Invisible In Plain Sight


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Amy eventually eased herself back from me, but still in my arms. Her gorgeous green eyes looked teary and exhausted but happy at the same time. I had to ask her something.

"How is your Dad?"

A smile crept across Amy's lips.

"He is going to be ok. He is awake and talking... It was close. We almost lost him. He's had bypass surgery, but he is going to recover well." Amy replied and sighed. It looked as though she had the weight of the world on her shoulders. She looked into my eyes with a quizzical countenance on her face.

"Josh... where are you staying tonight?"

"I've just booked a room at that hotel we stayed at when we came down here for Julia's wedding... What were you coming down here for?"

"I was going to go back to Mum and Dad's." She sighed. "I was going to go there as I've had more than enough of being here in hospital... and I was going to try and reach you... But I don't have to do that now because you're here." She replied, squeezing me tighter. "Can I stay with you tonight?"

"Of course. I'd love that. But what about your Mum?"

"Hayley is up there with her. They were staying a while longer before going home."

With that we headed out to the carpark hand in hand. Amy went to her car and I went to mine. We took our own cars and soon met at the hotel, where I went and checked in. We dropped my stuff in the room and went for some dinner.

We sat together as we ate in relative silence. Sitting so close I noticed Amy looked exhausted. This whole ordeal with her dad had obviously taken its toll on her. We were finishing up when she spoke up.

"Honey can I borrow your phone. I just want to tell Mum and Hayley where I am."

"Sure." I replied as I got my phone out. On the lock screen was a picture of Amy and me together at the wedding looking great all dressed up. I handed it to her. "Where's your phone?" I asked.

Amy looked at me and gave a rueful smile.

"I left it at home in the panic to get down here when I heard Dad was crook. By the time I realised I'd left it behind I was on the freeway down here... and I wasn't turning around to get it."

Amy rang her sister and told them where she was. I was sure I could hear her sister sounding very excited when Amy said she was with me. She finished the call and gave me my phone back.

"Well there will be plenty of messages from me on your phone when you look at it next."

Amy reached out and took my hand.

"Thank you Josh... I love you."

"I love you too."

We left the restaurant and returned to our hotel room. Amy went and had a shower as I sorted my things out. She didn't have anything of her own with her, except the clothes she was wearing and her handbag. I put one of my t-shirts out for her to sleep in and she thanked me for this. By the time I finished in the shower Amy was in the bed dozing. She looked angelic laying there, her red hair spread out on her pillow, her face with a contented look.

I turned the bedside lights off and the room was now dark. Moving the covers back I climbed into bed. Amy stirred as I did this. She smiled at me and snuggled into me, laying her head on my shoulder and chest as she often did. I kissed her hair and she moved even closer to me, making herself comfortable. My right arm was around her and was tracing up and down her back, just the way she liked it. Amy tilted her head up and we kissed.

"I still can't believe you're here. I missed you so much Josh and I couldn't reach you..."

"I missed you too Gorgeous. I thought the worst when you hadn't answered my messages after our fight the other night. It was even worse when I went to work this morning and you weren't there."

Amy cuddled into me as I said this. "I'm sorry for our fight too... I love you so much and I didn't want to lose you."

"You won't lose me. I never want to lose you. You know I love you don't you Amy?"

"Oh I do Josh. I will never doubt it again. I love you so much."

"I won't doubt it either. I love you." I replied before kissing her hair again.

This kiss seemed to ease Amy's mind. Taking a deep breath she seemed to purr as she rested on me. Her body relaxed as she slowly fell asleep, her breathing smooth and rhythmical, her beautiful face a picture of contentment. Pretty soon my breathing fell in time with hers. Her scent filled my senses and the warmth from her body seemed to warm my soul. My eyes felt heavy and began to close. A smile crept over my face. I had everything I ever wanted right here in my arms.


My slumber stirred as I felt a tickling on my face. Opening my eyes I realised it was Amy's hair that was tickling my nose. I was curled up behind her, my arm draped over her, the big spoon to her little spoon. Daylight was creeping through the curtains. As I blinked my eyes, smiling at having my Amy curled up with me, I felt something.

Amy was ever so slightly moving her hips. Her gorgeous panty covered bum was moving against my groin. My physical reaction to her slight gyrations was becoming increasingly prominent. I moved my hips a little closer to her and she increased her movements.

Moving her long hair gently away from her neck, I began to kiss her in one of her favourite places. My lips and tongue tasted the soft skin of her neck and Amy quietly groaned. I slid my right hand up over her t-shirt from her tummy until I cupped her full breast. Running my fingers lightly over her nipple I could feel it harden under my touches. My own hardness was now tenting my boxer shorts as her movements increased.

Kissing her neck, Amy started to squirm against me and audibly moan. I edged even closer to her. Her bum rubbing against my erection felt wonderful and I wanted even more. I began to move my hips in time to Amy's movements, while still kissing and nibbling her neck. My hand switched to her other breast and her nipple reacted to my touches as well. Just then Amy properly stirred.

"Mmmm Ohhhh fuck Josh.... I want you." Were the first words that passed her lips.

Amy rolled around in my arms until she was facing me. She mashed her mouth onto mine kissing me hard, her tongue instantly playing with mine. My hands slid down her back and grabbed her bum. I squeezed her gorgeous cheeks. Amy hooked a leg over me and I ground against her. My hardness rubbed directly against her panty covered mound. She moaned into my mouth as our mutual excitement aroused each other to greater heights.

Somehow her hand manoeuvred between us and her fingers were stroking my excitement over my boxers. I had my hands inside the back of her panties, her soft cheeks under my palms. As our kisses increased in passion I tried to pull her panties down. Amy squeezed my now rock hard erection and eased her mouth off mine.

"You take yours off and I'll do mine." She breathed.

"Done" I replied, pulling my hands from the back of her underwear.

In a flurry of movement under the covers, we were both naked in no time flat. On our sides facing each other we kissed again. Our bodies moved against one another and I was very excited. My fingers strayed down Amy's body and between her thighs. I could feel she wanted me as much as I wanted her. She shuddered at my touch, kissing me even harder.

Amy hooked her leg over me and we rolled together until I was on top of her. She reached between us and guided me where we both wanted me to be. I pushed inside her, feeling her opening to accept me. As I did Amy clung to me. Once I was completely enveloped by her, she kissed me with a long sensual kiss. When we finished she looked into my eyes.

"I love you Josh."

"I love you Amy."

With that we made love.


Once we were both emotionally sated, we cleaned up and readied ourselves for the day. Amy had spoken to her mum while I was in the shower and her father was doing well this morning. Her mother insisted that I should stay the night with them on the farm if I was staying another night. Amy thought this was a good idea too, so I went and checked out of the hotel, before we headed out for breakfast.

Seated together at the café, Amy seemed to have a ravenous appetite. She had told me how worried and stressed she had been. I commented that she had looked tired yesterday when I first saw her, but she looked much more he usual self today. She moved closer to me and kissed me.

"I don't feel stressed anymore. Dad's going to be alright... and the love of my life is with me."

"You are most definitely the love of my life Amy."

We chatted about this and that for a little while before Amy's eyes lit up.

"I never asked you- how was the conference?"

"It went really well. My presentation was well received; the ads looked great on the big screen. Spoke with store managers, suppliers, was really busy during the days. I even played golf with the people from Sony." I paused for a moment. Amy looked happy for me as I spoke. The thoughts of Saturday night came into my mind. I had to tell her.

"And you were right about something."

"What was I right about?" she asked, her face mirroring the confusion she must have felt with my statement.

"Lisa did try to hit on me up there." I replied quietly.

"SHE DID WHAT?" Amy exclaimed.

"Just shhhh... I will tell you what happened." I replied trying to calm her down slightly. Amy looked at me with daggers in her eyes.

"She and Steve had a big fight on Friday night. She was drowning her sorrows on Saturday night at the Casino night. I went and chatted to her and she told me all about their fight. Things were said between then after they had too much to drink at the presentation dinner. Anyway she told me all of this and I said I could sympathise with her, after the fight you and I had. I told her about the fight we had and almost instantly she began to hit on me, wanting us to go somewhere private to chat further...."

Amy was glaring at me as I said this. I took her hand and she slightly recoiled at my touch.

"I got up from where we were sitting and went towards the bar. I saw Steve there and I talked to him. I asked if he loved Lisa and he said he did. I told him that he should go and see Lisa. The last I saw of them at the conference they were leaving arm in arm.... She wasn't hitting on me because she liked me that way. She was drunk, down and feeling lonely."

Amy's glaring had stopped by this time. I squeezed her hand and she squeezed back.

"So nothing happened?" Amy asked quietly.

Looking her in the eye I replied.

"Absolutely nothing happened Amy. I could never hurt you."

She moved closer to me and kissed me.

"It would kill me if you did anything like that Josh. I love you so much. I could never forgive you...."

"I love you too much to ever do anything like that. You are everything to me...." As I said this, another thought popped into my mind. It was something that had been in my mind for a while. I had put these thoughts to the back of my mind after our fight, but now I knew it was possible.

Amy leant across and kissed me. We embraced right there.

Shortly after this we both headed to the hospital. As Amy's father was not in critical care I was able to go up with Amy to see him. Joanne and Hayley greeted me warmly when I arrived and Ray was pleased too. He was awake and alert, chatting away with us all. He thanked me for being there and for putting a smile back on Amy's face.

We had all been chatting for about an hour when a nurse came in and asked us all to leave for a few minutes as they had to do a couple of tests. We all went to leave when Ray called me back. He told the nurse just to give him a minute.

"Josh thank you for coming down here. It means a lot to us and I know it meant the world to Amy. She was so upset yesterday about the fight you had and how stupid she had been. She is very intense my daughter, but only when someone means a lot to her."

"She means so much to me too Ray. I had to be here and support her, and your wonderful family. I love her Ray. I really do."

"I could tell that when she first brought you home."

We chatted for another minute and Ray was very pleased with what I told him. I then left to join the ladies outside. They quizzed me on what Ray wanted to talk to me about and I just fobbed them off.

"Secret Men's Business." I replied with a laugh.

We all returned to the room once the tests were finished and chatted with Ray some more. After a little while I took Amy aside. I told her I needed to go into town to buy some things before we went back to the farm. She understood, and I then asked her Mum and sister if they needed me to pick up anything to bring back. Joanne had a small list of groceries she was going to buy, and I gladly took that list.

I drove into town and after a little time I had completed all my purchases. I even picked up some extra things for dinner as I wanted to cook for Joanne to thank her for letting me stay there. I also took the time to speak to my parents, telling them where I was and why I was there. They were concerned for Amy and her father and were pleased that he was well and truly on the mend.

Returning to the hospital, we stayed until the late afternoon, when Amy and I decided to head to the farm. Joanne and Hayley were going to follow us in a little while. I drove in my car and Amy took hers, leading me to the farm.

Once there Amy showered and got changed while I prepared dinner. She joined me in the kitchen a short time later looking clean and relaxed in a big warm jumper, track pants and Ugg boots. She leant on the bench for a second and just looked at me. When I finished chopping I looked up and saw her looking at me. For the first time since I'd arrived Amy looked completely her normal self, refreshed and revitalised. She was smiling in a way I'd never seen before.

"What is it?" I asked.

Amy smiled and dropped her gaze for a second, shaking her head slightly. She looked back up and approached me. Her arms went around me as she reached me. We kissed as she held me close.

"I'm so lucky to have you Josh... I never thought I'd have a boyfriend who would be cooking in my kitchen at home." She grinned.

"Well I never thought I'd have a girl I loved as much as I love you."

We kissed again there in the kitchen until our embrace was interrupted by the back door opening. Hayley came in and saw us kissing.

"Oh seriously you two! In the kitchen? Can't you keep your hands off each other?" she proclaimed in a mocking manner, laughing at her comment.

Amy blushed briefly and I laughed at Hayley's comment. Joanne followed her in and just smiled when she saw us cuddled together.

Dinner was warmly received and everyone seemed a lot happier now that Ray was most definitely on the mend. After Amy and I tidied up after dinner I was looking out the back of the house, up into the night sky. It was a cool, clear night and the amount of stars I could see was phenomenal. Amy came over and put her arm around me, asking what I was looking at. I told her I couldn't believe the amount of stars I could see. I then mentioned it would be great to go and look properly. Amy smiled and said wait here. She disappeared for a few minutes before coming back with blankets, warm jackets and hats.

"Mum, Josh and I are just going to go in the ute up to the high paddock to look at the stars. 'City Boy' has never seen this many stars before." Amy yelled back into the house.

"Ok. Take a blanket it will be cold out there."

"Yes Mum."

Amy and I went outside and threw the blankets in the tray of the old farm ute. She started it and drove us through farm trails I would never have seen up to the highest paddock on the farm, well away from the house. She parked the ute and we climbed into the tray and snuggled up under the blankets.

Looking to the sky, the stars were beyond imagination. But looking at the beautiful woman cuddled up with me was what really took my breath away. I knew that there would never be another moment like this for us. I kissed Amy's forehead and she wriggled closer to me. She leant up and kissed me.

"It's a spectacular sight isn't it Josh?"

"Yes it certainly is."

"All those stars, the infinite universe out there, it makes you feel kind of small in a way."

"Yes it does." I reached into my pocket and took out what I had in there. "I used to feel like that all the time... Invisible all the time. Until I met you."

Amy turned and looked at me. She looked like she was going to speak so I quickly kept going.

"I love you so much Amy. You truly mean the world to me. To have a beautiful, quirky, funny, fun, kind, intense person love me like you do is something I never thought I'd experience. I never want to let you go..... So..."

I pushed the blanket off me and adjusted myself so that I was now on one knee next to Amy. She was now giggling and tears were falling down her cheeks, her hands covering her mouth.

"So I want to spend the rest of my life with you, trying to make you as happy as you make me. Amelia will you marry me?"

Amy squealed and cried at the same time.

"Oh my god Josh. Are you serious?"

"Yes I am Amy. I want to be with you forever."

"Yes, Yes, Yes." She exclaimed, clambering herself up onto her knees before hugging me tight.

She leant back and we kissed. We had previously had some amazing kisses but this one blew my mind. When we finally came up for air, Amy had the most beautiful look on her face. I had to tell her how I was feeling.

"I fell for you under the stars, at the party 3 months ago and I just had to propose to you under the stars now." I showed her the ring box and opened it, revealing the diamond engagement ring I had bought earlier that day. "And here is a twinkling star for you to wear every day."

"Ohhhh that's so beautiful." She gasped as I slid the ring onto her finger. "I love it. And I love you Josh. I want to be with you forever." Amy kissed me again.

We sat back down under the blanket and cuddled together. Amy was looking at her ring and I was looking at her. She looked back at me.

"I used to feel invisible too Josh, but I've never felt like that with you. Even the first moment I met you at work, you looked me in the eye, smiled genuinely. You made my heart beat faster that day and every moment since. I knew you saw me.... As me. Not any other preconceived notion. I love you with all my heart and you make me happier than I've ever been. Our life together is going to be amazing Josh. I love you."

We lay down in the tray of the ute, cuddled underneath the blankets, with the blanket of stars above us.

"Let's spend our lives being invisible together Amy." I grinned.

"I don't think that's possible Josh. Everyone will see how happy we are together."

"And I wouldn't have it any other way."

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AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

5 stars loved it, good length and will read it again.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

I saw a couple comments stating this story were too long.

While it certainly could be shorter and not every story needs to be drawn out, I felt it fit rather nicely for this one.

It forces the reader to spend the time getting into the relationship. And thus makes it feel less rushed.

ScottishTexanScottishTexanover 1 year ago

Very, very good! 👍 How-some-ever... [Southern United States colloquialism]

There were numerous places where you really could have used a talented editor to catch mistakes. For example, in the following quotation you used the same phrases back to back in the same paragraph. There were only two sentences separating them, so this was a freshman writing faux pas:

☆☆☆"She seemed to be integrating into the Projects team relatively smoothly. She lunched with them most days and they all appeared to be getting along. She was definitely the youngest member of the Projects team. I lunched at the same time as them and I could see them all getting along."☆☆☆

Do you see it? Redundant.

But in spite of the errors such as this, I really enjoyed your heartwarming story very much. I voted 5/5!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

Loved the story. It was a tad too long, but well enough written to make it endurable. Two nit picks: literally means just that, it means that it actually happened; I think that word that writer wants is “figuratively.” The other nit pick is the use of “both”; it seems that writers from England and its colonies use both when it is clearly implied and unnecessary. Thanks for not using “myself,” a word that is often misused to the point of distraction.

kinggnkinggnalmost 2 years ago

brilliant story with the right amount of suspense and drama. Keep up the good work.

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