Intergalactic Porn Star Pt. 05


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"Nice!" said Greg. "Gotta get me in on some of that action."

"Shame no one wants to be your bitch then, isn't it?" Ash said sweetly.

Greg stopped chewing. "You gonna let the little shithead talk to me like that?"

"He's a person, Greg, fuck's sake."

"No, he's a weeb who gets paid to do as he's told."

"We all do."

"No, they get paid to do what we tell them to do."

"Just leave it, okay?"

Since I was defending him, you'd have thought Ash would let it go, but instead a sneer took over his face.

"Yeah, Greg, why don't you go fuck yours—"

I grabbed the back of Ash's collar, and as I stood, hoisted him up with me. He choked and struggled, putting his hands to the collar, and scrambled back over the bench as I kept the pressure on. I shoved him in front of me and pointed to the doors.

"Go to your room."

"I haven't finished eating—"

"Go to your room and stay there."

Trembling with humiliation and rage, Ash stared at me for a long moment, while more and more eyes turned our way, before turning on his heel and heading for the doors.

"Byeee," said Greg, giving him a wave.

I sat back down. "Why, man, why do you have to wind him up?"

"You have no idea what he was like before you got here," said Greg. "The shit he did, the way he behaved. Half the restrictions they put on us are his fault. It was only a month ago that we all revolted and said we didn't want to be locked down because one little shithead was running rampant, and they locked him in fuck palace and threw away the key."

"Seriously man, what the fuck did he do?"

"Finish up and I'll show you."


Greg took me to the living quarters where he roomed with one of his current scene partners, and I was pissed seeing how nice the rooms were. Ash had lied out of his ass. The rooms weren't run down; if anything, they'd been upgraded since the recruitment video had been shot.

Greg's room had two beds, for him and his main scene partner, separated by a large space that contained a couch, a screen, an old-fashioned gaming system, and access to a massive entertainment library. He also had access to all the files on IGPN's internal net, which included best-of scenes presented in a way clearly intended to motivate, funny moments from 'behind the scenes', recordings of official events, and a library of key announcements about changes to campus rules. It seemed these were what Greg wanted to show me.

We sat on his comfy couch and he pulled up the first file.

"Okay, this is the first time Ash's bullshit got a behaviour warning issued."

The video featured an IGPN staffer talking to the camera.

"Good afternoon DTs and WBs. This is a very important announcement regarding appropriate behaviour on campus. As you know, IGPN does not allow any form of bullying or coercion."

I snorted. That was bullshit.

Greg gave me a wry grin. "You know it's bad when a place like this calls it out."

"Yesterday, a concerning incident was brought to our attention. It appears that a member of the on-camera team attacked another team member during a voluntary bonus scene.

"We would like to reiterate; all bonus material created between performers must be consensual. If one party chooses not to participate, the other must respect their choice. However, communication is key. If you are uncomfortable with the way a scene is progressing, please let your scene partner know verbally and respectfully, rather than resorting to violence.

"Any behaviour deemed as an unwarranted use of force against another performer will be punished severely, as per the terms of your employment contract.

"Please also keep in mind that that you are contracted to perform certain acts, and no top should be made to feel uncomfortable asking a blue contractor to perform those acts.

"Our livelihoods rely on us performing willingly, enthusiastically and in partnership with each other. Let's remember what we're here for, and work together to make each other successful!

The IGPN logo came up and the video ended.

"What did he do?" I asked Greg.

"Stabbed a guy in the leg with a fork."


"Took umbrage at a top telling him to suck his dick in the food hall while he was serving."

"So, no one assaulted him first? He wasn't being harassed?"

Greg laughed. "Look, we're all physical with the weebs, and you've seen how we talk to each other. Most of the weebs like being handled, it earns them extra spending money for when they arrive on Gliese. Okay, maybe the guy grabbed Ash's wrist, maybe he pulled him into his lap. Maybe he didn't touch him at all. All I know is, he didn't deserve to be stabbed."

"What'd Ash say?"

"At the time, no one cared what he had to say. Violence isn't tolerated off-camera. He was put on punishment for a week, and when he came out, everyone just avoided him. Until a new guy joined. While he was learning the ropes, Ash attacked him, and got this nifty little behavioural warning issued."

Greg played a second video that referred to another violent incident, addressing concerns the tops had over retaliatory behaviour if they engaged in bonus scenes. It mostly reassured the tops that violence wouldn't be tolerated, and that this one team member's behaviour shouldn't be a reason to stop creating bonus material, but also stated that from this point on, no cutlery or crockery could be removed from the food hall, and no food could be consumed in private rooms.

"What'd he do this time?"

"The top was built, but he was a gentle guy. He took a liking to Ash, and Ash let him play with him a couple of times. D/S stuff, Ash subbing for him. We all warned the guy to keep his distance, but I guess he just didn't believe us. Fast forward two weeks, the guy stumbles into medical bleeding from his throat.

He was fucking Ash, with Ash in his lap, and Ash stabbed him with a table knife, then bit him. Fucking sank his teeth into the guy's throat and tugged a chunk of flesh out of his throat."

"What the fuck?"

"Yeah, man, it was... ugly. Medical got it cleaned up pretty quickly, but the guy refused to fuck a bottom who wasn't gagged and bound for the next six months. Got PTSD if a weeb sat on his lap."

"Why didn't IGPN send Ash home after that?"

"Not sure. He did disappear for a bit. I don't know if they gave him counselling or beat the crap out of him, but when he came back, he was very fucking quiet. Since then, no one's done an impromptu scene with him. I'm surprised that top in the food hall even let him suck his dick the other day. I'd be scared Ash'd bite it off."

I'd known Ash wasn't all there, but I hadn't realised how violent he could be. And I had to share a cell with him.

"Was that when they moved him off the hab block?"

"Not quite. After whatever they did to him, he was meek as a kitten. He had a room to himself for a while, and then a new guy joined. He was happy bunking with Ash, and for a while that worked out. Then one night, the guy said he came back to his room after his shift and Ash had trashed the place. Destroyed everything. It was during a camera-out, which happens from time to time when the central system goes down during a solar storm.

"Ash had something like two minutes to do all that damage, and he fucked everything. Broke everything he could get his hands on, tore up the guy's personal effects, ripped the bedding, ripped up the mattresses with a knife he somehow stole from the kitchen, then pissed on the whole mess like a fucking animal. When the guy came back to his room, Ash was trying to hang himself using a torn-up t-shirt.

"The guy got Ash on the ground and pinned him until help arrived. After that, all personal effects were locked up by IGPN and they ramped up the temperature and took away our right to wear clothing. The food hall was locked down completely after meals and Ash was kicked back to fuck palace for good."

"Did he ever explain why he did it?"

"Uh, 'cause he's crazy?" said Greg, waving his hands. "He's a fucking sociopath!"

"So why didn't you warn me to stay away from him?"

Greg blushed. "Look, you and I are friends, but when you walked in here, I didn't know you from Adam. Someone has to work with Ash, and it's not gonna be me. It's not gonna be anyone who knows his reputations. And for some people, he's as nice as pie. If he decides he likes you, and he clearly likes you, he's not a threat."

"Until he loses his shit."

"Well, yeah," said Greg. "I'm kinda hoping he won't with you. Anyway, it's better to let people make up their own minds. Ash knows how to wrap a guy around his little finger. They fall for his pretty face, for that cutsie/sexy thing he does. You, on the other hand, seem to have him on a leash for a change."

"Lucky me."

"Better than him tearing your throat out." Greg grinned. "Hey, me and Sam are gonna play some games tonight in a rec lounge. Want to come with?"

Spend some free time with Sam? Hell yeah.


"Yeah, you do." Greg punched my shoulder and led the way out of the hall.


As we walked down the corridor, I got a chill as we passed under the air vents.

"I swear this place is getting colder."

"Hadn't noticed," said Greg. "But you can always get some clothes from commissary if you want to join Ash in the 'IGPN's little bitch' club."

"Yeah. Not that keen on buying their clothes to be honest."

"Don't want a giant purple logo on your chest?"

I grunted in reply. If the clothes were free, maybe, but I wasn't paying to wear a corporate logo.

Sam was already in the rec lounge when we arrived, his first beer in his hand.


I ran an appreciative eye over his toned body while I got myself a beer. Sitting on the couch, one leg propped up on his other knee, he looked very relaxed. Relaxed, and sexy as hell.

Greg got himself a beer and threw himself down beside Sam. He picked up a game controller with one hand and pressed the 'start' button, bringing the screen to life.

"Come on Ryan, stop eye-fucking Sam and grab a controller."

I blushed, embarrassed, and sat on the other side of Sam, trying to ignore his amused smirk.

Sam picked up a controller. "You want to grab me another beer, Ryan?" He shook his nearly-empty bottle at me. "Sorry, should have asked before you sat down."

It was an innocent enough request, given he was all set to play, but the look in his eyes suggested this was a test of some kind.

Greg ignored the tension in the room, scrolling through the menu, while Sam and I stared each other down. I waited too long to shove his shoulder and tell him to get it himself, too long to just get up and grab it for him, without making it weird.

The screen beeped, as Greg selected a game, and the tension broke. I handed my beer to Sam. "I'll get another one. I need the exercise. Been sitting on a bed getting sucked off all day."

He grinned and took my beer, and I fetched another one from the fridge, feeling his eyes trained on my back.

We played a couple of rounds of some fighting simulator and drank our allocated beers. At the end of round three, which Sam won, he got up and punched the air.

"Yeah! Suck it, bitches!"

Being competitive, I was annoyed that he'd won, but when he sat down, his leg pressed against mine, warm, coarse with hair, our knees just touching, our calves pressed against each other. As Greg congratulated him, the movement of him play-punching Greg stirred me to life.

"Another round?" asked Sam, turning to me.

There was a heartbeat while he took in my expression, and then his eyes dropped to my lap. It was a flicker of his eyes, less than a nano-second of movement, but I knew he'd seen I was aroused by the fact he was pressed against me.

"Hey, guys, I need to use to the bathroom. Don't start without me!"

Greg jumped up and left the lounge.

Sam set his controller on the coffee table and then moved along, spreading his legs wider. "Aaah, that's better, more space. These couches aren't made for three grown men."

I wished we were allowed more beer. One more beer, and I wouldn't have thought twice about getting on the floor between his legs. But this wasn't a club, or my bedroom, and there were cameras watching, and sponsors ticking up goals for us that had nothing to do with what Sam and I actually wanted.

Sam lowered his voice. "It's not forbidden, it's just not a good idea."

"But you want it," I said, in a low voice.

"Yeah," he said softly. "And so do you."

He put a hand on my thigh. "You really gonna wait two years?"

Two years. Why'd he have to remind me?

"I can't bottom. I'm too tight."

Sam snorted. "You're too tight because you haven't learnt how to relax. I can help you with that."

There was another tense moment of silence.

"What about you?" I asked. "Can you take me?"

"I want to fuck you Ryan," Sam said, his voice suddenly serious. "I want to touch your body in ways you've never been touched before. I want to make you feel special. I want to see you let go—you're so stiff."

"Stiff? Really?"

He snorted with laughter, desperately trying to get his face back under control, but it was too late.

"I mean, you look like a great lay, but your performance is a bit wooden," he went on, choking on his own awful joke, but by now we were both pissing ourselves laughing.

Luckily, Greg came back before I had to decide if he was serious about fucking or not.

"What'd I miss?" asked Greg.

"Nothing," said Sam. "Just wooing Ryan here."

"Just fuck him already," said Greg, grabbing up his controller.

Sam shifted over so Greg could sit down, and for some reason I couldn't fathom, I decided to sit on the floor. I leaned back between Sam's legs, feeling his hard dick leaking against my back, and beat the shit out of his avatar.


It was only when I got back to my shitty cell in Fuck Palace, I remembered I'd told Ash to go to our room and stay there. He was lying on his bunk, staring at the ceiling, his dick hard and his balls swollen.

He gave me a sullen look as I sat on my bunk, but said nothing.

"You need to learn when to shut up," I said to him.

He just looked at me.

"You been here all night?"

He gave me one nod of his head.

"Just... staring at the ceiling?"

Another nod.

I felt for him. I really fucking felt for him. I wished I didn't have to discipline him like this. I wished he wanted something different from me.

"You going to keep quiet the next time I try to save your sorry ass?"

He nodded again, dropping his eyes from mine.

"Come here."

The two of us couldn't share a bunk, but I had him climb onto my lap. He laced his arms behind my head, and for a short while I just stared him down, watching his green eyes go from sullen, to softening as the physical contact unfroze him, to a warmth that told me this was what he needed, to a heat I recognized only too well.

"You did good, Ash. You did what you were told."

A small smile played around his lips.

"You asked how long you were on OD. The answer is, a full month."

His face fell, but I could see excitement in his eyes. How the hell could he entertain two conflicting emotions that intensely at the same time?

"And since it's been hours since I've fucked, I think you should hop down and get me ready, 'cause your ass is looking pretty damn good about now."

He was on his knees in a heartbeat, kissing the tip of my cock, licking the length of it, teasing me hard.

As always, he worked his body for maximum effect, and the visual aid was as powerful as the feel of his mouth.

When I was ready, I jerked him up by his hair and positioned him with his chest pressed against the wall, bending him just enough to project his ass enticingly out, ready to get ploughed.

He was all pornstar as I fucked him, whimpering, begging me to fuck him harder, sinuously moving his skinny body as I ran my hands down his flanks to his waist, all the time putting on a show for his sponsors.

When it was over, I manhandled him up by his hair and dropped him back to the ground at my feet. He sat back on his heels, looking at up at me expectantly.

"How horny are you?"

"Extremely horny, Sir," he said.


A look flickered between us. One that transcended two performers, or even two people sating their sexual needs in the only way allowed to them. It was an acknowledgement that he was mine, and I was his. Not in some traditional, boyfriend/boyfriend sense, but something deeper. We fed each other's need, not at a sexual level, but at a survival level.

Things weren't great—for him, more than me—but he knew I'd help him get through it, and I could see he was grateful.

I stroked his hair back from his forehead. "Okay, I want you to edge yourself while I clean up. Any precum that comes out of your dick goes in your mouth. Understand?"

"Yes, Sir."

"Good boy."

He went back to his bunk and started to stroke himself while I washed up. When I was done, I lay on my side on my bunk, propped up on my elbow, watching the show. When I thought he'd tortured himself long enough, I had him put his mattress back under my bunk.

"I want to wake up to a blow job. Make it slow and wet."

"Yes, Sir."

I ruffled his hair and closed my eyes, feeling as if I was winging everything—but that it still might just all work out.


Please forgive the slowness of posting - life has taken an unexpected turn that's keeping me busy. Will post the rest of this series as and when time allows, but it is all plotted through to ten parts. **

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 5 years ago

please keep these stories up!

ChloeTzangChloeTzangabout 5 years ago
Now I have to go read one thru gour

Ohhhhhh Jason, good story. I’m going to go read one thru four next.

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