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AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago
Medical miracle

120 heartbeats per second?

DrPopeDrPopeover 7 years ago
Your correct...

It doesn't belong in LW category in fact NONE of this series belongs or ever did belong in loving wives. If there was a category for ridiculously implausible and unrealistic non erotic badly conceived and executed phoney mock quasi spy thrillers on the site it might go in there.

You CAN write and you have proved it ... Why you keep going back to the gutter with this fantasist nonsense is beyond my comprehension.

When you write real people in real life circumstances you are at your best, these absurd spook fairy tales are frankly beneath you just like another writer here who seems obsessed with " the agency" or " the beltway" .

Pleeeeze ...just give it up for fuck's sake and concentrate on writing your best instead of this rubbish.

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago

So stupid and boring

BigJohn601BigJohn601over 7 years ago
Hey, I'm a fan..

And I see the possibilities. Looking forward to the next installment.

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago
The first anon said it for me.

I had read one of this author's stories, "Words" and enjoyed it tremendously, so I gave this a try. What an awful mistake. Ingrams and Associates are, basically, from my short reading into the stories, a group of professional prostitutes. They hide behind a facade of "helping" people by having fucking them. They are sort of a spy/escort service, with a lot of pseudoscience pop psychology thrown in. Since I have no interest in prostitutes, submissives with transvestite tendencies, or the spy adventures of prostitutes, I gave it up. No more "Ingrams" for me. Sorry, author, not remotely interested or interesting, just sort of gross.

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago


AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago
lets see where it goes...

Of course if it turns out that he just wanted to be Catlyn, then the story goes out the window. I liked the other Ingrams & Assoc. stories and await how this one turns out.

A point, with publicly traded stock, you can always have an agent vote your proxies to remove board members and not sell shares.

kimi1990kimi1990over 7 years ago
Not what I want to read.

I knew nothing about this series. I read the story about the swinging affair in the cabin it was good, very good until the point where the Ingrams involvement was revealed. I have never, in the many stories I have read, seen a steeper nosedive. I read this story to the description of the Ingrams mission statement and the interest died. Next time I see "Ingrams," I know that is a story I should skip. No amount of clever writing can make such repulsive characters or such a repulsive agency palatable. No score from me.

frontlinecasterfrontlinecasterover 7 years ago
The problem in a nutshell

"I knew from previous experience I don't like a concept and haven't read any previous part in a series. So i decided to just jump in at part five and was shocked, SHOCKED, that it was a type of story I didn't like!!

Rather than going 'Oh, that was silly of me. I already knew this was a genre and author I didn't care for, and knew this was a long running series I have no experience with, I shouldn't have bothered' I instead decided the author HAS to know that I find his story not just bad but morally distasteful!!

Yet somehow I will continue to act as though I have any credibility to criticize authors and to stick up for my little clique whenever someone dares say they don't care for a story to the point of harassing and insulting them."

Thank you for demonstrating that better than i ever could have kimi.

francis_toliverfrancis_toliverover 7 years ago

Kimi said she was unfamiliar with the series and stopped once she got to the intro that rationalizes Ingrams. She hasn't read the stories in the Ingram's series before, and won't (as she has said) read them again, so I'm not sure how she is harassing the author? She has given her opinion and won't be back. She did not score the story because (one assumes) she didn't read the story. Not sure what you are objecting to?

I repeatedly posted on Jezzaz's Ingram stories; my criticism being the lack of real world logic about doctors acting unethical (which include all members of this organization). Jezzaz finally responded that the story was based on a fetish that was intriguing to him (sexual manipulation) and was never intended to be realistic.

At that point I stopped criticizing. These stories are no different then the "rape" fantasies in the non-consent section or the incest fantasies in that section. No one reads those and think "this is SOOO unrealistic". Of course its unrealistic! No one gets raped and likes it. Children (adult or otherwise) do not benefit from incest. Real doctors don't sexually (or otherwise) treat a patient without consent. These are all fantasies.

Are the Ingram stories to my taste? No. That being said, as a fantasy for those with the sexual manipulation fetish I imagine they work very well.

The other problem for a lot of folks, is the acceptance of the point of view character to the manipulation (usually by the end of the story). This is counter to what most folks see as a reasonable reaction. But, like the cuckold that accepts his "fate" in that fetish, it seems to be part of the sexual manipulation fetish Jezzaz is examining. Again, not my cup of tea but once you realize that this is what the author wants to focus on, its just a matter of not reading his stories (if they don't interest you).

For many of us, we saw a great deal of potential (Jezzaz is an exceptional writer) for more mainstream stories and would like to see more of those from the author, that being said, the same could be said about X-leg lover and that isn't going to happen either <g>.

Once you know what an author writes, read or move along. That being said, Kimi hasn't (as far as I can tell) been trolling Jezzaz, just giving her thoughts.

Just my long winded opinion,

luedonluedonover 7 years ago
Re: "Just my long winded opinion," Comment by Francis_Toliver

Maybe long winded, Mr Toliver, but a well-reasoned one I thought.

I'm one who has liked several of Jezzaz's stories about Ingrams. I'm only part-way through this one as yet, and it's not easy going despite the technical competence of the author. But it's going well as a developing story.


sdc97230sdc97230over 7 years ago
Ingrams is a bit of a guilty pleasure for me

I justify their existence in the idea that there are some people who are actually happy as manipulated cuckolds, and for them trying to "man up" and BTB because that's what a "real man" is supposed to do would be just as soul destroying as someone who can't tolerate being betrayed staying with a cheating spouse "for the good of the children" or some other such rationalization. As long as Ingrams' "therapists" are willing to tell a client who hires them to bring back a wronged spouse who isn't another Jace that they've concluded the best thing for his mental health was to dump her cheating ass and spend a month getting his clock cleaned by someone who knows how, then I can live with what they do.

blackrandl1958blackrandl1958over 7 years ago

Poor little FLC, the meds aren't working. I suggest Thorazine. How is it possible to entirety misread every single sentence of a comment? Preconception is the only explanation and little wit, the only excuse.

blackrandl1958blackrandl1958over 7 years ago
Oops hit the button

Meant to add that this is very good writing. A strange look at reconciliation, but interesting.

frontlinecasterfrontlinecasterover 7 years ago

I notice that you didn't actually contradict my reading of Kimi 's little rant, just followed your clique's favorite tactic of jumping straight to ad hominem attacks and stigmatizing those with mental illnesses. That's low, but perfectly in keeping with you and yours. I won't say I think either of you are mentally ill, just that you're self righteous, bullying and overly sensitive. It's the only explanation I can come up with for either of you.

Now will Kimi please tell me if I'm one of the two bigger assholes than Joe yet, since she keeps calling him the third? I really have been shooting for that.

AffecteffectAffecteffectover 7 years ago
Very good

I really like this series. Thanks for sharing.

luedonluedonover 7 years ago
Now that I've read the whole chapter

I still thought it was hard going, as in my earlier comment, but there was the necessity for the author to set the scene for things to come in later chapters. That made it a bit dry and descriptive rather than involving.

As a non-resident of the USA I am always sensitive to the way those who are from that part of the world describe the people and the language used in other parts of the Anglosphere. It comes across quite well when the story is told first-person, because it is then a character's individual perception and reactions to obvious differences.

But when the description is from a third-person narrator it should be neutral. I have seen comments made by those of the North American persuasion about stories written by 'outsiders' who attempted to set their stories in the USA and they didn't work well. My reaction to this story was similar.

But now all that introductory stuff is out of the way, I look forward to where the story progresses to.


AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago
hi good story so far.

Keep it coming and don't listen to the non constructive comments. This is not just a weenie Wacker story so you get a lot of nonsense postings. Better than reading about cucks n wimps.

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago
bunch of boring shitheads


AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago
Seriously FLC!?

Kimi commented on the story and the series. While I disagree with her on this series, she has every right to express her opinion. YOU commented & attacked another commenter. Dude, chill out!!! We get it! You don't like Kimi or any of her friends. You and SJ don't seem to know when to shut up! Seriously! I don't give a damn whether you like Kimi or her friends. The way you continue this war makes me think you're an angry old man mad at the world for some perceived slight and they're a convenient target for your anger. Relax, if the comment is by a commenter you don't like just skip reading it. It will do wonders for your blood pressure.

swingerjoeswingerjoeover 7 years ago
@ "Seriously, FLC?"

Think about what you just wrote. Now pause for a moment. Reread what you wrote, then think about it some more.

Do you see the irony?

No comment on the story. I just enjoy the comments.

njlaurennjlaurenover 7 years ago
Kind of liked this

Sure it is out there,but I sense there is a tongue in cheek element to this,I don't sense it is taking itself too seriously,look foward to this one unfolding,what the real story w,desirea was,what the heck is going on with Lee and so forth.only quibble,in nyc we don't call it the metro,it is the subway,usually preceded by %$@&*!

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago
@Seriously FLC

You nailed it. FLC, SJ and company carry on their little war, the most unfought one in history, every day. Kimi attacked no one, just voiced her opinion of the story and series. She plainly stated she had read one of the stories, tried this one and gave it up as something she wasn't interested in. She didn't score it, since she didn't read it. Sounds like a fair deal. She wouldn't read anymore. That's what the comment section is supposed to be. Then FLC comes raving in, attacks her for stating her opinion and it's on. Now SJ comes in and talks about irony, as if FLC hadn't done that shit, FLC will come back with some of his flame, although he doesn't understand anything anyone says. Kimi's friends defend her and the whole thing starts again. FLC and SJ will try to act like they were the ones who were attacked and we'll repeat again tomorrow.

@FLC and SJ, why can't you just leave these people alone? They don't fuck with you until you fuck with them. Give it a rest.

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago

Actually SJ I was well aware of the irony of my comment. I'm kind of suprised you noticed however, as despite being an excellent writer you seem focused on being the biggest asshole on the site.

Newsflash!! I am anonymous! I will always be the biggest asshole on the site, and if I drop the ball, a few thousand of my fellow anony will carry it past the goal.

Seriously, you apparently were so enraptured with noticing my irony, you totally missed my point. It's beginning to reach the asinine stupidity of the Bonnie Taylor war. Please quit the war while we're all ahead. No one cares that you & FLC don't like Kimi & friends or anything that they say or do. I'm seriously starting to wonder if this war gets you off more than swinging does. Are we feeding your fetish?

swingerjoeswingerjoeover 7 years ago
@ anony

Currently, I only rank as the third-biggest asshole on this site, as deemed by kimi, who has taken it upon herself to claim the onerous task of ranking the assholes on this site (which, I imagine, is a full-time job.) Trust me, I'm working very hard to achieve that number one ranking, as I need something to add to my resume.

I do appreciate the rare compliment on my writing ability, and thank you for that.

kimi1990kimi1990over 7 years ago
Well, yes

It is hard to keep track of assholes, but I'm not so profane as you, Joe. I believe the word was "douche." "Third ranked douche on the site." Um... it was supposed to be an insult, signifying that you aren't even second rate. Sorry, too subtle, I guess. Of course, Anonymous claims the title. He claimed it, himself, in his comment, although I do thank him for not ripping me. No doubt, he will redeem himself next time. Maybe I should become anonymous, so I can compete. Number two was in some question before Bonny was cast forth, and Frontlinecaster escaped. There is little hope for you, now that Frontlinecaster is free, Joe. Maybe you could write an essay about how all our neighbors are swingers and promote it shamelessly. Your douchbaggery status could make tremendous strides.

swingerjoeswingerjoeover 7 years ago
@ kimi

Don't be silly. Everyone knows that polyamorous "sister wives" arrangements are far more mainstream, common, and socially acceptable than swinging and open marriages.

I'll try harder to be insulted by your insults. Unfortunately for you, that means I need to start caring what you think about anything. That's a major hurdle.

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago

Please, asshole, if you didn't care, you wouldn't answer. You did bring it up, didn't you?

@kimi1990, You are funny as hell, lady! Meaner than a nest of rattlesnakes, but funny as hell. I love reading your comments. The story sucked balls, but the comments have been pretty good.

coffeekid63coffeekid63over 7 years ago
I like'em

I always enjoy your Ingram's tales. Thanks

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago
bunch of boring shitheads


AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago

I do enjoy Jezzaz writing ability. He usually has interesting plots and characters.

I do not like the Ingrams series. So after the first one I stopped reading those stories.

I really enjoy the comments section. For entertainment it is better than the story😄.

Some people vent, some people try to give helpful criticism, and some people just want to be the center of attention🚼.

Thank you for the effort Jezzaz. Maybe I'll read you next time.


patilliepatillieover 7 years ago
Hiring a consultant

for a company this size, 400+ employees, an expenditure of $1MM for Inrams would be scrutinized before the retention thereof. And if the CEO went ahead and did it without board approval and vetting, it certainly would have to be fully explained at the next board meeting when they go over the financial details. Big hole in your story.

I am enjoying it, it is entertaining, but the lack of credibility in this areas sorta kills the basic premise that this could be done discretly.

sdc97230sdc97230over 7 years ago
You wouldn't hire someone like Ingrams on company funds

April's probably getting a PA's pay from the company as part of her "cover" while Ingrams is getting paid from personal accounts.

jezzazjezzazover 7 years agoAuthor

I read your comment (I read them all, even the ones calling me names. I still don't quite understand the velocity of some of the comments - this is a free story - if you don't like it, then don't _read it_. It's in parts, so you can ignore the rest. If it's not to your taste - and that's totally a personal thing, and fair enough if it's not - why the need to bring some hatred and anger to the comments? What, exactly, do you expect to achieve?? Obviously *I* like the premise, so I'm probably _not_ going to suddenly stop writing these... so all the nastyness really is a bit wasted) - I have a question.

What exactly am I to do with that comment? Am I supposed to suddenly stop writing these because you don't like the premise? Am I supposed to suddenly re-write this to make it to your taste? What do you expect the result of that comment to be? What do you want to happen?

Folks, I totally get that some of you don't like these stories - they aren't stroke stories and they have deeper characters and plots than most of the stories on Lit do, but all you are really doing here is driving authors away, with this kind of response.

By all means, if you don't like it, vote it down or just don't read any more. That's your right. But can we raise the general discourse here? I don't want to have to start deleting comments, but I will if it just keeps going like this. If you have specifics to say, then fair enough. But just spewing negativity for the sake of it...? Come on. Lit is better than this.

kimi1990kimi1990over 7 years ago
Your story, up to you

I have no problem with anyone deleting my comments. You own the story, do what you want, I have no complaint coming. I'm hardly alone in not enjoying this. I said I wouldn't read another and I kept my word. I neither read nor commented on the one you posted today. If you don't like what I had to say, delete it or ignore it. I don't give a damn what you do with my comment, nor did I suggest you do anything.

frontlinecasterfrontlinecasterover 7 years ago

Did the mean man hurt your feelings Kimi? Because I notice neither you or your little clique rushing to call the author mentally ill for disagreeing or thinking your comment was pointless and clearly not constructive or useful. Is it only when I point out that you're ranting at authors and trying to get their attention that you go to the familiar well of insults?

jezzazjezzazover 7 years agoAuthor

Here's the thing though...

If you _don't_ care what I do with the comment, or expect any reaction from it, then I ask this - What is the point of that comment?

It's entirely negative, for the sake of being negative. If there's no expectation of action or response, what's the point in leaving it at all? It has nothing constructive to say in it - there is no way for me to perform any action on it.

It's just negativity put out into the world for the sake of it, so others might think it's a clever comment and flock to that banner.

My immediate response is "What kind of person feels the need to leave an entirely negative comment just for the sake of it, with no expectation of result"? But you aren't alone in that approach - lots of people seem to feel the need to express their outrage that a story wasn't written specifically for them and to their requirements.

Quite a few people here subscribe to the point of view that a) if they didn't enjoy something, then no one else should either - and they'll make grandiose comments like "nobody likes this" in order to back up their belief that no one else should like what they do not, contrary to the scores other Ingrams stories already have - and / or b) that by posting a negative review (especially anonymously), somehow their opinions are counted and matter.

They don't. If this was a paid story, and you'd paid for it, then sure, you'd be entitled to rant. But it's free. It's not cost you - or anyone else - a red cent. On the contrary, it's cost me hours of writing, plotting, editing, re-writing, and all the rest of it that goes with writing a 58k word story.

By all means, rant all you want. Here and elsewhere; it's everyones right and I wouldn't dare get in the way of that - but don't imagine that those opinions are going to change anything, particularly when all they are are negative and unconstructive. If you have actual points to make about the story, the plotting, the characters, or other stuff, then I'm all eager to hear what is said. Already some people have expressed some points that, while valid, are actually dealt with in the rest of the story, and that's fine, because at least it's got a point to it.

But to make a point of my own, commentators here aren't owed anything, despite the general feeling of entitlement around here that because someone spends the time to write something for you to read, that they are.

The more negative and pointless the comment, the more I - and other authors - are going to ignore it.

Again. If you don't like the story then Don't Read Any More Of It. It's as simple as that.

kimi1990kimi1990over 7 years ago
I was not aware that comments were a call for action.

I thought they were a review function. Do you suppose commercial authors make such comments to reviewers who pan their books? Do you seriously pretend that you look to the comments for writing tips? I've never written fiction. No writing tips to give.

I do have, as a matter of taste, ideas about what sort of story I like or dislike. As I said in my original comment, in my estimation, there is no possible way to make this series interesting or palatable because I find the behavior of every character despicable. I like what I like and, make not one apology for that. You write what you write and the only thing you could do with this series that could possibly please me would be to abandon it.

You already rejected that, so my only option is to not read. My review of your story is that I find the premise repulsive. I called you no names made no personal attack, just said I didn't like the series premise. I don't think I'm the only one who feels like that or voiced that opinion. You chose to call me out. Delete me or ignore, up to you, but if you call me out, expect me to fire back.

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago

It's funny you mentioning having the freedom to comment, but you delete all comments that aren't complimentary to your stories. You make this big speech about it, then you feel the need to "excommunicate" Lue, Joe, Foolscap, and anyone else who says that one of your stories aren't interesting. Isn't why Lue doesn't have the "priveledge" to comment on your stories? Just because she said that she liked Swinger Joe's story more than yours?

I'm sure your buddies Lex, Foolscap, or Sbrooks is going to run to your defense. Maybe you'll surprise me and drop the act and actually comment as yourself.

frontlinecasterfrontlinecasterover 7 years ago

It clearly bothers Kimi that an author actually called her out on her drive by abuse. The goal of her and her little clique is to drive out any authors who don't write the kind of stories they like by belittling then, insulting them, making broad moral declarations about how they're disgusting it reprehensible for their stories. But as soon an author actually calls out that they have no valid point they shut down and get defensive.

You can tell because now she clearly wants her previous comments deleted since they're embarrassing to her now. Kimi would be better off sticking to stories from Randi it sbrooks or her other supporters who will helpfully delete and silence anyone who makes her look bad.

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago
personalitiy flaws Ch. 01

fitbit and she has 120 beats per SECOND? This chickie-poo is non-human.

BuzzCzarBuzzCzarover 7 years ago
Despite the comment wars

I enjoyed this chapter. I'll keep reading. That old saying about 'suspending disbelief' holds true. I don't read these stories for a realistic slice of life. I read them for an escape into fantasy from a sexually-charged angle. Anyone who throws out the 'unrealistic' sobriquet is sadly out of touch with what this is. It's a fun read. Thanks for it. Aside: I do get tired of the back-and-forth between these little thin-skinned cliques against one another with little or no input on the story just continuing war with each other. It's tiresome and annoying. I will read the comments to learn what others have to say about the story they have read not the prattling of someone with an agenda completely disassociated from this story. Have you no shame?

ArgentPenumbraArgentPenumbraover 7 years ago

Really enjoying the Ingrams & Associates story series and I’m looking forward to April’s latest adventure with some relish (No, not the Spicy Condiment…).

I’m enjoying the current story and I applaud the author’s decision to set the majority of the ‘Personality Flaws’ story in the UK. It makes a refreshing change to read a story that is set outside The U.S. of A. and provides the author with the opportunity to expand the plot-line by exploring other cultures and lifestyles.

It’s quite entertaining to read the references made regarding British Culture and English colloquialisms.

I’ve discovered a minor blooper whilst reading this episode, although I do want to stress that this error doesn’t spoil the story in any way, it’s just that I can’t resist the temptation to mention it.

(Nerd Alert!)

The author refers to the ‘ring-tone’ that April has assigned to Dermot’s contact number in her Mobile phone (Cell phone) and identifies this as ‘Colonel Bogey, the theme from Monty Python's Flying Circus’.

This is a common misnomer; the theme from Monty Pythons Flying Circus is actually an excerpt from ‘The Liberty Bell’, which is an American military march composed by John Philip Sousa.

The ‘Colonel Bogey March’ was composed by Lieutenant F. J. Ricketts, a British Army & Royal Marines bandmaster.

The Colonel Bogey theme is most notable when it was employed as the theme music for the film (Movie) ‘The Bridge on the River Kwai’.

Sorry if I come across as a bit of a Know-it-all (Smart-ass) but I couldn’t resist the temptation to put the record straight.

Please keep up the great work with the Ingrams & Associates stories, I like a few other readers regard this as one of our guilty pleasures…

Kind Regards


AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago
Discrete vs Discreet

The words discrete and discreet share the same origin (from the Latin discretus, meaning ‘separate’), are pronounced the same way, but have different meanings. Discrete stays true to its Latin origins and means ‘individually separate and distinct’, as in:

This issue is discrete from the others.

On the other hand discreet means ‘careful and circumspect’, as in:

A lot of their work is carried out in a very discreet and confidential manner.

maninconnmaninconnover 7 years ago
I love his series...

...and this addition to the series is as magnetic as the others. But I believe Monty Python's march was the Liberty Bell by J.P. Sousa. Col. Bogey is used in The Bridge Over The River Kwai, and was also used in a variety of other movies and TV shows.

OnethirdOnethirdover 7 years ago

This is another excellent story- the depth in it so far is remarkable, nitpickers aside. It is full-fledged adult writing on a site that is, for the most part, amateurs (some very good ones, mind you. And remember: it is offered free AND freely). The feel of location is very nice, and the story so far is intriguing to boot. Thank you very much for this new Ingrams story.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

I'm totally enjoying this etire series and your writing. One tiny "nerd" error: The opening theme for "Monty Python" is Sousa's "Liberty Bell March." "Colonel Bogey March" was made memorable in the film "Bridge On The River Kwai."

Ravey19Ravey19almost 2 years ago

Another good start but which way will it go?

ChopinesqueChopinesqueover 1 year ago

Yeah, maybe a mite darker.

Not that it's a biggie, but if tiny edits are ok, "The more dower you were...." The word s/b "dour", as in "a dour Scot" Dower's a word, so spellcheck would not bark, not even growl.

AnonymousAnonymous8 months ago

""Yes. Wellyn. It's hard to know how to say it unless you grew up here. Hertfordshire county"

Most people in the UK have heard of Wellwyn Garden City and know how to pronounce it!

An easy mistake to make and doesn't distract from the story.

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