It Was Just a Kiss or Was It?

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Was it just a kiss. Well...
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This is my third attempt to create a story so take it easy on me. Most of the comments I received on my other stories were constructive and some were downright nasty. Just take it easy because life is too short. Sorry still haven't found an editor but did spend more time proofreading.

It was just a kiss

It was a wet and windy morning at her Aunt May's beach house. She had arrived there three days ago and had almost finished reading her first book on her Nook. After turning on her smart phone she found one email from her daughter, which meant she knew and no messages from Alex, which surprised her. But after all, she insisted she wanted to be completely alone and to only contact her if there was an emergency.

Anna knew that both her husband Alex and her daughter Megan would not understand why she wanted to be alone. He blew up when she told him about her plan to escape and she had never in their 30-year marriage seen him so angry with her. He had always been the sweetest and caring man who cherished her like no other woman. But something was wrong with her.

It didn't take her long to figure out that her 50th birthday coming up was a big part of her dilemma but it was also her relationship with a new man. Henry had started at the insurance office where she had worked a few months ago. He was quite younger than her and had recently lost his wife to cancer. They had clicked together from day one and without realizing it started developing a close friendship. Within a few weeks they started going out to lunch and started talking about very private feelings they had. It was the kiss that started it all.

Neither had planned to make their relationship a physical one. Anna had never been with another man other than Alex and had never once came close to cheating. With her strong Catholic background, she kept her wedding vows sacred to her beliefs and knew she could never hurt the man she loved with all her heart. It was two days after Henry had kissed her that she decided she needed to get away and think about her life.

Twenty-six year old Megan just happened to stop by the house one evening and found him passed out lying on the living room floor.

"Dad! Dad!" She screamed as she turned him over. At first she thought he was dead but took a big breath when his eyes opened and he smiled at her.

"Am I in heaven and are you an angel?"

She had never seen her Dad this high on alcohol before and somehow got him to sit up and lean back against the sofa. After getting him to drink some water he finally came around.

"What's going on? Where is Mom?"

"She...she left me. She...she had to...find herself." Tears started flowing from his eyes and he hugged his baby girl to his body.

"You're not making sense. Why did she leave? Did you have an argument? Where did she go? I'll call her." She picked her phone out of her back pocket but he grabbed it from her.

"She doesn't want anyone contact her and be alone. Oh God I have to throw up!"

She got him to the downstairs toilet just in time. For the next hour she got him cleaned up and eating something. "I'm going back to my apartment and getting some clothes and toiletries and will be right back. Promise me that you won't have any booze and do anything stupid."

"Wait, what's up with you and Brian?"

"He's history. He would rather play his video games than get a job."

"I'm sorry baby. Oh, I forgot she left you a letter and it's on the kitchen table. I didn't read it."

Megan left him sleeping a while later and read the letter.


I'm so sorry leaving your father this way but I need to get away for a while. Please know that I love both of you more than life itself and I don't want either of you to think that I don't. This escape is about me only. I need to solve things roaming around in my mind and can only do it by myself. I'm staying at Auntie's Beach house but please do not come here and only contact me if it's an emergency. I have filled the refrigerator with food that is easy to cook so please take care of your dad. I know I should have told you about this but I knew you would try to talk me out of this. I'm not sure how long I'll be away and have taken a leave of absence from my job. I'm sure this will be over soon whatever it is.

Love Mom'

With her dad asleep she tried to call her mom but it went to voice mail. 'Mom...Dad is a total wreck and if I didn't find him passed out I'm not sure if he would still be alive. Whatever you were thinking you are so wrong to do this to him. I hope you have a great time getting your head together and don't worry I won't be calling you again.'

Anna sat on the balcony overlooking the ocean and hearing the waves hit the shore. She thought of Henry who had apologized many times since the kiss. He said it was just something that happened and had no intention of taking their friendship to another level. "But it was me," she said aloud. "I was the one who pushed my lips to his." Tears fell from her eyes as she was tossed and turned between thinking about Henry and her husband.

Thirty-one year old Henry tried to contact Anna but she never returned his phone call. He was hurt deeply that she was so upset that she took a leave from work. Since his wife died he had built a wall around himself and shied away from any relationship with another woman until he met Anna. At first she was just a smiling face and someone to tell what a wonderful day it was.

But soon he was hurrying to work to see her before the day started and made excuses to stop by her desk as much as possible. Suddenly his life had meaning again and he had found someone who understood the loneliness he was experiencing. It was on his dead wife's birthday that he broke down after having lunch with her when she hugged and kissed him. At first their lips just lightly pressed together but after they pulled away he pulled her back and kissed her with the passion that he had buried years ago. She resisted at first but soon it was her tongue searching for and playing with his. For the first time in a long time his erection was alive and had hope. That was until a car horn woke them up and they quickly moved apart.

"We can't do this!" She ran to the parking garage elevator and pushed the close door button. A few days later he discovered from her assistant that she was taking a leave of absence and was going away by herself.

Henry knew he had to fix things with Anna's family. He knew the husband and daughter were wondering what was wrong with her just leaving like she did. He walked up to the front door and rang the bell.

Megan heard the doorbell and thought it might be her Mom but shouldn't she have a key. She cracked it open and saw a young man standing on the front step. "Can I help you?"

Henry realized this must be the daughter that he had heard Anna speak so highly of. "You must be Megan."

"Do I know you?" She asked suspiciously.

"I'm Henry Martin and I uh work with your mother."

Megan was already wondering if her Mom had left because of another man. "What do you want?" she asked angrily.

"I would like to talk to you and your father."

"If you are who I think you are you need to get the hell away from here. My Mom is not here."

"I know...that's why I'm here explain."

Megan was about to slam the door close but her dad pushed it open. "Let him in."

Henry could see the anger and upset in their faces as he slowly made his way into the house. "Let's sit in the den," Alex said firmly. He too had suspected she left because of another man.

Alex and Megan sat on the sofa while Henry sat across from them. "Well, it's your show please go ahead."

"My name is Henry Martin and I work with Anna." He saw both of them lean back and cross their arms.

Alex cliched his fists. "Are you two having an affair? You have a lot of fucking nerve to show up here. Did she send you?" Alex was ready to attack.

Henry put up his two hands in defense. "No to the affair and no I haven't been in contact with her since she left work last week. But we did cross the line and...and we kissed."

"I knew it!" Megan gasped. "What are you like thirty years old? Do you go around seducing older married women?"

"Please believe me that wasn't my intention. My wife died two years ago and I've been a mess. Anna kind of took me under her wing and has been trying to bring me back."

"I'll bet," Alex growled. "Are you two in love?"

"I've been asking myself the same question and I have to admit that I like Anna a whole lot but not in the way you are thinking. What's not to like? She's got a big heart and is a warm wonderful person. We didn't plan on kissing and after it happened we both knew right away that it was wrong. If I could take it back I would in a heartbeat."

"Why do you think she left like she did?" Alex asked now feeling the man was telling the truth.

"I know she loves you very much and she had told me that many times. But she also has mentioned getting close to fifty and it is obvious that is upsetting her. She must be confused about our relationship."

"What can we do? Just leave her alone or do something to help her?" Megan asked also believing the man.

"I have an idea," Alex said.

Anna was settling in at the beach house but had not come to any conclusions about her future. The kiss threw her for a loop and put doubt in her mind about wanting to be with another man. But at the same time, she didn't want to give up her life with Alex and would never cheat on him. She was starting to nap on the balcony when she heard footsteps coming up the long flight of stairs. She felt someone's presence behind her and twisted quickly to see Megan and Alex standing in the doorway.

"What are you doing here?" She snapped at them. "I told you I wanted to be alone. Please leave right now."

"We know about Henry Mom," Megan said softly.

"But how? No one knows and it was just a...a"

Henry stepped around and stood next to Alex and Megan. "Oh God Henry...what are you doing here?"

"I told them everything Anna," Henry said feeling his eyes start to tear up. "We are all worried about you?"

Her eyes focused on Alex's face. "I do love you please do not think that I don't."

Henry moved forward. "Anna, there is no way ever that I could take you away from your family. I cherish my time together with you but only as a friend. I think we both realized that after we kissed."

Megan and the men waited for Anna's response but she turned and walked to the balcony rail and stared out at the beach. Alex tapped Henry and Megan's shoulders, motioned backwards and said, "We will be downstairs."

Anna heard their footsteps leaving the third floor. All the pieces were finally coming together for her. The agony that she was in was ebbing away.

They sat at the kitchen drinking Lemonade they found in the refrigerator without talking. Finally, they saw her walk into the doorway.

"Alex would you walk with me on the beach?" She asked.

His face showed his concern that she was going to tell him bad news. Megan took his hand and squeezed it as he stood before following his wife down the back steps.

They walked in silence until she started crying and said, "I'm so sorry."

Even though he was upset and sad he felt her pain. "It's ok," he whispered as he pulled her into him. "I understand that you have fallen in love with another man." Tears started falling from his face as well.

But she pushed him back, grabbed both of his shoulders and stared into his eyes. "NO! YOU BIG DUMMY! I LOVE ONLY YOU!"

"But I thought..."

"Henry was right. We care for each other but not even close to the way I love you."

She pulled his lips to hers and both experienced the deep desire they have for each other. "I thought I lost you baby," he whispered as he nibbled on her soft nape.

"Never...Never...Never. I'm yours forever."


Henry and Megan went back to their homes while Anna and Alex stayed and had their second honeymoon. At her 50th birthday celebration Alex was about to make a toast when Megan walked in with her boyfriend.

"Wait before you toast," Megan smiled. She turned to her one true love. "Henry asked me to marry him and I said YES!"

Sometimes these stories end happily. Hope you enjoyed it as much as I did writing it. Was it just a kiss?"

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The author would appreciate your feedback.
ReadyOneReadyOneover 1 year ago

Megan's boy friend killed this story at it's last sentence.

SPARTAN047SPARTAN047over 1 year ago

I didn't want to comment, but I find it tempting to play the devil's advocate.

The other readers wanting to burn Anna is because they've seen and maybe observed a lot of affairs which started from a simple kiss and another man's wife dying.

It seems a bit OTT but it's because of the consequences of divorce for men, financially and emotionally, which are causing other readers to lose it. There are some cases where it doesn't happen – personally, IK some wives who left to 'find themselves' because they found another woman and 'discovered' they were lesbian, and of course there are the hubbies cruising around for cock or finding out they're gay. Either way, adultery isn't punished as heavily as it used to be, so it's making some people hyper-aware and vigilant about how their spouses might cheat.

rockdoctor63rockdoctor63over 1 year ago

She grew close to this guy, put herself into a position to have feelings for the new guy, kissed him, then takes off to "find herself" because she wants the new guy? She is a disaster waiting to happen. She would have to have some serious therapy before I would take her bakc,

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