It Ain't Paranoia if... Pt. 02 Ch. 08

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Kaitlyn evolves; reconciliations; Armageddon draws nigh.
22.6k words

Part 13 of the 15 part series

Updated 06/15/2023
Created 11/20/2021
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It Ain't Paranoia if... Part 2 chapter 8

No sex involving under 21 fantasy characters in this fantasy action-adventure piece of erotica. If offended by stories that depict erotic events or violence, please try elsewhere. If you are new to the "It Ain't Paranoia..." series, I strongly suggest you either start with Chapter 1 Part 1, or look elsewhere.

For those following the series, there are purposeful changes of direction throughout chapters 7 and 8. New themes and characters are introduced and old characters continue to develop and evolve, especially Kaitlyn, in the varied contexts in which they find themselves. If thought-provoking dialogue bothers you, don't bother reading. Since this is Literotica, I assume you won't be put off by sexuality, but know there is quite a bit, and some of it isn't heterosexual.

This chapter is long, and constructive criticism or comments are welcome, but don't get your panties in a wad and rant about morality or politics; I will delete.

Chapter 2.7 ended after a Veterans Day Rally with this observation by Rob.

We had made a statement tonight: who knows if we made a difference.


Two days later, we learned that we had made a difference. Well after dark, the Sheriff showed up with two men I didn't know but had seen around. The kids were in bed but the adults were having a brew on the patio. We greeted them cordially and offered a beer, which they quickly accepted.

Sheriff Goodson took a long draw, and then said, "These two fellas have a story to tell I think you'll find interesting. Joe Ed, Bill, go ahead."

Bill killed his beer and began. "My brother-in-law Sam never spent a day in military service, but he's one of those 'super patriots' as well as a constitutional scholar. I'm not sure how he got that way, what with dropping out of high school to drink beer and do piddlin' welding jobs, but he's an expert on pert near any subject.

"I'm sure you'd recognize his truck if you saw it. It's a jacked-up 4x4 with Texas and Confederate flags flying on poles in the bed, and the back bumper and winda are covered with Don't Tread on Me, Come and Take It, and such like that. Yeah, I thought you might.

"Joe Ed and I did serve. Joe has a limp and I have a bum shoulder that earned us Purple Hearts, and we consider ourselves patriots, but we don't see eye-to-eye with ol' Sam and his partners. We don't say much one way or the other, but we do listen when they get drunk and talk.

"Joe Ed, why don't you tell them about the Saturday after Halloween. I need another beer."

"We had a little barbeque out to Bill's ranch. Sammy wasn't invited, but he came anyway, and brought three drunk friends with his drunken ass. They were loud and obnoxious enough that his own sister told him to shut up or she'd kick his worthless butt off her land, then she and the women they were hitting on went inside, as did their husbands.

All but Bill and me; we wanted to egg them on a bit and see what they've been up to that they are so proud about.

"Turns out they are a part of something called 'The Freedom Force', and they have intentions of starting a rebellion sometimes soon. I don't think they know when, but they acted like it could be any day now.

"The sheriff didn't seem surprised, but we wanted to let you know what we heard, from very unreliable sources, and also warn you. They said that you, this house, and the Crescent Moon are the first targets that will be hit. They also claim they have a sympathizer high up in the government who keeps them informed.

"You may wonder why we're giving up kin and friends, such that they are, so I'll just tell you. You, your family, and your friends, including those at Crescent Moon, mean a lot more to the future of this community than these outlaws and pirates. What you said, what he said (he pointed at Clay), what the judge and the others said, well, we agree. And if we don't take a stand, we may end up with rabble like Sam running Jeff Davis County!"

I thanked him, and let the conversation continue for another thirty minutes in response to questions posed by Clay, Claude, and the Sheriff. I turned my back on them to face Kaitlyn and Eva, and asked what we should do to ensure the safety of the kids and their mothers.

They began a conversation among themselves; I went to my office in the communications center and contacted Esteban on a secure line.

When our call ended twenty minutes later, he had already tasked an elite group with finding the mole(s), another with gathering intelligence on our local 'outlaws and pirates' and their plans, and his two best men were assigned to finding the 'higher up' who was actually a supporter of the rebels. We agreed to debrief nightly at 9:30, unless he needed to talk sooner.

They weren't cheap, but as former members of the USAF's Intelligence, Surveillance, and Reconnaissance Task Force, the Ultimate Solutions ISR unit was made up of the elite of the elite. If it could be extracted from The Grid, they would pluck it.

It was still early enough that Tom would be up; I sent him a coded message, and waited for his response. He called five minutes later from a secure line and we exchanged information. He would leave the digging to us, but would contract with us to ensure the digging didn't later result in criminal charges after it strayed into the wrong government pastures, as it inevitably must do.

The attorney for CC Enterprises immediately answered my call and agreed to offer the specified bonus to our remodeling contractor for speedy completion of the project. I then called Valerie, who ensured me the house on LBJ would be ready by December 1.

"We're not leaving based on conjecture, Rob," Kaitlyn stated with conviction when I returned to the patio. Eva nodded in agreement.

The sheriff and our informants were gone, so I turned to the Edwards brothers and held my palms up in inquiry. They looked at each other, shrugged, and Claude ventured, "The Lairs might be targeted, yes, but do we know of a safer place? If we have a highly placed traitor and are under surveillance, where do we take them?

"On the other hand, for their safety and the safety of their classmates and teachers, we may need to home school the children at some point. I assume you sicced Esteban on the 'Freedom Force'?"

I nodded and turned to the women. "So, what do you think?"

Eva spoke up. "Give us today; we can talk after the kids are in bed."


We mobilized the uncles after breakfast, who assumed their Jumano identities for the battle preparations. Claude, Clay, Paul, and I spent the day discretely looking under rocks for moles; the uncles were perhaps not as discreet, but were more successful.

El Toro reached out to his oilfield acquaintances; El Chaparral turned to Mexico; El Gato was popular with the locals, including the less-than-savory locals; and El Coyote was a favorite along the river, especially around Terlingua, Lajitas, and Study Butte.

After the kids were in bed, it was a grim-faced group that convened in the communications center. Esteban's update was brief; the ISR had bypassed their security, but it was going to take some time to sort through things.

"Perhaps we can help you find direction," Claude offered. "We're about to debrief our own ISR, and I can tell they have information we need, even if it's information we won't like. Gentlemen..."

"Two of the local moles are trainees; they have no idea we know, so we should be able to feed them whatever we want them to pass along," El Gato said, and then turned to El Toro.

"The staging area is in eastern New Mexico, near Hobbs. It's under surveillance and we will alert you when they begin to gather. My source says it isn't soon because their 'base' is all but deserted."

"There is a very suspicious group of Arabes and Europeos gathered in a valley southwest of Redford." El Coyote stated. "They have helicopters, and are so well armed even the Cartelistas leave them alone. They may have government sponsorship, or they've paid someone off, because the police and Mexican military seem to have no interest in them."

"They aren't government sponsored, exactly," El Chaparral offered, "but two top officials for that area have suddenly grown wealthy.

"Raymundo says to call tonight at eleven, El Vigilante, and he wants all of us on the line."

"El Vigilante? How did I get a new name?"

"Raymundo say's you're like the Mexican comic book character; that's his name for you."

Clay redirected us. "I'd been considering the options for the government mole, so I called your friend in Mossad. Agent Schoor claimed they didn't know, but paused and asked how well we know 'Dan and David'. I told him not at all, but they were brought in by the AG and Secretary, and you, Agent Schoor, were with them, so we accepted them.

"He nodded, and replied, 'I did not bring them; I accompanied them. There is a difference.' That's all he would tell me, but his voice, tone, and questions insinuated we should start there. What do you think, Esteban?"

"You've given us direction; let me redirect the teams and get back with you tomorrow."

"No. Stay on the line; I want you to hear what my Mexican friend has to say," I explained.

We discussed and considered what had been learned while we waited for 2300 hours to arrive; the phone rang when the hour changed.

"I'm in the process of placing HQ-9B missiles from China between the valley where the terrorists are hiding and the Rio Grande," Raymundo began abruptly, without the mandatory Mexican intro. "The local police and citizens are helping me. If the Arabs and Chechens find out, I have enough troops to hold them off, but I'm doing everything I can to keep our trap a surprise.

"We also expect eight North Korean built MiG-17s to come out of Sonora toward Texas, and eight more to attack Phoenix. Those coming to Texas will attack your home and the Crescent Moon base, and head on to Austin. Expect at least two cruise missiles to be launched at the capitol in Austin as well.

"I know I'm persona non gratia in your country, but why have YOU shut me out? Do you doubt my allegiance?"

All but the last two sentences was said in an emotionless and straightforward manner; the last two were said in an angry and disappointed voice.

"We do not doubt you, mi compadre. We have been thinking locally when we should have been thinking globally. We greatly appreciate your intervention and the information you have given us; what can we do for you?"

"Win!" he relied vehemently. "I'm staking my fortune and my life on your success!"

We didn't wake them, but we stood over each of the children that night and prayed. Our prayers weren't for personal safety, but rather that they would grow up in a democratic republic like the one we grew up in, but better. Win, lose, or draw, things were going to change... but change can be good or bad.

In a perfect world, not only would the democratic republic survive, it would seize the opportunity to improve itself, the citizenry would awake to the fragility of freedom and democracy, and become an enlightened and engaged electorate.


Thanksgiving took on new meaning this year, and I did something I never thought I would do - attempt reconciliation with Kaitlyn's parents. Our last conversation was a doozy, with them accusing me of having spent years "fucking whores" on my trips, and my yelling that the only "fucking whore" I had been with my whole marriage was their daughter!

Kaitlyn wasn't on good terms with them either because when she divorced Robert a few years later, she recanted all her lies about me, and about the innocence of her relationship with Robert during our marriage. They were less than pleased with their daughter, who doubled down by insisting they had contributed to her marital woes by questioning my fidelity and telling her she deserved a better husband.

It escalated from there, and she told them it would be a cold day in hell before they saw their grandchildren again! I always considered it their just deserts, but now that we were starring Armageddon in the face, my feelings toward them had softened.

Kaitlyn stripping them of their grandchildren made their 'retirement' move from Katy to a ranchette outside Gatlinburg, Tennessee, an easier decision. She kept her promise by cutting of all communication between them and their precious grandchildren, and with the princess they had spoiled so badly.

When I proposed we call them and see whether they had plans for Thanksgiving, Kaitlyn looked at me as if an alien had taken possession. "What? But we agreed..."

"I know we did, but if I'm going to forgive my cheating slut wife," I said with a grin, "I probably ought to forgive the parents who took up for their little darling because she lied to them."

She hung her head in shame, laid it on my chest, and admitted, "I'm too ashamed to call them. In a way, I treated them worse than I did you, cutting them out of the lives of their only grandchildren like I did."

"I know. I paid $15 to get your mom's cell phone number off the internet. I'm planning to call her; your Dad and I had a rocky relationship from the moment I stole his princess, but your mom and I got along pretty well until someone filled her head with lies."

"I'm sorry. I'm sorry for so much I did back then, and I've paid for it with pain and regret, and during counseling sessions that left me exhausted from bawling."

I stroked her hair, and suggested, "But that's all behind us know, isn't it? With both my parents in heaven, our kids need a couple of older adult influences besides their uncles, don't you think? Now, if you will turn me loose, I'll make the call."

She gave me one last tight hug, took a deep breath, and stepped away. I took out my phone and dialed the new number I had entered into contacts. It rang four times and went to voicemail.

"Mimi, this is Rob MacGregor. I wondered if you guys had plans for Thanksgiving this year. Kaitlyn and I have reconciled, and I'd like to reconcile with you guys too. I know she mislead you way back then, and I was too much of a hothead to try to tell you my story. Anyway, Kaitlyn knows I'm calling, and she also want to reunite with you. Grace and Dos - Rob junior - are a part of the deal, if we can make one.

"Give us a call either way. Thanks!"

"You can be so sweet and cute," she said as her arms encircled me again. "I hope they don't have heart attacks when they listen to your message."

My phone began playing Ernie K-Doe's 1961 hit 'Mother in Law' only seconds later, and Kaitlyn burst out laughing. "Where did you find that ringtone?"

I just grinned, swiped, and answered, "Hi, Mimi. Thanks for calling me back."

"Rob? Is it really you? I don't pick up when it's a number I don't know, but we listened to your message and... Oh my god! Is it really true?"

"I can attest to every word I spoke being true, and I have a corroborating witness here. Say hi to your mom, Honey."

"Hi, Mom. How are you and Daddy doing?"

"Oh Baby! Oh, Kaitlyn! It's so good to hear your voice! I can't believe it! I swear, all my prayers are being answered today!

"We're fine! Well, I'm fine; your father is recovering from a little tumble he took climbing on a ladder after I told him not to, but his doctor says he's getting better. He's right here - can he talk to you?"

"Baby? Kait? Is that really you?"

"Yes, Daddy, it's your embarrassed and ashamed daughter. I'm so sorry I did that to you and mom! I..."

"No, Baby! It was me! I drove you away with the way I handled that mess, and I'm so sorry I did that! I... we miss you so badly! Can you come see us, sometime? You, Rob, and the kids? I can't travel right now or we would get on a plane and come see you, wherever you are!"

"Hmm. We were going to ask you to come out for Thanksgiving, but if you can't travel... Let me talk to Rob for a moment."

She muted the phone and asked with her eyes; I smiled, nodded, and asked, "Papa Joe, this is Rob. Are there lodges or hotels around there that could put up maybe 16 of us? I know it's kinda late, but we had already invited others to be with us..."

"Rob, our good friends Claire and Bill own a lodge on the Little Pigeon River, about a mile from our house. They are just finishing a remodel and haven't booked anyone before December 1, but I'm sure they can accommodate 16 guests! Does that number include you and your precious children?"

"The kids are negotiable, Mimi, but it might be better for Kaitlyn and I to stay with the others, at least for a night or two. Any chance they would allow us to use the kitchen and dining room? We'd love to cook for you, especially with Joe hobbling around."

"Oh my goodness! We were going to eat with them anyway! I'm sure they'll be glad to let you cook and clean up, if they can come too!"

"The more the merrier. Just let us know how many so we can bring the right amount of food!

"One more question? Where is the nearest car rental? We'd like to fly in on Tuesday and stay until Sunday afternoon, and we want to explore the area and Great Smokey Mountains National Park, so we'll need transportation."

"Rob - dang it's good to hear your voice, boy! Yes, another friend has a Jeep rental close by. We can pick you up and in Knoxville and take you to his shop near Pigeon Forge."

"You won't have to drive that far, Joe. We'll be arriving by private plane at GKT, the Gatlinburg-Pigeon Forge Airport. Are the Jeeps nearby?"

He chuckled. "I forgot you're some kind of rich international oilman now. And don't think you're going to get away without telling us some stories, you two! We've been keeping up with you on TV, and you guys definitely live interesting lives! We just want to be part of them, and see our grandchildren again."


The sexually evolved version of Kaitlyn had left school with the hot 'bad teacher', I guess. Not that we weren't having sex and plenty of it, but everything since then had been within norms for the evolved Kaitlyn, which was only fantastic. Oddly, when she's overwrought after the dancing and teasing, she's easier to satisfy.

Tonight I got the old version: "It's so nice that you thought about Mom and Dad, and took the initiative to reconnect with them. You are such a kind and generous man, and I know don't deserve you, but I love you so much! I'll do anything for you! How can I show you how much I love and appreciate you?"

That Kaitlyn.

I did have some ideas, and she willingly, nay enthusiastically, executed them. In so doing, she turned herself on as much as she turned me on, so it was a win-win outcome. We were both sated, and it only took a couple of hours to reach the level of exhaustion. Better than I feared.

The next morning, Ashley, Eva, and Kaitlyn devised a Thanksgiving dinner menu and meal implementation plan. The men went along until it came to the turkey, at which point the Edwards brothers, the four uncles, and I intervened. "Y'all can bake all the turkeys you want, but we're going to inject two with Cajun marinade and fry them!" Claude insisted.

They wanted to argue it was too much trouble to bring fryers and oil and so on, but we had seven solid votes, so they gave in and went back to discussing and developing their menus. They had been at it another hour when I heard Eva say, "We can look around in the grocery store and see what kind they have. Sometimes..."

"Nope," I interjected, "I need your final list on Monday. I'm going to get on the Marble Falls H-E-B+ website and order everything that afternoon. They'll have it ready at 9:00 the next morning, and Valerie will be waiting at the airport with our groceries and supplies when we arrive an hour later. Kaitlyn and I are going to sign a few papers for Val while you guys load everything into storage or the ice chests, and then we're off again.