Inherited Fetish


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I looked at her, bound and setup to be bred. I recalled one of my fictional arguments with her. What she wanted wasn't any different than what I wanted. I had to accept it or be a hypocrite. But she couldn't possibly want this, to simply be... impregnated.

She didn't know what she wanted. But... Didn't I believe my own bullshit? That the women who joined the group knew exactly what they wanted? They weren't real women though. They were all fake. She wasn't fake. She was just confused.

A good night's sleep and she wouldn't want to do this. That was my delusional argument, the way I thought it would go. Yet there she was, bound up, under those words, begging to be bred, moaning in anticipation. She didn't really want it, right? She didn't want a dick to put a baby in there, use her like meat to make her pregnant.

It was only my selfish desire. To breed a baby into a woman and leave her to raise it alone, no clue who did it. I wanted that so badly. And I was now sure, so did she. I couldn't deny it. The planning and doing this was clearly an extensive work.

She even made sure I wouldn't be around while she did this. If not for us sharing the site, I wouldn't even know. She put at least a month of planning into this. My dick ached in my pants with my desire in front of me, and my heart hurt that it couldn't be. She wanted what I wanted. Fuck, she really was my daughter.

The old argument flashed through my head. How would I feel if it were my daughter being treated like a piece of meat? She wanted it. How did I really feel? I wanted it so bad my heart hurt.

Her heart probably hurt as well in need for this too. She wasn't a stranger to me, but I was a stranger to her. I looked at her note. Exactly what I wanted. Give the egg a cumbath, force the woman to grow fat with my child. But offered as my daughter?

My dick didn't say no. Even knowing who she was, my dick didn't say no to our combined desire. I was almost shaking with arousal. I looked at her. I saw her every day, but not, not naked. Not naked naked.

A dark desire passed through me. If I didn't speak, if I just... just did it, nobody but I would know. Could I live with myself? If I couldn't, I needed to leave, and leave now. I obviously wasn't going to break her heart and embarrass her by speaking up today. Not with an erection that came after staring at her naked body. Not after I thought of doing that. If I just left, it would hurt her equally badly though. I stared at the note.

She was fertile and ready to be impregnated, by the stranger to her that walked through the door. The man she wanted to stay a stranger. She was bound, blindfolded, and gagged. Her choice. She wanted to be bred. Her choice. Like I wanted to breed.

I wanted to breed very badly. My body burned with lust. Fuck. I took off my shoes and pants and walked up to her. How could I turn it down, even if it were my daughter? How could I turn her down, disappoint her. It was everything I wanted. She put herself in this position where it could be anyone. Including me.

Tomorrow, I could approach this differently. She wouldn't know that today, this once... This once we could both get what we wanted. It probably wouldn't take, but I'd remember that we tried, and maybe it could cure us both. It might take the edge off so we could have a sane conversation tomorrow.

I could say I found her post because I shared her desire. I could talk to her about how we should avoid self destructive behavior like this. Once we were calm, maybe I could get her to be sensical. Additionally, the risk that maybe it would take would keep me satisfied for a few weeks, until I saw she was cycling normally.

Just once couldn't hurt. She didn't have to be my daughter today. Today, she could be a womb. Nobody would know. She'd have a first time like I could only wish for. An anonymous breeding.

I was somehow directly in front of her. I looked up at the sign on the wall behind her. Her first time. Be rough, just cum deep. Fuck, it made me hard, daughter or not. When did I take off my clothes? I needed them as a barrier, to give me a moment to think. I didn't want to fuck my daughter.

It was too late. I bent over, settling my naked body over her. I was shaking in arousal. I needed to stop, to leave. She stopped thrusting her hips, which allowed me to grab my cock and guide it to her. It was fully erect, thick and throbbing.

I was moving too fast... my dick was pressed against her. I needed to back off. I needed to run. It didn't matter to my lust right now that she was my daughter, not anymore. My dick was pressed against her opening. Her pussy felt hot and wet, and I felt her hymen give way as I went inside her.

It was done, I did it, I penetrated my daughter. My body was taking my deepest desire. I surrendered fully into it, relaxing my stress away as I slid fully in. I knew she hadn't had a man before, but... but she was a womb today. My womb told me how it wanted its first time to be. I was going to be rough, and cum deep. I was going to do my best to impregnate it.

I pulled back then thrust, forcing myself into the breed hungry woman. It tightened up and gasped through the gag, but I didn't care. I had eggs to fertilize. I thrust again, then again. I began to roughly push down into it, pushing it into the bench as I shoved my dick into its cunt. Thrusting hard and needfully.

My soul burned with absolute need to pump a baby into the womb below me. I slammed into it's pussy, pressing as deep as I could before I pulled back to only thrust again. I grabbed its breast. The breast of my womb. I squeezed it in my hand as I thrust into its cunt.

It had been months since I last had sex, and that with a woman who didn't want to be pregnant. The furnace I was in was not just willing, it was eager. It was fertile. It was ovulating. It wanted to be stuffed and abandoned.

It was grunting from the forceful blows my hard dick was delivering to it's cradle of life. My womb wanted me to fuck it. It wanted me to impregnate it. I felt my body tighten, and then my dick flexed. I felt the potent syrup flow down my tube, to be forced out in hard throbbing pulses into the womb below me. I let my dick empty into the womb.

Breathing deeply, my lust fading as my hunger was filled, I pulled out and stood. I looked at the bound and gagged woman on the bench. Cum and blood was oozing out of her battered pussy. My womb impregnated... The pussy of my own damn daughter. What had I done? I did bad. I couldn't fix this.

She lifted her hips, and I looked to the ground, seeing a pillow with a purpose there. A purpose my freshly inseminated womb demanded, and my daughter's spirit begged for. I felt obligated, my compliance bought by the blood flowing out of the virginal sacrifice. I picked it up and set it beneath her rear.

I felt terrible, guilt and disgust tearing me down. Why had I done that with the pillow? Why to my own daughter? I knew what it meant. She settled down on it, her hips elevated. Letting my cum stay in her body. My incestuous cum, in my daughter's body.

My mind shifted again, running from my disgust. She wasn't my daughter. It was my seed soaking into my womb. The pillow was there to help my seed blossom in my womb. Then I looked at her face and she was my daughter again. My foolish daughter that made a bad choice. One I participated in. My choice, that I did to her. Attempting to impregnate her.

I was unsettled. It was both everything I wanted, and the most horrible thing I had ever done. I couldn't let her know. It was... it was bad. I looked down at her pussy again, wet with what we had done.

My seed spilled into my daughter, impossible to undo. I suppressed the knowledge she was my daughter, I focused on the knowledge that she wanted to be impregnated by a stranger. She was just a womb to me. It was fine this happened, she was my womb.

My seed leaking out into my womb, impossible to resist. I closed my eyes so when I turned I didn't see her tattoo or face.

Looking away from her, I dressed as quickly as I could. What if she unbound herself while I was still here? As soon as I dressed I hurried to the door. I looked back towards her before I went through it. I couldn't help it.

She was gently swirling her hips where she lay. Keeping the cum in motion so more of it got through her cervix and into her womb. My image of her as a womb to be bred and her as my daughter warred again, and the image of my daughter won. She was trying to get pregnant with my seed, no matter what else. My daughter, trying to get pregnant with my seed. I retreated out the door.

I felt guilty, and yet, satisfied. My dick ached from pumping her full of the syrup of life. I hadn't cum that hard since I sabotaged the condom of my last girlfriend. I hadn't done something so horribly unethical since I sabotaged the condom of my last girlfriend.

I wanted to scream, and I wanted to cheer. But more than both, I wanted to not get caught. To remain the stranger who impregnated her and not her father who fucked her. The father who left his daughter with her hips elevated, trying to get pregnant with his cum.

I jogged back to my truck. When I got there, I started it up. I looked at one of the many empty bottles of beer in the other seat. I felt like a criminal. I put it in gear and began to drive to the lake. I hoped I would get pulled over.

What I did was a crime. I should be in jail. I drove without incident. Any buzz I had went away when I shot my load at her womb. My daughter's womb. My own child's womb. No police stopped me to give me what I deserved. I set up my camp, not bothering to launch my boat. I drank until I passed out.


I woke up to my phone's alarm. It was in my pocket. I was sitting outside near the embers of a fire. A fire that hadn't consumed me while I slept. A fire I didn't even remember setting.

It was 6 am. I knew why I set my alarm for then. Four hours to my next 'appointment' with my daughter. I felt evil for what I had done. I fucked my daughter yesterday. My lust consumed me yesterday, unlike the fire I also had not controlled last night.

I hoped I'd have forgotten, or I'd wake up and it would be a bad dream. Unfortunately, I didn't clean myself up yesterday. I could feel residue from the act still on me. I could still feel the residue of trying to impregnate my virgin daughter.

I still had to talk her out of this. Maybe tell her about my own struggles. We could talk it out, and I could pretend she already had a stranger and not me. I flashed back to the last image of her in my head. Swirling her hips, freshly cummed in, her as my personal womb, trying to make sure my cum took.

I shook my head, driving the image of what we had done out of it. I needed to go if I was to get home by 10. I unhooked my trailer and pulled my truck out from under it, putting a trailer lock on the boat. I got in my truck, cleaned up the empty beer bottles, then wiped off my dick with a wet wipe.

I went and brushed the beer smell out of my mouth, and drank water to settle the pain in my head. I looked into the vanity mirror of the visor of my truck.

"Yesterday never happened. Let's do right by her today." I told myself.

I threw the truck in drive, and drove towards my house. I stopped a few houses down from home and got out. I went towards the side door. It was ten minutes early. I could knock. Call out. Make sure she knew it was me before I went in. There were plenty of excuses as to why I was home.

She was probably still getting ready for her next guy. It would be embarrassing, but not inappropriate for me just to walk in. I could see her preparations in my garage, and have reason to confront her besides my hacking her account. I just forgot something I needed at the lake. All a coincidence. I took a deep breath. Yesterday never happened.

I punched in the unlock code, opened the door and stepped inside. I could see ten minutes early wasn't early enough. My horny, fertile, no longer virginal daughter was bound, gagged and nude again. I worried for a moment she had been stuck like that, but I saw the pillow was back on the floor and a new note was up.

My dick got a little more firm, betraying my intent for today to be different. She was still here to be bred. I heard my mental statement from yesterday, a flashback to her sitting on the pillow absorbing my seed. She was my womb, just a body to be seeded. My dick was semi erect and I looked at her note.

'Please breed me good, Mister. I'm ovulating today. Please fuck me full of cum. As many times as you can, fill me with sperm. My egg wants the best. Flush any old spunk out with sheer volume so yours wins. Drown my fertile egg with your babymaking juice. I'm free for your use until 3. I'd love to feel how many times you can cum in a day. Make my womb yours. Please knock me up!'

I looked down at her. Her pussy was still swollen from yesterday. I felt bad. A father wasn't supposed to do that to their child. I looked back to her note. Five hours. Did she have any idea how uncomfortable that would be? How sore she would be? My own dick still ached from yesterday. I couldn't help it though. She was ovulating. She pointed it out.

My dick had gone to rock solid. I looked at her. I wanted to make a baby. She wanted to make a baby. I had already broken the taboo. She was right there, and she was ovulating. There was always tomorrow to fix things. What harm was in it now?

I let my lust rise, let me see my womb, rather than my daughter. She was ovulating right now, and I wanted to cum in a fertile body. The tattoo was a lot to handle, but, but if it was stretched, it, well, well if it was stretched then both of our wishes would be true.

She'd raise my bastard, not knowing it's father. But even better, I'd see it every day, my greatest desire, knowing it was me who did it, and she would never know. I already knew how easy it would be. I learned that yesterday. Easy to just slip my dick in her... to just let things happen. She'd get knocked up. It would be everything I wanted, just with my... my daughter. Impregnating my daughter...

That thought probably should have ended it, but it just made my dick painfully throb in arousal. I wanted to cum in her ovulating pussy and make her conceive. My perversion was clearly stronger than my goodness.

She wouldn't know I did it, but I'd knock her up. I already fucked her once, and her womb was open and filled with my seed. It couldn't get any worse. She might get knocked up from what I already did. It wouldn't hurt anything more to fully enjoy it this time. To lose myself.

I stripped my clothes. Five hours of fucking a baby into her. She was ready for conception right now. It wasn't going to be a maybe this time. I was going to try to impregnate her. I walked up to her and leaned down, pressing my penis against her opening as I mounted her. I slid in, feeling the tight compression of her future birth canal welcoming my breeding tool.

I began to slowly thrust down into her, exploring her entire pussy with my dick. I didn't want any of my swimmers to get lost when I let them out. I needed to fully map her inexperienced body. I pressed deep into her, pressing against her back wall, only to pull out until just my tip was in her. To repeat the action again, and again.

I touched my womb in every inch of her fertile pussy, doing to her what I didn't do yesterday, giving her pussy a full experience of a dick. I fucked her yesterday, but I didn't really. I just dumped my seed in her as deeply as I could. This time I watched her as I worked her. I wanted her to cum before I let loose. I wanted her cervix open for what I was going to give her. I wanted her full fertile body receptive for what was coming.

I saw her breathing increase as I gave her pleasure, and felt her shift as I tried different strokes to increase it. I found what she liked, and watched my womb enjoy her breeding, her throat flexing against the gag as I drew gasps and moans out.

I wasn't successful. My womb was ovulating, and my dick was eager to seed her. My own orgasm came before hers, and my dick flexed and pumped, cumming into her tight aroused body before I could accomplish my task. I let it deflate in her, then pulled out. She lifted her hips, and I put the pillow under her.

I wondered if she suspected I was the same guy from yesterday. It had been a different anonymous account, but she probably knew they weren't hard to make on that site. On the other hand, it would have taken a bit for a guy to setup, then figure out and send the riddle answers.

She couldn't anticipate me preparing in advance and erasing the top correct answers. I likely was completely unknown to her, even as she became significantly more known to me. I was probably a stranger to her even from her experience yesterday. I knew her carnally though.

I hadn't seen her naked since she was a baby, but now I saw her fully grown pussy. My daughter's fully grown and no longer virgin pussy. I gently caressed her stomach and thighs as I watched my cum slowly dry on her pussy lips.

My thoughts were disquieting me again, so I focused on her as an egg holder. She wasn't my daughter, she was the woman that was going to swell with my child. It was hard to keep focus, but I managed. I pictured her womb inside her, filled with my creamy cum. Small tubes running from it up to her ovaries, buzzing with the life I put in her.

I rubbed along where I thought her sperm filled ovarian tubes were with my thumbs, willing my seed to flow. To fertilize the ovulating woman I was seeding. I had been rubbing on her body for about half an hour as my dick firmed up. I felt it was ready, so I shifted over her, and slid into her again.

The angle was significantly different due to the pillow. I left it under her butt as I thrust into her pussy. I was angling more downwards, with her thighs higher than her face. It was a better angle to ensure more of my cum went at her fertile eggs rather than leaked out.

I worked up my rhythm, feeling her respond under me as I used what I had learned so far against her. I was sexually satiated for the moment, having dumped twice into my egg holder over the last two days. I grabbed her hips as I thrust, feeling her stomach with my thumbs. I looked down as I thrust in her.

My disassociation slipped a little and my daughter reappeared. The tattoo was impossible to ignore. My baby girl's flat stomach, the warm welcome place for me to grow my child. I imagined how much it was going to swell, how much her tattoo would deform. I felt her suddenly flex, her arms and legs straining against her bonds. I could feel her trying to ineffectively close her legs.

I was pretty sure I had just given her an orgasm. It was likely not her first, but it was certainly her first with a dick buried in her. Her first orgasm while she was being bred. I imagined her cervical wall softening, opening up for the entry of my sperm to her ovaries. She was ready to be seeded again.

I pressed my body fully against hers and increased my pace. I worked my dick a little deeper in each time until I was fully hilted. I felt pressure as I pushed into her, grinding her cervix against my tip. I was barely moving in and out, instead applying ruthless pressure to the door of my womb's motherhood.

My ovulating daughter's motherhood. Open and ready for her father's cum. Her father's child. She came a second time, and the clenching set me off. I blasted my seed into her even as her pussy flexed around me. I let my balls empty, and then pulled out again for the second time today.

The pillow was a mess, as was her sex. I looked at her cummy pussy. I now saw her firmly as a target for impregnation, barely as my daughter at all, but not as something else either. My daughter was my womb.

I felt a little bad at how quickly I fell, but this was what I wanted. Not the who, but the what. A slab of meat to put a baby into. I knew my daughter wanted it too, but what she wanted didn't matter right now. What mattered was putting a baby into that body.