It's a Simple Matter of Trust

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Jealous co-worker gets revenge by tricking a wife to cheat.
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My name is Rick and I work for a high end investment firm. I am an account manager, and have been with the company for fifteen years now. I have paid my dues and am ready to move up to upper level management. My wife Kay is a high school math teacher. She could get a corporate job if she wanted to, but loves teaching. It also gives her time to be with our two kids, ages 10 and 12. We are in our late 30's and have been married for seventeen years. We have a great sex life and really do adore each other. We have always been such a happy family. Here is what happened.

I was finally up for a big promotion. This job would be a huge step up into management for whoever got the job. There were three of us account managers up for this job.

Joe has not been with the company as long as I have, but has been very successful. I got along with Joe pretty well, but we were in competition for this job.

Bob was the other candidate. He has been with the company almost as long as I have. I never have liked Bob very much, and I am sure he probably doesn't like me. I always bring in more clients than he does, and I know he is jealous of me. He is always flirting with Kay at our company parties. He is jealous that I have such a beautiful wife. I never have really trusted him. Kay is nice to him, but thinks he is creepy.

It was going to be close on who would get the job. This job not only paid a lot more, it would mean a lot more prestige and power within the company.

The decision would be made by Susan Mercer. Susan was a very attractive 48 year old regional Vice President. Looking at Susan you would think she was a model instead of this very successful business woman. She was always very professional, and very businesslike. I had a lot of respect for Susan and knew her choice would be based on who was best suited for this job.

Susan called all three of us in and said her decision would be based on performance reviews and an interview.

Over the next few days she interviewed us several times one by one. She asked tough questions, but I feel like I nailed the interview. On a couple of occasions I saw Bob walk out looking a little flustered.

Kay was very supportive and told me every night how proud she was of me no matter who was chosen. She also fucked my brains out every night for good luck. I almost wish the selection process would go on for a few more days.

Friday came and this was going to be the big day. Susan was supposed to announce her choice today. She waited until the end of the day, then called all three of us into her office.

She said it was a tough decision and made a case for all three of us. Finally she announced that I would get the job.

Joe shook my hand and said congratulations with a smile. Bob didn't say anything. He looked at me for a minute with contempt on his face, then walked out. I knew he was upset, but would get over it.

Susan gave me a hug and said I would move into my new office on Monday.

As I was about to leave, Bob came over and told me he deserved that promotion. I could tell he was bitter about it. He made some comment that I was probably fucking Susan which is why I got the promotion.

I knew why I got the promotion, besides I have always been faithful to my wonderful wife. Plus I am a professional and would never conduct myself in that way in any job.

I couldn't wait to get home to Kay so we could celebrate. The kids were starting their Spring Break, so they would be spending the week at their grandparents. They would enjoy the time on the farm. This would give Kay and I a whole week alone. I was on top of the world.

Kay and I partied all weekend long. We wined and we dined, and we fucked constantly, morning, noon, and night. I was pretty tired when I went to work Monday morning, but I felt so good. Kay was on Spring Break, so she got to sleep in.

I ran into Bob and could tell he was still bitter. I tried to be friendly, but he said something like, "don't worry, you'll get yours."

I didn't know what it meant, but I had work to do, so I didn't worry about it.

About 2:00 that afternoon my cell phone rang and it was Kay. "Hi sexy," I answered.

"Don't you sexy me you bastard," she said.

She went on to call me every name in the book. I had no idea what was going on. She wouldn't let me get a word in edge wise.

She said Bob was there and told her how I got the promotion.

He said I had been fucking Susan for a couple of months now and that is why I was chosen over he and Jim.

She said that Bob told her he had hired a private investigator and he had pictures, video, and proof of what I was doing. He was going to send me everything so I could take you to the cleaners.

I tried to defend myself but she wouldn't let me get a word in. I tried to tell her that he was lying to get back at me, but she didn't hear it. Finally she hung up on me. I called back but she had turned off her phone. I left a message on her answering machine telling her he was lying and that I would come home and straighten it out.

I then went looking for Bob. They said he left a couple of hours ago and said he wouldn't be back in the office today. I figured I better get home fast.

I got home and ran into the house. I heard noises upstairs in our bedroom.

I walked in and what I saw was shocking to say the least. Bob had Kay bent over the bed with her pants down. He had his dick buried in her pussy and was fucking her for all he was worth. I could tell by his face he was about to come.

As Bob shot his load into my wife, I fell to the floor. I don't even know how to describe what I felt at that moment. My whole world just came tumbling down.

Bob grabbed his clothes and started for the door. He stopped and looked at me and said, "it's ok you got the job buddy, I just got my revenge with a piece of your wife's pussy."

Then he turned and looked back at Kay and said, "you stupid fucking whore, your husband never fucked Susan, too bad you didn't trust him enough to talk to him first."

With that he walked out the door laughing.

Kay screamed. "Oh my God, what have I done? Rick? Honey I am so sorry. I should have talked to you first."

I got up off the floor. I walked over and sat on the bed.

Kay tried to sit next to me and put her arm around me, but I pushed her away.

"He came over and told me that story. He said he had proof. He sounded so convincing. I started crying and he took me in his arms. I was crying on his shoulder because I was so upset. He started kissing me and I tried to pull away, but he kept on.

He said my best revenge would be to have sex with him right there.

The next I know is that my pants are down and he is inside me. Then I see you and he is cumming inside me."

I just looked at her, I didn't know what to say.

Kay said, "yes I wanted revenge, but I know I should have talked to you first. What have I done?" she kept saying over and over.

Finally I looked at her and said, "I thought our marriage was built on trust and respect. I can see that means nothing to you. I have never cheated on you Kay, or will I ever cheat on you. You just let that asshole break up a great marriage."

"No, No, No," she yells. "We have to talk and figure this out. Rick I love you with all my heart, and I am so sorry I let that bastard do what he did."

I just stood up and walked out the door.

"Where are you going?" She asked.

"I don't know, but I have to get out of here for a little bit," I said.

The image of him bending Kay over the bed is more than I could stand right now.

"Rick, don't leave, please, I need you baby."she said.

I walked out the door very upset and shaking. I got in my car and left.


What have I done? Why did I listen to that creep? How could I have been so stupid? I know my husband wouldn't do anything like that with anyone, much less to get a promotion. I tried to call Rick but it kept going straight to voicemail.

About an hour and a half went by when there was a knock at the door. I ran to the door and opened it. It was the Texas Highway Patrol.

"Are you Kay Templeton," the officer asked.

"Yes," I answered with my voice shaking.

"Do you have a husband named Richard Templeton?" They asked.

"Yes," she said, afraid of what was next.

"Mrs. Templeton, I am afraid your husband has been in a serious automobile accident. It occurred on farm road 76. It was a one car accident in which he lost control of the car on a corner. The car rolled several times and he is in pretty bad shape."

I almost fainted. I could hardly believe all this was happening. Only a few hours ago everything was so perfect.

The officers caught her and helped her sit down. "Mrs. Templeton your husband is going into surgery at City Hospital. It is a life and death emergency so they will take your verbal permission to proceed. I have them on the phone here."

I took the phone and gave them permission for the surgery. I was crying so hard I don't know if they understood me or not. All I could think of is Rick is going to die thinking that I didn't love or trust him. And also his last image would be of me being fucked by a scumbag named Bob.

The officers asked Kay if she needed a ride to the hospital, but she said she could drive herself.

She got there about 30 minutes later and was escorted to the surgical waiting room. It was about two hours later when the doctor finally came in to talk to her.

"Mrs. Templeton, I am Dr. Nelson'" he said. " Your husband is out of surgery now and in recovery. He will then be transferred to ICU. He is probably going to be in a coma for awhile. He has suffered extensive internal injuries, plus a concussion. As soon as he gets set up in ICU you can see him. Mrs. Templeton, we have done all we can for him, it is up to him now if he lives or dies. He will need your help in this. Even though he is in a coma, you can talk to him and reassure him. People have reported that they actually hear things being said to them while in a coma."

About 45 minutes later Kay was taken to the ICU unit and given a chair next to Rick. He looked awful. Wires and tubes emerging from his chest, and monitors beeping all around him. He had bruises and lacerations all over his body.

I sat down next to Rick and took his hand in mine. I kissed his hand and said a prayer. I leaned up close to his ear whispered, "baby I am so sorry for doubting you and letting Bob seduce me. I just want you to know I love you so very much and will never doubt your faithfulness again. I know I hurt you, and I will spend the rest of my life making it up to you if you will let me. I promise to love and trust you for the rest of my life."

Kay said this over and over hoping his subconscious could hear her. She asked for his forgiveness and let him know that he could also trust her.

Kay called a friend to bring her some clothes and things she would need. She never left his side. She rarely even let go of his hand.

It was about three days later that we were able to move Rick out of ICU and into a private room. He was still in a coma, but all his signs looked good. I stayed right by Rick's side and talked to him constantly.

The kids came back and my parents agreed to stay with them at our house and get them to school. We brought them into see their father, but it did not go well. It away very upsetting for them. That really got to me as I still blame myself for everything.

I promised them that, "daddy will be better real soon."

It was the next afternoon, as I was sitting there whispering in Rick's ear, that Susan Mercer walked in. I had met her before, but she introduced herself.

She asked how Rick was doing, and I said, "he is still in a coma, but he is doing as well as can be expected."

"I came to check on Rick, but I also wanted to talk to you," she said.

I nodded and asked her to sit next to me. I didn't want to leave Rick.

"I know what happened Kay, she said. I overheard Bob bragging to someone in the corner. I can tell you that I am taking steps to get rid of him."

I started to cry at the memory of what happened. "I still can't believe I fell for his plan for revenge. It was the dumbest thing I have ever done," Kay told Susan.

Susan gave Kay a hug and said to forget about Bob and concentrate on getting Rick well.

"His job will be waiting for him when he is able to come back. There is something else I want to tell you," said Susan.

"What?" said Kay, still crying.

"It is why I chose Rick for this promotion, she said. It all boiled down to the interviews. I was looking for a person who was more than just qualified. I wanted someone who was honest and of good moral character. I wanted someone who was devoted to his wife and family. Such a person would also be devoted to the job. All Rick talked about in the interview was you and your kids. He adores you Kay. He loves you very much. Never doubt his love or his devotion to you and your kids."

Susan's talk made me cry more, but it also made me feel lucky. What a wonderful man I am married to, and I may have blown it. I have to get him well, and I hope he will still want to stay married to me.

It was about 5:00 the next morning as I was sitting In my chair next to Rick. I had been dozing on and off, but I was still holding Rick's hand. All of a sudden I felt a little squeeze. Was I dreaming? Then another tiny little squeeze. I jumped up and looked at Rick. His eyes were open and tears were running down his cheek.

I kissed his cheeks and tears. I cried out, "thank God, you didn't leave us. Rick I love you so much, you are going to be ok honey."

Rick couldn't talk just yet, but he did give her a big smile.

I called the nurses and they came running in so excited. They checked all his vitals and said everything looked great.

Rick continued to improve and by the next morning he was able to talk to Kay. He also had all his memory back.

I asked him if he remembered everything, and Rick said he did.

"Rick I want to apologize and ask for your forgiveness. I would like to explain everything," she said.

Rick took her hand and put it to his lips and kissed her hand. "You already have," he said.

" What do you mean?" asked Kay.

"I don't know. I just know that you already have, and in my mind, I heard it." Rick said. "

"I know that you saved my life and gave me something to live for. What you did was wrong and never should have happened. I know you regret it more than anything you have ever done. However, I also know that I love you so much and cannot even think about going through the rest of my life without you. Kay, I do forgive you, but you must never doubt my love again."

I cried and hugged Rick as much as I could without hurting him. I kissed him on the lips and promised that no matter whatever happened in our marriage, we would always sit down and talk before jumping to conclusions.


Rick went home a couple of days later and soon recovered from all his injuries. He quickly resumed his new job at his company. Everyone had a big welcome party for him when he came back. Well almost everyone. Bob was fired from the company. Word got out what he had done to Kay and Rick and he was about the most unpopular guy around. Susan sent out a memo to all the major corporations in their industry and gave him a very bad recommendation. He couldn't get a job anywhere. His wife also found out what he had done and divorced him. She took him for everything he had. Bob was last seen flipping burgers for some hamburger joint. Rick and Kay are doing great. He still tells her that if she had not been with him every minute talking to him, he would have given up and died. Kay still blames herself for everything, but they never talk about what happened. Once Rick recovered, Kay never gave him a moments rest in bed. There is never a dull moment in their marriage, and they tell each other everything, everyday.

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Mustang88LXMustang88LXover 10 years ago

The guy is a wimp for taking back a wife who would dump him on some bullshit like that. No matter how you try to spin it. His wife obviously has no brains or common sense. No way she could love him and do what she did with a scumbag that she knew was a scumbag from day one. And without actual proof.

OverthefallsOverthefallsover 10 years ago
You need more information

This story went by too quickly and had far too little information in it. And their reconciliation just seemed too easy. Most men would have been kicking her ass up and down the gutter before even considering taking her back. A poor effort.

javmor79javmor79over 10 years ago
Deeper issues

Too quick and easy. There would have to be serious counseling before I could take her back. I am a forgiving person, but she showed NO trust in him. If her trust in him can be broken by someone who she viewed as "creepy", then their marriage was in trouble before he got the promotion. That was just the outcome of deeper issues that they have. My wife has had people telling her that they saw me cheating on her, and I have had people tell me that they suspect her cheating on me. I know her character and she knows mine's. If there is not a cause to be concerned, then someone telling you that your spouse is cheating without evidence wouldn't raise a flag. However, if you already suspect that your spouse is cheating, then all you may need is that one little push.....

chytownchytownover 10 years ago

For the read.

SleeplessinMD4SleeplessinMD4over 10 years ago
A good effort but...

it seemed so artifical. Since Kay viewed Bob as creepy why in the world would she ever believe him? She knew that Bob was in competiton for the promotion so why would she believe a business rival over her husband? Rick is such a weak knee person that he comes apart after seeing Kay being fucked by Bob such that he gets in an accident? Where is this proof or Kay was just a fool believing anything she is told?

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