Improper Advances Ch. 03


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The kissing went on until my dick stiffened. He took my hand and placed it on his crotch.

Good, I thought, his cock was hard as a rock! I squeezed it then gently moved my hand back and forth over it.

"I've missed you all day long," he said gazing into my eyes.

"I missed you, too," I said honestly.

"Sweetie," he said, "I'm so horny I can't wait until we get home -- take out my cock and suck me off!"

I turned beet-red and asked, "Here? In the parking lot?"

"Sure, why not? No one can see inside the car!" he said smiling.

I opened his slacks and brought out his hard cock. I was about to go down on him when he stopped me and said, "Do you really want to do this for me?"

I searched his eyes for clues of what he wanted me to say.

"I, uh, yes, I want to do this for you," I mumbled.

"Don't you think you should tell me you want to suck my cock, and wouldn't it be appropriate to ask for my permission to suck my cock?" he said without a trace of a smile on his face.

I blushed again. The hand with which I held his erection began to tremble.

"I, uh, yes, I want to suck your cock..." I said softly. I paused then broke down and added, "Uh, may I please suck your cock?"

"Do you want to swallow my cum, too?" he asked.

Oh my hell, what is going on here?

"Uh, Bruce, I, uh, yes, I want to swallow your cum," I reluctantly said.

Then I asked Bruce the question I thought I would never hear me ask a man: "Will you please let me suck your cock and swallow your cum?"

He kissed my cheek, smiled, and said, "You've made me a very happy man!"

His smile warmed my heart and I was about to kiss him but he stopped me and wordlessly pointed at his hard dick.

"Yes, Bruce," I said and immediately lowered my head and drew his hardness into my mouth.

This was something new we would add to our daily routine -- Bruce's 'after work bj' as he called it.

I cleaned his penis with my tongue after I'd gulped down four mouthfuls of jizz. I fixed his dick inside his pants but before I closed his slacks, I thought of something else. I decided I would please him by holding his balls for him on the ride home.

"What are you doing?" he asked me, again without smiling.

Furiously blushing again, I stammered, "Well, uh, you know, uh, holding your balls for you."

"I don't recall you asking me or me giving you permission!" he said.

Oh my hell! What is he trying to do to me? I fought back the tears in my eyes. I knew what needed to be done.

"I want to hold your balls for you, Bruce. May I please hold your balls?" I softly asked.

He smiled, kissed my cheek and said, "Yes, I'd like that very much!"


"So how is our project 'The Summer of Johnny' coming along?" Lori asked her brother.

Bruce replied, "Way better than I had hoped for...he is so naturally submissive he pretty much obeys me all the time now."

"Have you gotten him to admit he's a fag?" she asked Bruce.

Her brother chuckled and said, "Not quite...but last week he did say 'I might be bisexual' was sooo cute!"

"You know, brother, I miss him...I love talking with him, always have...I hope you leave him with some of his old personality intact so he and I can still be friends," she said.

"Don't worry, I'll make sure he trusts you again...that must have been one heckuva show you and Doug put on for him," said Bruce.

"Oh, believe me, brother, once Dougy began pounding away at me with that marvelous dick of his it was more than just a show for Johnny's benefit!" smiled Lori.

"Oh, I know, sweetie...I used to love playing with his big cock and huge balls, too," Bruce admitted.

Lori laughed and said, "I remember watching you two in the gazebo...heck, that was when I decided I wanted some of that for me!"

"Are we bad people, sis? I love Johnny with all my heart but I hate deceiving him, " he said.

"No, we're doing him the biggest favor of his life!" she replied. "It was breaking my heart watching him desperately cling to the notion he likes sex with was pathetic! Most of the time, he couldn't even get a hard-on with me."

Bruce smiled and said, "He doesn't have that problem with me! It is fun to be in control of his dick gets so hard when he begs me to bring him off!"

"Are you doing that disgusting baby oil thing you said you might try?" she asked.

"It's not disgusting," he protested, "'s simply who he is...anyway, there's a method to my madness...I want him conditioned to have my dick in his pussy when he cums!"

"Sure, I can understand that," said his sister, "...but to make him finger-fuck himself while he jerks off is kind of extreme, is it not?"

"I only 'made' him do it once...after that he was on his own...I checked the bottle of oil last night,'s almost empty -- he must be fucking himself every time he masturbates when I'm not there!"

"So when are you going to take his cherry?" she asked her brother.

"I'm going slow...I've already gotten him to refer to it as his 'pussy'..." he said.

She giggled and asked, "How did you manage that?"

"Oh, I planted the suggestion that only real men have assholes -- I told him 'boys like you have pussies'...when I masturbate him he has to say "Please finger-fuck my pussy" before he knows I'll let him's a very useful training tool!"

"Oh, my poor little Johnny," said Lori.

"Oh, he loves it! This is all new to him, but I think he's happier now than he's ever been!" said Bruce.

"Oh, thanks a lot!" Lori said sarcastically with a smile on her pretty face.

Bruce laughed and said, "You know what I mean, sis."

"Just how 'girly' are you going to make him?" she asked her brother.

"I don't know how or why I acquired this taste, but I like a boy who is soft and feminine with me in private, but who can still act like a guy when we're out in public -- I don't want Johnny to be all twinky and faggoty -- I simply want him to get in touch with his feminine side when we're alone...and I do believe he has a very strong feminine side!"

Then he added: "Besides, wouldn't you like a new girlfriend to go shopping and gossip with?"

Lori chuckled and said, "You are incorrigible! So what is going to happen when you go back to school?"

"I'm not going back up already said it was okay to transfer to the university," he said.

"Are you and Johnny going to live together?" she asked.

"No, I'll be at home. Dad doesn't think it would be a good idea for me to openly flaunt my sexuality...there could be repercussions for my swimming career. What about you? Are you going to stay at home when you start the university in the fall?"

"I don't want said he'd pay for an off-campus apartment if I had a roommate to share expenses with but I don't want to live with another girl...."

Bruce chuckled and said, "Wouldn't it be a hoot if you moved in with Johnny? It would be a win-win for both of us!"

"Yes, I suppose it would...." she said.

Bruce saw the far-off look in his sister's eyes, smiled to himself and thought 'Uh-oh, she's formulating some kind of plan!'


I could feel Mike staring at me when I returned to the living room with a cup of coffee.

"What the hell? Did you shave your legs?" he asked incredulously.

I cursed myself for forgetting to wear my sweatpants.

"Huh? Well, I told you I was training with Lori's brother, Bruce, he thinks I have potential to be an excellent swimmer!" I lied.

"So what does THAT have to do with shaving your legs?" he asked me suspiciously.

"He's been doing it for years -- he says body hair creates too much friction in the water...all good swimmers shave themselves so they can swim as fast as they can!" I explained.

I certainly didn't tell him I shaved myself 'everywhere'.

"Very queer," he said.

"Huh? What?" I stammered with a flush spreading across my cheeks.

You know, strange -- odd -- queer!" he said.

"Oh, yeah...." I mumbled.

"You're sure spending a lot of time with him, aren't you?" he asked.

Oh my hell, what is he getting at?

"Well, Lori works at night...we do our training when she's working!" I said.

"You know he's gay, right?" Mike asked me.

"Well, uh, sure...I don't care about that," I said.

"No, neither do I..." he said. "What's your favorite 'stroke' he's teaching you?"

His comment stunned me. I couldn't think of anything to say.

He suddenly broke out in a fit of laughter. It had been a thinly veiled gay innuendo joke.

I nodded my head, said "Good one" and laughed along with him.

"With Lori working nights and you working days you can't be getting a whole lot of pussy," he commented.

Once again I blushed. "Oh, I get my fair share!" I said.

"How's it going with you and Cheryl?" I asked, desperate to change the subject.

He smiled wistfully and said, "That girl can suck the chrome off a trailer hitch!"

I laughed and was relieved when he went back to reading the newspaper.

I began wondering how guys who were secretly gay could withstand the intense scrutiny and pressure they surely felt day-after-day.


"Don't you think it's about time you forgive Lori and meet with her?" asked Bruce as he lay back on the bed with his hands clasped behind his neck.

Yes, we had progressed from me kneeling in the hallway between his open legs to me kneeling on my bed between his open legs.

I removed my tongue from his glistening erection long enough to say, "It's hard to forget she cheated on me."

"Johnny, quit being such a hypocrite! If you remember the actual sequence of events, you cheated on her before you saw her with had already given me a handjob AND sucked my cock BEFORE the night of the pool party!"

His words made me cringe. Sure, I've done some things with Bruce that other people might consider gay, but when he mentions them out loud it seems surreal -- almost like he's talking about some other guy doing queer-stuff with him.

I sputtered, "Yeah, well, she and Doug had been screwing a year before I found out!"

He sighed and said, "Yes, I know, sweetie...but in defense of my sister, who could blame her? I mean, c'mon, you saw his cock! What girl wouldn't love taking that monster inside her?"

"I can't help how big I am! Besides, from everything I've read, five-inches is normal - I'm average sized," I said defensively.

Bruce furrowed his eyebrows and said, "Average size, huh? Just how big of a cock would you say Doug has?"

I didn't want to talk about the size of other men's dicks.

"No, really, John...tell me how big you think Doug's cock is?" he insisted.

I guessed he wasn't going to leave this alone.

"He's at least twelve-inches!" I said with confidence.

A brief expression of bemused puzzlement flashed in his blue eyes.

"Okay, how big do you think I am?" he asked.

I hesitated then finally said trying to lighten the mood, "Yours? It's a beautiful nine-inches."

"Is the tape measure still in the bottom kitchen drawer?" he asked.

Without waiting for my answer, he said, "C'mon, get up, I think it's time you get a dose of reality!"

When we were standing beside the bed, he said, "Hold my cock!"

When I wrapped my fingers around his hard-on, he took mine in his hand and massaged it as we walked to the kitchen.

He pointed to the bottom drawer and when I bent over to open it his finger distracted me by first rubbing my anus then he pushed it inside me to the knuckle.

I laughed nervously and exclaimed, "BRUCE!"

He chuckled and said, "I can't help myself, sweetie, I simply love your tight little pussy!"

I quickly removed the tape measure and stood next to him.

"Okay, measure my dick!" he said.

It was one more thing I thought I would never hear a man say to me.

I lined-up the tape from the base of his shaft to the tip of his glans.

I announced, "This can't be right!"

I heard Bruce say, "Sure it is, sweetie, my dick quit growing over a year's an eighth-of-an-inch below seven-inches...not the nine-inches you said it was!"

He took the tape from me and immediately measured my length.

I stared at the tape in stunned silence. I looked to see if somehow he was cheating me, but, no, he wasn't.

He softly said, "You are NOT five-inches, sweetie...what do see on the tape?"

A furious blush covered my flesh from head to toe.

"Go ahead, sweetie, say it out loud -- how long is your dick?"

"Uh, well, uh...."

"We're going to stand here until you tell me how long your dick is...I want to hear you say it out loud!"

My body sagged while a cruel fog enveloped my brain. I stared at the tape and asked myself, How can this be?

"I've got all night, sweetie!" said Bruce.

That woke me from my depression. No, we don't have all night. I glanced at the clock on the wall and noticed it was getting late. Mike would be home from work in an hour.

"Don't be afraid to say it out loud -- tell me how long your dick is!"

In a dull, monotone voice, I said, "My dick is three-and-three-quarter-inches long...."

"That's a long way from five-inches, isn't it, sweetie?"

"Uh, yes it is...."

"Your dick is nowhere near average size, is it, sweetie?"

With a lump in my throat, I said, " isn't...."

He kissed my cheek then launched into a story. I think he was trying to make me feel better.

"There were two women having lunch one day. One woman said to the other, "I have to go to the eye doctor after lunch."

The other woman said, "I didn't know you were having trouble seeing!"

"Well, I'm having a problem with depth perception," said the first woman.

The other woman asks, "How so?"

The first woman holds her thumb and forefinger three-inches apart and says, "My husband insists this is six-inches!"

I gave Bruce a weak smile. To avoid from having him finger my ass again, I went to my knees to replace the tape measure in the drawer. I was about to rise when I felt his hands on my shoulders holding me down.

"You know, sweetie, you've sucked my cock in every room except here!"

I looked up at him. My heart melted when I saw his gorgeous smile.

I held the base of his shaft in my left-hand and cupped his balls with my right. I wet my lips then slid them over his glans.

We moaned at the same time.


"So, are you enjoying my brother's penis?" she asked with a playful smile on her pretty face.

Up until that question, Lori and I were having a good time.

We met for lunch, and yes, it was awkward to begin with, but we have been best friends since grade school. It didn't take very long before we were gabbing like like old times.

I knew right off I couldn't be mad at her any longer. I was instantly reminded how much we shared the same likes and dis-likes; had the same political and social views; and were always able to make each other laugh.

"You know, Johnny," she said, "we now have something else in common!"

"What's that?" I asked her.

"Now we can talk about men!" she said excitedly.

When my face turned beet-red she scowled and said, "Get over yourself, sweetie, you know darn well Bruce and I have no secrets from one another...he tells me EVERYTHING!"

This time my complexion changed to ashen white.

"Everything?" I asked.

"Everything!" she smiled.

"So, are you enjoying my brother's penis? Ha-ha, you don't have to say anything...he already told me you LOVE his dick!"

"Lori, I, uh...."

"Sweetie, you don't have to be embarrassed around and I have never had any secrets either, and there is no need to start now...I have NEVER told anyone what you and I talk about, and I'm sure you're the same, right?"

"Well, yes, I've never said anything to anyone about our conversations!" I assured her.

The smile returned to her lips. "I'll bet Brucie gets a nice hard-on for you! He really-really likes you!"

"LORI!" I exclaimed, furiously blushing again.

"No, really Johnny, I'm curious...there is one thing I've never told you -- do you know that when Bruce and I are alone and our parents are gone -- we go skinny-dipping together in our pool? He has a nice dick -- I've never seen it hard though, and trust me, when we are naked in the pool he has no interest whatsoever in MY body!"

"Huh? What?" I said with eyes wide open.

She chuckled and said, "I've known for a long time Bruce isn't into girls...he only dated to keep other guys from thinking he was queer...after I caught him with Andy in the gazebo he confessed to me...I told him 'You're my brother and I'll love you no matter who you are' weird as it sounds, I'm very comfortable swimming naked with him -- he has absolutely no interest in tits and pussies!"

I smiled and blushed at the same time.

She gazed deeply into my eyes then said: "The same goes for you, too, sweetie...I don't care if you're gay -- I will always love you!"

"Lori, no, I, uh..." I began to protest, but suddenly stopped.

She knows me too well. Since Bruce tells her 'everything' there is no sense in trying to lie to her.

"You know, sweetie, I really want to talk with you about something...but you're not going to like it."

Uh-oh, do I want to hear what she has to say?

"Uh, okay, what is it?" I asked.

"Johnny, I knew you were gay when we were in junior high school!" she said.

"No, no, that's not right!" I protested.

"Sweetie, a girl KNOWS these things!" she said. "You've been swimming in our pool forever...don't you think I saw you staring at Bruce's friends?"

"That doesn't mean anything," I said. "They were all good athletes, I was kinda impressed with them...of being able to hang out with them."

"Remember Heather? She and Bruce dated a few months?"

"Yeah, I remember her," I answered.

"One day she and I were sunning ourselves and out of nowhere she leans over and says, 'I hope your interest in your little friend is purely platonic'...'Why is that?' I asked her...she said, 'It seems to me every time he's goofing around with the guys he springs a boner'...well, I began watching you after that and, sure enough, she was right!"

Oh my hell, a flood of memories washed thru my head. Yes, I admit to the boners, but in my defense, that was when I began to regularly masturbate...the slightest little provocation would make my dick hard.

"C'mon, Lori, back then a soft breeze would give me a hard-on," I laughed, trying to lighten the mood.

"...and whenever Bruce touched your body -- which he did quite often!" she countered.

"He was teaching me to swim," I protested.

"Sweetie, why are you fighting me on this? I don't mean to be crude but don't you think my brother has told me what you do for him -- sexually, that is?"

Tears filled my eyes as I stammered, "But, uh, I, uh, no...."

Lori took my hand in hers and softly said, "It's okay to be queer, John...Bruce says you are a natural bottom -- that's okay too...all I want is for you to be happy!"

I averted my eyes from hers. I didn't feel worthy enough to look into her eyes. I am a cocksucking faggot pure and simple!


My head was gently rising and falling on Bruce's chest. His arm was draped around me. I felt so safe and secure in his grasp the world could never harm me.

I woke with a start. Are those voices I hear? In a panic my eyes darted to the clock on the bedside table.


Bruce and I made love in my bed and had fallen asleep. My internal clock had been flawless up until now about waking up and getting Bruce out of the apartment before my roommate got home. Not tonight!

At least my bedroom door was closed. I hoped they couldn't hear my heart pounding in my chest. My sudden movement awakened Bruce.

"Shhhhh...." I whispered.

We could hear them talking in the living room. Suddenly, their voices grew louder then disappeared behind the door to his bedroom.

I whispered to Bruce, "Why don't you get can get out of here when I hear them fucking."