It's All About Faith Pt. 04


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"Before you say anything I just want to say, don't say anything nice to me or sexy or suggestive okay?"

"Oh. Okay."

"You look nice naked."

"Thanks, so do...never mind."

"If you were here with Layla or Carly and you were unfaithful, would you tell Anita?"

"Yes. I'd have to somehow."

"So you do still love her then."

He forgot about staying on his back and turned to face her and told her, "Kali I love her very much. I love Layla in a different way, and I think Carly is a neat and fun person."

"Don't talk about me remember."

"I won' least, not now, but before we go home I'm sure we'll have a long talk or perhaps several."

"We probably will. Thanks for the clothes."

"You're welcome and thanks for being willing to wear them."

"I'll never...well probably never wear them at home, but I do like them. I'm looking forward to going to Casey's next."

"I am too."

She was more relaxed and turned to face him and they looked at each other. "I haven't been in bed with a man since my divorce fiasco. It feels good."

"Kali..." and he moved over and softly kissed her. Then again, but not as softly, and it went on as her hand went to his back and his went around her. They came together and her firm cute breasts pushed against him as the kiss continued. The alcohol was saving them from themselves so they were able to kiss without losing control, "Night Kali."

"Night, Buck."

Chapter Fifty Nine

Kali stirred, and that woke Buck, so they turned toward each other and searched in each other's eyes, hoping for strength and direction. Instead, they came together in another soft and brief kiss and then said good morning to each other. "This isn't how I imagined it being when we woke in the morning," Kali said.

"How did you see it?"

"Waking up, and feeling shy and awkward, but alert and smiling and energized."

"The alcohol helped us last night, but it isn't our friend this morning."

"I've felt worse, but that doesn't help much now."

"Does the thought of breakfast make you want to throw up?"

"Let me think about that one, but coffee does sound good."

"Want to shower with me?"

"Buck, why do you like to drive me crazy?"

"Okay then, I'll shower with you, but I'll stand behind you so I don't hog the water."

"All right, yes, we'll shower together, and you can stare at my ass all you want, but don't you dare touch me."


"Not once. Whatever you do, whatever happens to you, do not touch me, understand?"

"I understand but..."

"No buts. You can even stare at my tits and my tempting mound until your eyes cross, but if you touch me and break your promise, it will be a sad day for you and your project. Now do you promise you will not touch me?"

"Yes, okay I promise."

"Then let's shower so we can go get coffee and breakfast."

"So you are hungry then."

"Don't push it."

There was no sign of hesitation from Kali now. He'd picked on her just one time too many, and when she was feeling like crap as well, so it was time to do something about it. He followed her to the bathroom and stepped into the very nice oversized shower. But before she turned the water on, she said once more. "You promised now, so don't fuck it up, cowboy," and she turned the water on and let him get the blast of cold water before it warmed up. She smiled at his discomfort and calmly got wet and proceeded to shower while he stared at her as she moved and rinsed and soaped down rubbing her hands all over herself. Then she turned to face him and proceeded to soap down again taking her time to tease her breasts and pinch her nipples before soaping her way down to that mound that he was so infatuated with. Letting a soapy finger slip between her vertical lips she tipped her head back pretending to enjoy every sensation as she bathed between her legs before rinsing and again teasing him as much as she could.

Poor Buck was in a trance as he watched this petite hellion tease him as she went through her ritual. Then she shaved between her legs, taking her time to trim it just right, and rinsed again. "Okay your turn, I guess," but rather than move, she soaped her hands again and grabbed his hard cock as she soaped him and moved down to cup and massage his balls. It was driving her crazy, but she was determined not to show that as she tormented him and coaxed him ever higher. Then looking calm and collected, she rinsed her hands and stepped out. "See ya cowboy."

"Wait Kali, now don't be like that...come back Kali please, we can talk about it okay?" The only way she had to cope with her emotions was to work on her hair and dry off. Just run the hairdryer and just keep moving, until her hands settled down and she could get control of herself. She had to move fast, but when he got out, she was in her shorts and putting her top on as he appeared.

"Done with your shower so soon?"

"Yeah, I'm done with my shower so soon," and he toweled down as she smiled to herself. She'd be haunted a good part of the day by feeling him in her hands, but it would be worth it. She could hardly wait to see how he would behave after what she had just done to him.

Buck was pretty quiet as they walked up to Ma's kitchen for breakfast. There were half a dozen tables of people eating or talking over coffee as they went in and the waitress brought them coffee. They sipped their coffee and studied the menu in silence, so she knew she'd gotten his attention, but she was going to let him stew a little longer before she said anything. He was glancing at her over the top of his menu and wished she would say something even if she was still mad at him, because the silence was killing him.

He slowly reached over and took her menu away from her so she looked at him but continued to just look and say nothing. "Kali I'm so..."

"Well, look who's here," Grace said. "I knew you'd be back, but I didn't expect it to be so soon."

"Hi Grace, good to see you again, we're back and plan to stay a couple of weeks most likely."


"Anything new in Discovery?"

"Not that I can think of."

"Not even any gossip?"

"Been kind of quiet around here."

"Too bad. Thursday nights still going?"

"Oh, for maybe a couple more weeks or so."

"You been back there to enjoy the benefits?"

She smiled and said, "No."

"Be kind of hard to top the last one that's for sure."

"For me at least, I don't think I'll ever experience anything like that again."

"Too bad."

She smiled and glanced at Kali so Buck said, "Grace, this is Kali, a very good and close friend."

"Nice to meet you Kali, you staying with handsome?"

"I am, we're staying at Faith's place."

"Oh, that's right, I heard something about that. Well enjoy your food and I'm sure we'll see each other many more times."

"I'm sure we will," and she smiled at Kali and walked away.

"Well, no information but at least she's friendly."

"You were about to say something."

He got serious again and said, "Yes I was. I'm sorry I was being such an ass. I was being insensitive, and adolescent, and I'm sorry, but I'd like to offer an excuse if you'll listen to me."

"I'll listen Buck."

"I really did tell Anita I'd do my best to behave and I meant that. But I'm not doing worth a damn. I've been picking on you to save my own ass and that's not the way to go. You deserve my support, not harassment and abuse."

"Apology accepted. I was pretty sure that's what it was, but I didn't know what to do about it so I just kept ducking. But this morning between you and my hangover, I popped."

"Very effectively too I might add."

"Buck, I've enjoyed being with you and joking back and forth. It's a good way to keep from getting too serious. I'm fighting my own battles, so if I turn on you, please pull me up short. I know I'm going to have my bad days just as you will, so all we can do is be there for each other until we're finished here and can go home where it's safer. Now let's have breakfast and coffee, plan our day, and pretend the other stuff never happened."

"I can't."

"Why not?"

"Because I keep seeing you in the shower with me, there's no way I can put that out of my mind."

"That probably wasn't a good idea after all then."

"I deserved it, Kali. Like you said, we'll just get through this together."

"I have a problem too. I can't get last night's kiss out of my mind."

"That was so nice." Then he caught himself, straightened up and asked, "Ready to order?"


Chapter Sixty

To finish shaking off their hangover, they held hands, and very slowly walked to the far end of town and then back down the other side. There wasn't a lot said, but for the first time, it wasn't an awkward silence. They stopped at the men's store and looked through the window, but saw mostly farm clothes and workmen's boots. They stopped at the grocery store and bought tonic water and Coke, and talked to the clerk who was very forthcoming, but she just didn't know much about what was going on either. Then it was on to Dwayne's, just to chat with him and see what they could learn. What he shared proved to be their (their) first bit of news. He made reference to going on line and never realized he'd slipped up. Buck left the car keys with him, and Dwayne would just walk over and get it and change the oil. Buck would be back to talk to Dwayne again, man to man. As they walked back toward the house Buck asked Kali, "Did you pick up on that?"

"The on line reference?"

"Yep, very interesting I'd say."

"That's one for the good guys...and gals." They were still holding hands.

"Did I tell you that Ethel was in the show at the Playhouse?"

"Was she really?"

"Like I said, I think about everybody is into this lifestyle. Her ex husband came back from wherever just to have sex with her on stage. He was very well endowed and seemed to really know how to use it. She was used to that man, and I don't think anybody else would be able to truly please her." "We're talking about this like it's an amateur production of Our Town, rather than a full out sex romp on stage."

"Want to hear about what had to be called the main event?"

"I don't know, do I?"

"Well, I'd have to be pretty descriptive about the two actors."

"Okay. I'll call stop if it's more than I want to hear."

"Of course, there's always the chance we'll see something like that tomorrow night too."

"Oh Damn. Okay, let's hear it."

"The players are Peggy, a very interesting woman; of I'll guess upper thirties at least. They guy is one of the security guys for the Culvers."

"No, really?"

"Really, in his late twenties or maybe thirty, very fit as you can imagine, he was arm candy for Faith that night in fact. He was her security, so she was there to watch him perform."

"This is getting far too weird."

"I'll spare you the move by move account, and say that Dan's cock is without a doubt the largest in diameter that I've ever seen or heard of. I'm sure there are bigger ones out there, but I'd have to see it to believe it. Anyway, using a lot of Astroglide, she managed to take him and she loved it. I mean really loved it. Her...never mind, just imagine an average sized woman of that age taking a weapon like that. Okay, got that visual?"

"I makes me shiver, but I've got it."

"Then she took him anally."

"Buck you're kidding me."

"I kid you not. That room was so quiet you could hear people breathing. Poor Ethel and her ex hubby were all but forgotten, but of course she couldn't have cared less."

"I'm having trouble picturing me there tomorrow night and just sitting there and watching couples going at it like I'm watching a commercial for somebody's sausage company." That made him laugh and by then they were at the house again.

"Feeling better now?"

"My hangover is about gone thankfully."

"I suggest we just relax and read for awhile since the town is so dead. We can get rid of the last of our hangovers, rest and read, and then go back to it."

"I like the sounds of that." It was only about half an hour after that when Dwayne came for the car and another half an hour when Buck walked up to talk to Dwayne again.

Dwayne saw him coming and met him in the doorway as he wiped his greasy hands on a red rag, "Got her done for you, Buck."

"Thanks Dwayne, you're the best," and slipped him two twenties. "Don't know if you heard, but Kali and I are having dinner with Faith tonight."

"I heard. So how is it you get to stay in her place this time?"

"Oh, my wife and her are getting pretty tight, and the last time we were here, Faith and I seemed to really hit it off too. I guess that puts me in the inner circle."

"Sure sounds like it. She's quite a woman that's for sure."

"Oh, she is that. Smart too, I think."

"Smart? Oh yeah, she's smart okay. We don't much see Max around anymore, but I guess he's getting on in years now."

"Yeah, he is. How old you reckon he is now?"

"Gee, he's gotta be, oh...into his seventies now."

"Damn. I was thinking' he was still in his late sixties."

"He could be, he's gotta be older than that."

"Well he sure has a looker for a wife."

"It's amazing' what you can do with tons of money."

"That's a fact alright. You are makin' it with the garage. I mean with the economy acting up."

"Well, I own the grocery too so I'm doing' good."

"Oh that's right, damn, and we were just over there earlier. I must be losing' it."

"Happens to all of us sometimes."

Buck paused trying to think of what else to talk about and then he asked, "What's the hardware store like, I've never been in there."

"Ol' Ron's makin' it too, but it's the hardware store that's carryin' the men's store right now."

"I'm sure that's so. Women's stores seem to be goin' good."

"Yeah, they always seem to do somethin' right."

"Well, good for them. My lady's gonna go back and spend more of my money later too."

"Where's your wife if I can ask."

"Anita had to work so I brought a friend of mine."

"Good lookin' friend too."

"Thanks, I'll tell her you said so. You goin' to the show tomorrow night?"

"I s'pose I will, won't be many more this year."

"No I'm sure not. You ever been on stage for a show?"

"Couple of times is all. Don't much care for bein' on display though."

"Yeah kinda uncomfortable."

"Sure is for me."

"Well I'll let you get back to work Dwayne, thanks for takin' care of the car and the chat. Talk to you again I'm sure."

"See you Buck." Buck took the car back to the house and went inside feeling pretty proud of himself.

"So what did you learn, anything?"

"Max, Faith's husband is in his seventies and has tons of money. Dwayne owns the grocery store and the garage, Ron, the guy that has the hardware store, owns the men's store too...oh, and Dwayne thinks you're hot."

"Yeah, right."

"Ask him."

"Oh sure, I'm going over there and say, hey Dwayne baby, I hear you think I'm hot. Can't you just see that?"

Buck smiled and said, "No, I can't quite see that. But he did say that. I think I've found a weak link in their system. A hole in their security, but I have to be careful and not talk to him too often."

"Well, I don't know if the information you collected is valuable, but it's something to add to our collection."

"Sure, the more we know the more we can act like we know. Maybe somebody else will slip too. Oh, and Dwayne has been on stage too."

"Oh yuck, greasy fingernails, thanks, but no thanks."

"You elitist you."

"Very funny."

Kali was on the couch with her legs stretched out, so he picked up her legs, sat down and put her legs across his lap. "I just remembered something that Anita said when we were gathered to talk about this mess. She said something about, it's amazing what we'll believe if it's what we want, or to believe, or expect, and that might be how the villagers perform some of their magic."

"I do remember her saying that now that I hear it from you. That's one we should keep in mind as we walk around and interact with the locals or go to the show...damn that show keeps popping up. I hope I can deal with it."

"Well, if not we'll have to leave."

"Not good form. We could offend somebody or alienate those that might be inclined to slip when we're talking to them."

"Well good luck to us tomorrow night then."

Chapter Sixty One

Wednesday wasn't shaping up to be a productive day for them. The village was quiet for the most part, and Buck and Kali were at a loss what to do. Partly for something to do, and partly hoping they would stumble across something, they went to Casey's to shop. There really wasn't much Kali could use, but they took their time pouring over different things, and she did find a couple of tie tops that were on sale. As Buck was pawing through another rack of tops, Mae talked to Kali about bras, and to his surprise she was talked into trying a couple of styles. As before, Buck settled on the couch and watched as Kali stripped to the waist. The tie tops came first and each time Mae would ask, "What do you think Buck?"

"Great, I like it and even in that color." Then came the second top and again the same routine. Buck just didn't care all that much. She looked good in them, they were half off and he was enjoying watching Kali. Then came the bras. Just as Wendy had done at Alice's Mae gave Kali more help than she needed.

"What do you think, Buck," she asked again.

"Well," and he went over to Kali and put his left hand on her shoulder. Then, with his right index finger, he gently drew a line across part of her bra and part of her exposed breast and said, "Something like that would be better, or something like," and again his finger traced a gentle line to indicate another style as Kali was almost holding her breath and looking at him. "Something like that," he said.

"I think I know what you mean and we can get them, but we don't have there here. Maybe two or three days and we could have them in though."

"Kali, do you mind?" She just watched him and slowly moved her head side to side.

"Then we'll get them in for you."

"Okay, just hold those tops and we'll check with you Saturday or Monday."


As soon as they were outside Kali stopped and said, "Buck, what the hell is wrong with you."

"What did I do?"

"You were touching my breast."

"I was drawing so Mae would understand what I meant." ;

"Now why did you have to do that?"

"Well it I couldn't very well draw on my own."

"What do you know about bras anyway?"

"You might be surprised what I know about bras."

"You are impossible," and she headed down the street at a quick pace.

"Besides," he said as he stepped along behind her, "It was part of what we're here for."

That stopped her as she asked, "What did that have to do with anything?"

"The bonding thing, to make sure they see us as a loving couple."

"You just wanted to touch my breasts."

"If that's what I wanted I'd just do this," and right there in front of the men's store he stopped her and cupped her right breast in his hand and caressed her as he looked deep into her eyes.

She was frozen by surprise, but her hand went up to his wrist, but her effort to stop him was a little feeble and unconvincing. He did stop though and just looked at her. "Now, can we just settle down?"

"How can I settle down when you keep touching me like that?"

"I'll stop touching you now okay? There is one more thing we should do while we're this close and we have nothing else to do."

"I'm afraid to ask this. What?"

"Go to Jim's Emporium."

She just looked at him. My God you are so bad with your timing."

"Well whatever, but why not?"

"Fine, okay we'll go to Jim's Emporium of sex devices and perverted pleasures," and she turned around. It took him a few strides but he caught up with her and took her hand in his to slow her down.