It Ain't Paranoia if... Pt. 02 Ch. 08


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"It's about 1250 miles using that route, but it saves us a long trip to get groceries, and we won't be scurrying around trying to find things in whatever grocery stores they have in Gatlinburg or Pigeon Forge!"

Once they understood the parameters, they settled on the menu and ingredients. Takeoff was still five days away and I knew they would make changes, but at least theirs was a semi-final list; ours was locked in - two 18 lb. turkeys, two fryers, two five-gallon containers of peanut oil, and two syringes of Cajun Butter seasoning!

Indian summer had set in, with afternoons around 80 and evening temps falling into the upper 40s. The Fort Davis Indians were playing 'nearby' Rankin (hey, it's only 154 miles away) in the Division 1 Six-Man football playoffs, so they flipped for site and Fort Davis won - it would be home game!

None of us knew much about six-man football, but Gato said he'd describe it as basketball on a football field, but you don't have to dribble and you can tackle anyone you can catch. Scores are commonly 60+ to 40 or 50-something, and there is a rule that ends the game if one team leads by 50 or more points. Sounded interesting, so we all decided to go and take the kids.

It was a hoot! The Indians finally beat the Red Devils 73-72, but I only knew that because the scoreboard said so. Someone scored every few plays, but it was the two-point kicks for extra points and the one-point runs or passes for extra points that got me hopelessly confused. And I had absolutely no idea why Coach Martinez wanted to try a field goal when down by three points with four seconds left - they'd already had three extra-point kicks blocked, so why try to tie the game with a field goal?

Oh, okay - because field goals in six-man are worth 4 points! Make it and you win! They narrowly got the kick off, it went through the uprights, and just like that the local boys were regional champs! Heck of a game! On to the Quarterfinals game that would be played the Friday after Thanksgiving! We would miss it, but the next week, if there is a next week... for the team, or for any of us... we planned on being there!

As thoughtful women do, Kaitlyn called Addy's number, told her our plans, and invited her, and a guest, to join us. Then she told her their planned menu, and asked if she had something traditional she wanted to bring. She did: homemade fudge with pecans!

I decided to burn calories until then with extra workouts, with which the three women and men agreed. Felix grinned with delight, and proceeded to determine just how much I had recovered.

I survived; the others seemingly prospered during the workouts but complained about being sore each night and morning.

Raymundo said nothing was happening with the terroristas across the river, the staging area in New Mexico was still deserted, and the bluster on the web was 'normal', if astoundingly creative in terms of misunderstanding, misstatement, and conspiracy craziness. The only news of impact was Esteban's assurance that they found a way to look into Dan and Dave's backgrounds, and they hoped the contract with the Secretary of Defense was airtight.

Just for the hell of it, I called Agent Schoor, who actually answered. We engaged in our usual greeting, a bit of courteous conversation, and then, without disclosing specifics, I asked for his help. His reluctance was obvious, but he agreed to call me that night "to further discuss our mutual concern."

The Israelis didn't have the goods on either man, but they had records of communication between each of the men and known insurrectionists. That was enough for me, and for the Edwards, but when we informed them the next morning, it wasn't enough for the Colonel or Sheriff Goodson to take action, they claimed. I harrumphed, looked at Clay and Claude, and said, "Looks like it's up to us, boys."

Colonel Adams jumped in with a list of reasons we shouldn't be hasty, but rather learn all we could before confrontation. I eyed him suspiciously, and he quickly told me to place him and his life under the same microscope if we doubted him; I assured him we would, and he reiterated that's what he wanted to happen!

That night we gave Esteban what we had learned from the Israelis, and told him to spare no effort or expense to get the goods on Dave, Dan, and Colonel Adams. He quickly assured us the Colonel had already been carefully checked, because he was one of only a few with knowledge of my family and my own whereabouts, and dismissed.

"Then check him again, check Sheriff Goodson, Secretary Tom Yonkers, and AG Edward Robert Lee! Neither our mole trainees nor Dave and Dan are close enough to be providing accurate tracking of our plans and whereabouts. There has to be someone closer, so have one squad on D&D and the other digging into everyone around here. There have to be tracks of some kind!

"And, it's time to do a deep search for listening devices in and around the house!"

Yes, my paranoia was acting up, but hardly without cause!


Awakening with a better attitude and clearer head, I went to the Crescent Moon to get with Ash and do some 'bidness', as we say in west Texas. She and Clay were living there now, as were all the uncles except Gato, whose home was nearby. Claude's plan to move to the Crescent Moon was cancelled by Eva, whose kids wanted to stay with mine, so he had set up a nice office at the Moon from which to run Ultimate Solutions and other areas of engagement.

Ashley liked it so much she made an office of her own, to her specifications; she said she preferred to be close to the action, rather than in Midland or Dallas.

I got a text from Kaitlyn about 11 saying Rosa had fixed lunch for me and I needed to come home. Like a domesticated male should, I did as instructed, and I enjoyed the very nice meal Rosa served just before she left - four hours early. My lunch partner was a bit more agitated and antsy than the circumstances dictated, and I began to question if this wasn't the prelude to another show.

When she drug me upstairs after our meal, I was wondering when the loud music would begin. It didn't, but she did get naked in record time, after which she stripped me without further ado. Then she scampered over to the bed and pulled a cloth sack out from under it. She looked both delighted and embarrassed when she held it out to me, told me to look inside, and then tossed the covers to the foot of the bed.

"Where did you get this bag of goodies, and what are your intentions? Am I being replaced?" I asked, sounding like a petulant child.

"No, Honey, not at all! My counselor told me how adding toys sparked the love life of some of her patients. I told her ours didn't need sparking, but she replied that if we didn't try it we'd never know. I told her I had no idea what toys were out there, so she bought me a starter kit."

"What do you think so far?" I asked.

"I swear I haven't done anything but turn a few on! They all USB chargers, so I don't even know if any are ready!"

I walked to my office, naked as a jaybird, pulled an extra eight-slot charging station out of the drawer, and took it to our bathroom. We opened boxes, teased about the contents, read directions, and then plugged in as many as we had stations for, giving priority to the ones we thought looked like more fun for our first time.

Only the smallest of the 'training' set of vibrating butt plugs got charged, along with one of two Jackrabbit vibrators, a 'wand', a 'G-Spot' stimulator, and a U-shaped device with a fatter arm to be inserted in the vagina and a skinnier arm for the anus. We also chose a large 'vibrating dildo', a 'bullet vibe', and a smaller bullet that fit into a pocket in the gusset of a pair of very sexy black lace panties.

I could just imagine her wearing the panties with the bullet under tight jeans, and cumming at the table when I turned the remote up all the way! Or maybe a short dress in a nightclub would be more fun. Maybe while some random guy was hustling her... Wait, she's noisy - think Meg Ryan in When Harry Met Sally! Perhaps we should be sitting at a back table in the nightclub, by ourselves...

There were more toys in the sack, but we were out of slots, so I suggested we try a bit of old-fashioned foreplay while the new tools charged. Knowing we had time and privacy, I was unnecessarily conscientious about kissing (sucking, licking, biting) her from toe to hair, and back down to the other toe. I flipped her on her belly and worked down the back, with her writhing, begging, and trying to rub her clit.

I flipped her back over before she could get herself off, and helped her relieve a little of her tension with a only a couple of licks and sucks on that special place. She squirmed, gushed, and screamed a little, but it was far from her spectacular best; after all, I only wanted her under control, not asleep!

The flashing light on the jackrabbit was steady, so I lubed it a little and she inserted it. It took a few tries to find the right place, but once the 'ears' were tickling her clit and the cock was thrusting and twisting while the balls were spinning in the shaft, her eyes grew wide in disbelief.

"I'm so glad they didn't give me one of these when I was in rehab!" she gurgled.

"Oh," I asked while retrieving the next fully charged toy. "What did they give you?"

"This little rose toy that licks, with a small vibrator attached that thrusts like this, but was half as big. I wore one out each month."

"So that's how you managed to make it through rehab without 'a man's cock or tongue' delving inside you? I've been wondering."

I looked at her for confirmation, but only saw the white of her eyes. "Oh, god, Honey, this feels so good! I think I'm going to... ohhhhhhhhhaaahhhhhh."

Her feet were on the sheets, her knees bent; perfect position and timing to add a toy. I unplugged the small anal trainer and plugged in the medium sized trainer. She was still lying there with her knees wide apart giving a perfect view of my target.

I wiped it though her juices, and slipped the well-lubed 'vibrating anal training tool' between her cheeks and into the cute little rosy rosebud. She started when it slipped past the rings, but it was the size of my pinky, so she quickly accepted it.

"Wanna try the 'G-Spot stimulator' and the 'wand' at the same time?" I asked in a teasing voice. She muttered 'um huh', removed the Jackrabbit, and punched buttons until it was silent and still. It had a lot of settings to figure out.

I located her Grafenberg spot with my fingers, and then inserted the stimulator until it was lightly touching that hidden bundle of nerves. She had raised her upper body onto her elbows and was watching me through hooded eyes - until the vibe hit the spot. Then she yelped, contracted, and her eyes grew wide; she collapsed back onto the pillows, and thrust her hips upward - which removed the vibe from the spot.

"You gotta be still; it's the size of a dime and only responds to a light touch. Turn on the wand and use it on your clit; I'll take care of the other."

There were only half as many buttons as the jackrabbit, but the four buttons on the wand controlled 22 setting, so it took her a few minutes to settle on one.

I had backed off the G-spot while she was districted, but touched it with the vibe before she started with the wand, to be sure I had the right place. I did, and it didn't take five minutes of simultaneous stimulation of the two nerve bundles and her anus to send her into a howling, shaking fit, as if she were being electrocuted.

It had been fun, and I was beginning to see limitless possibilities, but right now, I needed her wrapped around my cock!

When she quit pulsating and quivering, I turned off the vaginal vibes and removed the anal. She lay there, totally relaxed and purring with contentment while I tenderly stroked, petted, and kissed her less-sensitive parts.

Then I raised her knees, inserted the middle-size anal toy, let her have time to moan and wiggle at the intrusion, climbed between her legs, and inserted my XL but not XXXL oversized cock. Given her reaction, it seemed to fit just right, and we were off to the races.

She won the first furlong easily, which wasn't a surprise as het up as she already was, and also won the three-furlong portion of the race. Not unusual; the quarter horse tops 55 mph, but can only run about three-quarters of a mile. I'm more the 40 mph thoroughbred who can handle a couple of miles before tiring, but sometimes I'm Trigger, who Roy Rogers would run fifteen miles back to town to rescue Dale Evans. At full speed. (Smile)

Had she let me, I was in a Trigger sort of mood, but, no, she roughly rolled me over and took control. I wouldn't have lasted another furlong, but I found the anal toy and began sliding it in and out of that tight little hole every other stroke.

That broke her stride, and before long she was laying on top of me panting, with a load of white stuff running out of her and onto my balls.

That was fuckin' amazing, and I could see how these toys could be great fun in the future - thank you, counselor! Maybe it wasn't entirely wasted time and money.


Esteban's team hacked into no-last-name Dan's communications that night. That quickly led them to Colonel Adam's Aide-de-Camp, whom he and the General above him believed was a young man of great promise in the US Army. Now that we knew, it was decided to feed him misinformation, and to determine how many others among the hundreds 'on base' had been turned, or were moles from the start.

Perhaps more importantly, the team could now search for supporters and/or sympathizers of the so-called 'Freedom Force' who were 'higher-ups' in the government or military. Keeping me and mine safe by eliminating the local spies was important to us, but eliminating those at the higher/highest levels was critical to the long-term health of the country.

Pending a thorough electronic examination of the meeting rooms, offices, and telecommunications, we held our final 'junta' before Thanksgiving under an overhang in a box canyon on the 6400 Ranch, sitting on camo hunting chairs. Paranoia much? Yes, we did, not without cause.

The misinformation we wanted to promote at the local level we sketched out, but decided we needed guidance from above for the state-national level. When we got back to the gates, I called Tom on my personal mobile phone and left a message on his.

"Hey, Tom, this is your old buddy Rob. We're vacationing with Kaitlyn's parents in eastern Tennessee for Thanksgiving. I have no idea how busy you and yours are, but we'd love to have you join us for a one-day Jeep tour of the Great Smokey Mountains National Park during the weekend, if you guys have time. I know how you love off-roading! Give me a call if you're interested; if not, have a great holiday!"

Not sure how we find an overhang in a box canyon along the TN/NC border, but we can make it hard on even satellite snooping in the mountain wilderness.

Last-minute adjustments to the ingredients list continued until I finished the online order form, paid, and told them to go away - the meal was going to be stupendous, so quit obsessing!

They were still hanging around, so I said, "So, I assume you have the kids' clothes and your clothes ready for six days, and your clothes include some for exploring the wilderness on a Jeep tour, and some for the Harrah's casino in Cherokee, and the dancehalls in Gatlinburg or Pigeon Forge for adult-only nights, right?"

They scattered like a covey of quail.

Addy introduced our co-pilot - also her companion for the trip - when we arrived at the airport the next morning. She was cute and vivacious - a slim blue eyed blonde with short hair, about 5'7" and maybe 125 pounds. Not that much up top, but long, long legs topped by a tight little ass and small waist. Very fit, athletic, and personable, as befits someone who goes by Jacki.

They both wore the company flight uniform of tailored navy pants with narrow black belt and button-up short-sleeve shirt. Addy looked as yummy as before, and her dark hair, eyes, and Mediterranean complexion really contrasted with Jacki's blonde good looks.

I gave them the deserved once-over, welcomed Jacki, said I'd have to congratulate the HR department on their hiring practices, and took one last look. Maybe I did look a bit too long, or the second gawk was unnecessary, or the statement about thanking HR was somewhat flirtatious, but I'm not sure I deserved the sharp elbow to the ribs from Kait, or the pinch from Eva, who also pushed me along toward the steps.

They took my place, looked the pilots over a little longer than necessary, said hello, and introduced themselves. Claude gawped too, but hid it before Eva turned; he was entirely cordial thereafter.

Ashley, though, gathered them in a full-on three-way embrace, kissed each right beside her mouth, squealed about how good it is to see them again and how happy she is that they're all working for the same company! They reciprocated, and then Jacki asked, "And who is this big hunk?"

If I didn't know Joe Cool better, I'd think Clay blushed before introducing himself.

The unruly and overexcited kids came next, followed by their four shepherds. After introductions, they stormed down the center aisle past the restroom, and dove on the big couch in back.

I had asked Kaitlyn if she wouldn't like to sit back there again, but she declined with an eyeroll.

Ashley wearing a lemony yellow jumpsuit is probably illegal in Georgia, where lusting in your soul is considered immoral - according to former President Carter. Kaitlyn went country chic, wearing a short blue floral dress with rust-colored suede boots and matching flat-brim hat. Eva wore Indigo jeans with white booties and a burgundy, off-the-shoulder top that looked stunning with her dark hair, eyes, and complexion.

If you count all five, they about cover the spectrum of women over 25 who fall in the 9-10 range of white-hotness, absent a redhead. I looked across at Claude, rolled my eyes, and then stared at him with my eyes wide in disbelief. He subtly pressed his legs together, scrunched his mouth, and closed his eyes in response. We chuckled, but very quietly.

When everyone was inside, I called, "Hey, Ash. On behalf of the hierarchy of Ultimate Solutions and Shale Investments, I want to express appreciation for your hiring practices as HR director. We already know how, umm, proficient Addy is, and your new pilot looks very promising as well."

When the snickers died down, I asked, "I assume you're all old friends?"

"They were high school classmates; Jacki and I were sorority sisters at Tech - does that count? Addy came out the air force very highly recommended, and she recommended Jacki, who got her civilian start three years ago flying for FedEx. She jumped at our starting salary, which is about twice what she was getting."

"Quit talking bad about the pilots and buckle up; we're taxiing to the runway!" Addy warned. The moms yelled at the kids while buckling their own seatbelts, and all four kids replied they WERE buckled in!

An hour later, Kaitlyn and I stayed on the plane to talk to Valerie and sign three change orders for the LBJ Lake boathouse and dock. She gave us progress updates on the two properties, and said LBJ could be occupied by Christmas. Lake Buck was at least two months away from being ready, and more likely three if we had winter this year.

The other adults got off to help move and properly distribute the food and supplies to maintain balance in the hold. By the time they got back on, we were through and Valerie was standing on the ground wishing us a great trip and wonderful Thanksgiving. We wished her the same.

I asked Addy and Jacki to circle back and fly over the two lake houses in a way that would allow us to look down on them, before heading to the Tennessee / North Carolina border. Naturally, Kaitlyn had to point out the houses and things of interest by having everyone congregate at the windows when we banked, so Clay moved to my side of the aisle.