Introverted Love


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"Wow, fuck her!" Tony said, "She pushed you?!"

"No, no, she didn't push me," Millie raised her hands and pushed them down as if to tell Tony to take it easy. It had been a week since January had pulled her in for the kiss. Since then January and Millie had met once a day. January showed her some notes, Millie would say yes or make notes on them, and then Millie would leave. Millie wanted to say something about it the whole time. Every single time she saw January she wanted to get angry with her. She wanted to call her annoying.

But she didn't. Millie just watched January every time. More than all else, she wanted to kiss her again.

Now, Thursday, about a week later, Millie and her office mates were at a happy hour after work and she'd told them what happened. Except she left out the kiss.

"That's so mean," Dave said. He'd played devil's advocate for January but it seemed to be gone. Millie agreed. The part that hurt wasn't pretending like the kiss didn't happen. That behavior was to be expected from January. It was being called annoying.

"You haven't said something about it?" Alda asked. Millie shrugged,

"What is there to say?"

No one really had an answer to that.

The next day, Friday, January sat at her desk waiting for Millie to come to their regularly scheduled meeting. She'd seen the girl every day for more than a week now and every day Millie had a smile on her face. January was confused as to how or why. Millie still made small talk as if it was nothing to her. She was still trying to get to know January and it made January both uncomfortable and incredibly intrigued.

It had been a late day of working for both of them. It was almost seven when Millie walked into the room. "Hey January," she said, "Jan Jan. Janorino. Okay, I'll stop. What've you got for me?" January looked down and hid the bit of smile her lip gave off. She gave Millie some schedules and Millie signed off on them no problem. "Alright, you have a great weekend." Millie said, smiling wide and heading to the door. But then, the girl paused. January watched as Millie turned around, biting her lip. The action made January tingle a little. She knew this would come eventually. She was surprised it took this long.

"I..." Millie started. January watched her intently. "I'm sorry if this is weird. Or rude. But, I find it strange that we haven't talked about what happened last week or the fact that, I mean, we..." Millie looked at the floor for the rest of her statement, "...kissed. But more importantly you, when you called me annoying that was kinda hurtful and I was just hoping."

"Dinner?" January said suddenly and flat. Millie looked up and met her eyes.


"Dinner." January said again, though this time as a statement. She stood up, adjusting her button down shirt and smoothing out her jeans. She grabbed a jacket and headed to the door.

"Oh, like, now?" Millie asked.

"Mhm," January responded and kept walking.

"Oh, um, o-okay," Millie said, laughing a bit and grabbing her things quickly to follow January out of the building.

Millie got in January's car and watched her as she drove, still a bit shocked to speak. January drove so casually. As if it was effortless. She never cut anyone off and got in lanes as early as she could, not minding traffic or longer wait times. She was patient with it all. Finally, Millie built up the nerve. "So where are we going?"

"Rosa's," January responded.

"Oh, I like that place," Millie smiled, sitting back. She looked at January again, "So, is this like, an apology?"


Millie smiled, "Well, accepted. Already! You really don't have to-"

"Seat belt," January said. Millie looked down.

"Oh, sorry. I'm usually pretty good about that." Millie couldn't find words for the rest of the drive, but she breathed and calmed down about it. If there was anyone to share a car with and not feel odd about not talking, it was January. Is this...Millie found herself thinking, Is this like...a date?

They got to Rosa's and January got out of the car quickly, walking ahead. Millie scurried out and after her into the restaurant. By the time she was inside January was already being led to a table and Millie followed. They sat at a table in the middle of the crowded Mexican restaurant. Not really romantic, but fun.

The two snacked on chips, Millie sneaking peeks at January who seemed to be perfectly content looking down at the chips and salsa, though she ate very little compared to Millie.

"Talk," January suddenly said. She looked up at Millie with her elbow on her table, propping her chin up on her hand. Millie blinked a couple times.

"Um, about, what?" She asked. She was having a hard time concentrating. January had never given her this much attention.

January just shrugged. Millie racked her mind for something to talk about but was unnerved and feeling a little red with January's gaze on her. When she looked up again to meet the redhead's eyes, though, her eyes didn't make it all the way up.

January was smiling. It wasn't huge. It was closed lipped. It didn't turn up very much. But it was both corners, just slightly, and it was real. Millie could tell. It reached the pale woman's grayish blue eyes and made them sparkle in a way that didn't quite shine, but shimmered. It was oddly reassuring. As if Millie could say nothing wrong.

So she talked. "Um, my mom's coming into town in a month or so." January didn't make a move to talk but Millie felt like she was listening. "I was thinking of taking her to a play, she really likes theater, but I can't really find anything good in my price range. Um, what else...uhh...oh last night for dinner I made-"

"Go back," January said.

"Wha-go...?" Millie looked for some kind of sign in January's face but of course there wasn't one. "Um, I mean, She's cool, I guess. She's my mom." January's eyes didn't leave her, she felt like she was supposed to keep going. "We're...we're not that close. She's kind of...critical, I guess. And traditional. In college I took home a, well, a girlfriend." Millie searched once again but found nothing in January's face when she said 'girlfriend'. "And my mom kind of flipped. It's a little tough when she comes around, I'm kind of the disappointing child, but it's not a big deal..."

Millie continued speaking and January was entranced. She was trying to quell a part of her that was trying to learn more and more about the girl, but she was losing. Her smile left her though, as the waitress came by.

"What'll it be for you two tonight? She asked. January motioned for Millie to go first.

"I'll just take chipotle salad," Millie smiled at her.

"Same, please," January said, and the waitress nodded and left.

It wasn't lost on Millie the way January's smile would leave when someone came near, but returned when it was just the two of them. She'd be lying if she said it didn't feel nice having this kind of attention.

The meal went on and Millie continued to talk. She showed January pictures of her dog and her family. She talked about a couple stories with Tony, Dave, and Alda. She talked a bit about college and her hobbies and her favorite movies. January would occasionally tell her to go back if she wanted more on a topic, but usually Millie was free to go back and forth as she pleased.

When the waitress brought the check Millie was quick to pick it up. "We'll just split, okay?" She said, feeling January would try to pay for her. January nodded, but when Millie handed her the check January pulled Millie's card out, put her own in, and handed it to the waitress walking by. Millie pouted but it gave way to a smile quickly, "Thank you."

As the pair left the restaurant a few minutes later the waitress suddenly popped through the door behind them and yelled, "Thank you so much!" Millie looked at January whose face revealed nothing. How big was her tip? Millie wondered.

On the car ride back Millie felt nervous again. Like she'd been on a date and was about to go home and maybe get a good night kiss. Instead they drove back to work to a now mostly empty parking lot. January pulled right next to Millie's car and spoke.

"They are important. Your problems, I mean. They're important."

Millie sat there in wonderment at how many words January had said. She barely even remembered, but she had been dismissing some of the more serious things she'd talked about as not important. Before she could figure out a response January spoke again.

"I'm sorry I said that. I say things like that, 'annoying'. I don't mean them."

Even more words. Millie smiled really big and asked, "Are you sorry for kissing me?"

January stayed silent, looking out the windshield. Millie smiled, "Me neither," she said and got out of the car. "Goodnight January."


Millie and January each thought about the events of that night all weekend. January replayed every word Millie had said. Her incredible memory worked to allow her to remember almost every one.

Millie remembered the night as well, but slightly less innocently. She would remember the curves of January's face, the way she smiled. The drive back. What she wished she'd done when they'd parked.

Sunday, a package arrived at Millie's door. Inside she found a small chew toy and a note. "My neighbor's dog loves these, hopefully Stitch does too.- January." Millie gave the toy to her dog, Stitch, shocked January would remember his name let alone send this. Millie walked about her apartment and held the note to her face. She could almost smell January on it. Why didn't I kiss her? She berated herself.

Monday morning January sat at her desk and typed away at an email. The door opened unexpectedly and Millie walked in. January hadn't expected it and a smile played at her lips just as it had at the restaurant. She stopped her typing and looked up at Millie.

"Hey January," Millie said as she walked in. She was wearing a fun little dress. It was deep blue with a pattern along the midriff that showed skin in the gaps of the pattern. The top half was tight and accentuated her very ample bust considerably. January swallowed a little watching Millie bounce to her desk.

Millie sat across from January and stretched out her shoulders, her breasts rising and falling as she did. January didn't look or stare or ogle, her face stayed solid as usual, but her peripherals worked hard to see what they could

"I thought I would see if you were ready for me, or if not, just say hi," Millie said with a smile, "And Stitch says thank you for the gift." Millie sat back and moved her shoulders and neck in a circle again real fast.

"Do they hurt?" January asked. Millie was surprised, she didn't expect a response. Although, she didn't really get one.

"Yeah," she replied, "I spend a lot of time hunched on my laptop in bed so my shoulders and neck kind of get messed up."

January stood up and walked. Millie was now admiring her coworker. She wore a very different kind of dress. One that was tight all the way down to her knees, hugging every curve. January double checked her blinds, making sure they were shut, and Millie couldn't help having her eyes glued to January's butt. January then walked around the desk behind Millie. She took Millie's hair in her hands, scratching gently with short nails up Millie's scalp, and gathering the hair, using a hair tie around her own wrist to tie Millie's hair up into a bun.

Millie sighed as January's hands played in her hair then tied her hair up tight. She bit her lip, feeling January's fingers trace back down her neck and on her shoulders. Clutching the seat, Millie sat still as January pulled at the fabric of her dress, slipping it down off her to expose her shoulders. Then she sucked in air hard at the sensation as January's strong, soft fingers pressed into the base of her neck.

"Mmm," Millie let out involuntarily at the sudden massage. It wasn't very hard or fast. January was easing her into it and Millie was thankful for it. January's fingers pressed into her naturally bronzed skin, creating ripples and pushing them along the muscles along her shoulders. January's four fingers took hold of the front of her shoulders and thumbs pressed into her back. Millie let out a series of content sighs and the occasional, involuntary full-on, but short, moan, as January's soothed her.

"That's...that's good," Millie said, feeling selfish, "Thank you." January didn't listen. Her eyes were locked on her hands and she could feel herself growing beneath the dress but her lust was driving her now.

"You should use your desk more," January said, her hands moving forward a bit. They found Millie's upper chest and made small circles there. The sensation made Millie's eyes flutter shut. Her heavy breasts made the upper chest have constant stress and attention there felt incredible in both a soothing but also a slightly toe curling way.

"Yeah I sh-sh...should...oh my god..." Millie couldn't hold it together very well. January's hands had invaded past the neckline of her dress into her bra. The soft hands were now holding and morphing and massaging the soft flesh of Millie's breasts. Millie could feel her insides doing leaps and bounds in anticipation. She could feel herself getting hot and wet. If January touched her nipples she had no idea how she was going to contain herself. Her head drifted back and rested against January, only to feel...a bulge.

Millie picked up her head and turned around but January pulled her hands away. She walked quickly to the other side of the desk, so fast Millie could barely keep up as January sat back down. "Leave," January said.

"Wait, what?" Millie protested. She stood and leaned over the desk, pulling up her dress as she did, "January, I-"

"Get out!"

Millie took a step back. "O-okay." And she quickly left.


"Why do you ask?" Alda asked back.

"Have you?" Millie asked again. It had been three days since the incident in January's office. Millie hadn't been called in for a meeting since.

"I mean, yeah. Once. There aren't exactly a lot of them."

"What is it...what are they like?"



Alda shrugged, "I mean, for the most part, they're women. They're very...analogous, to women. They just happened to have just one part replaced, right between their legs."

"So it works like a guy?"

"No it's- okay, listen." Millie got situated in her chair. Tony and Dave were out to lunch and Millie had asked Alda to stay back with her. "Futas are women. They prefer to be called and treated as women. Their, uh, members, don't behave like a normal man's. It's like a man's but with female properties. So some can go many, many times in a row. They taste more like a woman than a know, down there. When I was with one she, well, you know, moaned more like a woman. Not to make any generalizations or anything. Also, most tend to, uh...finish in higher amounts each time if they go a bunch in a row."

"Wait, what?" Millie said.

"Okay, maybe that's not exactly analogous, just let me keep going. They almost all have some sort of hormonal imbalance but it works in their favor. For example, the one girl I was with, she couldn't grow any hair below her eyebrows basically. Which is cool depending on who you ask, I guess."


"Okay," Alda said, "So now you have to tell me why you want to know."

Millie sighed, looked around, and whispered, "January."



"How'd you find out?"

"We've kind of been...touching? I don't know, it's hard to explain."

Alda cocked her head, "Well start!"

Millie explained her situation. "I won't lie," Alda said, "That sounds kinda fun..."

Millie laughed, "I know but now I feel like I hurt her feelings."

"Then tell her you didn't mean to."

Millie blinked a couple times. "That's, that's actually a really good idea."

Alda nodded, "I'd go. Like, now."

"Oh, right," Millie nodded back and left the office. It was lunch time, so Millie figured she'd find January in the cafeteria, but she wasn't there. Going to her office, Millie knocked and then turned the knob but it was locked. Millie called inside the room quietly. "January?" No response. Millie felt disheartened and left.

Inside the room January ate a salad she'd packed from home. She wanted no business with Millie. She couldn't bear to know what would happen to the strange relationship the two now shared. It was perfect in her mind, so she didn't want anything to mess that up. She was also angry with herself for letting it get as far as she did. Her feelings had gotten the best of her.

When the day ended January went to her car. It was almost 9 and a Thursday. People tended to be cleared out by now. As she got closer to her car though, she saw someone next to it, leaning against the driver-side door. Millie.

January watched as Millie's big smile appeared when she arrived. Millie's eyes went up and down January's body, staying between her legs for a moment. January held her briefcase with both hands in front of her to hide it, though there was nothing to see at the moment.

"Is that why you're so shy?" Millie finally spoke. Millie had been thinking about that. Futas were about one in 500,000 according to her research.

January just shrugged.

"I didn't like you cause of your body," Millie said, "I like you cause you're sweeter than you seem, at least I think. You've done amazing things for amazing causes. And when I talk I feel like you're really listening." Millie bit her lip, "But, also, I was initially attracted to you physically. Like a perfect human woman..." Millie paused for a long time, "I still am."

January's eyes finally looked up to meet Millie's. The small smile she gave only Millie had returned. Inside, January felt nothing but relief. She walked around to the passenger side and opened it, to which Millie quickly took the hint and started bouncing in her seat in excitement.

Millie talked January's ear off with the events of her week as January drove them both to her apartment. Every word cemented into January's brain, every syllable. Every move of Millie's lips and tongue soaked in when she stopped at red lights.

Ten minutes later they were at January's apartment. January walked straight into her room, shutting and locking the door behind her. She dropped her work clothes to the ground along with her bra and put on a large t-shirt and pajama pants. She grabbed a similar outfit for Millie in smaller clothes. They were her little sister's clothes that January had a few of for whenever her sister visited.

Millie was busy in the living room and kitchen marveling. The apartment was gorgeous and homey. She loved everything about how it was decorated. The bookcases were full of books and blu-rays. The little window perch for reading. The massive kitchen. The big desk area in the corner for working. She sat on the couch and it was even comfier than she expected. She popped up when January's bedroom door opened. January had walked out with a usual sullen face but the moment her eyes met Millie's her small smile reappeared. Millie's own smile just got bigger. "Make yourself at home," January said.

January laid out some clothes for Millie. They were very much pajamas and Millie went to the bathroom and changed inside. She wondered if she should keep her bra on or not but she decided she would. When she came out she immediately went into a conversation (one-sided as it was) about how much she loved January's apartment. January moved about the kitchen preparing a dinner.

"I'm sorry," Millie said a little while later, glass of wine in her hand, "Do you need some help? I'm a pretty good cook." January seemed to be making basic spaghetti, but she was making the pasta by hand right in the kitchen.