All Comments on 'In Defense of The Son-In-Law'

by Omegaman56

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GrandPaMGrandPaMover 2 years ago

Also, speaking as a parent of a child how had such happen to him, genetic accidents happen. Mutations happen. Incomplete dominance of recessive traits happen. None of these things may involve 3rd parties other than the biological father and mother.

Do the statistics and probabilities of rarer things like those above matter to you when they occur to you and yours? nope!

In the end, DNA doesn't lie - at least not until we have the technology to make it able to lie, and to date, we don't - yet.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago


enderlocke77enderlocke77over 2 years ago

so are we just supposed to gloss over him saying the N word to 2 black men and was able to walk out? if he used that word in front of that child, he would do it again enough said. those 2 out of 3 would still be divorce for me. im going to skim on just to see what explanation is given about him saying the N word. that would have gotten my ass kicked where i been living

carindenniscarindennisover 2 years ago

Five stars for originality. You have touched a subject that had yet been touched, and I have been binging on this site for MONTHS (sad as that sounds). My only negative is there was some typos that should have been caught even with a simple spell checker.

Original subject matter and the novel presentation. I feel justify the full five 🌟.

Well done

enderlocke77enderlocke77over 2 years ago

nothing, my first commit stands

enderlocke77enderlocke77over 2 years ago




characterized by or showing prejudice, discrimination, or antagonism against a person or people on the basis of their membership in a particular racial or ethnic group, typically one that is a minority or marginalized.

"we are investigating complaints about racist abuse" · [more]


a person who is prejudiced against or antagonistic toward people on the basis of their membership in a particular racial or ethnic group, typically one that is a minority or marginalized.

enderlocke77enderlocke77over 2 years ago

"He and his family are Goddamn racists."

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Thanks for sharing...

Well orchestrated!

francemanfrancemanover 2 years ago

Bravo bonne histoire. Merci pour le partage.

Legio_Patria_NostraLegio_Patria_Nostraover 2 years ago

Too much extraneous backstory. Also, very distracting posting dialogue without a leading, ". The concept was interesting, and the points you made were excellent, especially about ego being earned. VERY good are concepts presented, but please, punctuate your running dialogue. Also, most people don't really care about Reddit. Take the idea, but not the commentary. None of those posters or OP is reading this story. With a rewrite, this can be one of the best stories posted in a while. Definitely fresh. As is, 3/5.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

I get you were trying to input a valuable life lesson but I couldn’t keep track of who or what was going on.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Check the kid's DNA against Kyler's. It's possible that a recessive gene for skin color expressed.

If the child is his, then they should try working things out. You can't help your genes. You gots what you gots.

BUT, if she cheated then all bets are off. Not because of the kid's color, but because she's a cheater. The kid is collateral damage.

My two cents worth.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Fast forwarded to the end for the 1*

SouthdownSouthdownover 2 years ago

After reading some wild and even disgusting stories here in L.W. It doesn't come as a surprise to me that I am two things at the same time. The first is well aware of the lengths(no pun intended) some women go to to cheat on their husbands and that some women see black men as preferable lovers. It is also uppermost in my mind that MOST men when seeing their wife give birth to a baby of a different race will react negatively and not because of the race(whatever it is) but because of the implied betrayal by their wife of their marriage. People are lucky to have DNA science to assist in these times but, like with any document, fakes and false testaments can be obtained. The husband is MOST-LIKELY NOT RACIST. Good story. 3*** for no proper conclusion and there is ALWAYS a resolution to stories like this in real life Thank You.

swedishreader1swedishreader1over 2 years ago

Take away the baby and racial aspect of this entirely the message is still how a man has to be near perfect.

Plenty of young men in generation Z are not looking for long term commitments and have zero respect for their female peers.

I can't say I blame them, there seem to be very few young women today that are worth any kind of effort on a man's part.

Women wanted equality, but only the good bits, this latest generation expect and demand it.

They could not make themselves less attractive long term partners for men if they tried.

Feoalex81Feoalex81over 2 years ago

Good story... an your right 99% of men would react the same way

lujon2019lujon2019over 2 years ago

I recall that story

the guys grandmother, or great grandmother had a dalliance and the kid passed


Meaning the racist guy is 1/4 or 1/8 black


and as leftist have been telling us for years, black people can never be racist no matter what they say or do

(unless they are republican)

silentsoundsilentsoundover 2 years ago

Nice and a little twisty. Different.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

WOW, 2 postings in a week! Excellent story. I would rely on DNA very heavily i this case. Does he love her? He did much more for her than she ever did for him, always doting. It would certainly be a shock if not discovering family history. Please write a part 2, even a short story, of how it ended up. As I told you before, I admire your work, and still want to be a distributor for that UNF-CK MACHINE.

SystemShockSystemShockover 2 years ago

Quite frankly, I think he'd be better off without her anyway. Her words and reactions paint a pretty clear picture of who she really is, and it's not flattering. She's dismissive and haughty, bordering on narcissistic, and seems to only be able to see the other side of the argument when it's presented in a fairly over-the-top way by someone she loves and respects. Without her father, Kyler was out like yesterday's trash, without her even giving a second thought to his feelings. Because until it was spelled out for her, she acted like men didn't have feelings, only egos. She's the type of woman who will say she wants a sweet, sensitive guy who's secure enough to express himself; but if she ever caught him crying over something she deemed not that big a deal, she'd be the first to tell him to "man-up". Then she'd be on the phone with her friends mocking him for being a big baby.

She's also the kind of person who would hold this incident over his head for the rest of their married lives. Every single argument would end with something like "You called your own child a 'N-word'!" Any question or accusation made against her would be answered with, "You didn't trust me when the baby was born, and look how that turned out!".

And I don't doubt for a second that she would be the type of person who would abuse that power to completely shut her man down in just about any circumstance. She could fuck around on him with impunity, maybe even get caught in the act and still gaslight him into accepting her version of reality despite what his own senses tell him, because they failed him before. I would see nothing but rough seas ahead for him if he came crawling back, and that's WITH the father-in-law on his side.

Mac_LapuMac_Lapuover 2 years ago

I saw something very similar story in YouTube. But the difference was it was the Grandmother of the husband who had an affair with a black dude and that means that the father of the husband was half-black but looked very Caucasian because even the father of the husband was not aware he's half-black as the grandmother didn't tell her secret affair to her family. The result to me is very improbable, but it does happen but very rarely as it takes a lot of generations before a wholly Caucasian child is born. I commented early in that video that it is likely the wife did have an affair as the probability of a Caucasian baby from a black man and white female is HIGHLY improbable although later at the near end of the video the DNA test proved that the husband indeed was the father. The union of a white man and an Asian woman has many resulted in a child that looks almost wholly Caucasian never Asian, while the union of a black man and Asian woman results in an Afro-looking child BUT a black man and white woman ALMOST NEVER results in a wholly Caucasian child but instead the child has Afro dominant features particularly in the face.


But Omegaman56 got it right in his story as he places the mix many generations before Kyler and Laura and the situation is far more plausible than the one I watched in YouTube.


Though there are typographical errors but I am not that nit-picky about the mistakes I can understand it due to lack of professional editors unlike in a publishing house but then you have to pay for the book. Here the effort to share their story is free and I do appreciate the efforts the author(s) had gone through, yes even those juvenile cuckold-story writers.


Nicely done Omegaman56.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

You really need an editor, barely readable. Great idea, but shit execution

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Sorry, not possible for the black skin colour to reappear after several generations. Pur BS.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

As a man, I would divorce anyway. Why stay married to a woman who takes advice from the hens in Internet? What loyalty to expect from her if, for any reason, one stands charged with another thought "crime"? Run away boy and never look back.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

1* - author trying to push some sort of agenda and didn't finish the story. In real life I would feel sorry for the couple and the baby because they are in a difficult if not impossible situation.

AngelRiderAngelRiderover 2 years ago

First, I believe most questions on reddit are lies and fake. It's attention seeking and so are the answers. I don't believe the story at all. That's just me and from working in a hospital for 20 years. A genetic accident from a single distant relative over 2 generations previous? I don't think so. Not unless the wife has the same and then we are dealing with different effect size. The probabilities are very remote. Still, a good examination of meaning, intent and definition.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

After having read the story and following comments I think the commenters are more racist than the main character was supposed to have been. I find it interesting that if you're white and use a derogatory term you're a racist, but if you're black and use a derogatory term it's "ok".

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

WTF - This has nothing to do with updates - you are the writer based on an idea - finish the story

sbrooks103xsbrooks103xover 2 years ago

Very poorly written. Missing quotation marks, stray quotation marks inserted randomly.

Re: his ego. I thought her father, or the author missed an opportunity re her winning the genetic lottery: I thought he was going to say that she likely was egotistical about her looks, even though she had nothing to do with it.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Good story until the end when you did not finish it.

sdc97230sdc97230over 2 years ago
Their ancestors did them a great disservice

Even if it was necessary to pass in order to survive in a racist environment, knowledge of minority ancestry should have been handed down within the family. Knowing that they are not all-white might have prevented the mixed race descendants from becoming people who throw racist epithets around.

woodwardwoodwardover 2 years ago

A great story of reality.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Very good story. The father made a lot of good points, including that when we feel attacked we get angry and react, often in ways we wish we hadn't.

Pedantically, I find the genetics aspect of this a little hard to credit. The more distant, generationally, the mixed race event was, the less likely it is to emerge in an obvious manner. Some traces, sure. I say that as someone with a mixed-race niece and nephew who are readily apparent, and another relative who is the grandson of a mixed-race marriage and has only frizzy hair to show for it.

But an editor would have helped a great deal. There were a significant number of words missing that detracted from the drama.

kelchakelchaover 2 years ago

Now only ok to be racist toward Gypsies. Centuries of hate against them and still to this day.

Forty years ago I worked with a lot of Polish guys who came over to work and earn a very good income away from communist Poland. It always amazes me that so many of them thought the Jews got what they deserved in WW2.

Our society is evolving and getting better. When I do an estimate for work, I can sometimes know, as soon as I give my name, that I won't get the job. My surname is prominent in my mixed race culture of French and Native Canadian. It is much better now than it was even ten years ago. Still a long way to go.

Enjoyed the story. 5*

Huedogg2Huedogg2over 2 years ago

Nope couldn’t buy it, couple is blond haired and blue eyes. Great grandma has an affair. Dad is black. 3 generation later, daughter has a blonde hair blue eyed baby. Who is lying and which generation is lying?

phill1cphill1cover 2 years ago

I tried. I really did. To not comment on this farcical bullsh!t, but, alas, I feel I have to:

"First of all, he is not racist by using the N-word. He might be prejudiced, a bigot, but not a racist. A racist is somebody that thinks he is genetically superior to another race. In this case, he was hurt beyond your imagination as a woman."

He absolutely IS a racist, using the N-word. The N-word, it's a derogatory term for Black people that shows that the user of the term feels that Niggers (I have no problem with the word and I'm black) are somehow inferior to whatever race the user of the term is. Bigots, prejudiced people are racist.

I can't believe someone actually took hours to write something so inaccurate, about race. Kinda makes me think that the author is racist in attitudes.

phill1cphill1cover 2 years ago

I mean, when the first epithet that comes out of your mouth is "nigger" you're a racist.

This was really lame and offensive.

Frank66Frank66over 2 years ago

Extremely well thought out commentary, with a very intelligent (and real) discussion on racism. BUT, I do have to point out that in today's political climate EVERYTHING is racist. No place for calm, clear and rational dialogue.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Seriously!!!!!! You believed that story about black and white ferternal twins. He should just dump the bitch. He is obviously way above her in every way possible.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

You must be some white dude. Save your opinions for yourself and spare us brothers your diatribe of insults.

PowersworderPowersworderover 2 years ago

A thought provoking story, it was a shame you didn't finish it.


I think she should cut the husband a break. Any man in those circumstances would jump to exactly the same conclusions as her own mother and the hospital staff... that the wife cheated and he wasn't the father. If the child looked asian, I'd imagine he'd blast her with a bunch of anti-asian slurs in just the same way... it's natural to lash out at someone that has badly hurt you.

Women have no idea how devastating it is for a husband when a wife gives birth to a bastard baby. It's something that should never be forgiven. Men quite literally kill themselves over the humiliation and heartbreak.

dcvngtn3dcvngtn3over 2 years ago

Reddit is a cesspool. Honestly, any person who would go there for advice isn't looking for advice, but validation for their feelings.

And Omegaman, your comment would have been downvoted into oblivion and hidden. Possibly even deleted depending on the sub. It's what happens when anyone goes against the groupthink there.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Great story and I see both points of view. I can see his reaction 100% and I can see her anger in his not believing her. But what I don't see is how she doesn't understand how he reacted and why. She never put herself in his position where he comes in and see's the child for the first time. If the shoe was on the other foot wouldn't she react the same way? It doesn't make what he did right but I don't see it being wrong. It is very emotional and as humans we react accordingly.

The wife going to reddit was not real for me. I can't see how a women in that situation would go to the internet and ask advice. I can see her talking to family and friends and having to hear a variety of comments and advice from people she knows. I don't see her taking theme to post on reddit nor do I see her father going online to see what was posted unless she told him about it.

I hope they discuss this and stay together. They have a hard life ahead explain to everyone that the kid is really theirs. People unfortunately judge and the kid faces a hard time.

TheUnoriginalistTheUnoriginalistover 2 years ago

“Technically he’s just a bigot who used a racial slur” isn’t a strong defense, nor is it a good reason to keep someone in your life.

BrentJWBrentJWover 2 years ago

I applaud OM for writing this story. Dialogues where a bit confusing but I got the intent. Yes, I think he was racist to a degree, most of us are, me included even though I try not. Blended races usually have children expressing some of both races, it’s done intentionally in plant breeding and called hybrid vigor in genetics. As another commenter posted, sometimes through the randomness of genetics the later generation can pop out and express a number of genes more favored to the one race. If this happens it would be understandable that the husband would question fidelity. OM choose to focus this story on the mother’s feeling knowing she hadn’t cheated. Interesting take rather than delving into the cheating angle. Good Job.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

I am working in genetics. The story is bs.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Really good job.


Wonder how many readers will think…actually think….about your analysis about the difference between racism and bigotry?


As to the underlying “did she cheat or not” story that having a racially “unexpected” kid would naturally have triggered…..would have been nice to have gotten more insight on the dynamics surrounding the TWO DNA tests that both said HE was the father. As well…more insight into why Laura was so determined to dump the guy because of how he….NATURALLY….reacted.


But those details were not necessary to the story in the end…although they might have fleshed it out in a longer tale.


4 very strong ****

ribnitinribnitinover 2 years ago

Difficult subject, kudos for tackling it. I've heard of a religious white family where the wife gave birth to a black baby. The husband accuse her of cheating and walked away. She swore she was innocent. The husband's mother finally admitted that she had been raped by a black man shortly after getting married and never told anyone. Unbeknownst to him, the husband's father was black. The woman who gave birth didn't accept her husband's apology.

AngstIgnoredAngstIgnoredover 2 years ago

Horse shit. She cheated, pure and simple. There is no reason for him to raise that kid, regardless of what word he first uttered when he was present at the unveiling of her betrayal

Wildbill314Wildbill314over 2 years ago

Why do we still allow people to comment anonymously?

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

An additional comment to tne 4 **** giving one I just posted….


The conversation between Laura and her Dad takes place some 2 months after the birth — and Laura still wants to get rid of Kyler, despite (we are implicitly informed during the conversation) him accepting the DNA results, and the subsequent uncovering of HIS family’s genetic secrets.


Not sure why Kyler would want to stay with this woman. Her inner privilege is coming out, and only a Herculean effort on part of her Dad even has her contemplating not divorcing him.


Laura has a lot of work ahead of her to repair this marriage — IF her Dad’s arguments persuade her to try.

BigBlueKatBigBlueKatover 2 years ago

Just not believable to me. It may be possible, but I highly doubt it.

I would have reacted the same way. 2/5

Dittybopper6989Dittybopper6989over 2 years ago

No place on this web site for a story like this. I look to this site for reading enjoyment, not a lesson on our screwed up society. I'm not interested in delving into the minds of anyone.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Genes and reproduction can lead to unusual results. I lived next door to a black/white couple, and they had a son that was as white looking as Howdy Doody. The husband's family reacted the same way as the husband's family in the story. DNA testing did show that the boy was his, and all was well. In fact, father and son were pretty inseparable, constantly doing things together. Many years ago, there was a press report of a woman in Germany who had twins, one white and one black, each with different fathers (obviously the mother was quite the slut). As a small criticism of a detail in the story, if the father had a North African "in the woodpile", the genetic contribution would be Berber/Arab, which is still Caucasian, although not the European branch of the Caucasian race; it would not be sub-saharan African.

As for the the characters, the author captures the distorted mentality of the current generation of "college educated" women quite well.

Overall, this story was a well intended effort. Unfortunately, "racism" today is just an epithet used to bully people to gain power and unearned income (known as "economic rents"). CRT, which is opportunistic, systematic racism posing as "antiracism", is just the current "race" theoretical prong of gramscian marxism's "race, class, and gender" holy trinity. The epithet now is applied to anyone and anything the woketards oppose or don't like - including things that would surprise the man-on-the-street such as roads, medical equipment, free speech, the presumption of innocence, excellence, and punctuality (go look at CRT inspired descriptions of "whiteness").

Before the Civil Rights Act of 1964 was enacted, the general understanding of "racism" was that you hated someone solely because of his race irrespective of his qualities as a human being. That was reflected in the MLK line about "being judged by the content of your character." For those who actually were racist in the relevant sense, and it was a far smaller group than people today have been propagandized to suppose, there were various rationales underlying their views, and the "genetic" view was merely one held by some.

As a definition of "racism" the author's view doesn't work well. After all, one could believe blacks are genetically inferior and believe that this means that they should receive indulgent treatment and privileges. If you get to talk to white (and Asian) left-oriented policy makers and influencers when they've let their hair down (or have read accounts of those who have been around them in unguarded moments), this is exactly the rationale they have for their policy prescriptions, even though they are publicly proclaimed to be "responses to systematic racism" in order to get votes and public support. The vast majority of their followers, though, are naive, and certainly aren't guilty of this sort of duplicity. In any event, the "genetic" definition is not correct, and it is even quite dangerous because races do different in significant ways on a population wide basis, and how those differences will matter will depend on your values.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

It is genetically impossible for two light skinned people to have a dark skinned baby. This whole story is dumb.

KittyCampbellKittyCampbellover 2 years ago

No, I thought you wrote an actual story.

You set the stage for this story and dumped it.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

He is using just a race or liking that race as a pejorative. He clearly considers that race inferior or it wouldn't be insulting. And by your own definition, he is a racist. I think your attorney needs a dictionary.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Here is a fact for everyone. A child will NEVER be darker than the darkest parent.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Even if the man isn't a racist (which I'd say he likely is) being a bigot and highly prejudiced aren't enough legitimate reasons to walk away?! Give me a break!

I agree most men would be very upset. Absolutely! They would probably say cruel things. Maybe even throw things. But I DO NOT agree that most would start using the 'N' word and saying the other things he said. At least not good men.

I truly hope this woman walked away in real life. Any men who agree with the husband's reaction or say they would have done similar truly have a lot of work to do on themselves. Work they'll likely never do.

Truly disappointed that you chose to post this.

LSantiagoLSantiagoover 2 years ago

This a perfecly plausible story. I had a coworker who was cuban like me. In cubans are not as upset as North americans about race but they are obsesive about mascuimity in fact the word machismo is a latin american concept were its seen as something posity and the quality drilled into boys. So one day in the launch room I sit with afriend and he has a long face. he Was afrocuban his wife had given birth he was black very black his wife had viven birth to a white baby and he was crest fallen his wife was lighter skin than him and her parents cae up with a family album full of ligh skin and white relatives. He was a gentle giant very formal and he was a deacon and his wife a sunday school teacher

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Anon: Check the kid's DNA . . . if she cheated . . .

They did check (twice!), it's his child, and she didn't cheat; both spelled out quite clearly in the story. Why comment when you can only be bothered to merely skim a 2-pager?

One of your best stories, Omegaman. Sure, a couple of technical errors but original and thoughtful. I'll take the latter over a "clean" but cliched story any day.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

I chuckle at Lujon2019 comment and how far RIGHT he is that he tried to turn this political. Saying that the left say no Black people can be racist is the same as saying ALL Republicans are racist. Theres a few non racist Republicans just like there are some racist Black people. There are racist people of every race.

When things are good it's easy for everyone to get along and be good. When things turn bad and hard you can see a person's true character rise to the surface. Of course any father would react negatively apon thinking their child is not theirs. How you react is what makes him the racist. He could have just called her a cheating whore, slut, bitch, and called the child a Bastard. Stated that he would never raise another man's child and left the room in a tirade. By making racial comments about the child's heritage ( regardless whether the child was Asian, Hispanic, or any other ethnicity ) is what defined him.

Try this scenario. What if he was one of those fathers who found out 1 yr later through a DNA test that his child ( who is 100% white ) was fathered by another man. Would he at that point in time make racial comments about the child or would he just vent and cuss out the mother like any man would about her deceit, unfaithfulness, and being a slut? I highly doubt in this scenario he would he bring race into it and he would be just as upset as any man seeing his child born of a different race.

Every person on this planet has had a confrontation, dispute, argument, disagreement, debate, or even a physical fight with someone of a different ethnicity at some point in time in their life. In that situation if your response is to dislike and comment on other person about their character, morals, actions etc etc. No matter who it is, that's ok. If your response is to automatically go to and focus on their ethnicity as a point of contention, then yes you're a racist. You wouldnt be bringing up their race unless you felt you were superior to that race.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Compliments for checking on a controversial subject.

Schwanze1Schwanze1over 2 years ago

Waaaay to deep and thoughtful for this site. Well done.

ThorlolThorlolover 2 years ago

Hmm, I wonder whats going on with most of the commentors. I thought it was a good and thought provoking story, easy to read. I dont see any agenda in there but a dilemma. Both reactions are understandable. He thought she was cheating like anyone else would in the same situation like told in the story and started calling names like everyone else would about the source of his anger. But instead using something like asshole ect. he used the N word because color was in play. Nothing to do with being racist in my opinion. Like I said, I understand his reaction but that doesnt mean his actions wont have consequences. He dropped her like a hot potato and shunned her and only after receiving dna proof he backpedaled. Thats something that can destory the strongest marriages. Put yourself in her position, she herself is confused why the kid is black and got emotionally traumatized by her husband, the man who supposedly loves her. This single event can and will hurt more than all the good things he did before. I wouldnt say she has to divorce him but I would understand it if she would. I'd like to compare it with a deadly car accident. The driver of the car had no intention to kill someone when got into his car but he will still do his time for involuntary manslaughter. From what Ive read between the lines, she wouldnt be divorcing him for being racist but for his actions after the birth of their child.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

This would have been a much better story if your basic premise wasn't scientifically impossible. A child might have a single trait from an ancestor that far back but even that is only a two to three percent possibility.

BriteaseBriteaseover 2 years ago

Seems to me that these days a ‘racist’ is often someone who simply isn’t up to date with which words are currently acceptable and which aren’t. I got told off by my daughter for describing a girl as ‘coloured’ rather than black. But she wasn’t black. (She was also absolutely gorgeous by the way, but I didn’t get any allowance for saying that. ) I later discovered it would have been Ok to describe her as ‘a person of colour’. CRAZY!

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Genes that lay dormant for generations can suddenly become dominate , its very rare but possible .

onlythelonelyloveonlythelonelyloveover 2 years ago

Well I think it is racist. But then again, I think we are all racists to some extent, though some race-ism is more profoundly important given the power structures we live in. I think that is my problem with what is otherwise a well thought out story with a super-interesting premise. I look at this in part as a consequence of our biology—parts of our brain are dedicated to being really AWARE of “US” and “THEM” distinctions and making positive and negative judgements below our threshold of conscious awareness. We love that which we think is like us and we are suspicious of that which is different. And that capacity to discern difference is evolutionary advantageous, especially “back in the day” when humans moved in way smaller groups. But now we have to mediate these tendencies we have consciously. And sometimes we get an epic fail… such as in this case.

The argument is flawed because the father-in-law presupposes that there is no racism whilst at the same time failing to acknowledge the racist grounds for the husband’s outburst. If it really was non-racist and only about the issue of having another man’s baby, the “N” word wouldn’t be used. But it is-why? Because the colour of the child’s skin is used as a stand-in marker for infidelity with a “N.” And that goes to the essence of racism—using some arbitrary marker as a stand in for the worth and value of a person rather than what they actually do. One can consciously ignore the hyper sexual stereotype and racist tropes associated with African-American folks in American culture but it doesn’t mean that they don’t exist or that they don’t have an impact on us.

So, the interesting thing to me that would be worth exploring is the husband’s sense of SHAME as he comes to think and feel and struggle with this—after all, “he isn’t racist!”. His father-in-law may have absolved him, but will the young man do it? It takes a lot of energy to hold two contradictory views of ourselves apart. This is a moment of potential growth for the young man, and given our biological programming (as supported as it is by the subtle and not so subtle messages of our culture), his wife as well.

And yes, the comments about Reddit or other social media commentators—spot on.

muskyboymuskyboyover 2 years ago

Just don't buy it. Mother has ZERO compassion for the husband's dilemma, none. He should dump her just for that reason alone. Sad, race baiting story

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

I'd just like to point out that according to FBI crime statistics, if you include "made to penetrate' sexual assault (i.e. the male is forced in some way to penetrate another against their will) as rape, the statistics for rape are nearly 50/50. Men are forced into unwanted sexual relationships at about the same rate that women are. And considering how both are underreported, but men are more likely to not report such a thing, it's more than conceivable that men are raped at least as often or more often. The trick of redefining sexual assaults where the male isn't penetrated into something else was to skew the rape statistics for political purposes.

As for the particulars of this story, I can't quite enjoy it because it feels extremely forced. Was the 'father' having north African DNA part of the post? Doubtful. Any rational person would conclude their wife had cheated on them if she gave birth to a baby of a different race, particularly if they didn't know about someone of that race in the direct ancenstry. Hollywood may like the idea of the innocent wife showing the husband's inherent racism, but the reality is that never happens. The woman in the reddit post? She cheated. That this was basically the plot of a bad hollywood movie was a good clue that it, like many posts in relationship reddits, was a fake.

As for what the husband supposedly said; why should we trust the reddit poster? If it wasn't a fake post (which I still maintain it was), then there's no reason to believe she wasn't lying about that, as she would obviously have been lying about not having cheated.

There's so many levels of improbability in this whole story that even were it all true, it's completely reasonable for the husband to assume it's not, and for the poster to be lying about what he said, or whatever.

Was the fictional husband racist? Yes, in my opinion. So was the fictional wife who posted about it on reddit.

And no matter what, she was unworthy of being married to anyone if she would degrade her husband in public after having obviously cheated on him.

enderlocke77enderlocke77over 2 years ago

im think so if the stay together i wonder how many times is he going to call his child the N word. he doesnt seem to have a problem saying it. even when the author doesnt lol that should tell ya all u need to know

Bh76Bh76over 2 years ago

The LW crowd does not disappoint. I seriously can’t believe there are commenters that say she cheated. Ugh.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

You read something controversial on reddit and you believed it was true? And that the replies actually represented how real people feel? Have I got a deal for you! ROFL

Kid is a racist & the father is a scumbag lawyer trying to twist the simple truth into a pretzel.

JustOneMansOpinionJustOneMansOpinionover 2 years ago

Any time you try to sum up a person's personality in a single label you show your ignorance. Thought provoking story. Thanks.

LickideesplitLickideesplitover 2 years ago
Sweetie’s Last Statement

Sweetie’s closing comment to open her conversation with Hubby is telling!

"Kyler, I have made my decision.............."

This sounds like what a customer might tell a used car dealer after looking at several cars in the lot … a dealership the customer is unlikely to visit for several years (or never!) In other words, about as cold a start as a person might imagine. It would not surprise me if Hubby just pushed the END button before she utters the next word.

5* despite very careless editing!

PrfsrPrfsrover 2 years ago

There are many typos and little writing errors. Good meaningful tale.

calgarycamperscalgarycampersover 2 years ago

Great until the end and then ruined.

KRD19254KRD19254over 2 years ago

Hmmm, my college biology genetics class was well over 40yrs ago but if I remember it takes two recessive genes. So if he had an unknow heritage dark recessive gene and it takes two, where did hers come from? Her rich family being from SC, were they slave owners once??? Those in glass houses.


As far as his reaction - can't blame him, I'd jump to the same conclusion UNTIL the DNA said otherwise. Which the DNA gave him the logic he needed to do the right thing, but Ms. spoiled princess wants it all at all times. Your first child is exciting - to have this be slapped in your face. Did Kyle over react, yes, buttttt...


So her answer,,,, depends how much her father was able to curb her spoiled ego. Since she has money (likely trust fund too) she needs no one. She has her scape goat excuse for her privileged country/yacht club socialite snobs. Every one wants a feel good but I think she is too prissy and she dumps him, she has little regards for social underlings, i.e. Kyle and his family.


Her divorce demands on Kyle is no alimony and no child-care but if he does pay it is put into a local bank child trust fund but he is told he will never see his daughter. Laura moves out of SC/across the USA to insure no further contact with Kyle and family. Kyle's family is devastated but Laura does not care. Kyle is lost so he returns to what he knows best - college for his Masters and PhD, going into Aerospace.


Kyle never see's his daughter until she rings his doorbell 18yrs later. Laura became a bitter beautiful spinster of her own making. Kyle's oldest daughter now finds she has four step-brothers/sisters. Kyle married an enchanting American-oriental beauty business lady. None of this kids look anything like Kyle but he loves them all the same. All his kids will be attending Wharton like he did. Kyle is currently Sr Exec VP of Operations. Dr, Kyle has the Midas touch and is highly regarded in DoD Aerospace business.


4*, Hooyah, salutes...

lujon2019lujon2019over 2 years ago

Wildbill314 wrote

Why do we still allow people to comment anonymously?


Cause Wildbill314 identifies who you really are?

lujon2019lujon2019over 2 years ago

enderlocke77 wrote

so are we just supposed to gloss over him saying the N word to 2 black men and was able to walk out?


point of fact pedophile serial child rapist mental patient Joseph Rosenbaum used the N word several times towards several black people who did nothing about it, and not until he tried killing a minor who defended himself at the last possible second (so late in fact the pedo had powder burns on his hand) did he have anyone protesting his behavior. and afterwards the crowd called the kid, NOT the guy screaming the N word racist



phill1cabout wrote

He absolutely IS a racist, using the N-word. The N-word, it's a derogatory term for Black people that shows that the user of the term feels that Niggers (I have no problem with the word and I'm black) are somehow inferior to whatever race the user of the term is. Bigots, prejudiced people are racist


So did you miss the point in the story where the guy using the N word was 1/8th black? or in the original reddit story was 1/4 black?

Or the message for the last half century that it is impossible for people of African decent to be racist?

What percentage of black ancestry must one have to be allowed to use the word and not be automatically racist?

I am genuinely curious

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

now wait a minute, what if the man and woman were Asian and the child had red hair and freckles? The whole racism thing is a liberal construct from tribalism to deny people their individuality, their humanity. To some the N word is a description, in this case used in anger but does not detract from the individuals humanity. To others, the N word puts a person in to a category, a label, and therefore nothing further to be learned about him.

icebreadicebreadover 2 years ago

A good story. Thank you.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

“He’s not racist, he’s a bigot!… against black people” - oh, ok.

A “bigot” is prejudiced against any particular group.

So POTENTIALLY not necessarily a racist.

If that group happens to be defined by race he’s ALSO - and more precisely - a racist.

I’ll call out some woke BS when it’s off the rails but it’s indefensible that you’re defending a “label” with an alternative label, slightly less offensive in your own mind - if you can get away with it. Sounds like one of those old school, “I’m not saying, I’m just saying” defenses. Thanks for the gaslighting!

mattenwmattenwover 2 years ago

You wrote a very good story that I hope will give many readers food for thought. However, I would like to add here that many of the stories published here that contain men of color want to implement exactly that: men of color / black men are genetically / size of their cocks superior to white men! This is racist! Many authors should realize that!

Slick742Slick742over 2 years ago

shit's easy to point blame but harder to take it back...Thanks for the read...

GrendelpuppyGrendelpuppyover 2 years ago

It amazes me that folks don't remember the phrase, "Ubangi in the fuel supply," or "N in the wood pile. ". Among the connotations is that a white person has African ancestry that is not obvious or not disclosed. Among the more famous examples is George Zimmerman who shot Trayvon Martin. George's grandfather was very obviously black.

Another example is Clevon Little acknowledging that his grandmother was dutch.

Look up the word "throwback."

mainer42mainer42over 2 years ago

Anon ranting aside, Well written and insightful. Far from what I expect here and well done. One piece of advice, "editor", all willing to help a good writer

MattblackUKMattblackUKover 2 years ago

It transpired that his grandmother or greatgm I forget which, eventually confessed that she'd cheated on her husband with an African American, but because the baby looked like it would pass, she told nobody.

curly1curly1over 2 years ago

The wife was a two bit cheating whore.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Two of my siblings are fair complexioned with hazel and blue eyes like my mother and her side of the family. My dad is medium complexioned with light brown eyes. I have olive skin and hazel eyes, and my sister is even darker with almost black eyes. My paternal grandmother is 3/4 Mescalero and 1/4 Italian (first gen), and my grandfather was just a good old boy from Las Vegas NM. When out with my mother as kids, people would ask if my sister and I were adopted. My blonde sister's oldest son is as swarthy as my darker sister, and there were some surprised looks when he was born! All of us have done the 23 & Me, and there's no surprises in this woodpile. Just genetics.

GrendelpuppyGrendelpuppyover 2 years ago

A lot of ignorance about genetics here:

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Excluding men that are physically raped, which is a small number compared to women

If you include men raped in prison the numbers are fairly close.

26thNC26thNCover 2 years ago

Good story, but I can’t imagine any man confronted with that particular situation not reacting in exactly the same way. Racism has nothing to do with it. A black, or Asian father would react the same way if their wife gave birth to a mixed race baby. Not raw I’m, just shock and too many LW stories.

Boyd PercyBoyd Percyover 2 years ago

Interesting story!


AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

If she had been honest with her husband and told him that she had been raped his reaction to seeing the baby would have been a lot different. They could have done a DNA test before the birth and would have known what might happen.

GhostdogginGhostdogginover 2 years ago

She was not raped nor was it another man's child. It said in the story that Kyler was proves to be the father through 2 separate DNA tests. Idk much about genetics but I am suprised that a baby born 3 or 4 generations after the DNA was inserted in the family tree would have enough pigment to be instantly apparent that it was a mixed race child.

KristieBechirKristieBechirover 2 years ago

Couldn’t make it more than halfway down the first page. Nowhere in any definition of “racist” does it say “thinks they are genetically superior.” I have no idea where you came up with that, but the self-righteous dad saying a guy who yells out “she fucks niggers” isn’t racist is absurd. Silly premise. “He’s a bigot, but he’s not racist.” Ridiculous.

lujon2019lujon2019over 2 years ago

"Among the more famous examples is George Zimmerman who shot Trayvon Martin. George's grandfather was very obviously black."



Wait, so Zimmerman was a "white" hispanic of african decent?

how the fuck did I miss that?

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Re: mainer42 Why did you feel it necessary to mention anon comments. You aren't a bigot, are you?

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