I'll See You in Dreams


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"Nice save," Irene said with sadness. "Even when we were young you disciplined yourself. That set you apart even back then from anyone I knew. Even the kitchen staff said you were one who would end up going places."

I walked around from behind the counter to her without saying a word. Knowing we were totally alone I pulled her into my arms before she could say a word. I lowered my head to hers and drew my mouth to hers and gave her a deep long French kiss.

Letting her go while looking into her eyes I said. "it's just too soon for both of us."

Then I walked away.

Jamie found Irene sitting by herself crying. "what's wrong dear?"

"I talked to Thomas privately for a few minutes and he said it's just too soon for both of us," Irene said," because he's new on the job and I'm still married."

"What wrong with that he was just being honest and truthful," Jamie said.

"I know Jamie he doesn't want to have any gossip going on and I agree." Irene said in tears "The problem is that the way that he kissed me. By the time he was done, I knew just how he felt about me."

"That bad huh! Jamie said. "No wonder your crying, you poor dear."

"No! that's good, with that kiss he was claiming me. It was his way of telling me I'm his." Irene said with a smile a mile wide as the tears ran down her cheek. "it brought back all the dreams and wishes I had about him when he cut dad's lawn."

Jamie was wondering if Irene was reading it wrong because she was still so fragile.


Keith Mckibbon would be dancing if he could. Never had he believed that it would turn out as good as it did? Bill Davis had done wonders in his new position. His knowledge of how things worked was amazing. In just the seven months he has been in he had improved productivity and reduced overall costs in ways no one had thought about. It had resulted in another promotion but this one he had earned on his own. Keith himself had learned a valuable lesson.

Never would have he thought that in trying to save his daughter it would benefit himself so much. Bill's son Thomas was proving himself to be the best move the club's board had made. His daughter Irene was happier than she'd been in years. She had agreed to see someone to help her get through what she had endured. He had finally got his wish; his daughter was getting herself free from Evan McBride. Evan was just like his first wife. They were both self-centered and all about themselves. Appearing to care but proving over time that they didn't. It had driven him to devote more time at work than with her. Irene had been the one that had paid the price. Once she had left them, he'd tried to be the best father she ever had, He was proud of how his daughter had turned out. Her white knight without knowing had brought them both back to life.


It had been four months since I had been hired. I had just returned from a meeting with a very happy bank manager. I had used my sign-on bonus as a security to get the bank to go along with what I wanted to do. They had just given it back to me. After some further heavy negotiations, he had got it back. That was because the Meadow Golf Club had just put a serious amount of cash down against its overall debt. Our membership over the past four months had increased by twenty percent. That three thousand a year fee I had used to pay down our bank loan for the first time in five years. The club had effectively cut its debt by half.

You now had to book your tee-off time days ahead. The greens had improved so much so quickly that they were being referred publicly as being the best in the area. The golf shop sales were up twenty-five percent thanks to cart rentals and new stock lines. It was becoming a success. Yet more changes to it were to come. We had turned the Golf Club from an almost break-even operation to one that now was making a very good monthly profit.

The local newspaper had written a review of the restaurant's luncheon and dinner menu calling our new dishes a success. Our lounge and restaurant were both now permanently open to the public from Thursday to Sunday. The growth in food and bar sales had been fantastic. As a result, the new membership requests were steady. Some university staff had joined and that had added to our credibility. Thomas Iced Tea was now the hottest female drink going. When a female asked for a Tit everybody knew what they wanted. The new roof would be going over the tennis court over the winter. Thus, we were starting our look for a tennis pro. Our new mini-golf was a family attraction, so was our community pool. As a result, the new members loved to bring their children for an afternoon and then would return for dinner and dancing later.

A fitness instructor was now on Staff. The pool, the small gym and the tennis court was being used at times by her a lot. In a short time, the members had taken to her. The older ones enjoyed using the pool to exercise in. From the time we were open to the time we were closed there were people all around. To me that meant money. The ballroom was booked for the first time by a wedding party for supper and the dance afterward. The chef was excited about it, so was I. it opened us up to a new revenue avenue.

This coming Sunday when the guy watched the game on the big screens in the lounge the ladies would have their first big event. Susan Colbert was shocked when I told her she had to work in an hour slot for today's current version of the Chippendales.

I had come in just as things were winding down that Sunday just to see how things had come together. I ordered an Old Fashioned from the server as I sat in the bar. When she brought it to me, she said the bartender had to look it up on our new computer system. Keith saw me sitting by myself and wheeled himself over.

"Thomas you never told me how you got the bank to go along with your plans," Keith said. "I had to learn from the branch manager today that you turned over your sign-on bonus as security when I told him we had accepted his request to be a member. You took a gamble on yourself and I'm proud of that because it was something, I have done myself many times."

"Then I guess you should know that it is tied up again for the club's future. By using it, we have secured the financing for the second eighteen. I know Arnold Palmer's grandson and got his help to get his grandfather to design it."

Let's just say Keith was amazed and quite excited. Keith said I had put together what he thought was impossible. The board had already approved a huge raise for me starting the first of the month. Keith added you don't know how big of a blessing you have been for the Club and me personally.

'How long till we start the expansion?" Keith asked.

"I'll let you know after I talk to the groundskeeper about it all," I replied.

A few minutes later Jamie and Irene walked in. Irene automatically sat beside me. Getting as close as she could. Both their faces were glowing. She slipped her hand into mine underneath the table. I didn't pull mine back. Irene let me know in her own way that she was quite pleased. Keith and I learned that the first woman's event was considered a hit by all those who had attended. I gave Susan all the credit.

"Oh no you don't," said Jamie. "Susan told us it was you who booked the dancers. They were the hit of the afternoon. It's going to be talked about for weeks."

"There were over forty of us that took part in the event. All agree that it was well worth the money they spent." Irene said. "The way it was all planned kept us all in a state of excitement. We didn't understand why we had to slip our names into a hat until the three names were drawn for a complete makeover from head to toe. Their transformations were amazing everyone had to admit that the three never looked so good. Their three husbands are in for an exciting evening. Each one of them was shocked to learn that there was no further cost to them and went home wearing new outfits."

"The food the chef made for us was over the top. It was obvious that it was created for a woman's taste. I think we all overate." Jamie said. "Since you came in and started making changes it's been amazing. This is a happening place again."

"He's not done. Thanks to him the Club has now gotten financing for the second eighteen." Keith added. "Our new requests for membership are keeping the board very busy. It has been years since we have seen such activity."

"Well, Dad," Irene said. "I hate to break this up but I'm taking Thomas out for a private dinner that is long overdue and this time I won't take no for an answer. This is the last chance before Evan gets out of jail and I'm taking advantage of it. Our divorce is getting to be very nasty."

We went to a downtown restaurant. I asked her what had brought this on.

"I have to make a move," she said. "A lot of women were discussing introducing you to some of their daughters or extended family. It seems most believe that you are going places in your life and are great husband material."

"I'm not dating material I still live at home with my mom." I laughed.

"I know she told a bunch of the ladies that and said that you used to work in a gay bar to boot." Irene laughed.

"I'm going to kill her when I get home," I said seriously.

"Don't I told everyone we were dating," Irene replied. "If they're going to try to set you up there going to have to go through me. My announcement took everyone by surprise, so expect a lot of questions from your mother because she's very excited about us being us."

I got home about eleven that night. My mom was too excited to sleep. She had a hundred questions. I answered none. The only thing I said before heading to bed sarcastically was goodnight Irene, I'll see you in my dreams.

Monday morning as soon as Susan arrived, she had to give me a breakdown of how it all went. There had been demonstrations of fashion wear, hairstyles, makeup and some specialty items for wearing in the bedroom. While the three makeovers were being done the ten male dancers had taken the floor. After the big reveal the food was brought in. As a group, they decided they want us to do it at least once a month. The vendors who took part are just as eager as most of the things they brought they are not taking home. They as a group decided we should have their own hair salon here. We could use the smallest meeting room to set that up. Do you think we could do that? I responded that I would check with maintenance to see how much it would cost before I would commit to doing it. Susan put the word out that day that I would find away.

Saturday night the Ballroom dinner and dance theme set up to be back to the sixties. Those attending had to wear attire from that period. The meal was designed to reflect what was popular back then. On Friday Irene got her hair dyed black and she was going to buy me a wig. I went through my dad's old clothing stored in the attic and found a suitable outfit to wear. Mom washed and pressed it for me. Man, to me I looked weird. Mom said I looked great. I said yeah right. She said remember we lived as teenagers back then. She got me there. Irene pinned the wig to my head after I went to pick her up. Keith had to get a couple of photo shots of us because we looked like Sonny and Cher. I had glasses and a bandana on my head. Irene had her hair done in braids. Both of us had no clue as to what Keith was talking about.

It was a great party until midnight. The event had been sold out. The winners of the best costumes had been picked. We weren't one of them. Irene and I were on the dance floor when we heard the fight coming from the lobby. I left the dance floor running as fast as I could.

By the time I got there one of the two security guards was on the floor bleeding from a knife wound. The second was struggling with Irene's separated husband Evan. He saw me coming towards him and pushed the remaining guard away. Taking his bloody knife, he came towards me in a rush. Yelling you're a dead man as loud as he could. He was out for blood.

I rushed towards him knowing I had one chance. I took it by jumping off the floor directing my feet towards him. I got lucky and ended up hitting him with both of my feet in his face as he rushed towards me. We both went down hard. I got up before he did and used my right foot to nail him hard in the balls. As he fell, he dropped the knife which I kicked away. The security guard handed me his cuffs and I put them on Evan, so his hands were secured behind his back. This time he would be going away for a lot longer.

"Take a look Evan at the man who has twice taken you down. Both times without getting a mark on himself." Irene said in a complete rage with tears running down her face because she knew he was coming after both of us. "If I could marry him tomorrow I would. I have just realized I have loved him since he saved my life years ago and now, he is doing that again. Thomas is more of a real man in every way when compared to a piece of shit like you. I'm never going to give him up. You are going to be in for a long time. Remember what you drove out of your life because you needed to make yourself feel like a real man."

Someone yelled police officers and ambulance on the way. Two hours later we got out of the place. It was noted by all that Irene would not leave my side. Not even for the police. We headed to the hospital to see how the security guard was doing. His wife was there. I apologized to her for not being here sooner and let her know he was on full wages until he was cleared to return to work. Call me with the cost of your co-pay and we will write a cheque to cover them I said. His wife was overwhelmed that the club would do that. We stayed with her until her husband came out of surgery. The wounds we learned were not as deep as we thought. I thought we all had gotten off lucky.

It was almost six am when we pulled into her fathers' home. We both were exhausted. We were sitting in the den drinking a cup of coffee just rehashing the events of the night. That's when it hit her, and her tears started flowing. Her ex was coming to take me out first then her. I just held her knowing she needed the release. I guess we fell asleep.

When we were heard to be stirring fresh coffee was prepared and brought in. A few minutes later Keith joined us. Of course, both of our parents had been informed about what had transpired the night before. Keith had called them, and they were on their way over. My mother was bringing me a change of clothing. I could use a guest room to shower and change.

The cook came in and asked us what we wanted to eat. I said a cheese omelet with bacon and two slices of bread with butter and peanut butter on it. Irene that sounds perfect for me too. We were busy eating when my parents showed up. All three wanted to hear my version of the events. I ended up explaining everything including the two of us going to the hospital.

"Bill, I have to say that the best investment I ever made was hiring your son to cut my lawn," Keith said. "To this day it's still paying dividends. You should be proud of him. I know I am."

"Dad, enough of the hero worship," Irene said. "If I get my way, he's going to be your son in law for a lot of years. Tom will always do what is right."

All three of our parents looked at me waiting for a response.

"We still have to wait until she is divorced," I said to all.

The look on all four of their faces showed that this was not what they wanted to hear. I just smiled and added. "Because I won't get engaged to a married woman."

Irene looked at me and said, "Smart ass you did that deliberately."

Then she gave me a deep kiss.

It took another four months for her divorce to go through. Evan McBride had gotten ten to twenty-two years for assault with attempt to kill on two accounts. The Meadows Golf Club's got rented out for our official engagement party which had an open and free bar. It cost Irene's father Keith almost ten thousand dollars. The Chef went over the top with the food menu first for the dinner and then late evening snacks. As a result, we got over a hundred new membership requests.

We had started building the second eighteen. The ladies had their salon which employed two full time and two part-time staff. Our last month of operation had given us the greatest net revenue ever as each division was setting new records. Keith and I were sitting in the lounge having a drink waiting for Jamie and Irene to finish their appointments at the salon.

"Have you started looking for a house yet," Keith asked.

"No, we haven't Irene is busy planning the wedding with Jamie," I said. "When are you going to get off your ass and admit you love Jamie."

"Look at me what do I have to offer her," Keith said. "Since the industrial accident broke my back. I've been half a man because I can't walk. She doesn't want me"

"Prove yourself right ask her. What do you have to lose?" I replied. "Take the lead for once. Your daughter did. You've been dating for two years so there has to be something keeping her here. You can always go together and get the ring after."

We heard the ladies enter the room

"It's now or never my friend," I said just the ladies sat down.

"Jamie, I love you don't you think it's time we went and got you your own engagement ring," Keith said.

"It took you long enough," Jamie said with tears in her eyes. "What brought this on."

"A wise future son in law," Keith said.

"Good, we can sell my place and help them buy them their house," Jamie said. "That's if Irene approves."

"Of course, we do Mom!" Irene said. "but we will be okay once I sell the one, I got out of the settlement of the divorce. The problem is that I been taking cooking lessons every day so really we haven't had the time to start looking."

"Cooking lessons." I said, "Who from?"

"Your mother." Irene said, "and the cooks at dad's home. Though it was hard for your parents to have your mother stay at home full time it worked out fine. They were even able to pay a mortgage off. We will have our house paid for. I know that what you have done to involve family things for the club, and it reflects your feelings about fatherhood. It's important to you. I know you will put their needs first. So, I will work till we have our first then I'm done with it until the children are raised."

"And how many do you figure we are going to have?" I asked.

"I want at least three." Irene smiled. "But if they are all girls, we will keep on trying for a son."

Keith and Janie were smiling. Janie said than we will invest the money and set up a trust fund for the grandchildren's education.


Our wedding was a small quiet affair with just family in attendance. It was streamed live to all those in the ballroom. We got married in Keith's back yard by the justice of the peace who stood in front of a tulip tree in full bloom. Keith was my best man Jamie the maid of honor. Keith later told my dad it was the greatest honor he'd ever received in his life. When the live feed was off Irene broke the news to all that she was carrying our first. Our first was a girl named after my mother and her stepmother. Two more girls followed before I got my son, we named him William Keith to both his grandfather's delight. To this day all four of our children are spoiled rotten. Our daughters to this day can't understand why their mother gets teary-eyed once in a while when she watches me cut our lawn.


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Cracker270Cracker270about 10 hours ago

Reread. I look forward to this one coming back up

Dennis26Dennis2627 days ago

Great job. 5stars

oddtomas1oddtomas13 months ago

Excellent tale. I enjoyed reading it.

Big_Tim99Big_Tim994 months ago

The last sentence, mom should tell her daughters why, so they really get an idea about what kind of husband to look for.

Ursus1932Ursus19326 months ago

A little over sweet. However it deserves a fiver. Thanks.

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