All Comments on 'Imbalance Pt. 03'

by javmor79

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Harryin VAHarryin VAabout 8 years ago
...."One of these things is NOT like the other ..."

Frank's crime or mistake was working too hard and ignoring needs of his kids and his wife. But in doing so he provided for them a high standard of living . He fed them clothed them and gave them a good home. The wife's crime or mistake resulted in the destruction of the family at the end of the marriage and psychological damage to the two kids. The two things are not the same

Overall I have to say this one of Javmor's better stories. I am sure that some people are going to look upon frank's less than honest confession to the company's high ranking management about his part in blocking Donald the intern from getting the job But with respect to the actual marriage ...this has NOTHING to do with anything. I am certain within 12 hours some idiot is going to make the assertion that because Frank did not stop Doug's underhanded schemes to stop Donald the intern from getting the job... that it somehow justifies what happened to him/ Frank.

With respect to the actual outcome of the marriage it was still a bit disconcerting to see that Claire continue to Lie to Frank until almost the very end. At least we know that in fact she did fall in love with Doug and that she did stop loving Frank. The good news is that in the final big conversation on page3 when Claire attempted to shovel more of her lying vile contemptible Bullshit Frank and was able to call her on it.

I mean this is just a self serving lie. Frank did ask for few times issue one and to stay married to him

"....That night that I told you I was unhappy, I planned on telling you that I was having an affair, and that we should try to work on our marriage. I didn't want to break up the family. But it came out wrong. Things got twisted. In the end, I just went along with it."

Still in the end she realized that the she made catastrophically bad decision about what to do with a marriage that was in trouble.

Good and great stories often generate lots of controversy and feedback especially in the LW genre and this one was no different. I am particularly pleased to see that the author stayed away from a tendency that he has in confusing motives and reasoning for justification. Overall one of his better stories

AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago
One of Javmore's better stories

Is like saying one of shit's better smells.

laf199laf199about 8 years ago
Enjoyable Ending

Overall, I enjoyed the story. And obviously the inspiration was House of Cards, given Doug's last name.

One quibble first. I didn't really buy the revenge angle on Doug, at least the part where Frank basically walks away with no consequences. Even if he didn't know Doug kept the design and wasn't involved in using it, he was still involved in stealing it. I can't see how he wouldn't have gotten fired for that in real life. But its a little thing, and I'm always willing to allow for some leeway on these kinds of plot points in order to move the story along.

I'm also on record as not thinking a Frank/Sandra relationship would work, but I do like how it was handled here. They don't run off in the sunset together, and there is no glossing over how hard making that work would be. So I am interested to read that sequel with them and see where Javmor takes it.

Otherwise, I liked where this story ended, and that Frank and Claire figured out a way to build a different kind of post marriage relationship (or at least seem to be on the way to that). Too much happened for them to stay married, but for the sake of their kids they are willing to work on a friendship.

So I give the story and the series 5 stars. You have me interested, excited even, to read a Frank/Sandra sequel, when I would have told you that was impossible going into this chapter.

LordSlamdawggLordSlamdawggabout 8 years ago
Story is Like a 9.99 Steak & Egg Special at Frank & Sandra's Favorite 24 hr Diner

For that price there's going to be some useless gristle on the cut of meat. But even a

subpar steak and egg platter is pretty darn good and will get you the day. To me , the literary gristle was Frank having the right stuff to have a potential relationship with the stripper. In their chat and late meal encounter, he was sensitive and perceptive picking up on every one of her verbal and nonverbal cues.

This persona clashed with the husband that Claire knew right up until last encounter. In real life Frank has a long way to go before he can trust as & confide with any new women. To highlight the positive part of javmor79's story entree , the parents did a very credible job of settling differences for sake of the kids. Doug got some karma . He didn't deserve stolen love and likewise hadn't earned his job. No tears for him.

Hard lessons were learned and absorbed from those willing to step out if their individual paradigms and show empathy. The story sometimes didn't flow as smoothly as the top tier of tales do, but it kept the end in mind and brought the characters that deserved it not necessarily to a better place , but to a place where with diligence it is possible to do better.

Richie4110Richie4110about 8 years ago
Loved it!

Didn't turn out like I thought it might and found your ending satisfactory. But, I love the way you tell a story and so look forward to your next.

Thank you for sharing your efforts with us.

LordSlamdawggLordSlamdawggabout 8 years ago
more ( brief ) things I forgot

Megaprops to javmor79 for the funny but real , inept fist city faceoff with Doug and Frank. Fighting well is definitely an aquired skill and when 2 impassioned but inept opponents go to unarmed battle , it's LOL time . So many Loving Wives authors play the used to box , do martial arts ' back in the day' card to explain their narrator's pugilistic poweress in crunch time. javmor79 kept it very real indeed with that scene.

I also admire the slow sea changes in Frank and Clare's characters. javmor79 can really rile up myself and other commentators by giving blind spots in their psyche makeup in first installment and then organically infusing these people so they're markedly less dysfunctional, if not actually tenuously competent. The author has a very good idea of what the Loving Wives demographic expectations are and deftly uses that energy to spice his plots.

Last thing : I didn't agree with all the choices javmor79 made. But would never deny the deliberation, a measure of novelty and hard work this author strives to have in his stories. I thank the author for sharing.

gmann57gmann57about 8 years ago

Really cool story, You have a gift, Thanks for sharing

luedonluedonabout 8 years ago
What LordSlamDawgg said

Precisely. Both times.


CrkcpprCrkcpprabout 8 years ago
White Knuckle ride

Well , this series was certainly a ride. From the pain that bled through the screen in chpt one , to the self doubting and even a little self pity in chpt two , to the coming to grips with his plight in life in chpt three. Yes , ol' Frank had himself a ride.

Initially I thought Javmor was going to go indepth on all the characters , but by making it Frank's story , I think it made it much better.

A lot of folks who commented through the earlier chapters seemed to fixate on Frank's ethical shortcomings , but I didn't , let he who is without sin............ When the truth is most people ( I included , very included) have done things that later we were not proud of when it comes to our careers. There is a reason for that old gem " its a dog eat dog world" , and I think most of us have been on both sides of that ledger , I have. Did he get a dose of karma ? Maybe , but that really wasn't the leading statistic in the death of the marriage. No it died of betrayal and treachery , with a side order of neglect. In that order as far as I'm concerned.

The payback that Doug endured was pretty damned good I thought. His character had no redeeming qualities at all as far as I could see.

Frank's post divorce relationship with Claire , wellll, there I think Javmor went a little too far. I could see this happening , after 4 or 5 years , but not that quickly. No , the sheer pain that Frank felt in chapt one wasn't going to heal that quickly. I'm sure they could have been civil , but not as close as they were at the end , in less than a years time.

Another thing , the relationship with Frank and Sandra , no. First you've got his new friend Tony ( remember Frank doesn't do friends easy) has been with Stella , so how is he gonna filter that out especially after the Doug and Claire fiasco ? Just don't see that working well.

I must say Javmor , this was your best work in my humble opinion. Great job.


mordbrandmordbrandabout 8 years ago
You did good kiddo

5 stars

AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago

It is nice of u the way u ended this story, some dont know how.ill keep u booked marked for the future.

i cant seem to get loged in for some reason

sdc97230sdc97230about 8 years ago
Confirmed some impressions from previous chapters

Frank was not a totally insensitive clod. As with his family, he was able to understand verbal communication efforts AND pick up on nonverbal cues from someone who was not making an effort to conceal things from him (Sandra never hid things from him, she just let him know in no uncertain terms that that they were off-limits).

Hoping that Sandra doesn't get all dewy-eyed too fast in the future.

And Donald gets his design back! Would it be too much to hope that after burning Doug Frank is going to develop proper professional ethics?

HcopHcopabout 8 years ago
Bravo, 5*

Thank you.

betrayedbylovebetrayedbyloveabout 8 years ago

Decent tale. Lost a star for bringing Frank back to the whore, a real whore, to start a relationship. The way I see it you call it a romance tale and I would put it in erotic couplings because that's all I believe she can do. Also Claire is still way to friendly to her ex-husband. She cheated and fucked up their family. The last thing I would want to do is have dinner with her and the kids like they were still a family. She screwed it up and should just be alone. She doesn't deserve to sit with Frank. At least Doug got what was coming to him. A decent series.

Four Stars

FD45FD45about 8 years ago

"I looked over at Sarah, who giggled at the joke like it was the funniest things she'd heard since Kevin Hart was on Ellen."

I swear to God, you have forfeited your man card! Not just at knowing that Ellen was actually a show (I vaguely know it, like I know there is methane on some moons around Jupiter). But that you know a) the actors besides Ellen and b) have an opinion on which is and is not funny. can't wash that level of 'gay' off. (wink) I actually had a spit take reading that.

That being said...fair enough story. Could have used a bit more pain and meaness for Claire, Doug got adequately hosed, he has a stag of growth.

Besides your intimate knowledge of gay female 'humor' (I am stopping at one set of quote marks or we would be here for quite a while), one other negative thing stuck out at me and that was Frank's self reflection that being spitefully honest with Claire was a major step back. Maybe YOU feel that way, but I feel quite the opposite. She deserved some fucking hard truths, if not more than what she actually got.

Please note: This is NOT a ding at your writing nor the characters as written, nor any of that. It is a value judgment on my part, and they differ from person to person.

Claire came expecting her husband to be her emotional tampon once again as was his prior duties and he informed her quite eloquently that no, she would have to bleed on her own. I particularly liked the line about 'I used up all my sympathy on my daughters and have none for you' (paraphrased) It was a very nice line and I wish I wrote it.

Could have used a lot less of Starla...Starlet...Scarlett...Slutzilla...yeah. Quite the impression she made on me. It took a turn to the hokey, though major props to the author for 'keeping it real'. Her reasons to, as one commenter put it, not be Julia Roberts, were well crafted and made sense. I just got very little out of that interaction. But then again, I can't see her grinding on cocks all day and it not having a major problem in their relationship, not if, as written, she HAS to be independent fiscally. There are no easy fixes and she does not suddenly become an engine designer because the plot calls for it.


Summary: I liked this chapter better than the last one.

gropingrampsgropingrampsabout 8 years ago
You kept it going.

Please keep writing.

telboy17telboy17about 8 years ago
Good Story

Frank finished on a civil note with Claire but then wants to take up with a real whore.

javmor79javmor79about 8 years agoAuthor
@ FD45 and Lordslamdawgg

FD45 - I almost spit out my coffee when I read your comment! LOL. The Ellen reference was thanks to my mother. I am a big fan of Kevin Hart. In my opinion, he is the funniest person on the planet (right now). My mom showed me a clip on YouTube of him on Ellen, and I was laughing for hours.

Lordslamdawgg - My intent with his sensitive interaction with Sandra was to show how much he's changed since the beginning. I tried to show a progressive change. As always, your comment hits right at the center of what I was trying to accomplish. That is why you are one of my favorite commenters.

Thank you all for reading.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago

First javmor main character that wasn't a total wimp. Not a bad story but I could have done without the rebound whore.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago

I want to thank you for this story. Silly as it may sound, this one is as close to real life as any can be. There are no winners or losers.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago
feels unfinished

You indicated you intended to continue with these characters later. That's good because this really feels incomplete.

sugnasugnaabout 8 years ago
Good Writing, Good Story

You tied that up neatly. The only thing I would have liked to see happen was Doug arrested for assault and battery. He would have gotten at least a year for that. I would have been interesting to add the "white hat" phenomenon to the story. That is: when a person rats on a co-conspirator, the prosecution or in this case the plaintiff places a "white hat" on the co-conspirator to make him look as good as possible as they begin their attack on the "real perpetrator". Interesting because it adds to the ambiguity of who is at fault in a crime, civil matter, or a divorce.

The Sandra thing is sort of a strange side bar to the story. How does a work alcoholic who is trying to spend more time with his two girls have the time, let alone the emotional resources to hang out with a hooker? It doesn't sound doomed as much as it sounds destined to peter out.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago
Hope to see the continuing story

Writing, is conceived, nourished, and given birth from the mind of the writer. Some of the fathers of the stories on here, are impotent before even beginning the foreplay. Others..well..scare me. Definitely not someone I would want to engage in conversation over a beer. You have a fertile mind, and have enjoyed the stories you have birthed..and this was truly a pleasure. I would be disappointed if I miss the opportunity to see the continuing story of Frank and Sandra. The time spent thus far was surely not wasted.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago
Excellent writing

Absolutely superbly multidimensional characters. Thanks. I can't wait for more.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago
I am just a softy

but I wanted the couple to get back together.....mad I know, and the btb brigade will hate my comment. Their approach is not right but nor is mine I suppose. It is just different strokes for different folks.

HarddaysknightHarddaysknightabout 8 years ago
There were some very good things about this story.

Personally, I think it should have been two chapters, with most of the second chapter left on the drawing board. The stripper thing didn't further the story or plot. It was an effort to somehow include random characters from other stories into this one, for whatever reason. Writers create characters and fall in love with them. It happens more than readers realize. Look at the "After the Game" efforts by that writer. He can't stop thinking about them, and writing about them.

Once we writers get a lot of comments on a story, we begin to think everyone loves our characters, so we get nudged into a sequel, or writing some aberration where the character pops up in a totally separate story, usually without good reason. Frank's time with the stripper, could have, and I think should have, been omitted entirely. It added nothing. I do not remembered the other characters you appear to be enamored with. Perhaps other readers do. Q Steele tried blending characters together in different stories in his opus on life in Jacksonville. It got messy, in my opinion. Another writer is doing it about some small town police force. I simply find it confusing and it lessens my enjoyment of those stories. I don't want to go look up a character from a different story.

That all said, this story contained some very good writing, and a few silly mistakes. (Which we all make.) The ending was very good, and endings are difficult. The fight scene was believable, except guys seldom last 5 minutes in any struggle unless they have trained for it. Most street fights last a matter of seconds, not minutes. I liked how Frank rolled over on Doug about the patent when he had the chance. Doug should have thought of that when he betrayed his buddy. He got what he deserved, but then, don't we all? Clint Eastwood in "The Unforgiven" said, "We all got it coming, kid."

Conclusion? I don't endorse your desire to mix characters from different stories, especially if you expect it to matter to many of us readers. I do like the depth of your character development and how flawed and real they are. You do that well, and that isn't easy. I look for your stories.

sugnasugnaabout 8 years ago
The Silt is Settling

An hour after reading this story, the pieces started settling into place a bit more. In the end, you had him apologize for not being a better husband. Perhaps he could have been better but not by much. In this world of swirling selfish shit, he married the little whore, then he fathered two children and helped raise them as he supported both them and her. He supported them very well according to your story. They had plenty of money. That is far more than you can say for most men these days. She didn't cheat because he was neglecting her. He was very attentive in the way most women want their husbands to be attentive - he was going out and bringing her back money. She got to be the queen. She cheated because she thought she was a queen and deserved to cheat. She didn't love her husband or her kids. The pain that she wrought on them was proof of that. Now, every time one of their daughters wants/needs her daddy and he is not there, they will all remember why. She will never be able to forgive herself because the offense is ongoing until the end of all their lives. Even then, the effects may be felt by the next generation. The pain will continue to echo for many years ahead. You can say you forgive someone for cutting off your arm, but every time you need that arm, you will hate them again for what they did to you. So yes forgive today but hate tomorrow and the next day. It is just the way things are.

cap5356cap5356about 8 years ago
good story

well written story here. love how it showed all the emotions in a breakup and it was quite a break up. too have your best friend take your wife away from u is the worst kind of break up. go to show that he really wasn't your best friend just someone looking out for number one. but then again she wasn't really looking to save the marriage as she never did tell him that she thought there was a problem until she told him everything. and told him in the worst possible way, having sex and saying the other ones name. glad that they finally came away not tearing into each other as that would have destroyed the kids. but he makes the best decision when she asks him to come to dinner some nights. that would send the wrong message to the kids. keep writing

AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago

Very good all things came to a head and if it wasn't his friend with 6 months of courting and another 6 months of fucking they might of been able to get back together. The sneaking behind my back would be worse then the actual fucking . Knowing that they were getting close behind my back talking bad about me and humiliateing me while fucking is worse than the act of fucking. To bad she did that because if she pushed to fix this they had a shot but she went nuclear on him not only fucking someone else but his only friend.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago

Into repetitive drivel with no real point. Basically a story of two people getting divorced, that's it.

Danger09Danger09about 8 years ago

He didn't take her back..she finally understood there's no excuse for banging his best friend... I actually can relate to this wife, my hubbies gone A LOT!! But I invested in a few personal massagers to take the edge off till he returns.. It's frustrating cause he's gone so much, but we made plans for our family future that involves MONEY, so he has no choice--he doesn't like being gone so much he absolutely hates it. My job as a wife is to watch his back and protect home. Sleeping with other men has never crossed my mind because I love my husband, and it would kill me if he cheated on me. I put myself in my husbands shoes, I'm not the only one who's lonely. This wife was selfish. She was only thinking about her pussy throbbing, there was so much she could've done to wake her husband up if she truly truly wanted him to finally notice her. At least she could've said she tried to save her marriage. I thought it was absurd that she kept trying to place the entire blame on him. Yes he absolutely holds some responsibility but her spreading her legs is all on her. I get lonely I read a book or go out with my girls. Her husband was coming home every night, mines is gone a month straight. How hard is it to sit a spouse down and say listen, I'm sick of this shit? If I can come to my husband when I need a new pair of shoes I can certainly go to him when I'm dissatisfied with him. I loved that this wife FINALLY got it! I swear if she repeated that same bullshit as excuse one more time I was going to scream. Cheaters always try to justify their fuckery with more fuckery.

dissmissdissmissabout 8 years ago
dare I call this a classic ??

Really liked this story. It gripped me from the beginning and happily held me to the finish.

Bags of drama, raw emotion, romance .... no violence surprise surprise ( you can't seriously count the scene where the guys had a fight as violence ) the way I pictured it, it was quite funny.

So glad we did'nt have to wait ages for each installment.

javmor79 ...... this story is pretty much perfect as it is ..... very high standard .... I hope any follow up will be equal to it. ........

AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago
☆☆☆☆☆- (4.6/5.0 = 92% = A)


swingerjoeswingerjoeabout 8 years ago

Take a bow, Javmor. You deserve it. This chapter felt so different than the other two that it was practically a standalone tale. The transformation in both Frank's and Claire's personalities compared to the first chapter is significant. Those two characters learned something about themselves and became better people in just three chapters. I don't know how you do it, but I'm envious.

Rockyderek_caRockyderek_caabout 8 years ago
5 star

Very entertaining, reminds me of the writing flavour of " WhenWe Were Married". Not sure you wrote this ending the couple forever, they both clearly love each other... easily thry can be fwb and get together again. If sleeping withe wife again has ghosts, how many ghosts would being with a stripper and part time prostitute bring?? Just as many everytime she was recognized in the street, every time she went to the stripper bar for a shift..he wouldnt even go to see Starlet, he went to see Sandra .... so their is the foreshadowing on that.. but a dalliance with Sandra would be a good thing before reconciling with his kids mother. After all, the most important thing here is the kids as he has learned.

impo_61impo_61about 8 years ago
Part 2 did go down a little, but this final part went up high again...

Part 2 did go down a little, but this final part went up high again...That's why I like @javmor79 stories...thank you and 4*

AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago

Good pacing, good tension. Good character development.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago
Heart shaped eyes?

Really? Very curious. Just as bad as the usual stuff this author always writes. It's too much to hope for that he won't write any more self-glorification author's notes. Just dreadful.

bruce22bruce22about 8 years ago
Excellent Chapter

I can't wait for the continuation, but will have to. Very interesting characters and

situations. Very realistic stopping point. Thanks.

markranemarkraneabout 8 years ago
Well Done!

Like real life, it doesn't always come out neat and clean. Great job with flawed characters and their experience learning those flaws.

And the heart shaped eyes thing is a reference to how CARTOON characters react to "Love at First Sight". A really great reference actually. And pretty much everything Javmor has written is excellent. Uncomfortable at times but that's what it's supposed to do.

DeYaKenDeYaKenabout 8 years ago

I know you don't need it from me but well done. It is rare for me to lock into a three part story like this but you managed to draw me in and keep me there for the whole story without me skipping large chunks.

The story was realistic with no Navy Seals or blowing people to kingdom come. So the wife shacking up with the best friend is a cliche, it doesn't make it any less true.

MysterE1950MysterE1950about 8 years ago
Good Stour Personally wrong ending.

I know a lot of people will call me wimp so be it. I know this is fiction and as in life things don't work out the way we all would like. Lets look at at your ending 6 months down the road. Frank and Sandra are now a couple, her past is always going to be there. Claire go to court and tries ( and will succeed ) in taking the girls, stating Frank is unfit because of his girlfriends occupation ( doesn't matter if she quit or not ). Frank won't give up his profession that is going to leave Sandra alone a lot. What do you think she will do?

Should have listened to Sandra, when she told him to leave her alone. She knew what was going to happen. that is real life. Claire and Frank still had a chance.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago
Loved it

Life doesn't often work out so much that people get what they deserved. But in this case it did and it makes the reader happy to see it. A marvelous tale. Really well done

AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago
Almost complete with Frank and Claire

I was almost expecting a longer story where Claire and Frank might have gotten back together. The story line was great for a short story and everybody got their just rewards kinda. Claire seems to have seen the light and for the sake of their daughters I thought we might have seen a real personal growth in Claire from the shallow creature in the beginning. Frank was left with the knowledge that he needed to "Sharpen the Saw" from Steven Covey with his family so a re-establishment of the family might have been seen as possible. I look forward to Frank and Sandra to see how you develop that story - keep up the great writing.

BesoinNormal69BesoinNormal69about 8 years ago

Truly one of the best stories on this site in any category. Loved the character development and could feel the pain Frank, and later Clair, went through. You have a real talent. Looking forward to reading more.

shaman43shaman43about 8 years ago
Wow. Just wow.

After the corps and before my grad degrees in psych I taught English for 5 years. Lit mostly. Great lit. This story is great lit. Great lit is about people. About emotions. Choices made by people. What they have to pay or receive for those choices. Life then is not black and white. Javmor understand the "human condition." He has lived it obviously. Knows blame can go in both directions even if more in one than another. Kudos to the highest degree. In reading this story people can learn about life. The mistakes. The better choices. Hurting others and the pain in causing that. Healing. Becoming a better liver of life. Thank you for your talent and time in writing.

SigintSigintabout 8 years ago
So I'm Biased

MARSOC would've been a perfectly good reference, no?

Great story. As to cross-referencing your own stories? I applaud your ability to see the world the way Spock plays chess. That others still play in two dimensions? Eh. Someone has to lead. Kudos to you for doing so.

Oh my, Frank might have s-e-x with a woman who's not a virgin. Stop the presses! Ahhh. The Loving Wives Morality Chorale. You guys should meet GI's who got married in the Philippines. On second thought, that's probably why most of you are divorced. Never mind.

Javmor79, thank you for the ride, Brother.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago
One of the best?

You obviously haven't read many stories on this or any other site. It's about very duplicitous and stupid characters, living in lies, bad relationships and disrespect for themselves and everyone around them. If this is the reality of anyone's life, I pity them. A very average story about repulsive people.

sdc97230sdc97230about 8 years ago
Frank and Sandra might just have a chance

He's a man on the rebound from a broken marriage, so he'll be an idiot, but she's a lot smarter about what challenges they'd have to overcome to make things work out. As long as she doesn't have some sort of emotional epiphany and suddenly become all blubbery and lovestruck stupid, she should be able to keep pointing out the reality of every issue to him along the way.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago
Much better than the average LW story. Thank you for your time and effort.

Here are some ideas or concepts you might want to consider for future stories.

1. Frank and Claire are not better people now. They may have learned from their mistakes, but Claire has a history now of selfishness and stupidity that resulted in lying, betrayal, and adultery. Frank can admit that he was a workaholic and ignored the larger responsibilities to his family, but Frank did not morally or ethically betray himself or his family. In any future relationship Claire will have to hide or lie about why her first marriage failed, or have to admit to a future husband that she betrayed her first husband, because she was unhappy, and Doug gave her an opportunity to salve her discontent with illicit romance and sex. Claire is damaged goods, and may end up a rehabilitated person, but she will always be under a cloud of regret, and any future husband, if he knows the truth, will be watching her a little closer, and with a little less confidence.

2. You can't be bad spouses and at the same time be good parents. You can treat your children better than you treat your spouse, but that lack of parental partnership comes through to children. It is true, that the greatest thing a father can do for his children is to love their mother, but that applies equally to a mother loving her children's father. Claire will someday have to explain to her daughters about why she abandoned their father, and by extension, abandoned them. If she lies they will know. They may forgive her, if she doesn't lie, but they will always harbor regret toward a woman who deceived them and their father. And once they understand their mother's duplicity they will never see her as a role model, a counselor, or someone whom they can unconditionally trust. She will look ridiculous, either at the time or in retrospect, when she instructs them on issues of honesty, morality, and self-respect. She will always be a crippled parent.

3. Does it really make sense that Frank was clueless and insensitive to his wife and daughter's feelings, for months if not years, yet we are to believe he has become sensitive and intuitive about Sandra's inner character? Does it make sense that he could not accept his wife's failing, under duress and weakness, with one man, whom she thought she had grown to love, yet he is seeking a relationship with a woman he does not know, who strips for and fucks anyone who has the coin? He needs to understand what he has chosen here, because one day if he and Sandra end up together, his daughters will ask him to explain just that. How could he give up on his wife, their mother, who was in a self-deceiving and hopeless affair, and yet pursue a woman who spreads her legs for a living? "Explain that to us, 'dad!'"

It appears you tweak and morph your characters to fit your plot, but the twists and turns you want the plot to follow makes your characters go through gymnastics of contradicting and preposterous behavior. It makes the story cartoonish and difficult to swallow. You might want to try letting your characters be true to themselves and their personalities, and let the plot evolve from them. In this case, Frank would have moved closer to his work rather than his daughters, and he would have taken the opportunity to have Doug actually break his relationship with Claire before reneging on his promise to intervene in Doug's behalf, totally destroying Doug and revealing to Claire what a piece of shit she chose to fall in love with. Claire, being the self-serving short sighted bitch she is would have begged Frank for forgiveness and would have used their daughters as her bargaining chip. It would have been a less pleasant but much more realistic ending. In the sequel you would have plenty of opportunity, over a number of years, to have them reconcile or move on.

Please note that these comments recognize that your story is heads and shoulders above what 90% of the LW authors produce. You have some great ideas and talent, and I appreciate you taking the time to share that with us. Thank You.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago
Another Story

Excellent series but it almost demands a follow up series. Perhaps you could title it "Balance" and resolve the issues of some of the characters.

z926538z926538about 8 years ago
Patent Insanity

The discussion of the patent in this chapter is completely at odds with reality. I have a couple of patents to my name and some idea of how the process works. Here's the issue:

a. Doug while working for Company A stole Donald's design and later submitted it for patent to the US Patent Office.

b. The patent was granted with Doug as the inventor by the US Patent Office.

c. Doug is now at Company B. Getting a patent through the US Patent Office is an expensive process. Company B probably financed the patent submission process and is now the likely owner of the patent. They are going to fight like hell to keep what they believe to be their own intellectual property.

d. The US Patent Office won't just invalidate a patent granted to individual X or Company B just because Company A cries foul. Invalidating the patent or changing ownership will require a civil lawsuit by Company A against Doug, Company B, and the US Patent Office. This type of lawsuit usually takes several years to litigate and is incredibly expensive to pursue. For example, the SCO versus IBM lawsuit over the ownership of UNIX in which there were copyright claims, breach of contract claims, and patent claims is now over a decade old and is still not completely adjudicated. The Heads are going to know how expensive it will be to try to recover this patent. They are also going to know that their odds of success in the endeavor are very low. They may well find grounds to sue Doug, but they will all be old and retired before their company can use that patent without paying royalties.

The narrative should reflect this reality.

Overall this chapter is an acceptable but flawed attempt to complete the story. I still think going the "Prostitute as Angel of Mercy" route is a mistake, but it's not my story to tell. It's better than much of what I have seen recently in the Loving Wives category, but that's like saying a mule drawn wagon is better than carrying supplies by hand when an eighteen wheel truck could have been used to haul the supplies.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago
hot damn

You found a good way to make it suck! As i stated before . Fuck you and your story ! .you hear cucky boy ....!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago
Love the Kenny Rogers quote

not enough LW stories recognize that sometimes you do have to fight when you're a man. great quote in context, Javmor.

story was good. different for her. 5

AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago
Thanks for the story, as you have a way with humanizing your characters.

You are so good at developing characters, although they are flawed, that allows the reader to identify the character with themselves, or certainly someone that they know. Thanks for this offering, and bringing to a believable conclusion, or maybe not a conclusion, but nonetheless believable.

Wang4Wang4about 8 years ago
Outstanding Effort!

Ok, I know this was only a story BUT......

You had 3 flawed characters: husband, wife and best friend. Every time I got prepared to "hate" one of them and declare the other one the "innocent " victim, you introduced or reminded me of a serious flaw of the "other one". Life filled with relationships is ,well, complicated. I really liked your fourth flawed character Sandra since she apparently wasn't as well to do as the others.

Thanks for writing and sharing your stories


eightytuneseightytunesabout 8 years ago

I went along with most of what was told...BUT...FRANK has lost his way in getting on with his life, and building himself up to own a place close by so he can spend time with his girls...this can't work if he thinks getting involved with a STRIPPER / HOOKER...just more anxieties coming...can he really find PEACE while SANDRA goes to WORK and not have ISSUES in trying to deal with her PROFESSION? Sorry, I just don't buy it at all.

BuzzCzarBuzzCzarabout 8 years ago
Way Above the Average

Tragically flawed individuals all around. Excellent story told very well. Thank you.

sdc97230sdc97230about 8 years ago
Frank, Claire, Sandra and patents (oh my)

Frank and Claire are not better people by the end of the story, but they have the potential to become better.

Frank has taken the first step by choosing the home closer to his kids. He needs to resist his natural tendency to overwork. He also needs to seriously reevaluate his ethics when it comes to business, because he came THAT close to having his and Doug's years-ago theft of Donald's design come back to bite him on the bottom as well as Doug.

Claire has taken the first step in accepting her failure to communicate her increasing dissatisfaction with their marriage (and by now we have established that Frank WAS paying enough attention that he WOULD have heard the "I'm not happy with our marriage" message if she had actually said it before cheating with Doug). She can reestablish her standing with her family by always pointing out to them that whatever Frank's shortcomings were, she was the one that drove the stake into the heart of the marriage by cheating and lying, and holding herself up to her children as the living example of what you do to yourself and yours when you fail to do the right thing.

Sandra is definitely not the "hooker with a heart of gold." Well, she may have a heart of gold, but it's barricaded inside a vault with foot-thick steel walls. She's compartmentalized her life to the extent that she's not even willing to role-play a "relationship" for an evening, and she's probably 99% of the way to swearing never to have one again. Frank is enamored of her right now because despite being a real whore rather than just an amateur like Claire, she's actually the most honest person in the entire story (children excluded). If Frank continues to pursue something with her, she should be the one who keeps pointing things out to him, "I'm a stripper and a whore, you really want me around your kids, giving your ex ammo to try to take them away from you?" etc., etc. It'll be up to Frank to use his "engineer's mind" to resolve every issue Sandra comes up with and gradually win her over.

Doug's current (actually, now ex) employer holds the patents on Donald's design, but unlike many famously long patent battles such as interval windshield wipers or the LASER, has not released a product based on it yet. Trying to take the patent will still be be problematic, but since the company was an innocent dupe and provided resources and funding to actually develop the design, I foresee the two companies agreeing to settle on either sharing the patent or some sort of licensing agreement. Because while both companies would probably love to deny the rights to the other, neither will want to have that cloud over their heads delaying or jeopardizing their own ability to use the design now.

VickieTernVickieTernabout 8 years ago

we awesome. You too, sustaining a story like this one, everyone a loser but carrying on and not just making the most of what's left and what they may have gained, but maintaining, seeking hope, and in that way making what they've got feel somehow sufficient for now. That's life.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago
Interesting story

And probably closer to true life than most stories. But while you seem to feel that Frank and Sandra will have some type of relationship down the road, I think that it's more likely that Frank and Claire rekindle their marriage. Both have admitted that they were wrong. That's a good first step. They will always be held together by their children. With some professional help you never know what might happen with them down the line. Maybe you could follow both paths?

dc6370dc6370about 8 years ago
Nice job!

That was a complex story, yet you handled it quite well. I really like how various characters flow from one story to another. I cannot wait for a Frank and Sandra continuation.

patilliepatillieabout 8 years ago
Very good

I write my comments before reading any others, so what I say has probably been said, I loved the story! thought the dialogue was fantastic & realistic. Thought the story was setup in excelllent fashion for a reconciliation, but when i got to page 4 i realized that probably wasnt happening as not enough space left. So your ending is, well realistic, it does not provide closure for the reader. That is ok, and I still gave it 5*, leaves you plenty to work with in the future. But it is not satisfying.

The Pretty Women theme, the relationship with Starlet/Sandra, bores me. It has been done time and time again, and unless really well done, which you approach, defaults to ho hum.

I'd love to see you apply that clean intellect to a reconciliation with the ex wife, you have that all teed up. Overall I think this is some of your best writing, with keen insights into the main characters. And clever twists and turns, that are realistic.

AnnetteBishopAnnetteBishopabout 8 years ago
Very good read

A bit sad but quite compelling. Thanks for sharing. xoxoxox Annette

luedonluedonabout 8 years ago
Re: Pretty Women theme - Patillie's comment

True, Patillie, that theme has been done close to death.

It was probably around even before Cinderella.

(Nonetheless, it still appeals to us romantics.)

However, stories based on that theme are mostly told with Cinderella as the key character. Told first person by the Handsome Prince character provides a goodly range of interesting possibilities.


sdc97230sdc97230about 8 years ago
Is there any theme left in fiction that hasn't already been done to death?

If originality in theme was a requirement for publication, everything we read would probably be 100 years old. What will determine if a continuation is interesting is whether or not we have come to care about the characters here.

AzpiriAzpiriabout 8 years ago

I liked the story. It's really well told, and you can certainly get a good sense of emotion. I like stories where you "feel" something. Unfortunately, I was holding out hope that there would be some reconciliation. I thought when Claire finally said that she needed to talk that it would lead us down that path. However, Frank blew up. I'm not dismissing his behavior. We all have flaws. And he certainly had every right to blow up... but I thought with the right help, they could get past all of it.

Even now, Frank going after Scarlet/Sandra? That doesn't make sense to me. Because he knows going in that she's a prostitute, it's ok for her to sleep around? That doesn't settle right with me.

Unfortunately, with the way it's told (and I give Javmor79 every right to write it how he feels), I just feel empty. Did Claire and Doug break up prior to the ultimatum given by Frank? If so, then maybe Claire was coming to her senses. If they only broke up because of the ultimatum, then that makes me sadder than before. Claire was alone and vulnerable. Yes, she made a HUGE mistake. Several actually. But I think there were signs of life that could have been salvaged.

Anyway, good story.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago
liked it

5 * over all hooker with a heart of gold is so over done sry hey frank find that spark or what ever with someone u have more in common with.....hey kids meet my new girl she's a stripper ex gets wind of this and good -by - kids Great story over-all stlcris

swingerjoeswingerjoeabout 8 years ago
Re. The Pretty Woman Theme

Other than Pretty Woman, I'm having difficulty remembering when I've seen or read that theme before featuring a "benevolent hooker with a heart of gold." Maybe I'm reading the wrong stories.

It's sad how many people have commented (on this story and others) that some women are beyond redemption once they've slept with some undetermined number of men. It seems like a very ISIS-like mindset.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago
This story was amazing. You are ending it too soon!

You really got me to feel your characters. Now. Claire and frank have too much of in common to end it here.both realize there mistakes and both are connected to their kids. So it is possible to reconcile. As fare as Sandra she may a great women under her viel. But where is the a common ground he is a engineer and she is a stripper how can they make a go of it. There both on another planet. Are you going to make him fall in love with her. Like the movie pretty women. Everything she said will come into play. Will she stop working as a stripper and hooker. To much to overcome. His wife just slept with one guy. She has slept with hundreds.

sdc97230sdc97230about 8 years ago

"The hooker with a heart of gold" is a pulp fiction cliche from the 1940s and 50s, and especially from movies of the period, where morals codes used to require that "fallen women" either suffer some form of "punishment" for their "sins" or undergo some sort of moral epiphany and "redeem" themselves by the ending credits.

My personal favorite among these characters is Lili von Schtupp from "Blazing Saddles."

overthehillmedicoverthehillmedicabout 8 years ago
Good way to end it

He was not taking her back. He found out that there are others out there that life has made them face the music when you stole something from some one else. Did he brain wash her into thinking that they would have it made when his patent was sold ? I do feel sorry for her to be talked into having the affair. I bet he never told her to sit down and talk to her husband to let him know how she felt and to see how he felt. Well written. 4*

AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago
loved it

Can't wait for you to carry on frank and Sandra's story.I hope you do give them the fairy tail ending they deserve!! Would be nice to read a story like that for a change, world needs then 😊

AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago
Excellent 5*


I personally like the fallen woman with a heart of gold. However, I suspect you will do us one better. A fallen woman with a torn up heart and perhaps the effort it will take to heal said heart. I would enjoy that.

I thought this story had a very sad sense of realism to it. People losing sight of what is really important until it is too late and then having to live with their choices. It seems all to common these days. You did an excellent job of bring a realism to the characters and the situation they found themselves in.

Thank you

sdc97230sdc97230about 8 years ago
Interesting how time change

It occurs to me that 50-60 years ago, a professional moving up the ladder like Frank would have routinely worked the kind of hours he did, and the kind of home and family life he and Claire had would have been the norm.

MattblackUKMattblackUKabout 8 years ago
5* And you are creating universes with your characters

I have some characters I want to do this with, but I have't got there yet.

You are an inspiration, though.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago
OK it ended well

I liked how he handled things in this last part of the story. It was an emotional rollercoaster. thanks.

racoon1174racoon1174about 8 years ago
Nicely done

I have to say that I was thinking I was going to end up dropping this story before it was over. The characters were mostly unlikable and unrelatable but grew and the story hit some great notes.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago

You are a great story teller. Thank you for writing and sharing. It really is a awesome tale!

honeylicker1124honeylicker1124about 8 years ago
Well, it didn't end like I said I wanted it to, but...

it ended. I just don't see any further connection with Frank and Sandra. She just has too much unknown baggage. I did want to see reconciliation with Frank and Sandra, even after her cheating. Never underestimate the power of the pull of the heart strings of two young girls. I've been there. They should have fought for their parents to stay together. After all, Frank did stay around for awhile. Maybe, after a couple of years, the girls could work their magic. Remember the old movie "The Parent Trap?" It could happen.

5 *'s and favorite story status, even if it didn't end like I wanted.

LickideesplitLickideesplitabout 8 years ago
Favorite Part

Pivotal events are rare! And they are difficult to just make-up 'de novo' and also seem plausible. The episode where Hubby became (a real) Daddy was masterfully done! I could understand how some people might stop reading when there were NO main players to like! Glad I stayed the course.


AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago

You may go insane weaving all this, but we'll be richer for the tapestry.

tazz317tazz317about 8 years ago

that those who don't know or realize what they have, want or hope for, TK U MLJ LV NV

AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago
Very good.

Very good writing! Love your style and the flow of the words. There were a few small mistakes (a wrong tense change for one), but you're a very good writer. I've never given a 5 before, but even with the mistakes, this was a 5. Good Luck!!

SensateSensateabout 8 years ago
Thank you

For a wonderful, realistic, meaningful story-5 stars

AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago
I guess this is the part where we shout, "Author! Author!", and clap loudly as you take a bow...

...and it would be well deserved.

There are a lot of commenters on the site that are very critical of some of your work. I admit to having also criticized you from time to time for things that I thought detracted from the story or were turns in the storyline that just didn't seem to fit. That isn't all that unusual, since we are all human and sometimes in the struggle to complete the story we force things into it that don't fit with the general landscape of the story or nature of a character. I am at least equally generous with praise and compliments, where deserved...

I have to say, in this case you hit the ball out of the park. There were the usual small anomalies and differences between one position and another in the same character, but nothing that would project them out of a normal human life-trajectory, personality or type.

And it was such a good story! We couldn't help but like and empathize with all of the characters. Even Doug, in his pathetic attempts to measure up and the pathos that that creates, was kind of a silly, likable character....under those better, earlier circumstances.

And, clearly Claire has finally understood and accepted the nearly universal devastation she created by opting out of her marriage without so much as a word to defend what they'd had. Will they ever reunite? I for one, doubt it. Frank seems a linear thinker and having surpassed the killing field that his marriage became, isn't likely to want to revisit. Claire's wanting him to join them for dinner suggests she has begun to hope for a return of everything she'd abandoned, then lost. But she also seems to have realized, if belatedly, that it was all well and truly flattened. Frank, for his turn, came to understand and accept that he had literally abandoned Claire and the girls for his job. He wasn't the first and won't be the last. I did that. The difference is my wife fought for us and helped me regain my perspective realign my priorities before irreversible damage was done. Some of my co-workers and friends have similar stories, others, more like this one.

Looking forward your next story.

Thank you.

MullendersMullendersabout 8 years ago

evry one got what they desrvered frank got backstabbed he deserved it for what he did to donald his wife is alone deserved it for cheating doug life is ruined also deserved and donald wrongs got rewritten so yeah evry one got what they deserved

luedonluedonabout 8 years ago
2 classical themes for Sandra/Starlet

Javmor, if you take it further with the 'other woman', the two themes from the classics are:

Cinderella/Pretty Woman:

A young woman in a less-than-pleasant situation finds herself desired by a powerful man who eventually rescues her and transports her to a much better situation.

Pygmalion/My Fair Lady:

A man attempts to exercise influence over a young woman to take her from a situation he sees as undesirable to one he believes is preferable.

I prefer Pygmalion. Eliza (Starlet?) knows who she is.


sbrooks103xsbrooks103xabout 8 years ago

As usual I am writing these as I go, so some comments may be over-taken by future events, I am also putting my comments for all three chapters here.

Ch 1 -

"I want to feel loved. I want a man who wants me around." - I've made this comment in other similar situations - just WHEN did she TELL him that he spent too much time at work, that she didn't feel loved? He's going along, fat, dumb and happy, busting his ass to provide for his family, THINKING that they appreciate it, certainly nobody says any different until the shit hits the fan!

"Figuring things out like adults" - So, how do "adults" figure out CHEATING? And not to repeat myself, but did she EVER express her unhappiness to HIM BEFORE crying on Dougie-boy's shoulder?

"Frank, I'm sorry. I was half asleep. I didn't realize..." - And she thinks that makes it BETTER?! Being eaten out while she's half asleep, and the first name that comes to her mind is her LOVER,NOT her husband?!

"Right. Do the right thing for your job, if not your family. At least you know what's important." - She's a miserable cunt! SHE'S the one destroying their family, his job is all he has left. And she should be concerned too! If anything happens to his job, their goes her alimony and cushy life-style!

Yes, he's a workaholic, naughty boy. I saw no indication where she told him she didn't need so many material things if it took him away so much, plus he HAD that job when they got married, she should have known what she was getting into, PLUS, she has been "involved" with Doug for a YEAR, and not ONCE in the six months (if she is to be believed) before she started fucking him did she come to Frank and express her unhappiness and give him a CHANCE to change. She obviously WANTED to fuck Doug, and didn't want to say or do anything that might remove her "justification"!

And let's not forget, if she was SO unhappy that she got involved with Doug a YEAR ago, she must have already been quite unhappy for sometime BEFORE that, and again, never bothered to clue her loving husband into how she was feeling.

Ch 2 -

"You were never there for her. She needed you, and you weren't there." - And as a "friend" you couldn't go to him and warn him that his marriage was in trouble BEFORE offering yourself up as a blankie for his wife?

"Then she would tell me about plans that she had made and forgot about." - Isn't it a little late for the Cheating Wives Handbook excuses? They're getting divorced, he knows she's sleeping with Doug. Why hide it now? He says she didn't insult his intelligence, but it IS insulting his intelligence by pretending that he doesn't know what she's doing!

While I'm not excusing his absence from the family, but it's interesting that "mother of the year" Claire was too busy with her new social life to remember her daughter's cheerleader money! And she doesn't even have the excuse of a job!

"All I wanted was a little time from you" - And just when did she ask for it? And she talks about having the big house, latest clothes and fancy cars and she's MISERABLE! Again, when did she tell Frank that she didn't need or want so much stuff, that she wanted more of HIM?

"I came to you Frank! And you ignored me!" - Whatever she said/did happened before we came in, so I guess we'll never no for sure, but I find it hard to believe that if she came to him with a REAL problem in their marriage he would have ignored her, hell his whole LIFE is solving problems!

I'm sorry, yes, Frank owns his fair share of their problems, but I don't share his sympathy for her. A lot of the cheating wives here, when they get caught, say "Why didn't you fight for us?" Well, why didn't SHE fight for them? BEFORE turning to Doug she could have asked for a trial separation - THAT surely would have gotten his attention, maybe they could have gone to counseling, hopefully save their marriage.

Excellent point by Sugna! Yes, he put his job first, but she put her pussy first!

@Lex1, actually, it wasn't a year of listening to her, it was 6 months, THEN they were fucking for 6 months, THAT'S the year!

Ch 3 -

"Love is its own reason to keep fighting." - EXCELLENT Sandra/Starlet! If she valued their marriage HALF as much as she claimed, she would have fought for it much harder before cheating with his best friend!

"That's the main reason my wife left me." - That's not true! That's the reason she was unhappy, she left him because she couldn't or wouldn't TALK to him about her unhappiness.

A couple of things puzzle me about divorce settlements,not necessarily here because it wasn't really spelled out. Now, I want to state upfront that I personally do NOT believe that bad behavior shouldn't affect divorce settlements, but apparently that is the way things are, so what I say here reflects the way of the world, not what I believe it SHOULD be. 50-50 split of assets, okay; child support and maintenance, okay; but she stays in the house, while HE pays for it, along with his own housing, and then they sell the house and split the proceeds 50-50? Shouldn't he be able to be compensated for his housing expenses and what he paid towards the house from the proceeds BEFORE the split the rest?

"I would have fought for the marriage for the kids' sake if you would have" - SHE'S the one cheating, and refusing to say she wants to stay married, but HE has to fight for the marriage before she will?! He already WAS fighting for it when he demanded that she declare for the marriage, and she refused to do it!

"No matter what you did, you deserved better than that. ... If I could do one thing over, it would be coming to you before I made the choice to cheat with Doug. Trying to make you understand how I was feeling. Suggesting counseling or something like that. I'm not certain it could have saved us, but I owed it to our marriage and our kids to try." - I think that's what many of us have been saying.Too bad it took till their marriage was toast before she realized it!

"In exchange, he is going to give them the design. MY DESIGN" - Um, it's not YOUR design, it's Donald's!

"I know that you feel that [Doug] was there for you" - But he SHOULD have been there for THEM, warning Frank that their marriage was in trouble.

"I know you mean well, but that doesn't help." - Yeah, it just lets her know that she threw her marriage away for nothing!

Re: Cameo Characters - I had no problem with them, although I agree that they weren't needed. The FUNCTION they performed was needed, i.e. he needed the lawyer friend, but there was no need for them to be characters from the other stories. It's sort of a Catch-22: If their connection to the other story was pertinent, it would be possibly breaking off this story to look up the other stories for the connection, if it was NOT pertinent, then why not just have Lawyer Anybody and Stripper Anyone?

NexttimeroundNexttimeroundabout 8 years ago
Well written

I like his dialogue. Not sure about the addition of the stripper to the story. Why does the contrasting female character have to be a stripper? And of course the stripper has to have such deep knowledge of the world and be prepared to share it.

But I like this author's command of storyline and in particular dialogue. Really good.

As a Brit I am inclined to make one comment about the American long hours policy at work. It's DIRE! My friend has just returned from the States where he has friends and family and they all say the same thing: the work expectation on employees and all junior and senior staff is immense. It puts this terrible pressure on families. Ok so I know you can say that in the event of war (or even peace for that matter) soldiers have even worse separations to manage etc etc.... but it is striking that the American work ethic puts this pressure on relationships. This has been mentioned in one of the other comments. I have had family working in an American company in London and it's the same -- so ok call us lazy bums in comparison -- I can take it!

I once worked in HR and there was my boss working away after 8 in the evening on a paper. It was called "Work Life balance". I must admit I laughed at him.... I thought he got the joke.... I was moved soon after....

Overall a good story and well handled. But why did she a) give the game away in the first place b) let matters slip the way she did, in her own words?

NexttimeroundNexttimeroundabout 8 years ago

the lack of logic of the man's position...

ok he goes berserk at the betrayal of his wife with his friend. The loss of exclusivity is a big threat to him; fair enough. So in the very last scene he chases after a woman who will never be exclusive to him, by the very nature of her work and society. Why is he ok with the almost certainty that he will never have her exclusivity when the loss of it from his wife was such a terminal downer?

Then -- of course there are the scores of men, very well represented on this website, just to confuse women even further, who are only too happy for their wives to fuck someone else. No wonder women are confused.

But also the line from the now ex-wife "I can't have that negativity around the girls" --

what sanitised environment do they have to have....?

sbrooks103xsbrooks103xabout 8 years ago
@Nexttimearound Re: Sandy/Starlet

I think the BIG difference you are missing is that with Claire, he went into the relationship expecting and deserving fidelity. He was NEVER aware of any unhappiness on her part till she had been commiserating with his "best friend" for a YEAR, fucking him for the last six months, and THEN she deigns to tell him she is unhappy.

With Starlet he KNOWS what she is, and is walking into any relationship with his eyes (hopefully!) wide open, and, again hopefully, is prepared to deal with her baggage. I would CERTAINLY expect that if their relationship got that far that she would understand (how could she not!), the high value he places on fidelity and would honor that. And if she didn't, I would expect him to kick HER to the curb!

ErosRising69ErosRising69about 8 years ago
Where now?

I thought the finish of Imbalance was solid, as was the beginning. Middle was what was between them. My thoughts:

Frank & Sandra - I can’t see this being anything but a train wreck. Sandra is a complex and interesting character that has built up multiple facades in order to function in her world. If Frank tries to get through to her, or find the real her, the facades will collapse, and her whole world won’t function. She has built up the person she is, is well aware of exactly who and what she is and does, and has found a way to live with herself. But it’s a precarious balance. If Frank does anything to change her, the balance is gone, and a good bit of her sanity with it.

Frank & Claire - House of Cards references aside, they are still a good couple. Imagine the next chapter. Frank comes around often, shares meals with them, and is present for his daughters. All the features that attracted Claire to him are still there, and the ones she didn’t like, that made her unhappy, are gone. I can’t see her not having feelings for him again, going forward. And of course, they both have a strong interest in raising their daughters. To me, that’s the story, and if I were the author, I’d write her story from this point onward. Maybe she can get Frank to have feelings for her again, maybe she can’t. But that would be interesting, and real to read.

Perhaps that’s the ending to the trainwreck that Frank and Sandra are about to have. But I’ll leave that to Javmor79, it’s his story. Well done, and an enjoyable read.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago
Fine Tale

I really enjoyed the story. I also liked that the wife in the end realized she really had fucked over her husband...and I think it was normal that it took her a while to realize it was her that actually blew up their marriage and not him. That seems so real that a wife would at first rationalize what she was doing but after time (or perhaps like some never at all) realize she was truly to blame for the crash ending (yes she was neglected but needed to "fight for her marriage" if she really cared about it). Finally I liked the addition of Sandra and think the interaction between the two could become very please go for it!

Thanks for the story!

"Buckeye Fan"

rianco71rianco71about 8 years ago
I liked it

A good read but call me old fashioned but I would like to see another chapter where his newly found awareness of how important his family is leads him to rebuild his relationship with his daughters and his exwife. He would never be the sort of man to make a relationship with the call girl. I saw his time with her as only trying to save her from herself. Again good read but I was hoping for the happy ending.

DFWBeastDFWBeastabout 8 years ago

Enjoyed this little saga, very realistic characters. Wish Doug wasn't your basic POS but what do you expect from a guy that will sleep with his best friend's wife!😝

Bit surprised at the lower scores recently. Anyway congrats on a good story, looking forward to more.


AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago
I AGREE.....

that Frank falling for the stripper/hooker with a heart of gold might not be the best idea. Can't see them as anything other then a short fling. Of the two female characters I vote for Clair. The problems Clair thought she had are gone. He is a better DAD and if she had talked to him first, would have been a better husband. Clair has opened "doors" (dinner) for Frank, most likely more. She knows she screwed up big time. Possible story line where the is some type of emergency with the children, causing Frank and Clair to have to come together. Nothing works if Doug is still around. Might help is Frank lets Clair know about the phone call where Doug would have dropped her to save his job. Great story. Thanks.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago
There was nothing

Enjoyable about this story. There were two douche bags, a slut and a whore. Who wants to read this shit? I would kinda like to have at least one character that wasn't a total asswipe. I don't know what beasts consider "realistic" but most of the people I happen to know aren't lizard brains like these people. If that's your "reality" you've got a fucked up life.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago
What did they tell the kids was the reason for the divorce?

I confess to skimming a lot in this chapter. I don't want to read Frank's conversation with the stripper. I am confused about the timeline. Frank lived in his home office while the divorce was pending learning to bond with his kids. Why is he still in the house post-divorce? You spent nearly a page investigating Doug's use of the stolen idea why not spend time showing the breakup of the family? How did the girls take the news? Did Claire think she'd be able to start over with Doug? How would the new neighbors react to their answer to the question "How did you meet?" "Doug was my ex's best friend."

This was not one of your better stories. I do like the idea of building on your well developed characters. I have repeatedly asked for you to write a story about how the wife in Deployment thought she could get away with dating a man, introducing him as a second daddy while her husband was deployed. You never described the guy or explained how he thought that it was ok to go after a married serviceman's wife. But again in that story, the cheating wife claimed that he did not fight to save his marriage after she had killed it. The biggest flaw in this story is that the marriage was over before Frank even knew he had a problem. Very few men would have reacted as Frank did to the announcement that his wife had been fucking his best friend for 6 months. I would not have asked my wife if she still wanted to be married, I would have told her that we were done.

After the buildup, the final conversation between Frank and Claire was weak. Her justification of the affair was pathetic. She does not know what love is. She hurt her husband and children for nothing. There are no winners in this story.

I respectfully disagree with HDK's comment about authors falling in love with their characters. I still want to know how Mr. Mike got connected to Alicia in Deployment. HDK seems to have fallen in love with his characters in his epic Lady in Red part 25. I wish he'd come back to the LW section. Thanks for your work even if I think you are posing as a man. I look forward to your next story.

reasonable man

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I enjoy my job as much as anyone else, but I LOVE writing. It's a fun escape. Real life leaves me precious little time to fully enjoy my hobby. I apologize to people who have to wait weeks between chapters of my stories. I enjoy reading erotic stories, but find that when I ...


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