Ingrams & Assoc 2: Retreat Ch. 02


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There were the usual edge case questions you get from people who've been dropped into a situation and have had no time to think about it, and then they were off.

Just before they left, Sal Girodano came over to April and said, "Um, excuse me, you are the masseuse right?"

April smiled and nodded. "Sure. You need me to go over something?" And then she kicked herself for it sounding like a come on.

She saw this was how it was taken, too, when Sal smiled broadly and said, "Um yeah. I got a kink in my back from the flight. Think your magic fingers could do something when I get back?"

"I'm sure I can work something out," replied April, trying hard not to grin at her own faux pas.

"Awesome," Sal shot back, and as he turned away, he said, "Maybe we can do a massage, as well. "

The event took almost three hours, and eventually the intrepid adventures returned, weary but happy. As it turned out, they'd all drunk a lot so the champagne was put on ice. April and the two other girls had spent the time making snacks, getting the bar prepared and having a couple of drinks themselves.

The conversation had been banal, and April's estimation of the other two girls had gone down – she caught Astrid making a few astute observations, but then she'd revert to Valley Girl type and make another really obvious comment.

When the travelers returned, everyone trooped off to their rooms to get changed for dinner, although Sal Girodano lurked around, waiting for April to see him and suggest a massage.

She noticed him and just gestured with a smile, and off they went.

It took almost an hour. To her surprise and shock, she did actually find a muscle kink in Sal's lower back. She spent twenty minutes working on it, with Sal moaning like he was cumming again and again. She was quite embarrassed, since when they were done and she walked back upstairs, there were several other people sitting around – Kim and her husband Rashid, Sam and Astrid and Mark Roschgord, already in residence, and she couldn't help but notice the smug smiles directed her way.

In the end, she made herself a drink, and went to get changed herself, her face flaming red. Normally she wasn't bothered by what people thought, because normally it was spot on. This time though, it just didn't feel right.

She returned twenty minutes later, having had a brief shower and changed into a thin mini dress. It was still very hot, even though the sun was down, and it seemed appropriate.

"Tara! There you are!" exclaimed Martin Steele as she walked over to the bar.

"Tonight, we make flaming shots of Sambuca!"

And with that, the evening started.

Steaks were served, conversation was had, April did two massages that occurred off the cuff, one for Rashid Patel and one for Paula Wood. She noted that Rashid had a lot harder body that she expected – he wasn't hugely muscled but what was there was toned and sculpted. And she noted that Paula Wood was extremely tense. She had no idea why – they hadn't gotten to the part where they were comfortable with that kind of conversation. It was all about how nice the island was, how lucky they had been to win the trip and so on. All very comfortable and safe subjects.

With Rashid, she'd seen that he was quite a large man when it came to dick size – he was only wearing boxers when she did the massage and it was obvious he had an erection, although he made no comment about it, so neither did she.

There was a built in fire pit, with ceramic tiles, next to the hot tub, and there was a fire going in it. Mario had marshmallows, chocolate and crackers so they could make smores. There was music playing and the drinks flowed. April was up and down at the bar, making drinks, then sitting down to chat.

She discovered that all the people there were pleased to be there – they'd all heard of the holiday getaway and felt very lucky to be there, all expenses paid.

Eventually, she was sitting with Kim and Rashid, having made them both the best margarita she knew how to make – made with lashings of Patron Silver. They were all enjoying the evening, and she was learning about how they'd met, how Rashid had been brought up in New Deli, but how he'd been born in the US, so he was a full US citizen. How he'd met Kim at, of all things, dancing lessons. They'd had a short courtship and gone straight for marriage. They had two children and her parents were camped out at their house, looking after them. They were just getting into an interesting conversation about them actually coming on the trip – Kim was embarrassed and Rashid was doing his very best to be circumspect, but they were discussing the conversations they'd had about actually going, knowing some of what tended to go on at these events. They were just getting to some interesting stuff about them, early on in their marriage, experimenting at a swing club, and Kim had just glanced at her husband and said, rather cryptically, "Well, it just wasn't really for us, I don't think", when Martin Steele got up and said, "Ok Ladies and Gentlemen. I think we all have a good idea that this is an adult event. And so, for your entertainment, I'd like to reintroduce Astrid and Sam, who will now dance for you."

It was short and simple, and he sat down, picking up his drink as he did so.

A dancing pole came up out of the middle of the floor. April caught Brenda Roaker's eye, sitting opposite her, who rolled her eyes quietly at the sight.

April found herself calculating where the pole actually was, in relation to the rooms underneath, since the pole had to come from somewhere under the floor. It must have been where the small utility closet was. No wonder the room was, as she'd discovered, locked. She'd considered picking the lock with her kit of lock-picking tools she had with her, but she'd never gotten the time alone in the corridor to get it done.

Astrid and Sam ran out from behind the bar, dressed in what amounted to 'naughty school girl' outfits – short tartan skirts, high heels and bunched hair, to the strains of Vanity's hit, "Nasty girl".

They proceeded to put on a quite a show – stripping each other slowly, lots of making out, wrapping themselves around the pole, even some outright fingering of each other.

April was privileged to be sitting where Astrid, lying flat on the floor, her hair splayed out, had Sam stood over her, legs astride Astrid's head, and watched Astrid push open Sam's vaginal lips, running a finger up and down, as Sam pinched her own nipples, eyes closed. April could see the wetness glistening on Astrid's fingers.

It was almost porn, but not quite, mainly, April mused, because there was music and some degree of choreography.

She looked around at the others, noting how quiet it was. Paula Woods was flushed, and had her hands gripped tightly in her lap, eyes shining. Her husband Mike was also staring intently at the spectacle.

Kim and Rashid Patel were sitting close together, and April noticed that, even in the darkness, Kim had her hand in Rashid's lap, gently massaging his erection through his pants.

Sal Girodano and Mike Roshgord were sitting up front, beer in hand, just generally enjoying the vision in front of them, and Bridget and Brad were just kissing each other. Strangely, April found that vision, of ordinary people who loved each other, flaws and all, kissing each other passionately, far more sexy than the rather artificial dancing that she was watching.

The only people who didn't seem to be totally in the moment was Martin, and Kevin Smith, who – she noticed, was directing looks at her that she wasn't entire sure of – and Brenda and John Roaker. Or more to the point, Brenda. John was enthralled. Only Brenda was not. Again, she caught Brenda's eye and Brenda just smiled back, with that slightly supercilious smile.

April returned her gaze to the dance, just as it wrapped up. It ended with Sam standing at the pole, one leg raised around it, skirt raised, and Astrid, on her knees beneath her, clutching at Sam's leg, with three fingers very firmly embedded in Sam's pussy.

To April's practiced eye, it was obvious these two were professionals. They moved and knew about line of sight; she was convinced they weren't just dancers – these girls had done porn. A lot of it, to know the right positions and movements, so everyone could see what was going on, as they evidently did.

There was silence for a moment, Sam and Astrid breathing hard, as dancers do when they finish a set, and then a few hesitant claps. Then more claps, then everyone standing. Both Sam and Astrid stood up and bowed, with that big smile that every performer has when they know they have been appreciated.

Astrid then sauntered over to Mike Roshgord, offered him her fingers, which he licked with absolute gusto.

The rest of the night was slightly more restrained, though not by much. April was kept busy at the bar, everyone was drinking, there was some dancing, and there was one hell of a lot of flirting, April included.

She did think the best line of the evening came from Mike Woods, who, on presenting his empty glass to April, asked "Tara, could I ask you to fill my glass with something Divine? You must be familiar with that, being an Angel and all that?"

It was corny, but well delivered, and it made her laugh.

Mike didn't stick around at the bar, but Kim and Rashid Patel did. They sat on the other side of the bar, watching what was going on, chatting with each other, but not involving themselves with the evenings events.

They were pleasant to April, as she served up drinks, and eventually, during a lull in orders, Kim turned to the bar and eyed April, then said, 'So, Tara, what are YOU here for?"

It was a direct question, and one with a lot of meaning and April had many ways she could have answered it. She was putting some glasses away, hot from the washer, and took a moment to consider her reply. In the end, she decided directness required a reward.

"I'm here because it's sunny, I'm a competent masseuse and frankly, I need to get laid. I was in the right place at the right time. And I'm going to make the most of it." She leaned forward on her forearms on the bar and gave both Kim and Rashid her most dazzling smile.

There was a look passed between Kim and Rashid that April couldn't decipher, and then Kim said, softly, "Really?" in that curious tone people use when they can't quite believe what's just been said to them.

"What do you look for in a partner?"

More direct questions. April couldn't help but notice that Rashid was watching intently, but not involving himself in the conversation.

"Inventiveness. Passion. Imagination. Ability. Umm... easy on the eyes? Some degree of self control. I dunno. Same stuff as most people, I guess."

April wanted to draw the conversation out. She wanted to know who these people were, if they might be the people she was looking for.

"Interesting. Imagination eh? How about... multiple people? Are you into that?"

April had to laugh. "Am I into girls, is that what you are asking? You seem pretty direct."

Kim just raised an eyebrow at her.

"Sure. Why not. The more the merrier."

Another look passed between Kim and Rashid.

"We are inventive."

"Are you now. Is that a proposition?"

"Would you say yes if it was?"

"What are we, at middle school here? You wanna fuck?" April was a little exasperated.

"Yes. With you. We want to fuck YOU." Rashid spoke for the first time.

April glanced at him, gave him another once over, and remembering the massage, smiled again.

"Well, lets see..."

She looked around for someone to take the bar over. She noticed Sam leaving with Mike and Paula Woods, and at the same time, Sal Girodano.That would make a cramped compartment,she couldn't help thinking.

Astrid had already left with Kevin Smith and John Roaker – Brenda was sitting talking with Martin Steele. April met his eyes and managed to communicate that she wanted to leave the bar area, and he just smiled back and gave her the thumbs up, then returned to conversation with Brenda.

"No time like the present, then..."

It was a strange seduction,thought April as she made her way to the Patel's stateroom. No one had even touched her yet, yet here she was, on her way to a threesome with them.

When they got into the room, that changed. Everyone just stood and looked at each other, until April took a step towards Rashid, and everything exploded at once.

Rashid grabbed her, and kissed her hard. He turned out to be a damn good kisser, too, April thought. Just the right amount of tongue, control and aggression. Her arms automatically went around his neck, and he crushed her to his body.

They made out for a few minutes, and then April remembered Kim – she stepped back, breathing hard and looked around, finding Kim sitting in the side chair each cabin had, watching, slightly flushed.

She didn't say a word, merely nodded at Rashid, who, in a flurry of arms, disrobed, his cock jutting out when he was done. April glanced at it, noticing it was a full seven inches, and not that thick. Either way, it was something she had a hard time tearing her eyes away from.

"Go on, Rashid. You know the drill."

That was revealing. This was something they'd done before.

Rashid came forward, and ran his hands over April's body. She just stood there and let him. He then undressed her, slowly, taking his time, and making sure his body never obscured hers for Kim's viewing.

April was starting to get a feel for the situation. Kim was the dominant in the relationship, but Rashid wasn't the sub. Oh, he was being ordered about, but in the way someone is who really wants to do what they are being asked to do. Being told to do something they would have wanted to do anyway. He wasn't being ordered, he was being directed. There was a crucial difference.

The entire session went that way, with Rashid not saying much, and being directed by Kim, who remained sitting on the chair for the whole evening. She was quite obviously playing with herself, watching her husband ravish April, and she wasn't above using explicit language – there was lots of "Fuck that girls cunt" and "You like that pussy don't you, you nasty dick?"

For Rashid's part, he was strong, aggressive, though not overly so, and direct. He cared about April, and did the best a man unfamiliar with another woman can do to please her and get her off.

April didn't get the sense he was a wimpy man – far from it – he had an inner strength and calmness, and it was appealing.

It was just a shame the sex, for the most part, sucked.

About half way through, April realized that while these two had their own 'thing', it didn't necessarily extend to the third party. She was, basically, there so they could do their own thing. She was there so Kim could order Rashid around, and he could take it and still get what he needed by being manly and taking what was on offer.

It was strange, but April had seen lots of strange over the years of working for Ingrams, so she mentally shrugged it off and got on with enjoying what was happening.

It was mostly mechanical, though. There was passion, but it wasn't necessarily really directed at her and as such, it devalued the experience.

For April, she concentrated more on the sensations her body felt rather than the environment the act was taking place in. Rashid was pretty good, his cock never flagged, and he had both the stamina and energy to keep it going. In fact, he was more like a machine than a man – he kept up the pumping, never varying the stroke.

In the end, April felt her own orgasm coming, lying flat on her back, head back, making eye contact with Kim. Rashid was on top, kissing and sucking her nipple, at that hard-to-get-right angle, where the junction of where his cock and body met kept rubbing her clit, every time he pumped in. It was just where she needed him to be in order to get her off.

And as she did so, just as she was getting there, Kim leaned forward, and for the first and only time, she pushed Rashid's head off the nipple, and took it between her fingers, and pinched it hard, taking April over the top.

April stiffened and did the body trash that most women do when they temporarily lose control of their muscles, uttering "oaahahhahhahhh" as she did so. April was not always vocal, but it seemed appropriate here, and besides, she wanted to. It had been a while since her last time with Raph.

It was only moments later that Rashid let loose, pulling out and blasting his cum over her stomach and tits. And then Kim did it again – she leaned forward, grabbed April's other tit and cruelly twisted the nipple.

April shouted "Ow! That hurts!" in total surprise. She pushed Rashid off, who was just a limp body anyway, and immediately got to her feet.

She stood, naked as the day she born, a slight sheen on her skin, dripping cum from her tits and stomach, and leaned over Kim, who was still sitting.

Looking down at her, April leaned forward and took Kim's jaw in her hand, tilting her head so she was looking in her eyes.

Softly, she said, "If you ever do something like that again, touch me like that, and try and hurt me, I'll kick your ass all the way back the states. Sit down, Rashid."

She'd heard Rashid get up off the bed, and saw Kim's eyes flick behind her. Kim gave the most slight of nods and she heard him settle again.

"I know you guys have your little Dom/Sub thing going on here, and that's cool, but I didn't sign up for the abuse. Remember that."

She let go of Kim's jaw, not being able to read the look she got back. It was almost yearning, but April just wasn't interested in figuring it out at that moment. She was tired, cranky and just wanted to get back to her own room.

The only thing she was sure of was that these two weren't the source of the bank robberies. They were too wrapped up in their own little games – there was nothing they did that could be used as leverage.

One couple down, several more to go.

She gathered up her clothes, leaned in and kissed Rashid – who was sitting on the bed, just watching – on the cheek, and left. She didn't give a damn that she was naked – it was only twenty steps to her own door and if someone saw her, who cares?

When she got to her room, she just wiped herself down with a towel, and crashed. A shower could wait till the morning.

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AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

The guests are supposedly the top-performing bank managers, but the good-looking one i portrayed as a complete bozo, although I suppose that might change as the story progresses, and some of the others do not appear impressive. It makes the reader wonder what changed. (I see enough other comments about the editing that I won't add anything, although it appears that the editor missed that April and Tara are the same person.)

Ravey19Ravey19almost 2 years ago

A couple of annoying little things but overall a worthy read. 5 ⛤

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
More work needed

Please fix the editor’s comments. Why was she called April? They knew her as Tara. Errors interrupt the flow.

tangledweedtangledweedover 6 years ago
Enjoying story, other than all the errors

This is the first story I have seen with actual editing comments left in the body of the story in brackets. There were multiple misused words, suggesting some got by a spell check, but they wouldn't have gotten by someone reading. I am getting into the story and it is mostly well written, but the mistakes jolt you out of narrative.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago
Good story but....

you might want to take out the editor's comments before you publish stories....tends to screw up the flow. Otherwise a good effort

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