It Has to be Fate Pt. 05


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He tried to smile but he winced from the pain of the cuts on his lips. "I love you beyond all reason, Princess. I'm glad you are through beating up on me in there. I'm sure glad you like me, I think you could be real bitchy with someone you didn't like."

"Oh Sweetie, I wasn't trying to hurt you, I just wanted to bring out the truth about the accident without showing how much I adore you."

"Honey, I knew what you were doing, I am just teasing. You did a much better job than some of the other board members who never opened their mouths."

When the recess was over Mica and his wingmen waited outside for the hearing to end. After twenty minutes the meeting adjourned for lunch. They were told to be back at one o'clock. Mica waited for another 45 minutes before Melisa and the others came out. Mica was talking with LTCOL Marker when Melissa found him. Billy suggested they go to the Officer's Mess for lunch. They agreed and walked to another tent. The meal was buffet style. Mica opted for a grilled cheese sandwich and a bowl of vegetable soup. Billy had a hamburger and fries and Melissa had soup and a salad.

Melissa was very warmly greeted by everyone in the tent. They all knew her well. Probably better that they knew the other squadron wives, because as an officer herself she visited the squadron more than the other wives did. Mica was teased abut how often she was there. They said she came down to see how 'real men' looked. Or because she was looking for a date. It was just good natured teasing and it didn't bother Mica or his wife at all. It did not go on that day.

Melissa rejoined the board after lunch. In an hour the three pilots were called back in to hear the findings of the board. They stood in front of the board and the Colonel said, "Good afternoon Gentlemen! Let's not waste any time. We found that there was no pilot error involved in any of the accidents. We further determined the each of you performed in a professional manner and were able to reduce the possible damage to the aircraft by superior airmanship.

That is except for Captain McDermott who showed magnificent airmanship by landing on the centerline of the runway and skillfully missing many vehicles and men on the runway. The arresting gear was incorrectly rigged and he had no braking action due to hydroplaning. Unfortunately his was the only aircraft damaged beyond repair.

"We determined that the causative factor in these accidents was the lack of training and of improper supervision of the Navy tower controllers.

"I want to thank all the members of the board for their participation in these investigations. I would especially like to thank Lieutenant McDermott, who demonstrated a superior knowledge of airmanship and pilotage. Ma'am I would greatly appreciate a copy of your report to the Wing Commander if possible. I will submit a report of my own indicating how professional and helpful you were. Lady and gentlemen this meeting is adjourned."

Two hours later Melissa and Mica rested comfortably in the VIP cabin of the P2V plane as it cruised at 8,000 feet headed for North Carolina. Melissa turned to Mica and grinned, "Want to become a member of the mile and a half high club?"

Mica smiled and nodded. "Yeah! I sure do. Does that door lock?"

"Yes it sure does, here, help me, these seats fold out to make a bed. Mica helped her and started unbuttoning his uniform. When they were both nude, she laughed, "Damn! I just remembered you are not supposed to exert yourself for a few days. Don't worry though, you just lie back and I'll do everything. Oh! Damn! You are as hard as a rock, I think maybe you missed our loving, I KNOW I did."

She straddled his hips and leaned forward gently pressing her lips to the left side of his mouth. The tip of her tongue tenderly parted his lips and wiggled inside his mouth. He could feel her wet warmth against his cock. She wiggled her hips a little from side to side. The sensation of her movements across his cock quickly had him on the verge of a climax. She felt his body tense and she stopped instantly.

"Oh! Honey, you are so hot you almost came didn't you? Here, kiss my nipple, you know what I like there." She moved up over him and gently rubbed the turgid nipple across his lips. She moaned softly as he sucked hard on her nipple. She lifted a little and moved the other nipple to his lips. Her mind went to the baby growing in her belly. She wondered how it was going to feel when it nursed, sucking the milk from her breasts. A tingle shot through her body. She lifted again and slid down until her pussy rested over his cock. She reached down and guided his pulsing cock into her vagina. She slowly lowered her body over him, feeling his wonderful penis slide up into her body. Her bottom bumped against his pelvis. Pleasure radiated from her clit through her body.

She needed to feel that again and this time she dropped faster. The bump of joy hit again. She lifted higher this time and felt the head of his cock rub against the sensitive spot on the front top of her sheath. Melissa lifted a little more 'til only the tip of his cock was against the lips of her pussy. She lowered again, her breath catching as his cock again dragged across that special place that triggered a sudden gush of her fluids. She was in a rhythm now and bounced up and down with her eyes half closed and a contented smile on her lips. Mica stiffened as he neared his orgasm, she didn't notice so he slid his hands under the rump and stopped her with her pussy tightly clinched around his shaft. "I am about to cum, Sweetie."

"OH! Wonderful! Do you want me to keep going, or can I bring you off with my mouth? I love to do that."

"Mel, I'm just worried that you need more, I haven't done a thing."

"Hey big guy, that was the whole idea, remember? Besides I have been cuming like crazy since about the second time I bounced off your hard belly. I just want you to be as satisfied as I am." As she spoke she slipped back down over his legs. Her hands and her mouth found his rampant cock. Her hands twisted in opposite directions while they slipped up and down his throbbing cock just an inch from her lips.

Mica moaned softly as the soft warm mouth encircling his shaft reached the point where he was about to cum. He murmured, "Babe, I'm ready, here it comes. Her eyes met his as his head strained forward, his eyes partly closed, his lips working as he said he loved her.

Melissa's hands and lips closed firmly around the shaft on the upward motion then loosened on the downward motion, she was milking the creamy seed from his cock. When she got the last spurt she smiled and swallowed. She carefully licked their mingled juices from his softening cock. She reached for her bag and found a towel to clean both of them with.

She kissed the corner of his mouth, "Was that good for you Sweetie? I needed that so I can relax. I miss not making love to every night. I just do not feel right if I do not have my sweet husband every night."

"I miss you too girl. I just do not sleep well if I don't have your lovin'. He looked at her, "Do you miss Billy's cock too?"

"Hell, NO! His was nice for a couple of minutes, No way was it better, it was just different for a bit, then I wanted you. No one else makes me feel so loved completely and content as you do, Sweetie, No one! With you, we make emotional love as well as physical sex. It is just totally different with you." They snuggled together and were soon asleep.

They jerked awake when a speaker blasted out a message from the crew. "Lady and Gentlemen please erect your seats, secure all loose gear and fasten your seat belts for landing in ten minutes." They hurried to get dressed and gather their things. It seemed they were on the ground in no time. There was a car and driver waiting for Melissa and Mica. Melissa grabbed Mica's hand and pulled him over to where the pilots were talking. She smiled and said, "Thanks for the most comfortable flight we have ever enjoyed. We had a delightful rest."

The pilots grinned, "We hope you both enjoyed the trip. You two were no trouble at all. The other passengers were not happy with the service."

Mica looked puzzled, "What was their complaint?"

The Navy pilot chuckled, "We ordered box lunches for everyone for the trip from the mess hall. Their idea of a chicken sandwich was a piece of chicken between two slices of bread. I mean like a whole breast or a drumstick, bone and all between two slices of bread. They packed it all in a box on top of ice. The ice melted and most of the bread was soaked in melted ice. I suspect the Mess Officer down in Rosie Roads will be hearing from them later." Mica and Melissa thanked them again and they headed back to Melissa's car.

They stopped on the way home and had dinner at the 'O'Club and turned in early. They both slept well. The next day Melissa went to the hospital with Mica. She took her brief case with her and while she waited for Mica she roughed out her report on the findings of the Accident Board. She had just started a draft when Mica came out, his bandages were much smaller in size. He said the doctor said he was doing fine but put him on sick- leave for a week. He was to continue to not exert himself. Melissa grinned at him, "I have a little over two weeks leave left, let's go to the Keys for a few days after I finish my report. Melissa took Mica home and returned to the base. She worked on the report and finished it. She sent a copy to Admiral McDermott via Official Mail. She hand delivered a copy to the Commanding General. She was shown right in to his office. He smiled and said, "Good morning Melissa, how is your husband this morning?"

"He is much improved today, I had him at the hospital first thing this morning and the doctor said he was doing well and healing nicely. They are afraid he may have had a concussion and put him on sick leave for a week."

"I'm glad to hear that. Now, Lieutenant, do you have something for me?"

"Yes Sir, I have my report on the results of the Accident Investigation Board. Here it is, Sir."

"Relax for a second Mrs. McDermott." The General quickly read her report. He looked up at her and smiled. "Thank you Lieutenant, this is perfect. I had a verbal report from Colonel Stuart earlier this morning. It was similar to your report. I am proud to say he was very impressed with you and with your husband. He said that when he first met you he thought you were too beautiful to be of any value to the board.

"He thought the assignment was just a cover to get you to your husband. He said you quickly straightened him out about that. He says you asked better questions than any of the board members and asked your husband much tougher questions than anyone else. He said every member of the board said you made the investigation very easy with your questions.

"Mica stopped by my office right after he reported for duty a couple of months ago. He told me all about you. He says you are the most intelligent woman he has ever met. Your father-in-law said the same thing the other day when he suggested you would be a asset to the board as a non-voting member. He was right. I wish you were going to stay in the Corps, I would ask for you as one of my aids, but I guess you have a better paying job lined up."

"Yes Sir, I have the best job in the world starting soon, momma to Mica's children."

The general smiled, "Yes and you are going to be great at it too. Tell your boss in Personnel to give you the rest of the week off so you can keep Mica off his feet."

"Sir, I had planned on doing just that, Mica and I have a new lovely home in the Florida Keys on our own private island. I plan on taking him there for a while."

"That sounds like just what he needs, there is nothing for him to do here, with his squadron in Rosie Roads. Get him ready to go when they get back."

Melissa made some arrangements and returned home. Mica greeted her with a loving kiss and embrace, then he said "Guess who called a while ago."

"I have no idea, tell me."

"OK it was Larry Bagley! He wants to know if we would be interested in trading the 195 for another plane."

"Oh no! I love our 195, why would we ever want to sell her?"

"Because an old friend of Larry's wants us to trade her for his plane. He is very familiar with our 195 and wants to put her on amphibian floats.

"Hey, that's a neat idea, we could run her up the ramp at the Keys house. What kind of plane does he have?"

"Oh! He has a Cessna 310, 6 place, fully equipped with the latest navigation and com gear, auto-pilot, extra fuel tanks and super low time."

Melissa's eyes grew huge, "God, my dream plane, it can't be an even swap."

"No he is asking thirty thousand from us above the trade."

"Wow! That is a great deal. How old is she?"

"A year and a half, only 300 hours total time, engines and airframe. She just got back from a factory upgrade where she was fitted with an extra 20 gallon tank for each engine and an oxygen system. She is in Miami, want to go look at her on our way to the Keys?"

"Oh! Mica, she sounds perfect for us. She would be much faster and have the added safety of the second engine. What does Larry think?"

"He says it is a terrific deal, his buddy loved Larry's 195 and is retiring to Minnesota shortly to a home on a lake. The 195 will be perfect for him, that's why he is willing to give us such a great deal."

Melissa looked at him, "Mica I think we need to stop in Miami, do you have a number for Larry's friend?"

"Yep, I already called him and told him we would meet him at North Perry airport just north of Miami, tomorrow at noon. I thought we would fly to Jacksonville this afternoon, spend the night and go on to Miami in the morning."

"That sound good to me, lets get packed, do you have a flight plan figured out?"

"Figured and filed with Flight Service already!"

Melissa giggled, "You sure know me pretty well don't you?"

"I should my love, that's my job."

They had a leisurely flight to Jacksonville in perfect flying weather. They decided to push on to Miami because of the perfect weather so Mellissa went to the Snack Bar and bought them a couple of Subs to eat on the go. Mica called Jerry Donavan, Larry's friend, and they agree to meet for breakfast at a place Jerry recommended near North Perry Airport.

The leg of the trip from Jacksonville to Miami was just as nice as the previous leg and they enjoyed it very much. After dark they could see the lights of all the cities and towns and just followed the coastline to the North Miami area. They had no trouble finding the Airport and after the plane was tied down and refueled they went to the nearby Motel the people at the Airport had called for them. The Motel sent a station wagon to pick them up.

Jerry was a pleasant older man that they both liked right away. Over breakfast he told them how he was very cautious about buying aircraft. He knew the particular 195 they owned and how it had been maintained. He said his 310 had had the same kind of care and she was a perfect as he could make her. He grinned, "After thirty years as an airline pilot, I am not about to risk these old bones in a plane I do not know intimately."

He drove them to the airport and to his hangar. They helped them roll the twin-engine plane out of the hangar. She was beautiful, her paint scheme was almost the same as the 195's, light blue over white. After a close examination of the plane they went into the office Jerry had in the hangar. They went over the logbooks and maintenance records for the 310.

Mica said, "Mr. Donavan, Melissa and I love your plane but we are a little strapped for money right now. We just bought Larry's house, boat, and plane a couple of weeks ago and they were not planned for in our budget, which is now shot all to hell. The best I would feel comfortable with offering you above the even trade would be fifteen thousand dollars."

Mr. Donavan grinned, "Make it twenty and you have a deal."

Mica looked at his beautiful wife and smiled. She nodded, he extended his hand to Jerry and they both laughed. Donavan said he didn't need a check out in the 195 because he was current in it. He was surprised to learn Melissa had flown 310s before and had over fifty hours in them. Mica remarked that today was the first time he had even been close to a 310.

Jerry was a certified instructor so he gave both of them a thorough ground school on the plane. After a snack they went flying. Mica was in the left seat and Melissa rode in back. On Mica's first take off Jerry yanked the power back on the left engine and yelled, "ENGINE FAILURE, PORT SIDE". Mica reacted instantly and applied the procedures he had just been taught. His handling of the aircraft was masterful and Jerry said so.

Mica made four touch and go landings with two more simulated engine failures. Mica taxied back to the hangar after the plane was refueled. They sat in the office and signed the papers and traded log books, records, and manuals. Mica wrote out a check for Donavan. Mica and Melissa watched as the 195 was towed to Jerry's hangar and pushed back inside. They shook hands with Donavan and climbed aboard their new baby.

Mica wore a big grin as he rotated the nose wheel off the ground at 89 knots and it leaped off the runway. The 310 climbed to six thousand five hundred feet much faster than they were used to. Since the trip was a short one, Mica set the throttle to give 210 knots true air speed. They passed west of Miami and Mica calculated they had 134 nautical miles to go. At their speed it would take about 45 minutes. Mica stayed north of the string of Keys .Melissa called Marathon aviation on the UNICOM (Universal Communications ) frequency and explained to the FBO that they would have a new aircraft in their parking place.

They had notified Tom Collins before they left Miami that they would be earlier than they had expected and he met them with the car at their tie down spot. After Mica handed out all their baggage, Tom climbed into the cabin. He looked around and came back out and helped Mica rig the canvas cover over the windows to protect the interior. When they were in the car he said that the new plane looked much bigger and more modern than the old one, Melissa laughed and said he was right, it was all those things.

Melissa hugged Mary Collins when they arrived on the island. Mary grinned and put her hand on Melissa's belly, "Gracious, I do believe you are showing a bit now."

Melissa laughed, "I think so too , but Hubby says I still have a flat belly. I guess seeing it every day he doesn't notice the change. Do you have anything planned for dinner or should Mica and I eat at the club or some place?"

"I won't hear of that, I have lots of things I can fix depending on how hungry you are. I can make you Tom's favorite meal for a late dinner, it is open faced BLTs with cheese."

Melissa looked at Mica, he grinned and nodded. He held up two fingers. Mary smiled and returned the nod. She said, "Please excuse me Mr. Mica, but did you sass our Princess?"

He looked at her, "Not that I recall, but she is the sassy one."

"I mean about your face, did she hit you?"

Mica laughed so hard he had to grab his mouth because his lips hurt so badly. Then he smiled a little, "No Mary, I would have been hurt lots worse if she had punished me. I was only in a plane crash a couple of days ago."

Mary looked shocked, "Oh Mr. Mica, I'm so sorry are you going to be alright?"

Melissa answered, "Mary he is going to be fine. He just needs a little rest and relaxation for a few days. You and Tom are going to help me make sure he gets it too!"

After Mary's delicious sandwiches they sat out on the Florida room (A glassed and screened room.) looking over the gulf of Mexico. They snuggled together under an Afghan in the cool evening. Mary brought them each a hot cup of coffee laced with an excellent brandy. Melissa told her how wonderful it was to be home and thanked her for everything. She said, "I am so glad to be here, Mary, you and Tom are excused for tonight. We will sleep late in the morning, so don't rush over early. Please lock up on your way out."