Ingrams & Assoc 2: Retreat Ch. 02


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She went back down to her room, grabbed a few things from her luggage, and decided to take a quick shower, then check out the bed. The shower was great – she felt refreshed, then checked out the bed. She bounced on it a few times – like everyone does, even though they feel like they are seven again – tried laying down on it – and was asleep in seconds.


April woke up, and had to cover her eyes. The view out of her window was spectacular. The sun was setting, and the sky was gorgeous shades of red and gold, behind some clouds on the horizon. The sun was going down over the island, showing up the jungle in the distance as a black silhouette. It was quite breathtaking, and if the sun hadn't been dazzling her, coming right into her room, she'd probably still be asleep.

She checked her watch and found it was six thirty, local time. Just enough time to finish unpacking and to dress for dinner.

But first...April pulled her luggage to the bed, and dug out the satellite phone. It connected first time and she went through the usual sign / countersign challenge from the person who answered the phone. She was told to wait for a second, then she heard Dermot's voice on the small phone. It was a little tinny, but April was just impressed it worked at all.

"Hey April. There ok? Good flight?" asked Dermot.

"I'm here. My god, this island thing is amazing. Seriously, I'll take pictures to show you when I get back."

"Well, don't be too impressed. It costs over forty million dollars. For that money, it damn well should be amazing."

April suppressed a smile. Trust Dermot to reduce out the experience to the cost.

"Well, I'm installed. I need to plant the bugs – I'll try and get that done tomorrow. They are cooking us dinner tonight, which should be nice. Did the other guys get checked in ok?" she asked.

"Yes, they are established. In fact, they think they've found a fishing boat they can hire, and are planning on fishing off Kadavu Island. That means they'll be local to you, so if you need them, they'll be there that much faster."

"Oh that's great. That's awesome. Yeah, that helps put my mind at rest. Hey Dermot, I gotta run. I'll call you tomorrow, ok?"

"Understood, April. Be safe."

The connection broke and April threw the phone down on the bed and sat, staring around the room, trying to figure out where she could plant an audio bug. Since all the rooms were laid out similarly, if she could figure out a place in her room, it was likely that would work in the other people's rooms.

In the end, she settled for putting it just inside the sconce, on the wall. It had a metal frame, so the magnetic bottom of the microphone stuck to it just fine, and if placed correctly, it didn't interfere with the light the appliance threw. She tested recording audio in her room, and found the mike picked up everything perfectly.

Now she just had to get into the other rooms and plant them. But that was a job for tomorrow. Now, it was dinnertime. What to wear for the first night?


The next two days passed slowly in some ways, and incredibly fast in others. April was handing out massages almost daily to everyone, and spending a lot of time in the sun, swimming and generally relaxing the rest of the time.

She'd spent some time behind the bar, mixing drinks from a book, since one thing she'd never been was a bartender, even though, according to her resume, she was a qualified one. It was all new to her, but she found she took to it like a duck to water.

Astrid and Samantha tried to help by giving her some instruction, but most of that instruction took place with April behind the bar, and the two of them, sitting in front of it, tasting whatever concoction she was currently attempting to master.

Food was sometimes grilled, sometimes prepared in the master kitchen, but whatever it was, it was great to eat. Mario truly was a master of that domain.

April's massages were popular, and she learned even more about the body when Samantha pulled a muscle in her shoulder while swimming. April could feel the knots and worked hard to smooth them out and remove the kink. The more she did the massage, the more she could feel her way around the muscles of the body and the more she began to feel how one muscle could affect another.

Professionally, she kept up with her phone calls back to base, and even spoke with the support team, just checking in. She got an earful of complaints that they couldn't drink beer while they were finishing, in case they were needed, but other than that, everything was as prepared as it could be.

She did manage to place all the bugs. All client quarters were planted, and she'd managed to get into one of the girls rooms and Martin Steele's, but not Astrid's or Mario's. It was actually far harder to place the bugs on the help level, because everyone had already moved in and got their key cards that locked the door. On the living level, no one had yet, so planting them there was easy.

April was biding her time – she had a plan to get into Mario's room, and wasn't sure if it would work on Astrid.

She was going to seduce them.

That night, it was beer pong night. Martin Steele and Mario had spent the afternoon playing golf off the back dock section of the island. They'd driven out some distance markers and just belted special orange balls off the back of the island, and then taken one of the jet skis to go and collect them. There had been beer and they were both in a silly mood.

It hadn't taken long for April to induce Mario for a massage – starting off by giving his shoulders a massage as he sat, then inviting him to the table, downstairs.

Within ten minutes, she had him aroused. It wasn't hard to do - she knew the places to touch lightly, the right suggestive smile, Mario had been drinking and he barely knew what hit him.

When he turned over and his erection pushed up the sheet, she smiled, and suggested they retire to his room, so 'he could get that happy ending he so deserved".

Five minutes later, and they were in his room and April was examining his cock up close. About six inches – respectable – but it was built like a beer can. It was very very thick, and after looking at it for a second, April vowed she would never be letting this anywhere near her pussy, let alone her ass. It would tear her up something fierce. So, blowjob city it was...

She looked up at Mario, from on her knees and coquettishly said, "Can you take a fast shower? I need to be sure you are clean..."

Mario looked down at her, nodded frantically and rushed off into the tiny bathroom.

While he was gone, April planted the bug, smiling to herself.

And then Mario came back from the shower, and it was show time.

April went for it. It would be a tight fit, but she felt she owed it to Mario to give him the full experience.

Looking up at him, and never leaving his eyes, she ran her hand up and down his erect shaft, and pushed her nose to him, inhaling his scent. She made murmuring sounds of arousal, and if possible, Mario's cock got thicker, straining in her hand.

She opened her mouth slightly, smiled and just breathed on his cock. She licked her lips, and then stuck out her tongue and just, barely, brushed the tip of his helmet with the top of it. Mario's cock jerked and she drew back, her smile turning wicked.

She did it again, and again, and each time his cock jerked. "Please...." he said, breathlessly, pleading with his eyes.

Eventually, after doing the same thing a few more times, April took pity on him and suddenly engulfed as much of his cock in her mouth as she could. While April could deep throat like the best of them, she could barely get her mouth around the girth as it was; it wasn't going down any gullet, that was for sure.

Then she was into it. Lots of saliva, coating the cock, and occasionally she pulled away, just so she could say things like "I love this cock" and "Tastes so awesome" – she just was putting out the best Slut In Heat impression she could, and she could tell Mario was responding.

Eventually though, inevitably, she felt Mario stiffening up and mewing and she knew what was coming. The only question she had was, would she swallow or not? She had no idea; it's not like she had a policy about it. Sometimes she did, sometimes she didn't.

What the hell.

When Mario first blasted, it came out like a juggernaut. He had some powerful muscles behind it, and he was highly aroused. April could feel it jetting into the back of her mouth, and struggled to keep up with it. In the end, there was too much and some of it dribbled out.

She kept her composure though, and rubbing his legs and cock, she showed him her open mouth, swallowed, then showed him her empty mouth. Then she slowly ran her fingers through the excess on her chin that had dribbled out, scooping it up and feeding herself.

"Yum," she said, licking her fingers clean.

Mario stood stock still, just staring, his cock slowly deflating.

There was silence for a moment, then he said, "I've never had a blow job like that. That was...artistry."

April smiled wanly and got up off her knees and replied, "Well, you make great food. Quid pro quo. Right, I have to go. Another time, Mario."

And with that, she exited stage right, to go to her room and brush her teeth.

Now for Astrid.

Astrid ended up being easier, but more risky. The next day, the other two girls went swimming and while they were in the water, April took the opportunity to go through Astrid's clothes, grab the key card, zip into her room, plant the bug, and get out again. She dearly wanted the time to go through Astrid's things, but she had no idea how long they'd be swimming, and she didn't need to be caught in Astrid's room, with her key card. Way too many questions she couldn't answer.

And then it was the next day, and clients arrived.


The next day, early, everyone was having breakfast when Martin Steele walked into the main social area and said, in a loud booming voice, "Right then, people. The clients arrive today. Need everything ship shape and Bristol fashion. Holiday is over for you guys, it's work now. They'll be here around 2, so lets make sure this place looks good, ok?"

Everyone just looked at everyone else, wondering what, exactly, he expected of them. April was the first to move, getting up and wandering over to the bar to make a token show of cleaning it. After that, everyone else got up and started other menial and mindless tasks.

At twenty past two, they heard the two zodiacs in the distance, and everyone went up to the higher level to watch the boats approach. Within minutes, they were docked, and the clients came aboard.

April watched them as they clambered out of the inflatable boats, ticking them off mentally. First Paula and Mike Woods came aboard, looking around expectantly and with excitement in their eyes. She could see they had a strong relationship – constant comments to each other and little touches and smiles. Paula was a small blond – tight and an exercised body. Mike was larger, and had just the small beginnings of a beer belly, like a linebacker gone to pot. He still had a full head of hair, and was clean-shaven. He looked like central casting's idea of 'everyman'.

Then came Kim and Rashid Patel. Rashid was obviously Indian, but doing his best to fit in with western culture, wearing a suit. He even had a tie on, and April did wonder how uncomfortable he must feel in the sweltering heat.

Kim was an older woman, carrying a few extra pounds, but it was easy to see what a looker she must have been. She still had luxurious hair, styled down to her shoulders.

April watched their interactions and could see there was friction there. They barely glanced at each other while getting off the boat, instead staring at the artificial island. April noticed that neither smiled.

Then it was the turn of the three single guys, from the other boat. Mark Roschgord, Sal Girodano and Kevin Smith.

Mark Roschgord was exactly as his profile advertised – the body of a Greek god, a smile to dazzle anyone and, if the details were correct, very little upstairs. A man dedicated to hedonism and with nothing else to say about life that anyone wanted to hear. April could well imagine having multiple twenty-minute relationships with this guy.

Sal Girodano was a stocky swarthy Italian, almost a stereotype. He had a ready smile and seemed genuinely happy to be there, looking around with interest and a gleam in his eyes.

But it was Kevin Smith who immediately raised her hackles, because he looked very different from the Kevin Smith they had on file. There was some superficial resemblance – same height and build, and same basic facial characteristics, but she judged that it didn't look like the same person, as least not as obviously as the rest of the party matched their profile pics.

April made a mental note to check him out more thoroughly later.

She stared at him for a minute, watching him look around. He looked up and caught her eye and stared back, defiantly. She held the stare for five beats, then redirected her gaze to watch the last two couples come aboard.

The first was Brenda and John Roaker. Brenda was a voluptuous brunette, very reminiscent of the old Hollywood screen sirens. April wondered how long her hair regime took in the morning. Then she looked at John, who had even more voluptuous long hair and wondered the same about him. She'd never seen a man with such thick long hair before.

Last aboard were Bridget and Brad Fleischman. Bridget was a larger woman, the kind with red cheeks, who is always cheery. April could see from her body language how delighted she was to be there, and she was one of those people who laughs at everything they say, whether it's funny or not. The life and soul of the party, even if her behavior was entirely artificial. Her husband, Brad, had the body language of someone who had resigned himself to his situation. But there was at least a little affection in it, a man who was there to make his wife happy, she judged.

They were all now aboard, and the ten-penny tour from Steele was starting. She knew they'd be up in the main deck in a few minutes, so she took up position behind the bar, ensuring first that the three bottles of chilled champagne were chilled adequately, and the three beer pumps were working.

Fifteen minutes later, they started filtering onto the main deck. The current crew was presented, April smiling when she was introduced from behind the bar. She was glad she was behind the bar – it saved all that embarrassing decision on hand shakes or hugs or air kisses or whatever, even more ridiculous when you considered the fact that there was almost certainly going to be gratuitous sex with these people later. Idly, April wondered how it came about. Was it one big orgy on the deck, did they couple off or what? She'd been to a few sex parties in her day, but almost all of them at least had the decency to not pretend to be something else, like this event was.

The bottles of champagne were popped, everyone got a glass and Steele finished up the introductions with a toast.

"To an eventful week. Relax, enjoy the sunshine, soak up the atmosphere, eat and drink well, and make new friends!"

The party carried on for almost an hour afterwards, with more champagne being imbibed, people chatting with each other and getting to know their fellow winners, and the staff provided. April noted that Astrid and Sam mixed and mingled like pros. Even she couldn't have done it better, although she found she didn't need to. Being the de facto bar person meant everyone came to her in the end anyway.

She found, at the end of the night, that there was to be no sex that night. Plenty of flirting, and there was definite intentions on the part of some of the couples there.

She decided that she quite liked Bridget Fleischman, who despite her somewhat artificially cheery facade actually had a personality. She wasn't afraid to say what she thought, she didn't really give much of a shit what anyone else thought of her size, and while her husband definitely looked a little hen pecked, they did indeed love each other.

April did wonder if they really knew what this event was all about, but she guessed they'd find out soon enough.

Of all the other people who had chosen to make small talk with her, she had discovered that Mark Roschgord was a total ass -- completely unaware of how his comments sounded. He evidently thought he was the life and soul of the party, and had no clue that everyone else was staring at him like he'd just stepped off a flying saucer. His clumsy come on's were obnoxious, badly phrased and he had no idea how Martin Steele had had to step in before Mike Woods had belted him, after he had something somewhat appalling to Paula.

Not a great start to the week.

She'd also discovered that Mike was devoted to Paula, who was...she wondered how to put it charitably...somewhat lessdevoted to him. He'd heard her flirting with Sal Girodano, as well as Brad Fleischman and John Roaker.

She could see that was probably not going to end well, either.

Brenda Roaker was completely under her own control – April could see that she and her husband led independent lives, but together – if that were possible. Both had their own personalities, and integrated together where appropriate, but were separate otherwise. She'd noted that Brenda was courteous, smart, tight lipped and spent most of her time observing everyone else, rather than getting involved in the mingling. She was going to be a harder nut to crack, decided April.

In order that the new arrivals were to start mingling and knowing each other, Martin Steele immediately asked everyone to get into their swim suits, and come back and meet on the lower deck. He had their first challenge!

While they were waiting, April took the chance to chat with Martin.

"So, challenges?" she asked, inquisitively.

"Yeah. They needsomethingto do here other than lie around like beached whales and drink themselves into oblivion," he replied, somewhat exasperated. "We discovered after the first year that people need things to do. Otherwise they will literally just lie in the sun and drink and by dinnertime they are either all asleep or ready to beat each other up over imagined slights. Giving them things to do means they actually have purpose."

April laughed and said somewhat sarcastically, "And, of course, none of those tasks will end up with anyone in bed with anyone else. That would neverhappen, would it?"

Martin just gave her a look, and then the new arrivals started returning to the deck and his attention was taken elsewhere.

It took almost fifteen minutes for everyone to arrive. Most of the women were clad in bikinis, except Bridget Fleischman, who was wearing a one piece. To give her credit, she didn't seem ashamed or embarrassed, which April was glad to see. She had courage beyond the norm.

"Right, if I can have your attention please. The way this works is that each day we give challenges to you guys, little games to play so we can learn about each other and have a good time. With each challenge there is a set of winners and a set of losers. The losers have a forfeit – don't worry, no one is going to ask you to eat worms or anything like that – and the winners get a prize.

"The first challenge is a simple one. We are going to take the two zodiacs, and a case of champagne each, and we are going to drop them into the ocean, over there..." Martin waved vaguely at another part of the bay.

"With only what is in the zodiac, and what you can scavenge up from the shore, you need to work out how to bring it up. First one to do so gets to drink the contents when we get back. Losers get to serve the winners. It's as simple as that. Any questions?"