Ivanovs Ch. 05


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The leader of the assault received one command,HALT! He recognized the commander immediately and ordered all attacking vampires to stand down.

Just as suddenly as the attack began, it ended. The vampires halted. The fighting stopped. The leader in the attack spoke. "This fight ends now. This pack is under protection of the council by orders of Gregor Ivanov, Council Leader. Anyone who continues to attack will be killed."

Javon, as well as the wolves and friendly vampires, were stunned. They were still poised to fight as the enemy vampires vanished. As soon as all of the vampires had gone, he quickly assessed his pack. No fatalities, just a few injuries. Javon breathe a sigh of relief.

The young man answered Gregor, and he knew the fight had ended, looking at his youngest son, his issued one more order. "Kale, go tell your brothers that no one will attack the pack. I promise. To do so means death." He wheezed.

Kale rushed to find his brothers in the chambers. Each man was almost feral, and the only thing keeping Esmeralda alive was the three guards that stood between her and his brothers.

"Garrick, Gernick, father stopped the attack. Your family is safe. She has no power anymore. She can't hurt you," he whispered. Gernick knew she called for the attack. His wife and child were there and she wanted to kill them, the bitch died now. He shoved the men guarding her aside and grabbed her. Kale and Claus could not pull him off as he tried to choke the life out of the witch. The guards did not try to stop him. They wanted him to succeed.

Finally, the men were able to get him away from his stepmother. As she slumped on the chair she was in holding her neck in a ploy for sympathy. Even her guards turned a deaf ear to her cries. "I need to check on Nicky. I need to know if she's OK," Gernick mumbled.

"Go on, son. Call your wife. I'll check on Amerie as well," Claus stated.

Shari, baby, are you all alright. No one breached... Garrick sent, frantic that his wife and child could have been injured.

Baby, we are fine. What happened?" Shari asked, knowing something had to have happened.

This will be over soon and I'm taking you and Ava home. OK, love? I love you, both of you. Garrick responded, relieved that the encroaching vampires did not find the safe room.

Nicolette, baby are you hurt. Did anyone get ...? Gernick froze unable to finish.

Gernick, I'm fine. We're fine. A small band attacked, but they retreated and declared the pack under council protection. Your father issued the decree. She sounded puzzled. Gernick, what's going on?

Esmeralda ordered the attack, but apparently father intervened and stopped it. Nicky, she killed my mother. She gave her the same drink Shari and the others ingested. Father did not know. He just realized it and it almost killed him. He's dying, baby. Gernick inhaled and Nicky's heart broke for him. She knew he barely holding himselftogether, as she cried silent tears for him. We will finish this and be home soon. I love you so much, Nicky. Hug my boy, tell him his Daddy loves him. Ok, sweetheart. Tell Javon I'll call him to give him an update as soon as I know for certain that the threat is no more.

I love you Gernick. Never doubt that, she whispered. Closing off communication with his wife, Gernick waited as his brothers and Claus spoke with their spouses as well.

"Kale, they didn't attack your home did they?" Garrick asked, not trusting Esmeralda.

"No, Brenwan and Cantar are still safe. Cantar wants to come." He explained. "I think we should let her. Father is dying. At least we can tell him that our sister is safe." He added, feeling empathy for the man that fathered them.

Claus spoke, because he knew Gernick was torn. He wanted to care for Gregor, but he considered Claus to be his father. He couldn't hurt or betray Claus. "Gernick, he is your father. Despite everything that has happened, deep down he cares about you and your well-being. Never think you had to choose son. OK?" He whispered as he quickly embraced the son of his heart.

"Let's talk with him before the council starts again. Claus, will you come with us?" Gernick whispered, afraid for the first time that the one man he'd always counted on might say "No!"

"Son, let's go" Claus whispered. Learning the truth of Esmeralda's deceit floored him. He thought he'd known evil, but after this day he could honestly say that he'd looked pure evil in the face.

Kale witnessed the exchange between the two men, and felt for his older brother. He looked at Garrick, and they agreed, Claus is family. "I'm calling Cantar. You three go on."Cantar, can you come to Greystone? Bring Brenwan with you. I need her. Kale sent to his sister. His mother tried to kill him. The woman that was supposed to love him hated him, hated all of her kids. She would die today but he had one more thing to ask her. His brothers and sisters would want to know the answer she gave.

Of course, Kale what has happened? You are keeping something secret. Cantar asked.

I can explain later, but get to father's office as quickly as you can. He ordered.

The four men entered the office, where Gregor sat at his desk. Claus stopped beside the door and let the younger men approach. Gregor sat at his desk watching his sons. He never thought he'd see these three united. But it was right. He knew as a father he'd failed all three boys, but he failed his daughter and oldest son the most. He saw Claus hesitate and he recognized him for the role he'd played in Gernick's life. He was his son's father and he respected that.

"Claus, I want to thank you for loving my son when I could not. I know that biologically, he's mine, but centuries ago I gave him to you. You raised him. You were and are his father, and nothing that happens today changes that. You've taught him to be a proud and honorable man." Stunned, Claus simply nodded.

Gregor exhaled and then faced Gernick, "I have no right to ask for anything, but Gernick, I ask that this hatred ends here today. Look out for your brothers. All three of you look out for each other. I failed as a father. When I lost Janine... There is no excuse, but all I can do is ask for forgiveness. I ask that when you kill her be quick. Then promise me you will go on with your lives." He took time to look at all four men.

"One more thing, Claus, you've raised my first son; will watch over my other ones as well?" He labored to breath.

"When we reconvene it the chamber, she needs to die. Let's end this now." He hissed through gritted teeth. The three men watched their father and were speechless. He was so weakened, so defeated. It was then that Gernick thought of Nicolette and how she forgave him. He didn't deserve her forgiveness, but her love for him overruled the bad. If she could let go of centuries of his fuckups, then he could grant a dying old vampire this one wish.

Kneeling before is father, Gernick took his hand and kissed the back of it, signaling that all was well now. "Father, I forgive you." And with those words, Gernick felt a weight lift from his shoulders. It was as if the blanket of insecurities, resentment, and hate vanished, and he smiled, as tears, cleansing tears coursed down his cheeks. "Thank you" Gregor croaked, tears running down his weathered cheeks. He stroked his son's cheek and gazed into his eyes. Gregor smiled, "You have your mother's eyes, dark and so lovely."

"Kale, I'm here." Cantar spoke as she and Brenwan appeared.

"Cantar, you're alive. Someone said you'd killed yourself..." Gregor froze. "Essie hurt you didn't she? What did she do Cantar? What did your mother do?" he demanded. He noticed the thin scar across her neck, and he knew. "She did this." Gently he reached up and caressed the scar, "She tried to kill you. After today, she will not hurt you, any of you again." He exhaled. "I give my word."

Cassius knocked and walked in and almost fainted when he saw Cantar. "Cantar, you're alive, safe. I must tell..." Kale stopped him.

"Cassius, no. Don't say anything. We don't want..." Kale stopped. Cassius gasped, Esmeralda must have hurt the girl and her brothers hid her to keep her safe.

"I won't say anything. The council has reconvened. We're waiting on you." He explained and left the family alone.

Gregor returned to his seat and eyed his wife as she was secured in a seat on the dais. Krill appeared and he was not alone. "Gentleman, I brought an herbalist who can answer any and all questions you may have. Please, mother, speak." He whispered.

The new vampiress entered, Gregor and Claus, gasped, "Eugenia." Over the centuries they could see she'd been damaged.

She turned and faced the council. "Esmeralda is my sister, and she has done a lot of things. Gregor, I had no idea how depraved she was. She had me attacked and locked away for centuries to get next to you and your wife." Eugenia looked at her sister. Esmeralda refused to accept the inevitable. Her reign had ended, but she still believed she would destroy her enemies and rule the vampire nation.

"Eugenia, baby sister, you look like shit. Are you really going to tell my husband lies on me? I never hurt-," Gernick had heard enough.

"Bitch you live, out of respect for this council." He growled. "Shut the hell up."

It was then that Esmeralda knew she was done. She would not leave this chamber alive. She'd underestimated her enemy. How in the hell did Krill find my sister? Wait, did he call her mother? When did she have a kid? Fuck, I should have known something was up with her. She did stop working for a while. Dammit, who raised her son and how did he hide from me? Esmeralda pondered as chaos ensued before her sister spoke once again, but in the end she concluded. She should have died. Fuck, they might kill me, but I'm taking someone with me. Their father won't live a full day without his drink. She vowed smiling.

Eugenia waited for things to calm down before she finished speaking. "I am so sorry she hurt you all this much. I was locked away until my son, Krill, found me. He never gave up. He learned of her and wanted to keep an eye on her for me and that's when he joined the council. He showed me the report, and the chemist is right. Gregor the only way you can live is to continue drinking the potion. I am sorry, there is no cure."

"What about the drink that stops pregnancy. Is there something to fix that?" Gregor wheezed, thinking of his daughter.

"Yes, I brought it with me." Eugenia answered removing a vial of gold liquid. "This needs to be mixed with water and drank. It will flush to poison out of the young woman's system. I have enough for your daughter-in-laws and your daughter as well."

Esmeralda cruel laugh filled the hall. "Too late little sis. His daughter killed herself. She was weak and pathetic like-," Cantar appeared.

"Like who mother? I am weak and pathetic, like who? My brother found me and saved my life after you tried to kill me." Tears rolled down her cheeks as she looked at her mother for the last time. "Momma, despite everything, I love you. I just wish..."

Esmeralda was shocked, and she sputtered, "How is this possible? I left you for dead. You should not be here. Why can't you little fuckers just die?" she hissed as she spit at her daughter, and the guard to her right slapped her across the face.

He never liked her, and he wondered why she was still breathing. "Don't," Gregor ordered. "Do not strike her again." He ordered. "Essie, why?" he asked.

"Yes, mother, why even have kids? If you despised us so much, why have us?" Kale asked, his heart crushed when he realized she never loved them, any of them.

Esmeralda looked at her son and scoffed. "Why do you think?" she hissed. Then she turned her attention back to Gregor.

"Why? Why, Gregor? Janine was a fool. She had everything and I wanted it. I was sick of being a lowly midwife and wanted more. Getting next to her was easy. All I had to do was get rid of Eugenia. You were so eager to have a healthy wife and child that you believed everything I told you." She laughed derisively.

"I introduced her to my protein drinks. The first ones were harmless, sugar water really. Then when I realized she was farther along with your bastard than I thought. I had to get rid of him. So I gave her the obta, or the red drink as you call it. But the little fucker would not die." she glared at Gernick.

She continued, knowing her time had ended. "Then I had to convince you that the child was evil. You were so afraid of losing Janine, that you'd believe anything. I paid a few so-called experts to lie to you and you believed them. You want to know my biggest secret. She didn't go into labor; I forced the labor. I injected her with the obta, and it did exactly what I wanted. When you got home, she tried to tell you the baby didn't do it, but the weak ass bitch died. I left the bastard inside of her, and he should have died too."

Claus growled, "I saw her and that the child still lived within. I had a maid help me to cut him out. You left him to die."

Esmeralda laughed. She knew she would die, and it no longer mattered to her. "Gregor, I did love you. I even had children for you. I never wanted kids. But like their older brother, these three resisted the drink. Fortunately, only three survived, the other's did not."

"Enough, Gentlemen, Ladies, I have one final decree. Esmeralda Ivanov is insane and needs to be put to death. The council will vote on the method to be used, and once a decision is made, we will act accordingly. Effective immediately, my sons are right, I have hurt our entire nation. To remedy this situation, I rescind my council seat. I nominate Cassius, as he is now the oldest member, to become head of the council and a new younger member be selected. As of this moment, I vacate my post." Gregor stated, to everyone's shock and dismay.

Esmeralda laughed and said "You idiot, I ran this stupid council. You never did a thing. You are pathetic. I can't belie-," and her tirade ended as her head was adeptly separated from her body.

Standing behind her, sword in hand was Krill. He dropped the sword and lifted his hands in surrender. All was quiet, and then chaos erupted. The guards seized Krill, but at no time did he resist. The council went into recess once more as Cassius took control and ordered that the chamber be cleaned. Krill was led to a region to be held until the council decided his fate.

Eugenia wanted to go with her son, but could not. So she was led to Gregor's office where they sat and waited. Both Kale and Garrick went to check on Krill. Claus stayed with Gernick. Learning the truth about his mother's death was weighing heavily on him, and Claus needed to be there. "I need to call Javon and tell him it's over now. Claus, I can't find my phone. Can I use yours? Let me call..." he whispered as Claus handed him his phone.

Gregor sat and he knew he needed to drink the potion. His children needed him now more than ever. "Eugenia, how long do I have if I don't drink it?" he asked.

Eugenia looked at her old friend and said, "Don't drink the one she made. I don't trust her. I can make you a drink that might help." She knew Esmeralda was up to no good. So she came prepared. She could make a drink for Gregor, it would not cure him, but it would keep him from dying instantly. If she could get a sample of the poison her sister used, then maybe...., but she knew it was just wishful thinking. She could help him live for now and make his passing less painful, but there was nothing she could do to save his life.

"Gernick, can you see if someone can send me a blood bag? These herbs might help your father hold on a little longer. It won't cure him, but it will ease the pain." She explained. Gernick nodded and went to collect one from the blood bank that was on the premises. He returned and Eugenia mixed the powder she had into the bag and had him to drink. Gregor regained some strength and his pains eased somewhat.

Cassius came and informed them that Krill would be held overnight and the chamber would be cleaned. They would meet and discuss his fate in the next day. Eugenia panicked, and Gregor spoke. "Cassius, he is my nephew. Can you release him into my care for the night at least?"

"Gernick, he beheaded your wife. We don't want harm to come to him, so it may be safer for him to remain here." Cassius explained. Eugenia was devastated.

Garrick then entered and spoke. "Then we won't leave until the council decides." He declared.

Cassius wanted to placate him, but he knew tempers were high, and everyone needed time to cool off. "Garrick, I understand that you want this over, but you must allow the council time to deal with this issue. As much as I would like to agree and continue, we have to follow protocol. I promise you," he looked at all of the people who had now gathered, "We will be fair. Krill will be given due process, and allowed to speak in his own defense. As his family, you each can stand behind him. But the council has regulations, and even though these events were highly unusual, they must be followed."

Kale stood to speak, but Brenwan held his hand. "Baby, he's right. We'll be here for your cousin, first thing." He looked at his beautiful wife, and knew she was there for him. She never lied to him, so he nodded and held her close. Her scent, her closeness calmed him and he refocused on the meeting at hand. Cantar gripped Garrick's and Gernick's hand as they listened to what the new leader had to say.

Eugenia sat, looking at her niece and her nephews and then the new head councilman. She knew her son would be fine. She'd be there first thing, and she'd stand behind him. If this new council had any morals, then they'd let him go. Of that fact, she had no doubt. Gregor watched as Cassius stood to leave. He made one request. Out of all of the things that have happened, old friend, I trust you. This once Cassius, I ask that you follow your conscience and let him go. Cassius, simply nodded, and bid his friend a restful night.

So ends chapter 5. I certainly hope you enjoyed the tale so far. Please comment and tell me what you think. I am currently working on chapter six.

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MSBLING59MSBLING59almost 11 years ago
WOW !!!!!!!!!!!!


katgoddess1katgoddess1almost 11 years ago

Essie was even worse than we knew. Good riddance to bad rubbish!

Hubbys_PrincessHubbys_Princessalmost 11 years ago

Yay less threats to the pack an the vamp families I do hope tho that Gregor gets to see his grandson before he dies.

friend40friend40almost 11 years ago
Good story

Keep up the good writing. Enjoying it.

2275jr2275jralmost 11 years ago
As always you master the story .

You are a true writer. putting in yourself body and soul.

you know how i feel about this kind of story. but to not credit you for all the work you have put in would be a sin. so for effort, and the fact you are from what i read.

A master that what you write . i would now like to see you with a new kind of story. which from reading others you have wrote. i know you can turn your hand to many kinds of story writing .

other may think so different from me. they have their opinion that may well be different to mine. but taking nothing away from this story. it was and is well, worth a vote of five .none the less.


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