It Just Happened Ch. 12


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Tragedy struck the family again that same month when Mr. Hawley passed away. We invited Millie's mother to live with us and she accepted.

Tony took more interest in attending family gatherings, coming to terms with the realization that his sisters were married to Crumbly brothers. I guess he could see that our business was treating us well. Ed and I still argued, but we kept our disagreements private. It fact, it was Ed that made a motion for Millie to become an officer of the company. Jen and I made it unanimous.

Now that we were parents and confined to the home, the four of us became best friends, getting together at least once per week. At first, we played cards until the conversation turned to business. Ed and I would go over the schedule and our wives would offer suggestions. Mrs. Hawley was our live-in babysitter and never complained about having two cribs in her room, but her daughters did. Like Ed and Jen's house, our third bedroom was set up as a workroom and became the subject of much debate.

Jen suggested that we combine the workrooms at their house. "You can drop by the house when you need something from the files," she suggested, looking at me. "That will give Jennie her own room when she's ready to be on her own."

"I use that room at night," I argued.

"Honey, you can move the computer into our bedroom," Millie said.

Under pressure of the others, I conceded although I didn't like having to go to Ed's house every time I needed something.

"What we need is an office with storage space for the equipment," Ed said and I agreed that his three-car garage was becoming crowded. It was impossible to find anything.

I thought the issue was solved. Our workrooms would be consolidated and I would live with the inconvenience until we could find a suitable office. "Maybe we should build exactly what we need," I said, not knowing Jen would pick up on my suggestion.

"As long as it's before I have another baby," she said and when she drew looks from the rest of us, she amended her assertion. "If it's a boy it won't matter, but if a never know, do you?"

Against my better judgment, we consolidated the workrooms. I found myself putting off trips to their house until the need for a blueprint or file became urgent. Going into my brother's house, especially when Jen and E.B. were the only ones there, made me nervous. Jen's comment about having another baby made the hair on my neck stand up. I was always on the lookout for a building site where we could construct our own office.

The family gathered at our house for New Year's Eve. It had been a year since Hannah's accident and she was feeling much better. Millie gave Tony and Hannah our room and the kids, Sara and Tommy were to sleep in the vacant bedroom on sleeping bags. Sara, now seven, was becoming intrigued by family relationships.

"Mom says I have to call you Uncle Ben now. Why didn't I have to call you Uncle Ben before?"

"I'm married to your Aunt Millie now. That makes me your uncle and you are my niece, by marriage."

She pondered my answer. "How come you don't have to call me Niece Sara, by marriage?"

This drew laughter from everyone, which encouraged Sara.

"Do you want me to call you Niece Sara?"

She smiled and shook her head, no. "E.B. and Jennie Lynne are my cousins, right?"

"That's right."

She was thoughtful for a second, knowing she had the attention of the grown-ups. "Are E.B. and Jennie Lynne cousins?"

"Yes, their double-cousins," I said, knowing this was going to be trouble.


"Jennie Lynne and E.B. are double-cousins because Uncle Ed and I are brothers and Aunt Millie and Aunt Jen are sisters."

Surprisingly, Sara walked away nodding like she understood my explanation, but a minute later she was back. "Uncle Ben, what's your ship with Aunt Jen?"

Everyone laughed at how Sara shortened relationship. "Aunt Jen is my double-sister-in-law," I said and anticipating her next question, I elaborated. "Before I married your Aunt Millie, Aunt Jen was my sister-in-law, but when Aunt Millie and I married it made Aunt Jen my double-sister-in-law."

Sara looked around the room and getting her mother's attention, announced that she was ready for bed.

The others waited for her to leave the room before piling on me for confusing the little girl. It was a quiet, but fun New Year's Eve party. We laughed, toasted each other and told stories until midnight when the girls kissed the guys. That's when Millie insisted that Ed and Jen stay overnight. "It's dangerous. There are drunks on the road and besides, E.B. is asleep in Mom's room," she argued and I agreed.

Ed and I let our wives undress us in darkened living room. From the way Millie and Jen whispered amongst themselves, I soon discerned that this was an arranged event, especially when I discovered there were only two sleeping bags.

"Leave your underwear on for now," Millie instructed the other couple.

"Why?" Jen asked.

"It's a tradition," my wife proclaimed, pulling me into the sleeping bag.

Millie made me work to free her of her bra, while describing my failed actions in detail. "Hey, that's not a box of nails you're trying to open. This is exactly why I never wear a bra to bed anymore. How is your guy doing, Sis? My guy is so clumsy. Do you want me to do it? Ah, he finally found it."

"What's next?" Jen asked, like their dialog had been rehearsed.

"Did he take it off?"


"Stick one in his mouth and tell him to suck on it," Millie instructed and we laughed as we heard Jen comply. Millie whispered to me, "Not you, Honey. Mine are too sore."

"What's next?" we heard Jen ask, interrupting our kiss.

"Push his shorts down and have him do the same with your panties," Millie patiently tutored her sister. My shorts were already around my ankles as were her panties.

We heard the rustling of underwear being lowered. "How far?"

We were lying face to face, kissing and my cock was bobbing, bouncing against Millie's pussy. She took my cock in her hand and held it inches away from the target while she calmly spoke to Jen. "Down to your ankles, but don't kick them off."

Millie had released my cock and it was bobbing again when we heard Jen. "Why?"

"Because that's the way it's done, tradition, remember?" Millie answered with a hint of irritation in her voice.

Frustrated, I entered my wife and heard her shout, "YES!"

"What now?"

I was surprised when Millie, unperturbed, asked, "Is it hard?" she asked, giving my cock a little squeeze to assure me that we were still joined.

"I'll check...oh, yes, it is."

"Are you wet?"

I groaned frustrated by the way the sisters were prolonging their little drama. Millie squeezed again, putting more effort into it this time.

"Yes, very," came the answer from the other side of the room.

"Then it's time for penetration," Millie said, meeting my thrusts.


I'd had it with their nonsensical banter. "All the way," Millie said as I kicked her panties off and rolled her over onto her back.

"What's happening over there?"

For once, Millie didn't respond. She was too busy wrapping her legs around my ass and urging me to fuck her. It was the next morning at breakfast before Jen got her answer.

"Your double-brother-in-law broke tradition," Millie said, exploding in laugher as she caressed my cheek.

Jen and Ed were the only ones that got the joke.

"What's tradition?" Sara asked looking astonished that such a simple question could make grown-ups crack up.

We celebrated our first wedding anniversary by having dinner at The Regal and later in bed where, according to Millie, we made Benjamin E. Crumbly, Junior.

Millie swore me to secrecy when she told me she was pregnant with our second child, wanting to postpone giving Jen the news as long as possible.

I don't know if Jen believed the 'tradition' would create a miracle, but when it became impossible for Millie to 'hide' our good fortune, Jen became noticeably depressed. She and Ed came to our house less frequently and Ed became difficult to work with. Millie took the long absences from her sister hard and I missed seeing my nephew, E. B.

All that year, we used every excuse to host family parties. Ed and Jen always showed up, usually arriving late and leaving early. When it came time to celebrate E.B. second birthday, they balked at coming to our house, rightly saying that Millie was in no condition to do that much work. They invited everyone to their home.

I didn't know it then, but that was the day Jen launched her campaign to persuade me to donate my semen, again. She lifted E.B. onto my lap and held the cake for him to blow out the candles. On the surface, this act evaded the attention of most onlookers, except my brother, who was sitting at the head of the table and my wife, who was eight months pregnant.

"E.B, you have to call him Double-Uncle Ben," Sara said, making everyone laugh and breaking the tension that Ed, Millie and I shared.

Next, Jen approached Millie in her quest to 'use' me, but I didn't hear about it until after our son was born on October the second. We were in the bedroom, admiring the newborn when Millie broached the subject.

"Jen wants another child."

"Does she need another 'tradition' lesson?" I asked in an attempt to be funny.

My wife didn't laugh. "She's asking for your help."

"Hmmm, does that really work?" I asked, thinking Jen wanted to mix my semen with her eggs.

"It worked before," Millie responded, smashing my charade wall that I had taken refuge behind. Either Jen had confirmed her suspicion that I was the father of E.B. or Millie had known all along.

"You're not talking about...doctors...laboratory...that route, are you?"

Millie shook her head, no.

"Not me, I'm not available," I said, retreating from the room.

That was the end of our discussion, I thought. Two days later she brought it up again.

"Have you given any thought to what we talked about the other day?" Millie asked.

"Yes, I have and the answer is still no. I won't do it." "Even if I'm okay with it?"

I was so shocked by what she said that I couldn't talk. I left the room, only to be cornered later, in bed.

"Jen's desperate to have another baby. She even got Mom to agree that you should help her."

"Oh, no. Does your mother know about E.B.?"

"Mom thinks it's better to keep it in the family than use a stranger. She says we know what we're getting from you."

Millie could hardly contain herself and I laughed with her. We kissed and professed our love for each other. "I love you and I love Jen. I trust you both. Nothing could come between us," she said.

"What about Ed? Does he know?"

"I think he does. How could he not know?"

"I won't go behind his back," I said, adamantly.

"You did before," Millie reminded me. "And don't say 'it just happened'."

"You're right," I admitted.

"Can I tell Jen you'll do it if Ed approves?"

"I don't know. Let me think about it. Are you sure you're okay with it?"

There was a long silence. "I can't help but wonder how different it would be if I had said something when we were in high school."

"We would have fallen in love and probably gone to the same college."

"I wouldn't have met Bruce," she blurted out.

I waited for her to tell me who Bruce was and when she didn't, I asked, "Was Bruce the guy at grad school?"

"We got into a fight over you and I left without completing my work."

"Over me?"

"He blamed me for always being preoccupied about something and I finally admitted it was you. I told him I couldn't help but wonder what would have happened if I had let my feelings be known when we were in high school."

"We would probably have six kids," I said, still waiting to hear if she was really okay with my spending a day in Jen's bed.

"I love you, Ben. I love my sister, too and I trust both of you to do the right thing."

I held her close, feeling terribly unsure of my own feelings, but wanting to please her. Nothing more was said until three nights later.

"Ed stopped by my job site today."

"Oh, what did he have to say?"

"He wanted me to look at a lot in the industrial complex. He thinks it's suitable for the building we've been talking about."

"Oh, is that all he wanted to talk about?"

"No, he said he loved me."

"That's so sweet of him," Millie said, kissing me on the chin.

"I told him I love him, too."

"You really are a Dear."

"He said I should spend a day organizing the workroom at his house to decide what to discard and what to move."

"What day did he say you should work at his house?"

"He didn't know which day would be best."

"I'll find out. Jen may want me to bring E.B. over here that day. You know how he gets into everything."

My whole body stiffened and Millie asked me what was wrong.

"I've wanted to tell him, 'It just happened' for six years. It was on the tip of my tongue, but after he told me he loved me I couldn't bring myself to say it."

"You're a better man for telling him that you love him, Ben Crumbly. Revenge is a sickness that will eat your guts out."

So I'm in a holding pattern, waiting for my wife to relay the news that my double-sister-in-law has reached the height of fertility.

I wait, wondering, 'what if it doesn't work the first time?' Will we all, Millie, Ed, Jen and I agree to try again in January?

I want to tell my brother that I admire him, but the words don't come out. I love my wife, but I don't think I could let my brother make love to her to prove it.

Meanwhile, I watch Millie feed our newborn and marvel at the love she has for Jen and me. I try to show my appreciation. I try to make her laugh.

"Is there such a thing as double-incest?" I ask.

"You make me laugh," she says.

The end

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AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

If Ben thinks that he and Ed are being honest with each other at some point I'd think he'd have asked Ed if he paid for the tuition *to* get and keep Ben out of the way so he *could* seduce/romance/whatever Jen.

Maybe Ben can forgive him but how can he do that if either Ed *didn't* do that or if Ed did and won't apologize?

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

A good read. I was not happy when Ben started fucking around with Jen after what she did, especially with his brother, Ed, but I didn't see ahead far enough, and didn't catch how important a part Millie would play in all this, then you have Ben breeding Jen, not once, but apparently as long as she wants babies, with Millie's approval, but what happens when Jen is done baby-making, but still wants Ben's cock in her regularly. Will Millie buy into that service agreement or go looking for another stud? You could also add three or four more chapters or a sequel. Now in a sequel, you could have Veronica showing up after a divorce, and really pissing the sisters off with her attempts to get Ben back. Then to make things even better, Nadine shows up, after a bad experience with Max, she's built like a brick shit-house;drop-dead gorgeous, wanting Ben to breed her too. Ed gets killed in a construction accident that was partly of his making, and Ben ends up with a harem and five kids. That isn't the end of it though. All this time, Hannah, Tony's wife has been plotting to get Ben away from Millie, but decids maybe joining the harem is a better idea. Just an idea or two. Well done. Keep writing.


Merlin_the_MagicianMerlin_the_Magicianabout 2 years ago

A really cute story that ended so well. To too long and I saw no spelling or grammatical errors. Well written and entertaining. I liked the length of the chapters which made is an easy and good read.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Raise your hand if you hate evil, manipulative bitch Jen and are unsatisfied with the lack of retribution.

Anallicker01Anallicker01about 3 years ago

Very enjoyable read! I'd like to think everyone lived happily ever after.

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