of the Iced teas.

Susan said as we were making them. "I have not seen them this enthusiastic in years. Can you really get the board's approval to make all these changes?"

"Between you and me, the only way I would accept this position was if I could do things to turn it back into a want to be in place again. It took the board three days to agree." I said.

"Susan, I want you to find a female bartender that will be able to adjust her schedule for these woman events we are arranging. When you set the first big one up, I want to bring in a special surprise." I said.

After helping Susan bring the ladies the fresh drinks, I left them alone. Returning to the lounge I wrote out the bill for the total cost of the afternoon events. Wrote on it to be charged to promotion and advertising. I did it that way to be able to assign each department their sales and to reflect the profit they should have earned. I was just finishing it up when I noticed Irene standing there looking at me.

"Dad said you were coming back to breathe new life into this Club," Irene said. "The golf pro we have is more excited than he has been in months. He's bringing in new equipment lines. New golfing bags, and all accessories including shoes and clothing. He already installing a change room for trying them on. I hear you told him to go top of the line. So is the groundskeeper. Is it true you're going to be adding a second eighteen hole course within two years?"

"That's up to him." I said, "he's first got to make the first eighteen the best greens in the state. His problem was not in his knowledge it was in what products the pervious comptroller allowed him to use. It seems management in the past didn't believe that it takes money to make money. With the cheap stuff, you use more four times more and get less or nor value out of it. In trying to save every nickel and dime he could he was, in fact, putting the Club into a slow death spiral. That is why the membership has been dropping. It's my job to turn it around before we end up losing it."

"What else is on your agenda?" Irene asked.

"I've got to double our membership within the next year. To do that is going to require me doing and bringing in a lot of changes." I said. "for example, the small park at the back of the building that no one uses is going to be converted into a site for an eighteen-hole mini-golf. I'm hoping that members with children will use it and go to the restaurant afterward. When that is done the restaurant will be open seven days a week."

"My husband got served this week. The board has sent him a formal letter revoking his membership. Thanks to you he's been charged by the police. I used that to get a restraining order against him." Irene said. "Tom you did it again, let me thank you by taking you for dinner somewhere besides this place."

"I'm sorry I can't you're still a married woman," I said. "When you're free then we will talk. I'm too new in this position to have my name gossiped about especially with a member. I got to establish myself first."