It Started in the Bushes


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"Hi," I said with a big smile, until I realized that he was staring at my face. He was actively, almost rudely, studying every line of my features, and shyly smiling.

Then I remembered how our eye makeup had run, and also remembered that I probably looked like a fucking Raccoon. My smile faded, when I thought about how I must look.

"Doing too much on your first day back huh?" he asked, in a shy voice.

He sat down and started to touch my ankle, and then he stopped and looked at me.

I tried to look away, because I knew what he was looking at.

"My makeup looks awful doesn't it?" I asked.

"Well, don't blame it, for trying to take the easy way out, it was doomed to fail," he said.

I was shocked; I had obviously misjudged this bastard, because he wasn't nice at all.

"It did have an impossible job to do," he said.

I was really pissed now, just think I'd spent 2 weeks fantasizing about this guy fucking me (I could admit it now because I was angry) and he just sits here and insults me, for no reason.

Sure I knew that I wasn't some 19 year old Brazilian super model, whose ass hadn't fallen, but I wasn't ugly by a long shot. Lots of guys told me that if I was a bit smaller, I'd be perfect. But he just kept going with it.

"I guess makeup's job is to make you look better," he said, it was as if he just couldn't shut up.

"But I don't think anything could do that," he said nervously.

I was just about to call him something that I was sure I'd regret, but I was on the verge of tears and I wasn't going to let him make me cry. But 10 seconds later I realized what he was trying to say, and I was so fucking glad I hadn't said anything.

"Because you're already so pretty," he said, "there's just no way for makeup to help."

"It just gets in the way," he finished, and kept looking down.

"Uhm may I?" he said pointing at my ankle. I think he just needed to do something, to cover up his nervousness.

I was speechless, so I just nodded my head like one of those stupid dashboard dogs that people have in their cars.

He took both of my ankles in his lap; first he lightly ran his fingers over the good ankle. Then he did the same to the sore one.

"All of the swelling seems to be gone," he said.

"The muscles around the sore one, seem to be a lot tighter," he continued.

"You haven't been stretching them out have you?" he asked.

He started massaging my ankle before I could even answer. I don't know what I would have said anyway, my mind was locked on one thing; did he actually say that I was so pretty that makeup couldn't make me look better? He really said that.

He took my shoe off and continued massaging, and actually went down my foot and massaged the soles of my feet and my toes. I was hoping he couldn't see me squirming, and hoping even more, that he couldn't tell what was going through my mind and my body right then. I was sure my nipples had torn through the spandex of my top, and I was probably sitting in a puddle. If I kept dripping like this, my vaginal secretions would likely drown us both.

I looked over and saw soft dark brown eyes, and realized that I was guilty of a great wrong.

Women all over the world lament the fact that men generally paint us as objects, and we, had done the same thing to Darryl and his friends. We saw them as bodies, or as fantasy objects without taking the time to even wonder about their personalities or anything else.

As I watched him, all he seemed intent on right now, was relieving the pain in my ankle. He was probably, I noticed, a little bit older than I'd suspected, and was probably only 5 or 6 years younger than I was, which really wasn't so bad was it?

He also seemed to be a genuinely nice guy. A little too shy perhaps, but that was kind of cute.

He'd also gotten tongue tied and nervous while trying to complement me, which told me that he hadn't had a lot of practice talking to women, which was also a good thing.

His touch was both strong, and incredibly gentle, at the same time, and he had no idea what it was doing to me.

"How's that," he said beginning to stand up.

Something in my mind snapped, and I heard myself ask, "Could you help me up?"

"Of course," he said smiling, "But remember to take it easy for a while."

"At least, until you get the strength in the joint back," he said.

I looked around as he reached out to take my hand, and saw no one in the immediate vicinity. There were walkers and a few joggers out, but no one near enough to us to pose a danger, though to be honest, I don't think I'd have cared anyway. I knew what I had to do.

AS I got to my feet, I held onto his hand, and started walking towards the bushes near the edge of the trees, that surrounded the woods on the interior of the park. They were tall hedges that you couldn't see through. Once out of sight I dropped down to my knees in front of him, and pulled his running shorts down in one quick motion. Believe it or not he tried to back away from me. So I just grabbed him by his legs, and pulled him back. As my hand grabbed his manhood, his body stiffened and it did as well. It wasn't some huge freakish porn star dick, but it was bigger than the only other one I'd ever seen in real life. I wasn't looking at his face, so I don't know what his reaction was, but he was no longer trying to get away. As I began to lower my mouth on the object of my desire, he tried to push my head back.

"I'm sweaty," he said, was he really trying to excuse himself out of a blowjob?

"Shut up," I replied and licked the shaft from his balls to the tip. It was a really strange taste, beneath the obvious taste of salt for his sweat, there were other flavors. Kind of like a cinnamon mixed with musk, but tangy taste. I lightly dragged my teeth across it teasing him. From the groan he tried to stifle, I could tell he like it. Then I started on the head. The hands on my head were no longer pushing me away, now they just rested on the side of my face.

I started moving my head up and down on it, in that motion that I'd seen when my husband and I watched porno movies. Every stroke I went further and further, until the tip of his dick started brushing the back of my throat.

I had never done this before, my asshole of a husband had tried in vain for years to get me to do this, but our sex life was pretty much stunted. He refused to lick my vagina, he said it was nasty and a sin, but he wanted me to suck his slimy little dick.

The funny thing was, that I was probably enjoying this as much as Darryl was. As I watched the muscles in his powerful legs straining and flexing, I realized that for all of his strength, he was my toy right now. If I'd thought that doing this was demeaning or nasty, I suddenly realized that it wasn't demeaning because I was in control. It was my choice, I could finish him off, and give him unimaginable pleasure; or I could simply stop, and leave him frustrated and unfulfilled. I was in total control. The 2nd part, was that it really didn't feel nasty. It actually felt great, to do something for a person who without even knowing my name, seemed to always be willing to put what he was doing aside, to help me.

My daughter, rarely if ever came home from college, and usually when she did call, it was only to ask for money. She hadn't even realized yet, that her father had left us, or how devastated I was. Speaking of the husband, he hadn't given me any consideration at all, before leaving with his teenaged booty queen. The only other person in my life was my mother, and she was very old and in failing health.

The simple act of blowing a stranger in the bushes, had allowed me to put my life in perspective, far more easily than anything else I'd done over the past several months.

"Uhm I'm gonna c...," choked out Darryl tapping my shoulder to warn me.

I just held on tighter, as he tried to push my head away.

Suddenly I felt a small amount of warm salty fluid coating the back of my throat, and Darryl collapsed. It really didn't taste bad at all, in fact, I wanted more. We ended up on the ground with my head still between those powerful legs. As we lay there on the ground, all seemed right with the world to me. All of my problems just went away.

"What was that for?" I heard him ask.

"To pay you back for helping me," I said, and I really meant it.

"Well, you paid me too much," he said, "Here's your change."

He rolled over and pulled down my shorts, as I had done his. About a hundred things went through my mind at the speed of light. Was he going to fuck me? Where was that damned condom? Was I going to let him? Hell yes! I thought, but he had other plans. He lowered his head between my legs, and suddenly I was worried about my leaking.

"Uhm I'm," I began.

"Shut up," he replied.

Then my world changed forever. He started out just blowing softly along my outer labia, and it felt so good my hips were already inching up towards him. I was getting hotter than I'd ever imagined possible. Then he started the same gentle breezes against my swollen puffy inner lips and the heat became an inferno. When the breeze barely grazed the tip of my clit, I had my first small orgasm and he hadn't even physically touched me yet.

I hadn't come down from that one yet when I went into shock. He had used his tongue and swiped my pussy from my asshole to my clit in one strong hard motion. He actually ended the lick with a slurping sound as if he was lapping up my juices. I thought that my head and body had separated, and I couldn't control anything.

"Oh shit!" I heard myself screaming. If anyone had been passing by at that point I don't know what they would have thought was going on, and I just stopped thinking. I wildly clawed my top up, freeing my breasts and started rubbing them, one of his hands replaced mine, and it felt like my nipples were growing longer trying to contact him.

He separated my inner lips with his fingers gently, and started licking and blowing along the inside of my slit, and I just kept coming, over and over, then he very gently licked and kept licking the tip of my clit, and I kept building and building until I just blacked out.

I couldn't believe this was happening, my husband had never done this for me in 24 years of marriage, but a stranger whom I'd only met twice, had just licked my pussy until I lost consciousness.

When I looked up he had pulled my shorts back up, and was rubbing my temples. He was doing it so gently and staring down at me, in a way my husband not only hadn't lately, but never had.

When I looked at him I noticed that the entire bottom of his face was wet, and since he smelled like my pussy, I knew what it was.

"Somebody besides me, really needs a shower," I said.

This was the wildest craziest, most romantic thing I'd ever had happen to me. Then reality reared its ugly head as I heard a group of bikers ride by, less than twenty feet from where we were.

"Oh shit, the girls are waiting for me," I said.

"I've got to go," I told him, as I got up and started to walk the last mile back to the parking lot.

He sat there still in a daze as I left.

Before I'd gotten too far, I saw Emily's car, and waved at it. She pulled over and opened the door.

I climbed in the back seat, behind her and Pam.

"Oh my God!" shrieked Pam, "You really did it."

"Did what?" I asked innocently.

"You fucked him, didn't you?" she asked excitedly, "how was it?"

"I don't know what you're talking about," I said quietly.

Emily stopped the car, and turned around and looked at me.

Then she turned back around, and started driving again.

"You lying bitch," she laughed, "tell us about it."

"Tell you about what?" I asked.

"Tell us about, why we've circled the park twice, looking for you," began Pam.

"And then we find you, in almost the same place that we left you," she continued.

"No one walks that slow, not even you," she laughed.

"Then when we pick you up, you smell like a walking pussy, and you have sperm on your chin," said Pam.

"So tell us about it," said Emily.

I filled them in on everything that happened, and they were both dumbfounded, and full of questions. I really didn't want to talk at that point, because my pussy was still tingling. What I really wanted to do was to go back to the bushes for round 2, but they were my friends, and the voice of reason.

"So, you were going to ask him out to dinner?" asked Emily.

"Did you use the condom?" asked Pam.

"Are you going to do it again?" asked Emily.

I just smiled, as in my mind I went over what had just happened. I knew it was a onetime thing, but it had really been beautiful.

"I can't believe you just pulled some guy into the bushes, and sucked his dick," said Emily

"Or that you liked it," said Pam.

"Oh we have got to tell Betty about this," laughed Emily.

"She'll probably have a heart attack," she said.

I think that up until then, my friends had thought of me, as their chubby, dowdy friend, and thought that like them, I was incapable, of doing anything wild or crazy. I knew they'd never expect me to cheat on my husband, even though he had abandoned me.

And deep down I think I thought the same thing, but for some reason that I couldn't explain then, even to myself, what had happened felt natural, and not out of place in my life. It felt almost like a signal, as much as growing breasts or a girl's first period, or graduating from high-school. They all signal important changes in one's life; my interlude in the bushes marked the start of a new phase in my life.

At this point I stopped talking, and noticed that Blondie-blond was so silent listening to me that she had nearly stopped breathing.

I looked at my watch.

"Ooh, time for me to go," I told her.

"Wait," she asked.

"You were still married when this happened?" she asked.

I nodded my head affirmatively, smiling.

"So technically, you were cheating?" she asked again.

"What did that have to do with you being so happy," she continued.

"What happened next?" she asked.

As if on cue 4 or 5 guys ran by us, a few of them yelled "Hi Alana," and the one in front a slightly older, very attractive black guy, stopped and kissed me, before running to catch up with the pack.

"Was that....?" She began.

"But you didn't......," she said.

"Are you coming back here?" she asked

"I really need to know what happened," she said.

"Ryan, Bryan," I screamed.

As the two boys toddled their way towards the stroller, I turned to her.

"Same time tomorrow," I said.

"Hell yes!" she told me.

To be continued????

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AnonymousAnonymous6 months ago

Geez. It wasn't cheating unless you focus on a technicality. Her husband abandoned her for a younger woman and she hadn't seen or heard from him in six months and she filed for a divorce based on abandonment. Yes she did something risqué. So what Darryl coukd have fended her off. Instead they were two consenting adults. Good for her. You go girl!

oldtwitoldtwitabout 1 year ago

Cleaver little story, nicely done

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

It's not really like she cheated, hubby cheated and left her so she's free to pursue some pleasure and possible happiness and fulfillment.

drycreeksdrycreeksover 1 year ago

Started out slow not real sure if i like this 1 or not but will finish it.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Sajnos ez nem sikerült.... nem is olvasom tovább, viszont az összes többi írás szinte kivétel nélkül nagyon jók ,remek a történetek fordulatai !

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