In Hot Water


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Giving a pause, as if internally debating whether or not he should disclose more information on his intimate lifestyle, he walked forward until he was nearly shoulder to shoulder with Ryan before he shrugged off his inhibitions. Ryan had always been trustworthy as a player and as a student. Even when he was on the team, the two confided certain things with one another. Of course, not as casually as they did presently, but the topics were not really something a typical Coach and student should discuss.

"Ahh, what the hell. Things aren't going so great. We finally managed to get a bit more..." Choosing his words carefully, Will continued, "...intimate with one another. It was a bit...err... angry, though. And over lightbulbs, for some reason. That was a few weeks ago. We've been dry as a bone together, and I'm missing that feeling that we had when we first met, and we-"

"Fucked like rabbits?" Ryan smirked, finishing the other male's sentence for him.

Rolling his eyes, Will looked over at Ryan with a smirk. "I was going to go with something a little less vulgar, but yeah. Don't get me wrong, I'm not all about things between the sheets, but we are missing that spark we used to have, and the...ahem...'lovemaking' we used to do really helped us see past our flaws and just enjoy one another. She's feeling it, too. I'm afraid that, soon, we are going to break it off. It's been about a month since we got together, even longer since we got it on together, and I've kind of already come to terms with it ending, but then I'll be hung out to dry. Kind of selfish, I know, but the little sex that we did have was really nice."

Will didn't know why he was spilling all this information out to Ryan, but his former student was not giving him a reason to not trust him. With all the bureaucracy crap that came with running a class and coaching, it was hard to find someone that he could confide in comfortably, since the wrong word to the right student could get ugly. Ryan, however, had known him for a long enough time that Will considered him more of a friend, rather than a student, whenever he first started his job as a lifeguard.

"I'm really sorry to hear that, dude," Ryan frowned, sticking his pool skimmer in the water and scooping some leaves off the surface of the pool. "Sounds like you've already broken up with her in your heart, so I guess, if there's a silver lining, it's that you won't be crushed if she breaks up with you. But, hey, makes you free to go find a girl who will put out more than her," Ryan winked jokingly, sticking out his tongue as he walked further away from the older man to clean a different corner of the pool.

Giving a chuckle before placing his broom on the ground and beginning to make his way to the opposite side of the pool with the pool skimmer, Will began to scoop up leaves and acorns out of the pool. Although the silver maples looked wonderful and gave the atmosphere a more natural feeling among the chlorine and unnatural-looking blue water, they made the biggest mess, more so than the children, and that was saying something.

"Thanks for the sympathy, man," Will said with a smile over to his coworker. "And that's what I'm thinking. I may start hitting up the bars again! You know, mix up my Friday nights a little bit. Maybe take a girl out to a nice dinner and then get some tail." Shaking his rump playfully, Will said, "You should see me on the dance floor! I can woo lots of potential mates with my dancing. I'm like a peacock, or something."

Ryan laughed loudly as he dumped a skimmer full of leaves over the fence around the pool and walked back to continue skimming. "You must be one hell of a sight, if that's the case. I should totally go with you out to the club sometime. You know, if you wanted a wingman and I wouldn't cramp your style, Mr. Peacock."

Giving a booming laugh in response, Will said, "You wouldn't 'cramp my style', or whatever you kids say these days. I've got plenty of cool to go around. We would pretty much blow up the club, if we both went in. Speaking of which, are you involved with anyone in particular? I told you my story, but I never seem to get a peep out of you on the subject, Mr. Bachelor. I don't want to be the only one giving out private details here." Looking over at Ryan and giving the muscular wrestler a wink, Will gave a smirk at the little blush he gave in response. He would never admit it, but Ryan looked adorable when he got all flustered.

"Well...admittedly, I'm not seeing anyone. I've had a few small things, but nothing real lately," Ryan said, looking a little embarrassed. "I just haven't been interested in any of the girls who have tried to make a move on me, really."

"Really? The local stud's just not feeling it?" Will teased with a smile. When Ryan did not crack his trademark smile back, Will figured he had hit a sensitive subject, and his smile turned into a frown before he gave a shrug. "Ahh, that's okay. If you want someone, you'll find 'em in due time. Besides, maybe taking a break is a wise idea. Otherwise, you'll end up in my situation." Giving a chuckle, Will scooped up the last leaf on his side of the pool before looking up. He noticed that Ryan had the pool skimmer in hand and was in a pose that reminded Will of a medieval spearman. Ryan's side of the pool was completely devoid of leaves as well by this point.

Ryan sighed softly, his shoulders slumping slightly. "Perhaps you're right. I dunno, I..." he trailed off, shaking his head. "Eh, doesn't matter. I'll find someone, eventually. Besides, I'm still young and virile, so I'm in no real rush to get hitched," Ryan laughed.

The hesitation is Ryan's voice was strange to hear, but Will simply shrugged it off as nothing. Nodding, Ryan said, "Yeah. You are a good guy, too. I know that you are loyal, personally. You'll find someone. It just takes time, man." Walking around the pool to meet Ryan on the other side, Will leaned down to grab one of the brooms before placing his hand on Ryan's shoulder and giving it a squeeze. The muscle underneath his skin felt firm to the touch, and Will could feel the muscle tense underneath his hand before relaxing.

"I could say the same to you, Will," Ryan smiled, resting his own hand on Will's shoulder. "You deserve someone better than Lauren. Someone who can meet your needs and give you the love you want."

Feeling his heart flutter bit, Will gave a smile before releasing his hold on Ryan's shoulder. "You're a good friend, Ryan. Now, let's get this cleaning done. I can't wait to take a nice, long shower in the locker room, after all this is over. I smell like chlorine."

"No shit you smell like chlorine," Ryan laughed. "It's the lifeguard's natural cologne."

"True that!" Will said with a chuckle before picking up the second broom and handing it to Ryan. He gave his coworker a smile. "Now, let's get to work."

Giving a relaxed sigh as he opened his locker, Will began to dig through his duffel bag until he got out what he was looking for: a bright orange towel, midnight black gym shorts, a pair of light blue briefs, and a dark blue tank top. Placing them on the bench, Will looked up to see Ryan checking himself out in the mirror inside his locker. Ryan's hazel eyes glanced over his form in the mirror that was on the inside of the door, and his eyes were focused on his hair and scruff on his face. It was well trimmed, but thick. The same type of beard Will had but in a black color.

The locker room was eerily quiet with no one inside, the lack of whistling telling him that their boss had gone home for the night. It was so quiet that, whenever Will strained his hearing, he could make out the tiny drip-drop of water falling from the showerheads. It was a strange feeling being in the locker rooms alone, but there was also an upside: There were no random naked men to run into.

Taking off his sunglasses that were hooked in his speedo and placing them on a holder in his locker, Will stretched his muscles and felt them flex. He could already imagine the warm water cascading over his body. "Man, I never want to pick up a broom again," Will said with a chuckle and another sigh as he felt a muscle unwind itself in his back.

"I know, right?" Ryan laughed as he stopped admiring himself and walked towards the showers, slipping out of his swim trunks along the way and casually tossing them onto the bench in front of his locker, barely even breaking stride as he walked into the small shower room. A moment later, he turned the water on, and his skin and hair on his body, treasure trail, and crotch instantly became soaked. "You know, while the shower back at my place is pretty nice, there's something oddly refreshing about using these showers, don't you think?"

Ears flicking upward as he heard Ryan's voice echo throughout the locker room, Will nodded in response before saying back, "Yeah. Convenient and great after a day of working outside in hot weather! Totally agree," Will said as he hooked his thumbs in his speedo and pulled it down nonchalantly. Throwing the swimwear onto the bench by his clothes, Will heard his phone vibrate, and he gave a sigh. "I'll join you in a moment, by the way. Just gotta take a look at my phone. Lauren is texting me. I checked on break, and there are like three messages, so there are probably five more by now." Although he tried to stifle his annoyance, it came out in his voice.

Walking over to his locker and grabbing his phone, the wrestling Coach unlocked the screen and opened the text messaging application. Lauren had sent him six messages, and each one seemed to be long-winded. The first text message was about meeting up for dinner to "talk about us". The next three that followed seemed to revolve around where to eat, and Will could tell that Lauren was getting impatient, since he was not replying. The fourth was about canceling the dinner and just coming over to her place instead. The next one, however, had a totally different tone, one that made the Will's heart feel as if it dropped into his stomach.

"Listen...Will, this isn't going very well. As much as I like having the company, we aren't working together. I know that we tried to make this work, but there are so many shortcomings that I just don't want to address in our relationship. I think it is time to burn a bridge."

Feeling a deep void where his emotions should have been, Will opened up the final text message to see the words, "I don't want to see you anymore." That was enough for him. Tossing his phone into his locker and walking towards the shower with a frown across his face, Will took the showerhead next to Ryan and turned the nozzle to the warmest he could handle. He needed a hot shower to take his mind off things.

Shivering at the sensation of the warm water cascading down his naked form, Will could not help but let out a hiss of relaxation as he placed his hand under a soap dispenser. The feeling of all that emotional tension being cast off was a good one, but along with the newfound freedom, there was a loneliness creeping in as well. There would be no one to greet him, or ask him how his day went, and no one to touch intimately when he got home. The soap machine automatically cranked out a healthy dollop of shampoo, and Will rubbed it between his hands almost mechanically. Looking over at Ryan, Will said simply, "Sorry I took so long..."

Ryan cast a sideways glance at Will and analyzed the look on his face. "She broke up with you, didn't she..."

Beginning to lather up his broad chest and working his way downward, Will nodded. The light brown hair along his chest and that creeped down his bulky mix between a wrestler and swimmer's body glistened with fresh water droplets. "Yeah. Figured it was coming, but it still kind of hurts a little bit. Water under the bridge now. Like you said, I get to be free." Giving a solemn smile, Will began to rub over his thighs. The touch felt extra sensitive on his skin, and he wished someone else was caressing him at the moment. "No sex for a while, though," the Coach said with a chuckle at his own lewd joke. "Dammit all..."

Ryan was silent for a moment as he looked straight ahead at the tile wall in front of him. "Not necessarily," he muttered.

"Possibly, but I think I'm going to cut my loses for tonight," Will said as he instinctively rubbed his hands over his groin and began to wash off his orbs gently. "I am not in the mood for bending over backwards for someone at the moment." Working his hands over his rump, he began to knead a knot out of the muscle, the same light brown hair that was on his crotch also giving a light fuzz to his cheeks.

"At least this opens me up for a masseur visit tomorrow. My back and ass have been killing me. I think I might have strained a muscle while lifting, or something." Although Will knew he was rambling, he wanted to get his mind off of anything that was related to Lauren at the moment.

"Well, what about a simple hookup?" Ryan asked, casting a sideways glance at his old teacher as Ryan soaped up his body. "You know, something 'no strings attached' that leaves you free to leave right after."

Looking over at Ryan with a curious expression, Will started to wonder why Ryan was so persistent about helping out his sex life. Although he was flattered by his friend's concern, there was a feeling that Ryan wasn't telling him something. "I mean, as long as no one gets hurt in the end, then why not? I am not one to turn down a good time. I'm rather embarrassed to say this, but I've been saving my...libido, for lack of a better term, for about three days. I'm rather pent up." Beginning to rub his chest, Will watched his left pec bounce as he pinched his left nipple quickly to wipe some of the soap off of it.

"Hey, Will? Can I...tell you a secret?" Ryan asked, not meeting his teacher's eyes. "Just...promise you won't get mad at me or judge me, okay?"

Turning towards Ryan, Will noticed the serious look across his face. In that serious expression, there was also fear. Taken aback by Ryan's concern, Will said, "Hey, you know you can tell me anything. I promise what we discuss will only be between you and me. What's eating at you, sport?" He felt a bit of embarrassment at letting the term of endearment slide, since it was obvious the canine was a bit too old to be called "sport", but Will could tell that it helped ease the young man's tension. It felt just like old times.

"I avoided the question earlier, when you asked if I was seeing anyone, and while I did tell you some truth, I didn't tell you the whole truth," Ryan said, sounding increasingly nervous. "The truth is...well...I haven't found females interesting, because I'm not interested in, at all." If the large man had a tail, it would have been between his legs, and he held his left arm with his right hand, looking vulnerable and nervous.

"O-oh...OH! I...uhh...I didn't know..." Will stammered out before he put his hand on the back of his head. The reaction that Will gave didn't seem to be all that Ryan had expected, and Ryan had a hurt expression across his face while the Coach tried to find the right words. Will quickly tried to repair damages. "N-no! It's fine! I am just surprised!" Giving a chuckle, Will somewhat forgot that he was naked, and he shuffled awkwardly over to Ryan before placing a hand on his shoulder.

"Listen, it took a lot of courage to say that, and I'm proud of you for coming forward to me," Will said straight away when he felt his "teacher's voice" returning. "I'm actually kind of glad the secret wasn't something more serious...NOT that this isn't serious. It's just..." Giving a sigh and a smile, Will continued, "Again, I'm happy that you are telling me something this personal. When did you figure out you liked guys?"

The huge wrestler blushed slightly, averting his eyes from Will's face. "You...don't want to know that answer."

"Oh, come on. It wasn't that bull, Cameron, was it? He was as dumb as a brick, but I can see why, if it is..." Will said with a sly wink as he tried to pry the answers out of Ryan. "A lot of guys peeked at him in the showers."

"And I would be one of them," Ryan admitted with a slightly embarrassed smile. "I've fantasized about that guy's body more times than I can count." His smile faltered slightly, and he sighed.

"If you really want to know..." Ryan started, bracing himself. "I knew I was into guys my freshman year of high school. I had just transferred schools, since my dad got a new job and the family had to move, and since I didn't know anyone, I just decided, on a whim, to sign up for some extracurricular activities..."

Ryan glanced over at his old wrestling Coach. "And, one day, after wrestling practice, I walked into the Coach's office to give him the papers from my new doctor, since we were required to get a physical done before we could wrestle, and...I may have accidentally walked in on him showering in his personal shower in his office. I kinda stood there, stunned, and, well, seeing his body and how those muscles moved as the water ran down between them, it caused something to awaken in my gym shorts. I was confused, of course, so I left the papers on his desk and booked it out of there, but...that memory has gotten me through so many lonely nights."

Ryan studied Will's face. "I'm...sorry if that's really creepy, or anything," he apologized, bracing himself for revulsion or rejection.

Will was taken by surprise once again, and he looked into Ryan's eyes to see he was serious. Although he was flattered that his physique was so admired by his ex-student, there was also a voice in his head telling him that it was taboo that Ryan had a desire for him. There was something about a P.E teacher and an ex-student wrestler pairing that didn't quite sit right in his conscience. However, there was also a desire stirring in him, his pent up mind screaming at him for a shot at release. And the fact that teenagers are going to be teenagers and get into mischief.

"O-oh, I see," Will said simply in return. Looking down at his ex-student's hands, there was a flash of a thought about how they would feel on his body. He wondered what dirty thoughts ran through the wrestler's mind as he imagined him. Will was as curious as he was taken aback. "So, when you mentioned that statement about me not necessarily going home alone...that was a statement regarding you, wasn't it?" Although Will felt conflicting emotions, something inside him was beginning to stir, and those beautiful hazel eyes looking at him for attention were starting to play with his thoughts.

Ryan nodded slowly. "I was scared to say it outright, but...I've been attracted to you for all seven and some odd years I've known you, Will. As a student, I wouldn't have ever been able to do anything about it, because it would have gotten both of us in serious trouble, but...well, I'm an adult now, and I'm not your student do you say? It doesn't have to mean anything to you either. As I said, just a hookup." Ryan was wringing his paws together nervously as he spoke, and his eyes kept searching Will's face for any indication that he had gone too far.

Although Will was still internally debating, his body was showing a more carnal side to him and responding appropriately. His once flaccid member that laid over ample sized orbs began to twitch and grow. His mind started to become clogged with the thoughts of those soft paws touching his body, worshipping him like he was a god, and that wet tongue licking him in places he never dreamed of. And best of all, Ryan only wanted him just this once, and that was icing on the cake for the pent up Coach. Plus, Ryan's body was broad, big, and had a lot to grope. It was his favorite body type for a guy.

Reaching his hand forward and gently grasping Ryan's wrist, Will felt something in him give a green light as he brought Ryan's hands towards his chest. Giving that trademark warm smile, Will said, "You can rub me down, for a start. We'll see where it goes from there." The words may have sounded tame, but Will's gaze had a deep hunger to it.