It's Good to be Strong


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He laughed.

"Ok, so we don't continue the debate! And we don't use the bar!"

She wasn't sure what he was saying, but she liked the attention. She especially liked the attention he was paying to her legs, which had been rather loudly saying "hello!" as they peeked out of the hemline that always rode up on the car seat as she drove. She was still aroused from her little daydream at the theatre, and could feel herself getting wetter by the second knowing he was imagining those legs totally unclad, thighs free of the hemline, and legs lounging in her silky stockings. Suddenly she was glad she had dressed for an after party with Gerald. She fought the urge to lift the hem completely exposing her sexy thigh high stockings and silky black thong. In an instant, she relived the fantsy that had caused her to moan out loud in the theatre, only Oscar was in Gerald's place. It was his big dick sliding into her dripping pussy, and pleasuring her for hours.

"No," she said. His eyes dropped down as he reached for the door handle, opened it, and was about to say goodbye. She finished the thought which "No," had only started, "We use your room."

They wore both surprised at how forward she was. He looked at her wondering what her next move would be.

"What number?"


"Key please. Give me a 5 minute head start."

He handed her his key card, and watched her ass sway as she sashayed into the lobby. He watched her cross to the elevator bank, and as soon as she entered a car, headed for the lobby himself. He found his room door ajar, and went in to find she had just hung up her coat. He grabbed her and kissed her hard on the lips. He thought he was the aggressor until he felt her hands grab his ass and her pelvis grind against his hardening cock. Her tongue plunged into the depths of his mouth and his answered by wrestling its way into hers. His hands found the clasp and zipper to her dress, and he slid it off her smoothly. He undid his tie as she unbuttoned his shirt and they felt their skin press together for a first time. He deftly released her bra clasp, and her pert breasts sprung into the air, quickly met by kisses from his eager lips. Gerald had never cared much for kssing or sucking her breasts, and the attention Oscar was giving them made her euphoric.

As he licked and suckled her soft young breast meat, his hands slid his pants off, and pulled her onto the bed. She looked down at his erection, and taking it in her hand realized it was perhaps twice Gerald's size. She felt its heft and girth and became almost giddy with her new flesh toy. She had never given oral sex to her lovers,,and Gerald thought it was a bit gross and less than sanitary. But this big sausage in front of her was something very new, and begged for new actions and attitudes from her. She hungrily dropped her head down, and engulfed the head of his cock with her mouth.

She was overwhelmed by her senses. The musky male smell, the heat, the feel of softness surrounding the steely hard sex, the sounds of his moaning in pleasure, and the tastes of his meat combined in a sensory feast she had never imagined. How could Gerald have denied her this pleasure. She slowly took more and more of Oscar into her mouth, with her tongue teasing the soft underside of his delicious cock. She could feel it pressing first against the back of her throat, then relaxing to avoid gagging, she could feel it slip just a bit further before her nose nestled in against his balls. She massaged his balls with her hand, and along with louder moans, brought a gentle swaying of his hips. Soon she felt his intensity build, and when he breathily told her he was about to come, she slapped her free hand against his bare ass cheek and bore down hard with her lips, tongue and hands. He spewed his load into her throat, and as he bucked his hips she pulled back enough to collect a luscious sample of his taste on her tongue.

As his orgasm subsided, he told her his wife had never done that for him. Smiling, she told him of Gerald's taboo. They laughed aloud at the fact that each had probably married the wrong spouse, as it seemed their spouses were well as well-suited for each other as they were. Wendy kissed him, and then again. And on the third kiss, felt him press her back on the bed, and kiss his way down her chest.

He spent time on each breast. He teased the nipples with his tongue, kissed the fullness of her milky white meat, and sucked her nipples until they were hard as little rocks. His hands massaged her hips, and just when she was about to go wild wanting them to slide aroud to her eager sex, she felt him kiss the underside of her breast. He slid slowly lower, and she placed her hand on his head. He stopped his progress, but she discovered he would move...if she guided him. She loved feeling in control, and took his hair in both hands, guiding hiss kissing, licking mouth to her oozing pussy.. She didn't have to fight him to get him there, but for some reason pulled his hair as if it was a handle on her sex toy. He didn't complain, and in fact seemed to get turned on even more, and his flaccid hunk of cock began to engorge once more.

She pulled his face right into her pussy, and as his tongue made first contact with her previously never kissed clit, she let loose this long guttural moan that spurred him on to harder faster licking. She rolled him over underneath her and mounted his head, still using his hair to guide him in a perfect ballet of licking her pussy. She let out a moan as his hands squeezed her ass, and then a high pitched squeal as one finger worked its way into her anus, sending her over the edge. She had never felt waves of orgasm like this, and at that moment realized that Gerald not only was infrequent in his sexual attentions to her, he was inadequate. His refusal of oral sex, either as the recipient or as the donor had left amazing sensual delights out of her reach, and at that moment, she had nothing but resent for that. She rode Oscar's tongue to orgasm after orgasm, and he seemed to be tireless.

As she continued to fuck his face, she twisted and happened to reach a hand back where she felt Oscar's cock again. She was amazed that he was again fully erect, and caressed his eight inches with her hand. She slid back along his body, leaving a trail of her sexy wetness as she went along his chest, and then maneuvered her pussy over that beautiful cock standing straight up from his body. She slid down slowly, half afraid that a cock this big and thick might split her in two. There was no pain though, just fullness. She had never imagined the pleasure of feeling this full, and as she lowered herself completely down felt her eyes roll back into her head. She saw nothing, heard nothing, was aware of nothing but Oscar's hardness inside her. Her labia pulled so tightly around it, and as she moved against him, they tingled and gushed with delight. She felt herself stretch until the clit, though not in much contact, began to stretch itself and tingle as the rest of her with the skill and newness of sex. She had moaned and squeaked with oral sex, now she emitted what amounted to a primal roar as she entered an orgasmic she would have never suspected existed. She collapsed on the bed, only to have Oscar roll he over and re-insert his "Tab A" into her "Slot B." He fucked her hard now, withdrawing the full length of his magnificent cock and then ramming it hard into her beckoning cunt. Finally, he came, and she felt his body shudder as he pumped himself to that ultimate pleasure.

They lay quietly kissing, until they both fell fast asleep. She woke up to a sleeping Oscar. It was so pleasant, without the snoring she was accustomed to hearing from Gerald. He was beautiful in the morning too. She couldn't help but slide her hands down his beautiful body. His flaccid cock felt heavy in her hands. Though his eyes remained closed, and his breathing maintained that quiet regular rhythm of sleep, his sex was waking quickly, and she felt herself becoming aroused by the feeling of it growing in length and hardening while she lay amidst the sheets perfumed with the smells of their sensual adventures from the night before. Oscar woke with a moan, enjoying the light touch of her hand rubbing his morning wood.

"Good morning lover," she whispered playfully as his glassy eyes flickered open with a look of sexual hunger deep inside them. "I'm going to need you inside me one more time before we say goodbye."

With that she swung her leg over him, flattening him to the mattress. His erection easily found its way into her as she was still oozing the juicy mix left inside her from their passionate encounters that past night. She kissed him full on the mouth, enjoying the feeling again of his cock filling her pussy. She pumped up and down slowly, moaning into his mouth. She also loved the feel of his strong arms holding her tightly while following her rhythm. She loved his scent, the taste of his tongue, even laced with the flavors of her own pussy which he had so deftly licked and kissed to orgasms just hours ago. She came quickly this morning, but continued to milk his heft until his body stiffened and he came deep inside her one more time. They lay there again, as they had in sleep, but this time looking each other eye to eye.

Oscar broke eye contact first, as he fell back asleep. Wendy got out of bed, showered and dressed. She took one last look at Oscar, penciled her phone number and e-mail address on a card which she laid on top of Oscar's wallet, and let the door softly click behind her.

As she started her car, she felt a twinge of guilt. The twinge didn't bother her as much as its cause. She was disturbed that she didn't feel guilt for cheating on Oscar. She felt guilty that she was actually delighted about something other women might have been ashamed of. She felt guilty for not feeling guilty, how ironic was that? She felt guilty for feeling proud of seducing this beautiful man and spending a night of sensual bliss in his arms.

That guilt faded fast. Oscar had felt way to good to regret. In fact, she knew she would have to feel his big cock inside her again, and soon. She didn't care what Gerald thought, and actually she decided not to hide her little triste, nor her desire for a repeat performance. She laughed as she imagined Gerald's reaction.

"How dare that little weasel desert her when such amazing feelings were there for them to discover. If he and his little dick felt better about pressing flesh with future constituents than he felt about pressing his flesh against hers, he deserved to lose his exclusive on fucking her!"

Her cell phone showed many messages from last night, beginning at 2:30 AM, when Gerald had arrived home to a dark house and an empty bed. She just laughed them off, and chose not to call in return. As she dropped the phone in the front passenger seat, it buzzed, still on vibrate as she had set it before the debate.

Wendy felt bold and free as she pulled into the driveway. She knew Gerald was home, as the Sunday Post was no longer in the driveway. She knew he was worried about her, since he couldn't reach her all night. She wasn't worried, though. She parked the car and breezed into the kitchen door. There was Gerald at the table, head down fast asleep. He was still dressed in his debate suit, the clothes he wore last night.

"What a coincidence," she thought wryly, "so am I! Only difference is, mine have been off, I wasn't alone, and I slept in a least while we slept!"

"Morning Honey!" She tried to make her voice as cheery as possible.

A stunned Gerald looked up bleary eyed from his resting place on the table.

"Where the hell have you been all night!?"

She just smiled and went to the counter to pour a cup of coffee. Gerald made terrific coffee, and it tasted especially good.

"Oh Gerald I went to your debate! You did such a wonderful job, although I did like Ellen Moore. She seemed like a nice woman, although I'd rather vote for you!"

"Wendy, you know what I mean. After the debate, you were supposed to drive right home. I came home at 2:30 and you hadn't come home. I was worried sick!"

"Were you worried sick when you left me alone in that theatre to go out with your new playmates?"

Gerald was even more stunned than when she woke him.

"Playmates? They were senators, members of Congress and leaders from the party. They wanted to talk about plans for me in Washington after a term or two at the state level. That was important to me!"

"Good Sweety! I'm happy for you. Well, I met a new playmate last night too. He wanted to talk about plans for me when you go to Washington, or any other time you may choose to leave me alone. That was important to me!"

Gerald was horrified. "You were out with another man? How can you do this to me? I thought you loved me! Here I am with our dreams and goals in reach and you are going to hrow it away? Don't you know what that will do to my campaign? I'm running on a platform based on family values and honesty and my wife is out carousing in a barroom with another man? How's that for values? How can you do this to us?"

Gerald's tirade didn't faze Wendy in the least.

"Oh Gerald, I didn't do anything to you, you weren't around! You haven't been around long enough to see a movie together much less make love. Last night was more of the same, the cigar smokers from the party were more important than making love to your wife! So how is that for family values? I just decided if you could go out for a cigar, I'd find a meaty one of my own to smoke!"

Speechless Gerald could only gasp. His mind was spinning with images of his little wife going down on someone else. His stomach turned as he imagined her head bouncing over another man's erection, he breasts bobbing back and forth furiously, and her lips slurping as the dick pumped in and out of her virgin mouth.

"Oh and I didn't go out in public, after all he was a married man too, and I'm well aware of your family value platform. I went with him to his hotel room. After all, his wife deserted him too, and we both felt we deserved to not be alone. You nicely left me with the car, and his wife was thoughtful enough to go down to catch the State game with her entourage, leaving him with a hotel room but no cab. I drove him home, and then we fucked like animals all night...."

Gerald's mouth gaped open.

"and this morning right before I came home!"

"I want you out of this house today." Gerald launched into a tirade about marriage vows and fidelity, how much he had done for her his face reddened as he ranted and raved, peppering his speech by calling her a whore and a slut.

She didn't hear a word of it. She sat there sipping her cup of coffee, blithely dreaming and remembering her exploits of the night before.

"He was so big Gerald, it was amazing. I can't decide if I liked it better in my pussy or down my throat. Of course it was also pretty good when he licked my pussy. Tell me again whay you don't like that!?"

Gerald was aghast. Wendy denied nothing. She seemed unconcerned at breaking the wedding vows they had both so solemnly and lovingly shared. She blatantly compared his sexual performance to this interloper. She...

He stopped short in his thoughts as something she had said earlier made a connection. The State game, his wife was going down to catch the end of the Sate game with her entourage....

"You fucked Ellen Moore's husband!!!!! My opponent's husband, in the hotel room her campaign paid for. Wendy, how could you."

"How could I? Well it started with a kiss..."

"I don't mean the play by play commentary! How could you consort with..."

"Gerald, he was as lonely as I was, as horny as I was, and as deserted as I was. It wasn't hard to do. Well, he was hard when I did."

"We're through. I can't keep living with you after this, I can't even look at you the same way again!"

"Oh Gerald, why do you always think things completely through except when I'm involved? Let's imagine you leave me. Mr. family values leaves his wife on the eve of the election, but takes high road. She turns up pregnant, and everyone believes it is his. Rookie senator becomes a pariah, gets nothing done, and his career is over after a term." Gerald looked totally shocked for the umpteenth time that morning.

"That's right lover, bareback every time....felt so hot!"

The implications of this scenario didn't sit well with Gerald. Wendy could see the wheels turning in Gerald's mind."

"No, no, baby, you can't win on the low road either. Suppose you come out and denounce me publicly before you leave me. I could deny it, and without proof the big bad politico would just look like a bully. That would be bad for the image! Or I could say 'Yes, my husband asked me to seduce the husband of his opponent to try to get inside information on their campaign.' Oooh, that would look very bad."

Gerald pondered his predicament.

"I can't win."

"Yes you can baby. I will play nice and be a good sweet family values wife, but you have to keep me happy. There will be no divorce, no separation, no nothing. If I choose to see Oscar Moore, or any other lover, it will be very discreetly handled. And if I choose to make love to you, you will do as I ask to make sure I am satisfied. Oh and honey, I expect you home one night and every Sunday afternoon to spend some "family values" time."

Gerald nodded his reluctant agreement, and left Wendy alone in the kitchen.

"Damn, it feels good to be in charge," she thought to herself. "Life is going to be so good!"

Gerald indeed won the election, and Wendy was on the podium beside him for his acceptance speech after Ellen Moore graciously conceded. Wendy smiled demurely, kissed her husband after the speech, walked with him arm and arm, and met the public. She had been in Gerald's headquarters when Ellen Moore had called to concede. She was tempted to ask if she could speak with Oscar, but knowing how unreasonable that would sound, swallowed that urge. It didn't take long for him to let her know how eager he felt to see her again.

"I want you."

The message popped up suddenly two nights later as an instant message on her computer screen at home. She didn't recognize the name OhMoore on the IM, and just deleted it.

"I want you." It popped up again seconds later. "I really want you."

She still didn't answer.

"It's Oscar. Remember me at all?"

"Oscar...when can I see you again? I have been thinking about nothing but being with you again!"

"I'm up your way on business this weekend. I'm working in DC but can use the same hotel as last time we...met. Can you get away?"

"Can I? Yes! I simply will come, no matter what Oscar says."

She proceeded to explain how she didn't hide a thing but used the truth to her advantage and leveraged Gerald into doing as she wished. Oscar had not been discovered by Ellen, but she was so upset by the election, she still had no interest in him The couple made arrangements so they could maintain discretion, and that weekend they would meet. Gerald was furious, but his hands were tied.

"Gerald, you haven't been sworn I yet, can you really afford a scandal now?"

He didn't agree to her going to meet Oscar, but he was powerless to prevent it. Wendy left early Friday evening, and spent that entire night, the next day and Saturday night making love to Oscar in every imaginable way. They explored new positions that neither had enjoyed with their spouse. They talked for hours about their lives and spent huge stretches of time exploring each others' bodies. Just before they parted early Sunday afternoon, Wendy insisted on one for the road.

Wendy arrived home again, cheerful and smiling as the day after the debate. Her time with Oscar was liberating. She felt in control of everything, their pace, their intensity, who did what to who. Oscar was waiting in the kitchen again when she arrived home.