Into the Sunlight Ch. 02


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"Derreon, it'll be OK. It's OK son. We're here. Your family is here. Your mother will not go down for this." He promised, praying that he was right. Dawn came out and took Derreon in her arms. They were shocked. As they exited the courthouse, hundreds of protesters stood outside, cheering. In their minds, a soldier was not getting away with harming a civilian this time. This was step in the right direction.

"Derreon, come on," Dawn whispered as they headed back over to the hospital.

The grand jury was selected that evening and Cynthia's case would be the very first one presented to them. They voted unanimously to send it to trial. The judge listened and when they finished, he set the dates for three trials. Her attorney was ready. He had already told Cyn they would deny her bail. He was ready. Delran met with DA Holmes, and he knew that this was not a case the other man really wanted to pursue, but because of the media and political pressure, he filed. The two men both would defend their clients to the best of their abilities.

Darius sighed. He prayed that bastard did not die. He had to find a way to help his wife. Soon, it was time to go. Camirra hugged her dad a bit harder. Darius watched her leave and he was worried. His wife was in jail. His daughter would blame herself. And he was on his back, unable to do anything about it.


Charleshia left the hospital after Camirra. She was so angry. This was not fair. She pondered, Why did Charles marry that slut anyway? He didn't need her. Charleshia went back to the hotel where her husband and mother were staying. She was pissed. Charles might die, and no one really gave a damn. He was right. Years ago, when Daddy died, Charles told her they only had each other and he was right.

Marshall was in bed when she walked in. She couldn't beat his ass here, but when they got home. He had a big one coming. Momma had one coming too. How dare she listen to what that bitches' Momma had to say? She had to go see the DA in the morning. It was obvious from how the DA acted that he really didn't want to charge that bitch. If Charles died, she'd go up for murder. He wasn't doing too well and could stop breathing at any time. Maybe she needed to help him along.

Marshall was stiff. He was always stiff around her. When they first married, she let him think they were equal, and then one night, she had to beat that ass. He could barely stand, so he couldn't fight back. That's why she liked him. Being disabled, she could treat him anyway she chose too and there wasn't a damn thing he could do about it.

"Take your sorry ass to sleep." She ordered. "Oh, and don't dare piss in this bed. I'm tired of your nasty shit."

Marshal was embarrassed. He suffered from incontinence. Some nights, he'd wet, and Charleshia would punish him. He didn't drink a lot of fluids, but even then it would happen. Marshall feigned sleep. Soon, after Charleshia was out, he moved to the floor. He hated her. The only reason he stayed was because if her mother. If he could get Ms. Irma someplace safe, he would leave. Sadly, Charleshia was both of their guardians. They had nowhere to go. Camirra was trapped too, but she escaped. Marshall wondered if maybe Camirra could help them.

The next morning, Ms. Irma was up and dressed. They were headed back to the hospital. Once they arrived, the doctor gave Charles's prognosis. It was not good. Charleshia shed a few tears while Irma stood stoic. The doctor told them that Charles brain function was decreasing daily. He'd be brain dead within a few weeks. There was little to no hope of recovery. He suggested that they remove life support.

However, before Irma could speak, Marshall asked if this was a call his wife would need to make. The doctor paused. "Yes sir, you are right?"

Irma stood as a nurse went to Darius's room to get Camirra. The doctor told her his diagnosis. Camirra was torn. If he died, would Cyn be charged with murder?

"He can recover, right? I mean, I know you said it's a slim chance, but there is still a chance." Camirra reiterated.

The doctor spoke, "Mrs. Finch, the thing is he has not shown any signs of coming out of this. It's as if he wants to die. But like you said, there is a small chance he could recover, so it's your call."

"No, keep my husband alive. You do whatever you have to for him to recover." Camirra demanded.

Both Marshall and Irma were shocked. If anyone would benefit from his passing, it was Camirra. Charleshia watched her suspiciously. She knew that this was not because of love for her brother. The she knew, if Charles died, Cynthia might get life.

The doctor wanted to explain again, but Camirra insisted that Charles stay on life support. Charleshia was not fooled. She knew exactly what her sister in law was up to. This had nothing to do with keeping her beloved husband alive. She didn't want her step-momma going to prison for murder. The doctor left and Charles' treatment continued.

Three days later, Cynthia went before a grand jury. This happened rather quickly, but because this was such a small place, the courts expedited the proceedings. The DA read the list of charges against the defendant. It was not very long, but serious; the fact that she was trained as a weapons expert played against her greatly. The grand jury decided to send the case to trial.

The lawyer she had Darius hired was nervous. He knew she was justified, but people were so biased against the police and military, he feared backlash from the jury. However, he was glad a new attorney had taken over.

Weeks passed, and Charles began to show improvement. One day, he regained consciousness. Charleshia was so happy. She sat with her brother as they tested him and placed him in a regular room. It annoyed her that he was still guarded. Where could he go? The second day after Charles was awake, two detectives came to the hospital to talk to him. DA Holmes was with them. The men asked Charleshia to step out of his room, and they took his statement. After the officers left, Charleshia went back in Charles was agitated.

"What the fuck is going on?" Charles asked. "Where in the hell is my wife? She needs to be here with me." He demanded.

"The bitch left you, Charles. She is with her folks. Mom and Marshall are here though." Charleshia explained.

"I don't want to see that broke down old bitch and the wuss you married. Look, they arrested me, said I committed several crimes. I told them what I did, but that whore almost killed me. I might do some time, but her that bitch is going to prison for good." He laughed. Charleshia laughed with him, then he looked at her.

"You are so stupid. Daddy was right; a woman ain't worth a damn." He hissed.

"Look, Charles, I called some people. They are backing you up. She doesn't stand a chance of walking free." Charleshia explained. "Yes, I talked with the leader of CAAP, and he is leading our cause."

Charles looked at his sister. He hated Charleshia. Charleshia, hummm! Momma was so damn weak she named both of her children after daddy. At least, his sister didn't have any brats.

Charleshia disgusted him. He treated her like shit, yet she still came back for more. He remembered when he married Cammie. The dumb bitch said he betrayed her. Why, cuz he didn't want to fuck her anymore? She was right about is bitch of a wife though. Still, his sister was nothing but a cheap piece of ass that was a thorn in his side. She kept touching him and yammering. He needed quiet, he needed to think."Get out! Get out, and don't bother coming back." He hissed.

Charleshia tried to talk and comfort him, but he began to yell. Soon he started throwing things and the officers ran in and restrained him. He was going to jail all because of his bitch of a wife. When he got out, she would pay.


Darius had gone home, but each day he checked in on his wife's defense. Delran told him not to worry. He believed the charges against her would be dropped once Charles' statement was submitted to the courts.

Cynthia was talking with her legal team as she prepared for her preliminary hearing. Delran explained what would happen, but told her to remain calm. It was just a formality. In the trial a jury would be present to hear the charges against her.

The next morning, the guard brought her a suit to dress in and she waited for her attorney to arrive. Yesterday as he briefed her, he told her that Charles wouldn't be there, but the judge will have him on teleprompter. Whatever she do, no matter what they said, don't react. The family arrived at court and the proceeding began. Derreon cried as he saw his mother brought in by a guard. The proceedings started. The DA read a list of charges. Darius sat behind his wife. They were charging her with attempted manslaughter. He was terrified. He couldn't lose his wife. She was his world. There was no way she would go to jail for protecting them.


Mrs. Irma and Marshall stayed at the local Motel 6, where the CAAP paid for their stay. Charleshia was released, but Mr. Ranch would not tell her where they had been moved to. Today was the first time in a few days that she saw her daughter. Irma looked at her. Something is wrong with that girl. Something is not right. She thought.

Marshall squeezed her hand and whispered, "This will be over soon Momma." Irma sighed.

The Citizens Against Abuse of Powers came out in support of Charles Finch. But over the past few weeks, some truths had come to light. The support for him began to wane, and Charleshia being arrested for her out of control behavior raised even more doubts. Initially, when his sister called, they were appalled that the town was about to let her go free. However, some of them started talking to other people that came in to support Cynthia. They learned that Charles Finch was not a nice man. He had a record, and many of them accused him of abusing his spouse.

Gradually, supporters started backing out. Then the trial was set to start in a few days. Mrs. Granger's attorney once again requested that charges against his client be dropped. As usual his request was denied.

Cynthia had her entire family behind her, and many people from the town Charles lived in. The activist noticed the only ones behind Charles were his sister, her mother, and her husband. One day, a small group stopped Mrs. Irma. They asked how she was and told her they would do everything they could to get justice for her son. The leader of the group joined them. Irma looked around, Charleshia wasn't there. "He beat that girl. He beat her. She was able to get away and he followed her here. He was going to kill her. I know it, and that woman protected her family. Charles is my son, but he is a monster." The group was stunned. The leader took her aside and went to his office. Charleshia came in and demanded what was going on. Looking at the mother he saw stark fear. He knew.

Cynthia Granger may have been military. But he now believed what she did was to save her family. "Momma, let's go." Charleshia demanded. Irma could not take much more. She grabbed the arm of the man she talked to and whispered, "Please don't let her take me."

"Ms. Irma, are you saying you want to stay here?" He asked loud enough for people to hear. She nodded. Charleshia was furious. Norman Ranch was stunned.

She attacked. "These people don't give a damn about you. I do. I've taken care of your sorry ass for years and this is the thanks I get. Momma, get your ass up and let's go." Charleshia attacked.

Two men stood in front of Irma. Marshall stood with his wife. Irma looked at him. He'd die if he left with Charleshia and she had to stop him. "Marshall come over here with me. They won't let her hurt us anymore."

Marshal was frozen. Charleshia glared at her husband. "You move and your ass will regret it." She hissed. Charleshia grabbed Marshall's arm, preventing him from moving. It was clear to everyone that witnessed this, that this was not the first time she had treated him this way.

Marshall stayed still. By now the police had arrived and Norman spoke and explained, "This woman needs to be arrested. She has threatened her mother and her husband. I believe they are being abused by her.

The officer faced Marshall and asked "Has she hurt you before, son?" Marshall looked at Charleshia as she sneered. Marshall nodded.

Charleshia charged and Marshall cried out as a clear wet spot formed in the front of his pants. He was embarrassed, and Charleshia laughed. "Look at you, you pathetic bastard. You stand here, and wet your pants like a baby." Irma moved to his side, stroking his back as several people went to find him something to change into. "It's over, Marshall. We're safe now. Charleshia can't hurt us no more."

Charleshia demanded a lawyer as she was being detained. The activist were stunned. If she was that way then maybe what they were hearing about brother had to be the same. All of the people they talked to indicated as much.

In her cell, Cynthia was preparing herself mentally for her trial. She prayed. Earlier today, her cousin visited and prayed for her. She had to believe that the truth would win and she would go home with her family. Camirra told her that Charles was recovering so, so at least she wouldn't be charged with murder.

"Mrs. Granger, I'm going home. Do you need anything?" the guard asked. She knew that this was not protocol, but this case was messed up. The man that tried to harm her family should be locked up, not her.

Cynthia faced the young guard. "No, Cindy, Thank you." The young woman left.

Meanwhile, at the motel, Irma spoke to the activist leader. "Can you stop this trial? That woman shouldn't go to jail. She didn't do anything wrong." He nodded and called their attorney.

Norman listened then he spoke honestly. "Mrs. Finch, I must be truthful. We might not be able to stop the proceedings, but we can talk to the DA Holmes and let him know what you need him to know about your son. "

Irma nodded and then Norman called the DA to request a meeting. Then they traveled over to the court. The DA was working and agreed to give them a few minutes. Irma walked in and was greeted cordially.

"DA Holmes, Thank you for agreeing to see me." Mr. Ranch started shaking the attorney's hand. Irma spoke and then both people were offered a seat.

"DA Holmes, I'm Charles's mother, and I wanted to talk to you about the case against the young woman that shot him. She was not wrong. Charles would have hurt them. I like to think it would not have gone much farther, but he is mean. She had to stop him. Can you drop the charges and let her go? " Irma asked.

"Mrs. Finch, it's not that simple. If she were regular citizen we could probably have the case dismissed, but she is ex-military, and that is the problem. Don't worry about Mrs. Granger, her lawyer will make sure she gets a fair shot." DA Holmes assured the distraught woman.

Irma sighed, as Marshall sat beside her. He too didn't want the woman to go to jail for defending her family, but he had bigger worries. Charleshia was not one to mess with. Today, Mrs. Irma really ticked her off and he knew his wife was not done. Norman could tell that the man with Mrs. Finch was worried. He knew why. Everyone witnessed his treatment by his wife. After talking with them, he was certain that they both suffered at her hands. He would not leave them at her mercy, but find some way to help.

Norman Ranch listened. For the last fifteen years of his life, he fought for justice. Police brutality, unlawful force, improper search and seizure was rampage. In quite a few cases, the person in authority, took things too far.

Over the last few days, he studied this case. At first, he talked with Charleshia and she convinced him that her brother was shot because he was set up.

Then he looked into the past and learned that C. Granger was weapons expert. Even though he broke into their house, held them captive, shot her husband, with her training, she could have simply injured him and not almost took his life.

Norman Ranch realized they were wrong, and as of tonight, his group was dropping this case. Norman Ranch thanked DA Holmes, and had a worker take them back to the hotel. Charleshia was being held overnight, and he would make sure they had some place else to go.

The group went silent. The next morning, as people arrived at the courthouse, the activist stood calm. Supporters of Cynthia Granger entered the courtroom. Then the court was called to order as the trial started.

Darius sat behind his wife. He was not budging. In a surprising move, the state stood. DA Holmes asked to approach. Both lawyers approached, when DA Holmes asked if the charges against Mrs. Granger could be dropped.

The judge was stunned. The defense lawyer said nothing, but waited. Darrius was nervous, Charleshia was pissed. She knew it; they were letting that bitch walk.

The judge told the lawyers to sit and dismissed the jury. Then DA Holmes played a video tape of a statement from Charles Finch, where he admitted his crimes. He even stated that if she had not shot him, he was going to kill each person in that house.

Charleshia was furious. The judge was flabbergasted. Never in his years on the bench had something like this happened. He sent for the jury and asked Cynthia to stand. Cynthia stood as the DA reread the charges, then he stated, "Based on evidence provided to our office as of yesterday, we can no longer charge Mrs. Granger with a crime. We move that all charges against Cynthia Granger be dropped and her record expunged."

The judge faced Cynthia and spoke. "Mrs. Granger, you are free to go. The charges against you have been dropped. Ma'am go and enjoy time with your family." The judge was about to dismiss court when Charleshia went crazy. She charged Cynthia and had to be restrained. The court officer wrestled her to the floor as Cynthia was escorted out. Chaos ensued, and reporters had a field day. Irma looked and shook her head. Who was really at fault for all of this?

Marshall walked out with her, holding her tightly. "Momma Irma, it's going to be alright now. It'll be alright." He crooned, holding the old lady to his breast.


Irma sat on a bench outside of the courtroom. A few reporters stuck cameras in her face, but she turned away and his in her son-in-law. Marshall refused to speak as well. The Grangers appeared, and the reporters went after them. Irma cried, because the nightmare was over. Charles was going to jail this time. He would be able to hurt them anymore and Camirra was home with her family. Now, she had one more person to protect.

"Momma Irma, it's over. She won't go to jail." He whispered as he hugged his mother-in-law. The judge had ordered Charleshia to be held, so this was her last chance to help Marshall get away too. She failed Camirra, but Marshall, she could help.

Everything quieted down, and the courthouse cleared. Mr. Ranch arranged transport back to their hotel where, Irma had something to give him. She was quiet, and Marshall was concerned. Irma smiled. "Marshall, you're a good man. You didn't deserve anything that Charleshia did to you. I'll be fine. I'm going to put myself in a home and that way you can be free to live your own life. She reached into her purse and gave him a heavy sack.

"Momma Irma, what's this?" he asked.

"All of the money I hid over the years. It's a little over six thousand dollars. It's not much, but it's enough for you to get away and start your life away from my daughter. Marshall, go back to your folks. Let them help you. Camirra did and you can too. They won't hold her long. When she gets out, I want you somewhere she can't hurt you anymore." Irma explained.