All Comments on 'It's Only Fair Ch. 03'

by Vanadorn

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SyrustheVirusSyrustheVirusabout 10 years ago

This is getting bad. The pacing is way to

Slow and the guy is obviously a moron. His neighbor all but tells him he is fucking his wife, but he just gets a nagging feeling. Also, allowing his kid to be anywhere near his wife when she is behaving like she is now is insane....write better!

Huedogg2Huedogg2about 10 years ago
here's yet another of a long line of willing cuckold writers.

I don't understand how you have his mother saying dump the whore, yet all he says is "Yea Ma". Bi-polar my ass, why would I want an bitchy bi-polar bitch around my kid. 1st, call the cops. She beats and his doesn't do anything. I'm not saying kick her ass but call the Po Po. 2, change the fucking locks, 3 get a lawyer. If you have money, fucking run, there's no court order that says you can't take your kid. 4, pull off your panties and put on your boxers, quit being a pussy and protect your child.

2 stars

AnonymousAnonymousabout 10 years ago

Yet another cuck writer that likes to drag out the story with unnecessary extra descriptions. Give this wimp some balls why don't you?

laptopwriterlaptopwriterabout 10 years ago
I know you're a new writer, but...

It is disconcerting to think hubby would take a chance of having a violent person so close to his child. When she bopped him in the eye that should have been his out. Go to the hospital and swear out a complaint. Get a restraining order based on her outbursts and threats to kill him in his sleep. Get her out of the house then force her into therapy if she wants back, and only with a doctor's approval.

You shouldn't have had her quite so violent. It makes the hubby looks like a real wimp and not very likable since he won't take the necessary steps to protect himself or his child. You have to put yourself in your character's place; what would you do?

LordSlamdawggLordSlamdawggabout 10 years ago
This plot wrinkle of woman on man violence ' sounds ' outrageous BUT ...

It's not as cut and dried as previous comments would have you believe. Look at Jay Z and the incident with whacked out sister-in-law ! Reverse the sex of the aggressor and JayZ is looking at six figure bail money. I had five years of martial arts at time an ex-girlfriend left teeth and scratch marks on my chest. You are in a state of disbelief and shock. You can knock the crazy bitch out, but then you're really screwed.

The ex got away with it the first time. Second time - i was ready, reported it immediatelt, got pics to document teeth marks ect ect. She got convicted of third degree assault. Shoulda been more, but surprise ! The system just half steps it when victim of domestic violence is a man. That's just reality. My main point is that the first time this happens, few men are ready to take effective countermeasures.

This is excellent writing about a relatively unwritten about but not altogether uncommon reality that women can be the physical abusers & that you're going uphill against system to prove it when this is the case. There's enormous stigma attached to this. What exactly should narrator do ? I'd say hidden cameras to document what kink is going on, possible neglect on her part with daughter and and any repeat of abuse.

At the very least, learn to record video and audio at moment's notice with portable phone. This woman needs help and it's likely she needs to get out. Evidence is needed. To me, the marriage is over. It's war, But you want the high ground once this gets formal.! Once again, this is very good writing. *****

AnonymousAnonymousabout 10 years ago
Lets see now

We have a wimp, no balls at all, can't seem to face reality, head stuck in the sand because wifey has the only gold plated cunt in town, can't remember more than a few hours that his best bud has the same marks on his wrist as the wife does, after living in that house 9 years he still doesn't know how the footsteps of his loving wife sound as she walks in the house, is told NOT to go downstairs (wife hasn't cleaned up the evidence yet), and is so mild mannered he actually refuses the rock his limited world view. Have I missed anything?

His mother is right, he is a no balled at all grade A wimp.His indecisive nature is doing far more harm to his child than anything wifey is up to. Shit, she would be the better parent for the girl. At least she has balls and wears the pants in the family. Hubby is a loser and that is saying nice things about him. Do us all a favor, do your RAAC and end this farce of a tale. He actually deserves to be unmarried and lost in his own self loathing mind.

BTW,if you have not guessed, I hate weak man/men stories. I'd as soon the gene pool would lose that trait.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 10 years ago
I like the story but...

Even dogs and lower forms of animals have survival instincts. You main character does not. He doesn't even have instinct to protect his child. He only worries about language not about the woman that claims to be his child's mother. She just went nuts and attacked him for nothing and he doesn't worry a bit that a crying child might set her off. I don't find brain dead interesting and you have putzed around with this story for 3 chapters and he has not had ONE SINGLE thought about protecting his child or himself.

Your writing skills are fine, your character development is flawed, and this story is slowly going down the toilet and it should not. It could be good. This is not about whether the bitch gets burned or not, this about you failing to give your main character even minimal human survival instincts.

Ntropy586Ntropy586about 10 years ago
Sorry, but

Okay, here's the good news: I only comment on story elements, not on the type of story written. The bad news? Your story, based upon the elements involved, is mighty confused.

Basically, it looks as if you're attempting to give the reader an insight into the workings of your protagonist's mind. The reality, however, is that you haven't gone into nearly enough exposition to make this a viable route. Your details are rather sparse in so many areas that it leaves those reading this with the impression that this is "The Secret Life of Walter Mitty" put to paper again (though without the depth that James Thurber gave his work originally).

If you want to take this as slowly as you are doing, then I highly recommend that you start reading the "When We Were Married" series by DanielQSteele1. The pace of progression is much like the one your chapters have had so far, but with a firmer grasp regarding the level of detail involved with this type of speed.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 10 years ago

forget the obvious fact that the husband is a closet cuck and think on the wife, she , i presume is bi-polar, i think you are doing a disservice to people who suffer with this terrible illness, most understand in their lucid periods that they have a serious problem, and try to address it, i think you are using her illness as a way to form a basic plot for up and coming graphic sex outside the marriage, pretty low really.

sugnasugnaabout 10 years ago
Good, but grim

Don't drag us through this for too much longer, resolve the situation.

JensensloverJensensloverabout 10 years ago
This will be a number of chapters and like a great writer once said: Write what you know. So that's what this is, me writing what I know.

Vanadorn said that way back on chapter 1, this is what he knows, so what he knows is how to let his wife go untreated for bipolar while fucking his neighbor, doesn't have the ability or the balls to really PROTECT his daughter from anything other than language use, so in reality if this is all he 'knows', it must be what he is living and needs to get out with his daughter to PROTECT her.

I think its horrible use of the bipolar disorder, really shows the author really either doesn't understand bipolar or he's in lala land and is happy to use it as an excuse to be cuckolded.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 10 years ago

Go ahead and let her stab him to death and get this shit over with.

Drbeamer3333Drbeamer3333about 10 years ago
Loving it

The descriptions are nicely done, not tedious, adding life to the story. This is a fascinating storyline that has a feel of authenticity. Five stars! Don't make us wait too long.

VanadornVanadornabout 10 years agoAuthor

Ok, I strongly suspected this Chapter was going to piss people off and I accept that. If you don't like it or don't want to read anymore, that is your prerogative.

I want to say a few short things here in response to a few of the comments I had read and then get my butt back to work. 1) Lots of "real man" talk about beating and running and cops - but the 1st time you're ever physically abused and mentally screamed at by your significant other after 10+ years is fucking jarring. You don't know what to do - period. Unless of course you're a knuckle dragging thug with MS-13 tattooed on the back of your neck and a rap sheet two pages long. 2) You can be bi-polar and have a terrific and wonderful well adjusted life. However, unless someone tells you (by going to the damned doctor/therapist/psychologist), your one time very minor seeming bi-polar disorder can and will get terribly thrown out of whack during pregnancy and can cause crazy oscillations and mood swings.

I am about half way finished with chapter 4 and should be able to upload either later today or tomorrow. Thanks for reading, voting, and commenting.


AnonymousAnonymousabout 10 years ago

Luv it.

RePhilRePhilabout 10 years ago
Really long winded

Writers always seem to have an excuse or statistcs to back up a wimp husband character

AnonymousAnonymousabout 10 years ago
Author..just disappear.

Another useless wimp story developing.

TheUnoriginalistTheUnoriginalistabout 10 years ago

Don't worry about the Debbie Downers. Some people only want the one story, delivered over and over again.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 10 years ago

well written

Yes, something is wrong. This is not just cheating.

And if the neighbor is with her, husband needs to destroy him.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 10 years ago
Well Developed

Refreshing to see an author on this site develop complex characters. It's messy and complex, just like real life. Can't wait to see what you do with the next chapter. Five stars.

lonewolf3307lonewolf3307about 10 years ago
Tedious, almost to the point of being painful...

... Don't know who or what made you think a multiple part submission was a good idea for your first story but, as you can probably tell from your descending ratings, it was a horrible idea. Wrap this crap up and, hopefully, you'll have better luck with your next story.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 10 years ago
Well written but,

the personality of the wife doesn't feel genuine. Her reactions and mood swings are off somehow and it feels as if you are changing her mood in order to further your story rather than letting her react in a natural way. In fact the whole relationship seems out of whack and I find myself asking why they are even together. There doesn't seem to be any emotional bond or mutual attraction between them. And the overly intense focus on the kid doesn't serve to make me care more about what happens to the main character.

I still rated you high for your excellent writing, but I will recommend that you work on your characters in the future. If you can't get your readers invested in their lives, even the best story will suffer.

x_witless_xx_witless_xabout 10 years ago
This is getting better.

I'll read to the end. 5*

hindsight2020hindsight2020about 10 years ago
Much better.

More plot and character development. More background. Also the hints and or red herrings appear to be well placed. 5*

AnonymousAnonymousabout 10 years ago
how old is hubby


AnonymousAnonymousabout 10 years ago
I'm sorry for the others who can't seem to grasp the subtle nuances of something a little bit different from the standard fare...

It is no sin to write about flawed characters, people who are challenged by things outside of their comfort zone, people who don't react to conflict the same way as others might. It is a slice of something DIFFERENT from the norm. OK, I have to agree about the pacing. Serialized chapters hurt a story that intentionally is supposed to build up a steady rage. The only positive thing I can say about it, is that it helps us to feel the same frustration that your narrator is facing, facing many different issues in his marriage and personal life, and flailing along, wishing he had more time to just deal with and process the changes. The chapter breaks give this time away to the reader, (and I suspect the author-more importantly); easier to "live through" here-to-fore- unimaginable angst and pain. Author, you ARE doing a great job with "show instead of tell". But, the people who are going to stay with you, would do so even if this was 12 pages in one sitting. The people you were going to lose, are just that much easier to chip off (alienate?) after 2 pages and some "WELL??? WHAT"S Next Then?"

I see the development, and I have patience that it seems other readers/commenters do not. I have a feeling that this is a very important story for you to tell, and as such, I sincerely hope you stay with it, NO MATTER WHAT KIND OF STUPID SHIT GETS WRITTEN IN THE COMMENTS! Be true to your own ideal. Feedback is "interesting", but it is how YOU feel after completing the project that is the most important. Anyone calling YOU a wimp (or even just your character), hasn't been paying enough attention to the story to have a valid insight. I agree with LSD, that the FIRST time you are blindsided, you kinda get a free pass on inaction due to the shock factor. After that however, if you paint us patterns of CONTINUED abuses and inaction, then you are "showing not telling us" that this guy IS in fact a wimp, and needs to get his head out of his ass. The author should own this. A character in denial is one thing, an AUTHOR in denial is something else (because then it calls in credibility issues, and just what is the REAL message of the story supposed to be anyway??). You know, sometimes the process of removing the "head stuck up the ass" syndrome from someone's life IS interesting, and one has to concede to things being fucked up wrong before they can get better. Question REALLY is Author, how many chapters do you spend on things getting worse before things finally start to get better? I really hope you have the full story arc mapped out, and are keeping a steady eye on building towards the conclusion. I fear that the ongoing, seemingly never ending, tri-weekly adventures of the "BIPOLAR BD/SM BABY MAMA" are NOT going to keep fans tuning in for much longer, especially if your narrator's pain never finds any hope of healing. We'll see.......

AnonymousAnonymousabout 10 years ago
Painfully SLOW

While reading it I fell asleep twice

AnonymousAnonymousabout 10 years ago
sorry i dont understand not going to the hospital for eye injury, and not calling police for the physical battery as well as child endangerment

the wife besides being a cheater and liar, is mentally unstable as evidenced by her actions, and has physically injured him, attempted to kill him, threatened to kill him in his sleep. And to not realize his wife and the neighbor both have the same wrist injuries, the guy is always in his house to the point of knowing he has no spackle. nd

rojete15rojete15about 10 years ago

More than half of the incidents of domestic violence are started by women. That means, the woman is the first to get physical. OFC, physical differences being what they are, men tend to cause more damage.

But, there is an enormous stigma attached to a man being beaten by a woman, and they just don't report it. And it's the same with psychological violence.

I think the author may know what he is talking about, in a sense few others do around here. I feel for him.

The story is good. As in real good. If you all could accept it, and don't try to "live" it, putting yourselves in the place of the husband, you could acknowledge it. I just hope it's not autobiographical, cause it's a hard story.

swingerjoeswingerjoeabout 10 years ago
A mixed bag

I'm ready to bail on this story, as it seems to be yet another story about a saint of a husband, and a raving lunatic/bitch-on-wheels for a wife. Since the very first chapter, the wife's character has been portrayed in the worst possible light, while the husband is a combination of Superman and Jesus Christ, rolled into one. It's difficult to see why this guy ever married her in the first place.

Without knowing much about her/their background, we don't know whether the violence and the "I hate you!" screaming is something new, or whether he has been putting up with it for years. Either way, it's difficult to root for any ending to this story that doesn't involve a divorce or separation -- which I find incredibly boring.

I don't find these types of stories interesting -- and definitely not erotic -- but it seems as though there is a HUGE audience for stories like this. For some reason they're all placed in the "Loving Wives" section. Does no one see the irony in that? I feel sorry for the author, and for those who enjoy this type of story. At the very beginning, the author wrote that he is writing what he knows, and that is really sad if any of this story is anywhere near reality.

I hope that writing this story is cathartic and therapeutic. My advice to the author is: stop worrying so much about the feedback you're getting. Write this story for yourself. Get it out of your system. If people don't like it, fuck 'em. They haven't lived in your shoes.

KarenEKarenEabout 10 years ago
This Guy Is Clueless

"Her tread sounding heavy", Stan knows what he has in the basement?

Hello! She probably had Stan cuffed in the basement and the laundry was just the excuse to let him out.

If you're going nto make it so obvious anyway, why not speed things up and get it out there?

jasonnhjasonnhabout 10 years ago

If, after being assaulted by someone clearly out of control and having severe mood swings in the presence of your young child who could have easily become a target, you do nothing, you have NO self esteem and are clueless. I have no problem that he didn't drop her where she stood. He's right. Without context the police would have arrested him.

SO ... you give them context. After the insane wife leaves, you call the police and report the assault. The police get the story, see he is all beat up. When crazy wife returns and has not a scratch, she is arrested. You then get a restraining order and demand counseling. I admire his self restraint but essentially doing nothing about such an assault is crazy and pathetic.

Yes, at the moment of a surprise assault you can be quite confused. But after she leaves he had time to think it through. His inaction then and for the remainder of the chapter is gutless and stupid.

I won't call him a cuckold yet because we really don't know what is going on with the crazy wife. But all the abusive language, the fact she does NOTHING around the house ESPECIALLY taking care of her daughter, which could be considered child abuse, is far too much.

The tale of his youth experiences is illuminating but the lesson learned is BS. He stood up to bullies and they learned a lesson. They left him alone after that. I had a similar problem when I was young. A guy was pestering me on the bus. I turned and grabbed him, pulled him over the seat, got him in a head lock, and held him until the bus driver came back. End of problem and I NEVER had another problem with ANYONE again.

As to not hitting a woman, again BS. A WOMAN knows enough not to get into a fight. A woman that steps into the middle of a brawl and pulls someone's glasses off is asking for trouble. All he knew is that he had another assailant. If a woman wants the protection of respect for women then she needs to ACT like a woman and not put herself in bad situations. Since you say you are writing what you know, your head is screwed up it you think that women can assault men with impunity or involve themselves in a fight and expect to come off unscathed.

I didn't like the chapter much. He is a wimp.

Concritic123Concritic123about 10 years ago
Well written....

Thanks for the effort.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 10 years ago
Could not finish the story

Violence between a wife and husband, in the presence of their child, the act of child abuse by the wife and they are not getting a divorce?

I don't mind two adults screwing up their lives, but hurting children even in a fictions story is MY limit.


HarddaysknightHarddaysknightabout 10 years ago
"If you don't like it or don't want to read anymore, that is your prerogative."

The author made the above comment. There's no need to state the obvious. We readers are well aware of our prerogatives. Regardless of what others say about all the detail enhancing the story, I am up to my eyes in dirty diapers. I guess my biggest problem, other than the pacing, is that the reader is given all of these obvious clues from the husband, yet he does not seem to understand. He wonders if the wife is messing around. He finds handcuffs and her wrists are scratched. His neighbor has scratched wrists, but he dismisses that. He gets black eye, so the neighbor tells him that he decided to barge into his house and see what was going on and even searched his basement and tells him he needs joint compound. His wife never mentioned that a nosey neighbor was around, nor seemed worried that people would find out that she beat the shit out of her husband. Given her explosive personality, he should have expected her to blacken the other eye for telling the neighbor. Our hero sees nothing, and does nothing, and makes no reasonable deductions. We do not know what he did Sunday afternoon, so he may have purchased computer programs, the ever popular voice activated recorders, wire taps, tiny cameras, or the services of a private dick. The husband is being portrayed as pretty dense, at best. But he is a hell of a good diaper changer!

JounarJounarabout 10 years ago
very weak

Despite what you claim Vanadorn, the main character in this story is not only a total wimp but completely unbelievable. His wife rants and raves live a lunatic, threatens to kill him in his sleep, spouts bullshit about leaving him destitute in a divorce and physically assaults him all in front of their child whose care she has been neglecting and he passes is off as no big deal!

I get the whole not hitting her but your claim that he is in shock over what happened doesn't gel with his following actions and conversation with his mother. Not getting the police involved and swearing out a complaint is one thing but not removing his child and himself from such a bad situation is just to much to take.

stinger82stinger82about 10 years ago
Please no more dirty diapers

Ok story, but too much Pampers Priority, LOL.

Sidney43Sidney43about 10 years ago

Loved Mom, hated the out of control wife. He is an idiot for not taking pictures of the damage and of his face. She is a violent spouse and he is being abused and probably cheated on, so get some evidence and quit being a wimp, because it is not going to get better.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 10 years ago

can someone be that dumb as you have painted the husband to be, if he has a job and is taking care of a child i don't think so. As has been suggested i will read no more of this foolishness i for one have a life.

Ducky7Ducky7about 10 years ago
I'll vote when the thing is done someday.

this is boring for the reader is there more action other than screaming? I get that shit at my house and don't need it in my pleasure. You said no wimps but I don't see any backbone here yet. You need a broom to sweep up the clues that are all over the place like the keyboard.

KarenWoodsKarenWoodsabout 10 years ago

Look at that, a story where a man refuses to beat up a woman has the anonymous crowd here (and quite a few of the more established members of the BTB crowd) all worked up in a fury about 'real men'. Shocking! It's like they just come here to get their violent, misogynist fantasies fulfilled and an author writing a real story about real people pisses them off.

You're writing is extremely good, and I can't believe that people don't understand that spousal abuse like that, regardless of gender, isn't so cut and dry as 'she hits you you hit back', that there are emotions and confusion involved. You capture that quite well and your characters feel far more real than most on this site, honestly probably too real for the LW crowd which seems to be the problem.

nonethewisernonethewiserabout 10 years ago
Have to agree with a lot of comments

I have some experience with a relative that is bipolar (not my wife, thank goodness). When Elle had that type of violent manic attack, Rick only had two acceptable general choices (specifics can vary): either (i) leave with Amber and get the child out of that environment until and unless Elle gets treatment, or (ii) force an immediate intervention and get get Elle treatment.

I know its a story, and its a well written story, but mental illness is very serious and an infant in the care of an unmedicated bipolar person who is exhibiting signs of violence is totally unacceptable. If Elle had a physical illness that led to seizures Rick would not (I hope) let Amber drive in a care with Elle until he was confident she was not going to seize. Mental illness also needs treatment.

I understand Rick's confusion, but he is not being a the great parent he sees himself as by doing nothing.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 10 years ago
I am "enjoying" this.

Washed the sheets only? Can't believe the neighbor admitted he had been in the house while Rick was out. We are seeing the bi-polar, but I will be interested to see how that translates into her sexual issues. Doubt that she'll be "cured" any time soon so I hope he presses for divorce (After she is diagnosed.) and gets custody, child support, and the house. Please, let's not have RAAC here.


PostScriptorPostScriptorabout 10 years ago
Going well!

Good story, and well told. I am enjoying it.

Thus far the only thing that I would find surprising is: to assure that he would get his daughter in a divorce, getting photos of what his wife did to him ON THE RECORD would be REALLY helpful. I had a friend who had this dilemma — his crazy wife would essentially beat him up, but he knew that if he even hit her back ONCE, he would be 'the wife beater.' He was lucky, in the end and ended up with his son and without his crazy wife! But I know he was frightened to death for awhile that either he would lose his son, or worse, he would end up in the tender arms of "Child Services" and it would take 6-months to a year to get him back, plus $50K in lawyer's fees!

MattblackUKMattblackUKabout 10 years ago
5* read

It's clear some of the BTB crowd have never been in an abusive relationship.

It's not easy. Really. It isn't.

This is a good portrayal of such a relationship. And not all abusive spouses are men.

Tw0Cr0wsTw0Cr0wsabout 10 years ago
bipolar ?

There is no cure.

There are medications.

The medications have severe side effects.

Sometimes the medications stop working.

There is a virtual certainty that she will at some time stop taking the medications.

Trust ?

Sleep with one eye open.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 10 years ago

Where do I start. This man puts up with a violent,cheating,physically abusive spouse. One who throws things at her husband while their child is in a booster seat in the kitchen next to him. And he does nothing. Pathetic. All he had to do was take pics of the wall,the smashed computer parts,and his fucking black EYE! If only for the protection of his child,he should have done SOMETHING! He had this bitch by her pussy hairs in the eyes of the court. He couldn't lose. Well........Since you made him into a nutless wonder,I guess he can. - BGunns.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 10 years ago

I think Rick needs to go to social services to document the abuse. Pictures and the like. Even if he doesn't want divorce she brought it up. The courts will probably still side with her in divorce be cause our nation wants to cuckold men. Interesting plot that isn't really seen this way. Thanks.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 10 years ago
I can't believe all the nasty comments and the owner of this site bans WWW. WTF!!

These annony assholes are the worst and continue to rag and rage and bitch about these stories. And all the nasty comments, why not ban them too?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

LostOneThereLostOneThereabout 10 years ago
True, I have NOT walked in the author's shoes

But that doesn't mean I have not lived at least some of what he describes in this story. For eight years I had an on again, off again relationship with a bi-polar woman. This covered three states as well as time in Germany. I would alternate between being tough with her and with letting her have her way. She stabbed me once (non-life threatening) and we broke up for three years over it. It ended when, like the author wrote, she got physical in a very life threatening manor. She always had a hard time in separating from a boyfriend even when jobs forced a move. This last time she tried to strike me with an ice axe (mountain climbing axe) and I was forced to take it away from her. In the process her face was marked (not bad but visible). She used that fact to call the police. Luckily Washington state requires both sides to be arrested in domestic violence cases. The two arresting officers were astounded and commented that she was crazy. Yes, she actually admitted using the axe. Both of us spent the weekend in the Kittitas (sp?) County Jail. Our separate conduct over the weekend was reported to the judge as well as reading the officer's report convinced the judge that my claim of self defense was righteous and he asked my intentions upon release. I confirmed the fight was due to the fact I was moving out of state and I was released and the charges dropped. That was in 1988.

In 1991 I met and later married a woman who I learned (about 1995) had some emotional disturbance (ED) issues. I use that term because like the author I also could not get my wife to seek help. In her view it was all my fault. We had a girl in 1997 and an autistic boy in 1999. After his birth she began to exhibit radical change. Again like the author, I basically lived in a sexless marriage for about five years because of the kids. But I did realize that things were getting worse for the kids due to her constant apathy and my response to that apathy. I was just deluding myself that it was the best interest for all concerned to "stick it out." Her father died in 2005 and she totally went off the deep end, ignoring the family (incl. kids), staying gone all day even though she worked out of the home, staying up until 4-5am, and a very nasty overall disposition. She argued over each and every detail of our daily lives. It wasn't until I caught her in a few obvious lies that I suspected she was cheating.

I installed a key stroke monitor on her PC and found vary disturbing comments. I then placed a professional monitoring package and found she was active in the BDSM culture and had three separate gentlemen to assist her (I have to laugh as each thought they were the only one) and apparently I was almost finished with a divorce (news to me but I listened). I also found out it had been going on about one month. I immediately confronted her and said it stops now. She said I did not own her, I agreed and filed for divorce. Califorica does not care what the reason is, no fault is the rule. The kids have been hurt enough by this time and I was just done with it all. The divorce was bad for the kids but only in the sense that the ex only wanted our daughter and actively kept away from our son. that caused him to become jealous of his sister and he would go after her in a rage every time he saw her. He didn't understand and took it out on his sister. I was finally able to get the court to see it my way and we wound up with a 50/50 custody arrangement which improved sibling relationship. Although some relationship damage continues to this day. During her custody, our daughter takes care of her brother. Apparently the ex still stays up most of the night and sleeps during the day as before.

Today I have been with another woman partner for over six years. In 2009 her daughter started attacking her in rages. There now are diagnoses for obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD) and as yet unspecified disorder (suspected is borderline personality disorder). This started on a six month sabbatical in Columbia and has escalated through multiple police responses, outpatient DBT, then culminating in a residential DBT treatment program. Somewhere along the way some idiotic liberal family therapist told her mother not to respond to her acts of violence. That is nuts but I followed it for her sake. I wasn't the one getting hurt as the daughter while weighing in at 120 lbs or so, she doesn't have the strength or knowledge on how to hurt me. About 2-3 years ago my partner decided that she had had enough of the violence on a transcontinental flight and told me I no longer needed to go with the counselors request and I could respond in defense. I immediately told the daughter I would no longer allow her to strike me and if she did she would wind up on the ground (Yes people, you can respond to violence safely and without harming the opponent). I would not hurt her but I would not allow her to hit me or her mother in my presence. She tried me twice, wound up on the ground twice, and never struck me again. The daughter did call the police and even reported it to the school. Guess what, even in California you are allowed to protect yourself from a minor as long as the force is reasonable. It helps when you do not leave marks and are calm when discussing matters with authorities. Unfortunately she still would hit her mother when I was not around. Until just before she was sent to the residential treatment facility. The last time she tried to hit her mother in my presence was a few days before she was committed. She is 16 now.

So I may not have walked in the authors shoes but I have taken that walk a few times myself. Again I will state that acting like a wimp or being ineffectual gets you nowhere and actually fuels the fires you are trying to put out. This is why I do not like this story. I believe that IF the author is truly writing about what he knows... he really needs a better understanding on what it is he wishes to know. Because absolute and permanent harm comes out of this approach. Always has and always will.

My son will start high school in the fall but because of autism he is never going to be on a college or graduation track. My daughter has been accepted to a well known UC in southern California. She has better than a 4.3 GPA going in. Both have adjusted to what I had to do in 2005 and both seem to have come out of it okay. Because of the two month period following my leaving the house their relationship together will most likely never be what it was before. If their mother had treated both kids the same I am sure they would have had a much better relationship but it is what it is.

So author, you are not alone. Just be happy if what you have depicted is your only brush with the worst that can happen. I've lived a lot of life, seen things that no one should ever have to see, things that give me nightmares almost every night to this day. But I did go on and I hope have made the lives I have touched a little better in my passing. I have no worries for my children's future or that of my partner's child.

And really that is all I can ask for.

You are a good writer as far as the mechanics go.

I decided to post this as myself in response to Karenwoods earlier comment. Originally I was going to post anonymous as I really do not like publicly airing dirty laundry. Karen, what is the female form of misogyny? I really do not care what age or who comes after you when it comes to violence. Women kill, kids kill, and both types expect people like you to be as you are. When you can tell me what bit feels like to have someone you like or love stick a knife in you, watch two 10 year olds hold and fire an RPG at your friends, or any of thousands of other acts of violence then and only then are you competent and qualified to utter such statements. Otherwise you fit my first question to you. The majority of abuse I faced was verbal or mental. When it came to violence itself I base my responses on intent and type of force used. The first time I was attacked with a knife over a verbal argument I did nothing except leave. The second time she was using deadly force and poor misogynist me, I felt it far better to survive over my dislike of hitting a mere woman. Google "climbing ice axe" and tell me how you would react to that swinging your way. Normally I do not need to resort to violence or a loud voice in order to get my idea across. But sometimes it's a far better thing to be alive than waste time talking. Methinks you do not know much outside reading The Enquirer.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 10 years ago
Get Out, Rick

Get your kid and get the hell out. She's insane, a bad mother and a bad wife. Let her work out her own shit.

DepopuloDepopuloabout 10 years ago

@mattblackuk yeah alot of people dont have experience with abusive relationships because they're smart enough that the first time the guy raises a hand or a woman raises a frying pan they leave or strike back rather healthily and leave......

@the author

... umm you know I nutted up and tried... I really did until your pussy... i mean protag totally gave in to raging self cuck... you have some writing talent, and if you tackled anything besides this complete and utter spinless fuckwad of a character archtype some of these closet crossdressing guys want to really be, it might have come out well for you.... as it is this is self cuck through and through and that is quite simply 1 out of 5 with no excuses or appologies.

So preveious installments will also be rated 1/5 and while I will not read your future installments, should I remember to i will click, go right to the end and leave the appropriate 1/5 score.

While I know this is a story, the simple fact is that people like your protag are a major part of the reason the human genepool has diluted into its current state of entitled myopic pratfucks that so many people have turned into today.

OH and to you guys who want to bash anons for leaving feedback like that about stories like this, looky a name... now be my guest and talk about what a dick I am because I dont share in the we're all special I'm special your special I'm a little snowflake so I should get to fuck however many snowflakes I wanna fuck and you shouldnt worry about it fan club.

MajorRewriteMajorRewriteabout 10 years ago
Well, that's an exceedingly stupid story.

No man stays with a lunatic like that. It's absurd. Totally unrealistic. And the reader is supposed to simply accept that Rick is so moronic that he doesn't realize his wife is fucking Stan?

Melodramatic soap-opera nonsense.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 10 years ago

@ LostOneThere Your comment is more interesting than the story is.

Karenwoods is misandrist............

AnonymousAnonymousabout 10 years ago
I like vanadorn rebuttal of all those negative feed backs

Being in a long term relationship with a child , you should try and make it work. It is obvious that Ellie has major mental and chemical in balances by her actions and words . Part of her problem is cheating ,bdsm. He has to take the bull by the horns and video tape all her responses in his own home which is legal. Tell to shit or get off the pot , if he does not get a responsive ,then file for divorce and use the tape of her behavior to show the court he is the only one competent to take the child. She has a bipolar problem? Manic depressive problem? A borderline personality disorder or other mental issues,! Anonymous commenter should be band from this site , there remarks are so sick and virile. Author just accept members remarks at least there are more normal people posting them.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 10 years ago
* * *

No sex? Not even one jack-off scene? Jeezus. I don't know how the fuck you are averaging close to 4.0 on your stories.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 10 years ago
I love your rebuttal comment.

I do not see why your character Rick is so. Slow to respond to his sick wife's behavior. This is heading for a bad showdown and I hope neither inflicts permeant injury on the other . Plus this author can write a story but they are those who do not like the pace of the story and are. Viral with there comment. That crowd hates chucks and I do not see one here. Or they want to kill the female . They got married for better or worse . So we have divorces and courts usually favor the wife. Since the husband has to work and the wife is the caregiver. But in this case she is not capable of that responsibly so he has to document her insanity or he loses the war to come

AnonymousAnonymousabout 10 years ago
This is getting hard to read.

Rick is a idiot, a bit of a wimp and waiting for his world to fall in on him, she has a guy in the basement and lets him out after he gets home and he can't even figure it out, not a guy I can root for. At least let the dumb ass figure out Stan isn't his "friend".

SpacemansaysSpacemansaysabout 10 years ago
re: staying together for the kids

I'm not a fan of this story I won't deny that it touches on real situations. In life there are in fact men and women as stupid as your main character so kudos for the realism.

My issue is that if someone is not well you ask them to get help. If someone is not well and hurting others you force them to get help. End of discussion.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 10 years ago
good far

you seem to have corrected most mistakes from the first part, a few grammer, and spelling that your editor should have caught, but a good job so far. now it needs for rick to become '' hell on earth. no way a man takes this crap laying down

AnonymousAnonymousabout 10 years ago
DNA Test

This is one of the most clueless Cucks I have ever read about. He needs to get a DNA test. If The Child is his, he need to take her and get out of Dodge. There are ways of getting a new identity and moving on. The bitch he is married to will wind up in the nut house anyway. She would have a hard time finding another sucker like him that would put up with her shit. No wonder the other guy dumped her ass. She knows she has a serious mental problem,and choose not to do anything about it. The only other option is to give her an ultimatum of getting help or ending the marriage. Any halfway intelligent person should know the local divorce law norms, before getting married, and be willing to suffer the consequences.

gatorhermitgatorhermitabout 10 years ago
More Stupid Is as Stupid Does

What is it with today's postings? Good grief. First, I respect LostOneThere's comments above. Second, when the wife hit him, he should have called 911 and had her arrested for assault and gotten himself treated. Third, no way he can leave his kid with this literal psycho. If all else fails, cash out and leave. BTW I have dealt successfully with psychotic first wife and raised my kids from that marriage, so I know what I'm talking about. It IS difficult but it can be done.

tazz317tazz317about 10 years ago

or you may be one of the in-lookers, TK U MLJ LV NV

njlaurennjlaurenabout 10 years ago
The big problem with this story

Is that rick is set up as this great father,who knows his wife is fucked up,and yet fails to protect his daughter,the two don't go together.Being a parent who faced something different but analagous,when it came to my child,it finally drove me to do something. I commend that the story is different,that he isn't superman,but unless he is as fucked up as Elle,a good parent would have gotten Amanda out of the house until something was done.Elle physically attacks him,but worse is negligent,she ignores the kid is in a soiled diaper,is in la la land,but he is ok with amanda being around that?This is turning from a bewildered dad and husband becomibg psycho himself,bc he basically is unable to see the danger to his daughter.

The story is slow,but that is okay,it may need time to develop.Howver,to make this really work Rick has to stay true to character;a person who won't use violence against a psycho wife would also protect the child.

I look forward to the rest of the story,and hopefully to a good resolution.One other comment,be careful about the crazy woman being into S\M,far too many stories and irl make it into something sick people do,it isn't,make,this about a bipolar woman who is into bd/sm,not because she is sick,bit.bc she is;)

AnonymousAnonymousabout 10 years ago

Very realistic and emotionally charged. Something that is usually missing from Literotica. Looking forward to the next chapter.

Drbeamer3333Drbeamer3333about 10 years ago
One more thought ...

I really don't get the impression that hubby is clueless or weak. I think he has a strong notion that his wife is cheating, he just doesn't want to face it or deal with it. Not because he is a wimp, but because he knows her mental issues. I was trying to think about how I would react if I had a wife with serious mental problems and I discovered she was cheating. I would be horrified and angry at what she has done. However, I would be torn, believing that if she was in her right mind she wouldn't be cheating on me. Do I blame her, or the illness? I guess that's the issue here. He will never really know if she still would've cheated were she in her right mind. But then again, her behavior is so obviously over the edge and uncharacteristic of who she is, that he has to think it is her mental illness. So, should he kick her to the curb, or try to rescue her? This is real life. I love the uncertainty.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 10 years ago
I am intrigued. But

what I don't get is why would a loving father leave his daughter alone with a wife, love or hate her, who appears to becoming unglued? You don't have to lose faith in your wife, but when anyone is acting irrationally, why let them alone with your children?

Interesting story. Well done

SparksWillFlySparksWillFlyabout 10 years ago
Very Very Troubling

He knows she is letting one or more other men dominate her sexually, and she is hopelessly submissive to his/their domination. She is conniving, deceiving and loveless. What the hell is he waiting for?

AnonymousAnonymousabout 10 years ago
Rick's wife needs a couple of hard smacks across the face, and I mean the kind that will damn near knock her dumb cunt ass out cold

Anyone who says that "a man doesn't hit a woman" has never been on the receiving end of a hateful woman's aggression.

Not only CAN you hit her back.

You must, and in that you have no choice.

She wants to show you she's the boss, and that chair has room for one only.

It's either her or you.

And you sure as shit won't like what she'll do to you if she's the one in charge.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 10 years ago
just nother

weakling, wimpy, doesn't have a clue, male person. his mother got it "loose your balls"

2 stats.

VanadornVanadornabout 10 years agoAuthor

This has generated a lot of comments and feedback. I can see that many of you are getting the larger story being told, and yes it is disturbing and deeper than the normal "quick stroke and BTB tale" that is found. I understand it's not everyone's tea, and that's fine. There are stories and tales that I am not fond of so what do I do? I don't read them.

You are free to do the same, just like you are free to vote and comment - both good and bad. We live in a terrific world and free country - one that allows Net Neutrality (so far!) and the freedom of speech. You have the same right to comment and have your say - good or bad - as anyone else.

What you do not have is the right to belittle or quiet anyone if they do not conform to what you think is right. Keep that in mind when you post - anonymously or by name. I thank and respect you all.

I just posted Chapter 4 and will be taking a small break this weekend to take care of life and free time. It should appear on the site Sunday or Monday the speed it's been going up lately. We are (I believe) just at the mid way point in the tale with the posting of Chapter 4 - so thanks again to everyone for reading, following, and participating.


AnonymousAnonymousabout 10 years ago

It is clear that the neighbor is 2 facing Rick. I bet he is dominating Ell and she loves it. Maybe she wants Rick to stand up and be a forceful husband and control her. It's clear she doesn't want a nice loving man anymore.

KarenWoodsKarenWoodsabout 10 years ago

To everyone spouting off about him being a wimp for not going to the police immediately, do a little research on male victims of domestic abuse. It is an extremely common thing for men to feel confused and ashamed and not want to admit to what has happened. Probably because there are guys like you lot who would call them wimps and demand that they beat their wife up, implying that because they are the victims in an abusive relationship they are less of men.

His reaction is extremely realistic, it may not be perfect but it's what is driving the story. And I won't say what he should or shouldn't do, because he's a fictional character and I respect the author too much to make demands of him like that.

Oh, wait, I forgot, I hate all men right? So clearly I can't actually have opinions on how bad domestic abuse can be for a man and how society can often makes it very hard for them to come forward and seek help.

IronDragonIronDragonabout 10 years ago

I agree with the Anon that said it's realistic. Contrary to popular belief, the husband is usually the last to know. Everyone wants to think that we would see it coming a mile down the freeway, whether or not our wives/girlfriends/fiancés are being unfaithful.

Hubby has every right to be suspicious in this one, especially with how Wifey is acting towards him. Her bipolar depression adds a level of complication that isn't seen in most LW cheating wife tales.

A guy I heard about through my wife went through something similar to this with his now ex-wife. She is bipolar, and while he never had hard proof that she was cheating on him, he finally couldn't stand it anymore. She steadfastly refused to see a doctor about it, and when she hit him with a frying pan during one of their fights, he took his son and left, then filed for Divorce on grounds of mental and physical cruelty. He got a damn good lawyer, and ended up with full custody of his son as well, once her diagnosis came back (court ordered diagnosis as to her mental state after she blew a gasket in the courtroom during a preliminary hearing for the Divorce). The judge in that case decided that until she got it under control with meds, she was a danger to her child, her husband, and herself.

This tale is more realistic than most people on here are comfortable with, or are willing to admit. The average everyday guy isn't going to go out of his way looking for evidence that his wife is cheating. He's in denial, which is natural when faced with something that he can't understand. Bipolar depression is real, folks. It can affect people in different ways, but quite a few of them get violent very quickly at the drop of a hat.

Ok, enough of that. I'll finish by saying this tale is very interesting so far, and I will be reading it through to the end.

5 Solid Stars.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 10 years ago

Stan is fucking and dominating Elle. She's an emotionally unstable with a bipolar condition. Stan's probably got Elle hooked to the BDSM lifestyle or allowed himself to become her "bitch". Either way, he is enjoying Elle's psychotic poon behind Rick's back.

Huedogg2Huedogg2about 10 years ago
I disagree ID

men just don't look for cheating as fast as women do. Some of us just don't want to believe that woman want strange dick as much as men want some strange cookie from time to time. Either way it's wrong and as far as Karen wood's comment goes it was true 20 years ago but since 2005 twice as many husbands have called the cops on their wives for hitting. While the number are still low, men are starting to put some of the crazy ass woman away.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 10 years ago
1 star

wow he is just a fucking pussy.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 10 years ago
1 star

should of called the cops and had her ass arrested then devorsed her ass.

HarddaysknightHarddaysknightabout 10 years ago
VD is enjoying an auspicious first effort here.

Comments make the writer's juices flow. He'll be giving us some very interesting stories and that's good news for us readers. My one piece of advice would be that he not try to set the rules for readers and commenters. The old "don't read the story if you don't like it" mantra doesn't fly here. We read stories, good and bad, and comment on what we liked or did not like. Some commenters are not civil. That is true. Telling them to stop being mean will not change that. How does a person only read stories they like? Many of us do not know if we like it until we read it.

Comments are the best part of Literotica's formula. They may be harsh, cruel, or uncomplimentary, but this way we writer's find out immediately what works and what doesn't. We have the benefit of people from all walks of life and backgrounds reading our stuff and telling us what they think. It's all good, even when it's bad. Most writers, and a large share or readers that comment try to be considerate and honest, offering constructive criticism, or praise. I always look for opinions from writers like Laptop and IronDragon because they offer thoughtful opinions. Even if I disagree, I appreciate the spirit the comments are given. So write your thought provoking stories and let the commenters sort themselves out. It's all part of the experience. Telling them they don't have to read your stuff if they don't like it is much like pissing up a rope; not often successful or satisfying.

JounarJounarabout 10 years ago


You hit the nail on the head. In most cases its impossible for a reader to know before hand what a story is going to be about so spouting "don't read if you don't like" is just retarded. As a reader, there are authors like Matt M, Xleg, Swingerjoe and edrider73 whose stories I avoid like the plague as I know I will not like them from past experences and unless the author has cuck or swinger in their username I have no way of knowing what to expect.


Have to disagree with you here mate. The majority of the criticism this chapter is getting is not due to whether or not any cheating is going on but how the husband has acted completely unrealistically towards a woman who threatened to kill him in his sleep, physically and verbally abused him in front of their child whose care she has also neglected.

KarenWoodsKarenWoodsabout 10 years ago

Except that this is chapter three of a story, by now you're getting a good idea if you like it or not. So if people keep bitching as the story goes on they are showing that their opinion should be ignored and the author is right to tell them just to move on.

And honestly, anyone posting on this section should just be turning anonymous contents off. There's "not civil"then there are the angry, bitter, hateful little misogynists that post anonymously here. This author would be completely justified in turning that feedback off and would lose nothing constructive by doing so.

rojete15rojete15about 10 years ago

Was gonna make some questions to you, but you don't have the contact feature allowed.

Anyway, for all of you who say the prot should have put her in the ground after she hit him. I suppose all of you have someone you love, a brother, a sister, a close friend or, hell, a dog. Now, suppose one day he/she/it, out of nowhere, acts crazy, and hits (or bites) you. I hope your reaction wouldn't be going to the guns cabinet. No, you'd get confused, sad, try to talk, use up every other option before going nuclear, or even taking them out of your life, or committing them.

It's the same here, guys. You are supposed to feel some affection for your wife. Even if it's easy to forget it while reading LW, and all the horrible wives here.

newtinmplsnewtinmplsabout 10 years ago
So... could it be mental illness? My guess is probably.

The minority of readers commenting (those who have first or second hand with either or both of mental illness and abuse) see clearly that this is an escalating downhill spiral and without forced (the wife will never be willing) treatment or change, it will only continue to get worse. The person who commented that medication "never" works is not correct, however it's a valid point that the longer she goes untreated, the less likely medication is to be effective.

For the sake of discussion, I would expect that this is more likely to be Bipolar I than II as her manic episodes aren't shown to have severe financial and other consequences to her family (but that may be revealed in future chapters). I also would consider cyclothymic disorder, since her lows and highs are (so far as has been portrayed) less extreme, however given her job situation, there are consequences happening. If she is pregnant, then this may well exacerbate her symptoms (and restrict the possible choices of medication). I would also say that her complete unwillingness to accept personal responsibility and her love OR hate relationship with her spouse argue that she's also got some personality disorder issues going on.

All that being said (and here I thought I was taking a break between semesters), having a mental disorder does not "make" one violent, any more than having a physical illness does. Granted, paranoid psychosis could - but that's a very extreme situation which includes massive misconception of reality and that's not the case here.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 10 years ago

Just sorry I read this.

newtinmplsnewtinmplsabout 10 years ago
Abuse is an insidious thing

Mattblack, you comment that it appears that most of the BTB crowd have never been in an abusive relationship. Actually judging from the instant retaliatory violence sub thread, I suspect that many of them have. As abusers.

The too-rapidly-encouraged transition from “she hit me” to total hatred, and all out war is a hallmark of someone used to dishing it out to someone who is “taking it” - any response other than a submissive one usually ups the violence/abuse level dramatically. Sometimes to a deadly level, which is defined by the abuser as "deserved".

It's also interesting that the reactions of the majority (clearly with no experience of either severe mental illness or battery/abuse within a relationship) presume that what is going on means that spouse is a cuckhold. Really? Where is the explicit or implicit consent to wife's explorations? Where is the arousal at the thought of her infidelity? It appears that many of the commenters are using "cuck" as shorthand for "not doing what I think he should do".

This is a very skillfully written reversal of the usual (not the only or always) American standard of husband is increasingly (slowly) abusive and wife assumes that by "loving him more" and "standing by her man" she can ... oh I don't know ... love him to health or something. Doesn't work that way, but that's what the spouse in question usually tries.

And while we as readers have a good external view and can put the pieces together about infidelity and violence and so forth - the husband (the victim) can't. Not yet. Human beings don't work that way. Maybe if he was a psych nurse, or a counselor yes, but … probably not even then.

And now we are in the honeymoon period. Points to the husband for still understanding that things are not fixed. Points to the writer for getting us all so riled up about it. That is some skillful evocation of emotion.

labigqlabigqabout 10 years ago

Wow, this is a very emotional story and I can't wait to see how it ends. I think you definitely need to write the hubby some balls though...

betrayedbylovebetrayedbyloveabout 10 years ago

She's seriously fucked up. Either she needs to see a shrink asap or she is playing kinky games with the neighbor next door. Now it's up to the husband to either get her help or. if need be, destroy the prick neighbor. We'll see...

AnonymousAnonymousabout 10 years ago

This lady needs help. She is very sick in the head. Man you should take your daughter and run for the hills.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 10 years ago
AUTHOR you cant be this stupid

folks it is alway a warning sign when the author deliberately lies about what readers are ACTUALLY saying in the feedback.

Look stupid ... SUGGESTING that the husband goes to the Police to report that his wife nearly BLINDED him ... and / or going to the Doctor etc does NOT mean the reader is saying HIT HIS WIFE.

Vanadorn man you are a fucking idiot

Harryin VAHarryin VAabout 10 years ago
this is AWFUL! The Nut case here is Rick. Instead of Hitting her why not go to the Police?

What makes this story sooooooooooooo bad is that Rick the supposed great father who is so attentive to his toddler .. never even THINKS about going to the Police or the Doctors .

She almost Blinds him in the eye and even AFTER the fight He never mentions the damage to his eye... NOT 1 time ???? !!!

and he never confronts his wife about it??? .."um dear you almost blinded me"...

FACT his wife nearly Blinds him in 1 eye.

FACT he sees his wife is cracking up

FACT He sees and hears his wife THREATEN to kill him in rage

FACT he sees his wife threaten to take the child away

so AFTER the fight WHY ... WHY WHY doesnt he report the attack to the Police AND get medical attention?

and WHY WHY WHY doesnt he even THINK About ?

gee I wonder who is going to get custody of the toddler? ..

Harryin VAHarryin VAabout 10 years ago
KAREN WOODS and the UK wimp Mattblack

95 comments so far 3 of them .. 3 of 95... has said something about the husband hitting back. Maybe 3.

the WIMP issue is that fact that the Husband doesnt report the wife threat to KILL him and he attempt to Blind him in 1 eye

Karen you arrogant sexist cunt -- just because the wife has pussy doesnt mean she cannot be violent

AnonymousAnonymousabout 10 years ago

Your story is interesting but not very entertaining. I come to this site for the escape

a good writer can give with a story. So do I keep reading ?? Yes ,I do because the

comments are so awesome!!

Not meaning disrespect to Vanadorn . I really am enjoying the comments more than the story. Fascinating stuff people write about their lives !

So keep at it Vanadorn . I'll keep reading, lol


greowulfgreowulfabout 10 years ago
Don't know what you are going to do?

Bullshit. I don't care how long your "loving relationship" went on, you know EXACTLY what you would do if your spouse (male or female) turned violent. . . Or unpredictable even . . . While your helpless child was in the house. Not hit back, I admire that. Not run to the hills--there are children and a relationship here. But to bring that child back into the house? How stupid do you have to be?

Granted, the idiocy here showed its face when Fuckwit failed to put 2 and 2 together with the wrist injuries and the handcuffs, but the shining pinnacle of negligence rears its ugly head when Mr. GoodDad keeps his daughter in a clear line of fire. (Full disclosure, I don't understand how people of either sex stay in this kind od relationship, or alien cults, or any other state of willful self - destruction. )

I'm all for helping the mentally ill, but for gods' sakes, spare the innocent. I truly hope "writing what you know" doesn't mean real people actually lived through this.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 10 years ago
Just fucking pathetic

What a sissy. Why don't you just dress him up in girly clothes and suck cock like the sissy he is. No wonder the Cunt holds him in contempt. No one to root for here. If this is close to reality its sad and he should just get it over with and kill himself. He is no man. Of course if he had any balls he would kill the Cunt first. But that isn't happening with this sissy.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 10 years ago
I am confuse Rick is woman and Elle is man right

Rick just miss cry, just patetic, more than wimp.

norcal62norcal62about 10 years ago
Getting way too predictable.

You've given too many clues about Stan already. Ol' hubby shouldn't be this dopey. Niggling feelings in the back of his head don't do it. Get on with the development.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 10 years ago

This is not a bad story but the needless use of foul language by the mother almost totally ruins it.

TalonsreachTalonsreachalmost 10 years ago
grow a pair

He gets jumped by 5 people and he is the one with remorse??? Treat a lady like a lady when she acts like a lady. If the lady acts like a thug, protect yourself and knock the crap out of her.

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago
Not a bad story.

You're giving away your plot. And thus far, there is only one viable, likable person and that's Ma. Amber is a baby and hopefully you will get her stashed someplace away from the stupid, perverted mother so the child won't be caught in the crossfire.

Keep going. See if you can give us one likeable person out of the whole mess.

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