Into the Sunlight Ch. 05


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Happy but surprised, she wondered how he was able to purchase property so quickly. Brian hugged her and told her he'd explain later. Trusting her man was easy, but she had to call her sister about this.

Camirra answered as soon as her phone rang. "Girl, Brandon bought a house. It's a fixer upper, but he bought it for you guys. It's right down the street from Brian's house." Rory rattled on.

Camirra was surprised. She had not saved much, but she was willing to invest with him to secure a dwelling for them. She and Rory planned to get together anyway over the weekend to start planning the wedding. Everyone was coming down except Christiana. She had a new boss, and the lady would not give her the weekend off. She was happy for them and could not wait until they married.

They asked about Keith, and knew things were going well from the way Christy sighed his name. She met his parents a few months ago, and his mother loved her. She liked Keith's mother too. She could not talk long because she was at work.

Gunther visited Dawn and was heading on another long haul. Before he left he called Christy. She was upset, but pretended not to be. He was going to see her. If someone was messing with his daughter, then he was messing with them right back. Dawn told her brother to please call her and let her know what was going on. Gunther left, headed to see about Christiana.


It was cold and wet, but Rory came home that weekend. Brian and Brandon did not come because Brandon was working overtime and Brian wanted to work on some inside projects on his house. Since he and Rory were getting married, he was trying to convince her to not renew her lease and move in with him. Brandon was moving out and they would have complete privacy. Camirra had not visited to see the house Brandon purchased, but Rory took pictures. The home was lovely.

Rosa did not come home, but via video she popped in as did Christiana. Soon after everyone caught up, the girls had to sit down with their parents and talk.

Darius and Jason were so serious; it was almost scary. However, they assured them that if these guys in any way, shape form or fashion mistreated them to call. Then both guys smiled, and Darius hugged his daughters. "You girls picked two great men. They are courageous. They had to be coming to my house and asking for permission to marry my babies." Camirra gasped. She had no clue that their fiancés' asked their father's permission.

She hugged her Daddy even tighter. She knew he would always protect her. Dee and Cynthia laughed as Tyrianna and Ashleigh rushed on. The men left with one small request, "Don't bankrupt us."

Dee laughed and told them to go.

The girls didn't want a big wedding, but something more family oriented. They talked before coming and chose royal blue and silver as the colors. Their sisters, Tyrianna and Ashleigh would be bridesmaids. They would ask Christy and Rosa to be the maids of honor. Both Deidre and Cynthia would be mothers of the brides and both their Daddies had to walk them down the aisle. Darius would walk Camirra, and Jason would walk Rory.

Deidre and Cynthia were impressed. It seemed their daughters were way ahead of them. Rory looked at Camirra and faced their mothers. "Momma, Cynthia we want to have our wedding at Greater Saint Peter. Cynthia, do you think Clay would officiate? I'll call the Pastor and see if we can use the church. If not, then we would like to marry at the Regent Center. It's not really designed for this type of event, but we can decorate it."

Cynthia hugged her and whispered. "Let me call Pastor Ray. We have attended that church for years. He might not want another pastor officiating, but I'll explain why you want him. Now let me call Mysha first. Cyn wiped away a tear. "My babies are getting married."

Dee was quiet. "I know you all picked the month of July, but have you all chosen a definite date yet?"

"If we can marry at St. Peter's, we'll go with what's on their calendar. Other than that it depends on when we can schedule the ceremony." Camirra explained.

Tyrianna and Ashleigh had questions about their dresses, shoes, hair. Camirra laughed and told them they would decide later. As they talked, Derreon came in. He hugged his sisters, and congratulated them. Then his next question was "When were Brian and Brandon coming over?"

The girls laughed, and Cynthia told him to go to Derrick's house.

The girls resumed planning as Cyn made some phone calls. Pastor Ray was so accommodating in letting them use his church. Clay accepted the invitation to officiate immediately, as Mysha hurriedly congratulated the girls. The only catch was Clay wanted to counsel the couples. Other than that he had no problem officiating the event.

The day was busy. Going online, they looked at dresses, shoes, and other things. They saw the perfect maid of honor gowns for Rosa and Christy. However, they had to make sure the local bridal boutique would order them. Not wanting to order prematurely, they decided to wait until all of them were together to order.

Brian and Brandon were taking inventory at Brandon's home that he purchased. The house needed the final touches and Brandon wanted Camirra with him for those. He liked it, and hoped she would love it as well. The two men missed their women and their friends decided to cheer them up. They went out for drinks and the guys swapped stories, danced and played pool. Rory would be back soon and Camirra was moving over in a few months.

The chief headed home. He faced both young men. "The wife and I are driving over for the wedding. I like those girls. They are sweet. If you boys have any secrets, take it from an old codger like me. Tell them." He then left. The guys shared a look; they had to tell the girls one more thing. They hoped they didn't flip out and dump their behinds.

Brian sighed, "I won't lose Rory over this. If she's that upset, I'm giving my half away."

Brandon nodded, "I'm telling Camirra the truth. If she really loves me like she claims, it won't matter."

The brothers were silent. Then because his house was not completely ready, Brandon stayed with his brother. They slept each dreaming about the families they wanted in the future.


Brandon and Brian knew they had to come clean. So the next morning, they decided they needed to go and see their new family. They arrived and Camirra and Rory were surprised to see them. The men held them so close, fearing how they would react when they told them about their finances. Darius knew right away that something was wrong. Cyn touched his arm and said, "Let them deal with this."

"Baby, we need to talk." Brian whispered. Rory froze. Something was wrong. She shared a look with Camirra. Everyone left the room. Brian and Brandon handed each girl a thick black folder. Inside the folder was copies of their bank records. The girls gasped.

"Wait, what does this mean?" Camirra asked.

Brandon and Brian explained. Brandon started. "We wanted you to know the truth. Our parents died and left us several insurance policies. They had them secured so only the two of us could access them on our twenty-fifth birthday."

Brian took over, "Our uncle that raised us inherited a small policy, but had no clue we were so cared for. When we turned eighteen, a lawyer called us and some of the money was released, we used it to go to school. A few years ago, we received the rest, but left it and invested."

Camirra looked at Brandon, "I need to sign a prenup. You need to protect yourself."

Brandon spoke, "No, I love you and that's it. The money is there and we never have to really worry. All I need is for you to love me Camirra, that's all."

Camirra stroked his cheek, "I do love you. I never believed I could love someone this much. So baby, that's why I'm willing to sign a prenup. I don't want money to ever be an issue for us."

Brian and Rory were having a similar conversation.

"Rory, talk to me." Brian pleaded.

He knew her and knew she would see this as some sort of betrayal. "Do you think I want your money?"

Brain answered quickly, "No, I never thought that. That's why I never brought it up. I know you Rory; you would have never talked to me. It doesn't change anything."

"Do you really want me? With your wealth, you can have any woman you want." She looked at him, her eyes brimming with tears.

Brian wiped her tears away, "I found her in you. Camorra, you are my life." She hugged him, and he held her so close. Then she whispered, "I want a prenup. If something happens and we split up, you need to protect yourself." Brian argued against her. Finally she and Camirra admitted defeat. It seemed their twin brothers were even more stubborn than the two of them when they wanted to get their way.

They invited their parents back in and Brandon and Brian explained the situation. Darius and Jason were floored. Then they smiled, "Well sons, it seems like my girls will get their dream wedding after all."

Before Brian could speak, Jason spoke up, "As their dads, we got this. Now you two make sure they have a fantastic honeymoon."

The brothers laughed, and they stayed overnight at Camirra's apartment. The next day, the three left with Camirra promising to visit the next weekend to see the house.


Months passed, and the wedding drew near. Christy got an extended week off of work and she and Keith came home for the wedding. Christy brought her gown with her. When they arrived, they went to Marge and Marvin's first, and they welcomed them with open arms. Rosa and Felix were there and Rosa simply glowed. At eight months pregnant, she was beautiful.

Keith was quiet. The fact was he and Christy were engaged, but she didn't want to say anything. As the family talked, he walked outside. Gunther thought this was strange and joined him. The men talked and Gunther was upset. He had to talk to Christy. Before she left, his little girl would understand there was no sacrifice he would not make for her. Tomorrow after the wedding was over, he and Christy would talk.

The rehearsal dinner was flawless, as Darius and Jason both spoke to their future son-in-laws. Marvin watched his son, and knowing where he came from, he was so proud. Soon the dinner ended and the guys were having a night out. The girls had a party as well and the couples would not see each other until they were at the church the next day.

Brandon and Brian's friends planned this party, but Darius made sure they knew no strippers were allowed. The guys after meeting Darius and Gunther were terrified and followed his instructions to the letter. NO STRIPPERS So the night ended with them swapping stories and shooting pool.

Keith and Christy stayed at a local hotel, with several other guests. He was silent, but he had to ask. Tonight at the rehearsal dinner, he watched her. She was happy for her friends, but she seemed so hurt, so lost. Sitting on the bed, he had to ask once more. "Baby, why don't you want a wedding?"

Christy teared up and started to make excuses. Keith stopped her. "Don't, don't lie to me. Why?"

Christy humped her shoulders, "Because I really don't have a reason. I just don't."

Keith didn't believe her, and before he left, he'd find out the truth.

Meanwhile, Camirra and Rory were staying at their Mom's. Tyrianna and Ashleigh were so excited. The two girls chattered all night. The guys stayed with Darius. He and Derreon watched them like hawks. They were not sneaking out and seeing the girls tonight.

Dee just sat back and laughed. Soon, it was time. Jason drove the girls to the church and with Dee and Cynthia's help, they dressed. They were stunning, Camorra chose a Vera Wang Strapless Draped Lace Column Gown, white see through pumps, and her hair was styled and adorned with a lace cover crowned with Lilies. Her bouquet was a lovely arrangement of lilies and tulips.

Camirra's gown was uniquely chosen for her. She wore a Tank Lace Ball Gown with Beaded Applique

Each bridesmaid chose their own style as well. Ashleigh went with a short, royal blue high-low gown with a silver sash garnishing the waist. Tyrianna was a bit more daring, choosing a gown of the same color, but strapless with a thin silver coverlet. Both Rosa and Christy were gorgeous in their gowns, Rosa in a flowing chiffon gown, and Christy wearing a form fitting royal blue silky material. The fabric accentuates her body to sheer perfection and Keith watched her closely

Both Brandon and Brian chose similar tuxedo's. They knew their women knew them apart; it did not matter if others did not. The groomsmen were all uncomfortable. Each stood wearing a dark tux, with a collar. Christy thought Keith looked extremely handsome. He saw her and smiled and his eyes trailed her body in that dress. He noticed the guys standing with him noticed it as well.

The music started and the processional began. Tyrianna and Ashley were escorted down the aisle by friends of Brandon and Brian from their jobs Then a nervous Felix walked in. Rosa glowed as she happily walked down the aisle and took her place. They were followed by Keith and Christy, She was stunning. Keith wanted to knock out every guy that leered at her. Then he realized that she was his. In a few weeks, she'd be his bride. They took their positions, and the music changed. The soft melodic soulful sounds of a love song filled the air as both brothers looked waiting to see their life mates.

Being the oldest twin, Jason escorted Rory out first. He looked as if he was being tortured, and Brian could not stop the tears he let fall at her beauty. Not to be out done, Darius and Camirra came out and the audience was amazed at both of their beauty. Stopping at the altar, Clay asked, "Who gives these young women?"

Both Darius and Jason answered, "We do." Then they sat and the ceremony began. Clay explained the sanctity of marriages and the symbolism of the ring. The two couples listened, but only had eyes for each other.

Soon they repeated their vows and Clay instructed the males to kiss their brides. They did. After the cheers subsided, the two couples faced their family and friends and Rev. Clay introduce Mr. And Mrs. Brian Dean and Mr. and Mrs. Brandon Dean to the world. The audience cheered as both couples shared a kiss finalizing their union. For the couples, everyone else faded from view. Eventually the jeers and cheers broke through.

Facing their family and friends the couples exited the church. Followed by their bridal court, the couples made their way outside where two separate limousines waited for them. Knowing this wedding was a huge deal not only for the brides and grooms, but their families and friends as well, Clay blessed the newly joined couples.

The crowd traveled to the Regent where the reception would be held. Christy and Keith rode over together. He was quiet. She was not telling him everything. She and Rosa arrived, and with help from Keith and Felix, they awaited the arrival of the newlyweds.

As it was to be expected, the couples were a few minutes late. The girls rushed in a little dazed and embarrassed followed by their husbands who were both wearing a satisfied grin.

Felix laughed, and straightened up his face when he saw Rosa glaring at him.

The couples stood at the end of the receiving line. The guests began to walk around to congratulate the couples. After the welcoming and congratulations portion was completed, it was not time for the meal to start, but the best men had to give a toast.

Christy listened as Keith congratulated her relatives. Deep down she wanted this, but she couldn't have it. They would have a civil ceremony and she would be happy. Then dinner was served. After they are, soft music played and the couples decided to dance.

Christy stepped out as the couples danced. Keith was talking with some guys from Brandon's job. She needed air.

"Why do you not want a wedding?" Gunther asked.

"Dad, I didn't see you. We just don't have time to plan something like this. It's not that big of a deal." Christy gasped.

"Look at me, Baby girl. I know you. Since you and Rosa were girls you planned your weddings. You know I know you, right." He answered.

"Daddy, I was a kid then. I'm grown now." Christy sighed and hugged her dad. She had to protect him. If he knew the truth, he'd blame himself.

Gunther hugged her close. "You are my world, baby. I swore to you I will keep you safe. Don't close me out."

Christy sighed and hugged her father. She was fine. She loved Keith. He was the one man she waited for her whole life.

"Christy, I was looking for you." Keith stated hugging her.

The three entered the reception and one of the twins insisted on a dance with her. Keith laughed but told her to save a dance for him. Christy left and Gunther spoke. "Keith, you love her. You plan to marry her. Why have you kept quiet?"

Keith sighed, "She didn't want to detract from Camirra and Rory." Gunther nodded. Darius happened to overhear and garnered everyone's attention.

"Everyone stop. I have an important announcement." Everyone stopped moving.

"Keith, Christy, get up here." Darius called. They froze. Everyone clapped.

"Let me be the first to congratulate Keith and Christiana on their engagement." The crowd erupted.

Christy was speechless. She had not planned to announce anything. She knew her family, they'd expect a wedding. Dawn hugged her and told her she would help her plan everything. Christy hugged her aunt and whispered thank you.

The reception continued into the night until the couples left for their honeymoons.

For the first time in their thirty something is years of existence, Brian and Brandon had separate destinations. Brian and Rory were spending two weeks in Maui. Brandon and Camirra were headed to Belize. They may be twins, but they didn't have to do everything together.

The next day the guest returned home. Christy held on to Keith's hand all the way home. Since her uncle made the announcement, he looked forward to their wedding in a few weeks.


Time passed, and the family gathered for Thanksgiving once more. Brian, Brandon, Rory, and Camirra came and brought their kids. As Darius's first grandchildren the babies were spoiled rotten. Everyone was relieved that Camirra had boys while Rory had a set of girls.

Everyone arrived and shared stories. Each family member shared a memory and gave thanks for just being together. Marge once again did not cook this year. Marvin sat beside her, each grateful that through everything their family grew stronger.

This year everyone was excited, Gunther was coming and bringing a friend. Christy was nervous. As much as she encouraged her Dad to date, she was nervous about meeting the other woman in his life. Keith held her and told her it was alright. He was still her Dad.

Gunther drove up. It was obvious he had someone else in the truck. He got out, and realized he was actually nervous. When he introduced his guest, he hoped Christy liked her. After all, he spent his life trying to protect his daughter.

He opened the passenger door, and she climbed out. Everyone was stunned to see a beautiful dark-skinned woman. Dawn looked closer and she knew her. She had not seen this girl in a few decades, but when she was on the circuit, this girl was one of her best friends, Trina Lakes. The two women embraced and Dawn wanted to know everything.

The family learned that Trina and Gunther dated off and on for years. Whenever he was on the road, they often found ways to spend time together.

No more questions were asked, and the family enjoyed their dinner. There was one more thing that needed to be done. Camirra picked up her dad's basket ball and smiled at her sister, Rosa, and Christy. She then faced Trina, "So Trina," she asked, "wanna play?"