Ivanovs Ch. 05


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Returning to the bedroom, she found Gregor sitting, and offered him his drink. She smiled, "Drink love; I added eucalyptus extract, to help you sleep," she whispered. Gregor smiled and took the drink. As he drank, he felt his strength return. "Love, I know it's hard on you. It has to be so painful knowing that your evil progeny caused the death of our little girl. Love, he has to pay. Promise me that the council will agree to destroy him after this."

Sleepily, Gregor heard her, but deep inside, he felt something was not right, but to rest he mumbled, "Yes dear" as finally he slept.


Friday morning arrived as uneventful as the day before. The brothers met and decided to keep up the charade, to prevent Esmeralda from manipulating circumstances in her favor. Gernick would arrive at Greystone alone. Kale and Garrick would allow the proceeding to start before they entered. They had the element of surprise on their side because no one revealed the true purpose of this meeting.

Clause disagreed immediately. There was no way he would let Gernick go there alone. Even if his brothers did not go, he would go with him. He had a brief moment of fear, what if this so-called ruse was a set--up to finally capture Gernick. He was not going to stand around and let that happen.

"Claus, I understand your distrust of us. For centuries we have stood aside and allowed our parent's mistreatment of our older brother to go unchallenged." Kale queried, "But even if you don't trust me, can you really doubt Garrick's loyalty to him?"

Claus answered honestly, "You all were children when this started centuries ago. I never blamed you. But Gernick is mine, in every way except biologically, he is my son. I will not send him in there alone."

Gernick was stunned. He knew how Claus felt about him, but for him to admit so to his brothers, well that made him feel proud in that moment, and he knew he was never alone. He'd always known this, but now the others did as well. All four men were silent, then Gernick spoke. "Well you guys heard my Dad. He goes with me," he added smiling.

Garrick and Kale nodded in agreement. They both had tremendous respect for the manservant that they both knew reared their older brother. Soon they nodded and Garrick stated, "It's settled. Both Claus and Gernick report to the council chambers first. We'll give Kale time to get his evidence together. We will appear after the proceedings have started. That way it will be too late for anyone to really protest."

"Cassius and the others are aware of our plans, and if anyone objects, they are prepared to counter." Kale explained.

Soon, Gernick and Claus vanished to Greystone. The council members had already convened, and were waiting for Gernick's arrival. Gernick took a moment to notice the make-up of the council which sat high on a platform. Seven vampires sat on the council. Three on the left, three on the right and in the center, sat the oldest, most revered council member, his father, Gregor Ivanov. All of the members wore long robes and took their position with pride. He noted that the six lesser vampires on each side of the raised seat wore navy robes, with Cassius and another vampire, named Logan, sitting next to the high seat on either side wearing navy robes with gold trim. His father and the head of the council wore all black sat in the highest seat in the center.

The seats in the hall were filled to capacity. Vampires from all over the world congregated for this meeting. The council had members from each continent, and they all had constituents to represent their area. As he entered, he felt a mixture of emotions. Some vampires despised him instantly, while others were merely curious. He noted that at the far right end of the panel sat the one vampire he'd faced years earlier in battle. This vampire almost defeated him. He was indeed a worthy adversary, and he had much respect for Krill. He and the other vampire were around the same age, and although he could not gage his thoughts, he knew that Krill felt this trial was a farce as well. So in addition to Cassius, and his two friends, Gernick felt almost certain that Krill might vote in their favor. Keeping his thoughts and expression neutral, Gernick turned to face the entire vampire council.

He once again looked at Gregor, his father. He looked slightly ill, but having just learned of his daughter's demise could be the reason. He then noticed her. The bitch that he could not wait to kill, but he had to bide his time. Esmeralda stood behind his father, as if she belonged on that panel as well. That was unusual, and he wondered how she was able to pull that off. As he was thinking, noise erupted from Esmeralda in protest as he and Claus entered side by side with Claus entering slightly ahead of him. His message was clear. This was his child and he would defend him until the end.

"He is not part of this. He has no business here." Esmeralda screeched. However, knowing what a conniving, manipulating, scheming witch she truly was, the council members stared at her in disbelief.

"In all honesty, neither do you Esmeralda, but for the past few centuries we have tolerated your presence." Krill spoke, clearly annoyed with the woman.

Shocked and dismayed, Esmeralda turned on the speaker. "Krill, how dare you speak on this? After what this cretin has done to you. I would think you would be one to demand justice as well." She asserted.

Krill laughed, "Essie, Essie, Essie, you may have fooled the others, but you don't fool me. I am not afraid of you or your puppet; I'm sorry, I meant your spouse." He jeered.

Gregor scowled at the young brash member, but did not dispute him. Gernick watched in silence, and wondered was there something else going on as well.

Son, I know what I've said to you in the past, and I wish I could take the hurtful things back. Son, I am sorry, but I promise you, this ends here. The council will have no reason to accost you again; I know this does not change things between us, but I can try to make some things right. Please, go along with whatever they say today, I will not sway them against you. I give you my word. Gregor whispered to his son mentally as Esmeralda had words with Krill.

Gernick's stoic expression did not change, nor did he reply. The only thing that indicated that Gregor had spoken to him was an unperceivable nod that the two men shared.

"Gregor, are you going to simply sit there and allow this, this man to speak to me like this." Esmeralda demanded.

Gregor smiled at his wife, "Love, pay him no mind. Krill is very young and one day he will learn to respect the old ones." He assured his irate wife.

Gernick spoke finally, "This is all well and good, but I don't have forever like you all. What exactly am I being accused of today? I've warned you and now today you will be taught a final lesson about fucking with my family. Apparently, you all don't comprehend well, and I must take a direct approach."

Cassius then spoke. "Gernick, I want you to know that some of us have no problems with you and did not request this hearing. We think that this constant need to level accusations against you and your wife is uncalled for. However, as the council, once a formal complaint is made, we must meet. I know this inconveniences you, and I do apologize." Cassius expressed clearly, as a few of the remaining council members nodded in agreement. Their assent to Cassius'statement did not go unnoticed by Gregor.

"Enough" Gregor bellowed. "You all side with him when you know the evil he is capable of." The rest of the council became silent as Gregor spoke of the alleged ills his oldest offspring was guilty of. He even accused him of treason for saving his wife and child by gaining assistance from a wolf pack. Gregor brought into question, what promises were made to that pack in exchange for their cooperation.

No one spoke. Esmeralda sat smiling. Gazing at her husband with loving eyes, full of admiration and reverence as he continued his diatribe, Esmeralda glowed. Soon Gregor stopped, winded, Esmeralda offered him his goblet, but he refused. She insisted, but Gregor told her he was fine and did not need the drink. Kale, Garrick, something is up. Get in here. Gernick sent to his brothers.

As Esmeralda tried to convince her husband to drink, her two sons appeared alongside Claus and Gernick. The entire panel shuddered. One look at Garrick and the council knew there time was numbered.

"Mother, he said no. Can you not hear? Oh right, you need him to drink." Garrick mocked.

"Garrick, your father needs his drink. The nutrients give him energy." She insisted.

Garrick scoffed. "Mother, we both know that is a lie."

The council members gasped at his bluntness. Esmeralda glared at her oldest child. He was challenging her. The atmosphere was tense. Energy cracked throughout the air. No one was breathing, and all eyes were glued on Garrick and his mother.

"Gentlemen, I thought we were here about Gernick's crimes. I know your family has issues, but really we have more important things to do than listen to you squabble." Krill inserted once more. In all honesty, he despised Esmeralda, but he really wanted to find out what her sons were up to.

"Thank you Krill. We are here for a reason." Kale stood before the podium to address the council. He knew his next words would cause an outburst, but they had to be said. "My brother, Gernick, has done nothing wrong. You have called him and his wife before this council numerous times for reasons that you all know were fabricated. It needs to stop. My brothers and I stand before you to request that our father, Gregor Ivanov, be removed from the council permanently."

Esmeralda lost it and screeched. "Kale, you've turned on your father. He has poisoned you against him. Gernick, you have done enough to destroy my family. You hate us simply because you don't belong. You are a bastard that never should have been-," Claus stopped her.

"Don't say another word, you evil bitch." He growled, "I won't stand for it and I don't give a rat's ass whom you stand behind. You will not speak to him this way!"

Esmeralda gasped, and her eyes flew to her husband, "Gregor, you allow this? You allow this... this servant to speak to me this way?"

Gregor was stunned. He'd known Claus for centuries. He'd actually been there when he was first turned, and took him under his wings. Claus was with him for over a century when he met Janine; he was a groomsman for their wedding. Decades passed before she conceived, and he recalled that Clause was genuinely happy for them. He also knew that he never really trusted Esmeralda, but for him to speak to her so boldly meant something more. He was not the type to confront another. Yes, he backed Gernick up on many occasions, but it was as if in this instance his role was that of protector, or parent even.

Then Gregor realized that for all intents in purposes, Claus was defending his child. From the moment Gernick was born, he gave him to the other man to raise, and despite genetics, lineage, or even what was proper, they were facing a parent standing in defense of his son.

"Enough," Gregor bellowed, "Esmeralda, let them speak. I want to hear what they have to say."

"Thank you father." Kale continued. He then signaled for some of the ushers to come forward, and they gave each council member a manuscript.

"Gentlemen, if you will take a few minutes and read the document before you, we will explain our reasons. The council members opened the manuscripts and audible gasp rose from the panel as they read about the excesses of Esmeralda. Gregor read the beginning of the manifest, but when he read of being poisoned, he stopped. Son. please tell me this is not true? he sent to Kale.

I'm sorry, father. It gets worse. Kale replied. Garrick, Gernick, he had no idea... Father had no idea. he told his brothers who shared a look.

Only council members were given a manuscript so Esmeralda could not see what was written, but she could read their thoughts.

"Lies, all lies. I never poisoned anyone, especially not your father. Gernick has filled your head with lies about me. Kale, I have always told you he despises me. He hates me; you know this." She wept. She was so broken hearted, so convincing that for a second, Kale simply wanted to hug his mother and reassure her. But he knew it was a façade. He thought about Cantar and the fact that she tried to kill her. His anger renewed, he glared at the scheming woman that stood before them. His mother, he had learned, was a consummate actress. Her tears were staged to draw attention and distract from the problem at hand.

"Save it Esmeralda. I have never influenced any of them. You did this! After what happened to Cantar, do you really think I am that influential? You want to blame me for what happened to her as well." Gernick stated slowly advancing towards the panel.

Claus reached out and stopped him. But if that bitch move on him, she would die. He would not let her hurt him anymore. "Please, gentleman, let us continue." Kale stated. Gregor had gone deathly pale. "No, can't you see your father is deathly ill." Esmeralda yelled.

"Of course he is. You've been feeding him poison for decades." Gernick accused. Everyone gasped.

Esmeralda turned on her stepson, "You lie. You lie, Gernick. This is a poor attempt to drive us apart." She yelled.

"Drink from my goblet, Essie." Gregor whispered weakly. "If he lies, then drink the beverage you made for me." He stated sadly.

"Gregor, you cannot believe this book of lies they have given you. I never poisoned you. I am a healer. I help people. Many on this council have gotten herbals drinks from me and I gave them freely. Name one person that I damaged." She demanded. I should have killed him instead of the girl. He thinks he will end me. Today, all of them will die, and once they are gone, I will take over the council. Esmeralda fumed.

"Shari, Brenwan, Cantar, Father, just to name some people you poisoned. Mother you know we speak the truth. You gave our wives a drink to make them sterile. You gave Cantar the same. When she learned of the effect, she was devastated. She planned to marry and have kids one day. She took your vials, the ones you mix in father's drink, to a friend of hers who is a chemist. He tested it. It's a poison that he cannot live without. You've killed him and you know it. If he continues to refuse your drink he dies." Kale stood before the council crying, as both Garrick and Gernick let him speak.

The council was stunned. They began to mumble amongst themselves. Esmeralda knew she was fast losing control, so she decided to flip the accusations and show how Gernick manipulated her sons, as well as led her daughter to her death. Both Gernick and Garrick turned to face Esmeralda, but Kale was not finished. He had one more bombshell to drop. Garrick stopped him, "Let me." He whispered. They needed to know about the drugs that induced miscarriages. "You gave Shari a drink and said a chant that cursed her. Your evil action is the reason we never had children, but mother, you failed. She and our daughter are fine and safe. You will never see your granddaughter. You gave Brenwan the same, but she will be fine too, but Cantar, your own daughter, you ruined. How old was she mother? How old was your little girl before you gave her the drink that took away her right to have a family?" Garrick demanded.

Gregor had actually reached the section on the poison given to the wives, and he dropped the book. "It was a red substance. You gave Janine a red substance, and soon after she started having problems." He gasped and collapsed in his seat. The council erupted in noise as Esmeralda turned on her mate. As she attacked Gregor, the other males moved aside and Krill pulled her off the weakened vampire, slinging her from the panel stage. Landing on the floor, Esmeralda screamed at her children.

"You two sicken me. How dare you listen to Gernick's lies? He has convinced you that I am evil. I am your mother, and you doubt me." She growled.

She turned to Gernick, but Claus stepped in front of him. Claus spoke. "Bitch, I'm not related to you and I don't give a fuck about your feelings. You touch him and you will lose your head before you finish your thoughts." Soon other vampires joined in to defend of the wife of their leader. Gregor sat on the panel watching chaos ensue. It needed to end.

"Esmeralda, stop." He called. "Stop right now. I need time." Closing his eyes, he took a labored breath. "Please, can we reconvene in the morning."

Esmeralda turned to face her husband, a man she'd grown to despise. After all she'd done to get him elevated to this position, he was turning on her for the bastard born to the bitch she'd killed.

"No, Gregor, this ends tonight." She pulled a black syringe filled with the sticky black substance she fed him then turned to face her sons. Everyone knew she was angry, that she hated her stepson. That was a given. No one expected her to attack her own. She ran away from Claus as he grabbed at her and with uncharacteristic speed loomed over Kale. Raising her hand in a flash, she moved to stabbed him and inject him with the poison.

No one noticed Krill, He knew this witch and he had a feeling she'd attack Kale. In her mind, Kale was the weakest of the three, and he knew she'd attack the weakest first. So slowly, he prepared to intervene. Before she stabbed him, as both his brothers and father screamed, someone grabbed her arm stopping her. That action saved Kale's life.

Krill stood behind her holding her hand. Gregor sat in horror and watched as his wife tried to kill their son. He could not breathe. She killed Janine, snd who kmows what else she'd done. Immediately, he searched for Gernick. He found him checking on Kale as was Garrick. Gregor was dying and he knew he would not leave the chambers alive.

"You believe this, these wild accusations against me. What proof?" She demanded as Krill held her immobile. She seemed to not realize the entire room just witnessed her attack on her youngest son, the only one of her children that often defended her actions. "Your bastard son has gotten to them. He has convinced them that I'm evil. Gregor, listen to me." She demanded.

Garrick spoke once more. "A chemist, a friend, tested the substance mother. It didn't work. He created an antidote for Brenwan, and my daughter is due in a few months. You failed." He stated. "Mother, why? If you ...? You could have simply ignored them and any children we would have had."

"I have not created any poison. I have a friend you can call. He is also an herbalist, and he will vouch for me. That bastard has filled your minds with garbage about me." She demanded as Krill had now placed her in a seat surrounded by three vampire guards to prevent her escape.

"No, Esmeralda. If the council doesn't mind I know another herbalist and I can have her here in less than ten minutes." Krill stated. He was furious. "Gentleman, can we break. It's obvious that Gregor is in need of care. The guards will not allow her to move. Garrick, Kale, Gernick, please check on your father. I need to contact my person."

Cassius agreed and Gregor and two of his sons went to his office. Gernick did not leave the chambers. He wanted to keep an eye on Esmeralda. Then he saw it. Her eyes flashed and he knew, she sent vampires to attack the pack. Garrick, she has ordered an attack at the compound.

Fuck! The bitch! Garrick growled as he rushed back to chambers. Gustavo and his men were on high alert. When the first attack occurred, they disposed of the threat post haste. He then alerted the Alpha that they were under attack and the wolves and vampires alike mobilized. The wolves shifted, and the vampires took center. ' "Javon, I will protect you. I give my word." Nicolette swore as she allowed her true vampiric side to take control. Nina realizing the situation shifted and took her place beside her friend and she was soon joined by her mate. Within seconds, enemy vampires appeared and the fighting began. With clear precision of a seasoned warrior Nicolette wasted no time taking out three of the young vampires sent to destroy them. Hundreds descended on the pack, and the wolves through training and pure skill disposed of their enemies.