It's Good to be Strong


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"Nice swing," Henry broke the ice.

"Thank you!"

She flashed a smile his way. He blushed. How cute! He looked so handsome in that golf shirt, white shoes and dashing smile. He hit a towering drive, and she admired the little white ball against the brilliant blue sky. She sliced the next ball, and the next. The next ball hopped the barrier and landed in Henry's stall.

"Whoa!" he jumped in surprise. "Was it something I said?"

"I'm so sorry," she answered "it's been a while and I guess I'm a little inconsistent."

"Before lobbing any more grenades my way, can I offer a tip?"

"Oh please."

Wendy managed to get Henry behind her. He adjusted her grip, her stance, and truly helped her swing so she was hitting most shots straight and true. She was beginning to really enjoy the golf as much as Henry's attention, when she hit her last ball. Henry wanted to say something, but was reluctant.

"So how about buying a girl a cup of coffee?" she asked.

He smiled his answer. Coffee became drinks. Drinks became dinner. Dinner became drinks again. Drinks again became a very friendly walk along the water, where Henry nearly kissed her. With neither of them comfortable driving, he hailed a cab, and had the driver drop her home first. He walked her to the door, and made a date for tomorrow under the guise of giving her a ride to get her car at the driving range. He gave her a quick goodnight kiss, which reminded her much of Gerald's first kiss in college. Then he got in the cab and went off into the night.

The next day, he arrived right before noon, just as he promised. He drove her to get her car, and then followed back to her home.

"Lunch?" he asked.

"Sounds nice!" she answered.

"How nice would you like it to be?"

She gave him a puzzled look.

"Ok, let's be daring then, grab your passport!"

Wendy had been with Romantics and wealthy adventurers before, but this was a strange suggestion for a second date. Henry nodded reassuringly and waved her towards her house, so she retrieved the passport and hopped in his car. A half hour later, they were at a suburban airport looking at a private jet, gassed and waiting on the runway. They were met by a beautiful flight attendant.

"Good afternoon Mr. Cabot. It's good to see you again. Everything is ready, so as soon as you're aboard we can head off"

She smiled at Henry and winked at Wendy. She knew Henry's plan, but wasn't telling. A short flight later, they landed in Bermuda, and were met by a uniformed chauffer who whisked them to small restaurant on a hillside above the deep blue sea. The meal was exquisite, but the company was electric. Could she be falling in love in only two days? It was clear Henry was smitten. As happened last night, one thing led to another. Lunch turned into a quick shopping trip and a day at the beach in a daring new bikini. The beach turned into another quick trip to the boutiques and shops in Hamilton. Shopping turned into dinner, and dinner to drinks. The evening ended with the two dancing to a soft band in the moonlight at a terrace on the water. This time Henry kissed her, Wendy was smitten.

"Do you want to fly home tonight? Or shall we stay a while?"

"I don't have to be at work again for two days, what do you have in mind."

"Dancing a while longer, then finding a place where I can find out how well your head rests on my shoulder."

"Is that all?"

"Well, I never let a woman rest her head on my shoulder until after I've made love to her."

"Tell the pilot to be ready..."

He looked at her, somewhat disappointed. Had he moved too fast? Just as he was about to respond, she completed her thought.

" late as possible Sunday night."

Henry had a luxurious suite waiting, and they spent the night making love and talking. She was less than wowed with his sexual prowess, but he was tender and sweet, he accommodated her dominant tendencies. After being with Oscar and Jacques, she realized she was spoiled for smaller men, like Gerald, and though Henry was of a respectable size, he just didn't hit the spots and fill the voids like her larger lovers had. Henry was average sized, and would at least be able to keep her from feeling totally "uninspired."

Of course there was the money, which appeared to be never ending. Henry had done quite well for himself when he was younger. He had begun mowing lawns and shoveling snow while still in middle school for neighbors. He had gained a reputation for doing good hard work, and by the time he had gone to high school had made enough money to buy his own riding mower and snow blower. All of his neighbors who were too busy, too old or too lazy to do their own work hired Henry, and by the time he was old enough to drive, had already bought a pick up to haul his equipment around. Soon he had other kids working for him, with other garden tractors and snowblowers. He discovered investments and became a whiz at making good picks. He took risks with a small part of his budding portfolio, and made a killing as his early risky picks paid off well. Henry's mom had raised him by herself after his father had abandoned her when he was young, and he took great pride in giving her a gift when he graduated high school. He paid off her mortgage.

He went to a local college so he could keep managing his budding landscaping business. By the time he finished school, his business was running seven crews around town and was quite profitable. He sold the business to his cousin, who was Henry's first employee. Henry was moving on to bigger and better things.

Henry began investing in real estate, not as a landlord, but buying houses, renovating them and re-selling at a handsome profit. He began doing the same with larger buildings, office complexes and commercial property. All the while he continued his aggressive investment strategies. By the time he was 35, Henry had amassed a small fortune. He sold all of his real estate and commercial interests and retired, but continued to expertly manage his portfolio of stocks and commodities. By the time he met Wendy he was enjoying a life of golf, travel, and relaxation except for the couple of hours a day he spent on the laptop making the moves that would keep his portfolio growing.

As he got older, Henry missed the family life. He knew he'd given up his youth to attaining his financial position, and had no interest in children. However, he was tired of the shallow personal relationships he had experienced, and was looking for love. It rapidly became apparent that Wendy was perfect for him. She was fun, sexy, and affectionate, but she gave him the space he needed, and wasn't clingy.

Barely a half a year after that first day on the driving range Henry proposed. They sat on a terrace of a winery in Napa, eating a delicious meal and savoring the vineyards excellent stock. When Henry asked her. Her response wasn't bad, but it wasn't a straight yes, either.

"I'd love to Henry." She smiled and then thought carefully about the next thing she was about to say. "There is something you have to know about me first."

This stopped Henry in his tracks. He thought they had gotten to know each other very well in the months they had been together. He was taken aback to learn that there existed, at some level, any secrets or surprises.

"I never led to anyone I loved. I can't lie to you....because I love you."

This brought a smile, but Henry was still reluctantly curious to find out what Wendy had to reveal.

"I don't think I can give myself exclusively to one man for my entire life."

That was just a bit of a bombshell. As Henry's images of their life together clouded over where they had just been clear, Wendy explained.

"It's a sexual hang-up with me. I can't resist forbidden fruit. I'm fine for a while, and I haven't been with anyone but you since we met. Still, I know the day will come when an opportunity presents itself, and I will go for it. I might be able to grow old with one man, but I will be having sex with others during that time."

Wendy went on to tell Henry of her marriage with Gerald, and her affairs with Oscar and Jacques. She told how Gerald reluctantly accepted her trysts with Oscar, but drew the line when her attention shifted to a new man. She explained how turned on it got her to step out, but that she still loved Gerald. She told him how liberating and powerful she felt, and that she could never again give that up.

Henry listened purposefully, and quite politely. It was Wendy who was unprepared for his response.

"I understand completely."

He looked pensive, she was surprised.

"You look at men as I look at investments. Some I keep because they pay handsome dividends. Others I dump because they are no good, or I buy and sell as soon as I've use them for their complete potential. It feels very powerful to manage money that way. You feel the same way about sex and love. Every man is like a sexual investment to you."

Wendy's mouth dropped. It came from the last place she'd expect, but Henry got her. He treated money as she treated men. At that moment she knew how in love she was with this man. This gorgeous man, 20 years older than her was all she wasn't, and she was all he wasn't. They were a fit.

"I would love to marry you Henry. I have to marry you."

"Not so fast. In light of what you've told me, I think we need to spell out a ground rule or two. There will be a pre-nuptial agreement. I do not want to open myself to financial ruin if you change your mind later, divorce me and take me to the cleaners. That would be messing with my passion, and I'll leave no possibility for it. I will provide for you in every way, except in the case of divorce. I will not participate as Gerald did, I have no interest in sloppy seconds. You are free to pursue who you wish, as long as I don't have to see any evidence of your "playing around." I expect to be made love to, passionately and regularly, and in any way you would a lover. You will use protection with these guys, and take extraordinary steps to avoid passing along any bugs to me. Now what's good for the goose as they say, so I will also not hesitate if I see something tasty that I'd like to sample, but will abide by the same ground rules I expect from you. I can't tell you how much I love you for being honest up front, and I hope you are ok with this, will marry me and grow old together."

They married the next week.

Wendy watched Henry go back up to the beach house, toss his clubs in the Jeep, and drive off for a round with his friends. She had the entire day to herself. She loved sunbathing naked on the beach in front of the house. She loved it when someone walked by, gawking at the golden skin sprawled on the blanket. Two such figures approached now. Otherwise the beach was empty as usual. Henry owned almost a mile of beachfront property, and had plopped his house dead center. Still people came jogging or hiking by occasionally. The two approaching figures changed from shadows to two young men, probably college age. Their joking and talking grew louder as they approached. She admired their lean tanned bodies as they grew closer. She could hear their remarks about her being naked as well. She had made love to Henry last night, but wasn't quite satisfied, and Henry would be away for hours.


The first boy had wavy blonde hair, blue eyes, and six pack abs that rippled in the sun beneath his deep tan. The second was dark haired, and an even deeper tan belied the summer look of olive skin. She could easily see from the bulges in the appropriate spot that they were both nicely endowed, but the blonde was either huge or already starting to grow his wood.

"Good morning" she responded, though she didn't budge, preferring to watch them by shifting her eyes beneath her dark glasses.

"We were kind of wondering," they black haired guy asked "if you feel it is safe to be here all alone, lying like that on a deserted beach."

"I'm fine," she said with a smile "I do this all the time. It's warm, it's free, I can get wet if it gets hot, and like you said, it's deserted"

"Not totally," said Blondie, It was definitely growing wood, the bulge. She knew because it got bigger as she licked her lips when telling them she could get wet.

"What about guys like us?"

"If I were worried about guys like you, would I have stayed out here, without covering up, waiting for you to stroll by, all the while commenting on my body and how you'd like to fuck me right here? Don't look surprised boys, sound carries with the breeze, especially by the water."

"You don't know us!" It sounded as if 'Dark and Tanned' was a bit put off by the fact that Wendy had no fear. "We could just rape you and leave you here alone, no one would ever know we'd done it."

"Honey, don't you think I know that? But you don't know me either. Do you know who might be watching me from my house? Do you know how much self defense training I've had, or whether there is a handgun in my bag? Are you absolutely sure you could get away with raping me?"

"On the other hand, I'm pretty sure that if you played you cards right you could wind up in a better place than raping me. You could wind up fucking me instead, and having me eagerly participating. Much better don't you think?"

Both bulges were growing rapidly now, and she giggled at the sight of the flabbergasted young men who were so stunned they didn't know what to do.

"And even better, if you are good boys and do as I say, exactly as I say, you may have an experience you'll remember all your life. It will be so good, some day you'll be lying on your death bed and remember me. You will even die with and erection and a wistful dream of me."

Blondie reached and gave his equipment a quick rub and an adjustment. Blackie tried to shift his stance in order to juggle things to a more comfortable place.

"Oh just stop it. You are wasting time. Make your little buddies happy and take your suits off, you don't need them."

They nervously dropped their drawers, and just as she suspected, their very erect cocks hung straight out from their bodies. Blackie was the equal of Jacques, and Blondie was easily the largest cock she had ever seen.

"That's much better. Before you touch me, I want to see you each take the other's cock in your mouth."

They both shook their heads no.

"Then put your pants on and go away. If you want me together, then you have to prove your are comfortable with each other.

Blackie blinked first. He slowly dropped to his knees and licked Blondie's cock .

"In your mouth."

Blackie slid the shaft in but stopped at the point where it reached the back of his mouth.

"Boys, boys, if you can't deep throat each other, how can you expect me to deep throat you. And I love a man cumming right down my throat while my tongue massages the underside of his shaft."

"Do it man," Blondie urged "I've always wanted a woman to do that to me."

Blackie closed his eyes and slowly slid his mouth all the way down Blondie's shaft. Blondie moaned at the feeling, but it was short lived as Blackie slid back and pointed to his own engorge erection. Blondie wasted no time in taking Blackie deep in his mouth. They looked expectantly at Wendy.

"Very nice boys, who is first?"

Blondie brought his penis right to Wendy, and she maneuvered under him while instructing Blackie he was to eat her pussy while she brought his friend off. She felt Blackie's eager tongue flicking her clit just as Blondie's cock slid down her throat. She was expert at oral sex, and very used to blowing a big man. One hand caressed his balls and teased his ass while the other guided Blackie's head through the mysteries of her feminine sex. With all of her experiences, this was the first time with more than one partner, and when Blackie's finger found her anal opening, she came hard. Her lips curled over her teeth as she clenched them down on Blondie's shaft, and the heavy pressure drove him crazy. He humped back and forth against the vise that her jaws now locked and as her orgasm subsided, and she pushed her finger deep into his ass. She felt the ass contract first, and as it began its powerful waves of orgasm, she taste globs of his hot cum in her mouth. He spewed endlessly and she swallowed every last drop.

He pulled out, and as soon as she had licked every drop of cum off his dick, said "Switch places."

The boys complied eagerly. As Blackie's cock slid inside her, she marveled at the different smells and flavors of each man. Blondie preferred attention to her vaginal opening instead of her clit, but returned the favor of fingering her ass. First he slid his fingers into her pussy, slicking them with her juices. Then two firmly but slowly dove all the way into her aching ass. He would not only pump them in and out, but separated them, stretching her opening until she could feel the breeze blowing inside her body. Blackie was meanwhile very ready to blow after licking her to an orgasm and quickly added a course to her lunch meal. He devoured him as hungrily as she had his friend, but was surprised when he came so much she actually gagged. He gets the prize, she thought, that has never happened before. The thought was the impetus for Blondie being able to give her a second orgasm. However once her eyes stopped rolling in the passion of the moment, she could see he was now hard.

"Well baby, you got it ready, now fuck my ass."

She got a bit of oil from her beach bag and slathered it on his cock. She then sat on his lap until his hard monster poked into her anus. She moaned immediately, and began to move downwards, savoring each inch of its length as it probed deep into her. Blackie was hard again at watching this, and had started to stroke his dick as well.

"Don't waste it baby," she said to him. "What's a threesome for if a girl can't have you both at the same time?"

She didn't ask twice. In a flash, he was on top of her and had his penis entering her. With both sides stretched on these big boys dicks, she went ballistic. Her body wrenched as wave after wave of cum ravaged her, but the guys weren't done. They continued to pump, and she suspected they rather liked feeling each other's dick rubbing against each other inside. They would also linger as their balls rubbed against each other. She couldn't stop cumming, and could feel the energy sapping from her body. The boys came too. She felt Blondie stiffen and knew he was sending his second load into her bowels. It was too much for her and she screamed "FUUUUUCK MEEEEE."

Blackie couldn't take any more, and he began huffing, puffing and pounding her relentlessly. He came furiously and Wendy and Blondie both began to laugh at his uncontrollable spasms.

When Blackie stopped cumming, the three collapsed on the blanket, and fell asleep. Wendy woke a short while later, but the guys were gone. She knew in a minute she'd have t go shower and get ready for Henry to come home. They were going out for dinner, and she expected a very romantic night. She would be the dedicated wife. But for now she wanted to just lie there still, with the sun baking the crust of dried cum on her naked body. She thought about how close she had come to never experiencing this kind of satisfaction. She was thankful that Gerald had neglected her. She now had the power to go and get what she wanted, whenever she wanted. She had a loving husband who let her do as she pleased and was well off enough that she could do it whenever and where ever she chose, as long as she respected his wishes. She hadn't left a trail of broken hearts behind her in her journey, only a trail of satisfied lovers, and an ex-husband who, if the polls were correct, was about to be elected to the big show, a Senate seat in Washington.

She showered, and cleaned up all traces of her threesome, but decided against dressing yet, and chose to throw on a flimsy sheer robe. She poured herself a drink and waited for Henry. Finally she heard the whine of his engine as he downshifted the Jeep to pull into the beachhouse garage. She heard the doors close first on the garage, then on the closet where he keeps the clubs, then on the downstairs door to the house. He ascended the stairs to she her sitting there, robe open, legs spread, sitting in an arm chair delicately fingering her glistening wet pussy and licking her lips.