All Comments on 'It's Your Decision'

by Adrianaloves2doit

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AnonymousAnonymousalmost 15 years ago
What a tale...

If you have spent that long in a marriage, wait until the kids are on their own. They are the ones that will hurt for both parents infedility. As for the wife, of course she will continue to fuck around because she is now a whore and the fix of her first whore fuck will never be the same. I pity both men and women that will ruin into either of them because they both have proven that they cannot be trusted. Remember, ONCE A CHEAT, ALWAYS A CHEAT. Cheating is like alcholism. Drungs are a drunk for life and Cheaters will be cheaters for life.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 15 years ago

Unless he was gay, divorce was the only solution.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 15 years ago
Braindead couple

I don´t buy it Adriana.

The husband and the wife are two empty couple.

She should have only be teasing/kissing in her first date to "shock the System" of the husband.She cheat in the first date, she don´t love him anymore, for sure.

Kezza67Kezza67almost 15 years ago
Frank made the decision

What is it with these people. She's branded a whore because she cheated. No commentator has mentioned Frank's admitted cheating before this event. Presumably they think it's ok for a man to cheat but not a wife. Adriana gave her husband a choice, and told him what the consequences would be, she also made it plain that she wanted to be with her husband rather than anyone else. She tried to get him to see the problem. Frank made his choice, he preferred to be elsewhere rather then be with Adriana, in essence he threw his wife away.

Good story, Adriana. A nice twist on the usual problems of marriage.

JADED_ONE1969JADED_ONE1969almost 15 years ago
You seem to indicate that this is YOUR story.

If so you really shouldn't have married Frank and Frank shouldn't have married you. You were not really suited as a couple were you? Anyway I am glad that the wife found happiness in the end. I hope that Frank finds whatever happiness he can find. I don't think he will but hey he made his bed didn't he?

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 15 years ago
Just silly

something a teenager would write. Adriana, seriously you want your readers to beleive that anyone in this entire world would behave in this ridiculous manner... how stupid can you be? the wife would come home to a baseball bat across her face... and you know what? She would feel like a complete ass telling anyone about it. 'Yeah, I had just come home from fucking another guy that not only did I tell my hubby about it, I rubbed it in his face, can't figure out for the life of me, why he got pissed and smash my face in" she would be the laughing stock of her entire town. And I suppose her friend at work, thinks that this middle aged house wife is such hot shit that he'll risk having his balls cut off just so he can fuck her once? Yep, written by an ugly woman. You see hon, this fantasy world of yours JUST DOESN'T EXIST!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 15 years ago
Too true

I'm pretty amazed that so many find this story unrealistic. Ignoring ones spouse is rather common. Being lonely when you are alone isn't a good feeling. Being lonely and ignored by the person sharing your bed, being unable to get them to pay attention to you, is much worse. Some cope with it by having affairs, some by living lives of quite desperation. Some confront it and their spouse isn't an idiot so they get their live together back on track. There is an old line that goes: "How do you get a donkey's attention? Hit him between the eyes with a 2x4." I know at least one couple in which the husband used exactly this 2x4; fortunately for their marriage, the neglecting spouse recognized that that her husband really was more important than going to choir practice. They both worked at making sure that they made time for bing a couple. I'm sure other couples have used different 2x4s but the essential thing is that both value being with the other more than choir practice, church committies, basket ball games. Marriage never is easy and it always requires paying attention. Like a car, you've got to listen to the noise that wasn't there before the wheel comes off at 60 MPH.

chastenchastenalmost 15 years ago
It was hard to get a read on her

Honestly, it felt like things went a bit too fast.<br><br>On one hand she's saying the thing she wants most is to have her marriage back. On the other, she's jumping into bed with another guy on the first date.<br><br>The two are inconsistent. By escalating things so quickly, she would know she was putting the nail in the coffin of a marriage to any reasonably normal guy. Therefore, I can only assume what she <i>really</i> wanted was just to get out of the marriage but, since she lived in a no-fault state, that was trivial to do anyway.<br><br>I agree with a previous poster that, if she really wanted to jolt him a bit, just the fact of dating someone else, maybe with a little makeout, would have been the logical first step.<br><br>Of course, once he revealed his nights out were occasionally for a little hanky-panky, all bets are off, as you showed.<br><br>Thanks for writing this.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 15 years ago
Layin down the law ?

'Date night(s)'? Psychobabble is what all your story is about. A very nasty feminist who ignores her vows and promises, a fem who never cared enough about the man she married to go out of HER way to please him tho HE'S supposed to drop everything when she demands then commands him to do something for her.

The concept of 'date night' comes right out of the feminist psychobabble handbook on how to control a husband to get him to do what the fem wants him to do for her without her ever having to lift a finger to get what she wants from life.

Very typical of every fem these days. Too bad you're 'ONE OF THOSE' fems who never 'get it right' cause you're so extremely self centered and a PUTA.

EspressoBolusEspressoBolusalmost 15 years ago
taking spouse for granted

I found the story believable and competently written, but passionless. Frank seems dumb as a post, but I know many men lose all common sense when dealing with family, wives especially. It is not a question of "agreeing" with the dating wife or with the absentee husband.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 15 years ago
she cheated

She telling the story so what she did was allright,he was a fool but she ended up being a bigger one.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 15 years ago
what is it

these days ? like this story, in the end the husband told her he cheated on her. That was wrong and I don't have any sympathy towards such actions. But why the hell the woman is playing games with her husband? she never did anything to give him a warning and not a second time to come to his senses? she had already decided she wants nothing of the father of her kids anymore before! so why the game giving him 3 possibilities when her decision was already done? cruelty? no I guess selfishness. and not even aware of her shitty behaviour. I hope she is happy and I hope the kids never find out what an asshole their mother is. she never wanted company otherwise she could have done a lot of other things. no its only about fucking, really poor. and how come she never did anything to spice up their personal sexlife? she gave her ass the first lover and not the husband of 20 years. That shows a lot how much she really cared or was working on their marriage. nice to see how men always have the bad reputation in our society when it comes to sex. but the brains of so many more women are a lot more fucked up, they are completly unable to communicate, have a huge lack when it comes to emotional bonds and think thats where they are stronger. I'm almost sure all her friends new for months how she felt because she has told them but not her husband. it's always fine to see everybody knows more of your marriage than the husband. until you find out that fucking dozens of men or woment doesn't make you happy, on the contrary just empty, I guess it's to late to find someone who really cares about you. he will know that you are lost for a simple one man one woman partnership. no loyalty no decency and no respect is showing in this kind of action, so you will only find assholes of your kind.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 15 years ago

You did not write with any emotion. Even the sex was bland and lifeless. Then she found out he had been cheating on her so she divorced him. I did notice that most of the moronic woman haters gloss over the fact that he had been skipping their date nights so he could cheat. With more emotion and a little more character development this could have been a very good tale.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 15 years ago
They're both assholes

It's hard to give a damn about a story when every single character is a moron. Both are pig-headed. Both cheated -- the timeline in these circumstances is immaterial.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 15 years ago
slut-simply lowlife uneducated tramp.

hope you are satisfied with your whorish life and may you be blessed with anal cancer and aids.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 15 years ago
If this is autobiographical it speaks very lowly

of you. YOur comment many lonely nights, how many, hmmm, seven it was wasnt it. A guy was hitting on you from work and despite being a married woman you carried on a flirting game then decided to give your husband a one sided ultimatum which you figured gave you a free pass to adultry. And then you forced your husband to chose between you and work even if it was only to forward his career. And then gave a part of yourself you denied your husband over the years to a fucker. Wow arent you one to talk. You are lucky your husband just did not come into the home, deadbolts indeed, and shoot both of you. You are the very worst kind of slut and a real medical risk to yourself as well as others. Since this came up all of a sudden one might question whether your mental state was stable. I agree your husband was self centered and an ass, but is that an excuse to commit adultry intentionally? If you wanted to fuck around you should have gotten the divorce papers filed first then fucked. This way you are just a round heeled slut and since you fucked someone from work just a company whore.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 15 years ago
To the idiot below about the guy fucking around

She had no idea he fucked around while out with the boys. Her decision to be a slut wife and commit adultry was fully a choice decision of her own. He husband confessed his actions to try and save the marriage but as she said, her out fucking someone else twice was all it took for her to not only destroy the marriage but to also divorce him. It had nothing to do with whether the husband had or had not fucked someone else. ANd yes two wrongs dont make a right. Had she know he committed adultry I would have suggested she get a divorce since the marriage contract was broken by committing adultry. To make matters worse both of them broke the marriage contract without knowledge of the others actions, what does that really tell you about the marriage and their commitment to each other?

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 15 years ago
The tale of two idiots

It's beyond me how this selfish wife figured by commiting adultry and cockolding her husband would save her marriage. Her plan was badly flawed. On one hand she professed to love her husband and wanted to stay married, however, her action dictated otherwise. When she commited adultry she didn't know her hauband had cheated as well. I hope she find happiness she's deperately seeking.

Scotsman69Scotsman69almost 15 years ago

... how many people can't even spell ADULTERY

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 15 years ago
Amazing how a scotsman assumes he knows the

only spelling of a word. Isnt it great living in such a self indulgent world with no concept of reality.

Scotsman69Scotsman69almost 15 years ago
funny thing spelling

I just checked on my (North American) online spellcheck, sorry I don't have any NA dictionaries to hand. But my 'Oxford Dictionary of English' shows no 'adultry', and it does give most NA spellings. And spellcheck says, loud and clear, ADULTERY. Go learn to spell.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 15 years ago
If you did this in REAL

Well, Fuck you SLUT. You are a BAD example for a wife. May you DIE from anal cancer & go straight to hell. Wait, there's no place in hell for a SLUT like you.

gatorhermitgatorhermitalmost 15 years ago
A Contrarian Opinion

To me, this story reads credibly, both in terms of the plot line and the writing itself. As far as the plot itself, I don't see Adriana as a slut - she was trying to get Frank to change his behavior and she was very candid with him about consequences. Consequences are indeed a bitch!

bruce22bruce22almost 15 years ago
Amazing Commentaries

Most of them sound as if they did not even read the story

very carefully, just touched the high spots. Funny thing is that the moment she said she had been seven weeks without sex, the idea that he was cheating jumped out at me. Since he told her at the last moment all the time I do not think that she had to give him any more lead time. The funny thing is that to me she did not cheat... the decision was his from the beginning..

digdaddyrichdigdaddyrichalmost 15 years ago
I agree that life is too short to stay married if

If the marriage isn't working anymore, it's time to move on with your life. Frank was more interested in having a good time without her, and his work or friends always came before his wife. On top of all his leaving her to her own devices and go out with whom ever, he was fucking around on her.That's bad in itself but to have wife wanting to fuck you at home and you go out and get laid, that's not at all acceptable. If he would have kept his mouth shut about fucking around on her and accepted that she was going to fuck around on him if he didn't take care of her, he could still have her living with him,cleaning and cooking and taking care of their house and have her at home. He could still do most of what wanted to do, and if she went out and got herself fucked when he didn't take of her he would just have to look the other way. That would still be a good marriage, and would serve both of them, because there would be times that they would get back together and have those quiet moments and gentle sex plus waking up on a Sunday morning with her in bed with him on the weekends she wasn't out fucking someone else.But he would have to tell himself if she is out fucking someone else, that it is his own fault because if he kept her well fucked she would be home with him. It's a sad story on both sides and a shame that it had to come to what it did.They still had a lot they could have shared together. Thanks for the sad but good story............Rich

JDsellerJDselleralmost 15 years ago
Are all of the women that you know sluts?????

I disliked this story immensely. So I read the other one you have posted. It seems that every women that you write about is a slut. Please include that in your story description so that I can avoid them.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 15 years ago
awful cliche STUPID crap

Supposedly this is a TRUE story. Sure and there were LOTS of WMDS in iraq in 2003. Of course at the end Frank just HAD to confwss that he too had been cheating right?


Just pathetic.


Why did it Have to be the case Frank was cheating?


because Frank going to a basketball game or two...does not justify spending 12 hours + with another man and MOST of 12 hrs... fucking him.

Harryin VAHarryin VAalmost 15 years ago
Reverse the situation & see the DOUBLE STANDARD

OK so frank has been very neglectful. Marriage takes WORK and effort and committment. We all know that. So the wife has not had sex is several weeks.


That IS a problem. The sex is symbolic or an expression of the effort Frank is NOT putting into the marriage.


But reverse this story for a second. We all know that there are far more numerous cases where the wife loses interest in the sex. It might be menopausal. Or maybe she is bone weary tired coming home from work and making dinner and looking after the kids...etc


Fair enough. But suppose the husband says "well wife if you dont want sex & you wont spend together time this evening ... then I will go out and fuck wommen...

possibly several different women..".


How would you all react to THAT !? does the husband actions STILL sound reasonable?

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 15 years ago
Very Good

Obviously, the marriage had stailed a little over the years and then the cancelling out on dates, 7X...too much. I'm a guy, a conscientous guy, and I can relate to the disappointment, hurt and lonliness of being let down. Woman have needs too and I suspect, maybe subconsciously, she had been wanting to have some affection, loving or even just cuddling, so...frustation, hurt and anger and a sudden outburst insisting on 'show me you care' which probably could have been satisfied with a hug, nice kiss, apologies and a promise to spend all the next day shopping, dinner, etc...would have sufficed; however, indecision is a decision and recognizing this, feeling this, sensing this she unconsciously and quickly moved to a threat. One thing I know, a woman scorned, you better listen!!! Once she unfolded her proposal, there would be no going back, she would, any real woman would, stick to her demand and...possibly, or quite likely, hope the husband would think quickly and show some caring and definite determination to rekindle his/her love. Too bad, his hesitation was her final. Most intelligent woman I know...they're gone, too bad, you asked for it and you, in a womans mind, pushed her away and into it. What surprised me is that she actually gave him a second chance, of course - she hung around as long as she did, maybe a renewed love was worth it, but not for long.

I say cudo's, you wrote the story well! I have no sympathy for this asshole and yes, I've met guys just like him and feel sorry for their wives.

PS: I am not gay, have a great admiration and respect for women and think true loving relationships are out there and those couples are blessed!

Good writing.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 15 years ago

Yes - I say he wanted to have a cleaning lady and she wanted him to act like a husband should and now they both get to do things that make them both happy,! Very goood story and a great finish and only guys who run around on there wives would not like it. Thanks.

Ducky7Ducky7almost 15 years ago
Why do we have marriage at all.

It seems that the women agree with the wife and most of the men agree with the husband. I found the comment about marriage interesting. Why do we need marriage anyway? Just to keep the church; lawyers and record keepers in business. She cheats and feels no remorse and has no qualm of throwing it in his face. He admits to an infidelity and it's cut the balls off time. Really good thing women are so understanding of us lowly no-good men to allow us to live in your world. So as I said why have marriage? Oh yes I remember now it's to keep the little woman warm and clothed and fed.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 15 years ago
Contrivance Does Not A Story Make

The writer made him not believe her so she caused the slut to whore in an already planned way.<P>

And so she cast herself in the calculating negative in anyone's realistic viewpoint.<P>

Had she delivered a divorce decree he would have taken her seriously but that wasn't what the writer wanted.<P>

She wanted a braindead male to be humiliated by his long term stupidity from her keyboard decisions to fuck up the marriage as a position of female superiority to embarrass the dumbo she created.<P>

How un-novel and predicktable from a self serving premeditated position.<P>

Talent astray & wasted on non-sense.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 15 years ago
Remember what Zorba the Greek said

"God has a very big heart, but there is one sin he will not forgive: if a woman calls a man to her bed and he will not go."

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 15 years ago

The plot was rushed, insufficiently developed and the twist at the end was far too obvious. Take your time and avoid the cliched story-lines.

ohioohioalmost 15 years ago
Not a happy story

but I didn't find it all that unrealistic. On the one hand, the wife's behavior was drastic. But the author makes clear how many previous warning she had given her husband--I mean, your wife warns you that if you go to the basketball game you're risking your marriage, and then you go anyway??? The husband was clearly a moron. Hard to feel much sympathy for him. Thanks, ohio

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 15 years ago
I finally figured it out Ohio

<br>Writer, I pretty much disliked your story, however I think you do write well. Normally, this would have gotten your story a 50, but I will give your story a 100 because you helped me to see what Ohio is.</br>

<br>I have read Ohio's stories and I could never make up my mind about Ohio. However, Ohio's many recent posts on other writers' stories have finally confirmed to me that Ohio was a "cheater".</br>

<br>I may be wrong, but I doubt it.</br>

<br>So, I thank you author.</br>

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 15 years ago

So cheating is a proper way to deal with him breaking these dates? That's insane. If she was not happy she should get a divorce then go fuck whoever she wants.

RonRWoodRonRWoodalmost 15 years ago
I guess

It is quite obvious to me that the wife had quit loving her husband and her marriage long before she carried out her ultimatum! The way I read it, she wanted her husband to reject her ultimatum so that she could rationalize her cheating immediately. And no...this is not a "Loving Wife" story! It belongs somewhere else in literotica... I think you further had him admit to cheating so as to help rationalize her actions! I had a cheating wife and she never was brazen enough to announce her cheating in advance. She truly wanted to keep me as her husband and have her extramarital sex as well... She never gave me her reasons other than that I was out of State a lot with my job. The only reason ever for cheating is because one spouse or the other "Wants" to! I don't believe that you think this wife was justified. This is more a fantasy with justification made up in your mind...

AnonymousAnonymousover 14 years ago
This is awful


AnonymousAnonymousover 14 years ago
With a wife like her who needs enemies?

She appear to be happy on the surface until she realizes what she lost and the consequences for her decision. The story was realistic enough, but the result was tragic.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 14 years ago
Cheating is never an answer.

It only leads to greater problems. This marriage was over a long time ago and she should of just left him. If she had she'd have kept the moral high ground. Now she just proved she's just as bad a person as he was.

Rockyderek_caRockyderek_caabout 14 years ago

Ryan would be known as stumpy if I were the jilted hubby!!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 14 years ago
Women's double standard

Betcha when she hits menopause it'll be perfectly OK to cut her guy off without expecting any consequences though. Women generally all think their twats are gold plated and the sun rises and sets on it.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 14 years ago

That was what this account and most of the woman's stories are about.

First was the hubby wrong yes he was and if you had caught and divorced him I would have said you did the right thing!

However you decided just because he had broken seven "date nights" you would break your marriage vows. That is a little extreme don't you think?

If you had truly wanted to save your marriage you would have given him the time to work it out and not a ultimatum.

I have read two of your other stories so far and like your writing and really thought there was finally a author on here that got the importance of the wedding vows, However seeing as this really happened I would have to say you are no different than the masses of other women out there.

Your marriage meant nothing or you would have not gone out and fucked some random dude.

Again if you had caught him you would have had every right to end the marriage,two wrongs do not make a right!!!!!!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 14 years ago
Not A Man's Story

Didn't like it much cause I'm a man, he broke a date, you broke your marriage vows, don't like anybody in this story, turn off.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 14 years ago
You are one sick puppy. Rich

AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago

Deserves than a 1 star. Hopefully the author restrains from further efforts of penmanship. Too sick. Obviously needs medical intervention.ead

AnonymousAnonymousabout 13 years ago
Great outcome

Stupid pair of twits - as for the wifey what a piss poor job you did of excusing the slut's behaviour. The pair of dumbasses make loving wives blush. All in all crap story with boring same ole theme

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 13 years ago
Typical manipulative slut waiting for an opportunity!


AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago

You are all anonymous here. Come forward with at least your e mail adresses.

This story is worth six or seven stars, but I could only find a way to give it five stars.

It was not only a story, it was about a BIG probleme for a lot of wifes, you shit heads.

Adrianaloves2doit, hopefully we will se a new story soon, I'm waiting.

BaronScrewtapeBaronScrewtapeover 12 years ago
Good story about a man who is dumb as a post.

But, honestly, while I understand the woman's point of view in this (and that is a rare thing for me, indeed...) she should have just divorced him so she could at least take the high road. Her cheating did not help her case.

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago
i don't like it

but all is fair in love and war

slaverowanslaverowanover 12 years ago
Apologies from a lady

It's writers like this that make a lady cringe. On behalf of the female of the species I would like to take this moment to apologise regarding this author Adriana. Not all of us are selfish cunts.

She cuckolds him, cheats on him and then decides the marriage is over. A lonely lonely whore. I hope the husband finds a nice woman to take care of him an who will make sure he gets checked for STDs from that filth ridden gutterslut he was married to.

1 star. Rubbish.

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago
lovely cunt

the slut just wanted to fuck strange cock and take it up her poopchute. way to go slut!!

tazz317tazz317over 12 years ago

except the goose is in control. For most the female winning is alien to them, however, double standards should apply fairly and evenly. TK U MLJ LV NV

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago
don't mess with my poopchoot

Dr slapped his behind, said you're gonna be special... cuck tale so WBC got to spooge over her affair with Ryan, like most WBC the hubby wanted her to have other men so he got what he wanted, everyone wins

bobby9909bobby9909over 12 years ago

you were done with the marriage before dropping the ultimatum. If you were really serious about saving it, you would not have had sex with Ryan on the first night. You might have gone out with him, but I doubt you would have had sex with him that first night. So... you got what you wanted.

I'm not saying that what you wanted was wrong. I'm saying your comments about wanting to save the marriage were not necessarily true.

Huedogg2Huedogg2over 12 years ago
just a typical slut story

the wife is a slut plain and simple, and the husband had the good since to move the fuck on. She'll be a 60 years bitch living alone wondering what happened to her life. He'll met some 35 year old chick and move on.

slaverowanslaverowanabout 12 years ago

I don't use the word at all but it aptly describes you ( this is autobiographical by your own words). You are nothing but a cheating cunt who gave no attempt at salvaging your marriage. No, you just felt you should destroy a man. It's cunts like you who give women a bad name.


AnonymousAnonymousabout 12 years ago
and it is closet cucks like

Rowan who give admitted cuckolds like huecuck a bad name. Come on out cucky, staying in the closet multiplies your shame because everyone is laughing behind your back.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 12 years ago
Well written, but.

An extremely cold and uncaring woman, if that upset the thing to do was divorce first.

It was rather obvious from the outset neither one really was concerned about the other, anyway, and the wife only cared about herself.

I would have divorced the wife, the "Ryan" character might not have survived.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 12 years ago
The characters in this story...

...are too stupid to be allowed to reproduce.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 12 years ago
What a terrible story

Stupid cunts like you are the reason men stray.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 11 years ago
great story

I love the idiotic comments.

The story is about a dead marriage. What do you do when you wake up with a corpse?

1. feel for a pulse (date night with or without you)

2. try cpr (giving away my virgin asshole to someone tonight, will it be you?)

She's not a whore, not even a slut. Maybe she was a bad wife, we don't know. What we do know is she woke up to the fact that she was in a dead marriage and she extricated herself from it.

Grow up, crybabies, she did nothing wrong, she just decided not to continue to embrace a corpse.

cantbuymycantbuymyabout 11 years ago

If the marriage is dead then divorce. She is a cheating fucking cunt.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 11 years ago
I love the similar stories suggestions .....

When I finished this one, the first similar story was "Wife Jams Cucumber Up My Ass". Exactly how I felt about this story.

RePhilRePhilabout 11 years ago
Beautifully written Skank!! 5 Stars and Favorite

Well done!! You crafted the most believable Skank wife in this section! Proof positive that if women don't get their way they simply spread their legs. The men in India have this solved.... A cup of kerosine and a lit match POOF kitchen accident!! Bye bye wifey :):):)

betrayedbylovebetrayedbyloveabout 11 years ago
I Hate Cheaters

I'm an equal opportunity hater. All cheaters suck. He was sneaky and she was blatant. Both should live in extreme pain.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 11 years ago
So you both lost

After all those years of marriage, the wife decided to take action rather than LOUDLY talking to her husband after the 2nd broken date? And the husband was REALLY cheating on her? Too bad, so sad. Now they get to split up their marriage, divide everything and not enjoy there retirement years because their money got split and the house got sold. Just another idiotic pair of cheaters.

PolyLvrPolyLvrover 10 years ago
Yer all idiots

She had already argued vehemently about the decline in their relationship. The seven missed date nights in a row was just the final straw after years of neglect.

She laid it on the line and he gave it up for a basketball game? A fucking seminar? I don't think so. If my wife came to me with those concerns I would drop everything to make it right. That told her the marriage was over in everything but the paperwork.

Ergo, she was free to pursue other interests.

ifeanyiifeanyiover 10 years ago

Your behavior and lack of remorse shows that you are as self-destructive, delusional and callous as monsters like Osama bin Laden. You and your kind always find reasons to justify your selfish behaviour . You place sexual gratification above love and family. Do you not see where this kind of attitude leads to ? An empty life devoid of meaning ! A life guided only by selfish impulse to satisfy lust. And the sorry fact is that most women are like you. That scares the f**k out of me !

ifeanyiifeanyiover 10 years ago

Your behavior and lack of remorse shows that you are as self-destructive, delusional and callous as monsters like Osama bin Laden. You and your kind always find reasons to justify your selfish behaviour . You place sexual gratification above love and family. Do you not see where this kind of attitude leads to ? An empty life devoid of meaning ! A life guided only by selfish impulse to satisfy lust. And the sorry fact is that most women are like you. That scares the f**k out of me !

AnonymousAnonymousabout 10 years ago
Double standard

I know you're a skinny bi female but I just hope that all the females reading this shit think hard about the double stds here. What would the reaction be if this was the other way round with the guy doing the cheating.... whoa. I bet they'd want to string him up & cut his balls off, well bit hard to cut balls off this cheating bitch so why not just.........!. *2 as the writing wasn't too bad

AnonymousAnonymousabout 10 years ago


AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago

Normally I'm not a BTB guy. But in this case divorce her ASAP.

seekerazseekerazover 9 years ago
Frank is a real jerk...

But she's worse. Go ahead go against your better sense. End up alone and disease ridden. That's the ticket.

Tw0Cr0wsTw0Cr0wsover 9 years ago
burn ?

Yes someone needs burned.

Frank needs burned!

Frank was cheating and ignoring his wife because his needs/desires were taken care of elsewhere.

She finally realized the marriage was over, even if the paperwork had not been filed.

Frank broke their vows, Frank broke their contract to be faithful.

Frank broke their agreement to always have a weekly date night so that he could have sex with other women.

Adriana was not the cheater.

Frank was.

Tw0Cr0wsTw0Cr0wsover 9 years ago
so she stayed faithful to this cheater

So she stayed faithful to this cheater for far too long.

His neglect of her exposed his cheating.

Now he deserves to get screwed out of every penny she can get in the divorce.

Bled dry?

We can hope.

Burn is for the cheater which ever one.

Once he cheated what she did was not cheating.

The marriage contract was broken, no longer binding on her.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 9 years ago

Frank, what a fucking asshole!!! And a cheater!!! He deserves what he got!!!

And still anons want to burn the bitch? WTF?!? What is wrong with you idiots?

xtchrxtchrabout 9 years ago
Interesting Story!

I hate cheaters, male or female. There are no excuses for cheating. I was in the husband's corner up until he admitted he was a cheater too. I just don't understand why people think that cheating can save a marriage. If the marriage is dead or dying, both partners have 2 choices - either both work on it to try and save it or divorce and end it - without the cheating. Thanks for writing an interesting story.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 9 years ago
The problem is

She cheated on him without knowing about him cheating, I'm fact she actively cuckolded him. "Cancel your plans and be with me" is not how marriage works. It's about compromise. Neither party in this story is a good individual. But it's it till the last minute that we find out about frank. The wife is straight up cheating/cuckolding him, with no sense of regret whatsoever.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 9 years ago
Excellent story

And we thought the muslems had a lot of men who would enslave wives. Look at the rage and hate towards women spilled by some of these commenters!

The marriage was pretty nearly dead, she had been trying for a long time to reserect it, wanted some sign of commitment from him before she pulled the plug. A night of mind blowing sex showed her just how much she had been missing. Frank at his best wasn't close to this.

You only go through life once, only a fool would choose a life of misery.

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
Interesting story

It underlines the fact that two wrongs do not make a right. It would seem that a lack of communication was at the heart of their problem. And then it went nuclear. Oh well another one bites the dust!

PeteCedarPeteCedarover 8 years ago
She told him what would happen

Was it extreme? Yes. Should she have screwed someone else in that way? No. Serve him with separation papers and if no changes, divorce papers in the next couple of weeks. At that point do what you want, but until then she is still married and have a responsibility to the marriage.

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
Twenty years and young adult children, and she does this?

Actually, a fairly good story theme. However, it's pretty extreme to not only go on the date, but to screw and blow the guy, and spend the night. Titillating, but a little more meat would have been added if she had only gone that far on the second date, and then have been caught in flagrant dilecto the second night when the husband returned early. You could then have the story go several different directions. It would appear that she always loved herself much more than anyone else all through the marriage going by the epilogue at the end.

slaverowanslaverowanover 8 years ago
Thank god the author stopped writing

Wife was a cunt. Husband was a jerk and had no idea how to "be married".

So after 2 kids and 20 years she just ups and cuckolds her husband saying "your fault".

Hey darling..... Wear stockings tonight.

Can't, I've a headache and be no pair without a ladder

Ok, I'll just go fuck the next door neighbour.

Yeah that works too.

Thank god she stopped writing.

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
The heartless CUNT was always cheating.

and maybe the husband had enough of her Cunt ways and was fucking some tight young pussy and didn't care what this heartless Cunt did. He is better off getting divorced and getting away from her cheating lying Cunt. As they say "Good riddance to bad rubbish" oh and happy this Cunt isn't writing any more. at least under this fake name.

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
You're with him for 20 years, and you do this?

Sure, he's cheated, but you send him a picture with another man's cock in your mouth before you even know about the cheating. Then you take that same man to your marital bet, again before you know about his cheating. Despite such utter disrespect, he offers to reconcile, admitting his indiscretions, and you're offended? You've humiliated him indescribably, and you're unforgivibly hurt. Sorry, she's so selfish that it would be hard to believe that she hasn't always been so about things other than sex during the marriage, and neither character is in the least bit likeable, her even less so.

palewriterpalewriterover 8 years ago
she was never in the marriage at all

this story belongs in the category. about average prose. the protagonist is a very sad example of humanity.

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago

"I understand what you did, I don't like it, but to be fair, you gave me the choice. I just didn't believe you." LOL, of course, just like Adriana understands why he calls an escort after seven headaches.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago
So when Frank showed everyone the video of her getting ass fucked

How did her family and friends treat her? And since he was prepared she came out of the divorce with not much of anything. She lost. Big time.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago

If it's really your story . You're a self centered selfish B.... and thank god you're divorced now, but i'm sure you cant find a stupid man to marry you again

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago
First time? Really?

You´re to familiar with Ryan and to comfortable to have me believe this was the first time with him. According to you this is the result of his breaking date night. As if there is only one night you can have sex. Have you thought that maybe he didn´t want to wait for once a week thats why he saw other girls? I did some cheating on my wife myself But it was cause we only had sex when she felt like it, which was like every two to three weeks. When I got tired of waiting, I decided to join a bowling team with my friends, thats when she claimed to be lonely cause I was out a lot of times. My late wife wasn´t a whore so she didn´t go fuck somebody and then made an excuse. But I don´t believe this was your first adventure With someone.This was just used as an excuse to justify you divorce and cheating. If your kids read this I´m sure they will see right through the deception unless they´re really as stupid as you´re trying to make us be. And by reading the posts here I can see I´m not the only one that believes you´re lieing.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 7 years ago

Get the divorce, it's what she wanted in the first place...or better yet, leave the cheating bitch with nothing. Take all the money, close all credit cards, stop all utilities, drop her from your insurance, quit your job and disappear. Let her survive without you.

Schwanze1Schwanze1almost 7 years ago

for the picture proof of your infidelity. I'll be at the lawyers first thing Monday morning. Before you come home tomorrow the locks will be changed, your crap will be off the lawn thanks to the internet and our photo albums will be burned. Adios bitch.

Schwanze1Schwanze1almost 7 years ago

she didn't know about his cheating so no excuse. Just a better reason for him to move on.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 7 years ago

another cocksucking wimp posting dumb cuck SHIT.

widowedidiotwidowedidiotover 6 years ago
Hitting back?

I loved part of this story, I cracked up at the Idea of sending Frank a picture of you sucking somebody else. other than that I felt things moved to quickly from cheating on your husband to getting a divorce. if? that had really been your first time with somebody else. You never mentioned what you had been doing to preserve your marriage other than whining because Frank wasn't taking you out once a week. It just seemed that regardless of what Frank decided the divorce was going to happen, don't try to blame his cheating on your decision for divorcing him. your mind seemed to have been made already even before you knew of his cheating. like I said, things went to quick from when you warned him to when you actually did it. Just doesn't add up sleeping with someone on a first date. but its just a story, I liked your story just thought I could throw a few pointers, I'm in my late sixties and there are only one type of girls I have known that sleep with a man on a first date, much less spend the night with him, and you don't present yourself as one of those. that is unless it had become a habit of yours of sleeping around before you warned Frank about the divorce. Then I would agree with you. This marriage had been over a long time before you told Frank of your intentions.

Schwanze1Schwanze1over 6 years ago

file for divorce if you want to get his attention. Follow through if you must.

Problem is now you are a cheating slut. Probably would have forwarded your helpfully provided picture to everyone you know.

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