Intern to Slut Pt. 03


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"Come in for a minute, Nicole," he said as he organized some files on his desk to take to the meeting.

She looked at his muscular chest and thighs through his well fitted clothes and again thought back to his cock that she had expertly manipulated that morning. She stood once more in front of Brian's desk. "Yes, Mr. -," her address was cut off by his wordless glare, quickly realizing Nicole adjusted and continued, ", sir."

"That's better," Brian said moving around his desk. He brushed the back of his hand against her check then gently took it in his palm. Nicole leaned her face into his touch, finally some acknowledgement from him. "I've been keeping an eye on you today, slut." He continued quietly, pulling her into him. "Do you think others have noticed your secret?"

"No...err...maybe a few times in the meeting earlier, sir." Nicole responded, trying to push her sex onto his thigh. She felt his manhood between them, not as hard as Monday or early this morning but she knew she was having an effect on him as well.

"How did that make you feel?"

"I...uh...I don't know, sir, it kind of turned me on more."

"Why do you think that is?" Brian pressed.

" think if they knew it would show who I really am, sir."

"What is that?"

"A slut, sir."

Brian's hand slide down off the small of Nicole's back and rubbed across her ass settling one long finger in the center of her cleft pushing through her skirt and finding the end of the plug he had placed there this morning. He pressed into it, causing Nicole to moan and push her hips forward grinding harder into his upper leg. "Do you want me to stop this teasing?" he asked.

"Ohhh...yes sir." Nicole moaned as he continued to manipulate the base of the butt plug.

"What would you have me do, slut?"

The door to his office was still open and it was the middle of the office day, clients waited in the nearby conference room, but Nicole didn't care. She loudly gasped out, "Anything you want, sir!" Reaching briefly down and rubbing his cock through his pants.

"You are a good little slut," Brian replied releasing her, stepping back away from her touch, adjusting his now semi-rigid cock in his pants, and picking up the meeting materials from his desk. "But we have clients waiting, and I don't think you're quite ready yet," he continued.

Nicole moaned pleadingly as her hips bucked slightly looking for a touch that was no longer there, "Aaahhmmmm...Yes, sir."

Again, Mr. Smith told Nicole to get two other coworkers and join him and the clients in the conference room. She complied and once more took her seat at the table for the meeting. She felt the wetness from her pussy increase anew and nervously adjusted her hair in an attempt to cover her nipples which had further stiffened thanks to this latest encounter in Mr. Smith's office.

The meeting got underway and a discussion of the new development on the plans in front of them commenced. Nicole could not focus there though, instead concentrating on Mr. Smith's phone set on the table within his reach.

Brian took part in the discussion as necessary to back up and help out the two junior engineers who were leading this project. All the while, he kept one eye on Nicole. Assessing her level of arousal and deciding when the next step should be taken. About 15 minutes into the meeting he noticed that she seemed to have calmed down from their most recent encounter and took that next step, flipping a toggle in the app on his phone.

Nicole saw this movement and instantly steeled herself for heightened sensation between her legs and in her ass. With nothing immediately forthcoming she figured he had set the toy for the random spikes and did her best to prepare. A few moments later she felt the vibrator come to life inside her and instantly clenched to do her best to hide her reaction. This time, though the sensation was different. The surge did not immediately spike then fade quickly. Instead the vibrations were slowly building, her initial reaction was much easier to control and hide. The sensation built slowly and did not quite reach its full effect, but plateaued and maintained a level for several minutes.

Though her early reactions to this new pattern were easy to mask the duration of the stimulation caused her breath to shorten and deepen, her breasts heaved with it, and she grasped the arm of her chair to steady herself. Not the audible gasping that had nearly exposed her in the earlier meeting, but still after two cycles of this the coworker sitting closest to Nicole started to notice and give her strange looks. She tried to smile and act normal as best she could, but clearly something was going on.

Brian looked over, smiling as well, a glint in his eye directed at Nicole. He was thoroughly enjoying making his slut squirm through this meeting.

The meeting wrapped up; after the next steps in the design were decided. For Nicole, the discussion in the conference room was not as important as making it through the many cycles of stimulation to her g-spot, clit, and ass from the toy implanted there. Unfortunately for her, she was in the midst of one of these cycles as those at the meeting stood to leave. She tried to look as though she was jotting down a few last notes to delay standing. Finally this cycle, too, subsided and she was able to get up and follow them out of the conference room and back to her desk.

As with the earlier meeting, Brian had again changed the settings and the toys settled back into the lower vibrations.

Nicole glanced at the clock as Mr. Smith shook hands with the clients and showed them out the door, 2:30. Still a while to go to get through the work day, but being Friday, she hoped the office would clear sooner than typical.

Walking back to his office from the main entrance, Brian slowed to watch his young intern settle back into work. He could see her soft pale skin and thought back to how he had coated it with his cum earlier that morning, some of which still sat dry on her breasts and stomach. He could smell her heat clearly now after the continued pressure from the dildo and plug in her ass. His cock stirred now as well, thinking of his plans for her before she went home tonight. He stopped near Nicole's cubicle on the way back to his office, "Good job today, Nicole, I was impressed with your...'performance' the meetings today."

She had been absentmindedly looking down at her keyboard trying to compose herself as Mr. Smith made this comment. Nicole looked up toward him, slowing slightly as her view crossed his groin. Was that a growing bulge she could just make out? That thought raised the heat inside of her, but she began to fully embrace her new role. She looked up and smiled laughing slightly at the implication in his compliment, "Thank you, sir." She watched as he walked away and her thoughts drifted to his muscular ass driving his cock into her, much like the actress in the video that had started this whole affair.

Brian returned to his office and noted the time as well. He took out his phone and opened the app that controlled his toy. He knew that most Fridays the office was pretty much empty by 4:00, so he set that as the time for the final setting he had yet to use. He toggled that setting on, set his phone down, and got back to wrapping up some work for the week.

Nicole, as well, tried to get through and accomplish the tasks she had previously set for the week, prior to all the distraction. As the afternoon moved on and she got a few things done she started to notice that the vibrations in her pussy seemed to be slowly growing. It was not peaking then receding or plateauing as before but almost imperceptibly growing minute by minute. By the time her first coworker stopped by her desk to say goodbye for the weekend she could feel her heat running down her ass again. Still the sensation built.

By 3:30 the vibrations inside of her had reached the level they had during the afternoon meeting, causing her breathing to deepen but shorten and her breasts to heave. She was sure that if she stood at this point there would be a spot showing through the back of her skirt. It was then that Mr. Smith came back out to her desk. He gave no indication that he knew the struggle she was undergoing and simply gave her a few easy design tasks to accomplish before she left for the weekend. She looked to him for some sign of reassurance, but none was forthcoming. He was again playing with her, forcing her to confront her desire to be a professional and try to keep the slut below the surface.

Brian knew exactly what was happening with his young intern. The final setting that he had turned on about an hour prior was his favorite. The toy inside of Nicole would slowly raise the vibrations gradually up until the time he had set, 4:00 P.M. The device automatically adjusted the rate of change to accommodate any time period long or short so that it would arrive at its maximum power at exactly the time set. In this case due to the other limit put on the device it would bring Nicole right to the edge of orgasm but never let her over. He could see she was already struggling to maintain composure.

"Is something wrong, Nicole?" Brian asked, in a somewhat teasing manner.

", Mr. Smith. Mmmm...I'll have these things done before I leave," she responded, trying to maintain her breathing.

Brian returned to his office, he had just a few last e-mails to send. On a typical Friday he could then leave for the weekend himself, but today he would wait.

Nicole tried to concentrate on the tasks she was given, but the effort was futile as the sensations built inside of her. She looked again at the clock and tried to add up the number of coworkers she had seen leave. It was 3:45 and the office seemed empty. She finally gave up on any pretense of getting work done and slouched in her chair, legs spread slightly, almost the exact position Mr. Smith had found her in that previous Monday morning. Only this time there was no video and instead of her hand down the front of her panties she now had no underwear at all and a vibrator was doing the work for her.

She thought about pushing her hand down her skirt but knew that the toy inside of her would simply slow and never allow her release. Instead her hand had found its way up her thin top, exposing her soft but flat stomach as she felt the spots of dried cum there and between her breasts. Her hand began to slide over to her left breast as the vibration further increased in force inside her pussy. Suddenly, she heard a cough from one of her coworkers in his cube. She sat up straight pulling her hand out of her top and straightening her clothes. A few minutes later she heard the rear entrance to the office open and close; and hoped that was her final colleague leaving.

It was now 3:55 and Nicole sat in her chair, her chest heaving in near gasps as she tried to press her legs together in the hopes of increasing the pressure from the vibrator on her clit. It was futile as any push that neared her finally getting release only resulted in the vibrator easing to not allow it, only to reenergize as the pressure was lessened.

In his office, Brian looked at his watch and considered whether he should go and retrieve Nicole, summon her to his office. "No," he thought, "she'll come to me."

The pressure continued to build between Nicole's legs. It was 4:00 now and the vibrator in her pussy was shaking as hard as it had in Mr. Smith's office that morning. There was a sheen of sweat on her exposed chest as she continued to slouch in her chair hoping the dildo would relent. She quietly moaned in her cube. Finally she decided she needed to make her way to Mr. Smith's office and hope for some relief, whether coworkers remained or not. On shaking legs she got up and walked toward his door, trying to appear as in control as possible.

Brian looked up from his computer at the sound of the knock on his open door. He turned to look, seeing Nicole leaning on the jamb, her legs trembling, face and chest flush. It was 4:05; he was impressed she had made it this long.

"Oh, Nicole, here to bring me those calculations I asked you to do?" he asked, feigning ignorance to her condition. Though, he could clearly see she was on the razor's edge of climax.

"Shit!" Nicole thought. She hadn't done any work on those tasks or others for quite a while this afternoon as she had begun to succumb to the manipulations of the toys inside of her. She stepped into the office and returned to the spot in front of Mr. Smith's desk where she had declared her true self to him twice already this week. Leaning on a chair nearby, she practically moaned out, "Hhmmm...No, sir, mmmm, er...Mr. Smith, I haven't been able to concentrate this afternoon."

With this display from Nicole, the need in her voice and visibly unsteady state, Brian's manhood stirred in his pants. "Well now, Nicole, I'm disappointed. What should I do TO and employee who can't complete her work," he almost taunted her; playing to the fantasy from the video he had caught her watching.

Brian took in the full sight of his young intern standing before him again, her pale thighs slightly trembling as her well fitted skirt framed her hips and stopped just above her knees. "What had you distracted? Was it something similar to the distraction from this Monday morning?" he continued.

"Similar, sir." Nicole responded.

Brian stood, assessing Nicole in front of his desk. He did enjoy seeing her in this state, breasts heaving, her eye's silently pleading. The scent from under her skirt was strong in the air, and his cock further stiffened in his pants. "It seems you truly are the slut I thought you to be when I discovered you that morning," he said, authority in his voice.

"Yes sir, I'm a slut!" Nicole called out. Brian glanced to the open door smiling, he knew there was likely nobody else left in the office but she had not hesitated even with the open door as she had this morning.

He opened the app on his phone and turned off the vibrator inside of her, walking over to the door behind Nicole. "No!" she gasped as the stimulation ended abruptly. She felt her pussy clench in frustration and she gyrated to try to stimulate her clit once again.

Brian enjoyed the view of her well form ass and red hair against the pale freckled skin of her soft shoulders before he approached her from behind as he had on Monday, and earlier this morning gently resting his hands on her hips. "No? I thought you wanted relief?"

"Not like that, sir... please," she begged, reaching one hand up and grabbing the back of his neck for support.

"How should I give you relief, slut?" he asked, his left hand moving up under her light top. He could feel the spots of dried cum from this morning and the slickness of her skin from sweat this afternoon; the moisture releasing the scent of his dry seed which now intermingled with her musk and sweat. His hand continued up to her breast pulling Nicole's top with it exposing her stomach which still heaved as he gently began to rub her erect nipple.

"I need to cum, sir," Nicole again pled, reaching back she grabbed his muscular ass with her free hand pulling his hips into hers as she ground her ass back into his groin. She could feel Brian's hardening cock through the material of her skirt and his pants. She moaned as she found this action now put some pressure on the plug, still in her ass.

Brian moved his hand across her chest to caress her right breast now, pushing her top up with it. Her shirt bunched under her armpits and her breasts dropped free, nipples erect, her pale white faintly freckled skin now red with desire. His other hand went to her chin tipping her head back to look at him. "How should I make you cum, slut?"

She looked up into his intent eyes, which glared with passion. Licking her lips she gripped his neck tighter still grinding her ass into his pelvis. "However you want, sir. Please I need to cum," she again begged.

He spun her around with his strong arms and she now faced him chest bear, breasts heaving. One hand still holding her chin the other returned to her ass manipulating the plug embedded there through Nicole's skirt. "Do you want me to take you like some cliché porn secretary, bend you over my desk making you cum on my cock?"

Nicole moaned at his question and the plug pushing into her ass. She slid her hand between them, down to his groin and began to rub Brian's cock through the front of his pants. "Mmmmmm...yes, sir, please sir." Nicole responded to his question reaching her other hand between them beginning to manipulate his belt.

"Yes, sir, please, sir, what?" Brian mocked releasing her chin, his hand moving to massage her breast.

"Please, sir, bend me over your desk and make me cum on your cock." She pled. His pants were now fully open and she rubbed his hard cock through his boxer briefs. She smiled once again finding a spot of pre-cum had soaked through the cotton.

Brian saw this smile and reacted in the same way as that morning. He spun Nicole around again and forcing her thighs against the side of his desk. "Don't forget who is in charge here, slut!" He yelled.

"Yes, sir," she responded, now pushing her ass back on his hardened cock through only her skirt and the thin layer of his underwear.

His actions eased slightly as he pushed gently between her shoulder blades, bending her over the desk. She gasped slightly as her hard nipples meet and rubbed on the wooden top, and she realized that she was a slut who was about to be fucked while bent over her bosses desk; her pussy again spasmed around the dildo that remained inside of her in anticipation.

Brian looked down at his young intern bent over in front of him. Her shirt pushed up exposing the pale lightly freckled skin of her back, narrowing down to her waist before widening again at her hips, the outer edges of her breasts exposed as they pressed out against the top of the desk. He briefly rested his hands on her hips. Nicole felt this and considered how it would feel as he pulled against her as his cock entered her pussy.

He stepped out of his pants and kicked them aside. Nicole looked back over his shoulder as he pushed his boxer briefs to the floor, fully exposing his muscular thighs. She moaned and licked her lips as she saw his thick, just over 8 inch, cock spring free. Brian reached down and pulled up the hem of her skirt, he tucked it under her against his desk.

Brian took at half step back. He could see her pussy, lips glistening with moisture that also coated her thighs, tight around the base of the dildo he had inserted into her that morning, connecting up to the base of the plug in her ass that had held it in place. He enjoyed the view of her firm ass cheeks now exposed before him and the back of her thighs straining adding definition to her ass, and his cock hardened further as Nicole slowly ground her hips into the desk. He slowly pulled the dildo from her tight pussy and she gasped at her new found emptiness. Brian rotated the vibrator aside leaving the plug firmly seated in her ass.

Slowly he stepped back up behind her bending at the waist his muscular stomach and chest resting on Nicole's back. He brushed her red hair away from her upturned ear and whispered into it, "Is this what you've been waiting for, slut?"

Nicole felt his breath on her ear and the back of her neck. Her pussy searched for something new to fill it and satisfy her primal needs. Brian's cock lay rigid between them and she felt it end near the small of her back. Considering what that length would feel like as it filled her now empty and needy pussy, she moaned begging, "Yes, sir, please fuck me sir, please fuck me like the secretary in the video you caught me watching. Please sir, fuck me!"

Brian stood and positioned his cock at her opening, sliding it slowly up and down between her hungry lips. Nicole tried in vain to push back and have it enter her, but still he only teased her. "Please sir, fuck me," she implored.