Introverted Love


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"No," January said, "Thank you." She bopped Millie from over the counter on the nose, leaving a little flour on it. Millie giggled and walked about the apartment. She wanted to learn anything she could but there weren't really pictures to be found. Nothing personal to be found, really. "Put on a movie," January said again from the kitchen.

She's talking so much, Millie thought, excited. Millie looked through the collection and found one she'd been meaning to see for a while, starting it on the massive screen. About thirty minutes later Millie was engrossed with the movie, but a bowl of something that smelled incredible was placed in front of her. When she looked down for a second she saw a bowl of pasta. January sat on the other edge of the couch, pasta bowl in one hand and fork in the other, her legs up so the soles of her feet touched Millie's thighs. Millie smiled at her and picked up the food, "Thanks this smells amazing."

It was. Millie couldn't put her finger on why the pasta had been so good. She supposed the ingredients were just that fresh. Millie continued to watch the movie as she ate. She noticed January finish much quicker and realized how much bigger of a portion she'd been given. She realized in that moment how healthy January tended to eat, and in how much moderation. Millie was thankful for her metabolism at that moment. She wouldn't have the willpower not to eat as much of the spaghetti as humanly possible.

As Millie ate, January picked up a book and laid it in her lap. Millie could feel January's eyes on her, and she'd occasionally look over and make eye contact. January would just smile a bit more, but keep watching her. It made Millie blush.

They sat there as the movie continued, January reading her book while Millie watched, at ease.

As the movie neared an ending Millie got more comfortable. From under her shirt she removed her bra, pulling it out with ease. "Things you learn at camp," she laughed to January. She laid down herself, her legs sliding in next to January's. She never found out how the movie ended. Her eyes fluttered shut, the feeling of January's warmth against her, and she fell asleep.

January smiled a little more when she noticed this. She pulled a small quilt off the back of the couch and covered both their legs. Then she rested her head sideways onto the cushion and slept herself.

The next morning January awoke first and was completely showered, dressed, and ready for the day before Millie was even awake. She gently shook Millie's shoulder and woke her up. She couldn't help but watch the unimpeded breasts under Millie's shirt move and press and stretch at the fabric.

The two ate breakfast together, simple bowls of cereal. Millie asked things through it, most getting a nod, a head shake, a shrug, or no answer if it wasn't 'yes or no'. As they were leaving the apartment back to the car, she asked. "Did you ever ask your parents why they named you January? I mean, I stalked you online a bit and saw you were born January 1st but is that the only reason. Like if you were born a bit earlier would you have been named December? Or was there more of a reason?"

"New beginnings," January said. Millie looked at her surprised she got a response.

" represented new beginnings?" January nodded. They were just getting to the car and January opened Millie's door for her. Millie gave her a little hug around her shoulders. She was happy in that moment that January wasn't too much taller than her, it was nice to be able to stay level and give her a proper hug.

"I think they were right," Millie said, getting in the car. January closed the door and walked around the back with a smile.

January drove Millie to her apartment so she could get ready for the day. When Millie got out of the car she looked back to see January sitting in the car. Millie skipped back and knocked on the passenger side window. "Well come in!" She said, and it was her turn to walk away quickly. January swallowed a little and went inside with Millie.

January liked Millie's place. It was covered in pictures. Photography and personal photos. Friends, family. It was more girly than January expected as well. But at the same time, it kind of fit.

Millie came out of her room about 30 minutes later, hair wet and wearing large glasses. January sat on the arm of the couch and watched her walk to the kitchen to get a bottle of water. She was a fan of the glasses. Millie drank half the bottle and then put it down, "Sorry, super thirsty. I look weird, I almost always shower at night and I slept with my contacts in so I need to give my eyes a break."

January just shrugged. Millie took it to say, "Doesn't matter, it looks fine."

"I think I'm getting pretty good at reading you," Millie said as she grabbed her bag. She walked over and stood by January. "Can I come over again tonight?"

January looked in Millie's eyes and nodded.


Two nights later Millie was at January's place yet again. It was Saturday. She'd spent the night but now had no rush to leave. January had given her a toothbrush and let her use her shower, Millie having brought clothes to wear. They spent the day lazing about the apartment. January spent a lot of time in her window perch, reading. Millie would interrupt her at times, wanting to talk, and January would always put the book down each time. Millie spent most of the afternoon making cookies and cupcakes for a friend's birthday. She told January basically everything about her life that day. From sunrise to sunset and much farther. By the time they agreed to sleep it was almost 4am. Millie got on the couch where they had been sleeping but January took her hand and led her to the bedroom.

"Your neck," January said, referring to Millie's constantly sore neck and shoulders.

"Oh," Millie said, saddened by not getting to share the couch, "I'll be fi-" but January shut the door. Millie was sad, but thankful. The bed was ridiculously comfortable and her neck had been hurting. This girl has incredible taste, was the last thing she remembered thinking.


One week later Millie was waking up on a Monday morning in January's bed. She'd spent so many nights here that scent of January that was originally on it had sadly faded. She brushed her teeth and put on some pants (she preferred to sleep without) and went to the living room. January was still in her pajamas as well, but looked fresh, most likely having freshened up in the other bathroom already.

"Morning Janie," Millie said, yawning and stretching. She'd taken to calling January Janie off an on and met no objection from her friend. She caught January's eyes looking at her midsection as the shirt raised and exposed it when Millie's arms stretched up. The day before the pair had gone on a hike, to the gym and then out to dinner before finally returning home. Well, not home, but here, Millie thought. She had barely been to her apartment except to grab things for over a week. She hadn't spent a night there since the first night she'd spent at January's place.

Millie poured herself a cup of milk and made some toast. She took it to the coffee table, sitting so her back was against the couch and legs under the table. She looked up to see January looking at her from the window nook. Millie smiled. Then she noticed a small box on the table with a bow on it.

"What's this?" Millie asked. She opened the box and inside were two small strips of paper. Tickets.

"A play?" Millie asked.

"For you and your mom," January responded.

"Oh," Millie tilted her head and looked at January with admiration, "That's...that's so sweet. Thank you. How did you even remember that?" Millie looked at the tickets and put them back in the box.

"You know, I've been thinking," Millie started as she finished her food and stood. She went over to the window and knelt by it, looking up at January. "I don't think you're shy so much as you prefer to stay quiet. And I don't think it's because of your body, I think it's just how you are."

January soaked in the words. They were fairly accurate.

"And," Millie continued, "I think that's just fine. I know people have probably told you that you should talk more, but I think you should talk as much as you feel like it."

"I talk most with you," January said. It caught Millie off guard, making her blush.

"Well, that's nice. I'm glad. But don't feel like you have to, you know." Millie took January's hand in hers, "I just...I wanted to say that I don't know if I can keep staying here like this."

January's small smile Millie had gotten used to faded.

"No, wait," Millie said, "It's just, listen. I have such a good time here. I love being lazy and hanging around here with you and doing all this cool stuff. Like yesterday, a hike? I never do hikes but that was so much fun I'm glad we did it. The thing is I just feel...selfish."

January's eyebrow perked as if to ask for more explanation. So Millie continued.

"I just feel like I'm getting so much out of being here. I have so much fun but, I don't know. I feel like I'm getting more out of it."

January looked at Millie and turned in her nook, her legs landing on either side of Millie's body. She held Millie's face in her hands and bent down slightly, their faces about a foot apart. Millie couldn't help but remember their kiss. The hands felt just like this. It made her body tingle.

January took a deep breath and spoke. "I just always want to look at you," she said. To Millie's wonder she kept going to string together more words Millie had ever heard her speak at once. "I feel more comfortable with you around. And warm. I feel more like myself, more even than when I'm alone."

For over a week January had resisted. Kept herself at bay. Not wanting to be the one to make the move. She didn't want to push this girl into anything. She didn't want to make Millie feel like she had some sort of obligation.

Millie, on the other hand, just couldn't make the first move. She never had been able to, her whole life. As open and bubbly as she was she was always too nervous and afraid of the rejection.

January broke first.

She pulled on Millie slightly and leaned in, her lips touching Millie's softly for just a moment, as if to see if one of them would pull away. When no one did, they both pressed into the kiss earnestly.

Their lips pressed and formed to each other. They finished one and went straight for another, tilting their heads slightly, feeling even more of each other's lips, catching each other off center in a new angle. Then another. And another. They breathed in together and let out soft sighs into each other. Millie was the first to open her mouth slightly and January accepted quickly, now kissing wider. January ended up kissing Millie's bottom lip as Millie took January's top one. Millie's hands went to January knees and she raised herself up till she was level with the redhead, then they both stood and walked/backed up to the couch where Millie fell back onto, finally breaking their lips.

Not for long though. January climbed up to straddle Millie's waist and kissed her again, her hand reaching back into Millie's hair and stroking Millie's cheek with her thumb. She kissed the girl under her again but got mostly teeth as Millie was smiling wide into the kiss.

"Sorry," Millie said.

"I like it," January said, kissing her more, making Millie laugh and wriggle in the ticklish pecks. January took hold of Millie's face as she laughed and gave her a wide kiss, her tongue moving in. This quelled Millie's laughter and turned it into raw arousal as she felt January's tongue briefly touch her own and then glide off her lips.

"Oh my god," Millie whispered, "More."

They kissed and kissed, their tongues now dueling and dancing and dashing across each other. January threw the back cushions off the couch for more room. Her mouth left Millie's who whimpered in protest, but stopped when she felt January's lips on her cheek, then moving down. January's hand stroked Millie's stomach inside her shirt as her lips reached Millie's neck.

Millie gripped January's back tight as she felt the kisses touch her neck. Each one sent a tingling sensation through her, and when January's tongue started joining the fun it made her squirm and shudder. She could feel herself getting more and more turned on; She couldn't take it. Her knees squeezed together and her legs twisted themselves into knots trying to get release.

January's lips moved down Millie's neck as her hand moved up her stomach. Please, Millie thought, wanting the two to meet in the middle.

They did.

Millie felt the hand first, cupping her breasts, pushing it up as the other one pulled the shirt up. January had to pause for a moment to marvel at the two orbs. They were big but not in a disproportionate way. "You're so beautiful," January said, and Millie felt herself practically gush at the words.

January's mouth worshipped Millie's chest. Millie held her friend's red locks from her face and cradled her head into her chest as January made the shorter girl moan and squirm beneath her.

"Oh god," Millie let out, as January's tongue, which had been circling her hardened nipple, finally found it. She pushed the breasts together and used her tongue to tease both nipples, finally choosing one to suck on gently. "That feels so good January," Millie moaned.

January switched to the other nipple as she finally let herself down onto Millie. Millie's eyes went wide as she felt January's hard member along the side of her thigh. I want it, flashed through her mind.

But at this moment she was almost more focused on the hand making its way down her body and into her pajama pants. It cupped her mound over her panties, eliciting a loud moan from her.

January watched Millie's face through it all. She could feel the dampness on Millie's panties and wanted to go in, but decided to tease her a little, gliding her fingers along the fabric. Millie continued to hold January's head through the motions, whispering, "Please." January caved quickly. Her hand explored into Millie's panties, prompting Millie to open her legs further. Delicate, firm fingers explored her folds making her grip into January's hair.

The rest didn't take long. January's finger moved inside Millie, who moaned out in a giant smile and relief as the finger moved inside her. "Fuck, oh my god," She let out. She pawed at January's body as the feelings between her legs started to overtake her. She shook and tightened around the finger within thirty seconds, feeling the gates within her take more and more until finally, they broke.

"Ahh!" Millie screamed. January couldn't believe that even now, in the heights of pleasure, Millie was smiling, practically laughing, with the moans. It was the most beautiful, sensual, arousing thing she'd ever seen. She felt like a rock between her legs. But she didn't let any of it distract her. Her finger continued and her mouth sucked once more until she felt Millie's hands pull her up and the two of them resumed their kiss as January's hand pleasured Millie's pussy for as long as Millie allowed it.

"Don't....stop..." Millie moaned against January's lips. January continued kissing around Millie's lips. Millie would occasionally pucker and she would kiss her again until the pleasure got the better of her and she would have to break it, leaving January to watch and kiss around her face once more. January felt the tightening renew and wasn't sure if Millie's orgasm was just riding a long while or if she was in another. It was approaching at least a minute, maybe a minute and half. "I can't...I can't...I can't stop," Millie moaned, almost sounding scared.

"Then don't," January whispered. The words made Millie start again anew, her legs wrapping around the hands and pressing up and down a couple times. Yet another wave began before the last one had really crashed. January put her forehead to Millie's and they looked into each other's eyes as Millie went through one more cycle and came down from it, panting heavily, her wits slowly returning to her. Once she was coherent enough, though not quite done, her hands came up and practically slapped onto January's cheeks, pulling her in to kiss her deeply. Making "mm" sounds into the kiss.

She broke the kiss and looked into the blue eyes above her, "You're so sexy," she whispered, reaching down. But January stopped her. Millie moaned in protest and tried again, but was stopped again. "We have to go to work baby," January said.

"Boo," Millie pouted, but a smile quickly came back to her from hearing January call her 'baby. She nodded and kissed January deeply one more time.


Later that month Millie skipped into January's office. The last month had been blissful. The pair spent every moment together. Millie vented her frustrations during her mother's visit to January. January even shared a couple of personal details. Millie learned she had a sister, and had lost both her parents.

On the physical side not much advanced. The two would make out for hours and often Millie would get completely naked. January would touch and kiss her everywhere, but January never partook.

January looked up at her and smiled but Alda walked in behind Millie and the smile faded for a moment. When Millie spoke it returned.

"Hi January," Millie said, "I need some signatures." January signed them and gave the forms back and they both left.

"Wow, she smiles when you're there," Alda said.

"Take these back for me," Millie asked her, "I want to talk to her."

Alda nodded and Millie went back into the office. "So," she said, "Guess who got fingered by a hot girl this morning."

January furrowed her brow as Millie sat on the desk right in front of her, scooching her laptop out of the way. Millie's legs were spread open, her panties visible underneath the dress. January couldn't help but notice it was that same blue dress Millie had worn the day of the massage.

"This is a place of business," January said flatly. They had never fooled around in the office, except a few times when Millie had laid a quick peck on January's cheek.

"Oh," Millie looked down. She started to slide off the desk when she felt hands on her thighs, spreading them open. A smile returned to her face as January stood and kissed her. God her lips are like heaven, Millie thought. January sat back down and held Millie's thighs tight, the flesh molding in her hand. Millie was a naturally in shape person, more thick than she was toned, the opposite of January yet again, but January loved it.

She raised Millie's thighs in the air slightly, letting the dress fall further, then slid her chair forward on its wheels and bent at the waist, planting a kiss right onto the black cloth of Millie's panties.

"Janie!" Millie yelped, startled.

"Ssh," January hushed her. Millie looked around but of course no one was there. January licked her panties making Millie whimper. They were already wet without the lick and now she couldn't tell how much was her. January looked up at her with shimmering eyes and Millie almost swooned outwardly. How is someone this beautiful doing this to me? She thought. The thought was interrupted by a sudden pulling aside of her underwear and a direct contact, slow lick up her sex.

"Oh fuck!" Millie let out, then clamped a hand over her mouth. January looked up at Millie again and felt her heart beating faster and faster. Her mouth was filled with Millie's taste and it made her so...hungry.

She dove in.

Her mouth lay kisses and licks and devoured Millie for everything she was worth. Millie squirmed above her, muffled moans emanating as January selfishly ate at her. January was barely even thinking about Millie's pleasure, she just wanted more. That taste was consuming her mind and making her singularly focused.